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Update to Em3rgency's awesome Fake AP script he made for Backtrack. Now updated for Kali. Should work also with ISC_DHCP_Server instead of just DHCP3

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Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in C

afterkali icon afterkali

Post Installation Script to make Kali Linux awesome!

aio-boot icon aio-boot

AIO Boot is an All-in-One bootable software for USB and HDD. Is one of the best Multiboot USB Creator for Windows.

aio-security-audit icon aio-security-audit

Scans your computer for rootkits, malware and more using popular open source scanners made by people.

aiosocks2 icon aiosocks2

Revived abandoned aiosocks project into aiosocks2, a SOCKS(4/5) proxy client for asyncio

aiotasks icon aiotasks

A Celery like task manager that distributes Asyncio coroutines

andro-stripper icon andro-stripper

Python Script to simplify extraction process of all installed application as their APK files from smartphones via ADB

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