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This project forked from arm-software/tool-solutions

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Tutorials & examples for Arm software development tools.

License: Apache License 2.0

Shell 12.03% C++ 10.83% Python 12.74% C 42.42% Assembly 10.98% PowerShell 0.30% Makefile 4.73% BitBake 0.05% CMake 0.45% Batchfile 0.87% Dockerfile 4.60%

tool-solutions's Introduction

Tool Solutions

This repository is home to various examples and tutorials made to improve your efficiency working with development tools. From system design to software development, we provide material to better utilize tools from Arm and the Arm ecosystem.

โš  Important The default branch for this repository has been renamed to main in an effort to switch to branch names that are meaningful and inclusive. Users may need to update any local repositories to use the new default branch (see updating a local clone after a branch name changes).

For more details on how this was done see

Downloading Content

There are multiple ways to obtain content from this repository to use locally. Two ways are:

  • git clone
    • This method will download all content from the Tool-Solutions repository.
  • svn export<specific_directory_name>
    • This method downloads specific directories, narrowing down to exactly what you needed. Note that this downloads the folder only, does not checkout/clone it, and requires svn.

Table of Contents

Here is a list of all the contents of this repository with short descriptions:


Dockerfiles with Arm tools pre-installed in them for developing across operating systems and easily sharing projects. Also included are some examples of how to build multi-architecture docker images supporting the Arm architecture and other Arm docker images such as how to build TensorFlow and PyTorch on AArch64.


A tutorial to get started with Arm Fast Model tools, from install to running your first program.


Various example systems and software for Arm Fast Models.


Demonstration of ETAS ASCET-DEVELOPER model based design and code generation with Arm Development Studio


Support packages to enable Arm Fast Models and Arm Compiler usage with MathWorks software such as Embedded Coder, Simulink, and MATLAB.


Script to expose Arm Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU) events to the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) system, allowing collection via tools such as Windows Performance Recorder.


Demonstration calculating derived metrics from data collected via Linux perf stat and formulate stored in per-CPU YAML files.


Information about running Linux on Arm development boards.

Contact Us

Have questions, comments, and/or suggestions? Contact [email protected].

tool-solutions's People


jasonrandrews avatar nsircombe avatar cfrod avatar zachlasiuk avatar ronansynnottarm avatar fadara01 avatar armflorentlebeau avatar andtob01 avatar shada avatar snadampal avatar milpuz01 avatar renato-arantes avatar jondea avatar davsva01 avatar paolotricerri avatar robertjkaye avatar diaena avatar piyush3db avatar bentaylorhk-arm avatar urutva avatar robert-hardwick avatar connorb573 avatar pareenaverma avatar annop-w avatar lukeireland1 avatar nickrf avatar radu2k avatar solidpixel avatar tsutsu3 avatar thecomputekid avatar

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