Name: Warframe Community Developers
Type: Organization
Bio: Tenno who provide developed tools that people can use for their own projects or gameplay without infringing on aspects of Warframe. Not affiliated with DE.
Location: The Internet
Warframe Community Developers's Projects
Org-wide community health files and Discussions
OpenAPI Specifications for API
Parser for Warframe Arsenal data
Banner for use with Supported community Dev projects
Shareable eslint configuration for
:robot: Warframe Discord Cephalon
Shared Static Image Assets
Docker wrapper for Genesis
Documentation site for genesis
New landing page for genesis based on orels1/landing-discord-red
Giveaway overlay used on RSB Streams
:blue_book: API specification repo for Warframe.Market
Tool(s) for tinkering with specific settings to help identify mods using OpenCV
Generate mod images using warframe-items
Cephalon Navis is an app inspired by Warframe Hub.
Storage and development of sources and bot commands for streamers
:tv: Location for contribution and Issue management
:cloud: Simple express app for middleware for
Windows C# app tracking Warframe Alerts
Parser and logger for EE.log events
Emoji For Warfame Community Discords
:moneybag: Warframe Drop Data in an easier to parse format.
A dark reskin for the Warframe forums
:blue_book: Warframe hub strives to be the community center of the Warframe game
📘 Get all Warframe items directly from Warframe's API. No more messy wikia scraping.
:package: Little name generator for Warframe
:green_book: Simple query library for