Topic: puzzle-game Goto Github
Some thing interesting about puzzle-game
Some thing interesting about puzzle-game
puzzle-game,Detailed LEGO Junkbot remake and fancy level editor
User: 1j01
Home Page:
puzzle-game,A package of 18 text-based modern games
User: abakh
puzzle-game,A rust implementation of the famous 2048 game
User: adrienball
puzzle-game,New York Times (NYT) Connections Game clone built in React, Tailwind CSS, and Shadcn/ui
Organization: and-computers
Home Page:
puzzle-game,A puzzle game for the Game Boy Color (CGB), Analogue Pocket (AP) and Game Gear(GG). Build pets in all shapes and sizes, keep the board clear.
User: bbbbbr
puzzle-game,Learn to create a game like Candy Crush
User: blikoor
puzzle-game,Terminal-bounded block-based puzzle game written in Python/Curses
User: csquaerd
puzzle-game,Top-down puzzle game for Mini LD 53
User: cxong
puzzle-game,✨🐠The most original game on Earth: Match3 - in Unity!✨🐟
User: daltonbr
puzzle-game,3D Puzzle Game written in Go
User: danaugrs
puzzle-game,Puzzle game for Android made using libGDX. Download for free from the Play Store.
User: danirod
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puzzle-game,Simple Puzzle Game in Unity 3D
User: dgkanatsios
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puzzle-game,A nonlinear 2D puzzle platformer taking place in impossible spaces.
User: divverent
puzzle-game,LibraCity - City planning on a needle! LibraCity is a puzzle game where you build a city at equilibrium on a needle. To succeed, take advantage of the various weights of the buildings, and place them all while ensuring the city remains stable.
User: djeedai
puzzle-game,The free and open source remake of the game “Head over Heels”
User: dougmencken
puzzle-game,esviji is a free puzzle game in which you have to destroy balls based on their color and place on the board.
Organization: esviji
Home Page:
puzzle-game,Solve puzzles by designing an AI for a team of selfless heroes. Test your algorithm, optimize it, and emerge victorious from the dungeon!
User: felicien-brochu
Home Page:
puzzle-game,The source code for 2048
User: gabrielecirulli
Home Page:
puzzle-game,This game has published in google play store and cafe bazaar (an iranian app store). now we publish the full source code of this game with any permission. just have fun and enjoy <3
User: gameditor
puzzle-game,Hexagonal pipes puzzles
User: gereleth
Home Page:
puzzle-game,Flood fill puzzle game for Android
User: gunshippenguin
puzzle-game,Another nonogram (also known as hanjie, picross and griddlers) editor and solver. No dependencies.
User: handsomeone
Home Page:
puzzle-game,Godot 3.6 / Crate Chucking Puzzle Platformer Game
User: harmonyhoney
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puzzle-game,🦁 🃏 📱 An animal matching puzzle card game– built with turn-based game engine and React-Native + React-Native-Web
Organization: igravitystudios
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puzzle-game,A puzzle game
User: jsnell
Home Page:
puzzle-game,:video_game: A list of popular/awesome video games, add-ons, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub. Any genre. Any platform. Any engine.
User: leereilly
puzzle-game,Antimine is an open source minesweeper-like puzzle game.
User: lucasnlm
puzzle-game,A narrative meta-puzzle game
User: mdsteele
Home Page:
puzzle-game,Gauguin is a Sudoku-like game for Android where you solve grids via calculation and logic.
User: meikpiep
puzzle-game,A falling block puzzle game created using React and Redux.
User: mimshwright
Home Page:
puzzle-game,8-Puzzle Game 🕹
User: murhafsousli
Home Page:
puzzle-game,Juicy Match is an Android match-3 game made with Naty Engine
User: natygames
puzzle-game,Cross-platform Expansion (C.E.) and continuation of Heboris U.E. using modern technology and development approach
User: nightmareci
puzzle-game,Wordle game clone made with Kotlin & Compose
User: opatry
puzzle-game,Beautiful mobile puzzle
User: ordyns
Home Page:
puzzle-game,🐝 Terminal-based python clone of New York Times' puzzle game "Spelling Bee"
User: philshem
puzzle-game,Block-dropping puzzle game
User: poobslag
puzzle-game,Quackle crossword game artificial intelligence and analysis tool
Organization: quackle
puzzle-game,A puzzle game for js13k 2021
User: quinten
Home Page:
puzzle-game,Crypto Puzzles is a tool and library to provide a bunch of functions for encryption or pseudo encryption as puzzles or brain teasers. Awesome for kids but some puzzles are also a challenge for adults.
User: ruppde
Home Page:
puzzle-game,Euli is not a computer game but a tool which helps you set up a real life treasure hunt
User: ruppde
puzzle-game,Ridiculous 2D SDL platform game
User: stephenjsweeney
puzzle-game,Block Puzzle is a classic, puzzle game, made in Unity, where you have to put a randomly spawned blocks in suitable places.
User: szaroslav
Home Page:
puzzle-game,A puzzle game where you eat your own tail to win!
User: szunami
Home Page:
puzzle-game,Report issues and discuss improvements / feature requests around TETR.IO
Organization: tetrio
Home Page:
puzzle-game,Jigsaw puzzle based on Vue(基于Vue的拼图小游戏,可自动拼图。还包含Weex版)
User: usecodelee
puzzle-game,A collage View which can make pictures together to be edited to build a new picture with some wonderful effect~一个将多张图片整合一起的拼图控件,支持手势拖拽、多图联动、旋转、滤镜等多种效果~
User: yishuinanfeng
User: yuvaraj119
A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
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Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉
JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.
Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.
A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.
Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.
Some thing interesting about visualization, use data art
Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.
We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.
Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.
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