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Comments (20)

sol avatar sol commented on July 29, 2024 4

@chshersh hey👋 I'll try to look at it and see if I can help, but it may take a week or so until I get to it. If it gets lost somehow then please feel free to ping me again.

from doctest.

antoine-fl avatar antoine-fl commented on July 29, 2024 3

I also get this error but it seems related to the OverloadedStrings extension in my case.

I made a simple repository to reproduce the issue:

Using GHC 9:

$ stack test
doctest-bug> test (suite: doctest-bug-test)

src/Lib.hs:11: failure in expression `isBar "bar"'
expected: True
 but got: 
          <interactive>:25:1: error: Variable not in scope: isBar :: t0 -> t

Examples: 2  Tried: 2  Errors: 0  Failures: 1

doctest-bug> Test suite doctest-bug-test failed
Test suite failure for package doctest-bug-
    doctest-bug-test:  exited with: ExitFailure 1
Logs printed to console

Using GHC 8:

$ stack test --stack-yaml stack-8.yaml
doctest-bug> test (suite: doctest-bug-test)

Examples: 2  Tried: 2  Errors: 0  Failures: 0

doctest-bug> Test suite doctest-bug-test passed

The relevant doctest is in that file:

With GHC 9, using Data.Text.pack instead of OverloadedStrings in the doctest fixes the issue.

Edit: testing with GHC 9.2, the tests pass again.

from doctest.

andreasabel avatar andreasabel commented on July 29, 2024 2

I had some luck with getting rid of "not in scope" errors by replacing :set -XOverloadedStrings by

:seti -XOverloadedStrings

(on GHC 9.4.4).

from doctest.

vaclavsvejcar avatar vaclavsvejcar commented on July 29, 2024

@sol I'm having the same issue, do you have any ideas what could be the root cause and if there's any workaround? Thanks a lot!

from doctest.

sol avatar sol commented on July 29, 2024

@echatav do you think it's possible to reproduce your issue to the point where it does not require a database?

from doctest.

sol avatar sol commented on July 29, 2024

@vaclavsvejcar I think your issue is due to :set -XQuasiQuotes triggering

from doctest.

sol avatar sol commented on July 29, 2024

@vaclavsvejcar as a workaround, I think you can't set -XQuasiQuotes in Haddock examples, but you can set it in doctest/Main.hs instead.

from doctest.

vaclavsvejcar avatar vaclavsvejcar commented on July 29, 2024

@vaclavsvejcar as a workaround, I think you can't set -XQuasiQuotes in Haddock examples, but you can set it in doctest/Main.hs instead.

@sol Thanks a lot for hints. In my case, that was the issue. It still didn't work with GHC 9.0.1 due to, but works fine with 9.0.2.

from doctest.

echatav avatar echatav commented on July 29, 2024

@echatav do you think it's possible to reproduce your issue to the point where it does not require a database?

@sol You don't need the database to see the doctest failures, it'll just add some more failures without a database.

from doctest.

echatav avatar echatav commented on July 29, 2024

Here is the doctest failure in Squeal's CI for GHC 9.0

from doctest.

sol avatar sol commented on July 29, 2024

@vaclavsvejcar you are welcome. Ideally, we would enable -XQuasiQuotes by default (as we already do for -XTemplateHaskell). However, this will render e.g. [i|i <- [0..3]] invalid. So not sure if this is the right thing to do.

from doctest.

sol avatar sol commented on July 29, 2024

@echatav I don't have any spare cycles to investigate this myself right now. If you (or somebody else) can provide a somewhat more minimal example that reproduces the issue then I'll try to look at it.

from doctest.

echatav avatar echatav commented on July 29, 2024

@sol I've made a minimal example branch which demonstrates the test error.

from doctest.

chshersh avatar chshersh commented on July 29, 2024

Relude heavily uses doctest and has this issue as well. Moreover, it uses neither TemplateHaskell nor QuasiQuotes but still has this issue. CI error example:

The current workaround is to use GHC 8.10.7 on builds using stack.

from doctest.

sol avatar sol commented on July 29, 2024

@chshersh in general, if you can provide exact steps on how to reproduce, this will save me a lot of time.

Here is what I tried:

$ git rev-parse HEAD
$ git diff
diff --git a/relude.cabal b/relude.cabal
index 55e085f..187e237 100644
--- a/relude.cabal
+++ b/relude.cabal
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ test-suite relude-doctest
   main-is:             Doctest.hs
   build-depends:       relude
-                     , doctest < 0.19
+                     , doctest >= 0.20
                      , Glob
   ghc-options:         -threaded
diff --git a/stack.yaml b/stack.yaml
index fd834e1..db2f745 100644
--- a/stack.yaml
+++ b/stack.yaml
@@ -1 +1 @@
-resolver: lts-17.5
+resolver: nightly-2022-04-24
$ stack test relude:test:relude-doctest
Examples: 447  Tried: 447  Errors: 0  Failures: 0

relude> Test suite relude-doctest passed

from doctest.

simonmichael avatar simonmichael commented on July 29, 2024

I am way out of touch with this/these issues, but just FYI: the failures originally reported in July with hledger tests and GHC 9.0 are still happening today, but they don't happen with GHC 9.2.

from doctest.

NorfairKing avatar NorfairKing commented on July 29, 2024

The same is happening to me with autodocodec:
I find this really sad because it forces me to turn off doctests :(

from doctest.

aniketd avatar aniketd commented on July 29, 2024

Adding some examples to this issue, hoping they will be helpful for investigating further:

Package random - branch doctests-attempt

random on  doctests-attempt [!?] via λ lts-18.28
❯ stack test random:test:doctests
random> build (test)
Preprocessing library for random-1.3.0..
Building library for random-1.3.0..
Preprocessing test suite 'doctests' for random-1.3.0..
Building test suite 'doctests' for random-1.3.0..
random> test (suite: doctests)
src/System/Random/Internal.hs:651: failure in expression `import GHC.Generics (Generic)'
 but got:
          <interactive>:1:32: error:
              Module ‘System.Random.Stateful’ does not export ‘globalStdGen’
          <interactive>:1:32: error:
              Module ‘System.Random.Stateful’ does not export ‘newAtomicGenM’
          <interactive>:1:46: error:
              Module ‘System.Random.Stateful’ does not export ‘randomRM’
          <interactive>:1:47: error:
              Module ‘System.Random.Stateful’ does not export ‘applyAtomicGen’
src/System/Random/Internal.hs:691: failure in expression `import GHC.Generics (Generic)'
 but got:
          <interactive>:1:32: error:
              Module ‘System.Random.Stateful’ does not export ‘globalStdGen’
          <interactive>:1:32: error:
              Module ‘System.Random.Stateful’ does not export ‘newAtomicGenM’
          <interactive>:1:46: error:
              Module ‘System.Random.Stateful’ does not export ‘randomRM’
          <interactive>:1:47: error:
              Module ‘System.Random.Stateful’ does not export ‘applyAtomicGen’
src/System/Random/GFinite.hs:88: failure in expression `import GHC.Generics (Generic)'
 but got:
          <interactive>:1:32: error:
              Module ‘System.Random.Stateful’ does not export ‘globalStdGen’
          <interactive>:1:32: error:
              Module ‘System.Random.Stateful’ does not export ‘newAtomicGenM’
          <interactive>:1:46: error:
              Module ‘System.Random.Stateful’ does not export ‘randomRM’
          <interactive>:1:47: error:
              Module ‘System.Random.Stateful’ does not export ‘applyAtomicGen’
Examples: 183  Tried: 171  Errors: 0  Failures: 3
random> Test suite doctests failed
Completed 2 action(s).
Test suite failure for package random-1.3.0
    doctests:  exited with: ExitFailure 1
Logs printed to console
random on  doctests-attempt [!?] via λ lts-18.28 took 53s

NOTES: Notice Examples: 183 Tried: 171 Errors: 0 Failures: 3. This is definitely weird.

Minimal example package using stack


Code/oss/doctest-stack via λ lts-20.4
❯ lsd --tree
 .
├──  app
│   └──  Main.hs
├── 
├──  doctest-example-stack.cabal
├──  package.yaml
├── 
├──  Setup.hs
├──  src
│   └──  Lib.hs
├──  stack.yaml
├── ï€Ł stack.yaml.lock
└──  test
    ├──  doctests.hs
    └──  Spec.hs

Code/oss/doctest-stack via λ lts-20.4
❯ stack test doctest-example-stack:test:doctest
doctest-example-stack> test (suite: doctest)
Examples: 5  Tried: 5  Errors: 0  Failures: 0
doctest-example-stack> Test suite doctest passed

NOTES: This just works!

Minimal example package using cabal-install


[aniketd@nixos:~/Code/oss/doctest-example]$ tar --exclude-vcs --exclude-vcs-ignores --exclude-caches-all --exclude=.stack-work --exclude=dist-newstyle -zvcf doctest-cabal.tar.gz doctest-example

[aniketd@nixos:~/Code/oss/doctest-example]$ cabal test doctest-example:test:doctests
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.10.7 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
 - doctest-example- (lib) (configuration changed)
 - doctest-example- (test:doctests) (configuration changed)
Configuring library for doctest-example-
Preprocessing library for doctest-example-
Building library for doctest-example-
[1 of 1] Compiling Lib              ( src/Lib.hs, /home/aniketd/Code/oss/doctest-example/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/doctest-example-, /home/aniketd/Code/oss/doctest-example/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/doctest-example- ) [System.Random.Stateful changed]
src/Lib.hs:18:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds]
    Defined but not used: ‘runStateGen_’
18 | runStateGen_ g f = runState (f StateGenM) g
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^
src/Lib.hs:25:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds]
    Defined but not used: ‘foo’
25 | foo = 42
   | ^^^
src/Lib.hs:31:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds]
    Defined but not used: ‘bar’
31 | bar = "bar"
   | ^^^
Configuring test suite 'doctests' for doctest-example-
Preprocessing test suite 'doctests' for doctest-example-
Building test suite 'doctests' for doctest-example-
Linking /home/aniketd/Code/oss/doctest-example/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/doctest-example- ...
Running 1 test suites...
Test suite doctests: RUNNING...
src/Lib.hs:5:1: error:
    Could not find module ‘Control.Monad.State.Strict’
    Perhaps you meant Control.Monad.ST.Strict (from base-
    Use -v (or `:set -v` in ghci) to see a list of the files searched for.
src/Lib.hs:6:1: error:
    Could not find module ‘System.Random.Stateful’
    Use -v (or `:set -v` in ghci) to see a list of the files searched for.
src/Lib.hs:13: failure in expression `import System.Random.Stateful'
 but got:
          <no location info>: error:
              Could not find module ‘System.Random.Stateful’
              It is not a module in the current program, or in any known package.
src/Lib.hs:22: failure in expression `foo + 13'
expected: 55
 but got:
          <interactive>:33:1: error: Variable not in scope: foo
src/Lib.hs:28: failure in expression `bar'
expected: "bar"
 but got:
          <interactive>:39:1: error: Variable not in scope: bar
Examples: 5  Tried: 3  Errors: 0  Failures: 3
Test suite doctests: FAIL
Test suite logged to:
0 of 1 test suites (0 of 1 test cases) passed.
Error: cabal: Tests failed for test:doctests from doctest-example-

NOTES: This is the most confusing. You can see that GHC warns us of unused-top-binds for foo and bar, but doctest complains of them not being in scope during test execution.

from doctest.

benjaminweb avatar benjaminweb commented on July 29, 2024

did you try cabal repl --with-ghc=doctest? does it work?

from doctest.

tomjaguarpaw avatar tomjaguarpaw commented on July 29, 2024

Strangely I get this error when running locally on trial ( but not when running in Github Actions CI.

from doctest.

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