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Some thing interesting about html5-boilerplate
Some thing interesting about html5-boilerplate
html5-boilerplate,HTML5 Initializer help you to start your front-end project quickly.
User: anouarach
html5-boilerplate,A boilerplate for express using express-generator and html5 boilerplate
User: aravindvasudev
html5-boilerplate,A structured data focused Jekyll theme.
User: arghc
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html5-boilerplate,Barebones WordPress theme based upon Aaron T. Grogg's Boilerplate using Starkers and HTML5 Boilerplate
User: asuh
html5-boilerplate,The best starter theme with a modern front-end development workflow. Based on Sage, HTML5 Boilerplate, gulp, Bower, and Bootstrap.
User: asuh
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html5-boilerplate,HTML graphics template builder for CasparCG server
Organization: aveco-automation
html5-boilerplate,🌈 Mini css3 web projects without using any framework :)
User: blackcodding
html5-boilerplate,HTML Header Skeleton which includes Meta-data, DublinCore and Geolocation
Organization: codeclarity
html5-boilerplate,A WIP Nepali Lorem Ipsum generator written in JavaScript
User: dineshkhadka
html5-boilerplate,WordPress theme for the Dinosauria Network website.
Organization: dinosauria-network
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html5-boilerplate,HTML5 Boilerplate ported to Jade. Great as a drop and go markup skeleton for Express apps.
User: dmotz
html5-boilerplate,Pattern of my projects
User: drementer
html5-boilerplate,Starter for developing WordPress themes using gulp and docker.
User: dylanspurgin
html5-boilerplate,Boilerplate HTTP Server for Synopse mORMot Framework
User: eugeneilyin
html5-boilerplate,This is a open source website/portfolio developed in Silex
User: fabiopiovam
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html5-boilerplate,npx quick start for html5-boilerplate
Organization: h5bp
html5-boilerplate,A professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
Organization: h5bp
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html5-boilerplate,Provides a set of default code that makes getting up and running with an HTML5 canvas game very easy.
User: icecreamyou
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html5-boilerplate,A Starter Boilerplate for Materializecss, ionicons, font-awesome and Animatecss
User: jalasem
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html5-boilerplate,Simple "time-traveling" paint application.
User: jamesmoriarty
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html5-boilerplate,:rocket: Scaffold your next html5 app with webpack and webpack dev server.
User: jeantimex
html5-boilerplate,An extremely simple and lightweight PHP framework/boilerplate to spin-up microsites at high speed. Optimized for Performance, Security, SEO, TailwindCSS, and Directus CMS.
User: jekuer
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html5-boilerplate,A skeleton for docpad using html5 boilerplate, less and jade.
User: jh3y
html5-boilerplate,🍲 A Bootstrap 4 starter kit template for Espresso (, the macOS Editor App.
User: justinhartman
html5-boilerplate,☕ HTML5 Boilerplate template for Espresso, the macOS Editor App.
User: justinhartman
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html5-boilerplate,A simple Boilerplate template based on Bootstrap. Fontawesome and LESS ready.
User: mazhar266
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html5-boilerplate,A HTML5 Boilerplate to start a project.
User: mikem33
html5-boilerplate,The following repo will contain a full UI framework that is been built as my final year project in Multimedia Application Development at the Waterford Institute of Technology
User: mikeztaylor
html5-boilerplate,Moosehead.Studio HTML5 Skeleton (scss)
Organization: mooseheadstudio
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html5-boilerplate,Self Publishing Platform
User: pkmishra
html5-boilerplate,Learning Project, Playing with various set of tools used in web-development.
User: pktparticle-zz
html5-boilerplate,HTML5 Boilerplate &
User: sobchenyuk
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html5-boilerplate,HTML5 Boilerplate is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
User: subrata6630
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Organization: superbotics
html5-boilerplate,Шаблон для сборки HTML страниц при помощи Gulp
User: tachigami
html5-boilerplate,html5 , bootstrap4, CSS3, web components etc..
User: tansudasli
html5-boilerplate,html boilerplate w/ pwa + firebase deployment specific + scss + customizable material web components etc. Useful to bootstrap www (static parts)
User: tansudasli
html5-boilerplate,my html5 boilerplate
User: theel0ja
Home Page:
html5-boilerplate,Frontie is a front-end boilerplate. Gulp | Twig.js | Sass | Autoprefixer | Browsersync | Bootstrap 4 Grid System & Responsive Breakpoints
User: tomaszbujnowicz
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html5-boilerplate,Simple Sinatra application using Html5-boilerplate
User: tomsquest
User: vadymsem
html5-boilerplate,GoalList is an "Online Goal Achieving Community". This is the best place to make milestones, achieve goals, and get rewards from the people who are in your network (feature-rich repo) 🏹
User: vaibhavmagon
Home Page:
html5-boilerplate,Great HTML5 starting point with files, folders, styles, javascript and handy libraries.
User: wdenaro
html5-boilerplate,Fast Frontend Starter Kit for Developers
Organization: web-master-2000
html5-boilerplate,A HTML5 starter template with webpack
User: whimsicaldreamer
html5-boilerplate,Anwendung von semantischem Markup, Einbindung von nativem Video und Verwendung des canvas-Elements
User: xidv
html5-boilerplate,STIX 2.1 Visualizer, Attack and Activity Thread Graph for Threat Modeling
User: yukh1402
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A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
A PHP framework for web artisans
Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉
JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.
Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.
A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.
Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.
Some thing interesting about visualization, use data art
Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.
We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.
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