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Comments (8)

ThaPwned avatar ThaPwned commented on June 12, 2024

Could you try with the newest version? I've changed the way the function execute, so that'd have fixed the issue you've been having.

from wcs.

BrutalCSEjziponken avatar BrutalCSEjziponken commented on June 12, 2024


Seems like the new races actually works now but the key bindings are different than what was used in wc3 mod i 1.6. Also they seem to be different depending on new vs old race. Old human uses "ultimate" to teleport while the new one uses "+ability +1"

But also there are missing effects. Lightningchain/roots shows no effects from what I can tell.
Also the teleport on new human race is like two small steps on rank 8. Even if I go into the config and add an extra 0, its unchanged. I think also the lightning/root has the same distance problems..

Now if we try the old races/items. We run into problems. The default paths with 0.78 version are:


But the server will crash. Because with your version they need to be in:


**And the race.ini (also the 0.78 version has this renamed to default_races.ini) and tools.ini all point to tools, not items and they are missing the modules folder aswell. And the old race files are also sometimes pointing to the wrong folders.

Im not sure, but maybe this is enough to change:**

# EventScripts module path
MODULE_PATH_ES = PLUGIN_PATH / 'es_emulator' / 'eventscripts' / 'wcs' / 'modules'
# EventScripts race path
# EventScripts item path


# EventScripts module path
MODULE_PATH_ES = PLUGIN_PATH / 'es_emulator' / 'eventscripts' / 'wcs'
# EventScripts race path
# EventScripts item path

Now when I run the server again and load everything I get this:

Initializing EventScripts...
[EventScripts] Temporary: Setting the host's IP variable from the command-line.
[EventScripts] Loaded esc
[SP] Successfully loaded plugin 'es_emulator'.
[SP] Loading plugin 'wcs'...

[SP] Encountered a Warning:
  File '../addons/source-python/plugins/wcs/core/modules/races/', line 192: UserWarning
    Unable to find the default race "". Using "undead_scourge" as temporary default

[SP] Successfully loaded plugin 'wcs'.
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/warden
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/archmage_proudmoore
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/blood_mage
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/human_alliance
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/night_elves
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/orcish_horde
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/shadow_hunter
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/undead_scourge
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/crypt_lord
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/flame_predator
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/succubus_hunter
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/tools
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/tools/abilities
Can't load addon (wcs/tools/abilities/warden): cannot import name 'wcsgroup'
Can't load addon (wcs/tools/abilities/healingwarden): cannot import name 'wcsgroup'
Can't load addon (wcs/tools/abilities/trap): cannot import name 'wcsgroup'
Tried to look up command wcs_foreach as if it were a variable.

[SP] Caught an Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/esc/", line 189, in command, args, exp)
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/esc/cmds/", line 140, in run
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/esc/cmds/", line 20, in load
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/esc/", line 28, in load
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/", line 206, in wrapper
    return func(c)
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/", line 2155, in load
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/", line 443, in loadModuleAddon
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/", line 242, in load
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/wcs/tools/foreach/", line 7, in load
    registerServerCommand('wcs_foreach', register, 'Syntax: wcs_foreach <player/weapon/token> <var> <identifier> <"command">')
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/_libs/python/", line 141, in registerServerCommand
    cmd_manager.registerServerCommand(*a, **kw)
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/_libs/python/", line 37, in registerServerCommand
PreMinidumpCallback: updating dump comment
./srcds_run: line 318: 26682 Segmentation fault      $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Tue Jan 22 15:28:43 CET 2019: Server restart in 10 seconds
crash_20190122152841_1.dmp[26692]: Uploading dump (out-of-process)
crash_20190122152841_1.dmp[26692]: Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = yes
crash_20190122152841_1.dmp[26692]: response: Discarded=1
crash_20190122152841_1.dmp[26692]: file ''/tmp/dumps/crash_20190122152841_1.dmp'', upload yes: ''Discarded=1''

So I edit the es_tools.txt And remove a few lines..

block load
	es_load wcs/tools/ultimates
	es_load wcs/tools/xcommands
	es_load wcs/tools/trap

block unload
	es_unload wcs/tools/ultimates
	es_unload wcs/tools/xcommands
	es_unload wcs/tools/trap

**Now the server starts, without a crash. Now when I teleport I actually get the message "You teleported" and also the message about cool downs.

And the log looks like this:**

[wcs/tools/ultimates/default/wcs_ulti_teleport 31] wcs_getviewcoords: The command 'wcs_getviewcoords' could not be found
[wcs/tools/ultimates/default/wcs_ulti_teleport 33] wcs_getdistance: The command 'wcs_getdistance' could not be found
[wcs/tools/ultimates/default/wcs_ulti_teleport 38] wcs_pushto: The command 'wcs_pushto' could not be found
[wcs/races/human_alliance/teleport 50] wcs_getviewcoords: The command 'wcs_getviewcoords' could not be found
[wcs/races/human_alliance/teleport 52] wcs_getdistance: The command 'wcs_getdistance' could not be found
".5" is an invalid value for "frame_rate:clamping".

[wcs/races/human_alliance/spawn 3] wcs_set_cooldown: The command 'wcs_set_cooldown' could not be found

from wcs.

BrutalCSEjziponken avatar BrutalCSEjziponken commented on June 12, 2024

I edited my first post.

from wcs.

ThaPwned avatar ThaPwned commented on June 12, 2024

Seems like the new races actually works now but the key bindings are different than what was used in wc3 mod i 1.6. Also they seem to be different depending on new vs old race. Old human uses "ultimate" to teleport while the new one uses "+ability +1"

That was a mistake on my part. It should've just been ability (I plan to remove ultimate at some point), and it's been updated in the latest commit to the races.

But also there are missing effects. Lightningchain/roots shows no effects from what I can tell.
Also the teleport on new human race is like two small steps on rank 8. Even if I go into the config and add an extra 0, its unchanged. I think also the lightning/root has the same distance problems..

I haven't gotten around to finding proper models for the effects in CSGO yet. If you have some models in mind, feel free to do a PR, and I'll see to them being added ASAP.
When you used Human Alliance's Teleport skill, did you look down, straight forward, or up? It takes the distance of where you're looking into account, so the further away you're looking, the further away you'll be pushed.

Now if we try the old races/items. We run into problems. The default paths with 0.78 version are:


But the server will crash. Because with your version they need to be in:


**And the race.ini (also the 0.78 version has this renamed to default_races.ini) and tools.ini all point to tools, not items and they are missing the modules folder aswell. And the old race files are also sometimes pointing to the wrong folders.

Im not sure, but maybe this is enough to change:**

# EventScripts module path
MODULE_PATH_ES = PLUGIN_PATH / 'es_emulator' / 'eventscripts' / 'wcs' / 'modules'
# EventScripts race path
# EventScripts item path


# EventScripts module path
MODULE_PATH_ES = PLUGIN_PATH / 'es_emulator' / 'eventscripts' / 'wcs'
# EventScripts race path
# EventScripts item path

Only new-style races and items have to be there. All races in 0.78 are located in the races.ini file (and default_races.ini for the default races, as you mentioned). New-style races and items each have their own file (es_<race/item name>.txt for ESS races/items and <race/item name>.py for ESP races/items). Right now, there's no races nor items coded in this format, only pure Source.Python races. tools.ini is just a separate file to load all kinds of commands or blocks for races/items to use, so that's the reason they aren't a part of the modules "package".

Now when I run the server again and load everything I get this:

Initializing EventScripts...
[EventScripts] Temporary: Setting the host's IP variable from the command-line.
[EventScripts] Loaded esc
[SP] Successfully loaded plugin 'es_emulator'.
[SP] Loading plugin 'wcs'...

[SP] Encountered a Warning:
  File '../addons/source-python/plugins/wcs/core/modules/races/', line 192: UserWarning
    Unable to find the default race "". Using "undead_scourge" as temporary default

[SP] Successfully loaded plugin 'wcs'.
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/warden
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/archmage_proudmoore
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/blood_mage
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/human_alliance
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/night_elves
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/orcish_horde
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/shadow_hunter
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/undead_scourge
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/crypt_lord
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/flame_predator
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/races/succubus_hunter
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/tools
[EventScripts] Loaded wcs/tools/abilities
Can't load addon (wcs/tools/abilities/warden): cannot import name 'wcsgroup'
Can't load addon (wcs/tools/abilities/healingwarden): cannot import name 'wcsgroup'
Can't load addon (wcs/tools/abilities/trap): cannot import name 'wcsgroup'
Tried to look up command wcs_foreach as if it were a variable.

[SP] Caught an Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/esc/", line 189, in command, args, exp)
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/esc/cmds/", line 140, in run
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/esc/cmds/", line 20, in load
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/esc/", line 28, in load
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/", line 206, in wrapper
    return func(c)
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/", line 2155, in load
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/", line 443, in loadModuleAddon
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/", line 242, in load
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/wcs/tools/foreach/", line 7, in load
    registerServerCommand('wcs_foreach', register, 'Syntax: wcs_foreach <player/weapon/token> <var> <identifier> <"command">')
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/_libs/python/", line 141, in registerServerCommand
    cmd_manager.registerServerCommand(*a, **kw)
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/es_emulator/eventscripts/_libs/python/", line 37, in registerServerCommand
PreMinidumpCallback: updating dump comment
./srcds_run: line 318: 26682 Segmentation fault      $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Tue Jan 22 15:28:43 CET 2019: Server restart in 10 seconds
crash_20190122152841_1.dmp[26692]: Uploading dump (out-of-process)
crash_20190122152841_1.dmp[26692]: Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = yes
crash_20190122152841_1.dmp[26692]: response: Discarded=1
crash_20190122152841_1.dmp[26692]: file ''/tmp/dumps/crash_20190122152841_1.dmp'', upload yes: ''Discarded=1''

So I edit the es_tools.txt And remove a few lines..

block load
  es_load wcs/tools/ultimates
  es_load wcs/tools/xcommands
  es_load wcs/tools/trap

block unload
  es_unload wcs/tools/ultimates
  es_unload wcs/tools/xcommands
  es_unload wcs/tools/trap

**Now the server starts, without a crash. Now when I teleport I actually get the message "You teleported" and also the message about cool downs.

Glad to hear it's working for you. Almost all ESP addons that's using 0.78's API most likely will not load due to the massive changes in the structure, so that's why you can't load wcs/tools/abilities/warden, ../healingwarden, and ../trap.

And the log looks like this:**

[wcs/tools/ultimates/default/wcs_ulti_teleport 31] wcs_getviewcoords: The command 'wcs_getviewcoords' could not be found
[wcs/tools/ultimates/default/wcs_ulti_teleport 33] wcs_getdistance: The command 'wcs_getdistance' could not be found
[wcs/tools/ultimates/default/wcs_ulti_teleport 38] wcs_pushto: The command 'wcs_pushto' could not be found
[wcs/races/human_alliance/teleport 50] wcs_getviewcoords: The command 'wcs_getviewcoords' could not be found
[wcs/races/human_alliance/teleport 52] wcs_getdistance: The command 'wcs_getdistance' could not be found
".5" is an invalid value for "frame_rate:clamping".

[wcs/races/human_alliance/spawn 3] wcs_set_cooldown: The command 'wcs_set_cooldown' could not be found

I haven't added all wcs_* commands yet (and some will not be added, as all they did was eg. set a key in wcsgroup, which should be done instead) but they'll (hopefully) be added at some point. Because of this, not all races nor items will function 100%, however, I'll try and get it as close as possible.

from wcs.

BrutalCSEjziponken avatar BrutalCSEjziponken commented on June 12, 2024

Hm okay so I tested human teleport again. If I aim towards a wall straight infront of me, i get the small 2 step jump. But if I aim higher up i get that big jump. Seems like it should allow me to jump further when i aim straight forward?



Not sure about the effects, cant these be used?:


This plugin contains the essential est_effects. The problem with CS:GO is, that most of the sprites are missing. If you want to use this version to its fullest:

Download the from here:
Extract the to your csgo folder

They have flames, lightning, laser beams etc.

from wcs.

BrutalCSEjziponken avatar BrutalCSEjziponken commented on June 12, 2024

Also levitation seems to bug sometimes giving you -gravity.

Edit: Possible a DM bug aswell, I can reproduce it without DM.

from wcs.

BrutalCSEjziponken avatar BrutalCSEjziponken commented on June 12, 2024

Also Human invisibilty not working (using sv_disable_immunity_alpha 1)
Works with the OLD human race tho, but again then teleport dont work. :D

from wcs.

ThaPwned avatar ThaPwned commented on June 12, 2024

Hm okay so I tested human teleport again. If I aim towards a wall straight infront of me, i get the small 2 step jump. But if I aim higher up i get that big jump. Seems like it should allow me to jump further when i aim straight forward?

It all depends on angles and what not. I made it this way to mimic WCS 0.77's version.



Not sure about the effects, cant these be used?:

This plugin contains the essential est_effects. The problem with CS:GO is, that most of the sprites are missing. If you want to use this version to its fullest:
Download the from here:
Extract the to your csgo folder

They have flames, lightning, laser beams etc.

You're free to install them on your server. I'd rather not require the players to download additional materials if it can be avoided.

Also levitation seems to bug sometimes giving you -gravity.

Edit: Possible a DM bug aswell, I can reproduce it without DM.

Is this with Undead Scourge's Levitation skill? If that is the case, it only sets the value that's retrieved from the config.json file, so make sure it's set correctly there. If it's another race, try to debug it and see if it's something there. Unfortunately, I cannot support races that's not on the contents repository.

Also Human invisibilty not working (using sv_disable_immunity_alpha 1)
Works with the OLD human race tho, but again then teleport dont work. :D

It appears to be a bug in CSGO, so not much I can do on my end, sorry.

I'd also appreciate it if you created a new issue instead of bundling them together here, as it makes it tricky to keep track on them. Thanks in advance.

from wcs.

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