Comments (4)
As noted in the following comments, the current behavior is expected: vuejs/core#1209 (comment)
from vue.
@posva OP also opened this issue in the core repo, and there I noted that there is one weird thing: watch(aShallowRef, ...)
does trigger the watch. Normal refers, or getter functions, don't. So only when you watch a shallowRef directly, it will be triggered.
This seeems to be by design, but I question the wisdom of that design. See vuejs/core#9579 (comment)
Should we consider re-opening this issue here until we settled the raised question over in core?
from vue.
Hi, sorry for the duplication, I got confused and opened two issues.
I'd appreciate at least there would be some documentation regarding this. I've updated my application to use watch(aShallowRef
to get this working for now.
A trivia: All of the major language models I asked for help including GPT 4.0 is confused about this behavior and expects watch(() => aShallowRef.value)
to be triggered, not only humans 🙂
from vue.
I think having one is core is enough but I think current behavior makes more sense: when you pass a getter, if the returned value do not change, the watcher shouldn’t trigger
from vue.
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