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This project forked from oven-sh/bun

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Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, transpiler and package manager – all in one.

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Shell 0.54% JavaScript 12.90% C++ 27.96% C 1.29% Rust 0.01% TypeScript 2.78% CSS 0.22% Makefile 0.41% HTML 0.03% AMPL 0.01% Dockerfile 0.09% Zig 53.76% Svelte 0.01%

bun's People


alexkuz avatar andarist avatar colinhacks avatar dylan-conway avatar electroid avatar eltociear avatar evanwashere avatar finnrg avatar hanford avatar hisamafahri avatar hnakamur avatar jameslahm avatar jarred-sumner avatar jpaquim avatar lithdew avatar michellbrito avatar nutlope avatar pnodet avatar ryanrussell avatar sanix-darker avatar sheetjsdev avatar snazzah avatar sno2 avatar soneymathew avatar thatonebro avatar thislooksfun avatar tropix126 avatar xhyrom avatar zhiyuang avatar zhuzilin avatar





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