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antiyoy's Issues

Bigger maps

Is it possible to further increase the maximum size of the map? If yes, would it be possible to add more AIs, too?

New "Fog mode" request


Just a quick idea. Adding a "Fog Mode", would make the game a little more interesting.

This could work by displaying a silhouette of the map area but with no colors and the user would be able to see as far as X amount of cells from his border. This view range would depend on the presence of towers.

Do you think this makes sense?


Friendship treaty with region color

When AI is asking you for friendship there is region name in the message. I'm bad at remembering arbitrary random names but I'm good at keeping track of region colors (since whole game is about that :)). I suggest to add region color (word) next to name when AI is making diplomacy actions with player.

Towers should be upgradable

Hey! Just finished the whole campaign on Android and just wanted to give a quick feedback. This game is already amazing!

On complicated skirmishes, where the map is large and you're battling several kingdoms at once, not being able to upgrade tower is a true bottleneck for planning your defences ahead. Having a way to upgrade them (but not downgrade). In order not to break the balance of the game, allowing upgrades on towers only would do the trick.

What do you think?

Side note: the prototype-like design and map skins could look a little more polished. Improving this could drastically boost engagement on the Google Play Store.

Add option to disband (kill) units

It would be good to have the option to disband a unit that isn't needed any more. This would need to be on the unit's turn, so you can't escape the maintenance cost by building a baron, attacking with it, then immediately disbanding, and you probably wouldn't get any money back, but I think it makes sense to have the option.

It might also make sense to have units leave behind crosses when they are killed in this fashion, to discourage players from trying to save time on large maps by killing & recreating units instead of moving them.

High battery usage

I feel like this game consumes more battery than it should. There aren't any hardcore 3D graphics or heavy animations but though it eats my battery faster than most other games...

Undo sometimes moves home fort

I think sometimes when one does a undo move, the home fort can move. I generally am not paying close attention when it happens so don't have a lot of details. Seems like the move home fort code kicks off when home fort is captured but somehow that part doesn't get undone.

Android Studio Setup

is there a tutorial how to setup the project for android studio. i can't get it to emulate the game.
thx 4 your help

After replay return to campaign

When the player completes a campaign level then they may choose to watch a replay of the game.
Exiting the replay screen takes the player to the main menu.
It would be better to return to the campaign menu or to start the next campaign level.

AI starts with farms - not ideal

The AI players tend to start by building a farm, before building any peasants. However, this is not the optimal decision.

When there is plenty of room to expand, so that a peasant can increase your territory by one hex every turn, a strategy of building only peasants will pay off better by about turn 7. If there are trees to contend with, peasants become even more important - especially since they can boost your cash by chopping down trees inside your borders. And a rapid expansion often allows you to block your neighbours off and stunt their growth.

The usefulness of farms is later, when your own expansion is constrained (ie when peasants will not be able to expand your territory every turn) and you want to get more out of your existing space.

Screen doesn't fully redraw after going to sleep

If I allow my phone screen to go to sleep while playing, the game mostly turns black, leaving only a white boundary around the playing area, and the active units.

Selecting a unit, or a purchase, partially fixes it, redrawing the areas where you can place the unit/purchase, and making a move fixes the whole map.

AI doesn't defend its supply lines when attacking

The AI, even on Expert, doesn't make any attempt to defend its supply lines. A Knight, for example, might advance deep into enemy territory alone, allowing a line of peasants to run behind it and cut it off from its home territory, starving it.

Is it feasible to do some kind of calculation of how well defended the region attached to a unit is? Something that would give the AI the ability to estimate whether its supplies are reasonably safe?

Android compatibility

I can't install the game on my device. It is a Android Ice Cream, or Android version 4.0.4. I like your games and can install the other older games, but not this new one. Please make this game compatible for my device!

Antiyoy on Linux

I love your game and I've already addicted to it.

Have you ever considered moving this lovely game onto Linux?

It would be pretty interesting thing if it could run on Linux

Request: add widescreen mode

it would be very nice if the game could run in widescreen mode, too. In portrait, my tablet feels kind of unwieldy. Also, I just tried this game on my PC. The only problem there seems to be the screen orientation and the size. Would be cool to adjust this, too.

EDIT: never mind, I didnt see that older post...

Missing some code?

I'm trying to compile this locally, and it seems like I'm missing the yio.tro.antiyoy.ButtonLighty package and the AiEasy class.

It would also be interesting if you could share your build scripts. Getting libgdx setup is a bit of a pain..

[suggestion] Tree Saplings

There is only one element of the game that uses RNG: tree seeding. I think this is a shame and dilutes the otherwise perfect knowledge strategy of the game. Yes, trees are not a huge part of the game but they can be important and whether a tree seeds or not can sometimes decide a game.

One idea I had to solve this is to introduce saplings. When a tree seeds it will be a sapling, a smaller tree, and will not contribute to seeding any of its neighbours. On the next turn, all saplings grow into mature trees.

Randomness is removed, so if there are two mature trees neighbouring an empty hex, a tree will seed there 100% of the time on the next turn.

Trying to emulate the game in Android Studio: Gradle sync failed

I keep getting an error when I try to emulate the game with Android Studio saying:

Gradle sync failed: Could not get unknown property 'eclipse' for root project 'core' of type org.gradle.api.Project.
Consult IDE log for more details (Help | Show Log)

Should I be trying to emulate the game with an Eclipse Android emulator on an older version of the SDK?

I currently have Gradle 3.5 installed, the Android 7.1.1 API, Eclipse Neon.3, and Android Studio 2.3.1.
I'm assuming that the problem has to do with Gradle 3.x not supporting Eclipse functionality? But I'm not too sure.

Any idea on how to fix this issue?

Screen rotation

This issue is for an enhancement to the game.

I was wondering if it would be possible to add support for screen rotation. Doing so would make the game much more enjoyable on tablets and even phones, especially on levels where the map is rather large and one starts on opposite locations longitudinally.

PS: what an awesome, addictive game this turned out to be! Thank you, Yiotro.

Replay: Not available when saved


First of all, the replay feature added a while ago was amazing.
Like the title suggests, many times I play one game over the next few days but whenever it is being auto-saved, the replay only records since the opening of the save.


Why do trees give a cash bonus only when they were inside your borders?

Under 'Normal' rules, cutting down a tree inside your borders gives 5 coins. Why don't you get the same bonus when capturing a new hex that contained a tree? After all, it's now inside your borders...

The way it currently works, it's tempting to leave un-owned trees in place and conquer around them, in hopes that they'll grow into one's own territory and provide a quick cash infusion. Since it costs a turn, it's not a long-term strategy, but getting a peasant or tower sooner can be very helpful at the beginning.

If trees give resources of some kind, why would they not yield anything when conquering new ground?

AI player controls human team

After the player wins a campaign they may view the replay. If the player then saves the game and loads it then the player does not control their side anymore. Instead an AI player controls the human players team.

Expected behavior: The player should still control their team when returning to a saved game.

Play Store Support for Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014)

I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014) Tablet and when I search for 'antiyoy' in the Google Play Store I can't find the game. So I took the apk from my Samsung Galaxy S3 and it just worked and I wondered why the game is not available for the tablet? After all, playing the game with the tablet is more fun and the battery lasts longer too (Antiyoy is incredibly battery hungry) ;-)

Some more information about the tablet:
Model: SM-P605
Android Version: 5.1.1

[suggestion] Graphics: Unit Appearance Variations

This suggestion is totally unnecessary window-dressing but I thought it might add a nice touch if implemented after more important things.

The idea is to give each unit a unique look, building up sprites from parts like a Mr. Potato Head. You might get a guy with a big moustache or ginger hair for example.

Another level to this is to give each city a unique "race", so maybe all units coming out of "Montolorry" are dark-skinned, and all units coming out of "Dblinsk" are pale-skinned and blonde. (The individuals from each city varying with hairstyle, beard, eye colour, etc.)

So, as you combine cities and cities fall, the surviving units are a reminder of the history of the map. Maybe some nice stories can emerge from this, like the last unit from a fallen city being promoted to baron and winning you the match. (When promoting units by combining, the last unit clicked would be the one promoted and the other is forgotten.)



first of all: great job! I really enjoyed playing all campaigns, especially the last one is very challenging.

Another idea for future improvements would be rivers that cannot be crossed by units, unless a bridge is built (if you control at least one field next to it). This would add a new kind of complexity and some natural border especially for the starting phase.


NullPointerException on game ending

Finished level 91, wanted to save the reply because I was proud of the win, unfortunately, a null pointer! so sad.

Device is Essential phone PH1, on Android 8.1.

Diplomacy suggestion: punishment on friend cancellation

I think it would be great if we can introduce some kind of punishment on friend cancellation in the diplomacy system, which can prevent abuses of friend mechanism and make it more than just "neutral + economy aid + shared victory". This punishment can be optional and can be toggled in the options of skirmish when diplomacy is enabled.

Here are some of my suggestions on punishments, roughly ordered by severity:

  • Once a friendship is cancelled, the two parties become enemies, or/and mutual/unilateral black-marks.
  • Once cancelled, a friendship can never be re-established.
  • Once a player cancels a friendship, it can never befriend with others.
  • Once a player cancels a friendship, it becomes the enemy/black-mark of all other players.

Flair and open Issues

It would be great if we could flair open issues properly and (more importantly) close old issues.

Diplomacy causes crashes

Recently I played a match with 4 colors and 2 players on a large map with diplomacy enabled. After 30 rounds or so the game started to become very slow for some actions. For example moving a single unit took about five seconds. After a few rounds I saved the game and shortly afterwards the game crashed.

I loaded the game again (which took about 8 seconds) and the game was still very slow. After a few rounds the game crashed again.

So I looked into the save game and found that the file was about 6MB and the cause seemed to be the diplomacy_into string which had a few thousand entries for the cooldown part. While I don't understand how the cooldowns work, they looked a little odd to me, as it was just a repetition of the same values:

  • about 15 times 0 3 0 2,
  • followed by a single 0 4 1 2,

and that combination repeated until the file had 6MB

I deleted some repetitions and afterwards I was able to load the game again and finsh the match without any latencies.

Online multiplayer functionnality ?

Hi !
I like very much your game, and I've thinked about a new functionnality: playing online !

I know i'ts a very hard and long work but this can makes your game better, I've already created Android applications and tryed to create games. I would have forked your project, but i suppose you have built it using LibGdx, which i don't know really how it works.

Programmable AI

I love this game and I play it almost every day, but the problem is that I have completed the campaign, and the AI for randomly generated maps is too easy to be challenging.

What I like about this game is that you provided export/import/create maps, which makes the game even more expandable. I was just wondering, wouldn't it be nice to provide a Java interface for the AI, so that different people can implement their ideas, and then even provide import functionality for different AI algorithms?

[Question] What's that?

When you press on a build some "shields" appear but in the Help there is nothing about it. Can somebody explain, please?

Barons can unbalance or stall the game

Although Barons are expensive to support, they are immune to direct assault. If a baron can command a choke point with enough territory behind to support him, then it is impossible for anyone to attack him, no matter how large and rich they are.

Against the AI, this recently allowed me to defeat a much larger opponent head-on, simply by building up a huge number of farms until I could build multiple barons and start pushing back. It doesn't matter how expensive farms get, when you can take as long as you want because there's no possibility of retaliation. This seems unbalanced; the computer had more resources than I did, but no advantage over me.

Against a human opponent, it would likely result in stalemate, with barons blocking each other.

I realise that this is somewhat inherent in the original rules of Slay; however, the introduction of farms makes it much more potent, since barons can be supported by a much smaller space, and can build up their income while stalling.

How to play multiple players?

I thought there is some way to have multiple people play on the same phone , but could not figure out how. Is it possible? How?

Please add boats

Hi, I play Antiyoy since the first version and I'm very happy about the new updates! But there's something that can make this game much better: Boats!
If you add naval battles it will be great!

Incomplete implementation of Slay Rules

I used to play a lot of slay back in the day, and I noticed some missing mechanics.

  1. In slay, if you captured a hut, that "kingdom" lost all of its gold.

  2. when "kingdoms" combine, the hut that remains is the one from which the unit that made the join came frmo.

Add dialog to confirm unit merge.

Enhancement proposal. Add a dialog that says "are you sure you want to merge these 2 units"? It can be annoying when you accidentaly merge your units by touching the wrong tile. More problematic on small screens.

User map K. War has no AI

When I played the user map K. War there was no AI enabled. Was able to play both sides. Is this expected?

import android.os

I am attempting to clone the repo; the core project references Android.os which gives me a package does not exist error:

Information:Gradle tasks [:desktop:assemble, :android:assembleDebug]
Warning:[options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.7
Error:(3, 26) error: package android.annotation does not exist
Error:(4, 18) error: package android.os does not exist
Error:(87, 6) error: cannot find symbol class TargetApi
Error:(3, 18) error: package android.os does not exist
Error:(4, 18) error: package android.os does not exist
Error:(12, 13) error: cannot find symbol class Handler
Error:(12, 35) error: cannot find symbol class Handler
Error:(12, 43) error: cannot find symbol variable Looper
Error:Execution failed for task ':core:compileJava'.

Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.

How do you get around this? Is there another dependency to add to the core module?



Future Plans


I wonder what your future plans for this game are, as you mentioned in some other issues that you're struggling with old spaghetti code and some initial concepts that turned out to be showstoppers.

Do you plan to refactor or even rewrite it? Would you be interested in some help to do? I think this game concept has great potential, especially with an online multiplayer extension.


Simplify Project Setup


as said in #13, I want to help improve antiyoy.

I managed to set the game up and get a working config (actually the houses and units are not shown on the map, i guess there is still some wrong configuration somewhere).

To be really honeest, setting the whole thing up was a huge pain. Your guide helped a lot but I still had to figure out some stuff by myself. In core I had to comment out some android specific stuff (in GetAndroidClipboardContents and LanguagesManager) + set the language level of core to 1.7 as well.

I wondered, is there any specific reason why you don't keep the whole project in git? I figure that would make development much much easier and the results would be comparable accross devices (no unshared configs that might lead to different results on different machines).

If this is appreciated, I'd be happy to give this a go!

Balance issue: level 50 is unbeatable

I have tried multiple times and cannot do it, give it a try and tell me what you think. I saw somebody on YouTube do it but the reward for chopping trees was higher, it must have been an older version.

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