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knoxnl's Introduction

About - v4.5

This is a python wrapper around the amazing KNOXSS API by Brute Logic. To use this tool (and the underlying API), you must have a valid KNOXSS API key. Don't have one? Go visit and subscribe! This was inspired by the "knoxssme" tool by @edoardottt2, but developed to allow for greater options.

DISCLAIMER: We are not responsible for any use, and especially misuse, of this tool or the KNOXSS API


NOTE: If you already have a config.yml file, it will not be overwritten. The file config.yml.NEW will be created in the same directory. If you need the new config, remove config.yml and rename config.yml.NEW back to config.yml.

knoxnl supports Python 3.

Install knoxnl in default (global) python environment.

pip install knoxnl


pip install git+ -v

You can upgrade with

knoxnl -up


pip install --upgrade knoxnl


Quick setup in isolated python environment using pipx

pipx install git+


Arg Long Arg Description
-i --input Input to send to KNOXSS API: a single URL, or file of URLs. NOTE: If you pass a URL, put it in quotes otherwise the shell can interpret & characters as instruction to run a background task.
-o --output The file to save the successful XSS and payloads to. If the file already exist it will just be appended to unless option -ow is passed. If the full path doesn't exist, then any necessary directories will be created.
-ow --output-overwrite If the output file already exists, it will be overwritten instead of being appended to.
-oa --output-all Write all results to the output file, not just successful one's.
-X --http-method Which HTTP method to use, values GET, POST or BOTH (default: GET). If BOTH is chosen, then a GET call will be made, followed by a POST.
-pd --post-data If a POST request is made, this is the POST data passed. It must be in the format 'param1=value&param2=value&param3=value'. If this isn't passed and query string parameters are used, then these will be used as POST data if POST Method is requested.
-H --headers Add custom headers to pass with HTTP requests. Pass in the format 'Header1:value1;|Header2:value2' (e.g. separate different headers with a pipe | character).
-A --api-key The KNOXSS API Key to use. This will be used instead of the value in config.yml
-afb --advanced-filter-bypass If the advanced filter bypass should be used on the KNOXSS API.
-s --success-only Only show successful XSS payloads in the CLI output.
-p --processes Basic multithreading is done when getting requests for a file of URLs. This argument determines the number of processes (one per URL to check) are run per minute (default: 3). This is due to the rate limit of the KNOXSS API.
-t --timeout How many seconds to wait for the KNOXSS API to respond before giving up (default: 600). If set to 0, then timeout will be used.
-bp --burp-piper Use if knoxnl is called from the Burp Piper extension, so that a request in Burp Suite proxy can be tested. See the Using in Burp Suite Proxy section below.
-r --retries The number of times to retry when having issues connecting to the KNOXSS API (default: 3)
-ri --retry-interval How many seconds to wait before retrying when having issues connecting to the KNOXSS API (default: 30)
-rb --retry-backoff The backoff factor used when retrying when having issues connecting to the KNOXSS API (default: 1.5). For example, with defaults, first time will wait for 30 seconds, 2nd time will be 45 (30 x 1.5) seconds, etc.
-pur --pause-until-reset If the API Limit reset time is known and the API limit is reached, wait the required time until the limit is reset and continue again. The reset time is only known if knoxnl has run for request number 1 previously. The API rate limit is reset 24 hours after request 1.
-sb --skip-blocked The number of 403 Forbidden responses from a target (for a given HTTP method + scheme + (sub)domain) before skipping. This is useful if you know the target has a WAF. The default is zero, which means no blocking is done.
-up --update Update knoxnl to the latest version.
-v --verbose Verbose output
--version Show current version number.
-h --help show the help message and exit


The config.yml file (in the global location based on the OS, e.g. ~/.config/knoxnl/config.yml) has the keys which can be updated to suit your needs:

  • API_URL - This can be set to the KNOXSS API endpoint, if and when it is changed
  • API_KEY - Your KNOXSS API key that you will have generated on
  • DISCORD_WEBHOOK - Your discord webhook URL if you want to be notified of successful XSS

Important Notes from KNOXSS API Guidelines

  • Unlike other APIs that just retrieve data from a database, KNOXSS API returns the results like the web interface, actually performing a comprehensive vulnerability scan for XSS. Since scan results are not stored by our system, they need to be generated on the fly taking several JavaScript-evaluated live tests to return them. So it's natural the data returned takes much more time to get delivered since there's a long process involved at server side.
  • The API standard rate limit is 5000 requests over a 24 hours period. That means an average of 2.3 requests per minute so please try to keep this pace to not overload the system. Due to this rate limit, if the input is a file or URLs, then only a batch (determined by argument -p/--processes) will be run per minute.
  • Generating or Regenerating your API Key - The API key is in your profile. If you have never generated it you need to hit the button at least once to generate it and save. Any time you need a new API key for security reasons, you can simply hit the button and regenerate it.
  • Flash Mode Mark - [XSS] - Provide the [XSS] mark in any place of the target's data values to enable Flash Mode which enables KNOXSS to perform a single quick XSS Polyglot based test.

Important Notes for knoxnl

  • At the time of writing this, the daily limit of KNOXSS API calls is 5000. If you are testing a large file of URLs, it is advisable that you use the -o / --output option to specify a file where output will be written. If you do reach the API limit, it resets 24 hours after the first API call was made. If you are processing a file of URLs, you can use the -pur/--pause-until-reset to wait until the reset happens and then continue (this is only possible if the first request was run by knoxnl so it could save the response timestamp).
  • If you pass an input file and the API limit is reached, or the Service is Unavailable, part way through the input, all unchecked URLs will be output to an file in the same location, and with the same name as the input file, but with a .YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.todo suffix. You can then rename this file and use this as input at another time. The .todo file will be created in the current directory unless a path is specified in the -o/--output directory, and then the .todo file will be created in the same directory.
  • By default, only successful results are written to the output file.
  • Passing argument -oa / --output-all will write ALL results to the output file, not just successful one's.
  • The KNOXSS API has a rate limit of no more than 5 URLs processed per minute. If the rate limit is exceeded then you might end up getting blocked by their WAF, and you will not get the results you want. This rate limit is taken into account when passing a file of URLs as input. However, if you keep running for a single URL more than this per minute you wil run into problems. Please respect the rules of their API.
  • The KNOXSS only deals with POST requests with basic post data in the format 'param1=value&param2=value&param3=value'.
  • If the -pd/--post-data argument is not passed and a POST request is made, it will use the query string from the URL as post data if it has one.
  • If a file is passed as input and POST method is required, then the post data parameters need to be provided as a query string for the URL in the file, e.g. If you use the -pd/--post-data with an input file then ALL URLs will use that post data.
  • These are required based on the way the KNOXSS API works.



Pass a single URL:

NOTE: If you pass a URL, put it in quotes otherwise the shell can interpret & characters as instruction to run a background task.

knoxnl -i ""

Or a file of URLs:

knoxnl -i ~/urls.txt


Test a single URL for both GET and POST. if it is successful, the payload will be output to output.txt. In this case, an API key is provided, overriding any in config.yml if it exists. Also, the parameter value has been passed as [XSS] which will request the KNOXSS API to enable Flash Mode which performs a single quick XSS Polyglot based test:

knoxnl -i "[XSS]" -X BOTH -o output.txt -A 93c864f5-af3a-4f6a-8b25-8662bc8b5ab6

Test a single URL for POST and pass post body data:

knoxnl -i "" -X POST -pd user=xnl -o output.txt

Pass cookies and an auth header for a single URL, and use the Advanced Filter Bypass option:

knoxnl -i "" -afb -H "Cookie: sessionId=9d7127ca-8966-4ae9-b20a-c2892a2f1167; lang=en;|Authorization: Basic eyJZb3UgZGlkbid0IHRoaW5rIHRoaXMgYSBnZW51aW5lIHRva2VuIGRpZCB5b3U/ISA7KSJ9"

Using in Burp Suite Proxy

To be able to use knoxnl to test a request in Burp Suite Proxy, we can use it in conjunction with the amazing Piper extension by András Veres-Szentkirályi. Follow the steps below to set it up:

  1. Go to the BApp Store in Burp and install the Piper extension.
  2. Go to the Piper tab and click the Context menu items sub tab, then click the Add button.
  3. In the Add menu item dialog box, enter the Name as knoxnl and change the Can handle... drop down to HTTP requests only.
  4. Change both the Minimum required number of selected items and Maximum allowed number of selected items values to 1.
  5. Click the Edit... button for Command and the Command invocation editor dialog box should be displayed.
  6. Check the Pass HTTP headers to command check-box.
  7. If you are on a Linux machine, or Windows without WSL, do the following:
    • In the Command line parameters box you enter the command and arguments one line at a time.
    • You want to enter a command of /my/path/to/python3 /my/path/to/ --burp-piper -X BOTH for example, providing the full path of the knoxnl binary file.
    • So in the Command line parameters input field it would look like this:
    • You may want to add other knoxnl arguments too, such as -A your_knoxss_api_key, -t 60, etc. Remember to put the argument and the value on separate lines.
  8. If you are on a Windows machine using WSL, do the following:
    • In the Command line parameters box you enter the command and arguments one line at a time.
    • You want to enter a command of wsl -e /my/path/to/knoxnl --burp-piper -X BOTH for example, providing the full path of the binary file.
    • So in the Command line parameters input field it would look like this:
    • You may want to add other knoxnl arguments too, such as -A your_knoxss_api_key, -t 60, etc. Remember to put the argument and the value on separate lines.
  9. Click the OK button on the Command invocation editor dialog box.
  10. Click the OK button on the Edit menu item dialog box.

Piper is now set up to be able to call knoxnl.

To call knoxnl for a particular request, follow these steps:

  1. Right click on a Request and select Extensions -> Piper -> Process 1 request -> knoxnl.
  2. A window should open with the title Piper - knoxnl.
  3. IMPORTANT NOTE: This Piper window stays blank until the command is complete (which could be up to 180 seconds - the default value of -t/--timeout).
  4. When complete, it should show the knoxnl output in the same way as on the command line version. Just close the window when you have finished.

With Piper you can also send the knoxnl request to a queue by selecting Extensions -> Piper -> Add to queue. You can then go to the Queue sub tab under Piper and see the request. Right click the request to send to knoxnl.


If you come across any problems at all, or have ideas for improvements, please feel free to raise an issue on Github. If there is a problem, it will be useful if you can provide the exact command you ran and a detailed description of the problem. If possible, run with -v to reproduce the problem and let me know about any error messages that are given, and the KNOXSS API request/response.


  • Allow input to be piped into knoxnl.
  • Allow a large file to be passed, and if the API limit is reached, wait until the API limit is refreshed and continue.
  • Deal with downgrading HTTPS to HTTP if required.
  • If a target is blocking KNOXSS, then try a few times, and if no success then skip all links for that domain, and write to a .blocked file.

Example output

Single URL:

File of URLs checked with GET and POST:

Example Discord notification:

Good luck and good hunting! If you really love the tool (or any others), or they helped you find an awesome bounty, consider BUYING ME A COFFEE! ☕ (I could use the caffeine!)

🤘 /XNL-h4ck3r

knoxnl's People


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knoxnl's Issues

output issue!




ERROR showOutput 1: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'write'

-s not working

[Feature request] could you add a new function.

Hi there,
Could you add a new function? like, when we are using this script with lots of URLs.
There are only 5k api request, which is very low.
Think like your input's list line 7k+.
If all api requests are finished.
Then script will be waiting for new day for new api request.

I think it would to great feature.

issue installing

im having issue installing
C:\Users\or0to\OneDrive\Desktop\kno1>python install
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\or0to\OneDrive\Desktop\kno1\", line 22, in
FileExistsError: [WinError 183] Cannot create a file when that file already exists: 'C:\Users\or0to\AppData\Roaming\knoxnl/config.yml' -> 'C:\Users\or0to\AppData\Roaming\knoxnl/config.yml.OLD'

Enhancement: Write the successful find to output file


I've been testing the tool and really like how it can help in automating the knoxss to the workflow.

I've noticed, that when I'm running the tool on a file with output tag, the successful discoveries are not saved until the complete of the task. So incase I've to cancel the run mid way using Ctrl+c the output file is empty.

Hope this can be a quick implement.


-pur parameter with bug

First of all congratulations on the latest update, it has brought great features to the tool. However, yesterday I went to use the -pur parameter and realized that at a certain moment I received an error for exceeding the rate limit and it enabled the -pur option, which doesn't make sense, rate limit it would just have to wait a little longer maybe, a few seconds so as not to overload the API and then come back again, but it understood that my number of calls had exceeded.

Captura de tela 2024-05-02 092348

Temporary failure in name resolution

[ ERR! ] - (GET)  KNOXSS ERR: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fd967d970d0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution')) [1226/5000]

Handling Output Saving on Ctrl+C Interruption (Question)

HI @xnl-h4ck3r
I'm running scans in huge number of urls, but sometimes I find myself needing to interrupt the process using Ctrl+C before it completes. I'm wondering what happens to the output in such cases. Does knoxnl save any partial results, or is all progress lost upon interruption?

local variable 'resp' referenced before assignment

[ SAFE ] - (GET) [98/5000]
:( There was a problem calling KNOXSS API: local variable 'resp' referenced before assignment
:( There was a problem calling KNOXSS API: local variable 'resp' referenced before assignment

knoxnl does not save remaining URLs in .todo file

knoxnl is no longer saving remaining URLs in the .todo file as it used to.
knoxnl version 4.2 (latest)

knoxnl command I used:

knoxnl --input /home/nishant57/urls.txt --retries 50000 --api-key 'xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx' --timeout 2500 --advanced-filter-bypass --output /home/nishant57/knoxss_result.txt

The .todo remaining URLs file is saved when I kill knoxnl using Ctrl+C but not when knoxnl is stopped in between due to errors.

Screenshot 2024-04-29 143805

Enhancement Request - Bulk URL Processing (Burp Piper)

Hi @xnl-h4ck3r,

I have a suggestion to make knoxnl Burp Piper even more user-friendly and efficient.
Currently, knoxnl Burp Piper allows us to send individual HTTP requests for analysis. However, this process can be slow and tedious when dealing with many URLs.

Could you consider adding a feature that lets us send multiple URLs at once for scanning? Here's how it could work:

  • Allow users to input multiple URLs or hostnames together, instead of one by one.
  • Send the host from sitemap into piper --> knoxnl

Adding this feature would save a lot of time and make knoxnl even more valuable for finding xss.

Using Knife extension

I think using the knife extension is better than using piper in the burp suite because there are a lot of problems and takes many machine resources during using the burp suite because that I prefer to use the knife extension instead of the piper.

Knfie Repo:

all time >> There are issues with KNOXSS API.

I know this is because of KNOXSS not knoxnl
I spoke to him and he said to me, “All you need to do is to issue another request.”

Of course, the tool does that, and with that, it's the same error

I spoke to him a while ago and told him to upgrade his server so that it is stable

This wastes the power of the tool

What is the solution
KNOXSS told me some things but i already do that

need a new script!

Big Fan xnl-h4ck3r,
Can you make a new script for Burpsuite? We use Burpsuite most of the time for website testing. So if there is an extension for Burpsuite, that will scan any request. I think it will be very helpful.

Excessive amount of timeouts

In recent days, I've been receiving a gigantic amount of timeouts from knoxnl. I don't know why, but even with different hosts (I've tested on more than 5), it always returns timeouts, timeouts. I no longer see requests marked as (SAFE) or (XSS), only ERR! and the reason is timeout. However, the same URL that I just received a timeout for, when I go to the graphical interface, it says that it just couldn't identify XSS, meaning it's (SAFE), it doesn't return a timeout. And the same URL, if I try directly via the API using CURL, also doesn't return any error, just that it didn't identify XSS.

Do you think there might be a problem related to knoxnl? Is anyone else having this kind of issue? Do you know how to solve it?

Captura de tela 2024-04-04 010137

Captura de tela 2024-04-04 010538

Captura de tela 2024-04-04 010702

It's worth mentioning that I've already done various tests with many different hosts; it's not just in this specific case. Lately, the only host I've been successful with is ):

With it, I don't have problems with timeouts, but with any other host, that's all I've been getting.

Improve KNOXSS IP blocking logic

I think you could add a check with more certainty that the target is in fact blocking the KNOXSS IP, because not every time KNOXSS is blocked on a page will it be blocked on the others, maybe that specific page had WAF and the others didn't, and since the logic at the moment is validating only if a single API response is blocking, it ends up skipping the next ones, but I've noticed that the next ones can still continue to bring results.

Maybe put in a validation sequence of blocked requests, if the API returns about 10 or more (it could be up to the user) requests with the KNOXSS IP blocking error, then skip the next ones, otherwise continue the verification process.

stop due to errors issues!!

your idea is good, and the script as well. but I think this idea is very bad. because I have an API request, but this function just stops the process and makes *****.todo files. which is weird to use this script again and again. could you make the new function to force the request to complete the file scan?


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