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t-rex's Introduction

T-Rex NVIDIA GPU miner (Ethash / Etchash / Autolykos2 / Kawpow / Blake3 / Octopus / Firopow)


T-Rex is a versatile cryptocurrency mining software. It supports a variety of algorithms and we, as developers, are trying to do our best to make it as fast and as convenient to use as possible.

Developer fee is 1% (2% for Octopus, Autolykos2, and their dual mining modes).




Full list of command line options:

    -a, --algo                     Specify the hash algorithm to use.
        --coin                     Set coin name.
                                   Helps avoid DAG rebuilds when switching back from a dev fee session.
                                   Example: "etc" for Ethereum Classic, "etc+zil" for Ethereum Classic + Zilliqa mining.
        --extra-dag-epoch          Allocate extra DAG at GPU for specified epoch. Can be useful for dual mining
                                   of coins like Zilliqa (ZIL). (eg: --extra-dag-epoch 0)
                                   Can be set for each GPU separately by using comma separated list of values
                                   (set to -1 for the GPUs that should not allocate the extra DAG).
        --nonce-start              [Ethash, ProgPOW] Starting nonce for the solution search.
        --nonce-range-size         [Ethash, ProgPOW] Nonce range size for nonce search. The range will be split between all devices.
    -d, --devices                  Comma separated list of CUDA devices to use.
                                   Device IDs start counting from 0.
        --ab-indexing              Afterburner indexing (same as default but starts from 1).
        --devices-info             Print list of available CUDA compatible devices in the system.
    -i, --intensity                GPU intensity 8-25 (default: auto).
                                   Controls the GPU workload size, in other words how many nonces the miner is
                                   processing "in one go": N = 2 ^ intensity
        --low-load                 Low load mode (default: 0). 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled.
                                   Reduces the load on the GPUs if possible. Can be set to a comma separated string to enable
                                   the mode for a subset of the GPU list (eg: --low-load 0,0,1,0)
        --dual-algo                Second algorithm to use in dual mining mode.
        --dual-algo-mode           Controls GPU behaviour in dual mining mode (default: a12).
                                   Format: <algo>:<tuning coefficient>
                                   "<algo>" can be one of: "a1" (first algorithm), "a2" (second algorithm), "a12" (both - dual mining)
                                   "<tuning coefficient>" is optional, and can be either
                                         "rXX" ("dual ratio" coefficient set to XX), or
                                         "rXX:lrYY" ("dual ratio" coefficient set to XX, "LHR dual ratio" coefficient set to YY), or
                                         "hXX" (primary algo hashrate percentage XX).
                                   See dual mining guide for more details.
        --profit-per-mh            Estimated profitability of the algorithms in dual mining mode per 1MH of hashrate.
                                   Used for fine-tuning algo1/algo2 proportion, the miner will try to maximise the earnings.
                                   Format: <profit_algo1>:<profit_algo2>.
                                   Example: --profit-per-mh 0.0516:0.0012
        --lhr-tune                 [Ethash, Autolykos2] LHR tuning value that indicates the percentage of the full speed the miner
                                   tries to achieve for LHR cards (default: -1). Range from 10 to 95.
                                   -1 - auto
                                    0 - disabled (use for non-LHR cards)
                                   74 - recommended starting value for most LHR cards in low power mode (see --lhr-low-power)
                                   78 - recommended starting value for most LHR cards
                                   Can be set for each GPU separately, e.g.
                                   "lhr-tune": "0,0,77.5,0" - this will set LHR tuning value to 77.5 for the third GPU.
        --lhr-autotune-mode        [Ethash, Autolykos2] LHR auto-tune mode (default: down). Valid values:
                                   off  - auto-tune is disabled. LHR tune value is fixed during mining, and will not change
                                          no matter how often LHR lock is detected
                                   down - LHR tune value will decrease if the miner detects LHR lock
                                   full - same as "down" but additionally miner will be trying to increase LHR tune
                                          value if it's stable on the current LHR tune level
        --lhr-autotune-step-size   LHR auto-tune step size (default: 0.1).
                                   Indicates by how much LHR tune value is changed by the LHR auto-tuner.
        --lhr-autotune-interval    LHR auto-tune time interval in minutes (default: 5:120).
                                   Format: <interval_up>:<interval_down>.
                                   "<interval_up>" is the period of time in minutes the GPU must be mining without
                                   hitting LHR locks before the miner attempts to increase the LHR tune value.
                                   If the GPU has tripped LHR, LHR tune value will not decrease if the previous LHR lock
                                   was detected more than "<interval_down>" minutes ago.
        --lhr-low-power            [Ethash] Reduces power consumption in LHR mode at a cost of a slightly lower hashrate (default: 0).
                                   1 - enabled, 0 - disabled. Can be set to a comma separated string to enable
                                   the mode for a subset of the GPUs (eg: --lhr-low-power 0,0,1,0)
        --kernel                   [Ethash] Choose CUDA kernel (default: 0). Range from 0 to 5.
                                   Set to 0 to enable auto-tuning: the miner will benchmark each kernel and select the fastest.
                                   Can be set to a comma separated list to apply different values to different cards.
                                   (eg: --kernel 2,1,1,3)
                                   The support for this parameter may later be extended to cover other algorithms.
        --gpu-init-mode            Enables DAG sequential initialization (default: 0).
                                   0 - all GPUs are initialized in parallel
                                   1 - fully sequential initialization, one GPU at a time
                                   2 - two GPUs at a time
        --dag-build-mode           [Ethash, ProgPOW, Octopus] Controls how DAG is built (default: 0).
                                   0 - auto (miner will choose the most appropriate mode based on the GPU model)
                                   1 - default (suitable for most graphics cards)
                                   2 - recommended for 30xx cards to prevent invalid shares
                                   Can be set to a comma separated list to apply different values to different cards.
                                   (eg: --dag-build-mode 1,1,2,1)
        --dataset-mode             [Autolykos2] Dataset mode. (default: 2). Valid values:
                                   0 - auto (defaults to 2)
                                   1 - single (each ERGO block the GPU stops hashing until it generates the dataset)
                                   2 - double (the miner generates the dataset for the next ERGO block before it arrives
                                       with a small penalty to reported hashrate, and when the next block does arrive, it
                                       immediately starts hashing without losing 1-4 seconds on creating the dataset).
                                       Memory requirements are doubled in this mode as the GPU has to hold two memory buffers.
                                       If there is not enough memory on the GPU for two datasets, the miner will fall back
                                       to single buffer mode.
        --keep-gpu-busy            Continue mining even in case of pool connection loss.
                                   Useful when a GPU crashes during start/stop cycle that occurs when internet
                                   connection goes down.
    -o, --url                      URL of the mining pool in the following format: <scheme>://<host>:<port>
                                   Supported schemes: stratum+tcp
                                   stratum2 is normally used by Nicehash, MiningPoolHub and other similar mining pools
                                   Example: stratum+tcp://
        --url2                     URL of a second mining pool used for second algo in dual mining mode.
    -u, --user                     Username for mining server.
        --user2                    Username for mining server used for second algo in dual mining mode.
    -p, --pass                     Password for mining server.
        --pass2                    Password for mining server used for second algo in dual mining mode.
    -w, --worker                   Worker name.
        --worker2                  Worker name for mining server used for second algo in dual mining mode.
        --proxy                    IP:port for connection via SOCKS5 proxy server.
                                   Domain names are resolved through the proxy too.
        --dns-https-server         IP:port for DNS server working via DNS-over-HTTPS.

    -r, --retries                  Number of times to retry if a network call fails.
    -R, --retry-pause              Pause in seconds between retries.
    -T, --timeout                  Network timeout, in seconds (default: 300)
        --time-limit               Miner shutdown interval in seconds. (default: 0 - disabled)

        --temperature-color        Set core temperature color for GPUs stat. Example: 55,65 - it means that
                                   temperatures above 55 will have yellow color, above 65 - red color. (default: 67,77)
        --temperature-color-mem    Set memory temperature color for GPUs stat. (default: 80,100)
        --temperature-limit        GPU shutdown core temperature. (default: 0 - disabled)
        --temperature-start        GPU core temperature to enable card after disable. (default: 0 - disabled)

        --api-bind-http            IP:port for the miner API via HTTP (default: Set to 0 to disable.
                                   For external access set IP to, in which case setting "--api-read-only" is
                                   recommended as well.
        --api-https                Enable https protocol for API calls.
        --api-key                  Pre-generated authorization key for API calls. Use "--api-generate-key" to generate it.
                                   Mandatory for allowing modify/update API calls.
        --api-read-only            Allow only read operations for API calls.
                                   Enabled by default if "--api-key" isn't set.
        --api-generate-key         Generate API key from user-defined password. The output key is used as a value for "--api-key".
                                   Use this option along with "-c" to write api-key directly into your config file.
        --api-webserver-cert       Full path to API web server certificate file.
        --api-webserver-pkey       Full path to API web server private key file.

    -N, --hashrate-avr             Sliding window length in seconds used to compute average hashrate (default: 60, max: 86400).
        --sharerate-avr            Sliding window length in seconds used to compute sharerate (default: 600).
        --gpu-report-interval      GPU stats report frequency. Minimum is 5 sec. (default: 30 sec)
        --gpu-report-interval-s    GPU stats report frequency in shares. 0 by default (disabled).
    -q, --quiet                    Quiet mode. No GPU stats at all.
        --hide-date                Don't show date in console.
        --send-stales              Don't drop stale shares.
        --validate-shares          Validate shares before sending to a pool. Also enables share diff info.

        --no-color                 Disable color output for console.
        --no-hashrate-report       Disable hashrate report to pool.
        --no-new-block-info        Don't print new block info in console.
        --no-nvml                  Disable NVML GPU stats.
        --no-strict-ssl            Disable certificate validation for SSL connections.
        --no-sni                   Disable setting SNI header for SSL connections.
        --no-watchdog              Disable built-in watchdog.
        --watchdog-exit-mode       Specifies the action "A" the watchdog should take if the miner gets restarted "N" times
                                   within "M" minutes.
                                   Format: N:M:A. Valid values:
                                                  N: any positive integer,
                                                  M: any positive integer,
                                                  A: r(system reboot), s(system shutdown), e(miner exit)
                                   Actions "r" and "s" require running the miner with administrative privileges.
                                   20:10:s - watchdog will shutdown the system if the miner gets restarted 20 times
                                             within any 10 minute interval
                                   5:7:r   - watchdog will reboot the system if the miner gets restarted 5 times
                                             within any 7 minute interval

    -B, --benchmark                Benchmark mode.
        --benchmark-epoch          Epoch number used during benchmark (default: 0).
                                   Only applicable to DAG based algorithms except ProgPOW family.
        --benchmark-block          Block number used during benchmark (default: 0).
                                   Only applicable for ProgPOW family of algorithms.

    -P, --protocol-dump            User protocol logging.
    -c, --config                   Load a JSON-format configuration file.
    -l, --log-path                 Full path of the log file.
        --cpu-priority             Set process priority (default: 2) 0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest.

        --autoupdate               Perform auto update whenever a newer version of the miner is available.
        --back-to-main-pool-sec    Forces miner to switch back to main pool in case working with failover pool.
                                   Parameter is set in seconds. (default: 600)
        --exit-on-cuda-error       Forces miner to immediately exit on CUDA error.
        --exit-on-connection-lost  Forces miner to immediately exit on connection lost.
        --exit-on-high-power       Forces miner to immediately exit on high power consumption.
                                   (eg: --exit-on-high-power 600 - exit in case of total power consumption exceeds 600W)
        --reconnect-on-fail-shares Forces miner to immediately reconnect to pool on N successively failed shares (default: 10).

        --fork-at                  Forces miner to change algorithm on predefined condition (works only with built-in watchdog enabled)
                                   Epoch condition: <algo_name>=epoch:<epoch_number> (eg: --fork-at etchash=epoch:390).
                                   Block condition: <algo_name>=block:<block_number> (eg: --fork-at x16rv2=block:6526421).
                                   Time condition:  <algo_name>=time:<YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS>. Time must be set in UTC+0.
                                   (eg: --fork-at firopow=time:2021-10-26T06:00:00).
                                   To change main pool port you must write it right after algo: <algo_name>:<port_number>
                                   (eg: --fork-at x16rv2:4081=time:2019-10-01T16:00:00).

    --------------------- Arbitrary script execution ------------------------
    -- (scripts must be located in the same directory as t-rex executable) --

        --script-start             Executes user script right after miner start (eg: --script-start script_filename)
        --script-exit              Executes user script right before miner exit.
        --script-epoch-change      Executes user script on epoch change.
        --script-crash             Executes user script in case of miner crash.
        --script-low-hash          Executes user script in case of low hash. Hash threshold is set in MegaHashes/second.
                                   Example: --script-low-hash script_to_activate:50
                                            (activates "script_to_activate" script once total hashrate drops to 50MH/s)

    -------------------- GPU fine tuning (Windows & Linux) ------------------

        --pl                       Sets GPU power limit (Windows - in percent, Linux - in Watts)
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
        --lock-cclock              Specifies desired locked GPU core clock speed in MHz. (default: 0 - disabled).
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
                                   Example: --lock-cclock 1000 (applies clock 1000Mhz to all cards that support this functionality)
                                            --lock-cclock 1000,1300,0 (applies clock 1000Mhz to GPU #0, 1300MHz to GPU #1, ignore GPU #2)

        --mt                       Memory tweak mode (default: 0 - disabled). Range from 0 to 6. General recommendation
                                   is to start with 1, and then increase only if the GPU is stable.
                                   The effect is similar to that of ETHlargementPill.
                                   Supported on Pascal GPUs with GDDR5 or GDDR5X memory only.
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
                                   Can be set to a comma separated list to apply different values to different cards.
                                   Example: --mt 4 (applies tweak mode #4 to all cards that support this functionality)
                                            --mt 3,3,3,0 (applies tweak mode #3 to all cards except the last one)

    -------------------- GPU fine tuning (Windows only) ---------------------

                                   All options can be set to a comma separated list to apply different values to
                                   different cards. (default value for all options: 0 - not used)
        --fan                      Sets GPU fan speed in percent or target temperature (auto-fan).
                                   Valid formats:
                                      --fan N           (where N is the fan speed)
                                      --fan t:N         (where N is the target core temperature)
                                      --fan t:N[F1-F2]  (same as above, but with the fan speed constrained by [F1%, F2%] range)
                                      --fan tm:N        (where N is the target memory temperature)
                                      --fan tm:N[F1-F2] (same as above, but with the fan speed constrained by [F1%, F2%] range)
                                   Example: --fan 45,t:67,tm:95,t:69[45-100],tm:90[50-95]
                                   which translates to
                                      GPU #0: set fan speed to 45%
                                      GPU #1: maintain GPU core temperature at 67C
                                      GPU #2: maintain GPU memory temperature at 95C
                                      GPU #3: maintain GPU core temperature at 69C
                                              with the fan speed limited to [45%, 100%] range
                                      GPU #4: maintain GPU memory temperature at 90C
                                              with the fan speed limited to [50%, 95%] range
                                   Note: fan speeds are limited to [0%, 100%] range in auto-fan mode by default.
        --cclock                   Sets GPU core clock offset in MHz.
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
                                   Will be set to 0 on exit and during DAG rebuild.
        --mclock                   Sets GPU memory clock offset in MHz.
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
                                   Will be set to 0 on exit and during DAG rebuild.
        --cv                       Sets GPU core voltage in percent. Must be within [0, 100] range.
                                   Use it only in case you know what you are doing!
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
        --lock-cv                  Specifies desired GPU core voltage in mV. (default: 0 - disabled).
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
        --pstate                   Sets GPU P-state. Valid values: p0.
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.


        --version                  Display version information and exit.
    -h, --help                     Display this help text and exit.


t-rex -a ethash --dual-algo blake3 -o stratum+tcp:// -u 0x4121c43205D4244cb6395B2318d711a73fc1a6DE -p x -w rig0 --url2 stratum+tcp:// --user2 1qUuxVuXN2Pk4nnYTbL4qihjLWyRkVMQVYQDAajCcuPq --pass2 x
t-rex -a etchash --dual-algo blake3 -o stratum+tcp:// -u 0x0924EF9ecBcC1287047cAFd2EAD3A133313eE6A2 -p x -w rig0 --url2 stratum+tcp:// --user2 1qUuxVuXN2Pk4nnYTbL4qihjLWyRkVMQVYQDAajCcuPq --pass2 x
  • ERGO-nanopool
t-rex -a autolykos2 -o stratum+tcp:// -u 9gpNWA3LVic14cMmWHmKGZyiGqrxPaSEvGsdyt7jt2DDAWDQyc9.rig0/[email protected] -p x
  • ERGO-herominers
t-rex -a autolykos2 -o stratum+tcp:// -u 9gpNWA3LVic14cMmWHmKGZyiGqrxPaSEvGsdyt7jt2DDAWDQyc9.rig0 -p x
  • ERGO-woolypooly
t-rex -a autolykos2 -o stratum+tcp:// -u 9gpNWA3LVic14cMmWHmKGZyiGqrxPaSEvGsdyt7jt2DDAWDQyc9.rig0 -p x
  • ERGO-2miners
t-rex -a autolykos2 -o stratum+tcp:// -u 9gpNWA3LVic14cMmWHmKGZyiGqrxPaSEvGsdyt7jt2DDAWDQyc9.rig0 -p x
  • ETHW+ZIL-ezil
t-rex -a ethash --coin eth+zil -o stratum+tcp:// -u 0x4121c43205D4244cb6395B2318d711a73fc1a6DE --url2 stratum+tcp:// --user2 0x4121c43205D4244cb6395B2318d711a73fc1a6DE.zil1yn92lnkkfsn0s2hlvfdmz6y2yhpqm98vng38s9.WORKER --extra-dag-epoch 0
  • ETC+ZIL-ezil
t-rex -a etchash --coin etc+zil -o stratum+tcp:// -u 0x0924EF9ecBcC1287047cAFd2EAD3A133313eE6A2 --url2 stratum+tcp:// --user2 0x0924EF9ecBcC1287047cAFd2EAD3A133313eE6A2.zil1yn92lnkkfsn0s2hlvfdmz6y2yhpqm98vng38s9.WORKER --extra-dag-epoch 0
  • ETC-2miners
t-rex -a etchash -o stratum+tcp:// -u 0x0924EF9ecBcC1287047cAFd2EAD3A133313eE6A2 -p x -w rig0
  • ETC-woolypooly
t-rex -a etchash -o stratum+tcp:// -u 0x0924EF9ecBcC1287047cAFd2EAD3A133313eE6A2 -p x -w rig0
  • ETC-ISP-hidden-mode
t-rex -a etchash -o stratum+tcp:// -u 0x0924EF9ecBcC1287047cAFd2EAD3A133313eE6A2 -p x -w rig0 --no-sni --dns-https-server
  • ETHW-ethproxy
t-rex -a ethash -o stratum+
  • CFX-woolypooly
t-rex -a octopus -o stratum+tcp:// -u cfx:aajauymfc0cpd4aj91wmfyd150avfg3fmym9j2xrh8.rig0 -p x
  • CFX-nanopool
t-rex -a octopus -o stratum+tcp:// -u cfx:aajauymfc0cpd4aj91wmfyd150avfg3fmym9j2xrh8.rig0/[email protected] -p x
  • ALPH-woolypooly
t-rex -a blake3 -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1qUuxVuXN2Pk4nnYTbL4qihjLWyRkVMQVYQDAajCcuPq -p x -w rig0
  • ALPH-herominers
t-rex -a blake3 -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1qUuxVuXN2Pk4nnYTbL4qihjLWyRkVMQVYQDAajCcuPq -p x -w rig0
  • RVN-2miners
t-rex -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u RNm4LMBGyfH8ddCGvncQKrMtxEydxwhUJL.rig -p x
  • RVN-ravenminer
t-rex -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u RNm4LMBGyfH8ddCGvncQKrMtxEydxwhUJL.rig -p x
  • RVN-woolypooly
t-rex -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u RNm4LMBGyfH8ddCGvncQKrMtxEydxwhUJL.rig -p x
  • SERO-serocash
t-rex -a progpow --coin sero -o stratum+tcp:// -u JCbZnEb8XtWV814QWRpDcDxpQpXZXw4ARneAtwXNYdd3reuo4xQDcuZivopA761QnQyfMermHR9Mpi156F5n7ez9tv75Wt7vWbHXtuyZsQVWLbKNHnZgwcXbR2yZmbw89WT -p x -w rig0
  • VBK-reb0rn
t-rex -a progpow-veriblock -o stratum+tcp:// -u V5h6udgGe6eL4M9cYGi776WCP75URm -p x -w rig0
  • VEIL-woolypooly
t-rex -a progpow-veil -o stratum+tcp:// -u bv1qzftz0vuqa82zy29avylv8sclskweqsrwysgrkg -p x -w rig0
  • ZANO-luckypool
t-rex -a progpowz -o stratum+tcp:// -u iZ2bZfXdeN626rkyy9YsnfeT1Qq1K6XamE4brWm3tzP5hDUAig4dHmKSqe4yyq5dgbSPjmpLbfidqPyDXAuFY2J9544F95vagSF1Xqq3eCUp -p x -w rig0
  • FIRO-2miners
t-rex -a firopow -o stratum+tcp:// -u aBR3GY8eBKvEwjrVgNgSWZsteJPpFDqm6U.rig0 -p x
  • FIRO-mintpond
t-rex -a firopow -o stratum+ssl:// -u aBR3GY8eBKvEwjrVgNgSWZsteJPpFDqm6U.rig0 -p x
  • FIRO-woolypooly
t-rex -a firopow -o stratum+tcp:// -u aBR3GY8eBKvEwjrVgNgSWZsteJPpFDqm6U.rig0 -p x

JSON config file

To start T-Rex with config file config.txt type in the console: t-rex -c config.txt. Use config_example file as a starting point to create your own config.
If a parameter is set in the config file and also via cmd line, the latter takes precedence, for example: t-rex -c config.txt -w <worker_name_to_override_the_one_in_config_file>
You can also use environment variables: simply put %YOUR_ENV_VAR% anywhere in your config file and it will get automatically substituted with the value of YOUR_ENV_VAR variable at run-time.


Watchdog is intended to observe miner state and restart T-Rex if it crashes or hangs for any reason. Also, watchdog can optionally perform auto updates if a newer version is available. We recommend using the watchdog to avoid any downtime in mining and make sure your GPUs are busy 24/7. If you do need to disable the watchdog, you can do so using --no-watchdog parameter.



Antivirus alerts

In order to protect the miner from reverse engineering attacks, the binaries are packed using a third-party software which mangles the original machine code. As a result, some antivirus engines may detect certain signatures within the executable that are similar to those that real viruses protected by the same packer have. In any case, it is advisable not to use cryptocurrency miners on the computers where you store your sensitive data (wallets, passwords etc.).

Useful links

Mining calculator:


In order to maximise the hashrate our software utilises all available GPU resources, so it is important that you review your overclock settings before you start mining. Our general recommendation is to start from GPU stock settings (no overclock, default power limit), and then after making sure it is stable, slowly increase your overclock to find the "sweet spot" where the miner performs at its best and still does not crash.


Discord server:

Bitcoin Talk Forum:

Official website:

t-rex's People


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t-rex's Issues

Benchmark mode closes program


If I enable benchmark mode, the program will close itself.
The command I am using is: .\t-rex.exe --algo x16r --devices 3 --benchmark --time-limit 60

While mining is working without any issues.
Could you please look into it?

Thank you and have a great day!

Can you help me with a version?

No need for telnet, web.
No calculations other than bcd are required.
No version information is required.

I hope he is an extremely streamlined version.
Thank you。

After comparison, trexminer is the best


/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `CURL_OPENSSL_3' not found.
You're using an obsolete version of OPENSSL_3. If your program is repaired with sudo apt-get install libcurl3 then it breaks BOINC 7.9.3. BOINC is more important so I'm done deploying your program to my fleet until it's updated. TIA

0.14.x very poor behavior on systems with many GPUs

Continuing from here #41 (same hardware and software specs)

After more tests on other algos as well, all 0.14.x versions are behaving really badly on my nodes that have many GPUs (like 13 GPUs) ... the nvidia driver is humped and the miner ends up hogging a single cpu core at 100% while the other cpu cores are idle. It seems it overloads the kernel with driver requests.

Trying to execute nvidia-smi just hangs.

0.12 does not have these issues. Executing nvidia-smi works fine and is quick, and I can see the miner uses all cpu cores at about 30-50% utilization.

This happens on algos such as x21s as well.

Trouble starting up on P100 GPU not sure what I am missing...

Won't seem to start up on an Ubuntu 16.04 system with P100, getting this error:

20190403 05:36:43 ERROR: Can't find share with device [ID=1, GPU #1], cuda exception in [skein_init, 448], invalid device symbol
20190403 05:36:43 ERROR: Can't find share with device [ID=0, GPU #0], cuda exception in [skein_init, 448], invalid device symbol
20190403 05:36:43 WARN: Messy shutdown...

Everything looks good otherwise AFAIK:

# nvidia-smi
Wed Apr  3 05:36:25 2019       
| NVIDIA-SMI 410.104      Driver Version: 410.104      CUDA Version: 10.0     |
| GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|   0  Tesla P100-PCIE...  Off  | 00000000:00:07.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   33C    P0    29W / 250W |      0MiB / 16280MiB |      0%      Default |
|   1  Tesla P100-PCIE...  Off  | 00000000:00:08.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   35C    P0    27W / 250W |      0MiB / 16280MiB |      0%      Default |
| Processes:                                                       GPU Memory |
|  GPU       PID   Type   Process name                             Usage      |
|  No running processes found                                                 |

Not sure what else I can provide to help debug this one.

Per-GPU accepted/rejected shares

Could you add reporting per-device accepted and rejected shares in the /summary API?

This is useful for diagnosing which GPU is responsible for the rejected shares.

Linux support for Cuda 10.1

When will CUDA support for 10.1 be released for Linux? I have been unable to get anything working so far...

TREX: T-Rex instance wasn't validated WARN: Messy shutdown...

upgraded from trex v 0.11 to v0.14.4 to support the rvn fork, and now the miner wont stay up. on centos 7, Driver Version: 430.50 CUDA Version: 10.1,
I tried checking and adding DNS in /etc/resolv.conf

not sure where to look as to why it can't connect for dev fee

Unable to get CUDA count.

Keep getting this error on my card. what can I do to fix it? card is a little older (2012) but strong Quadro

Source Code Contains Readme

Please release source code. Source contain
I want to build T-Rex for Slackware Linux 14.2 - 64 and 32 Bit with different CUDA

Thank You

ERROR: Can't find nonce with device [ID=0, GPU #0], kernel doesn't match progpow algo type

So i tried benchmarking my GTX 1060 6gb with Kawpow for the upcoming Ravencoin fork, and im getting this error,

C:\Users\arkad>t-rex.exe` -a kawpow --benchmark
20200506 11:09:25 T-Rex NVIDIA GPU miner v0.15.4 - [CUDA v10.0]
20200506 11:09:25 r.d54ad77b45a7
20200506 11:09:25
20200506 11:09:25 NVIDIA Driver v442.59
20200506 11:09:25 CUDA devices available: 1
20200506 11:09:25
20200506 11:09:25 WARN: DevFee 1% (kawpow)
20200506 11:09:25
20200506 11:09:25 WARN: GPU #0: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
20200506 11:09:25 ERROR: Can't find nonce with device [ID=0, GPU #0], kernel doesn't match progpow algo type
20200506 11:09:25 WARN: Messy shutdown...
20200506 11:09:25 Main loop finished

HR drop after update

I updated to 0.9.2, win 10, cuda 10, and for x16rt the hashrate droped from 97 to 92 mh/s on my 7 GPU rig (1060 3GB). This is the average HR on MiningRigRentals during the rental period, after 24 h.

Watchdog restarts needlessly 0.10.2

I am mining on nvOC (Ubuntu) so I had to rename the executable from "t-rex" to "ccminer". I am seeing this in the output constantly:

WARN: WATCHDOG: T-Rex does not exist anymore, restarting...

I suspect the issue is the renaming. I am currently using the "--no-watchdog" option to get around the issue and it is mining just fine. Does the watchdog implementation look for the name of the executable as a process or is my problem elsewhere?

issues running on centos7

hi tried a few latest releases, looks like has to be recompiled:

 ./t-rex: /lib64/ no version information available (required by ./t-rex)
./t-rex: /lib64/ version OPENSSL_1.0.0' not found (required by ./t-rex) ./t-rex: /lib64/ version OPENSSL_1.0.0' not found (required by ./t-rex)
./t-rex: /lib64/ version GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by ./t-rex) ./t-rex: /lib64/ version GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by ./t-rex)

when AMD?

When AMD?

Should AMD.

Many downloads more.

Such hashes much blocks

Client.reconnect support

Please add support for client.reconnect. I can't get it connected to port 3333 on MiningRigRentals. I must use an individual port, that expires after 2 days.

Result for ... does not alidate on CPU

Error "Result for ... does not alidate on CPU" occurs when using the CUDA 9.2 T-Rex binary and at least the following cards:

  • GeForce RTX 2060
  • GEFORCE GTX 1660 Ti

The CUDA 10.0 binary works well. But the average hashrate with CUDA 9.2 seems to be slightly highter. This bug is critical for automated solutions that launch miners.

Example error log:

20190425 00:23:45 Shares/min: 9.782 (Avr. 9.139), Avr.Power: 0W, Avr.Efficiency: -1TH/W
20190425 00:23:45 Uptime: 32 secs | Algo: x16r | T-Rex v0.9.2
20190425 00:23:46 [ OK ] 6/6 - 49.21 MH/s, 52ms
20190425 00:23:48 [ OK ] 7/7 - 49.27 MH/s, 53ms
20190425 00:23:50 [ OK ] 8/8 - 49.30 MH/s, 53ms
20190425 00:23:59 [ OK ] 9/9 - 49.37 MH/s, 53ms
20190425 00:23:59 [ OK ] 10/10 - 49.36 MH/s, 53ms
20190425 00:23:59 GPU #0: 27.54 MH/s
20190425 00:23:59 GPU #1: 21.82 MH/s
20190425 00:23:59 Shares/min: 14.104 (Avr. 12.881), Avr.Power: 0W, Avr.Efficiency: -1TH/W
20190425 00:23:59 Uptime: 46 secs | Algo: x16r | T-Rex v0.9.2
20190425 00:23:59 [ OK ] 11/11 - 49.36 MH/s, 53ms
20190425 00:24:01 WARN: GPU #1: result for 20e86518 does not validate on CPU!
20190425 00:24:20 WARN: GPU #1: result for 38fd47a4 does not validate on CPU!

Watchdog t-rex 0.8.0 crash ubuntu

Can you check?
t-rex file work fine
20181122 17:10:10 20181122 17:10:10 20181122 17:10:11 T-Rex NVIDIA GPU miner v0.8.0 - [CUDA v9.20] 20181122 17:10:11 20181122 17:10:11 NVIDIA Driver v396.44 20181122 17:10:11 CUDA devices available: 12 20181122 17:10:11 20181122 17:10:11 URL : stratum+tcp:// 20181122 17:10:11 USER: RRpoESGMjdfMEJ73GLLhU5hkSBKQZMXdmT.rig1 20181122 17:10:11 PASS: x 20181122 17:10:11 20181122 17:10:11 WARN: Temperature limit is activated. Limit is set to 70C. 20181122 17:10:11 20181122 17:10:11 Starting on: 20181122 17:10:11 WARN: GPU #0: ASUS GeForce GTX 1070 Ti, intensity set to 20 20181122 17:10:11 WARN: GPU #1: ASUS GeForce GTX 1070 Ti, intensity set to 20 20181122 17:10:12 WARN: GPU #2: ASUS GeForce GTX 1070 Ti, intensity set to 20 20181122 17:10:12 WARN: GPU #3: ASUS GeForce GTX 1070 Ti, intensity set to 20 20181122 17:10:12 WARN: WATCHDOG: inuse sign disappeared, restart T-Rex 20181122 17:10:12 WATCHDOG: terminating process 7769 20181122 17:10:12 WARN: WATCHDOG: T-Rex was killed 20181122 17:10:12 WARN: WATCHDOG: detected crash on start. Watchdog deactivated. 20181122 17:10:12 WATCHDOG: watchdog finished

Watchdog issues

Watchdog is continuously restarting my instances for no reason, utilizing --no-watchdog does not result in any crashed miners.

Cuda error on device recently started on two independant machines

Just started while miners were running on two different machines.
ERROR: Cuda error on device [ID=0, GPU #0], invalid configuration argument

from log
20191020 14:45:16 WARN: GPU #0: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB, intensity set to 50 20191020 14:45:16 Authorizing... 20191020 14:45:16 Authorized successfully. 20191020 14:45:17 WARN: New difficulty: 16 (0.06250) 20191020 14:45:17 x16r block 935049, diff 158051.152 20191020 14:45:17 Hash order 6174715F8AF7DBBD 20191020 14:45:37 x16r block 935050, diff 158357.917 20191020 14:45:37 ERROR: Cuda error on device [ID=0, GPU #0], invalid configuration argument

config file
// ""ravencoin.conf""
"pools": [
"user": "RWwppzjrLFCd6yTrDdBbBpHTS1Ffhrccat.worker", // CHANGETHIS to your username or wallet address, rename worker to this rig's name
"url": "stratum+tcp://", // <-- US
"pass": "x"


"api-bind-telnet": "", // Set to "0" to disable Telnet API
"api-bind-http": "", // Set to "0" to disable HTTP API
"json-response": false,
"retries": 3,
"retry-pause": 3,
"timeout": 120,
"algo": "x16r",
"intensity": 50,
"hashrate-avr": 30, // Set to 3600 to get average over an hour
"log-path": "t-rex.log",
"cpu-priority": 2,
"exit-on-connection-lost": false,
"reconnect-on-fail-shares": 10,
"protocol-dump": false, // Set to true to turn it on.
"gpu-report-interval": 5,
"no-color": false,
"quiet": false,
"time-limit": 0,
"temperature-limit": 0,
"temperature-start": 0,
"back-to-main-pool-sec": 600

No disable fan check option on Tesla Nvidia card mining.

There are several Tesla model cards like the M2050, M2070, K10, and K20, that are passive cooled in a rack or have their own fans attached.
They don't report back a call to the query for fan speed.
When T-rex is launched with CUDA 9 or 10 in Windows 10 x64. There is no response to the fan check query through the driver. Mining is stopped since it can't read the fan rpm.

However, other miner applications out there do have an ignore option for this.
Assuming the user is fully understanding that they can monitor their own cards.
Also, some of the older Fermi Tesla cards don't even report temperature. I did check to see if the --temperature-limit 0 works. But it won't get to that point since the miner app wants an rpm count from nvsmi first.
But it would also be nice to disable that. Some of us miners already have the cards in a wind tunnel or oil bath cooling these cards with external hardware based controls that are outside of a software call.
Also tried with --nowatchdog and --nonvml options. Didn't make a difference.

wrong port

front page has the port as 3637 and the miner will not connect, it should be 3737 for anyone who may have trouble


Can you compile for macOS (10.12 & 10.13 since 10.14 doesn't support newer nvidia gpus yet). I can help. I'm running a few miners I compiled on my hackintosh.

T-Rex Problem With GPU Connection

Using T-Rex with MTP, I found that I lose the connection to have the information about my GPU Stats.

I show some pictures… GPU 3 goes down in MSI Afterburner… but the Hash stills the same.
My command line is:

t-rex.exe --no-watchdog --no-nvml -b -a mtp --quiet -r 10 --cpu-priority 4 ….

The problema is that I made an autorestart if the GPU Temp goes down to 0... so it is autorestarting all the time. That problem I don't have it with other miners.


Many thanks

Request for SNI compliance.

I am requesting the server_name extension be added to the T-Rex miner to be SNI compliant.

Using wire shark to determine the current TCP extensions, under SSL, the miner should have the server_name extension added in order to properly determine the ownership service of a domain name under a single load balancer IP address.

Without the server_name extension, it is impossible for the load balancer to know which service to direct the traffic.

Screen Shot 2019-10-30 at 5 52 07 PM

As you can see above, wireshark only sees the following extensions: ec_points_formats, supported_groups, session-ticket, signature_algorithms, extended_master_secret.

The packets sniffed by wireshark above on the successful handshake with the loadbalancer presented with a default certificate as it didn't know which certificate to present to the miner without the server_name extension.

Anyone else reading this can see the wiki page on SNI compliance

GTX Titan 6GB Compute Capability

#1. i have a GTX Titan 6GB, i want to test with x13bcd or argon2d-256...
#2. latest Nvidia driver that fully works for W8.1 or W7 is v388.71, all modern drivers have CUDA 64-Bit broken,
tested with CUDA-Z, GPU-Z, GPU-Capsviewer, etc...
"i dont have W10, i havent tested, but probably is the same."
#3. GTX Titan 6GB is a GTX 700 series, GK110 GPU has Compute Capability v3.5
CUDA SDK 9.0 – 9.2 support for compute capability 3.0 – 7.2 (Kepler, Maxwell, Pascal, Volta)
CUDA SDK 10.0 – 10.2 support for compute capability 3.0 – 7.5 (Kepler, Maxwell, Pascal, Volta, Turing). Last version with support for compute capability 3.x (Kepler). 10.2 is the last official release for macOS, as support will not be available for macOS in newer releases.

#4. No GPU miner tested so far, None works, all say: Compute Capability Not Supported.

i know GTX1060 is the same and eats less power, but... still i want to test Nvidia drivers with & without Double Precision, just for curiosity.

cant initialize device

ERROR: Can't initialize device [ID=0, GPU #0], cuda exception in [Mtp::allocate_extra_memory, 59], out of memory

OSX pre-compiled binary?

OSX HighSierra is faster than Windows8.1 for CPU Only algorithms like Argon2D-256.
same machine MacPro5,1, intel 2nd gen i7.

since Nvidia has CUDA drivers for OSX, im curious to know:
OSX vs. Win8.1 with X13-BCD.

MTP drops hashrate after a while on some GPUs and never recovers (must kill t-rex)

Ubuntu 16.04, Cuda 10, Nvidia 415.27, i3-7100, 8GB ram. Below is an example where GPU 13 dropped hashrate after 27 minutes by 60-70%. It never recovers. There was no error whatsoever. Kernel reported no Xid errors either. Then after a longer while GPU 8 hashrate also drops (see further down). The after a while GPU 3 drops hashrate too. You can notice the other GPUs have dropped a little hashrate too, though not 60%.

If I restart t-rex then they all start with max hashrate again and then after a while some GPUs again drop hashrate one by one. The GPUs are not always the same. There are never any errors (either reported by t-rex or driver errors in kern.log).

Before this starts happening, the t-rex process uses about 30% of each CPU thread (it's clearly multi-threaded). After this starts happenning, the t-rex process is no longer multi-thread and uses only a single thread at 100% utilization, while the other threads are idle.

This started happening ever since 0.12.1 if I recall correctly.

I also tried --no-nvml and --no-watchdog as well.

I manage numerous such machines (each with 13 GPUs). They all behave the same. This isn't a hardware fault.

Clearly this is a bug in t-rex, some leak or something, dropping the mining hashrate by 30% within a few hours as GPUs drop hashrate one by one. It may be related to your devfee mining (it's all very ominous, including that single thread at 100% utilization)

20191007 02:58:41 [ OK ] 79/80 - 25.95 MH/s, 412ms
20191007 02:58:41 GPU # 0: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2000.85 kH/s
20191007 02:58:41 GPU # 1: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1989.10 kH/s
20191007 02:58:41 GPU # 2: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2027.67 kH/s
20191007 02:58:41 GPU # 3: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1969.05 kH/s
20191007 02:58:41 GPU # 4: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1958.94 kH/s
20191007 02:58:41 GPU # 5: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1955.58 kH/s
20191007 02:58:41 GPU # 6: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2003.88 kH/s
20191007 02:58:41 GPU # 7: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1982.01 kH/s
20191007 02:58:41 GPU # 8: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1997.89 kH/s
20191007 02:58:41 GPU # 9: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2050.20 kH/s
20191007 02:58:41 GPU #10: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2048.89 kH/s
20191007 02:58:41 GPU #11: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2016.11 kH/s
20191007 02:58:41 GPU #12: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1946.92 kH/s
20191007 02:58:41 Shares/min: 2.542 (Avr. 2.868)
20191007 02:58:41 Uptime: 27 mins 32 secs | Algo: mtp | T-Rex v0.14.4
20191007 02:58:52 [ OK ] 80/81 - 25.95 MH/s, 424ms
20191007 02:59:38 [ OK ] 81/82 - 25.96 MH/s, 448ms
20191007 02:59:48 [ OK ] 82/83 - 25.96 MH/s, 420ms
20191007 03:00:10 [ OK ] 83/84 - 25.95 MH/s, 472ms
20191007 03:00:11 [ OK ] 84/85 - 25.95 MH/s, 480ms
20191007 03:00:15 [ OK ] 85/86 - 25.95 MH/s, 408ms
20191007 03:00:48 [ OK ] 86/87 - 24.82 MH/s, 388ms
20191007 03:00:58 [ OK ] 87/88 - 23.54 MH/s, 384ms
20191007 03:02:37 [ OK ] 88/89 - 24.57 MH/s, 408ms
20191007 03:02:50 [ OK ] 89/90 - 24.55 MH/s, 420ms
20191007 03:02:50 GPU # 0: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1999.21 kH/s
20191007 03:02:50 GPU # 1: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1988.70 kH/s
20191007 03:02:50 GPU # 2: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2026.95 kH/s
20191007 03:02:50 GPU # 3: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1964.51 kH/s
20191007 03:02:50 GPU # 4: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1949.70 kH/s
20191007 03:02:50 GPU # 5: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1942.56 kH/s
20191007 03:02:50 GPU # 6: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2003.88 kH/s
20191007 03:02:50 GPU # 7: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1960.53 kH/s
20191007 03:02:50 GPU # 8: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1980.65 kH/s
20191007 03:02:50 GPU # 9: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2049.86 kH/s
20191007 03:02:50 GPU #10: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2047.69 kH/s
20191007 03:02:50 GPU #11: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2013.97 kH/s
20191007 03:02:50 GPU #12: Zotac GTX 1070 -  616.95 kH/s
20191007 03:02:50 Shares/min: 2.238 (Avr. 2.807)
20191007 03:02:50 Uptime: 31 mins 42 secs | Algo: mtp | T-Rex v0.14.4
20191007 03:02:58 mtp block 203886, diff 7713.171
20191007 03:58:37 GPU # 0: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1998.96 kH/s
20191007 03:58:37 GPU # 1: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1989.48 kH/s
20191007 03:58:37 GPU # 2: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2025.73 kH/s
20191007 03:58:37 GPU # 3: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1953.06 kH/s
20191007 03:58:37 GPU # 4: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1933.27 kH/s
20191007 03:58:37 GPU # 5: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1930.60 kH/s
20191007 03:58:37 GPU # 6: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2002.62 kH/s
20191007 03:58:37 GPU # 7: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1933.50 kH/s
20191007 03:58:37 GPU # 8: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1968.77 kH/s
20191007 03:58:37 GPU # 9: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2049.38 kH/s
20191007 03:58:37 GPU #10: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2047.80 kH/s
20191007 03:58:37 GPU #11: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2010.47 kH/s
20191007 03:58:37 GPU #12: Zotac GTX 1070 -  617.10 kH/s
20191007 03:58:37 Shares/min: 2.311 (Avr. 2.618)
20191007 03:58:37 Uptime: 1 hour 27 mins 29 secs | Algo: mtp | T-Rex v0.14.4
20191007 03:59:03 [ OK ] 230/231 - 24.48 MH/s, 400ms
20191007 03:59:26 [ OK ] 231/232 - 24.49 MH/s, 408ms
20191007 03:59:26 [ OK ] 232/233 - 24.49 MH/s, 228ms
20191007 03:59:28 [ OK ] 233/234 - 24.48 MH/s, 340ms
20191007 03:59:41 [ OK ] 234/235 - 23.57 MH/s, 384ms
20191007 03:59:46 [ OK ] 235/236 - 23.37 MH/s, 376ms
20191007 04:00:08 [ OK ] 236/237 - 22.53 MH/s, 400ms
20191007 04:00:25 [ OK ] 237/238 - 21.76 MH/s, 400ms
20191007 04:00:30 [ OK ] 238/239 - 21.84 MH/s, 416ms
20191007 04:00:31 [ OK ] 239/240 - 21.58 MH/s, 392ms
20191007 04:00:31 GPU # 0: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1331.81 kH/s
20191007 04:00:31 GPU # 1: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1903.67 kH/s
20191007 04:00:31 GPU # 2: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1914.89 kH/s
20191007 04:00:31 GPU # 3: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1891.04 kH/s
20191007 04:00:31 GPU # 4: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1891.09 kH/s
20191007 04:00:31 GPU # 5: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1810.03 kH/s
20191007 04:00:31 GPU # 6: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1906.10 kH/s
20191007 04:00:31 GPU # 7: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1880.92 kH/s
20191007 04:00:31 GPU # 8: Zotac GTX 1070 -  978.07 kH/s
20191007 04:00:31 GPU # 9: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1890.05 kH/s
20191007 04:00:31 GPU #10: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1821.98 kH/s
20191007 04:00:31 GPU #11: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1744.99 kH/s
20191007 04:00:31 GPU #12: Zotac GTX 1070 -  615.69 kH/s
20191007 09:22:04 GPU # 0: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1377.37 kH/s
20191007 09:22:04 GPU # 1: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2072.70 kH/s
20191007 09:22:04 GPU # 2: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2079.40 kH/s
20191007 09:22:04 GPU # 3: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2083.41 kH/s
20191007 09:22:04 GPU # 4: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1403.87 kH/s
20191007 09:22:04 GPU # 5: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1715.46 kH/s
20191007 09:22:04 GPU # 6: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2086.17 kH/s
20191007 09:22:04 GPU # 7: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1649.44 kH/s
20191007 09:22:04 GPU # 8: Zotac GTX 1070 -  620.76 kH/s
20191007 09:22:04 GPU # 9: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1281.27 kH/s
20191007 09:22:04 GPU #10: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2000.77 kH/s
20191007 09:22:04 GPU #11: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1652.71 kH/s
20191007 09:22:04 GPU #12: Zotac GTX 1070 -  609.56 kH/s
20191007 09:22:04 Shares/min: 2.278 (Avr. 2.477)
20191007 09:22:04 Uptime: 6 hours 50 mins 55 secs | Algo: mtp | T-Rex v0.14.4
20191007 09:22:04 [ OK ] 1019/1021 - 20.64 MH/s, 828ms
20191007 09:22:09 [ OK ] 1020/1022 - 20.80 MH/s, 500ms
20191007 09:22:20 [ OK ] 1021/1023 - 20.56 MH/s, 520ms
20191007 09:22:33 mtp block 203964, diff 7637.608
20191007 09:23:06 [ OK ] 1022/1024 - 18.67 MH/s, 516ms
20191007 09:24:45 mtp block 203965, diff 7637.608
20191007 09:25:41 [ OK ] 1023/1025 - 20.40 MH/s, 668ms
20191007 09:25:41 [ OK ] 1024/1026 - 20.39 MH/s, 552ms
20191007 09:25:43 [ OK ] 1025/1027 - 20.37 MH/s, 468ms
20191007 09:26:29 [ OK ] 1026/1028 - 19.18 MH/s, 448ms
20191007 09:26:47 [ OK ] 1027/1029 - 19.08 MH/s, 796ms
20191007 09:27:11 [ OK ] 1028/1030 - 19.14 MH/s, 696ms
20191007 09:27:11 GPU # 0: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1605.56 kH/s
20191007 09:27:11 GPU # 1: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2087.89 kH/s
20191007 09:27:11 GPU # 2: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1622.91 kH/s
20191007 09:27:11 GPU # 3: Zotac GTX 1070 -  695.92 kH/s
20191007 09:27:11 GPU # 4: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1470.74 kH/s
20191007 09:27:11 GPU # 5: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1718.56 kH/s
20191007 09:27:11 GPU # 6: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2088.02 kH/s
20191007 09:27:11 GPU # 7: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1296.54 kH/s
20191007 09:27:11 GPU # 8: Zotac GTX 1070 -  675.54 kH/s
20191007 09:27:11 GPU # 9: Zotac GTX 1070 - 2017.34 kH/s
20191007 09:27:11 GPU #10: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1681.75 kH/s
20191007 09:27:11 GPU #11: Zotac GTX 1070 - 1561.43 kH/s
20191007 09:27:11 GPU #12: Zotac GTX 1070 -  614.43 kH/s

SSL Connection

I can't connect to SSL with Nanopool or 2miners pool. I have contacted support at Nanopool and they have verified that my settings are correct. They also tried to connect to SSL and failed with T-rex miner. Will there be support added for this? Otherwise I will be switching to a mining software that supports SSL connections. Thanks, any help with this would be appreciated. I have tired on Versions 14.6 and 14.4 with no luck.

T-Rex initialize error

Since T-Rex 0.10.2 runs an error, the previous version is OK.

20190906 15:48:26 WATCHDOG: initialize error, memory dump: eyJhIjoiUVMrS1hta2I0b0NiSyttblJ5VEdMa3BHNmJrYWZXNUJFb2dsdHZ3MmVLd2xBTlVIeVNuYS9PSU5nWmdncGgyOXpnekIzZm9tVkluVzIrMXFyZHFvc0YwRE44a0hTWlMvQXAzQ1F3S2ozNmQxNmpvL3U4RXBlNVJ3OWlXcElSSmtIdHRxUlNmczh6M1ZpNlNmckM5ZlV3PT0iLCJiIjoib1RZSHBiL1RpRVZDSzBJSW1PeXBTQT09In0K
20190906 15:48:26 WARN: Messy shutdown...

0.14.4 failed to bind socket 4067

I'm trying to sell Linux T-Rex x16rv2 to nicehash and all I get are warnings:
WARN: API Server: Failed to bind socket (Address already in use.)

I looked at process list in the system monitor and using netstat -l and find nothing else using 4067 or 4068.

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