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ctmouse's Introduction


CuteMouse is a small open source DOS mouse driver, developed from 1997 to 2009 by Nagy Daniel, Eric Auer, and many others. The project is hosted on SourceForge and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

This repository hosts a version of CuteMouse v2.1b4 converted to compile with Jwasm 2.12 on a modern Linux or Mac OS host. Beside requiring a DOS environment to be compiled, the original version was incompatible with 8088/8086 CPUs since it used a few 286 instructions. I have fixed this incompatibility to make the driver compatible with every x86 CPU.


  • CuteMouse ant this repository as a whole are distributed under the terms of the GPL version 2. See the copying file for more details.
  • bin2exe.c is a modified version of the bin2exe utility included in booterify, developed by Raphaël Assenat and distributed under the MIT License.

ctmouse's People


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