acm-vit /
real-url, A real-time URL shortener hosted as a serverless function.
From organization acm-vit
real-url, A real-time URL shortener hosted as a serverless function.
From organization acm-vit
real-url, Phishers use the websites which are visually similar to those real websites. So, we developed this website so that user can know whether the URL is phishing or not before using it. URL -
From user asrith-reddy
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real-url, Phishers Develop the websites similar to those real websites. So, this project comes to know whether the URL is phishing or not.
From user busamsumanjali
real-url, Laravel based API to shorten URLs and share them easily. Redirects to the real URL by entering a short URL generated by the API
From user claw-hammer
real-url, An advanced phishing tool for Termux and Linux, you can hide the phshing URL behind the REAL URL
From user devilop-wab
real-url, IMGUR5K handwriting set. It is a handwritten in-the-wild dataset, which contains challenging real world handwritten samples from different writers.The dataset is shared as a set of image urls with annotations. This code downloads the images and verifies the hash to the image to avoid data contamination.
From organization facebookresearch
real-url, a library for check network available on Android, which uses ping or request url to get the real network status.
From user gaoyan10
real-url, 让bilibili视频与直播在VRChat中播放更简单
From user gizmo-ds
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real-url, A real-time crawler for searching P2P magnet url.
From user hxinhan
real-url, Mageplaza Webhook for Magento 2 supports online store to send an API request via a webhook to a configurable destination (URL) when specific trigger events take place. Webhook a very useful and necessary tool which allows stores to update instant and real-time notifications.
From organization mageplaza
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real-url, A tiny Clojure library that parses and attempts to unify URIs, URLs and relative values found in real world HTML anchors
From user michaelklishin
real-url, Phishers use the websites which are visually and semantically similar to those real websites. So, we develop this website to come to know user whether the URL is phishing or not before using it. URL -
From user vaibhavbichave
real-url, 获取b站&火猫&斗鱼&虎牙直播间的真实流媒体地址(直播源),可在PotPlayer、flv.js等播放器中播放。
From user weimo123
real-url, an angular service for parsing youku video id into real urls
From user windht
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real-url, A powerful Android library to sniff the real video URL from video sites.
From organization yixia
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real-url, Get the real dwnload url from encrypted thunder url which starts with thunder://
From user zhihaozhang
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