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This project forked from commaai/connect

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comma connect PWA

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License: MIT License

Shell 0.08% JavaScript 98.43% CSS 0.32% HTML 1.00% Dockerfile 0.17%

connect's Introduction

comma connect

The frontend to the comma connect progressive web app. This a react app using Create React App



If you don't have a comma device, connect has a demo mode with some example drives. This should allow for testing most functionality except for interactions with the device, such as getting the car battery voltage.

  • Use best practices
  • Write test cases
  • Keep files small and clean
  • Use branches / pull requests to isolate work. Don't do work that can't be merged quickly, find ways to break it up

Libraries Used

There's a ton of them, but these are worth mentioning because they sort of affect everything.

  • React - Object oriented components with basic lifecycle callbacks rendered by state and prop changes.
  • Redux - Sane formal global scope. This is not a replacement for component state, which is the best way to store local component level variables and trigger re-renders. Redux state is for global state that many unrelated components care about. No free-form editing, only specific pre-defined actions. Redux DevTools can be very helpful.
  • @material-ui - Lots of fully featured highly customizable components for building the UIs with. Theming system with global and per-component overrides of any CSS values.
  • react-router-redux - the newer one, 5.x.... Mindlessly simple routing with convenient global access due to redux

connect's People


0x7b5 avatar adeebshihadeh avatar andyh2 avatar bbbmau avatar chrisinajar avatar deftdawg avatar dependabot[bot] avatar fredyshox avatar gregjhogan avatar incognitojam avatar johnhoodjr avatar jwooning avatar macintoshhelper avatar marcellofuschi avatar martinl avatar nelsonjchen avatar nottgy avatar pd0wm avatar projectbarks avatar qqap avatar robbederks avatar sarem-h avatar simplemachine92 avatar sshane avatar ugtthis avatar valish avatar virtuallychris avatar vishalkrishnads avatar yaodingyd avatar zwx1616 avatar

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