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powerofpaint's Introduction

Power of Paint

A Minecraft mod that adds paints (similar to Portal 2 gels or paint from TAG) with special properties! So far it only adds repulsion and propulsion paint, but more are planned for the future.


The latest releases will usually be available on Curse for download.

powerofpaint's People


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powerofpaint's Issues

Projectiles are not saved when exiting and reloading a save

If a projectile is in mid-air, and the game is quit and reloaded, that projectile will no longer be there. While this is not of major consequence of its own, I think this reveals an underlying problem in the way Paint Bombs and Water Bombs are coded.

Projectiles should have particles

When a Paint Bomb or Water Bomb lands, it should break into particles. Also, when the paint tiles are placed, they should create particles as well.

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