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Comments (9)

gojimmypi avatar gojimmypi commented on June 5, 2024 1

Hi @iyanmv - I've created #7480 to address cmake LIBOQS and Kyber.

Please take it for a test drive and let me know if it works as desired for you.

from wolfssl.

iyanmv avatar iyanmv commented on June 5, 2024 1

@gojimmypi works perfectly, thanks again!

from wolfssl.

iyanmv avatar iyanmv commented on June 5, 2024

A quick but incomplete fix

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 9aee6af3f..2574cdf46 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -534,22 +534,40 @@ endif()
+# Experimental features
+    "Enable experimental features (default: disabled)"
+    "no" "yes;no")
+# TODO: - Kyber
+#       - XMSS
+#       - LMS
+#       - dual-certs
 # liboqs
     "Enable integration with the OQS (Open Quantum Safe) liboqs library (default: disabled)"
     "no" "yes;no")
-    find_package(OQS)
-    if (OQS_FOUND)
-        set(HAVE_LIBOQS 1)
-          "-DHAVE_LIBOQS")
+    if (WOLFSSL_OQS)
+        find_package(OQS)
+        if (OQS_FOUND)
+            set(HAVE_LIBOQS 1)
+            "-DHAVE_TLS_EXTENSIONS"
+            "-DHAVE_LIBOQS")
+        endif()
 # TODO: - Lean PSK

from wolfssl.

gojimmypi avatar gojimmypi commented on June 5, 2024

Hi @iyanmv and thank you for providing the details.

Indeed I've seen the error you mentioned, as I recently added Kyber support to the Espressif examples in #7392 that needs WOLFSSL_EXPERIMENTAL_SETTINGS.

I tried running your Reproduction Steps code:

cmake -Wno-dev -B build \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED25519=ON \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED448=ON \
cmake --build build --verbose

But I did not see the error. I did however encounter a Could NOT find OQS (missing: OQS_INCLUDE_DIR OQS_LIBRARY) that was quietly displayed and was otherwise successful:

$ cmake -Wno-dev -B build \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED25519=ON \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED448=ON \
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 11.4.0
-- The ASM compiler identification is GNU
-- Found assembler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Found WOLFSSL_ROOT = /mnt/c/workspace/wolfssl-gojimmypi-pr
-- Looking for arpa/inet.h

[ .. snip .. ]

-- Found Threads: TRUE
-- Could NOT find OQS (missing: OQS_INCLUDE_DIR OQS_LIBRARY)
-- Generating user options header...
-- BUILD_SHARED_LIBS enabled: wolfcrypt/src/hmac.c;wolfcrypt/src/hash.c;wolfcrypt/src/cpuid.c;wolfcrypt/src/kdf.c;wolfcrypt/src/random.c;wolfcrypt/src/sha256.c;wolfcrypt/src/rsa.c;wolfcrypt/src/sp_int.c;wolfcrypt/src/aes.c;wolfcrypt/src/sha.c;wolfcrypt/src/sha512.c;wolfcrypt/src/sha3.c;wolfcrypt/src/logging.c;wolfcrypt/src/wc_port.c;wolfcrypt/src/error.c;wolfcrypt/src/port/liboqs/liboqs.c;wolfcrypt/src/wc_encrypt.c;wolfcrypt/src/signature.c;wolfcrypt/src/wolfmath.c;wolfcrypt/src/memory.c;wolfcrypt/src/dh.c;wolfcrypt/src/asn.c;wolfcrypt/src/coding.c;wolfcrypt/src/poly1305.c;wolfcrypt/src/md5.c;wolfcrypt/src/pwdbased.c;wolfcrypt/src/pkcs12.c;wolfcrypt/src/chacha.c;wolfcrypt/src/chacha20_poly1305.c;wolfcrypt/src/integer.c;wolfcrypt/src/ecc.c;wolfcrypt/src/curve25519.c;wolfcrypt/src/ed25519.c;wolfcrypt/src/fe_operations.c;wolfcrypt/src/ge_operations.c;wolfcrypt/src/curve448.c;wolfcrypt/src/ed448.c;wolfcrypt/src/fe_448.c;wolfcrypt/src/ge_448.c;wolfcrypt/src/falcon.c;wolfcrypt/src/sphincs.c;wolfcrypt/src/dilithium.c;wolfcrypt/src/ext_kyber.c;src/internal.c;src/wolfio.c;src/keys.c;src/ssl.c;src/ocsp.c;src/tls.c;src/tls13.c
-- WOLFSSL_INCLUDE_DIRS is blank. No additional directories will be added.
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /mnt/c/workspace/wolfssl-gojimmypi-pr/build
$ cmake --build build --verbose
/usr/bin/cmake -S/mnt/c/workspace/wolfssl-gojimmypi-pr -B/mnt/c/workspace/wolfssl-gojimmypi-pr/build --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0
/usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_start /mnt/c/workspace/wolfssl-gojimmypi-pr/build/CMakeFiles /mnt/c/workspace/wolfssl-gojimmypi-pr/build//CMakeFiles/progress.marks
/usr/bin/gmake  -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all

[ .. snip .. ]

gmake[2]: Leaving directory '/mnt/c/workspace/wolfssl-gojimmypi-pr/build'
/usr/bin/gmake  -f CMakeFiles/wolfcryptbench.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/wolfcryptbench.dir/build
gmake[2]: Entering directory '/mnt/c/workspace/wolfssl-gojimmypi-pr/build'
[ 98%] Building C object CMakeFiles/wolfcryptbench.dir/wolfcrypt/benchmark/benchmark.c.o
[100%] Linking C executable wolfcrypt/benchmark/benchmark
/usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/wolfcryptbench.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/usr/bin/cc -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused -Werror  CMakeFiles/wolfcryptbench.dir/wolfcrypt/benchmark/benchmark.c.o -o wolfcrypt/benchmark/benchmark  -Wl,-rpath,/mnt/c/workspace/wolfssl-gojimmypi-pr/build -lm
gmake[2]: Leaving directory '/mnt/c/workspace/wolfssl-gojimmypi-pr/build'
[100%] Built target wolfcryptbench
gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/mnt/c/workspace/wolfssl-gojimmypi-pr/build'
/usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_start /mnt/c/workspace/wolfssl-gojimmypi-pr/build/CMakeFiles 0
$ ./wolfcrypt/benchmark/benchmark
 wolfSSL version 5.7.0
Math:   Multi-Precision: Wolf(SP) word-size=64 bits=4096 sp_int.c
wolfCrypt Benchmark (block bytes 1048576, min 1.0 sec each)
RNG                        130 MiB took 1.009 seconds,  128.798 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  21.61
AES-128-CBC-enc            340 MiB took 1.002 seconds,  339.281 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   8.20
AES-128-CBC-dec            395 MiB took 1.006 seconds,  392.525 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   7.09
AES-192-CBC-enc            120 MiB took 1.015 seconds,  118.209 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  23.54
[ .. etc .. ]

Pardon me for jumping in, as this is a bit out of my wheelhouse as an embedded developer, but I'm interested in the OQS & CMake features & would like to help.

Can you please confirm you are using the very latest code from the master branch? Thank you.

from wolfssl.

iyanmv avatar iyanmv commented on June 5, 2024

No, I was using the signed tarball from the releases (version 5.7.0). But I can try from master branch. Regarding your error not finding liboqs, how did you install the library? I also used cmake, in particular I build with this:

build() {
    cmake -G Ninja -B build -S "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"\
        -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None \
        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${pkgdir}/usr" \
        -DOQS_ALGS_ENABLED=All \
        -DOQS_OPT_TARGET=x86-64 \
    ninja -C build
    ninja -C build gen_docs

check() {
    ninja -C build run_tests

package() {
    ninja -C build install
    install -D -m0644 "${pkgname}-${pkgver}/LICENSE.txt" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
    install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/"
    cp -r build/docs/html "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}"

from wolfssl.

gojimmypi avatar gojimmypi commented on June 5, 2024

how did you install the library?

I used the liboqs getting started. Previously, I thought it was already installed from my prior work. But in fact, it was not.

Using the latest master branch code, it appears some things might have been addressed since the 5.7.0 release, as I saw only one error, where you saw many:

In file included from /mnt/c/workspace/wolfssl-master/wolfssl/wolfcrypt/wc_port.h:29,
                 from /mnt/c/workspace/wolfssl-master/wolfcrypt/src/hmac.c:27:
/mnt/c/workspace/wolfssl-master/wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h:3341:6: error: #error Experimental settings without WOLFSSL_EXPERIMENTAL_SETTINGS
 3341 |     #error Experimental settings without WOLFSSL_EXPERIMENTAL_SETTINGS
      |      ^~~~~
gmake[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/wolfssl.dir/build.make:76: CMakeFiles/wolfssl.dir/wolfcrypt/src/hmac.c.o] Error 1

After I had liboqs properly installed, I was able to add -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-DWOLFSSL_EXPERIMENTAL_SETTINGS" like this:

 cmake -Wno-dev -B build \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED25519=ON \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED448=ON \

Although I suspect that was your point, above, with this:


It is my understanding that any PQ libraries require the WOLFSSL_EXPERIMENTAL_SETTINGS definition for wolfSSL at this time.

I think it would be preferable to keep the experimental settings manual, deliberate, and conspicuously visible.

Are proposing the WOLFSSL_EXPERIMENTAL_SETTINGS be set quietly and automatically whenever enabling the OQS is enabled?

from wolfssl.

iyanmv avatar iyanmv commented on June 5, 2024

I think it would be preferable to keep the experimental settings manual, deliberate, and conspicuously visible.

Are proposing the WOLFSSL_EXPERIMENTAL_SETTINGS be set quietly and automatically whenever enabling the OQS is enabled?

I agree with the first sentence, but not with the second. I don't propose that, what I propose is adding a new cmake option, which has to be enabled explicitly to use any PQ features, so that cmake building is aligned with the new (instead of having to pass the additional -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS as you proposes). What do you think?

from wolfssl.

gojimmypi avatar gojimmypi commented on June 5, 2024

Ah yes, I believe we are in agreement:

  • Experimental settings should be manual, deliberate, and conspicuously visible.
  • OQS needs to be enabled more consistently in cmake, not with -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=...

I have some proposed changes, not yet in a PR here. Perhaps you can take a look?

The changes add these new cmake commandline options:


My changes are the basically the same as yours (thanks for providing that), along with some additional verbose messages and checks.

One thing I noticed is that ./wolfcrypt/test/testwolfcrypt does not appear to actually test OQS or Kyber?

When I was adding Kyber support to the Espressif devices, I was testing with manual inspection in Wireshark, and not the wolfssl_benchmark nor wolfssl_test apps. @kareem-wolfssl: I'm not sure if perhaps new tests are needed to be added?

Also: It appears the needs Shake128 and Shake256 for Kyber. I only needed to manually enable SHA3 for Espressif, and only explicitly added SHA3 in my proposed cmake changes. (even though it looks like it is enabled by default for some architectures)

The same with liboqs: it appears that OPENSSL_EXTRA may be enabled automatically?

Perhaps @anhu can also take a look at this before I create the PR.

@iyanmv - I see you added some TODO items as well:

+# TODO: - Kyber
+#       - XMSS
+#       - LMS
+#       - dual-certs

I also implemented the Kyber one since it is something I'm familiar with, but moved the XMSS, LMS and Dual-Certs to the existing cmake TODO list.

Are all of those new TODO items something you need immediately, or just the liboqs feature for now?


Here is a script I used to test:

rm -rf ./build

echo "--------------------------------"
echo "No OQS, No Experimental"
echo "--------------------------------"
cmake -Wno-dev -B build \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None         \
    -DWOLFSSL_CURVE25519=ON         \
    -DWOLFSSL_CURVE448=ON           \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED25519=ON            \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED448=ON              \
    -DWOLFSSL_EXAMPLES=ON           \
                                      || exit 1
cmake --build build --verbose

rm -rf ./build
echo "--------------------------------"
echo "No OQS, Experimental"
echo "--------------------------------"
cmake -Wno-dev -B build \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None         \
    -DWOLFSSL_CURVE25519=ON         \
    -DWOLFSSL_CURVE448=ON           \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED25519=ON            \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED448=ON              \
    -DWOLFSSL_EXAMPLES=ON           \
                                      || exit 1
cmake --build build --verbose

rm -rf ./build
echo "--------------------------------"
echo "OQS, No Experimental"
echo "--------------------------------"
cmake -Wno-dev -B build \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None         \
    -DWOLFSSL_CURVE25519=ON         \
    -DWOLFSSL_CURVE448=ON           \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED25519=ON            \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED448=ON              \
    -DWOLFSSL_EXAMPLES=ON           \
    -DWOLFSSL_OQS=ON                \
                                      || echo -e "\nOk: failure as expected when missing experimental\n"

rm -rf ./build
echo "--------------------------------"
echo "OQS, Experimental"
echo "--------------------------------"
cmake -Wno-dev -B build \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None         \
    -DWOLFSSL_CURVE25519=ON         \
    -DWOLFSSL_CURVE448=ON           \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED25519=ON            \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED448=ON              \
    -DWOLFSSL_EXAMPLES=ON           \
    -DWOLFSSL_OQS=ON                \
                                      || exit 1
cmake --build build --verbose

# Kyber

# No Kyber, No Experimental: tested above
# No Kyber, Experimental : tested above

rm -rf ./build
echo "--------------------------------"
echo "Kyber, No Experimental"
echo "--------------------------------"
cmake -Wno-dev -B build \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None         \
    -DWOLFSSL_CURVE25519=ON         \
    -DWOLFSSL_CURVE448=ON           \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED25519=ON            \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED448=ON              \
    -DWOLFSSL_EXAMPLES=ON           \
    -DWOLFSSL_KYBER=ON              \
                                      || echo -e "\nOk: failure as expected when missing experimental\n"

rm -rf ./build
echo "--------------------------------"
echo "Kyber, Experimental"
echo "--------------------------------"
cmake -Wno-dev -B build \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None         \
    -DWOLFSSL_CURVE25519=ON         \
    -DWOLFSSL_CURVE448=ON           \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED25519=ON            \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED448=ON              \
    -DWOLFSSL_EXAMPLES=ON           \
    -DWOLFSSL_KYBER=ON              \
                                      || exit 1
cmake --build build --verbose

rm -rf ./build
echo "--------------------------------"
echo "OQS, Kyber, Experimental"
echo "--------------------------------"
cmake -Wno-dev -B build \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None         \
    -DWOLFSSL_CURVE25519=ON         \
    -DWOLFSSL_CURVE448=ON           \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED25519=ON            \
    -DWOLFSSL_ED448=ON              \
    -DWOLFSSL_EXAMPLES=ON           \
    -DWOLFSSL_OQS=ON                \
    -DWOLFSSL_KYBER=ON              \
                                      || echo -e "\nOk: failure as expected cannot enable both Kyber and OQS at the same time\n"
cmake --build build --verbose

echo "Success: Kyber and OQS tests completed."

from wolfssl.

iyanmv avatar iyanmv commented on June 5, 2024

@gojimmypi Cool, thanks! I will give it a try this evening.

from wolfssl.

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