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video-custom-udfs's Introduction



This document describes the new approach of creating UDFs and using them inside the EII framework. Unlike The UDF Writing Guide which specifically emphasizes on the coding aspects(callbacks) of the UDFs, this document describes the workflow of a custom UDF.

Currently the UDFs are to be created inside udfs-path of EII build environment so that it can get compiled into the VI(Video Ingestion) & VA(Video Analytics) containers. In addition to aforementioned approach,each UDF can be built as an independent container based out of VI(VideoIngestion) or VA(VideoAnalytics) container image. This additional method has multiple benefits, listing some of them below:

  • With increased number of sample UDFs, VI and VA need not grow large in size because of the bloated Algo artifacts.
  • Any update to the UDF's Algo or its logic will compile and build only intended UDF specific code, instead of rebuilding every UDFs
  • Any change to base containers because of some unrelated changes in ubuntu packages triggers a complete container build again, this adds to build time of an UDF.
  • Every UDF can be versioned independently as they are represented by its own container.
  • A reduced size of UDF container will reduce the network overhaul while transferring the images from REGISTRY to target system.

As per this approach an UDF or a chain of UDFs should be compiled and run as a separate EII container. A video streaming pipeline contains two important components among all i.e. ingestion and analytics and in EII user adds UDFs as pre-processing, post-processing or analytics Algo, hence these UDF containers need to ne inherited from VI and VA container.

UDF Container Directory Layout

  1. A native(c++) & python UDF container source base looks as below, though it can look different based on use-case.
├── config.json
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
└── safety_gear_demo
    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    ├── ref
    │   ├── frozen_inference_graph.bin
    │   ├── frozen_inference_graph_fp16.bin
    │   ├── frozen_inference_graph_fp16.xml
    │   └── frozen_inference_graph.xml
    ├── safety_gear_demo.cpp
    └── safety_gear_demo.h

A typical python containers looks as below

├── config.json
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
└── sample_classification
    └── ref
        ├── squeezenet1.1_FP16.bin
        ├── squeezenet1.1_FP16.xml
        ├── squeezenet1.1_FP32.bin
        ├── squeezenet1.1_FP32.xml
        └── squeezenet1.1.labels

The top level directory "NativeSafetyGearAnalytics" & "PyMultiClassificationIngestion" hosts respective the container's build ingredients. The Algo/pre-processing logics are placed under e.g. "safety_gear_demo" & sample_classification to showcase a grouping of logically related entities otherwise it is not a mandatory directory layout.

  • config.json

    This file defines UDF specific configuration and other generic configs such as queue-depth, number-of-worker-thread etc. These generic configs can be added to overwrite any default of setting of VI and VA container. In order to know more about schema of defining these configs and its permissible values, kindly refer UDF-README file. For ingestor related configs refer VideoIngestion-README.

An example snippet would look as below: bash { "encoding": { "level": 95, "type": "jpeg" }, "max_jobs": 20, "max_workers": 4, "queue_size": 10, "udfs": [ { "name": "safety_gear_demo", "type": "native", "device": "CPU", "model_xml": "./safety_gear_demo/ref/frozen_inference_graph.xml", "model_bin": "./safety_gear_demo/ref/frozen_inference_graph.bin" } ] }

  • Dockerfile

    This file defines the container build process and what all build time and runtime artifacts need to be copied to the container. In case of native(c++) UDF we need to describe the destination path to copy the code to native UDF and compilation instruction of the same. And in case of python we just need to copy the udf defining artifacts to proper destination location. Some code comments are given for describing important key values. An example Dockerfile for C++ based UDF is pasted below:

    ARG EII_VERSION                                          <<<<This is to use latest version of VI & VA automatically instead of hardcoding a version
    ARG ARTIFACTS="/artifacts"
    FROM ia_video_common:$EII_VERSION as video_common
    FROM ia_openvino_base:$EII_VERSION as openvino_base
    FROM ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}openedgeinsights/ia_video_analytics:$EII_VERSION as video_analytics
    FROM ia_eiibase:$EII_VERSION as builder
    LABEL description="C++ based Safety Gear UDF Image"
    WORKDIR /app
    RUN mkdir $ARTIFACTS \
              $ARTIFACTS/safety_gear_demo \
    COPY --from=video_common ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include
    COPY --from=video_common ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib
    COPY --from=openvino_base /opt/intel /opt/intel
    # Copy more than one UDFs here
    # Both C++ & Python are allowed in a container.
    COPY ./safety_gear_demo/ ./safety_gear_demo
    RUN cp -r ./safety_gear_demo $ARTIFACTS/safety_gear_demo
    # Build native UDF samples
    RUN /bin/bash -c "source /opt/intel/openvino/bin/ && \
        cd ./safety_gear_demo && \
        rm -rf build && \
        mkdir build && \
        cd build && \
    RUN cp ./safety_gear_demo/build/ $ARTIFACTS/lib
    FROM video_analytics as runtime   <<<<<This container is based VA container
    WORKDIR /app
    COPY --from=builder $ARTIFACTS/lib ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib
    COPY --from=builder $ARTIFACTS/safety_gear_demo .

    An Example of python based UDF's Dockerfile will looks as below:

    FROM ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}openedgeinsights/ia_video_ingestion:$EII_VERSION
    LABEL description="Multi-class clasifcation UDF Image"
    WORKDIR /app
    # Added /app to python path as copying the UDF code block under /app
    # else user can add the path to which it copies its udf code.
    # User can mention about all UDF directories here, both py and C++.
    COPY ./sample_classification ./sample_classification  <<<<< ./sample_classification is the destination here for UdfLoader to pick it at runtime. Additionally we have set the python path for UdfLoader to identify the algo artifacts properly.
  • docker-compose.yml

    The docker-compose.yml makes the custom UDF container to be managed by EII infrastructure. The content for this file also defines how the UDF container will communicate with other containers via messagebus. Some of the important key-value pairs of this docker-compose.yml file is described below. The value of certain keys can be altered based on the need. Below mentioned keys need to alter for a different UDF container. Import key-value combinations are described in the code comments with prescript of "<<<<<".

      python_multi_classification:      <<<<< Define the name of the container
          context: $PWD/../CustomUdfs/PyMultiClassificationIngestion                 <<<<< This path should be the relative path of container artifact
          dockerfile: $PWD/../CustomUdfs/PyMultiClassificationIngestion/Dockerfile   <<<<< Path to Dockerfile of the container
        image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}python_multi_classification:${EII_VERSION} <<<<< Image Name
        container_name: python_multi_classification                         <<<<< container Name
        hostname: python_multi_classification                               <<<<< Docker Network Namespace defined container name
          AppName: "PyMultiClassificationIngestion"                                  <<<<< Application name which will be used by configuration server & for security purpose.
          PubTopics: "py_analytic_result_strm"                              <<<<< Publisher topic of this container And sub topic can be added based on need
          py_analytic_result_strm_cfg: "zmq_ipc,${SOCKET_DIR}/"
          Server: "zmq_tcp,"
        privileged: true
          - "/dev/:/dev/"
        secrets:                                                             <<<<< In the PROD mode the "secret" section need to be defined as described.
          - ca_etcd
          - etcd_PyMultiClassification_cert
          - etcd_PyMultiClassification_key
      etcd_PyMultiClassification_cert:                                       <<<<< The certificate mentioned below are created during provision step
        file: provision/Certificates/PyMultiClassificationIngestion/PyMultiClassification_client_certificate.pem
        file: provision/Certificates/PyMultiClassificationIngestion/PyMultiClassification_client_key.pem
  • UDF core-logic Directory

    This directory need to have the Algo/pre-processing implementation which defines the necessary callbacks, IR files and other configurational files as per need. User can place them directly without having another directory level too, in that case the Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml should update the path accordingly.

Deploy Process

Please find the ordered steps for deploying the Custom UDFs.

  • Please configure Visualizer and WebVisualizer services config.json to connect to one or more streams coming out of below CustomUdf services by going through ../Visualizer/ and ../WebVisualizer/

  • As per EII default scenario, the sample custom UDF containers are not mandatory containers to run, hence the should run video-streaming-all-udfs.yml usecase. All the sample UDF containers are added in this example. Below code snnipet signifies the same. Just enable the CustomUdf services that are of your interest.

    - Visualizer
    - WebVisualizer
    - CustomUdfs/NativeSafetyGearAnalytics   <<<<< All lines from here added are customUDFs, User can define his own container directory here
    - CustomUdfs/NativeSafetyGearIngestion
    - CustomUdfs/PyMultiClassificationIngestion
    - CustomUdfs/PySafetyGearAnalytics
    - CustomUdfs/PySafetyGearIngestion

    Run the following command:

    $ cd [WORKDIR]/IEdgeInsights/build/
    $ python3 -f usecases/video-streaming-all-udfs.yml

    Note: It is not mandatory to keep the custom Udfs in the CustomUdfs directory, but user must change the video-streaming-all-udfs.yml file accordingly to point the right path accordingly. Additionally if it is placed under IEdgeInsights directory then the file automatically picks it to generate a consolidated Additionally if it is placed under IEdgeInsights directory then the file automatically picks it to generate a consolidated IEdgeInsights/build/provision/config/eii_config.json and IEdgeInsights/build/docker-compose.yml files.

  • After generation of consolidated eii_config.json and docker-compose.yml file, Run the below command to provision the UDF containers. As a pre-cautionary measure, User can cross check the afore-mentioned file to verify the sanity of the UDF specific config and service details.

    $ cd [WORKDIR]/IEdgeInsights/build/provision
    $ sudo -E ./  ../docker-compose.yml
  • Run the use case:

    $ cd [WORKDIR]/IEdgeInsights/build/
    $ # Build base images (needed for buidling native custom udf services)
    $ docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yml build ia_eiibase ia_common ia_video_common ia_openvino_base
    $ # Build custom udf services based on the usecase chosen above
    $ docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yml build ia_gva_safety_gear_ingestion ia_native_safety_gear_analytics ia_native_safety_gear_ingestion ia_python_multi_classification ia_python_safety_gear_analytics ia_python_safety_gear_ingestion
    $ docker-compose up -d

Sample UDFs Directory

In the CustomUdfs directory, there are 5 sample UDfs implemented and they related asshown below. These samples are created to showcase different use case.

├── NativeSafetyGearAnalytics
├── NativeSafetyGearIngestion

├── PyMultiClassificationIngestion

├── PySafetyGearAnalytics
├── PySafetyGearIngestion


The NativeSafetyGearIngestion container has used dummy UDF which is defined in VideoIngestion container. user can define its own preprocessing UDF and add to config.json file to modify it. The results are posted to a eii-msgbus topic which is subscribed by NativeSafetyGearAnalytics containers. The configs can be seen in docker-compose.yml file.

Refer NativeSafetyGearIngestion-README for more information on the udf configs. Refer NativeSafetyGearAnalytics-README for more information on the udf configs.

The PySafetyGearIngestion & PySafetyGearAnalytics are the same use-case but showcases the python variant of ingestion and analytics UDF containers

Refer PySafetyGearIngestion-README for more information on the udf configs. Refer PySafetyGearAnalytics-README for more information on the udf configs.

The PyMultiClassificationIngestion showcases a UDF wherein everything is performed inside VideoIngestion containers, hence this is something user executes when it doesn't want to involve the eii-msgbus to be involved for data transfer between containers thereby achieving faster processing of the pipeline.

Refer PyMultiClassificationIngestion-README for more information on the udf configs.


  • It is not mandatory to have Ingestion containers for every analytics UDF, UDFs are connected to each other via MSGBUS topics. Hence we can always use stock VideoIngestion container as long as Custom Analytic UDF container can read and churn the data it receives.

  • User shouldn't remove VI & VA containers before first time build of custom UDF as it will fail to build custom UDFs. Once these UDFs are functional user can always get rid of running VI & VA containers. While removing the VI and VA containers, user need to make necessary chnages in the ../build/docker-compose.yml files based on the way it is written for e.g. user may need to remove depends_on keyword if custom container has it for VI and VA containers.


Following the above mentioned steps in this document GVASafetyGearIngestion UDF container has been added. It is a GVA based UDF container based out of VI container.

Refer for more information on the udf configs.


  • Since analytics operation is performed using the constructed gstreamer pipeline using the GVA plugin elements, it is not mandatory to have an udf parameter in the config and it is also not mandatory to have an analytics container as the classified results can be directly subscribed from the GVA ingestion container.

  • The model files which are provided to the GVA plugin elements needed to be copied inside the container to ./models directory path.

    Example: Refer GVASafetyGearIngestion-Dockerfile snip below:

    COPY ./ref ./models/ref

    Here the models files placed under the ref directory on the hostsystem is copied to ./models/ref path inside the container.


NativePclIngestion is a PCL based UDF container based out of VideoIngestion

Refer for more information on the udf configs.

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