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atom-webstorm-syntax-theme's Introduction

JetBrains WebStorm Default Light Syntax Theme for Atom

A port of the default syntax theme from JetBrains Webstorm/IntelliJ IDEs.

Supported grammars


  • language-json
  • language-javascript
  • language-less
  • language-scss


  • language-javascript-jsx (Grammar name: Javascript with JSX)
  • react (Grammar name: Javascript JSX)
  • language-markdown
  • language-babel (Grammar name: Babel ES6 JavaScript)
    • This grammar allows much more fine-grain styling of ES6/7 Javascript.
    • NOTE: I don't use this plugin because it doesn't fully support Flow.


The samples/ dir contains code samples from IntelliJ/WebStorm Preferences > Editor > Colors & Fonts. You can compare the colors from here to ensure they match the colors in Atom.

See Also

atom-webstorm-syntax-theme's People


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atom-webstorm-syntax-theme's Issues

Deprecated selector in `atom-webstorm-syntax-theme\index.less`

In atom-webstorm-syntax-theme\index.less:

Starting from Atom v1.13.0, the contents of atom-text-editor elements are no longer encapsulated within a shadow DOM boundary. This means you should stop using :host and ::shadow pseudo-selectors, and prepend all your syntax selectors with syntax--. To prevent breakage with existing style sheets, Atom will automatically upgrade the following selectors:

  • atom-text-editor, :host => atom-text-editor,atom-text-editor

  • atom-text-editor .wrap-guide, :host .wrap-guide => atom-text-editor .wrap-guide,atom-text-editor .wrap-guide

  • atom-text-editor .indent-guide, :host .indent-guide => atom-text-editor .indent-guide,atom-text-editor .indent-guide

  • atom-text-editor .invisible-character, :host .invisible-character => atom-text-editor .invisible-character,atom-text-editor .invisible-character

  • atom-text-editor .gutter-container, :host .gutter-container => atom-text-editor .gutter-container,atom-text-editor .gutter-container

  • atom-text-editor .gutter, :host .gutter => atom-text-editor .gutter,atom-text-editor .gutter

  • atom-text-editor .gutter .line-number.cursor-line, :host .gutter .line-number.cursor-line => atom-text-editor .gutter .line-number.cursor-line,atom-text-editor .gutter .line-number.cursor-line

  • atom-text-editor .gutter .line-number.cursor-line-no-selection, :host .gutter .line-number.cursor-line-no-selection => atom-text-editor .gutter .line-number.cursor-line-no-selection,atom-text-editor .gutter .line-number.cursor-line-no-selection

  • atom-text-editor .gutter .line-number.folded, :host .gutter .line-number.folded, atom-text-editor .gutter .line-number:after, :host .gutter .line-number:after, atom-text-editor .fold-marker:after, :host .fold-marker:after => atom-text-editor .gutter .line-number.folded,atom-text-editor .gutter .line-number.folded, atom-text-editor .gutter .line-number:after,atom-text-editor .gutter .line-number:after, atom-text-editor .fold-marker:after,atom-text-editor .fold-marker:after

  • atom-text-editor .invisible, :host .invisible => atom-text-editor .invisible,atom-text-editor .invisible

  • atom-text-editor .cursor, :host .cursor => atom-text-editor .cursor,atom-text-editor .cursor

  • atom-text-editor .selection .region, :host .selection .region => atom-text-editor .selection .region,atom-text-editor .selection .region

  • atom-text-editor .search-results .marker .region, :host .search-results .marker .region => atom-text-editor .search-results .syntax--marker .region,atom-text-editor .search-results .syntax--marker .region

  • atom-text-editor .search-results .marker.current-result .region, :host .search-results .marker.current-result .region => atom-text-editor .search-results .syntax--marker.current-result .region,atom-text-editor .search-results .syntax--marker.current-result .region

  • .comment => .syntax--comment

  • .keyword => .syntax--keyword

  • .storage => .syntax--storage

  • .storage.class.note => .syntax--storage.syntax--class.syntax--note

  • .constant => .syntax--constant

  • .constant.language.boolean => .syntax--constant.syntax--language.syntax--boolean

  • .constant.numeric => .syntax--constant.syntax--numeric

  • .constant.other.object.key > .string.unquoted => .syntax--constant.syntax--other.syntax--object.syntax--key > .syntax--string.syntax--unquoted

  • `.entity.quasi.element >

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