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ClickHouse® is a real-time analytics DBMS

Home Page:

License: Apache License 2.0

Shell 4.34% JavaScript 0.01% C++ 81.45% Python 8.54% Perl 0.01% C 3.70% PHP 0.01% Java 0.02% Clojure 0.09% Go 0.01% C# 0.01% Assembly 0.29% Rust 0.01% CSS 0.01% ANTLR 0.05% GAP 0.01% Cap'n Proto 0.01% HTML 0.17% CMake 1.30% DIGITAL Command Language 0.01%

clickhouse's Introduction

Website Apache 2.0 License

The ClickHouse company logo.

ClickHouse® is an open-source column-oriented database management system that allows generating analytical data reports in real-time.

How To Install (Linux, macOS, FreeBSD)

curl | sh

Useful Links

  • Official website has a quick high-level overview of ClickHouse on the main page.
  • ClickHouse Cloud ClickHouse as a service, built by the creators and maintainers.
  • Tutorial shows how to set up and query a small ClickHouse cluster.
  • Documentation provides more in-depth information.
  • YouTube channel has a lot of content about ClickHouse in video format.
  • Slack and Telegram allow chatting with ClickHouse users in real-time.
  • Blog contains various ClickHouse-related articles, as well as announcements and reports about events.
  • Code Browser ( with syntax highlighting, powered by
  • Contacts can help to get your questions answered if there are any.

Monthly Release & Community Call

Every month we get together with the community (users, contributors, customers, those interested in learning more about ClickHouse) to discuss what is coming in the latest release. If you are interested in sharing what you've built on ClickHouse, let us know.

Upcoming Events

Keep an eye out for upcoming meetups and events around the world. Somewhere else you want us to be? Please feel free to reach out to tyler <at> clickhouse <dot> com. You can also peruse ClickHouse Events for a list of all upcoming trainings, meetups, speaking engagements, etc.

Recent Recordings

  • Recent Meetup Videos: Meetup Playlist Whenever possible recordings of the ClickHouse Community Meetups are edited and presented as individual talks. Current featuring "Modern SQL in 2023", "Fast, Concurrent, and Consistent Asynchronous INSERTS in ClickHouse", and "Full-Text Indices: Design and Experiments"
  • Recording available: v24.4 Release Call All the features of 24.4, one convenient video! Watch it now!

Interested in joining ClickHouse and making it your full-time job?

We are a globally diverse and distributed team, united behind a common goal of creating industry-leading, real-time analytics. Here, you will have an opportunity to solve some of the most cutting-edge technical challenges and have direct ownership of your work and vision. If you are a contributor by nature, a thinker and a doer - we’ll definitely click!

Check out our current openings here:

Can't find what you are looking for, but want to let us know you are interested in joining ClickHouse? Email [email protected]!

clickhouse's People


alexey-milovidov avatar alesapin avatar kochetovnicolai avatar kssenii avatar tavplubix avatar azat avatar avogar avatar rschu1ze avatar kitaisreal avatar curtizj avatar vdimir avatar antonio2368 avatar felixoid avatar akuzm avatar blinkov avatar nikitamikhaylov avatar algunenano avatar proller avatar devcrafter avatar qoega avatar al13n321 avatar evillique avatar serxa avatar novikd avatar mergify[bot] avatar 4ertus2 avatar taiyang-li avatar amosbird avatar yakov-olkhovskiy avatar danroscigno avatar

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