Topic: model-parallelism Goto Github
Some thing interesting about model-parallelism
Some thing interesting about model-parallelism
model-parallelism,Easy Parallel Library (EPL) is a general and efficient deep learning framework for distributed model training.
Organization: alibaba
model-parallelism,Fast and easy distributed model training examples.
Organization: alibabapai
model-parallelism,The project is focused on parallelising pre-processing, measuring and machine learning in the cloud, as well as the evaluation and analysis of the cloud performance.
User: anvesham
model-parallelism,PyTorch implementation of 3D U-Net with model parallel in 2GPU for large model
User: atakehiro
model-parallelism,A simple graph partitioning algorithm written in Go. Designed for use for partitioning neural networks across multiple devices which has an added cost when crossing device boundaries.
User: d4l3k
model-parallelism,Serving distributed deep learning models with model parallel swapping.
User: dlzou
model-parallelism,A decentralized and distributed framework for training DNNs
Organization: dscpesu
model-parallelism,distributed tensorflow (model parallelism) example repository
User: eunjuyang
model-parallelism,pipeDejavu: Hardware-aware Latency Predictable, Differentiable Search for Faster Config and Convergence of Distributed ML Pipeline Parallelism
User: explcre
model-parallelism,Official implementation of DynPartition: Automatic Optimal Pipeline Parallelism of Dynamic Neural Networks over Heterogeneous GPU Systems for Inference Tasks
User: fanpu
model-parallelism,Model parallelism for NN architectures with skip connections (eg. ResNets, UNets)
User: garg-aayush
model-parallelism,Distributed training (multi-node) of a Transformer model
User: hkproj
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model-parallelism,Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible
Organization: hpcaitech
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model-parallelism,Democratizing huggingface model training with InternEvo
Organization: internlm
model-parallelism,A fully distributed hyperparameter optimization tool for PyTorch DNNs
User: joelrorseth
model-parallelism,Slicing a PyTorch Tensor Into Parallel Shards
User: kaiyuyue
model-parallelism,A GPipe implementation in PyTorch
Organization: kakaobrain
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model-parallelism,Development of Project HPGO | Hybrid Parallelism Global Orchestration
User: ler0ever
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model-parallelism,DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference easy, efficient, and effective.
Organization: microsoft
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model-parallelism,SC23 Deep Learning at Scale Tutorial Material
Organization: nersc
model-parallelism,Torch Automatic Distributed Neural Network (TorchAD-NN) training library. Built on top of TorchMPI, this module automatically parallelizes neural network training.
User: ngrabaskas
model-parallelism,performance test of MNIST hand writings usign MXNet + TF
User: olk
model-parallelism,LiBai(李白): A Toolbox for Large-Scale Distributed Parallel Training
Organization: oneflow-inc
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Organization: paddlepaddle
model-parallelism,WIP. Veloce is a low-code Ray-based parallelization library that makes machine learning computation novel, efficient, and heterogeneous.
User: ryantd
model-parallelism,Performance estimates for transformer AI models in science
User: shashanksubramanian
model-parallelism,Adaptive Tensor Parallelism for Foundation Models
User: shenggan
model-parallelism,A curated list of awesome projects and papers for distributed training or inference
User: shenggan
model-parallelism,Description of Framework for Efficient Fused-layer Cost Estimation, Legion (2021)
User: sjlee25
model-parallelism,NAACL '24 (Best Demo Paper RunnerUp) / MlSys @ NeurIPS '23 - RedCoast: A Lightweight Tool to Automate Distributed Training and Inference
User: tanyuqian
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model-parallelism,Distributed training of DNNs • C++/MPI Proxies (GPT-2, GPT-3, CosmoFlow, DLRM)
User: vdutts7
model-parallelism,Large scale 4D parallelism pre-training for 🤗 transformers in Mixture of Experts *(still work in progress)*
User: xrsrke
model-parallelism,An MPI-based distributed model parallelism technique for MLP
User: zhuangsc
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