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Some thing interesting about deepface
Some thing interesting about deepface
deepface,Python Real Time Face Detection
User: alisharify7
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deepface,Full stack data-science project
User: arezamoosavi
deepface,A PHP adapter for the python deepface framework.
Organization: astrotomic
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deepface,Ream time Emotion Detection using DeepFace library written in python.
User: benyaminzojaji
deepface,Development of a Real-Time Emotion Recognition System Using Facial Expressions and EEG based on machine learning and deep neural network methods
User: bighneshpati
deepface,face detection, verification and recognition using Keras
User: chen0040
deepface,The Ascension of FaceSwap and AI VFX For AMD & Nvidia
User: cxsmo-ai
deepface,Emotion API ~ Free API ~
Organization: darkmash-org
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deepface,Developed a emotion recognition system using controlled AI and OpenCV, which utilizes dlib library for face detection and Deepface library for emotion recognition. By capturing screenshots of Google Meet sessions, the system predicts emotions ,provides valuable insights for teachers to adapt their teaching methods to their students emotional states
User: deepaksawalka
deepface,Deepfakes Software For All
User: deepfakes
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deepface,A very basic Face Clustering program based on DeepFace with GUI
User: el-mundo
deepface,Fast, Accurate, Mask-Aware Face Recognition SDK with Liveness Detection
Organization: faceonlive
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deepface,recops is a facial analysis framework, an AI forensic toolkit designed specifically for visual investigations and analysis workflows in OSINT research.
Organization: forensic-toolkit
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deepface,Convolutional Neural Networks repository for all projects of Course 4 of 5 of the Deep Learning Specialization covering CNNs and classical architectures like LeNet-5, AlexNet, GoogleNet Inception Network, VGG-16, ResNet, 1x1 Convos, OverFeat, R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, YOLO, YOLO9000, DeepFace, FaceNet and Neural Style Transfer.
User: georgezoto
deepface,Using a single image and just 10 seconds of sample audio, our project enables you to create a video where it appears as if you're speaking the desired text.
User: goblincomet
deepface,CLI app to detect face and predict age tuned on UTKFace with docker and Continuous Integration
User: grigoriitarasov
User: gyanprakashkushwaha
deepface,Utilizing the DeepFace Library, informed by a dataset of 4M images across 4K identities curated by Facebook researchers, My 'Two Faces✌🏻' project gauges facial similarity with precision.
User: gyanprakashkushwaha
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deepface,A multimodal face liveness detection module that can be used in the context of face anti-spoofing
Organization: identimood
deepface,Just an app to use DeepFaceLab with a user interface.
User: lenny4
deepface,Facial Emotion Recognition using OpenCV and Deepface
User: manish-9245
deepface,This project is a web application demonstrating the use of facial recognition for marking attendance. It can be used by the company to manage attendance of its employees and generate attendance report/stats. It Reduces manual process errors by providing automated and a reliable attendance system that uses face recognition technology.
User: manisha-v
deepface,Verification System in Student Attendance Case Study
User: muhammadramadhann
deepface,This application explain how we can easily integrate Deepface framework with Python Django application
User: najiaboo
deepface,This is a AI Based Smart Exam Proctoring System using python flask, mysql as database, yolov4
User: narender-rk10
deepface,A system of neural networks to detect and recognize faces. We use techniques developed in FaceNet and DeepFace for face recognition and create a simplified YOLO algorithm for face detection.
User: nicholaspun
deepface,A Streamlit web application for face recognition using a pre-trained YOLO model and the DeepFace library.
User: nikhilkalloli
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deepface,Contains all the Frameworks and Models from Scratch being used for Facial Recognition.
User: rahulbordoloi
deepface,This repo is a Python implementation that utilizes the DeepFace library and OpenCV for performing face recognition tasks. It offers functionality for both static images and real-time video from a webcam.
User: rasulalakbarli
User: s90210jacklen
deepface,This project is used for face recognisation when you already set up faces in the faces folder. It will recognise the face and speak the name. I have created this project using Python with deepface learning. I used the OpenCV library and Python text-to-speech3 (pyttsx3). It will continuously speak the recognised person's name at every 3 seconds. If
User: sani192
deepface,A Gradio-based web application that detects whether an image is a deepfake. The application uses a pre-trained InceptionResnetV1 model from the facenet_pytorch library for face recognition, and pytorch-grad-cam for visual explainability.
User: saqib727
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deepface,A Lightweight Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis (Age, Gender, Emotion and Race) Library for Python
User: serengil
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deepface,Deep Face Recognition UI With ReactJS
User: serengil
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deepface,TensorFlow 101: Introduction to Deep Learning
User: serengil
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deepface,This project implements real-time facial emotion detection using the deepface library and OpenCV. It captures video from the webcam, detects faces, and predicts the emotions associated with each face. The emotion labels are displayed on the frames in real-time.
User: shrimantasatpati
deepface,Image and Real-time emotion detection model using Python, OpenCV and DeepFace.
User: somyaranjansahu
deepface,This repository contains a comprehensive face recognition system that combines YOLOv8 for face detection and FaceNet for face recognition.
User: sor-o
deepface,Keras implementation of the renowned publication "DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification" by Taigman et al. Pre-trained weights on VGGFace2 dataset.
User: swghosh
deepface,A lot of ai-generated faces, categorized by gender and age, along with the code to generate them.
User: toni08bit
deepface,This project is a comprehensive face recognition-based attendance system for universities. It leverages OpenCV for face detection and recognition, Firebase for data storage, and Flask for the web interface. The system allows for student registration, face capture, and attendance tracking, providing a modern solution for attendance management.
User: turhancan97
deepface,The aim of the project is to recommend Spotify songs based on emotions detected.
User: vedanthv
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deepface,Using this, you can edit a face in any video you like by putting a face you like in just 1 click / Without any limitation...
User: vehanrajintha
deepface,This is a lightweight, easy to use GUI Toolbox for DeepFace, a face recognition framework that could analyze age, gender, emotion, race, and verify whether two faces are similar.
User: voidregreso
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