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Hi there 👋

---以下为我常用维护的项目(带rs的为rust项目, 其余为python项目, 有部分没有开源 直接搜索即可)

  • 历史数据, 多市场数据运维, 爬虫, 定时任务 -> quantaxis.QAFetch .QASU / qadata-rs / qacron

  • 实时数据, 采集分发, 数据推送 -> qamarket-rs/ qactpbeebroker/ qaotgbroker / qarealtimecollector / mifi/ qarealtime-rs/ qahexos-rs

  • 数据结构, 指标, 多标的批量apply -> quantaxis.QADATASTUCT / quantaxis-rs/ qaindicator-rs

  • 随机行情压力测试 -> QUANTAXIS_RandomPrice/ QAGanPrice

  • 账户系统 (支持多市场) -> quantaxis/ qifi协议/ qifiaccount / quantaxis-rs

  • 回测模板(可以自己替换) (更推荐用你自己的流程) -> qastrategy

  • 高性能回测[rust] -> quantaxis-rs / qamom-rs/ qaruntime-rs/ qifimanager/

  • 因子计算模板 调仓api -> qafactor-rs/ qafactor-rs_release/ QASTRATEGY101

  • 跨市场alpha框架 -> qaalpha-rs

  • 模拟盘系统 -> qatradeG / qifiaccount / quantaxis-rs

  • 实盘对接(股票/融资融券/篮子下单/算法交易/期货) -> QAQMTBROKER/ qaoms-rs/ qatrader / qatrader-rs / qactpbeebroker / qaotgbroker

  • 风控系统 -> qapbsystem / qariskpro

  • 订单管理 / 跟单 -> qaoms-server / qaoms-rs

  • 分仓位管理模块(单独核算) -> quantaxis_pms

  • web服务器 -> quantaxis_webserver

  • 任务队列, 多机器的局域网任务分发, 调度, 实时定时任务 -> quantaxis_run/ quantaxis_unicorn

  • 消息队列 -> qapubsub

  • 自定义线程 -> quantaxis.QAThread

  • 可视化 -> vifi协议, qamazing客户端


Vincent yu's Projects

1backend icon 1backend

Run your web apps easily with a complete platform that you can install on any server. Build composable microservices and lambdas.

2020-new-coronavirus-live-map icon 2020-new-coronavirus-live-map

Base on China official news to pop up new coronavirus cases on map. 基于**官方新闻公布数据,绘制新型冠状病毒案例于地图上。

aat icon aat

Asynchronous, event-driven algorithmic trading in Python and C++

abides icon abides

ABIDES: Agent-Based Interactive Discrete Event Simulation

abquant-data icon abquant-data

A&B professional platform for quantitative finance. God is asking & bidding Me. ABQ.

action-automatic-releases icon action-automatic-releases

READONLY: Auto-generated mirror for

actix-extras icon actix-extras

A collection of additional crates supporting the actix and actix-web frameworks.

actix-interop icon actix-interop

Allow access to actor contexts from within normal future combinators and async/await blocks

actix-storage icon actix-storage

General key value storage for actix-web with switchable backends(redis, sled, hashmaps)

actix-web icon actix-web

Actix web is a small, pragmatic, and extremely fast rust web framework.

addons icon addons

Useful extra functionality for TensorFlow 2.x maintained by SIG-addons

adminmongo icon adminmongo

adminMongo is a Web based user interface (GUI) to handle all your MongoDB connections/databases needs.

adv_fin_ml_exercises icon adv_fin_ml_exercises

Experimental solutions to selected exercises from the book [Advances in Financial Machine Learning by Marcos Lopez De Prado]

aggr-inject icon aggr-inject

Remote frame injection PoC by exploiting a standard compliant A-MPDU aggregation vulnerability in 802.11n networks.

agnostik icon agnostik

Executor Agnostic Runtime that can run your futures with your favourite Executor

ailabx icon ailabx


aio-pika icon aio-pika

Wrapper for the PIKA for asyncio and humans.

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    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

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    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

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    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • Machine learning

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