Elena Khuzhina's Projects
Adaptive layout of the site
Not an adaptive landing page
A curated list of awesome remote jobs and resources. Inspired by https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python
Adaptive website using Angular framework
Project: "RSS Reader"
Chat (Slack)
Project: "Brain games"
Project: "Difference Calculation"
Агрегатор хакатонов для хакатоны.рус
Repository for self study of GitHub Actions / Сontinuous Integration course
my studies
tests with jest
Adaptive layout of the site
Online pizza delivery store
Код проекта по курсу "Интенсив React" 09.2024
Репозиторий, который автоматически мержит пулреквесты. Создан для тренировки в курсе по git
Counter is a simple application with two buttons that will change the counter value.
simple tool to count SLOC (source lines of code)
Homework completed as part of the intensive Y_LAB University