Topic: works-with-codespaces Goto Github
Some thing interesting about works-with-codespaces
Some thing interesting about works-with-codespaces
works-with-codespaces,REST Wrapper for eth JSON-RPC methods
User: amit0617
works-with-codespaces,🐌 A CLI for compiling your Heroku apps into slugs.
User: cga1123
works-with-codespaces,A 'Hello, world!' repository and GitHub Codespace template in Chapel
Organization: chapel-lang
Home Page:
works-with-codespaces,:electron: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
Organization: electron
Home Page:
works-with-codespaces,Storage for code samples in the Rust Lang Book
User: francisfuzz
works-with-codespaces,CodeQL: the libraries and queries that power security researchers around the world, as well as code scanning in GitHub Advanced Security
Organization: github
Home Page:
works-with-codespaces,The open-source repo for
Organization: github
Home Page:
works-with-codespaces,:framed_picture: Micro fragmentation middleware for fiber :rocket: that enables to build microservice frontends.
Organization: github
works-with-codespaces,An extension for Visual Studio Code that adds rich language support for CodeQL
Organization: github
Home Page:
works-with-codespaces,Starter workspace to use with the CodeQL extension for Visual Studio Code.
Organization: github
works-with-codespaces,Tools setup and hacks
User: githubneos
Home Page:
works-with-codespaces,This is a Codespaces enabled place to demo GitHub Apps
User: jakewilkins
works-with-codespaces,Tools for GitHub App developers
User: jakewilkins
works-with-codespaces,Helping connect people with services and resources. Read all about the project and how to get started.
Organization: justiceinternational
Home Page:
works-with-codespaces,Self-hosted genealogy & family tree
User: mrysav
Home Page:
works-with-codespaces,Demo repository - contains custom Codespaces config, database schema management, code smells and old dependencies, and a ✨ nice project board ✨ 👇🏼
Organization: octodemo
Home Page:
works-with-codespaces,Open Source Fellow Sandbox
Organization: opensourcefellows
Home Page:
works-with-codespaces,The API backend for ProgramEquity
Organization: opensourcefellows
Home Page:
works-with-codespaces,Discord webhooks for new Instagram posts from any account. Get notified of posts from Instagram to your Discord server.
User: ryanlua
Home Page:
works-with-codespaces,Rojo template for basic showcases which include scripts and common utilities.
User: ryanlua
works-with-codespaces,A modern alternative to Roblox's default backpack. Satchel aims to be more customizable and easier to use than the default backpack while still having a "vanilla" feel.
User: ryanlua
Home Page:
works-with-codespaces,Easily create a shimmer effect on any GuiObject on Roblox. Shime is easy to use and supports all available GuiObjects.
User: ryanlua
Home Page:
works-with-codespaces,Create TextLabels for their projects quickly and safely. Simple to use UI and lots of options for customization.
User: ryanlua
Home Page:
works-with-codespaces,Ubuntu Bash Home profile setup, includes vimrc's profiles some git commands
User: sfc-gh-eraigosa
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