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布丁's Projects

dmalibrary icon dmalibrary

Simple but extensive library for DMA users, made for gamehacking

dongtai icon dongtai

Dongtai IAST is an open-source Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) tool that enables real-time detection of common vulnerabilities in Java applications and third-party components through passive instrumentation. It is particularly suitable for use in the testing phase of the development pipeline.

dongtai-agent-go icon dongtai-agent-go

Go Agent is a go application probe of DongTai IAST, which collects method invocation data during runtime of Go application by dynamic hooks.

dongtai-agent-java icon dongtai-agent-java

Java Agent is a Java application probe of DongTai IAST, which collects method invocation data during runtime of Java application by dynamic hooks.

dongtai-agent-python icon dongtai-agent-python

Python Agent is a Python application probe of DongTai IAST, which collects method invocation data during runtime of Python application by dynamic hooks.

flannel icon flannel

flannel is a network fabric for containers, designed for Kubernetes

huntdma icon huntdma

DMA Cheat For Hunt Showdown. Aimbot/ESP/Chams

kdu icon kdu

Kernel Driver Utility

skardriver icon skardriver

IOCTL Dispatch driver to rw mem and more, the last version was used all over the community so i deicded to reamek the usermode (and km ;)). This is meant to learn and hope u learn shit from the kernel mode documentation i did

system_trace_tool icon system_trace_tool

内核驱动加载/卸载痕迹清理,努力绕过反作弊吧 PiDDBCacheTable and MmLastUnloadedDriver

ucxxrt icon ucxxrt

The Universal C++ RunTime library, supporting kernel-mode C++ exception-handler and STL.

vt-debuger icon vt-debuger


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