This template demonstrates how to easily integrate HelloImGui to your own project.
You can use it as a starting point for your own project.
Template repository:
There are 3 ways to get HelloImGui with CMake. They are documented inside the CMakeLists.txt file. By default, option 2 below is used: HelloImGui is downloaded and built automatically at configure time.
If you added hello_imgui as a subfolder, you can add it to your project with:
The CMakeLists.txt file will download and build hello_imgui at configure time, and make the "hello_imgui_add_app" cmake function available, if hello-imgui is not found;
By default, you do not need to add HelloImGui as a dependency to your project, it will be downloaded and built automatically during CMake configure time.
If you wish to use a local copy of HelloImGui, edit CMakeLists.txt and uncomment the add_subdirectory
Note: hello_imgui_add_app
will automatically link your app to hello_imgui, embed the assets folder (for desktop, mobile, and emscripten apps), and the application icon.
You can install hello_imgui via vcpkg with:
vcpkg install "hello-imgui[opengl3-binding,glfw-binding]"
Then you can use it inside CMake with:
find_package(hello-imgui CONFIG REQUIRED)
hello_imgui_add_app(hello_world hello_world.main.cpp)
(note: the vcpkg package is named "hello-imgui" with a dash, not "hello_imgui")
Anything in the assets/ folder located beside the app's CMakeLists will be bundled together with the app (for macOS, iOS, Android, Emscripten). The files in assets/app_settings/ will be used to generate the app icon, and the app settings.
├── world.jpg # A custom asset. Any file or folder here will be deployed
│ # with the app.
├── fonts/
│ ├── DroidSans.ttf # Default fonts used by HelloImGui
│ └── fontawesome-webfont.ttf # (if not found, the default ImGui font will be used)
├── app_settings/ # Application settings
│ ├── icon.png # This will be the app icon, it should be square
│ │ # and at least 256x256. It will be converted
│ │ # to the right format, for each platform (except Android)
│ ├── apple/
│ │ │── Info.plist # macOS and iOS app settings
│ │ │ # (or Info.ios.plist + Info.macos.plist)
│ │ └── Resources/
│ │ └── ios/ # iOS specific settings: storyboard
│ │ └── LaunchScreen.storyboard
│ │
│ ├── android/ # Android app settings: any file placed here will be deployed
│ │ │── AndroidManifest.xml # (Optional manifest, HelloImGui will generate one if missing)
│ │ └── res/
│ │ └── mipmap-xxxhdpi/ # Optional icons for different resolutions
│ │ └── ... # Use Android Studio to generate them:
│ │ # right click on res/ => New > Image Asset
│ └── emscripten/
│ ├── shell.emscripten.html # Emscripten shell file
│ │ # (this file will be cmake "configured"
│ │ # to add the name and favicon)
│ └── custom.js # Any custom file here will be deployed
│ # in the emscripten build folder
Note: This step is optional, since the CMakeLists.txt file will by default download and build hello_imgui at configure time.
In this example, we clone hello_imgui inside external/hello_imgui
Note: external/
is mentioned in .gitignore
mkdir -p external && cd external
git clone
cd ..
Add this line at the top of your CMakeLists.txt
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j 4
Follow step 1 from the Linux/macOS section above.
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
It should be located in build/helloworld_with_helloimgui.sln
You will need to clone hello_imgui. In this example, we clone hello_imgui inside hello_imgui_template/external/hello_imgui
mkdir -p external && cd external
git clone
cd ..
is mentioned in .gitignore- the main CMakeList will detect the presence of hello_imgui in
, and will use it instead of downloading it.
# Set the ANDROID_HOME and ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variables
# For example:
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/YourName/Library/Android/sdk
export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/Users/YourName/Library/Android/sdk/ndk/26.1.10909125
mkdir build_android && cd build_android
../external/hello_imgui/tools/android/ ../
It should be located in build_android/hello_world_AndroidStudio.
mkdir -p external && cd external
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd ..
mkdir build_ios && cd build_ios
Run CMake with the following command, where you replace XXXXXXXXX with your Apple Developer Team ID, and com.your_website with your website (e.g. com.mycompany).
cmake .. \
-GXcode \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../external/hello_imgui/hello_imgui_cmake/ios-cmake/ios.toolchain.cmake \
Then, open the XCode project in build_ios/helloworld_with_helloimgui.xcodeproj
You can either install emsdk following the instruction on the emscripten website or you can use the script hello_imgui/tools/emscripten/
# Add emscripten tools to your path
source ~/emsdk/
# cmake and build
mkdir build_emscripten
cd build_emscripten
emcmake cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release # or Debug (Release builds lead to smaller files)
make -j 4
# launch a webserver
python3 -m http.server
Open a browser, and navigate to http://localhost:8000.
hello_imgui_template's People
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