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Standard - JavaScript Style Guide
JavaScript Standard Style

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JavaScript style guide, linter, and formatter

This module saves you (and others!) time in three ways:

  • No configuration. The easiest way to enforce code quality in your project. No decisions to make. No .eslintrc files to manage. It just works.
  • Automatically format code. Just run standard --fix and say goodbye to messy or inconsistent code.
  • Catch style issues & programmer errors early. Save precious code review time by eliminating back-and-forth between reviewer & contributor.

Give it a try by running npx standard --fix right now!

Table of Contents


The easiest way to use JavaScript Standard Style is to install it globally as a Node command line program. Run the following command in Terminal:

$ npm install standard --global

Or, you can install standard locally, for use in a single project:

$ npm install standard --save-dev

Note: To run the preceding commands, Node.js and npm must be installed.


After you've installed standard, you should be able to use the standard program. The simplest use case would be checking the style of all JavaScript files in the current working directory:

$ standard
Error: Use JavaScript Standard Style
  lib/torrent.js:950:11: Expected '===' and instead saw '=='.

If you've installed standard locally, run with npx instead:

$ npx standard

You can optionally pass in a directory (or directories) using the glob pattern. Be sure to quote paths containing glob patterns so that they are expanded by standard instead of your shell:

$ standard "src/util/**/*.js" "test/**/*.js"

Note: by default standard will look for all files matching the patterns: **/*.js, **/*.jsx.

What you might do if you're clever

  1. Add it to package.json

      "name": "my-cool-package",
      "devDependencies": {
        "standard": "*"
      "scripts": {
        "test": "standard && node my-tests.js"
  2. Style is checked automatically when you run npm test

    $ npm test
    Error: Use JavaScript Standard Style
      lib/torrent.js:950:11: Expected '===' and instead saw '=='.
  3. Never give style feedback on a pull request again!

Why should I use JavaScript Standard Style?

The beauty of JavaScript Standard Style is that it's simple. No one wants to maintain multiple hundred-line style configuration files for every module/project they work on. Enough of this madness!

This module saves you (and others!) time in three ways:

  • No configuration. The easiest way to enforce consistent style in your project. Just drop it in.
  • Automatically format code. Just run standard --fix and say goodbye to messy or inconsistent code.
  • Catch style issues & programmer errors early. Save precious code review time by eliminating back-and-forth between reviewer & contributor.

Adopting standard style means ranking the importance of code clarity and community conventions higher than personal style. This might not make sense for 100% of projects and development cultures, however open source can be a hostile place for newbies. Setting up clear, automated contributor expectations makes a project healthier.

For more info, see the conference talk "Write Perfect Code with Standard and ESLint". In this talk, you'll learn about linting, when to use standard versus eslint, and how prettier compares to standard.

Who uses JavaScript Standard Style?

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In addition to companies, many community members use standard on packages that are too numerous to list here.

standard is also the top-starred linter in GitHub's Clean Code Linter showcase.

Are there text editor plugins?

First, install standard. Then, install the appropriate plugin for your editor:

Sublime Text

Using Package Control, install SublimeLinter and SublimeLinter-contrib-standard.

For automatic formatting on save, install StandardFormat.


Install linter-js-standard.

Alternatively, you can install linter-js-standard-engine. Instead of bundling a version of standard it will automatically use the version installed in your current project. It will also work out of the box with other linters based on standard-engine.

For automatic formatting, install standard-formatter. For snippets, install standardjs-snippets.

Visual Studio Code

Install vscode-standard. (Includes support for automatic formatting.)

For JS snippets, install: vscode-standardjs-snippets. For React snippets, install vscode-react-standard.


Install ale. And add these lines to your .vimrc file.

let g:ale_linters = {
\   'javascript': ['standard'],
let g:ale_fixers = {'javascript': ['standard']}

This sets standard as your only linter and fixer for javascript files and so prevents conflicts with eslint. For linting and automatic fixing on save, add these lines to .vimrc:

let g:ale_lint_on_save = 1
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1

Alternative plugins to consider include neomake and syntastic, both of which have built-in support for standard (though configuration may be necessary).


Install Flycheck and check out the manual to learn how to enable it in your projects.


Search the extension registry for "Standard Code Style" and click "Install".

WebStorm (PhpStorm, IntelliJ, RubyMine, JetBrains, etc.)

WebStorm recently announced native support for standard directly in the IDE.

If you still prefer to configure standard manually, follow this guide. This applies to all JetBrains products, including PhpStorm, IntelliJ, RubyMine, etc.

Is there a readme badge?

Yes! If you use standard in your project, you can include one of these badges in your readme to let people know that your code is using the standard style.

JavaScript Style Guide

[![JavaScript Style Guide](](

JavaScript Style Guide

[![JavaScript Style Guide](](

I disagree with rule X, can you change it?

No. The whole point of standard is to save you time by avoiding bikeshedding about code style. There are lots of debates online about tabs vs. spaces, etc. that will never be resolved. These debates just distract from getting stuff done. At the end of the day you have to 'just pick something', and that's the whole philosophy of standard -- its a bunch of sensible 'just pick something' opinions. Hopefully, users see the value in that over defending their own opinions.

There are a couple of similar packages for anyone who does not want to completely accept standard:

If you really want to configure hundreds of ESLint rules individually, you can always use eslint directly with eslint-config-standard to layer your changes on top. standard-eject can help you migrate from standard to eslint and eslint-config-standard.

Pro tip: Just use standard and move on. There are actual real problems that you could spend your time solving! :P

But this isn't a real web standard!

Of course it's not! The style laid out here is not affiliated with any official web standards groups, which is why this repo is called standard/standard and not ECMA/standard.

The word "standard" has more meanings than just "web standard" :-) For example:

  • This module helps hold our code to a high standard of quality.
  • This module ensures that new contributors follow some basic style standards.

Is there an automatic formatter?

Yes! You can use standard --fix to fix most issues automatically.

standard --fix is built into standard for maximum convenience. Most problems are fixable, but some errors (like forgetting to handle errors) must be fixed manually.

To save you time, standard outputs the message "Run standard --fix to automatically fix some problems" when it detects problems that can be fixed automatically.

How do I ignore files?

Certain paths (node_modules/, coverage/, vendor/, *.min.js, and files/folders that begin with . like .git/) are automatically ignored.

Paths in a project's root .gitignore file are also automatically ignored.

Sometimes you need to ignore additional folders or specific minified files. To do that, add a standard.ignore property to package.json:

"standard": {
  "ignore": [

How do I disable a rule?

In rare cases, you'll need to break a rule and hide the error generated by standard.

JavaScript Standard Style uses ESLint under-the-hood and you can hide errors as you normally would if you used ESLint directly.

Disable all rules on a specific line:

file = 'I know what I am doing' // eslint-disable-line

Or, disable only the "no-use-before-define" rule:

file = 'I know what I am doing' // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define

Or, disable the "no-use-before-define" rule for multiple lines:

/* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */
console.log('offending code goes here...')
console.log('offending code goes here...')
console.log('offending code goes here...')
/* eslint-enable no-use-before-define */

I use a library that pollutes the global namespace. How do I prevent "variable is not defined" errors?

Some packages (e.g. mocha) put their functions (e.g. describe, it) on the global object (poor form!). Since these functions are not defined or require'd anywhere in your code, standard will warn that you're using a variable that is not defined (usually, this rule is really useful for catching typos!). But we want to disable it for these global variables.

To let standard (as well as humans reading your code) know that certain variables are global in your code, add this to the top of your file:

/* global myVar1, myVar2 */

If you have hundreds of files, it may be desirable to avoid adding comments to every file. In this case, run:

$ standard --global myVar1 --global myVar2

Or, add this to package.json:

  "standard": {
    "globals": [ "myVar1", "myVar2" ]

Note: global and globals are equivalent.

How do I use experimental JavaScript (ES Next) features?

standard supports the latest ECMAScript features, ES8 (ES2017), including language feature proposals that are in "Stage 4" of the proposal process.

To support experimental language features, standard supports specifying a custom JavaScript parser. Before using a custom parser, consider whether the added complexity is worth it.

To use a custom parser, first install it from npm:

npm install @babel/eslint-parser --save-dev

Then run:

$ standard --parser @babel/eslint-parser

Or, add this to package.json:

  "standard": {
    "parser": "@babel/eslint-parser"

Can I use a JavaScript language variant, like Flow or TypeScript?

standard supports the latest ECMAScript features. However, Flow and TypeScript add new syntax to the language, so they are not supported out-of-the-box.

For TypeScript, an official variant ts-standard is supported and maintained that provides a very similar experience to standard.

For other JavaScript language variants, standard supports specifying a custom JavaScript parser as well as an ESLint plugin to handle the changed syntax. Before using a JavaScript language variant, consider whether the added complexity is worth it.


ts-standard is the officially supported variant for TypeScript. ts-standard supports all the same rules and options as standard and includes additional TypeScript specific rules. ts-standard will even lint regular javascript files by setting the configuration in tsconfig.json.

npm install ts-standard --save-dev

Then run (where tsconfig.json is located in the working directory):

$ ts-standard

Or, add this to package.json:

  "ts-standard": {
    "project": "./tsconfig.json"

Note: To include additional files in linting such as test files, create a tsconfig.eslint.json file to use instead.

If you really want to configure hundreds of ESLint rules individually, you can always use eslint directly with eslint-config-standard-with-typescript to layer your changes on top.


To use Flow, you need to run standard with @babel/eslint-parser as the parser and eslint-plugin-flowtype as a plugin.

npm install @babel/eslint-parser eslint-plugin-flowtype --save-dev

Then run:

$ standard --parser @babel/eslint-parser --plugin flowtype

Or, add this to package.json:

  "standard": {
    "parser": "@babel/eslint-parser",
    "plugins": [ "flowtype" ]

Note: plugin and plugins are equivalent.

What about Mocha, Jest, Jasmine, QUnit, etc?

To support mocha in test files, add this to the top of the test files:

/* eslint-env mocha */

Or, run:

$ standard --env mocha

Where mocha can be one of jest, jasmine, qunit, phantomjs, and so on. To see a full list, check ESLint's specifying environments documentation. For a list of what globals are available for these environments, check the globals npm module.

Note: env and envs are equivalent.

What about Web Workers and Service Workers?

Add this to the top of web worker files:

/* eslint-env worker */

This lets standard (as well as humans reading the code) know that self is a global in web worker code.

For Service workers, add this instead:

/* eslint-env serviceworker */

What is the difference between warnings and errors?

standard treats all rule violations as errors, which means that standard will exit with a non-zero (error) exit code.

However, we may occasionally release a new major version of standard which changes a rule that affects the majority of standard users (for example, transitioning from var to let/const). We do this only when we think the advantage is worth the cost and only when the rule is auto-fixable.

In these situations, we have a "transition period" where the rule change is only a "warning". Warnings don't cause standard to return a non-zero (error) exit code. However, a warning message will still print to the console. During the transition period, using standard --fix will update your code so that it's ready for the next major version.

The slow and careful approach is what we strive for with standard. We're generally extremely conservative in enforcing the usage of new language features. We want using standard to be light and fun and so we're careful about making changes that may get in your way. As always, you can disable a rule at any time, if necessary.

Can I check code inside of Markdown or HTML files?

To check code inside Markdown files, use standard-markdown.

Alternatively, there are ESLint plugins that can check code inside Markdown, HTML, and many other types of language files:

To check code inside Markdown files, use an ESLint plugin:

$ npm install eslint-plugin-markdown

Then, to check JS that appears inside code blocks, run:

$ standard --plugin markdown '**/*.md'

To check code inside HTML files, use an ESLint plugin:

$ npm install eslint-plugin-html

Then, to check JS that appears inside <script> tags, run:

$ standard --plugin html '**/*.html'

Is there a Git pre-commit hook?

Yes! Hooks are great for ensuring that unstyled code never even makes it into your repo. Never give style feedback on a pull request again!

You even have a choice...

Install your own hook


# Ensure all JavaScript files staged for commit pass standard code style
function xargs-r() {
  # Portable version of "xargs -r". The -r flag is a GNU extension that
  # prevents xargs from running if there are no input files.
  if IFS= read -r -d $'\n' path; then
    echo "$path" | cat - | xargs "$@"
git diff --name-only --cached --relative | grep '\.jsx\?$' | sed 's/[^[:alnum:]]/\\&/g' | xargs-r -E '' -t standard
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo 'JavaScript Standard Style errors were detected. Aborting commit.'
  exit 1

Use a pre-commit hook

The pre-commit library allows hooks to be declared within a .pre-commit-config.yaml configuration file in the repo, and therefore more easily maintained across a team.

Users of pre-commit can simply add standard to their .pre-commit-config.yaml file, which will automatically fix .js, .jsx, .mjs and .cjs files:

  - repo:
    rev: master
      - id: standard

Alternatively, for more advanced styling configurations, use standard within the eslint hook:

  - repo:
    rev: master
      - id: eslint
        files: \.[jt]sx?$  # *.js, *.jsx, *.ts and *.tsx
        types: [file]
          - eslint@latest
          - eslint-config-standard@latest
          # and whatever other plugins...

How do I make the output all colorful and pretty?

The built-in output is simple and straightforward, but if you like shiny things, install snazzy:

$ npm install snazzy

And run:

$ standard | snazzy

There's also standard-tap, standard-json, standard-reporter, and standard-summary.

Is there a Node.js API?


async standard.lintText(text, [opts])

Lint the provided source text. An opts object may be provided:

  // unique to lintText
  filename: '',         // path of file containing the text being linted

  // common to lintText and lintFiles
  cwd: '',              // current working directory (default: process.cwd())
  fix: false,           // automatically fix problems
  extensions: [],       // file extensions to lint (has sane defaults)
  globals: [],          // custom global variables to declare
  plugins: [],          // custom eslint plugins
  envs: [],             // custom eslint environment
  parser: '',           // custom js parser (e.g. babel-eslint)
  usePackageJson: true, // use options from nearest package.json?
  useGitIgnore: true    // use file ignore patterns from .gitignore?

All options are optional, though some ESLint plugins require the filename option.

Additional options may be loaded from a package.json if it's found for the current working directory. See below for further details.

Returns a Promise resolving to the results or rejected with an Error.

The results object will contain the following properties:

const results = {
  results: [
      filePath: '',
      messages: [
        { ruleId: '', message: '', line: 0, column: 0 }
      errorCount: 0,
      warningCount: 0,
      output: '' // fixed source code (only present with {fix: true} option)
  errorCount: 0,
  warningCount: 0

async standard.lintFiles(files, [opts])

Lint the provided files globs. An opts object may be provided:

  // unique to lintFiles
  ignore: [],           // file globs to ignore (has sane defaults)

  // common to lintText and lintFiles
  cwd: '',              // current working directory (default: process.cwd())
  fix: false,           // automatically fix problems
  extensions: [],       // file extensions to lint (has sane defaults)
  globals: [],          // custom global variables to declare
  plugins: [],          // custom eslint plugins
  envs: [],             // custom eslint environment
  parser: '',           // custom js parser (e.g. babel-eslint)
  usePackageJson: true, // use options from nearest package.json?
  useGitIgnore: true    // use file ignore patterns from .gitignore?

Additional options may be loaded from a package.json if it's found for the current working directory. See below for further details.

Both ignore and files patterns are resolved relative to the current working directory.

Returns a Promise resolving to the results or rejected with an Error (same as above).

How do I contribute to StandardJS?

Contributions are welcome! Check out the issues or the PRs, and make your own if you want something that you don't see there.

Want to chat? Join contributors on Discord.

Here are some important packages in the standard ecosystem:

There are also many editor plugins, a list of npm packages that use standard, and an awesome list of packages in the standard ecosystem.

Security Policies and Procedures

The standard team and community take all security bugs in standard seriously. Please see our security policies and procedures document to learn how to report issues.


MIT. Copyright (c) Feross Aboukhadijeh.

semistandard's People


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semistandard's Issues


am I supposed to be able to run this in a top level directory and have it recursively search and test all of my js files? If I run it from the top level of this repo, I get:

➜  nanomsg git:(master) ✗ semistandard
Error: spawn ENOENT
    at errnoException (child_process.js:988:11)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:779:34)

WebStorm (and JetBrains IDEs)


I'm opening this issue as a question regarding configuration for WebStorm and other JetBrains IDEs.

I find very clear how to set standardjs with different editors or IDEs, but in semistandard I don't see a section with information regarding JetBrains. Is the basically the same as standardjs (natively supported) or do we have to do some tweaks?

Thank you!

Is there a jsBeautify config for this?

This is nearly there ..

  "brace_style": "collapse",
  "break_chained_methods": false,
  "eval_code": false,
  "indent_char": " ",
  "indent_level": 0,
  "indent_size": 2,
  "indent_with_tabs": false,
  "jslint_happy": true,
  "keep_array_indentation": false,
  "keep_function_indentation": false,
  "max_preserve_newlines": 2,
  "preserve_newlines": true,
  "space_before_conditional": true,
  "unescape_strings": false,
  "wrap_line_length": 0

Error on install

If standard is already installed in a package, npm's deduping will not install it to the expected location for the postinstall script.

That's a pretty janky implementation strategy - perhaps we should switch to a proper fork instead.

node-osa> npm install semistandard --save-dev
> [email protected] postinstall /Users/brandonhorst/projects/node-osa/node_modules/semistandard
> node postinstall.js

  return binding.lstat(pathModule._makeLong(path));
Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '/Users/brandonhorst/projects/node-osa/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/standard/rc/.eslintrc'
    at Object.fs.lstatSync (fs.js:691:18)
    at replacizeFileSync (/Users/brandonhorst/projects/node-osa/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/replace/replace.js:121:22)
    at module.exports (/Users/brandonhorst/projects/node-osa/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/replace/replace.js:64:13)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/brandonhorst/projects/node-osa/node_modules/semistandard/postinstall.js:4:1)
    at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
    at startup (node.js:119:16)

Support for Web Components? ("HTMLElement" is not defined.)

Maybe this is not a valid problem, but I tried running "semistandard" with my Web Component and it doesn't pass because HTMLElement isn't defined. Is this something semistandard is doing or it's because my version of Node doesn't support webcomponents?

Override standard command name

It doesn't mean this style checker is any less “standard” just because someone grabbed a fancier name first.

Checking for standard in npm scripts doesn't mean checking for someone else's standard, it means checking for the standard style for the project you're working on.

     "url": ""
   "bin": {
-    "semistandard": "./bin/cmd.js"
+    "standard": "./bin/cmd.js"
   "bugs": {
     "url": ""

Spread operator error

let oldObject = {
  someString: 'hello world',
  someObj: {
    booleanValue: false,
    someInteger: 5
let newObject = { ...oldObject.someObj, someProperty: true };

this throws an error in Atom,
Error: Unexpected token ... at line xx col xx
this is with babel-eslint installed and set as a parser in package.json,

"semistandard": {
  "parser": "babel-eslint"

is there something I'm misunderstanding ?

Different results running with and without --format

So I have this piece of code, which I removed some of the code to make it simpler:

(function () {
  'use strict';
    .controller('PopularSelectionController', PopularSelectionController);

  /* ngInject */
  function PopularSelectionController (PopularSelectionService) {
    var vm = this;

    function getSelections () {
      vm.selection = [];

        .success(function (data) {
          vm.selectionItems = data.items;
          vm.selectionEngage = data.dateEngage;
          vm.processing = false;
        }).error(function (data) {
        vm.processing = false; //problem here
        vm.dmFormErrors = data; // and here

So as you can see, vm.processing and vm.dmFormErrors should have more two spaces. So I add them:

        }).error(function (data) {
          vm.processing = false; //problem here solved
          vm.dmFormErrors = data; // and here also solved

Now if I run semistandard --verbose | snazzy everything is great and there are no errors, but if I run semistandard --format | snazzy it changes my file again to this:

        }).error(function (data) {
        vm.processing = false; //problem here again
        vm.dmFormErrors = data; // and here again

It removes the two spaces that I added and then throws an error saying that I should add two spaces.

It remembers me when I was young and ask my parents to go out, my Mom would say yes and my Dad would say no and that makes me sad.

Does anyone know if there's something wrong with that specific code or if it's an edge case?

Unexpected linter output

I try to run semistandard and I hit this error:

semistandard: Unexpected linter output:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined
    at markPropTypesAsDeclared (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/eslint-plugin-react/lib/rules/prop-types.js:449:27)
    at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/eslint-plugin-react/lib/rules/prop-types.js:571:9
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at EventEmitter.ObjectExpression (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/eslint-plugin-react/lib/rules/prop-types.js:567:23)
    at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:129:20)
    at Controller.controller.traverse.enter (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/standard-engine/node_modules/eslint/lib/eslint.js:724:25)
    at Controller.__execute (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/standard-engine/node_modules/eslint/node_modules/estraverse/estraverse.js:397:31)
    at Controller.traverse (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/standard-engine/node_modules/eslint/node_modules/estraverse/estraverse.js:495:28)
    at EventEmitter.module.exports.api.verify (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/standard-engine/node_modules/eslint/lib/eslint.js:717:24)
    at processText (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/standard-engine/node_modules/eslint/lib/cli-engine.js:201:27)

It's odd because it works fine on another machine of mine. Any insight on what exactly is going on here?

RegExp invalid group error on named group

Either I'm missing something obvious or this is a bug ...

Adding RegExp with named group produces this error:

error  Parsing error: Invalid regular expression: /(?<main>.*\s+)(?<remain>[^\s]+)/: Invalid group  null

Here is the corresponding code:

const textMatch = text.match(/(?<main>.*\s+)(?<remain>[^\s]+)/);

On SemiStandard Version: 12.0.1
On Node Version: v10.9.0

Correct way to opt out of certain rules?

I found #111 but still not clear or getting 'it' working.

invoking with:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/semistandard --verbose  | ./node_modules/.bin/snazzy

and in the directory where that command is invoked, I tried having both an .eslintrc and a eslintrc.json with this config:

  "extends": "standard",
    "rules": {
      "camelcase": "off"

But camel case is still an error. How to proceed? Thank you

Cannot find module 'babel-eslint'

$ semistandard

semistandard: Use Semicolons For All! (
  /Users/kaylee/Projects/GitHub/gsklee/frontier/source/scripts/main.js:0:0: Cannot find module 'babel-eslint'
  /Users/kaylee/Projects/GitHub/gsklee/frontier/source/scripts/test/test.js:0:0: Cannot find module 'babel-eslint'
$ npm ls --depth=0 -g

├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
└── [email protected]

Any ideas?

cc @feross

Travis CI failing with Node 6 and v13.0

This is kind of a strange issue because I can't see anything obvious that changed in the v13.0.0 release but all our Greenkeeper update PRs are failing in Travis CI on Node 6 on the semistandard --fix command with:

> semistandard --fix
/usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory


Vim syntastic plugin not reporting errors

Tried adding this line to .vimrc

let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers = ['semistandard']

But it doesn't report errors on saving a .js file in Vim. Am I missing something here?
P.S. semistandard is installed globally

value used for method call erronously flagged

user@host:~/src/test$ semistandard --version
user@host:~/src/test$ cat bug.js
var promise = new Promise();
promise = promise.then(() => { });
promise = promise.then(() => { });
user@host:~/src/test$ semistandard
semistandard: Semicolons For All! (
  /home/user/src/test/bug.js:1:5: 'promise' is defined but never used.

promise is, however, used repeatedly !

Cannot read property 'ecmaFeatures' of undefined


Parsing error: Cannot read property 'ecmaFeatures' of undefined

Tell us about your environment

ESLint Version: 5.1.0
Node Version: 10.6.0
**npm Version:**6.1.0"
my eslintrc

node: true
es6: true
jquery: false
browser: false


  • eslint:recommended

curly: off

Error while loading rule 'spaced-comment'

I get this error after re-installing semistandard with rm node_modules/semistandard && npm install semistandard:

TypeError: Error while loading rule 'spaced-comment': Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at module.exports (C:\r\larsthorup\amaze\node_modules\semistandard\node_modules\standard-engine\node_modules\eslint\lib\rules\spaced-comment.js:26:28)
at C:\r\larsthorup\amaze\node_modules\semistandard\node_modules\standard-engine\node_modules\eslint\lib\eslint.js:629:32
at Array.forEach (native)
at EventEmitter.module.exports.api.verify (C:\r\larsthorup\amaze\node_modules\semistandard\node_modules\standard-engine\node_modules\eslint\lib\eslint.js:620:16)
at processText (C:\r\larsthorup\amaze\node_modules\semistandard\node_modules\standard-engine\node_modules\eslint\lib\cli-engine.js:200:27)
at processFile (C:\r\larsthorup\amaze\node_modules\semistandard\node_modules\standard-engine\node_modules\eslint\lib\cli-engine.js:225:12)
at C:\r\larsthorup\amaze\node_modules\semistandard\node_modules\standard-engine\node_modules\eslint\lib\cli-engine.js:317:26
at walk (C:\r\larsthorup\amaze\node_modules\semistandard\node_modules\standard-engine\node_modules\eslint\lib\util\traverse.js:81:9)
at C:\r\larsthorup\amaze\node_modules\semistandard\node_modules\standard-engine\node_modules\eslint\lib\util\traverse.js:102:9
at Array.forEach (native)

It looks like semistandard will use the latest eslint (0.24.0) but the embedded standard-engine will use a specific commit off of 0.22.1, as npm ls eslint gives:

[email protected] C:\r\larsthorup\temp\amaze
└─┬ [email protected]
  ├── [email protected]
  └─┬ [email protected]
    └── [email protected]  (git://

If I update node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/standard-engine/node_modules/eslint to a copy of the one in node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/eslint this error goes away.

To reproduce:

git clone git://
cd amaze
git checkout 7fb4c3
npm install
npm test

Let me know if you need me to assemble a smaller repro scenario.

"Missing space before function parameter" Error

I have the following code:

var o = {
  get foo() {
    return 1;

running semistandard -F on it, gives me:

semistandard: Semicolons For All! (
/home/timo/FluentFlow/testStandard.js:2:10: Missing space before function parentheses.

That's ok. But if I add that missing space, it will be removed again by the "format option" and the error stays the same.

Display 2-space indentation as if it's 4-space wide

Is there any way to display 2-space indentations as if it's 4-space wide for common editors (Atom, Sublime, Vim, etc.)?

My team is interested in adapting Semistandard but the enforcement on purely personal preference (ie. indentation depth) is holding them off. We're looking for a way to introduce Semistandard into our workflow but allowing different indentation depth at the same time. Tweaking the width of indentation space characters seems to be a way of doing it.

Parsing error: Cannot find module '@babel/types'

When running semistandard with @babel 7 it fails on this error. I have tried installing @babel/types as a dev dependency but it does not work. I assume this is peer dependency problem and I tried running npm install inside of node_modules/@babel-types but this has not worked.

Fails to read absolute file paths

semistandard always seems to resolves paths against the current working directory, regardless of whether they are absolute or relative, and consequently fails to read absolute file paths. E.g.:

vagrant@flycheck-test:/flycheck$ semistandard --version
vagrant@flycheck-test:/flycheck$ semistandard test/resources/checkers/javascript-style.js
semistandard: Use Semicolons For All! (
  /flycheck/test/resources/checkers/javascript-style.js:3:9: Missing space before function parentheses.
  /flycheck/test/resources/checkers/javascript-style.js:4:2: Expected indentation of 2 characters.
  /flycheck/test/resources/checkers/javascript-style.js:4:5: foo is defined but never used
  /flycheck/test/resources/checkers/javascript-style.js:4:12: Strings must use singlequote.
vagrant@flycheck-test:/flycheck$ semistandard /flycheck/test/resources/checkers/javascript-style.js
semistandard: Unexpected linter output:

Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '/flycheck/flycheck/test/resources/checkers/javascript-style.js'
    at Object.fs.statSync (fs.js:696:18)
    at walk (/usr/lib/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/standard-engine/node_modules/eslint/lib/util/traverse.js:36:15)
    at /usr/lib/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/standard-engine/node_modules/eslint/lib/util/traverse.js:102:9
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at traverse (/usr/lib/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/standard-engine/node_modules/eslint/lib/util/traverse.js:101:11)
    at CLIEngine.executeOnFiles (/usr/lib/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/standard-engine/node_modules/eslint/lib/cli-engine.js:323:9)
    at /usr/lib/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/standard-engine/index.js:117:56
    at zalgoSafe (/usr/lib/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/standard-engine/node_modules/dezalgo/dezalgo.js:20:10)
    at done (/usr/lib/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/standard-engine/node_modules/run-parallel/index.js:18:15)
    at f (/usr/lib/node_modules/semistandard/node_modules/standard-engine/node_modules/glob/node_modules/once/once.js:17:25)

If you think this is a bug in `semistandard`, open an issue:

standard works fine.

How to opt out of specific rules in package.json ?

Hi @Flet,
Since upgrading to the latest version of Semistandard (8.0.0)
we are getting a lot of "Identifier 'variable_name' is not in camel case" ...
But we want to use snake_case for our variables so they are easy to distinguish.
How do we set this in package.json ?

  "semistandard": {
    "rules": {
      "camelcase": false

But no luck.
Can you please help and/or point us to the place in the docs where its explained how to ignore a certain rule? thanks!

Definition for rule 'react/jsx-no-duplicate-props' was not found - error on lint

  semistandard: Semicolons For All! ( 
  /azk/start-hapiness/Azkfile.js:6:1: Definition for rule 'react/jsx-no-duplicate-props' was not found
  /azk/start-hapiness/controllers/todo.js:1:1: Definition for rule 'react/jsx-no-duplicate-props' was not found
  /azk/start-hapiness/index.js:1:1: Definition for rule 'react/jsx-no-duplicate-props' was not found
  /azk/start-hapiness/lib/database.js:1:1: Definition for rule 'react/jsx-no-duplicate-props' was not found
  /azk/start-hapiness/lib/loader.js:1:1: Definition for rule 'react/jsx-no-duplicate-props' was not found
  /azk/start-hapiness/lib/server.js:1:1: Definition for rule 'react/jsx-no-duplicate-props' was not found
  /azk/start-hapiness/models/todo.js:1:1: Definition for rule 'react/jsx-no-duplicate-props' was not found
  /azk/start-hapiness/routes/todo.js:1:1: Definition for rule 'react/jsx-no-duplicate-props' was not found
  /azk/start-hapiness/test/routes/todo.spec.js:1:1: Definition for rule 'react/jsx-no-duplicate-props' was not found
  /azk/start-hapiness/validators/todo.js:1:1: Definition for rule 'react/jsx-no-duplicate-props' was not found
npm ERR! Test failed.  See above for more details.

I got this error when I running my linter. Someone can help me to fix this?

Cannot use semistandard because of missing dependencies

semistandard used to work fine for me, but I recently switched to a new machine with updated npm, and whenever I try to use it, I keep getting dependency errors.

This is an example error:

semistandard: Unexpected linter output:

Error: Failed to load plugin react: Cannot find module 'eslint-plugin-react'

If I install all the dependencies of semistandard as devDependencies for my project, I simply get new error related to other internal dependencies.

I tried with downgraded npm, reinstalled npm, and other methods but nothing works.

npm -v -> 5.2.0
node -v -> v6.11.3

Should semistandard-format be removed from semistandard?

With --fix added in now, should we remove the --format option and instead rely on --fix?

standard has already done the same thing. The benefit here would be a lot less dependencies to install, resulting in faster installs for folks who include semistandard in their devDependencies.

usage message refers to standard

➜  nanomsg git:(formatting) ✗ semistandard -h
      standard <flags>

      -v, --verbose    Show error codes (so you can ignore specific rules)
          --stdin      Force processing input from stdin
          --version    Display the current version
      -F  --format     EXPERIMENTIAL: format code using standard-format before linting
                       (will not work with stdin)
      -h, --help       Display the help and usage details

  Report bugs:

Rename the library

semistandard name looks like it's a sub-step of standard, so I suggest renaming this project and properly documenting it not just as a copy/paste of standard. I can help a with the documentation. As the name for the library I propose:


PS, this is exactly what I was looking for. I love everything from standard except for the no semicolons rule, which seems idiotic to have to write this:


Relate the version number with "standard"

My guess is semistandard only differs from "standard" in regard of semicolon issues; therefore, can it be reflected in semistandard's version number that which upstream version it corresponds to? For example esprima-fb is using some weird-looking yet effective version scheme to indicate its relationship with the upsteam.

eslint plugins should be peer dependencies

For example, I get this when I've installed semistandard into my project and am calling it in package.json:
Error: Failed to load plugin react: Cannot find module 'eslint-plugin-react'
This is because it is getting installed in the node_modules of semistandard and therefore, eslint cannot find it.
The correct way to do this would be to specify the eslint plugins as peer depencies, not as normal dependencies.
I'd be happy to make a PR for this...

Expected to call super on super.apply

semistandard is throwing an error on the following code, claiming that super is never called. It doesn't appear to be accounting for super.apply.

class Child extends Base {
  constructor() {
    super.apply(null, arguments);

Unfortunately Node@4 doesn't support the spread operator or I would have just used that.

"Missing semicolon" errors by default on 8.0.0?

Running a fresh install of 8.0.0 on the following:

const Foo = 123
Foo + 454

Getting the following output:

$ semistandard --version && semistandard
semistandard: Semicolons For All! (
  /Users/me/dev/test/test.js:1:16: Missing semicolon.
  /Users/me/dev/test/test.js:2:10: Missing semicolon.

How to ignore files?

  • standard provides the standard.ignore property inside package.json file. I have tried doing that, but semistandard does not ignore the files.

Is there something like configuration cascading feature of eslint?

eslint seems to have configuration cascade feature.

It works like:

The configuration cascade works by using the closest .eslintrc file to the file being linted as the highest priority, then any configuration files in the parent directory, and so on. When you run ESLint on this project, all files in lib/ will use the .eslintrc file at the root of the project as their configuration. When ESLint traverses into the tests/ directory, it will then use your-project/tests/.eslintrc in addition to your-project/.eslintrc

I'm curious whether semistandard has this (or similar) feature. In our use case, we want to apply env: ['mocha'] option to only test/ directory and env: ['browser'] option to only browser/ (browser specific directory) etc.

Semistandard 12.0.0 globals exclude doesn't work

With version 10.0.0 if I wanted to exclude global variables like "angular" or "$" I had to put this in package.json:
"semistandard": { "globals": ["angular","$"] },
But after the 12.0.0 update I keep getting "[semistandard] angular (or $) is not defined.. (no-undef)" instead of excluding "angular" and "$" global variables. Is it a bug?

Error on shebang line

$ cat a.js 
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';

$ semistandard a.js
semistandard: Semicolons For All! ( 
  ~/a.js:1:1: Expected space or tab after "//" in comment.

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