Wiwin Mafiroh's Projects
Final Project JDA (Full Stack Programming)
:books: PinterCoding University. Author : Gun Gun Febrianza
bookshelf-api is a repository containing the source code for a RESTful API that manages a simple bookshelf application.
:bathtub: Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
This Go program simulates a bank with multiple tellers serving a queue of customers concurrently. It demonstrates the use of goroutines, channels, and sync.WaitGroup to model the process of customers being served by tellers.
This repository holds the assignments of the Course : HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers by Johns Hopkins University
This repository holds the assignments of the Course : HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers by Johns Hopkins University
This repository holds the assignments of the Course : HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers by Johns Hopkins University
This repository contains the source code for Module 5 assignment of the course: HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers by Johns Hopkins University.
Crafting innovative web solutions to combat hoaxes and promote digital literacy in the Perempuan Inovasi Program.
Implementasi CSS Layouting pada Website Sederhana
Berisi API tentang Data Indonesia ataupun API yang dibuat oleh developer Indonesia <3
📖 Source Code E-book Dasar Pemrograman Golang
An e-commerce website built with Django
The Todo Application built using Django is a web-based task management application that enables users to create, edit, and delete their daily tasks.
Project 1 DTS FGA Kel. E37 Cloning Website BelajarBro (https://belajarbro.id/)
Membuat Galeri Foto + Lightbox dengan HTML dan CSS3
🚀 Generate GitHub profile README easily with the latest add-ons like visitors count, GitHub stats, etc using minimal UI.
Hitung Ongkos Kirim Paket Menggunakan Raja Ongkir API
The collaborative results of the BE Girls in completing the level 4 task in the HSI Sandbox program (Python-Django).
Quiz Level 3 HSI SandBox
Implementasi Rancangan User Interface (UI) Kalkulator Sederhana ke dalam kode program HTML, dan CSS. Serta menerapkan pemrograman terstruktur kedalam bahasa pemrograman PHP.
Simple book tracking web app. Add, update, delete books. Mark as finished/unfinished, search titles. Keep your reading list organized.
List of All Programming Telegram Group
Music Player using HTML, CSS, JavaScript