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continous_countrol_project's Introduction

πŸ‘‹ Hi, I’m @spranav1998

I'm a passionate ML/DL/AI enthusiast with 1 year and 2 months of experience working as an ML Engineer. I have a strong interest in Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Computer Vision. I'm constantly learning and exploring new advancements in these fields.

Projects I have Done:

πŸ”Ή Multi Agent DDPG model for Tennis environment
πŸ”Ή DDPG model for Reacher environment
πŸ”Ή DQN agent for Banana environment
πŸ”Ή Multi‐modal Human‐Robot Collaboration using Vision, Speech, and Wearable Sensor (M. Tech Major Project) | Software Used – Coppeliasim, MATLAB, and Python
πŸ”Ή Parameter Optimization of Selective Laser Melting Process Using Machine Learning Techniques (M. Tech Summer Project) | Software Used – Python | Libraries Used – scikit-learn, matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, seaborn
πŸ”Ή Forecasting Nifty 50 Index Using LSTM | Software Used – Python | Libraries Used – Keras, TensorFlow, Matplotlib, Pandas, NumPy, Seaborn
πŸ”Ή Text Emotion and Sentiment Analyzer in IBM Cloud | Software, Runtime, and Library – IBM Cloud, IBM Watson NLU, Node.js, and React
πŸ”Ή English to French and vice versa Text Translator in IBM Cloud | Software, Runtime, and Library – Python, Flask, IBM Cloud, IBM Watson Language Translator
πŸ”Ή Dealership Review Site | Software – Python, Django, IBM Watson NLU, Cloudant | Project Demo

Courses I have done:

πŸ“˜ SQL Essential Training - LinkedIn Learning
πŸ“˜ Introduction to Web Development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript – Coursera
πŸ“˜ Developing Cloud Apps with Node.js and React – Coursera
πŸ“˜ Introduction to Cloud Computing – Coursera
πŸ“˜ Getting Started with Git and GitHub – Coursera
πŸ“˜ Python for Data Science, AI, and Development – Coursera
πŸ“˜ Python for AI & Application Development – Coursera
πŸ“˜ Introduction to Containers with Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift – Coursera
πŸ“˜ Developing Applications with SQL, Databases, and Django – Coursera
πŸ“˜ Application Development Using Microservices and Serverless - Coursera


πŸ† Professional Certification and Specialization

  • Cloud Application Development Foundation
  • IBM Full Stack Software Developer
  • MLOps Specialization (GCP) – Coursera,

I'm always open to exciting collaboration opportunities on Deep Learning projects. Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].

Looking forward to connecting with fellow professionals in the ML/DL/AI community!

continous_countrol_project's People



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  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. πŸ“ŠπŸ“ˆπŸŽ‰

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  • Machine learning

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