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The Hugo Academic Resumé Template empowers you to easily create your job-winning online resumé, showcase your academic publications, and create online courses or knowledge bases to grow your audience.

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Trusted by 250,000+ researchers, educators, and students. Highly customizable via the integrated no-code, Hugo Blox Builder, making every site truly personalized ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Easily write technical content with plain text Markdown, LaTeX math, diagrams, RMarkdown, or Jupyter, and import publications from BibTeX.

Check out the latest demo of what you'll get in less than 10 minutes, or get inspired by our academics and research groups.

The integrated Hugo Blox Builder and CMS makes it easy to create a beautiful website for free. Edit your site in the CMS (or your favorite editor), generate it with Hugo, and deploy with GitHub or Netlify. Customize anything on your site with widgets, light/dark themes, and language packs.

We ask you, humbly, to support this open source movement

Today we ask you to defend the open source independence of the Hugo Blox Builder and themes 🐧

We're an open source movement that depends on your support to stay online and thriving, but 99.9% of our creators don't give; they simply look the other way.

Hugo Academic Theme for Hugo Blox Builder

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