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Comments (8)

theDebugger811 avatar theDebugger811 commented on June 3, 2024

The first one is a UserWarning (not an error) which is self-explanatory. You can ignore it while reproducing the results.

For PyTorch 1.0.0, Flatten seems to be deprecated. For Pytorch versions >= 1.0.0., for now, you can refer to the following solution: link
The code will be updated soon regarding this.


from trajnetplusplusbaselines.

zyb19960609 avatar zyb19960609 commented on June 3, 2024

Hello, when I run, "'NoneType' object has no attribute'reset'" appears
I changed the code to "
if self.pool is not None:
self.pool.reset(num_tracks, device=observed.device)"
No error was reported in this part, and the error "AttributeError:'NoneType' object has no attribute'out_dim'" appeared as a result,
I changed according to the above thought, and the result appeared "
File"/Users/angelzhang/Desktop/trajnetplusplusbaselines-LRP/trajnetbaselines/lstm/", line 462, in calculate_lrp_scores_all
Rx_x, Rh_x, Rp_x, Rv_x = self.lrp(t, LRP_class=0, bias_factor=0.0, debug=False, eps=0.001)

TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object"
How should I solve the error?
The complete changed code is as follows:
import itertools

import numpy as np
import torch

import trajnetplusplustools

from trajnetbaselines.lstm.modules import Hidden2Normal, InputEmbedding

from trajnetbaselines import augmentation
from trajnetbaselines.lstm.utils import center_scene, visualize_scene, visualize_grid, visualize_lrp, animate_lrp
from trajnetbaselines.lstm.lrp_linear_layer import *

NAN = float('nan')

def drop_distant(xy, r=6.0):
Drops pedestrians more than r meters away from primary ped
distance_2 = np.sum(np.square(xy - xy[:, 0:1]), axis=2)
mask = np.nanmin(distance_2, axis=0) < r**2
return xy[:, mask], mask

class LSTM(torch.nn.Module):
def init(self, embedding_dim=64, hidden_dim=128, pool=None, pool_to_input=True, goal_dim=None, goal_flag=False):
""" Initialize the LSTM forecasting model

    embedding_dim : Embedding dimension of location coordinates
    hidden_dim : Dimension of hidden state of LSTM
    pool : interaction module
    pool_to_input : Bool
        if True, the interaction vector is concatenated to the input embedding of LSTM [preferred]
        if False, the interaction vector is added to the LSTM hidden-state
    goal_dim : Embedding dimension of the unit vector pointing towards the goal
    goal_flag: Bool
        if True, the embedded goal vector is concatenated to the input embedding of LSTM 

    super(LSTM, self).__init__()
    self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
    self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim
    self.pool = pool
    self.pool_to_input = pool_to_input

    ## Location
    scale = 4.0
    self.input_embedding = InputEmbedding(2, self.embedding_dim, scale)

    ## Goal
    self.goal_flag = goal_flag
    self.goal_dim = goal_dim or embedding_dim
    self.goal_embedding = InputEmbedding(2, self.goal_dim, scale)
    goal_rep_dim = self.goal_dim if self.goal_flag else 0

    ## Pooling
    pooling_dim = 0
    if pool is not None and self.pool_to_input:
        pooling_dim = self.pool.out_dim 
    ## LSTMs
    self.encoder = torch.nn.LSTMCell(self.embedding_dim + goal_rep_dim + pooling_dim, self.hidden_dim)
    self.decoder = torch.nn.LSTMCell(self.embedding_dim + goal_rep_dim + pooling_dim, self.hidden_dim)

    # Predict the parameters of a multivariate normal:
    # mu_vel_x, mu_vel_y, sigma_vel_x, sigma_vel_y, rho
    self.hidden2normal = Hidden2Normal(self.hidden_dim)

def init_lrp(self):
    Load trained model weights for LRP.

    d = self.hidden_dim

    self.Wxh_Left_E  = self.encoder.weight_ih  # shape 4d*e
    self.bxh_Left_E  = self.encoder.bias_ih # shape 4d
    self.Whh_Left_E  = self.encoder.weight_hh  # shape 4d*d
    self.bhh_Left_E  = self.encoder.bias_hh # shape 4d

    self.Wxh_Left_D  = self.decoder.weight_ih # shape 4d*e
    self.bxh_Left_D  = self.decoder.bias_ih  # shape 4d
    self.Whh_Left_D  = self.decoder.weight_hh   # shape 4d*d
    self.bhh_Left_D  = self.decoder.bias_hh   # shape 4d

    self.Why_Left  = self.hidden2normal.linear.weight  # shape C*d
    self.bhy_Left  = self.hidden2normal.linear.bias   # shape C

    self.W_pool = self.pool.embedding[0].weight 
    self.b_pool = self.pool.embedding[0].bias 
    self.b_pool_units = self.pool.n * self.pool.n * self.pool.pooling_dim

    if self.pool.embedding_arch != 'one_layer':
        self.W_pool_2 = self.pool.embedding[2].weight 
        self.b_pool_2 = self.pool.embedding[2].bias 
        self.b_pool_units_2 = len(self.pool.embedding[0].bias)

def init_lrp_new_scene(self):
    Initialize relevant attributes for LRP.

    self.T = TIME_STEPS

    # initialize
    d = self.hidden_dim
    T = self.T

    E = self.encoder.weight_ih.shape[1]

    ## Input
    self.x              = torch.zeros((T, E), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device) 

    ## Sequence LSTM
    self.h_Left         = torch.zeros((T+1, d), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device) 
    self.c_Left         = torch.zeros((T+1, d), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device) 

    self.gates_xh_Left  = torch.zeros((T, 4*d), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)  
    self.gates_hh_Left  = torch.zeros((T, 4*d), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)  
    self.gates_pre_Left = torch.zeros((T, 4*d), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)   # gates pre-activation
    self.gates_Left     = torch.zeros((T, 4*d), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)   # gates activation

    ## Interaction Encoder (Grid-Based)
    if self.pool.embedding_arch == 'one_layer':
        self.pre_pool       = torch.zeros((T, self.pool.n * self.pool.n * self.pool.pooling_dim), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)  
        self.post_pool      = torch.zeros((T, self.pool.out_dim), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)  
        self.pre_pool       = torch.zeros((T, self.pool.n * self.pool.n * self.pool.pooling_dim), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)  
        self.post_pool      = torch.zeros((T, self.b_pool_units_2), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)  

        self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU()

        self.pre_pool_2       = torch.zeros((T, self.b_pool_units_2), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)  
        self.post_pool_2      = torch.zeros((T, self.pool.out_dim), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)  

    ## Output
    self.s              = torch.zeros((T, 5), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)   # gates activation

    ## Neighbour mapping
    self.range_mask = {}
    self.track_mask = {}
    self.occupancy_mapping = {}

    self.time_step = 0

def step(self, lstm, hidden_cell_state, obs1, obs2, goals, batch_split):
    """Do one step of prediction: two inputs to one normal prediction.
    lstm: torch nn module [Encoder / Decoder]
        The module responsible for prediction
    hidden_cell_state : tuple (hidden_state, cell_state)
        Current hidden_cell_state of the pedestrians
    obs1 : Tensor [num_tracks, 2]
        Previous x-y positions of the pedestrians
    obs2 : Tensor [num_tracks, 2]
        Current x-y positions of the pedestrians
    goals : Tensor [num_tracks, 2]
        Goal coordinates of the pedestrians
    hidden_cell_state : tuple (hidden_state, cell_state)
        Updated hidden_cell_state of the pedestrians
    normals : Tensor [num_tracks, 5]
        Parameters of a multivariate normal of the predicted position 
        with respect to the current position
    num_tracks = len(obs2)
    # mask for pedestrians absent from scene (partial trajectories)
    # consider only the hidden states of pedestrains present in scene
    track_mask = (torch.isnan(obs1[:, 0]) + torch.isnan(obs2[:, 0])) == 0

    ## Masked Hidden Cell State
    hidden_cell_stacked = [
        torch.stack([h for m, h in zip(track_mask, hidden_cell_state[0]) if m], dim=0),
        torch.stack([c for m, c in zip(track_mask, hidden_cell_state[1]) if m], dim=0),

    ## Mask current velocity & embed
    curr_velocity = obs2 - obs1
    curr_velocity = curr_velocity[track_mask]
    input_emb = self.input_embedding(curr_velocity)

    ## Mask Goal direction & embed
    if self.goal_flag:
        ## Get relative direction to goals (wrt current position)
        norm_factors = (torch.norm(obs2 - goals, dim=1))
        goal_direction = (obs2 - goals) / norm_factors.unsqueeze(1)
        goal_direction[norm_factors == 0] = torch.tensor([0., 0.], device=obs1.device)
        goal_direction = goal_direction[track_mask]
        goal_emb = self.goal_embedding(goal_direction)
        input_emb =[input_emb, goal_emb], dim=1)

    ## Mask & Pool per scene
    if self.pool is not None:
        hidden_states_to_pool = torch.stack(hidden_cell_state[0]).clone() # detach?
        batch_pool = []
        ## Iterate over scenes
        for (start, end) in zip(batch_split[:-1], batch_split[1:]):
            ## Mask for the scene
            scene_track_mask = track_mask[start:end]
            ## Get observations and hidden-state for the scene
            prev_position = obs1[start:end][scene_track_mask]
            curr_position = obs2[start:end][scene_track_mask]
            curr_hidden_state = hidden_states_to_pool[start:end][scene_track_mask]

            ## Provide track_mask to the interaction encoders
            ## Everyone absent by default. Only those visible in current scene are present
            interaction_track_mask = torch.zeros(num_tracks, device=obs1.device).bool()
            interaction_track_mask[start:end] = track_mask[start:end]
            self.pool.track_mask = interaction_track_mask

            pool_sample = self.pool(curr_hidden_state, prev_position, curr_position)

        pooled =
        if self.pool_to_input:
            input_emb =[input_emb, pooled], dim=1)
            hidden_cell_stacked[0] += pooled
        if self.time_step < self.T:
         t = self.time_step
         atol = 1e-8
        ## Note: Pytorch ORDER !!!
        # W_i|W_f|W_g|W_o
        # gate indices (assuming the gate ordering in the LSTM weights is i,g,f,o):
        d = self.hidden_dim
        idx  = np.hstack((np.arange(0,2*d), np.arange(3*d,4*d))).astype(int) # indices of gates i,f,o together
        idx_i, idx_g, idx_f, idx_o = np.arange(0,d), np.arange(2*d,3*d), np.arange(d,2*d), np.arange(3*d,4*d) # indices of gates i,g,f,o separately
        self.Wxh_Left = self.Wxh_Left_E if t < 8 else self.Wxh_Left_D
        self.Whh_Left = self.Whh_Left_E if t < 8 else self.Whh_Left_D
        self.bxh_Left = self.bxh_Left_E if t < 8 else self.bxh_Left_D
        self.bhh_Left = self.bhh_Left_E if t < 8 else self.bhh_Left_D

        ## Pooling
        self.track_mask[t] = track_mask
        rg_mk, ps = self.pool.occupancy_neigh_map(curr_position)
        self.range_mask[t] = rg_mk
        self.occupancy_mapping[t] = ps 
        if self.pool.type_ == 'directional':
            grid = self.pool.directional(prev_position, curr_position)
        elif self.pool.type_ == 'occupancy':
            grid = self.pool.occupancies(prev_position, curr_position)
        elif self.pool.type_ == 'social':
            grid =, prev_position, curr_position)

        grid = grid.view(len(curr_position), -1)
        self.pre_pool[t] = grid[0]
        # pool_manual = self.pool.embedding(grid)
        self.post_pool[t] = torch.matmul(self.W_pool, self.pre_pool[t]) + self.b_pool
        # assert torch.all(torch.isclose(batch_pool[0][0] , relu(self.post_pool[t]), atol=atol))
        if self.pool.embedding_arch != 'one_layer':
            self.pre_pool_2[t] = self.relu(self.post_pool[t])
            self.post_pool_2[t] = torch.matmul(self.W_pool_2, self.pre_pool_2[t]) + self.b_pool_2
            # assert torch.all(torch.isclose(batch_pool[0][0] , self.relu(self.post_pool_2[t]), atol=atol))

        self.x[t] = input_emb[0]
        self.gates_xh_Left[t]     = torch.matmul(self.Wxh_Left, self.x[t]) 
        self.gates_hh_Left[t]     = torch.matmul(self.Whh_Left, self.h_Left[t-1]) 
        self.gates_pre_Left[t]    = self.gates_xh_Left[t] + self.gates_hh_Left[t] + self.bxh_Left + self.bhh_Left
        self.gates_Left[t,idx]    = 1.0/(1.0 + torch.exp(-self.gates_pre_Left[t,idx]))
        self.gates_Left[t,idx_g]  = torch.tanh(self.gates_pre_Left[t,idx_g]) 
        self.c_Left[t]            = self.gates_Left[t,idx_f]*self.c_Left[t-1] + self.gates_Left[t,idx_i]*self.gates_Left[t,idx_g]
        self.h_Left[t]            = self.gates_Left[t,idx_o]*torch.tanh(self.c_Left[t])
        self.s[t]  = torch.matmul(self.Why_Left,  self.h_Left[t]) + self.bhy_Left # self.y_Left 
        self.time_step += 1

    # LSTM step
    hidden_cell_stacked = lstm(input_emb, hidden_cell_stacked)
    normal_masked = self.hidden2normal(hidden_cell_stacked[0])
    # assert torch.all(torch.isclose(hidden_cell_stacked[0][0] , self.h_Left[t], atol=atol))
    # assert torch.all(torch.isclose(hidden_cell_stacked[1][0] , self.c_Left[t], atol=atol))
    # assert torch.all(torch.isclose(normal_masked[0][:2] , self.s[:2], atol=atol))

    # unmask [Update hidden-states and next velocities of pedestrians]
    normal = torch.full((track_mask.size(0), 5), NAN, device=obs1.device)
    mask_index = [i for i, m in enumerate(track_mask) if m]
    for i, h, c, n in zip(mask_index,
        hidden_cell_state[0][i] = h
        hidden_cell_state[1][i] = c
        normal[i] = n

    return hidden_cell_state, normal

def lrp(self, timestep, LRP_class=0, eps=0.001, bias_factor=0.0, debug=False):
    """ Backward Relevance propagation """

    T = timestep + 1
    d = self.hidden_dim
    E = self.encoder.weight_ih.shape[1]
    if self.pool is not None:
    ## Input
     self.x              = torch.zeros((T, E), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device) 
    # initialize Relevances
     Rx       = torch.zeros_like(self.x)
     Rp       = torch.zeros((T, self.pool.out_dim), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)

     if self.pool.embedding_arch != 'one_layer':
      Rp_mid = torch.zeros((T, self.b_pool_units_2), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)

      Rv       = torch.zeros((T, self.embedding_dim), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)
      Rgrid    = torch.zeros((T, self.pool.n * self.pool.n * self.pool.pooling_dim), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)
      Rh_Left  = torch.zeros((T+1, d), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)
      Rc_Left  = torch.zeros((T+1, d), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device)
      Rg_Left  = torch.zeros((T, d), device=self.encoder.weight_ih.device) # gate g only

      Rout_mask            = torch.zeros((5))
      Rout_mask[LRP_class] = 1.0  

    # format reminder: lrp_linear(hin, w, b, hout, Rout, bias_nb_units, eps, bias_factor)
      Rh_Left[T-1]  = lrp_linear(self.h_Left[T-1],  self.Why_Left.T , self.bhy_Left, self.s[timestep], self.s[timestep]*Rout_mask, 128, eps, bias_factor, debug=debug)

      d = self.hidden_dim
      e = self.encoder.weight_ih.shape[1]
      idx  = np.hstack((np.arange(0,2*d), np.arange(3*d,4*d))).astype(int) # indices of gates i,f,o together
      idx_i, idx_g, idx_f, idx_o = np.arange(0,d), np.arange(2*d,3*d), np.arange(d,2*d), np.arange(3*d,4*d) # indices of gates i,g,f,o separately

    ## Backward Pass
      for t in reversed(range(T)):
        self.Wxh_Left = self.Wxh_Left_E if t < 8 else self.Wxh_Left_D
        self.Whh_Left = self.Whh_Left_E if t < 8 else self.Whh_Left_D
        self.bxh_Left = self.bxh_Left_E if t < 8 else self.bxh_Left_D
        self.bhh_Left = self.bhh_Left_E if t < 8 else self.bhh_Left_D

        Rc_Left[t]   += Rh_Left[t]
        Rc_Left[t-1]  = lrp_linear(self.gates_Left[t,idx_f]*self.c_Left[t-1],         torch.eye(d), torch.zeros((d)), self.c_Left[t], Rc_Left[t], 2*d, eps, bias_factor, debug=debug)
        Rg_Left[t]    = lrp_linear(self.gates_Left[t,idx_i]*self.gates_Left[t,idx_g], torch.eye(d), torch.zeros((d)), self.c_Left[t], Rc_Left[t], 2*d, eps, bias_factor, debug=debug)
        Rx[t]         = lrp_linear(self.x[t],        self.Wxh_Left[idx_g].T, self.bxh_Left[idx_g]+self.bhh_Left[idx_g], self.gates_pre_Left[t,idx_g], Rg_Left[t], d+e, eps, bias_factor, debug=debug)
        Rh_Left[t-1]  = lrp_linear(self.h_Left[t-1], self.Whh_Left[idx_g].T, self.bxh_Left[idx_g]+self.bhh_Left[idx_g], self.gates_pre_Left[t,idx_g], Rg_Left[t], d+e, eps, bias_factor, debug=debug)
        Rv[t]         = Rx[t, :self.embedding_dim]
        Rp[t]         = Rx[t, self.embedding_dim:]

        # format reminder: lrp_linear(hin, w, b, hout, Rout, bias_nb_units, eps, bias_factor)
        if self.pool.embedding_arch != 'one_layer':
            Rp_mid[t]  = lrp_linear(self.pre_pool_2[t], self.W_pool_2.T, self.b_pool_2, self.post_pool_2[t], Rp[t], self.b_pool_units_2, eps, bias_factor, debug=debug)
            Rgrid[t]  = lrp_linear(self.pre_pool[t],  self.W_pool.T, self.b_pool, self.post_pool[t], Rp_mid[t], self.b_pool_units, eps, bias_factor, debug=debug)
            Rgrid[t]  = lrp_linear(self.pre_pool[t],  self.W_pool.T, self.b_pool, self.post_pool[t], Rp[t], self.b_pool_units, eps, bias_factor, debug=debug)

     return Rx, Rh_Left[-1].sum()+Rc_Left[-1].sum(), Rgrid, Rv

def forward(self, observed, goals, batch_split, prediction_truth=None, n_predict=None):
    """Forecast the entire sequence 
    observed : Tensor [obs_length, num_tracks, 2]
        Observed sequences of x-y coordinates of the pedestrians
    goals : Tensor [num_tracks, 2]
        Goal coordinates of the pedestrians
    batch_split : Tensor [batch_size + 1]
        Tensor defining the split of the batch.
        Required to identify the tracks of to the same scene        
    prediction_truth : Tensor [pred_length - 1, num_tracks, 2]
        Prediction sequences of x-y coordinates of the pedestrians
        Helps in teacher forcing wrt neighbours positions during training
    n_predict: Int
        Length of sequence to be predicted during test time

    rel_pred_scene : Tensor [pred_length, num_tracks, 5]
        Predicted velocities of pedestrians as multivariate normal
        i.e. positions relative to previous positions
    pred_scene : Tensor [pred_length, num_tracks, 2]
        Predicted positions of pedestrians i.e. absolute positions

    assert ((prediction_truth is None) + (n_predict is None)) == 1
    if n_predict is not None:
        # -1 because one prediction is done by the encoder already
        prediction_truth = [None for _ in range(n_predict - 1)]

    # initialize: Because of tracks with different lengths and the masked
    # update, the hidden state for every LSTM needs to be a separate object
    # in the backprop graph. Therefore: list of hidden states instead of
    # a single higher rank Tensor.
    num_tracks = observed.size(1)
    hidden_cell_state = (
        [torch.zeros(self.hidden_dim, device=observed.device) for _ in range(num_tracks)],
        [torch.zeros(self.hidden_dim, device=observed.device) for _ in range(num_tracks)],

    ## Reset LSTMs of Interaction encoders
    if self.pool is not None:
     self.pool.reset(num_tracks, device=observed.device)

    # list of predictions
    normals = []  # predicted normal parameters for both phases
    positions = []  # true (during obs phase) and predicted positions

    if len(observed) == 2:
        positions = [observed[-1]]

    positions.append(observed[0])  # no sampling, just mean
    positions.append(observed[1])  # no sampling, just mean

    # encoder
    for obs1, obs2 in zip(observed[:-1], observed[1:]):
        ##LSTM Step
        hidden_cell_state, normal = self.step(self.encoder, hidden_cell_state, obs1, obs2, goals, batch_split)

        # concat predictions

        positions.append(obs2 + normal[:, :2])  # no sampling, just mean

    # initialize predictions with last position to form velocity
    prediction_truth = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
        (observed[-1:], prediction_truth)

    # decoder, predictions
    for obs1, obs2 in zip(prediction_truth[:-1], prediction_truth[1:]):
        if obs1 is None:
            obs1 = positions[-2].detach()  # DETACH!!!
            for primary_id in batch_split[:-1]:
                obs1[primary_id] = positions[-2][primary_id].detach()  # DETACH!!!
        if obs2 is None:
            obs2 = positions[-1].detach()
            for primary_id in batch_split[:-1]:
                obs2[primary_id] = positions[-1][primary_id].detach()  # DETACH!!!
        hidden_cell_state, normal = self.step(self.decoder, hidden_cell_state, obs1, obs2, goals, batch_split)

        # concat predictions
        positions.append(obs2 + normal[:, :2])  # no sampling, just mean

    vel_weights, neigh_weights = self.calculate_lrp_scores_all()

    # Pred_scene: Tensor [seq_length, num_tracks, 2]
    #    Absolute positions of all pedestrians
    # Rel_pred_scene: Tensor [seq_length, num_tracks, 5]
    #    Velocities of all pedestrians
    rel_pred_scene = torch.stack(normals, dim=0)
    pred_scene = torch.stack(positions, dim=0)

    return rel_pred_scene, pred_scene, vel_weights, neigh_weights

def calculate_lrp_scores_all(self):
    overall_vel_weights = []
    overall_neigh_weights = []

    for t in range(7, TIME_STEPS):
        ## x and y coordinates
        Rx_x, Rh_x, Rp_x, Rv_x = self.lrp(t, LRP_class=0, bias_factor=0.0, debug=False, eps=0.001)
        Rx_y, Rh_y, Rp_y, Rv_y = self.lrp(t, LRP_class=1, bias_factor=0.0, debug=False, eps=0.001)
        # R_tot = Rx_x.sum() + Rh_x.sum()      # sum of all "input" relevances
        # print("Sanity check passed? ", R_tot, self.s[timestep][0])

        ## Get relevance scores of inputs
        vel_weights, neigh_weights = self.get_scores(Rp_y + Rp_x, Rv_x + Rv_y, t)

    return overall_vel_weights, overall_neigh_weights

def get_scores(self, Rp, Rv, timestep):

    ## Past velocity Weights
    vel_weights = [0.0]
    for t, vel_embed in enumerate(Rv):
    vel_weights = np.array(vel_weights)
    vel_weights = (vel_weights - np.min(vel_weights)) / (np.max(vel_weights) - np.min(vel_weights)) + 0.3

    ## Neighbour Weights
    Rp_last_step = Rp[-1].reshape(-1, self.pool.n, self.pool.n)
    neigh_weights = []
    occupancy_map = self.occupancy_mapping[timestep][0]
    range_mask = self.range_mask[timestep][0]
    track_mask = self.track_mask[timestep]
    range_mask_iter = 0
    ## Mapping between neighbours and their respective grid positions
    for id_, visible in enumerate(track_mask[1:]):
        if not visible:
        if not range_mask[range_mask_iter]:
            assert visible and range_mask[range_mask_iter]
            x_pos = occupancy_map[range_mask_iter, 0]
            y_pos = occupancy_map[range_mask_iter, 1]
            neigh_value = Rp_last_step[:, x_pos, y_pos]
        range_mask_iter += 1
    neigh_weights = np.abs(np.array(neigh_weights))
    neigh_weights = (neigh_weights) / (np.sum(neigh_weights) + 0.00001)

    return vel_weights, neigh_weights

class LSTMPredictor(object):
def init(self, model):
self.model = model

def save(self, state, filename):
    with open(filename, 'wb') as f:, f)

    # # during development, good for compatibility across API changes:
    # # Save state for optimizer to continue training in future
    with open(filename + '.state', 'wb') as f:, f)

def load(filename):
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        return torch.load(f)

def __call__(self, paths, scene_goal, n_predict=12, modes=1, predict_all=True, obs_length=9, start_length=0, scene_id=0, args=None):
    # self.model.train()
    with torch.no_grad():
        xy = trajnetplusplustools.Reader.paths_to_xy(paths)
        batch_split = [0, xy.shape[1]]

        if args.normalize_scene:
            xy, rotation, center, scene_goal = center_scene(xy, obs_length, goals=scene_goal)
        xy = torch.Tensor(xy)
        scene_goal = torch.Tensor(scene_goal)
        batch_split = torch.Tensor(batch_split).long()

        multimodal_outputs = {}
        for num_p in range(modes):
            # _, output_scenes = self.model(xy[start_length:obs_length], scene_goal, batch_split, xy[obs_length:-1].clone())
            _, output_scenes, vel_weights, neigh_weights = self.model(xy[start_length:obs_length], scene_goal, batch_split, n_predict=n_predict)
            output_scenes = output_scenes.numpy()

            # visualize_lrp(output_scenes, vel_weights, neigh_weights, TIME_STEPS)
            print("Scene ID: ", scene_id)
            animate_lrp(output_scenes, vel_weights, neigh_weights, TIME_STEPS, scene_id, self.model.pool.type_)
            if args.normalize_scene:
                output_scenes = augmentation.inverse_scene(output_scenes, rotation, center)
            output_primary = output_scenes[-n_predict:, 0]
            output_neighs = output_scenes[-n_predict:, 1:]
            ## Dictionary of predictions. Each key corresponds to one mode
            multimodal_outputs[num_p] = [output_primary, output_neighs]

    ## Return Dictionary of predictions. Each key corresponds to one mode
    return multimodal_outputs

from trajnetplusplusbaselines.

theDebugger811 avatar theDebugger811 commented on June 3, 2024

It appears you are training on the LRP branch and not the Master branch. The training is done on the Master branch.
If you do not wish to train, could you let me know what exactly are you trying to do?


from trajnetplusplusbaselines.

zyb19960609 avatar zyb19960609 commented on June 3, 2024

from trajnetplusplusbaselines.

theDebugger811 avatar theDebugger811 commented on June 3, 2024

You are currently running your code on LRP branch. Please shift to the Master branch to train and evaluate your models.


from trajnetplusplusbaselines.

zyb19960609 avatar zyb19960609 commented on June 3, 2024

from trajnetplusplusbaselines.

theDebugger811 avatar theDebugger811 commented on June 3, 2024

I do not understand what is your objective.

  1. Training models: If you wish to only train and evaluate models on TrajNet++, please 'shift' to the master branch.
  2. Interpreting models using LRP: If you wish to interpret the trained models using LRP, please open a new issue for the same. The current one is for training models.

Closing this issue.


from trajnetplusplusbaselines.

zyb19960609 avatar zyb19960609 commented on June 3, 2024

from trajnetplusplusbaselines.

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