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lowrider.js's Introduction


To see Lowrider.js in action, check out Cardinal apps.

Lowrider.js is a small dependency-free ES6 JavaScript library that enhances Web Components by implementing a lifecycle that turns them into stateful, reusable, powerful components for building single-page applications. There's no virtual DOM to be found here!

Lowrider.js also provides unopinionated functionality for:


Check out the create-lowrider-app repository for an example of a Lowrider.js app.

API Reference

For documentation about Lowrider.js methods, see


Throughout this documentation and source code, these words are defined as:

  • component - When referring to a DOM Element, it always means one that extends the Lowrider class.
  • Element - When capitalized, it always refers to a DOM Element instance.


Lowrider.js's features revolve around one main concept: the component lifecycle. Certain things can only happen at certain stages of a component's lifecycle; so understanding the lifecycle is key to writing efficient Lowrider.js components.


Lowrider.js web components begin existing at DOM insertion and stop existing at DOM removal. Upon DOM insertion, the lifecycle begins, which is comprised of a few events. Reacting to lifecycle events with hooks is how Lowrider.js components come to life.

Just like vanilla web components, Lowrider.js components only exist in memory while they exist in the DOM. Lifecycle events can only happen while the component exists in the DOM, and Lowrider.js's true power is in how it automatically manages these events to maintain component state while the component enters/exits/reenters the DOM, optimize rendering, and remove the need for a virtual DOM.

Lifecycle Events

  1. An instance of a component (custom element that extends Lowrider) is inserted into the DOM.
  2. spawn - Immediately, the spawn event fires. The component knows of its own existance and the document in which it lives.
  3. build - Immediately after spawn is completed, the component enters the build lifecycle event. It should now build its inner HTML (i.e., query an API, file system lookups in Electron, create inner components). This step is skipped when using a cached component.
  4. load - One event loop tick after build is completed, the component enters the load lifecycle event. It can now manipulate its inner HTML, and should listen for user interaction, or wait for DOM removal.
  5. removed - Final moments before the component is removed from the DOM and memory.

Together, steps 1, 2, and 3 make up the "rendering process" that all components immediately go through when inserted into the DOM.

Note: Lowrider.js provides a render() method, but since web components automatically render themselves upon DOM insertion, the method does not need to be invoked unless you want to rerender. More on the render method.


The hooks in Lowrider.js are not like the hooks in React. In Lowrider.js, hooks are just callbacks that are triggered when certain lifecycle events happen. Hooks should always be async functions, or if not, must return a Promise. Have the hook return or resolve false (not reject()) to stop rendering the component.

For each lifecycle event, there is a hook.

  1. onSpawn
  • Use the onSpawn() hook to perform the component's initial setup.
  • Example tasks: registering event handlers or mutation observers on itself; initial component setup.
  • Do not insert inner HTML, do not look downward in the DOM, do not perform expensive tasks.
  • Do keep this hook as lightweight as possible.
  1. onBuild
  • Use the onBuild() hook to perform the heavy lifting of the component's rendering process. This step is skipped when the component is loaded with cached internals, which allows the app to maintain component state between DOM insertions and removals.
  • Example tasks: fetching remote data; big loops.
  • Do not initialize new internal properties.
  • Do overwrite inner HTML on each build.
  1. onLoad
  • Use the onLoad() hook to perform after-build tasks and to interact with child HTML and components. This hook should be designed to work with the component in any expected state, as the component may have been loaded with cached contents.
  • Example tasks: manipulating inner HTML, registering event listeners on child DOM nodes.
  • Do not perform expensive tasks.
  • Do make sure that this step is prepared to work with the inner HTML in any state. For example, if a component contains pagination, it may now be on any page since user interaction state will be maintained with the cache.
  1. onRemoved
  • Use the onRemoved() hook to react to a removal event. The removal cannot be stopped. The component will be removed from the DOM and from memory. Does not trigger when the user closes the browser.
  • Example tasks: removing event listeners on other non-child elements.
  • Do not use this to save on-close state.


Since web components cannot exist outside of the DOM, the components themselves cannot be tasked with caching their own contents. Instead, that responsibility typically falls to the UI's router, a purpose built module, or the browser itself if there is no single-page application.

Lowrider.js is flexible and can work with anything that can stringify HTML. As long as the component author utilizes the lifecycle hooks properly, Lowrider.js components can dissappear from the DOM and memory, then reappear as if they never left at all. Of course, while they're gone, their code won't execute.

Lowrider.js was designed for use with router.js, an open source unopinionated UI router for single-page applications written by the same developer, and optimized for use with Lowrider.js.

But Really, Where Does the State Go?

If the component is removed from memory, how can it come back in the same state? It's really just a mix of Lowrider.js features and component authoring patterns.

The job of the caching module is to preserve a component by saving its outerHTML property. It's crucial to save its attributes and its inner HTML. Together, they are the state, and a properly authored component should be able to initialize itself using that state, or from scratch. It is up to the developer to ensure that they don't create any important dynamic component properties that get lost when the instance is removed; instead, make sure those things are saved as attributes.

Note that Lowrider.js is not tested for use with the shadow DOM.

Registering Components

Registering a Lowrider.js component is no different than with vanilla Web Components, except that it uses the Lowrider.register() static method to do so. Your class must always extend Lowrider.

import Lowrider from 'Lowrider.js'

// everything that a basic Lowrider.js component needs
class MyElement extends Lowrider {
  async onSpawn() {}
  async onBuild() {}
  async onLoad() {}
  async onRemoved() {}

// register it with the browser
Lowrider.register('my-element', MyElement)

Components only need to be registered once, then can be used in the DOM. Trying to register a component that was already registered will throw an error.

Lowrider.js components can also be registered with vanilla JS, as long as the class extends Lowrider.

Creating Component Instances

Once a web component has been registered with the document, instances of it can be created. There are two ways to do so.

Typically, this is done by inserting statically typed HTML into the DOM, and doing so will trigger the rendering process. Elements can be inserted naked, with attributes, and/or with inner HTML. When an Element is inserted with inner HTML, Lowrider.js assumes it is being loaded with cached content, and the build event will not trigger.

Statically typed Elements can cover most use cases, but are limited by the fact that HTML attributes can only hold a maximum amount of stringified data.

Statically Typed Creation

// naked, no cache
document.body.innerHTML = '<my-element></my-element>'

// with attributes
document.body.innerHTML = '<my-element example-attr="hello"></my-element>'

// with cached contents
document.body.innerHTML = `<my-element>
                             <div class="foo">

Programmatic Creation

Creating new component instances programmatically using Lowrider.elementFactory() allows us to spawn them with dynamic data like callback functions and variables that will be available to the component from the get-go.

import Lowrider from 'Lowrider.js'

// create a new component instance with pre-bound data
let childEl = Lowrider.elementFactory('child-element', {
  'bindings': {
    'speak': () => { console.log('I was spawned with this function reference in my properties! Wow!') }

// insert child, the lifecycle events will trigger for the first time

// all bindings are immediately available

The factory is designed to be used to create Lowrider.js components, but can also be used to create standard HTML Elements (div, span, etc) with custom properties.

Detailed Rendering Breakdown / Rendering in Series vs. Parallel

Note that this section is not related to lazy rendering or render queueing. This section is a detailed description of the natural behavior of Lowrider.js components, which is actually very similar to vanilla web components.

Lowrider.js takes a top-down approach to UI rendering. It is import to understand how events trigger, when they trigger, and what the events are designed to do.

As a simple example, when <music-app> (fig 1) is initially inserted into the DOM, it is empty.

<!-- fig. 1: initial creation -->

<!doctype html>



By default, Lowrider.js handles component state caching by checking if the component (<music-app>) has any inner HTML. In this case it does not, so all three rendering process steps are triggered (spawn, build, and load) because there was no cache.

If the component is designed correctly, the onSpawn() hook should perform instance initialization, the onBuild() hook should construct the inner HTML, and the onLoad() hook should manipulate the inner HTML. However, it is ultimately up to the developer to decide what these things mean for each component, and the developer has a lot of freedom in how the component comes to life.

After the rendering process, the component may now have inner HTML (fig. 2). Or it may not, it's up to you and what your component is designed to do. In this case, it inserts inner HTML.

<!-- fig. 2: after rendering process -->

  <section id="view"></section>

  <section id="queue">

With the top-down approach, the root component begins a chain of component injection and rendering that continues until the initial state of the app is ready. Each component goes through its own rendering process, independent of others.

Rendering in Series

Breaking it down step by step, as soon as the <music-app> component is injected into the DOM, it spawns, then builds, then loads. It is only during the build event of <music-app> that <music-queue> begins its render process. From <music-queue>'s perspective, it has access to the HTML that <music-app> injected, but any other child components of <music-app> will not have rendered yet.

So, if you wanted <music-queue> to be able to look upwards in the DOM and have access to something specific from <music-app>, it is necessary to bind that property during the <music-app> spawn process. Or, preferrably use the element factory to create the <music-queue> with data pre-bound to it.

This design pattern is called rendering in series. Components may have relationships and expectations of data availability.

However, it is not the nature of Web Components to wait for each other to render. This behavior is implemented by Lowrider.js, and care must be taken to use the hooks correctly.

Rendering in Parallel

The default behavior of Web Components is to render themselves with no concern for other components in the DOM. This behaviour is encounted when inserting big chunks of nested HTML (fig 3); all components are spawned, built, and loaded in parallel.

Follow the numbers to follow the order of events. Events surrounded by tildes (~) denote a skipped event because Lowrider.js will think that the component is using a cached state (beacuse of the existance of inner HTML).

It is important to understand that with parallel rendering, (2-spawn) does not wait for (1-spawn) to finish. While (2-spawn) does technically start after, it is happening on the same event loop tick.

<!-- fig. 3: a chunk of HTML inserted into the DOM all at once -->

<zoo-animals>                                 (1-spawn), ~(7-build)~, (13-load)
    <zoo-enclosure>                           (2-spawn), ~(8-build)~, (14-load)
        <zoo-pond>                            (3-spawn), ~(9-build)~, (15-load)
          <zoo-fish name="Nemo"></zoo-fish>   (4-spawn),  (10-build), (16-load)

    <zoo-goat></zoo-goat>                     (5-spawn), (11-build), (17-load)
    <zoo-owl></zoo-owl>                       (6-spawn), (12-build), (18-load)

So, <zoo-animals>, <zoo-enclosure>, and <zoo-pond> were considered cached because they were inserted into the DOM with inner HTML. Had their build events been triggered, new inner HTML would've been inserted, and we would've lost <zoo-fish>'s name property.

Slow Operations in the Build Step

Components often need to fetch data from an API or local storage, which can add significant loading time to an onBuild() hook.

Lowrider.js is optimized for slow operations in onBuild(), and will skip the build event alltogether when a component is considered to be loading from cache. The efficacy of this optimization relies on the developer segmenting their code into the hooks properly.

Since any component can, during its onBuild() hook, add arbitrary HTML to the document, it's impossible to look downwards and know when the loading of any individual component nest is complete until it is actually complete.

The recommended pattern for expensive components is to have the onBuild() hook initialize the HTML in a loading state, then in the same hook, perform the expensive queries. Once the HTML is inserted, finish the onBuild() hook by removing the loading state.



Lowrider.js provides a render() function that allows components to be rerendered. Calling this is always technically a rerender, and it will not remove the instance from the DOM; this is to preserve event handlers, observers, and callbacks that may have been attached to the element itself by external components.

Calling render() on a lazy-render component that has not yet rendered will automatically disable lazy rendering since it's now rendered.

Attribute watchers created by this.watchAttr() will automatically be removed.

Under the hood, render() will call this instance's onRemoved hook, then trigger the spawn, build (maybe), and load events.

// trigger a render

Using the props Property

Lowrider.js components come with a property called props. This property is an object that can be used for for one-way textual data binding with inner HTML.

Lowrider.js will ensure that props are applied properly when using the factory.

Do not overwrite the props property itself, it is a special proxied object.


// in the component's inner HTML:
<p data-prop="listName"></p>

// in the component's onLoad() hook; this will insert "Playlist 1" into the DOM
this.props.listName = 'Playlist 1'

Build Determiner (shouldBuild())

A component may need to implement custom logic to determine if it needs to rebuild itself, or simply disable caching altogether, rather than rely on the default "is there inner HTML?" behavior. Components can implement shouldRender() to override Lowrider.js's default behavior.

Simply return true to proceed with triggering the build event (and therefore the onBuild() hook), or return false to skip them.

class StatusIndicator extends Lowrider {
  // disable caching by always performing the build on every render
  shouldBuild() {
    return true

Lazy Rendering

Lowrider.js can delay the rendering of a component until it's visible to the user. To be considered visible, it must be in the viewport and it must not be hidden (e.g., with CSS or covered by another Element). The observation is done using the Intersection Observer API instead of expensive scroll listeners and Element.getBoundingClientRect().

When a component is in lazy rendering mode, the spawn event will still trigger like normal when the Element is inserted into the DOM. However, the rest of the rendering (build and load) will be delayed until the Element enters the viewport and is visible.

Lazy rendering is designed so that you don't need to move any code anywhere (for example, into a isVisible callback). It can be enabled and disabled on the fly, with no modification to the design of your component.

After the lazy render has completed, the Element will automatically stop observing itself and remove the lazy-render attribute (if there is one).

The easiesy way to enable lazy rendering is to use the attribute. To disable it, just remove the attribute.

<my-component lazy-render></my-component>

Lazy rendering can also be enabled programmatically. This must be done in your components onSpawn() hook.

async onSpawn() {

It is not necessary to disable lazy rendering manually. It is done automatically when the Element is removed from the DOM, when the lazy render is triggered, or when the attribute is removed.

Nevertheless, it can still be done manually.

async onSpawn() {

Lazy loading pro-tips:

  • Traditionally, "lazy loading" refers to loading images when they are in view. Lowrider.js takes it a step further and delays the rendering of all component inner HTML, not just images.
  • Because the entire component is delayed, it will be a 0px/0px sized DOM Element until it is render time. If you inject 1000 lazy-render Elements, they will still all render in parallel at the same time because they're all stacked on the same pixel in the viewport. For the best user experience, try to have Elements initialize in a loading state that has some width/height, or paginate data into small groups, or make sure that prior Elements have rendered and pushed the page down enough that the user must scroll, causing Elements to come in one-by-one.

Attribute Watching

Callbacks for watching attributes. Useful for watching other Lowrider.js components too.

async onSpawn() {
  this.watchAttr(['some-attribute', 'class'], () => {
    console.log('A change was detected')

Caution! Updating a watched attribute value in its callback will result in an infinite loop.

Infinite Scroll

Easily detect when a user has scrolled to close enough to the bottom of a component that it's time to load more content.

async onSpawn() {
  this.supportInfiniteScroll(() => {
    console.log('User scrolled to near the bottom of this element')

Interacting State

User interaction detection lets the component know when the user is interacting with it in ways that go beyond the native focus DOM events.

"Interacting state" is defined as:

  • Left click or right click directly on the component Element or any child Element
  • Pressing tab and landing directly on the component Element or any child Element

The Element will stay in the interacting state while the user continues to interact with it and its child Elements, until the user triggers a focus event somewhere outside of the compoenent. The class "interacting" is added to the Element throughout the duration of the interaction.

This feature is useful for keeping a parent component in the "interacting" state (visually, perhaps) while the user interacts with a child context menu or something similar that requires changing Element focus.

async onSpawn() {
  // registers event listeners

  // optionally programmatically enter "interacting" state

Drop Area

Enable "drop zone" functionality for any Lowrider.js component. This will allow the compoent to receive drops from outside of the web browser (e.g., the user drags a file or folder from macOS Finder or Windows Explorer onto this component).

This is not HTML5 drag-and-drop.

async onSpawn() {
  // receive drops directly on this instance Element
  this.enableDropArea((event, data) => {
    console.log('Something was dropped')

async onLoad() {
  // receive drops on a child Element instead
  this.enableDropArea(this.querySelector('.area'), (event, data) => {
    console.log('Something was dropped on the child Element')

Experimental Features

Render Queueing

Render queueing is currently an experimental feature.

Render queueing is an advanced optimization technique that minimizes the impact of rendering a large amount of components at once, specifically ones that trigger network requests. The goal of render queueing is to avoid spikes of API requests hitting your server, at the cost of slightly slower UI loading.

Render queueing is much like lazy rendering - the component enters the DOM, spawn is triggered, then it waits. Except, unlike lazy rendering, the component doesn't wait to be visible in the viewport to render. It waits for its turn in the queue.

Components that use render queueing, but don't also use lazy rendering, will be added to the render queue as soon as they enter the DOM.

Components that use render queueing, and do also use lazy rendering, will be added to the render queue as soon as they are visible in the viewport.

To enable it render queueing, just use the attribute.

<!-- use the default queue -->
<slow-component render-queue></slow-component>

<!-- use a named queue -->
<slow-component render-queue="some-pipeline"></slow-component>

There are also a few ways to use it programatically. For lazy rendering compatability, add the attribute on spawn.

async onSpawn() {

There is also...


Once it's in the Queue

Once a component has been added to the queue, it will get the class in-render-queue. Queue's automatically detect when >=1 item is in the queue, and the queue will begin processing items.

The queue runner triggers the build and load events of the first component and waits for them to finish before removing the component from the queue and moving on to the next item.

Once the queue is empty, the queue runner will pause and remain available for future use until the end of the browser session. It is not possible to delete a queue once it has been made.

Queue Blocking

Be wary of blocking the queue. For best results, separate queues by resource endpoints.

For example, queueing components with slow internet requests in front of components with quick local file reads would be very bad. Use one queue for and another for file://~/foo/bar.txt (assuming Electron environment).

Named Render Queues

Any name can be given to a render queue and that queue will be created on the fly. Queues are global and can be used by any Element in the DOM.

If no name is given, the name will be "default".

When to use Render Queues

It is recommended to optimize using lazy rendering first. It is easier to use and more straightfoward, and acts as psuedo pagination.

If you find your lazily rendered components are still coming in too fast for your API, then it's now a good time to try and use render queues. Ultimately, your component will spend more time in a loading state since clearly there is a bottleneck, but your components will hit your API one-by-one, instead of all at once.


Don't use Lowrider.js if SEO if a concern for your project. You would need to prerender your pages server side, and that's no easy feat.


You need npm and Node.js to run Lowrider.js tests.

To start an Express server that delivers the test suite to a browser, run:

$ npm run ./test/test-env.js

Then navigate to http://localhost:3000 in any browser.


Licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.

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