56quarters / tunic
tunic, A Python library for deploying code on remote servers
From user 56quarters
Home Page: https://tunic.readthedocs.io/
tunic, A Python library for deploying code on remote servers
From user 56quarters
Home Page: https://tunic.readthedocs.io/
tunic, Translator for the Phoenetic In-Game Language of Tunic
From user ancientabysswalker
tunic, An Item Randomizer build for the Zelda/Soulslike game Tunic. With possible future Area/Room Randomizer and Multiworld support
From user dr4g0nsoul
tunic, TUNIC Livesplit One AutoSplitter with customizable splits
From user jeanwll
tunic, A roguelike-like Zelda game for the Solarus engine.
From organization legofarmen
Home Page: http://tunics.legofarmen.se
tunic, Install Linux from a running Windows system, without need for a live USB.
From user mikeslattery
tunic, A minimal writing interface for the game Tunic, in translating its langauge
From user mitchellwarr
Home Page: https://mitchellwarr.github.io/tunic-writer/
tunic, Explore a land filled with lost legends, ancient powers, and ferocious monsters in TUNIC, an isometric action game about a small fox on a big adventure. To clarify everything this is a PC Game but this project is to make the game run on more humble HARDWARE "the mobile phone".
From user mrpolonium0
Home Page: https://github.com/Project-TUNIC-/tree/main
tunic, Utility app to write and translate the tunic language.
From user naxmefy
tunic, Alignments, supermatrices and trees from Delsuc et al. 2018
From user psimion
tunic, TUNIC Speedrunning Guides
From user radringtail
Home Page: https://tunic.run/
tunic, A dictionary, text recording and glyph decoder/translation tool for TUNIC game's writing
From user saphirelattice
Home Page: https://lunar.exchange/tunic-decoder/
tunic, An emotracker package for Tunic Randomizers (and vanilla ig)
From user sapphiresapphic
tunic, The single-player and multi-world randomizer mod for the game TUNIC. Features item, entrance, and enemy randomization + more!
From user silent-destroyer
Home Page: https://rando.tunic.run/
tunic, A version of the TUNIC Randomizer mod that can be used to play in Archipelago Multiworld servers.
From user silent-destroyer
Home Page: https://rando.tunic.run/
tunic, A documentation-block parser.
From organization togajs
Home Page: http://togajs.com/
tunic, fork of lainchan of vichan of tinyboard
From user tomoki1337
Home Page: https://tunichan.hentai.agency
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