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  • anishashelke / periodical-magazines-digital-editions

    how-to-secure-anything, Whether to inform something or entertain someone, media is the first to hit your mind. Until last decade, printing of a magazine, booklet or a newsletter was done and a hard copy was available. Today, in this internet era, it has become much easier to share the data and information. The world is going digital to share the content through online books and online magazines just like <a href="">Countrywide Periodical</a>, which can be made easily available on the internet and can be accessed by anyone, anywhere in the world. Let us see the journey of how printed magazine periodicals went to become a digital edition. Traditional ways involved taking a print file and finding ways to stick it online so that the content of magazines and articles can be accessible to everyone. Initially, the term digital publishing or the data conversion was coined and experienced as digital files were preferred over the hard copies in order to keep the data secure. Digital publishing is a modern industry, creating editorial content like books, magazines, and articles for distribution and consumption online. Elucidating it more, digital publishing is an e-publishing way, that involves disseminating information or entertainment by digital means. It is wide and extensive, and not just limited to the web. CDs, email newsletters, online newspapers, blogs, mobile apps, PDFs, E-books and online videos are the digital publishing media, providing the content, online in a variety of formats. Due to low cost, the online books, online magazines, and disk magazines appeared to be a disruptive technology to traditional publications. Increasing number of web readers has encouraged the publishers to embrace the World Wide Web as a content delivery and marketing system and eventually evolved into digital magazines. And the World Wide Web has today become a major source of online information and entertainment. And now you have the option to enjoy your favourite magazine as a digital edition. There are several problems that can arise from the use of many digital publishing platforms. Many publishers are creating digital content but rethinking on how should the content be used, how to tell stories, which will be the most convenient way with the latest web technology, as many online magazines providers, give free access to the online content they shared. Such problems can be avoided to a great extent. Some publishers have opted to require a subscription fee to access premium online data and multimedia content. <a href="">Countrywide Periodical</a> has been providing a hub of magazine periodicals online, all over the USA. You can switch and change magazine anytime, as often as you like, at no extra cost! With many online magazine providers, your choice should be a complete one. Go for the ones who have periodicals about health or technology, business or gardening, fashion or films, Men’s or Women’s, anything in between and beyond. Who would let you do get any magazine from the list just by changing your selection, or who can provide weekly, monthly or quarterly. Have a library at your fingertips!

    From user anishashelke

  • atanu1982 / critical-hipaa-compliance-updated-checklist-under-trump-administration-for-2018

    how-to-secure-anything, This post isn't a conclusive listing of what's required for HIPAA compliance and is designed to point you in the best direction. You should assign a Privacy Officer to examine each rule in its entirety. HIPAA compliance 2018 rule "requires appropriate administrative, physical and technical safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and security of electronic protected health information" The majorities of us believe that our medical and different wellness data is individual and should be secured. We also believe we should know who has this information and worry about how safe it is. The Privacy Rule, a Federal law, provides you with rights around your quality of life data and models principles and limits on who can look at and obtain your Health information. As long as we ensure reasonable safeguards, 2018 changes to HIPAA compliance Privacy Rule and Security Rule allow appropriate electronically communication and handling of health care 'Protected Health Information'. All personal medical information, including name, address, Social Security number, and all medical information about an "individual" come under PHI. HIPAA 2018 Changes In this HIPAA session we will be discussing HIPAA 2018 Changes taking place in Washington with the Health and Human Services when it comes to the enforcement of the HIPAA regulations already on the books as well as some step-by-step discussions on the audit method and some current functions regarding HIPAA cases (both in courtrooms and from live audits). Attend this Session As a healthcare organization, you must still make sure that a few checks and steps are taken to ensure that HIPAA compliance 2018 changes are followed within the organization: Administrative Safeguards: Always have a documented physical security policies and procedures. Helps guide existing and new security personnel Have designated HIPAA compliance officers whenever and wherever possible Injunction instructions should be documented and followed against workforce members who fail to comply with the security policy Continuous security upgrading and reminders in the form of seminars, test and webinars conducted internally Appling procedures to documents information system activities, such as audit records, access reports and security-incident checking reports Ensure regular reviews of the audit trails, logs and system activity of the employees with access to ePHI Planning and timed reviewing of procedural contingency policy on accessing backups of ePHI, establishing continuous processing of critical business process for protection of ePHI Special business partners compliance contracts with partners who will have access to ePHI. Choose partners that have similar agreements with any of their partners to which they are also extending access HIPAA - Texting & Emailing in 2018 With the introduction of smartphones, emails have become the even more accessible form of communication. In conjunction with email comes the issue of security and them being intercepted and read by unintended persons. Precautions and steps are to be taken at every step of the way. So for a Healthcare concern or a business associate, it's a key to maximize patient communication tools while protecting itself and the organization from government penalties and patient lawsuits. Attend this Session Physical Safeguards: Identifying and assigning personnel for developing and implementing security policies and procedures Disaster recovery plan and emergency plan, which is away from the normal operation facility. This ensures that the organization has a data backup plan established to create, maintain retrievable and restore exact copies of ePHI Employee workstation access and security - ensure proper password control, applications accessed and installed, and the physical attributes and the surroundings of the workstation that can access ePHI Following proper procedures for proper disposal of old/used hardware, proper reuse of the same All old hardware disposed should have data backed up from those disposed hardware Any paper trail of ePHI data is only accessible to selected employee and are always secured properly Implementing strong Bring-Your-Own-Device [BYOD] HIPAA Compliance policies in the organization where ePHI data is accessible and technology tools are integral to control the access to data outside the organization HIPAA Privacy Officer: Module 1 HIPAA Privacy Officer Training will uncover all HIPAA and HITECH expectations in protecting patient and member's right to privacy and the confidentiality of Protected Health Information (PHI) as you engage in treatment, payment, and healthcare operations (TPO) services. Attend this Session Technical Safeguards: Steps for creating changing and securing password management should be documented and implemented regularly Security measures to ensure integrity of the ePHI data that electronically transmitted - making sure they are not improperly modified without detection until discarded Securing digital ePHI data by encrypting them, at all/most times, by whenever means deemed appropriate Securing access control points by ensuring critical thought process is put into password protection, rules for accessing data, automatic log off from systems Audit controls implementing hardware, software and procedural restriction and procedures to record activities on information system that have healthcare data Under new HIPAA 2018 Compliance rule ensure proper steps to be taken by the organization when a patient has not agreed to receive ePHI in unencrypted email or unencrypted text message Ensure ePHI data that are at rest i.e. data that is kept in databases, servers, flash drives either by password protection or access to physical hardware is restricted and data is all/most time's encryption For all online forms that use or request or accept ePHI ensure the use of security measures, such as SSL and advanced password protections like 2FA In 2018 HIPAA Compliance Privacy rule make sure that anti-virus softwares are run and systematically updated on machines that have access to ePHI Current recommendation of using NIST-recommended AES 256-bit encryption standard for data transmissions through electronic devices HIPAA Privacy Officer: Module 2 HIPAA Privacy Officer Training will cover all ongoing activities of a Privacy Program related to the development, implementation, maintenance of, and adherence to the organization's policies and procedures covering the privacy of, and access to, patient health information in compliance with federal and state laws and the healthcare organization's information privacy practices. Attend this Session Critical steps for the success in passing HIPAA Compliance checklists for 2018 Reviewing all the above steps and procedures periodically Documenting procedures and changes done to anything related to ePHI Under HIPAA 2018 Compliance rule ensure your employees are up to date at all times with regards to the procedures Ensuring the end user know about your organization handling of ePHI Determine the likelihood of threat occurrence with ratings such as high, medium and low or numerical represent probability of threat......

    From user atanu1982

  • bholahrishikesh / psychic-rotary-phone

    how-to-secure-anything, If you like this build I’ve also written other posts on building a simple voice controlled Magic Mirror with the Raspberry Pi and the AIY Projects Voice Kit, and a face-tracking cyborg dinosaur called “Do-you-think-he-saurs” with the Raspberry Pi and the AIY Projects Vision Kit. At the tail end of last month, just ahead of the announcement of the pre-order availability of the new Google AIY Project Voice Kit, I finally decided to take the kit I’d managed to pick up with issue 57 of the MagPi out of its box, and put it together. However inspired by the 1986 Google Pi Intercom build put together Martin Mander, ever since I’ve been thinking about venturing beyond the cardboard box and building my own retro-computing enclosure around the Voice Kit. I was initially thinking about using an old radio until I came across the GPO 746 Rotary Telephone. This is a modern day replica of what must be the most iconic rotary dial phone in the United Kingdom. This is the phone that sat on everybody’s desk, and in their front halls, throughout the 1970’s. It was the standard rental phone, right up until British Telecom was privatised in the middle of the 1980's. The GPO 746 Rotary Telephone. While the GPO 746 is available in the United States it’s half the price, and there are a lot more colours to choose from, if you’re buying the phone in the United Kingdom. A definite business opportunity for someone there because it turns out that, on the inside, it’s a rather interesting bit of hardware. Gathering your Tools For this project you’ll need is a small Philips “00” watch maker’s screwdriver, a craft knife, scissors, a set of small wire snips, a drill and a 2 to 4mm bit, a soldering iron, solder, some jumper wires, female header blocks, a couple of LEDs, some electrical tape, a cable tie, and possibly some Sugru and heat shrink tubing, depending how neat you want to be about things. While I did end up soldering a few things during the build, it is was mostly restricted to joining wires together and should definitely be approachable for beginners. Opening the Box Ahead of the new Voice Kit hitting the shelves next month I managed to get my hands on a few pre-production kits, which fortunately meant that I didn’t have to take my cardboard box apart to put together a new build. The new AIY Project Voice Kit. The new AIY Voice Kit comes comes in a box very similar to the original kit distributed with the Mag Pi magazine. The box might be a bit thinner, but otherwise things look much the same. Missing from my pre-production kits the two little plastic spacers that keep the Voice HAT from bending down and hitting the top of the Raspberry Pi. I’m presuming they’ll include them in the production kits, without them the underside of the HAT tends to push downwards and the solder tails of the speaker screw terminal shorts out against the Raspberry Pi’s HDMI connector. I fixed this by adding some electrical tape to separate the two boards, but the spacers would have worked a lot better and added more stability. The only component swap was the arcade button, gone was the separate lamp, holder, microswitch and button—all four components have been replaced by a single button with everything integrated. Since it was somewhat fiddly to get that assembled last time, this is a definite improvement. While my pre-production kits didn’t include it, I’m told the retail version will have a copy of the MagPi Essentials AIY Projects book written by Lucy Hattersley on how to “Create a Voice Kit with your Raspberry Pi.” Other than that, things went together much as before. At which point I quickly put together the Voice Kit, this time however, I didn’t bother with the cardboard box. Opening the Phone Pulling the replica GPO 746 out of its box you’ll find it comes in two parts, the main phone with the dial, and a separate handset which plugs in underneath the base. The first thing I needed to do was take the base unit of the phone apart and figure out how it worked. Until I knew what I had to work with, it was going to be impossible to figure out a sensible plan to integrate the Voice Kit. Opening up the GPO 746. The main PCB is mounted on the base along with a steel weight to give the impression of “heft” to the replica phone. There’s also a large bell, which makes that distinctive ringing noise familiar to anyone that owned or used a GPO 746 back in the 1970's. The circuitry attached to the base of the GPO 746. To the left of the PCB is the jack socket where the telephone line is connected (two wires, red and green). To the top, two switches. One is for handset, and the other for ringer, volume. At the bottom another jack switch (four wires, red, black, yellow, and green) where the handset is attached. The only thing of real interest on the PCB is the Hualon Microelectronics HM9102D which is a switchable tone/pulse dialer chip, which we’re actually not going to use. In fact, since the line voltage in the UK is +50V, pretty much none of it was going to be any use to me. So after measuring the voltage on the cable connecting the dialer to the PCB, I snipped the wires to the switches and the jacks—leaving them in place with as much trailing wire as possible in case they were going to come in useful,—and then removed both the PCB and the bell. After that, I filed down the plastic moulding that held everything in place leaving me with a large flat area which was perfectly sized for the Raspberry Pi and the Voice HAT. The moulded top of the phone has two assemblies, a simple microswitch toggled using a hinged and sprung plastic plate when the phone handset is taken on and off the hook, and the dialer assembly which is connected to the base and the PCB using a ribbon cable. How the Dialer Works It was time to break out the logic analyser. While I’ve got a Saleae Logic Pro 16 on my desk, if you’re thinking about picking one up for the first time I’d really recommend the much cheaper Logic 8, or even the lower specification Logic 4, rather than splashing out on the higher end model. Either will take you a long way before you get the itch that you have to upgrade. Logic Analyser attached to the dial of the GPO 746 powered up using a Bench Power Supply. Stripping the connector from the cable that connected the dialer to the PCB and powering it up with a bench power supply to +5V—which is more-or-less what I’d measured on the cable and was something I could reasonably expect to get from the Raspberry Pi—I connected the rest of the cables to my logic analyser and started turning the dial confidently expecting to see something interesting going on. I found nothing, I had flat lines, there was no signal going down the wires at all. After playing around with the voltage for a few minutes, with no results, I stripped the dialer assembly out of the case for a closer look. Dialer assembly removed from the GPO 746. The back of the dialer assembly has two LEDs, which I thought was rather odd since there dial isn’t illuminated in any way, at least not from the outside. Interestingly these two LEDs flash briefly when the dial is turned all the way around to hit the stop. Cracking the case brings us to something else interesting, it’s a light box. Designed to keep the light from the LEDs inside, it has a hole which rotates around as you dial a number. Taking apart the dial assembly. The hole exposes one of twelve photoresistors to the light from the LEDs and the number (or symbol) you’re dialing determines which of the resistors will be under the hole when the dial stop is reached. The photoresistors inside the dial assembly. It was all passive circuitry. No wonder I hadn’t seen anything on the logic analyser, there wasn’t any logic to analyse. It was all analogue. Unfortunately for me, the Raspberry Pi has no built in analogue inputs. That means I’d have to pull a Microchip MCP3008, or something similar, from the shelf and build some circuitry. I’d also have to figure out how the resistance for twelve photoresistors ended up travelling down just eight wires, which sort of had me puzzled at this point. That all sounded like a lot of effort. Since I really only wanted to dial a single digit to activate the Voice Kit, and I didn’t care what that was, I decided to ignore the photoresistors and concentrate on the dial stop. The dialer mechanism showing the back of the dial stop (left) with microswitch. Unlike the original GPO 746, the dial stop on this replica moves. It drops when you hit it with the side of your finger when dialling a number. It turned out that it was connected to a microswitch, and when the microswitch was activated, this was the thing that briefly flashed the LEDs and exposed the appropriate photoresistor. It was actually all rather clever. A really neat way to minimise the build of materials costs for the phone. Startups thinking about building hardware could learn a lesson or two in economy from this phone. Using the logic analyser on the microswitch. Just to be sure I had this right, I dialled down the bench power supply to a Raspberry Pi friendly +3.3V and wired up the microswitch to the logic analyser. Applying +3.3V (middle trace) and “dialing” shows the microswitch toggling (lower trace). Dialling a number on the dialer assembly worked as expected. We could ignore the dial itself, and those photoresistors that would be a pain to use with the Raspberry Pi and just make use of the microswitch. In fact we could more-or-less just replace the arcade button with this switch. Integrating the AIY Project Kit Moving on, I really wanted to reuse both the speaker and the microphone already in the handset instead of the ones the came with the Voice Kit. Handset stripped of its speaker and micrphone, Taking apart the handset—the end caps holding the speaker and microphone just screw off—showed that there were four wires inside the curled cable. Two for the speaker, and two for the electret condenser microphone. The Voice Kit makes use of two InvenSense ICS-43434 MEMS microphones which use I2S to communicate. They’re a solid replacement for traditional 2-wire analog microphones like the one we in the handset of the GPO 746. The Voice HAT Microphone daughter board. Looking at the Voice HAT microphone daughter board, it has been designed so that you can break the two microphones away from the board at the perforations and then you can solder the wiring harness directly to the pads. So long as you keep the signals consistent you should be able to place the mics pretty much anywhere, and with a clock rate of ~3MHz, a longer cable should be fine. Unfortunately I2S uses more wires than I had available. Unless I wanted to replace the curled cable, and I didn’t really want to have to do that, I was in trouble. Putting that aside for a moment I decided to start with the dialer assembly. Refitting it to the case, I snipped the wires leading to the microswitch and, grabbing the wiring harness for the arcade button, I soldered the microswitch to the relevant wires in the harness. Soldering the Voice HAT button wiring harness to the phone’s microswitch. I then grabbed a ultra-bright LED and a 220Ω resistor from the shelves and soldered the resistor in-line with the LED. I then attached my new LED assembly to the other two wires in the arcade button wiring harness. At this point I had a replacement for the arcade button that came with the Voice Kit. Attaching a current limiting resistor to my LED. Giving up on putting microphones into the handset I pulled out a drill and measuring the spacing between the two microphones I drilled a couple of holes in the external shell of the phone. Drilling two holes in the shell of the phone. These weren’t going to be visible from the outside as there is a void between the top of the phone, where the handset rests. This is a carrying handle where you can tuck your hand in, and pick up the phone. In the old days this let you pick up the phone and wander around the room—well, so long as the cable tying you to the wall was long enough. Attaching the Voice HAT microphone board to the phone shell. I then went ahead and tucked the microphone board behind the spring which operated the hook mechanism. There was just enough room to secure it there with a cable tie, and some Sugru. After that I plugged the handset into the jack on the base and connected the two wires from the handset jack that were attached to the speaker to the screw terminals on the Voice HAT. The re-wired internals of the modified GPO 746. Microphone board and Voice Kit both fixed in place with Sugru. Stripping the jack out where the phone line originally ran left two upright pillars that used to go on either side of the jack. I threaded the end of a 2.5A micro-USB charger through the hole and tied it around the pillars for strain relief. Which completed the re-wiring. The arcade button had been replaced with the dial stop microswitch and an LED which I was going to tuck just ahead of the microphone board in a convenient clip-like part of the body moulding. The speaker had been swapped out directly with the one in the handset—fortunately the impedance match wasn’t too far off—and the microphone had been mounted somewhere convenient inside the main body of the phone. A Working Phone Screwing everything back together we have once again something that looks like a phone. The assembled phone. I booted the Raspberry Pi, logged in via SSH and went ahead and ran the src/ script from the dev console. A working build, but it’s not quite there yet. Success. Picking up the handset and dialling a number, any number, let you talk to the Voice Assistant. But it wasn’t quite there yet. While it worked, it didn’t feel like a phone. Adding a Dial Tone What the phone needed was a dial tone. It needed to play when the handset was lifted and shut off when the phone was dialled, or the handset replaced. The phone hook works the opposite way that you might expect, when the handset is in the cradle the microswitch that simulates the hook is open as the bar below it is pushed down by the hook. When the handset is off the hook, then the microswitch is closed as the bar moves upwards. Conveniently the Voice HAT breaks out most of the unused GPIO pins from the Raspberry Pi, so at least in theory wiring the the microswitch attached to the the hook mechanism to one to the Voice HAT should be fairly simple. Available unpopulated connectors on the Voice HAT. (Image credit: Google) Thinking about how to approach this in software however left us with a bit of a quandary. While the underlying Python GPIO library allows us to detect both the rising and falling edge events when a switch is toggled, the AIY wrapper code doesn’t in the Voice Kit doesn’t. While I could have gone in and modified the wrapper code to add that functionality, I decided I didn’t want to mess around with that—perhaps I’ll get around to it later and send them a pull request—instead I decided to fix it in hardware and wire the hook switch into both GPIO4 and GPIO17. That way I could use one pin to monitor for GPIO.RISING, and the other for GPIO.FALLING. Wiring up the phone hook. It’s easy enough to do that using the aiy._drivers._button.Button class, and two callback methods. One called with the handset is taken off the hook, and the other called with it is replaced. All the additional wiring in place and working. We can then use the pygame library to play a WAV file in the background when the handset is lifted, and stop when it is replaced. We also have to add a stop command inside the _on_button_pressed() method so that the dial tone stops when the phone is dialled, and a call to stop_conversation() to stop the Voice Assistant talking if the handset is returned on hook while Google is answering our question. Adding a Greeting and a Hang Up Noise We’re not quite there yet, we can also use to add that distinctive disconnect noise when Google finishes talking and “hangs up” before returning to our dial tone. We can also use‘…’) call to add a greeting when Google “picks up” the phone to talk to us. The final build. It’s surprising how much atmosphere just adding these simple sounds ended up making to the build, and how much the user experience was improved. It now doesn’t just look like a rotary phone, it sort of feels, and perhaps more importantly, sounds like one too. The Script The final version of the script has amazingly small number of modifications away from the original version distributed byGoogle. Which sort of shows how simple it is to build something that looks and feels very different from the original cardboard box with not a lot of effort, at least on the software If you want to replicate the build you can grab the two mono WAV files I used for the build from Dropbox. Although, if you’re outside the the United Kingdom, you might want to replace the standard British dial tone of 350Hz and 450Hz—which you hear any time you lift a phone off the hook—with something more appropriate. Available to Preorder The new kits are being produced by Google, and are available to pre-order at Micro Center and through their resellers like Adafruit, and SeeedStudio. The AIY Voice Kit is priced at $25 on its own, but you can pick one up for free if you order a Raspberry Pi 3 at $35 for in-store pickup from Micro Center. My new retro rotary phone build next to my original Voice Kit. The kit will be available in the United Kingdom through Pimoroni, and cost £25, and you can expect shipping dates for kits ordered in through them to be similar to those ordered from Micro Center.

    From user bholahrishikesh

  • blockchainlabs / netcoin

    how-to-secure-anything, Why NETCOIN (NET) Netcoin, like anything else in the world, is “worth” what we as a species value it to be. Which, of course then begs the question, why should we value Netcoin? For starters: It’s a safer way to use/spend/receive money than Fiat (for example….USD/GBP/CNY) It’s a faster way to send/receive money than Fiat It’s not subject to the inflation escalations we’ve observed with fiat currencies of recent It’s built off of and developed from the same trusted technology as Bitcoin It’s Faster than Bitcoin You can earn up to 100% interest on the amount of NET you own and store in your personal wallet* Current Value of NET NET (NET) 0.00000037 BTC ↑ NET (NET) 0.00024805 USD ↑ NET (NET) 0.00164974 CNY ↑ NET (NET) 0.00022426 EUR ↑ Updated 12 July 2016 17:42:32 UTC+1:00 Powered by Cryptonator BASICS FOR GETTING STARTED GET NET One of the First things to do (besides saying hi to the community) is to obtain your own NET wallet. This fantastic little secure and safe program operates as your own Personal Bank. The wallet is where your NET are securely stored and also where you will Deposit, Withdraw, and Send your NET. ADD NET Next, you’ll want to add some NET to your wallet (Why? Because you can earn interest…or what’s called “minting”, on every NET you hold in your wallet that’s connected to the Network). USE NET Now you can start to use NET just like you would money. The number of Merchants accepting NET is growing, and the more we build (the community, NET features, NET acceptance), the sooner we’ll be able to use NET for everyday transactions. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What is Netcoin (NET)? Netcoin is a global cryptocurrency that was created in September, 2013. Originally based on litecoin’s coin core, it has since been developed and upgraded to include custom coin code making it unique from every other crypto. What’s its algorithm? Every coin has an algorithm (or put another way, its base code). Netcoin is a scrypt Proof of Work / Proof of Stake hybrid. How can I get NET? The easiest method of obtaining NET at the present time is by asking for some :) We’ll gladly get you set up if you ask (with your own wallet and Netcoins). After that, you can exchange your Fiat currency for satoshi (or bitcoin), and then trade that for NET on several exchanges. How much is this going to cost me? Netcoin is free to use. This is unlike current banks and “payment processors”…where you are charged 1%, 2% or sometimes upwards of 5% for using their services. With NET, you have the ability to send as little or as much money as you’d like to anyone else that has a NET wallet. It’s that simple. How can I help NET? Simple! By telling your friends, family, neighbors and even pets! Netcoin is a very easy and friendly cryptocurrency that anyone can understand! By spreading the knowledge about Netcoin further we will all grow together and rise to the new futures that we all have before us! Additionally, feel free to contact us if you’d like to help support Netcoin in a more official manner.

    From organization blockchainlabs

  • bookworm52 / ethicalhackingfromscratch

    how-to-secure-anything, Welcome to my comprehensive course on python programming and ethical hacking. The course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in any of these topics, and by the end of it you'll be at a high intermediate level being able to combine both of these skills to write python programs to hack into computer systems exactly the same way that black hat hackers do. That's not all, you'll also be able to use the programming skills you learn to write any program even if it has nothing to do with hacking. This course is highly practical but it won't neglect the theory, we'll start with basics of ethical hacking and python programming and installing the needed software. Then we'll dive and start programming straight away. You'll learn everything by example, by writing useful hacking programs, no boring dry programming lectures. The course is divided into a number of sections, each aims to achieve a specific goal, the goal is usually to hack into a certain system! We'll start by learning how this system work and its weaknesses, then you'll lean how to write a python program to exploit these weaknesses and hack the system. As we write the program I will teach you python programming from scratch covering one topic at a time. By the end of the course you're going to have a number of ethical hacking programs written by yourself (see below) from backdoors, keyloggers, credential harvesters, network hacking tools, website hacking tools and the list goes on. You'll also have a deep understanding on how computer systems work, how to model problems, design an algorithm to solve problems and implement the solution using python. As mentioned in this course you will learn both ethical hacking and programming at the same time, here are some of the topics that will be covered in the course: Programming topics: Writing programs for python 2 and 3. Using modules and libraries. Variables, types ...etc. Handling user input. Reading and writing files. Functions. Loops. Data structures. Regex. Desiccation making. Recursion. Threading. Object oriented programming. Packet manipulation using scapy. Netfilterqueue. Socket programming. String manipulation. Exceptions. Serialisation. Compiling programs to binary executables. Sending & receiving HTTP requests. Parsing HTML. + more! Hacking topics: Basics of network hacking / penetration testing. Changing MAC address & bypassing filtering. Network mapping. ARP Spoofing - redirect the flow of packets in a network. DNS Spoofing - redirect requests from one website to another. Spying on any client connected to the network - see usernames, passwords, visited urls ....etc. Inject code in pages loaded by any computer connected to the same network. Replace files on the fly as they get downloaded by any computer on the same network. Detect ARP spoofing attacks. Bypass HTTPS. Create malware for Windows, OS X and Linux. Create trojans for Windows, OS X and Linux. Hack Windows, OS X and Linux using custom backdoor. Bypass Anti-Virus programs. Use fake login prompt to steal credentials. Display fake updates. Use own keylogger to spy on everything typed on a Windows & Linux. Learn the basics of website hacking / penetration testing. Discover subdomains. Discover hidden files and directories in a website. Run wordlist attacks to guess login information. Discover and exploit XSS vulnerabilities. Discover weaknesses in websites using own vulnerability scanner. Programs you'll build in this course: You'll learn all the above by implementing the following hacking programs mac_changer - changes MAC Address to anything we want. network_scanner - scans network and discovers the IP and MAC address of all connected clients. arp_spoofer - runs an arp spoofing attack to redirect the flow of packets in the network allowing us to intercept data. packet_sniffer - filters intercepted data and shows usernames, passwords, visited links ....etc dns_spoofer - redirects DNS requests, eg: redirects requests to from one domain to another. file_interceptor - replaces intercepted files with any file we want. code_injector - injects code in intercepted HTML pages. arpspoof_detector - detects ARP spoofing attacks. execute_command payload - executes a system command on the computer it gets executed on. execute_and_report payload - executes a system command and reports result via email. download_and_execute payload - downloads a file and executes it on target system. download_execute_and_report payload - downloads a file, executes it, and reports result by email. reverse_backdoor - gives remote control over the system it gets executed on, allows us to Access file system. Execute system commands. Download & upload files keylogger - records key-strikes and sends them to us by email. crawler - discovers hidden paths on a target website. discover_subdomains - discovers subdomains on target website. spider - maps the whole target website and discovers all files, directories and links. guess_login - runs a wordlist attack to guess login information. vulnerability_scanner - scans a target website for weaknesses and produces a report with all findings. As you build the above you'll learn: Setting up a penetration testing lab to practice hacking safely. Installing Kali Linux and Windows as virtual machines inside ANY operating system. Linux Basics. Linux terminal basics. How networks work. How clients communicate in a network. Address Resolution Protocol - ARP. Network layers. Domain Name System - DNS. Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP. HTTPS. How anti-virus programs work. Sockets. Connecting devices over TCP. Transferring data over TCP. How website work. GET & POST requests. And more! By the end of the course you're going to have programming skills to write any program even if it has nothing to do with hacking, but you'll learn programming by programming hacking tools! With this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we'll respond to you within 15 hours. Notes: This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against devices that I have permission to test. This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, no other organisation is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANISATION IS INVOLVED. What you’ll learn 170+ videos on Python programming & ethical hacking Install hacking lab & needed software (on Windows, OS X and Linux) Learn 2 topics at the same time - Python programming & Ethical Hacking Start from 0 up to a high-intermediate level Write over 20 ethical hacking and security programs Learn by example, by writing exciting programs Model problems, design solutions & implement them using Python Write programs in Python 2 and 3 Write cross platform programs that work on Windows, OS X & Linux Have a deep understanding on how computer systems work Have a strong base & use the skills learned to write any program even if its not related to hacking Understand what is Hacking, what is Programming, and why are they related Design a testing lab to practice hacking & programming safely Interact & use Linux terminal Understand what MAC address is & how to change it Write a python program to change MAC address Use Python modules and libraries Understand Object Oriented Programming Write object oriented programs Model & design extendable programs Write a program to discover devices connected to the same network Read, analyse & manipulate network packets Understand & interact with different network layers such as ARP, DNS, HTTP ....etc Write a program to redirect the flow of packets in a network (arp spoofer) Write a packet sniffer to filter interesting data such as usernames and passwords Write a program to redirect DNS requests (DNS Spoofer) Intercept and modify network packets on the fly Write a program to replace downloads requested by any computer on the network Analyse & modify HTTP requests and responses Inject code in HTML pages loaded by any computer on the same network Downgrade HTTPS to HTTP Write a program to detect ARP Spoofing attacks Write payloads to download a file, execute command, download & execute, download execute & report .....etc Use sockets to send data over TCP Send data reliably over TCP Write client-server programs Write a backdoor that works on Windows, OS X and Linux Implement cool features in the backdoor such as file system access, upload and download files and persistence Write a remote keylogger that can register all keystrikes and send them by Email Interact with files using python (read, write & modify) Convert python programs to binary executables that work on Windows, OS X and Linux Convert malware to torjans that work and function like other file types like an image or a PDF Bypass Anti-Virus Programs Understand how websites work, the technologies used and how to test them for weaknesses Send requests towebsites and analyse responses Write a program that can discover hidden paths in a website Write a program that can map a website and discover all links, subdomains, files and directories Extract and submit forms from python Run dictionary attacks and guess login information on login pages Analyse HTML using Python Interact with websites using Python Write a program that can discover vulnerabilities in websites Are there any course requirements or prerequisites? Basic IT knowledge No Linux, programming or hacking knowledge required. Computer with a minimum of 4GB ram/memory Operating System: Windows / OS X / Linux Who this course is for: Anybody interested in learning Python programming Anybody interested in learning ethical hacking / penetration testing Instructor User photo Zaid Sabih Ethical Hacker, Computer Scientist & CEO of zSecurity My name is Zaid Al-Quraishi, I am an ethical hacker, a computer scientist, and the founder and CEO of zSecurity. I just love hacking and breaking the rules, but don’t get me wrong as I said I am an ethical hacker. I have tremendous experience in ethical hacking, I started making video tutorials back in 2009 in an ethical hacking community (iSecuri1ty), I also worked as a pentester for the same company. In 2013 I started teaching my first course live and online, this course received amazing feedback which motivated me to publish it on Udemy. This course became the most popular and the top paid course in Udemy for almost a year, this motivated me to make more courses, now I have a number of ethical hacking courses, each focusing on a specific field, dominating the ethical hacking topic on Udemy. Now I have more than 350,000 students on Udemy and other teaching platforms such as StackSocial, StackSkills and zSecurity. Instructor User photo z Security Leading provider of ethical hacking and cyber security training, zSecurity is a leading provider of ethical hacking and cyber security training, we teach hacking and security to help people become ethical hackers so they can test and secure systems from black-hat hackers. Becoming an ethical hacker is simple but not easy, there are many resources online but lots of them are wrong and outdated, not only that but it is hard to stay up to date even if you already have a background in cyber security. Our goal is to educate people and increase awareness by exposing methods used by real black-hat hackers and show how to secure systems from these hackers. Video course

    From user bookworm52

  • ghostnwa / bypassing-user-access-control-uac-

    how-to-secure-anything, In this project we'll be exploring how to attack, detect and defend against bypassing User Account Control (UAC). Granting local admin rights to users is generally a bad idea, but if you really have to, UAC can help reduce that risk a bit – but probably not as much as you one word our project is “Defeating Windows User Account Control by abusing built-in Windows Auto Elevate backdoor.” User Account Control asks for credentials in a Secure Desktop mode, where the entire screen is temporarily dimmed, Windows Aero disabled, and only the authorization window at full brightness, to present only the elevation user interface (UI). Normal applications cannot interact with the Secure Desktop. This helps prevent spoofing, such as overlaying different text or graphics on top of the elevation request, or tweaking the mouse pointer to click the confirmation button when that's not what the user intended Adversaries may bypass UAC mechanisms to elevate process privileges on system. Windows User Account Control (UAC) allows a program to elevate its privileges (tracked as integrity levels ranging from low to high) to perform a task under administrator-level permissions, possibly by prompting the user for confirmation. The impact to the user ranges from denying the operation under high enforcement to allowing the user to perform the action if they are in the local administrators group and click through the prompt or allowing them to enter an administrator password to complete the action. If the UAC protection level of a computer is set to anything but the highest level, certain Windows programs can elevate privileges or execute some elevated Component Object Model objects without prompting the user through the UAC notification box. An example of this is use of Rundll32 to load a specifically crafted DLL which loads an auto elevated Component Object Model object and performs a file operation in a protected directory which would typically require elevated access. Malicious software may also be injected into a trusted process to gain elevated privileges without prompting a user. There are many ways to perform UAC bypasses when a user is in the local administrator group on a system, so it may be difficult to target detection on all variations. Efforts should likely be placed on mitigation and collecting enough information on process launches and actions that could be performed before and after a UAC bypass is performed. Monitor process API calls for behavior that may be indicative of Process Injection and unusual loaded DLLs through DLL Search Order Hijacking, which indicate attempts to gain access to higher privileged processes

    From user ghostnwa

  • jennywelson123 / 8-best-online-payment-solutions-for-your-e-commerce-website

    how-to-secure-anything, E-commerce company owners of today have the challenge of picking the best online payment system from among hundreds of options available to them. When it comes to making online, most customers resort to a solution that operates similarly to a digital wallet or their credit cards. How Do You Pay For Things Online? Online payment methods are businesses that handle financial data on e-commerce websites. Making purchases has been greatly streamlined and made easier thanks to digital selling. Customers are guaranteed to be able to choose things online and pay there, thanks to payment methods. So, whatever you are doing, be responsible for considering a security adoption in your organization because it will assist your business revenue. There are many different sorts of payment methods, and they can offer a range of services. However, at their foundation, payment mechanisms exist to support efficient payment processing. Online Payment Methods For E-Commerce We're in a fantastic position to think about the best online payment methods now that we know better how payment methods operate and the fundamental types accessible. Consider how each payment option relates to your company's demands and its applicability to your business cases as you go through the following online payment gateway provider. When selecting a payment provider, there are a few things to take into account, but the platform's safety is of the utmost significance. Your safe online marketplace for business transactions has to be complemented with a reliable payment system. Listed below are the top 8 online payment options for e-commerce websites. Credit/Debit Card As we've said, most contemporary e-commerce payment methods are based on credit and debit cards. Customers often use credit cards to load money into digital wallets and other payment methods. They might also use their money to have their bank authorize debit card payments. The widespread preference of B2B clients for tried-and-true payment methods justifies this method's consideration in another way. American Express, Visa, and MasterCard are just a few of the long-established card issuers and payment processors. Because of this, small companies and other B2B purchasers trust them, which supports e-commerce merchants' inclusion of them. Paypal With a presence in all most more than 100 countries globally, PayPal is the biggest supplier of online payments in the world. 3 There are more than 250 million users of the firm worldwide3, making it a payment option that many of your customers probably utilize. In addition to people, 17 million businesses utilize PayPal, demonstrating both groups' wide appeal. It's important to consider the costs involved with the service, even if PayPal claims that users of the service have an 83% greater conversion rate. The payment provider costs 30 cents plus 3% on each transaction it handles. PayPal's strong business case explains why it's so well-liked worldwide. Apple Pay Apple's mobile payments platform is called Apple Pay. Contactless payment is available in physical stores using this system, which functions as a digital wallet. Additionally, it offers one-click checkout for e-commerce websites, allowing users to check out with only a finger. This offers incredible convenience and flexibility for your clients. Apple Pay will probably be well-liked by your customers if they are among the 64% of US adults who own an iPhone. Additionally, the service makes use of robust security features. To secure clients, it employs tokenization, which substitutes random tokens for customer payment information. The service is also free for businesses, which is a fantastic value. As well, it is worth considering business-level strategy examples that lead to the success of your business. Google Pay Google Pay offers flexibility and convenience to online shopping through its remarkable technology and user base. Hundreds of millions of customers already have their payment information linked to their Google accounts, according to Google, making its payment process potentially quicker and simpler than others. As a result, using this payment option may enable e-commerce business owners to increase usability and speed. In addition to PayPal and Visa Checkout, Google Pay is compatible with both services. Google doesn't charge you or your customers anything to use Google Pay, similar to Apple Pay. It is completely free. Amazon Pay As one of the significant B2C marketplaces in the world, Amazon already has a significant following and impact. The business streamlines payments among hundreds of millions of consumers by introducing a payment solution. Amazon Pay has a similar m-commerce focus as Apple Pay and Google Pay. Amazon makes integrating with Amazon Pay quite simple, as is their customary business approach. Merchants may get going right away using the Express Integration feature of the service. They can also integrate by utilizing the service's API, which takes more time but offers more customization possibilities. Similar to the payment options previously mentioned, Amazon imposes a fee of 30 cents + 3.00% for each transaction. Boleto One of the most usual forms of payment in Brazil is the Boleto. The service employs payment information printed on physical or digital vouchers with a barcode, basic payment information, and sender and receiver details. Because customers may use Boleto to make payments at many places around Brazil, it offers great quickness and accessibility regarding local payments. Push payments are used by the service, which allows sellers to give their customers the payment information, so they may complete the transaction whenever is most convenient, whether in person or online. Stripe Despite just being founded in 2010, Stripe has grown to be a prominent online payment processor. The platform offers feature-rich payment services that let payments from various sources, including digital wallets, credit cards, internet transfers, and more. Consequently, Stripe is useful for companies who like having various payment options in one solution. With just one line of JavaScript, Stripe enables non-technical online merchants to integrate the service into their stores. PayCafe It has some of the greatest fraud and chargeback safeguards available. This is due to the fact that they provide a machine-learning system that automatically checks each transaction for fraud. When it does, you will be noted, and the problematic transaction will be stopped. Of course, you will be able to correct any errors and complete the purchase. Additionally, they have resources set up to deal with credit card complaints. They will inform you with the resources you need to deal with bothersome chargebacks and prevail, from their early warning dispute alert system to their very thorough records of each transaction. Conclusion Thus, y you need to be able to collect payments from your consumers if you have an e-commerce website. Although you want to start a small business, receiving payment is the central focus of your firm. Your payment gateway has to be a top priority whether you already have an e-commerce platform or are creating a brand-new online store from scratch. This guide will be helpful in selecting the best solution from among the many available ones for receiving payments online.

    From user jennywelson123

  • leorodriadv / loyalt-card

    how-to-secure-anything, Ok can anyone help me? I have a loyalty app in Brazil called Jambalaio! But in the commercial part I have a problem! It works like this! The User downloads the app, and will have a code, this code is his forever in all establishment! The problem with my business is that the merchant needs to have the Admin App open to send the stamps so the user speaks the code and the merchant owner puts the code in and sends the stamp to the customer! The owner wants something simpler, he doesn't need to have the app admin open, i'll do an update i thought the QR code, ie the owner left a QR code already printed but here comes a new problem that is the trust of the owner of the establishment, ie he is afraid that someone might take the picture of the QR code and put codes, or that the clerks send more codes to users! I wanted something for the user to download the App and get close with the phone and automatically get the stamp, something that could not be used 2x or something that can only be used after 24 hours! I arrived at NFC Technology but I don't know if that would give me more work than a QR code! My question is, do you have anything that can help me? any secure technology that I could talk to the owner of the secure establishment? Can I make the QR code only be used 1x by users for 24 hours? If so how to program? Thanks Leonardo

    From user leorodriadv

  • limoni80 / iptvireland

    how-to-secure-anything, According to recent stats, it has been identified that an average adult in Ireland spends around 3.5 hours in front of the television per day. Even though it is not the country that watches television the most, people tend to spend most of their time in front of television. Due to this reason, they have started paying more attention towards IPTV. That’s because it is one of the most convenient methods available for them to watch television at the comfort of home. What is IPTV? IPTV has been able to take traditional media streaming to the next level. In fact, IPTV refers to Internet Protocol Television. It will be using your broadband connection to stream media content. It can provide you with the opportunity to enjoy content from TV channels around the world. Why should people in Ireland choose IPTV AMSOALA instead of Satellite TV? In order to obtain Satellite TV, you need to have a satellite dish. You will also need to install the satellite dish somewhere in your property to make it work. However, we often fail to figure out how to install the satellite correctly. On the other hand, the satellite reception varies based on your location. In case if you are living in an apartment, getting the dish installed will be a problem as well. That’s where IPTV can come to your survival. In other words, IPTV can provide a unique and a one of a kind solution to all these problems that you are dealing with. You will be able to use the existing broadband connection and enjoy IPTV. All the television channels will be streamed right to your home. Therefore, you don’t need to worry or keep any doubts in your mind. What will be able to watch with IPTV in Ireland? The possibilities provided to you with the IPTV subscription that you obtain from us in Ireland are endless. That’s because we are going to provide you with direct access to more than 6,000 different standard television channels. You will be able to enjoy media content that comes from television channels in over 100 different countries in the world. In addition to that, you also have access to more than 4,000 videos to watch on demand. Once you obtain the IPTV connection, you will be able to enjoy all types of content, including international news, movies and TV shows. If you are a person who enjoys watching television on a regular basis, you will find in love with it. One of the best things about your IPTV connection is that it can help you to watch media content on any of the devices at home. It includes your television, your iPad and even your smartphone. However, you should also keep in mind that you will only be able to stream media content from one device at a time. What are the benefits of our IPTV services in ireland? When you get IPTV Subscription from us, you will be able to experience a variety of services. We can provide you with access to the account within few hours. In other words, you will receive the IPTV Subscription details within 6 hours of signing up. Then you will be able to activate the subscription and start enjoying television channels. You don’t need to make a payment to set up the IPTV connection. Our IPTV Subscriptions have very competitive price. When you compare them with the packages served by competitors, you will also notice that there is a high possibility for you to save a considerable amount of money at the end of the day. How to Pay for IPTV Subscription ? For the IPTV connection, you have the freedom to make a payment online. You will be able to make that payment through a 100% secure payment gateway. The payment page would be encrypted with SSL. We are accepting payments from both debit cards as well as credit cards. In addition to that, we have an automated currency converter, which will convert currency automatically for you. You will not have to pay any hidden fees. Therefore, you can keep the peace of mind when you are subscribing to the IPTV Services that we offer. As mentioned earlier, IPTV Subscriptions will not just limit you from watching media content on your television. You will be able to use many other devices that you have around your home to enjoy media content. They include tablets, smartphones, PC, Mac, Openbox, Dreambox, MAG, STB Emulator, Kodi, Enigma 2, VU+, Amazon Firestick and smart televisions. Moreover, you can use it on many IPTV Apps No matter what device you use, you will be able to stream the best quality content from your home at the end of the day. Therefore, you will fall in love with the quality of content that is being streamed to you. The IPTV Subscription can also help you to enjoy media content 24×7. Whenever you want to watch content, you can simply start it. This can provide you with an outstanding experience at the end of the day and you will not have to worry about anything. The guarantee we offer: We provide a guarantee to verify the quality of services that we offer. Therefore, you can simply move to the next step and purchase an IPTV connection from us while keeping the peace of mind. You can purchase the IPTV connection and test it for a period of seven days. If you are not happy with the service that you are getting within the first seven days, you can simply cancel the subscription and request for a refund. We will take appropriate measures to provide you with a complete refund. Due to this money back guarantee, you can make sure that you don’t have anything to lose by going forward with the IPTV connections that we offer. You will be able to get the connection and keep the peace of mind in the long run. If you are not satisfied, you just need to tell us and you get a complete refund.

    From user limoni80

  • lirisha2228 / online-food-ordering-and-delivery-system-food-ordering-system

    how-to-secure-anything, Food Order and Delivery Solution offers a well-designed and powerful application to help customers to make an online food order at any time where the restaurant owner will get online food orders to grow up business. Partnering with the best food ordering and delivery app development company will let you reach a tech-savvy consumer-base, serve local and beyond with a reasonable upfront cost. Our experienced food delivery app developers will help you balance consumer preferences with your needs and develop a food delivery app that marks your presence in the food delivery business scenario. • Enhanced Efficiency • Increase in Sales • Positive Customer Service • Access to Powerful Database • Expand Market Reach The Business Model That Ensures A Smooth And Consistent Growth Real-Time Tracking Track and handle deliveries seamlessly with real-time location tracking of the food/grocery orders. Multiple Payment Option Secure payment options to make it simpler for customers to choose from and pay for online food delivery. Intuitive Experience Easy search, interactive product display, indulgent browsing experience to increase time on the app. Seamless Online Ordering/Delivery Food delivery mobile app development to empower order placement/delivery tracking with just a few taps. Advanced Analytics Identify customer behavior, oversee daily orders, monitor dispatches, and deliveries with powerful analytics. User-Friendly Interface With the upfront placement of features, smooth user flow, and engaging graphics, the user interface is a complete treat for the customers. How You Are Benefited With Our Online Ordering Software? Source Code MartPro provides you the application with complete source code. One-Time Payment The application is a one-time payment. No subscriptions or recurring fees. Customization You can get the application customized to your business needs. Complete Support We provide you complete support after that project launch. Fully Responsive Our application is highly responsive, compatible on both web & mobile. RTL Features MartPro supports multiple languages including RTL features. Custom Payment Gateway You can add an extra payment gateway according to your choice. Seamless Integration Our application can be seamlessly integrated to existing your system Take Control Of Your Online Food Ordering And Delivery System Go beyond the limits, combine the process of managing and tracking food orders to reduce the cost of your business operation. Integrate Anything Just come with an idea! Our team will help you integrate POS, billing software or any 3rd party applications. Manage From Anywhere Easy to track, manage food orders and delivery through web and mobile applications seamlessly. Your Own System Get your own white labelled, open-source food ordering software and personalize the way you want. Dedicated Support We delight our customers with dedicated support. Feel free to ask your questions to our sales team. Conclusion: For more details, Pls visit our website:

    From user lirisha2228

  • maximshly /

    how-to-secure-anything, Here I deploy a website from this Github repository that has a function to create a hash blockie out of anything you type into it - a demonstration of how secured data can be stored or recognized.

    From user maximshly

  • nasa10069420 / hola

    how-to-secure-anything, Yeah? Can you turn down the music. What? Can you turn down the music! I'm trying to get some sleep here! Turn down the music? How's that! How's that. Is that much better? Turn down your damn music, or I'll come over there and turn it down myself! All right, sucker. You come down here, we can dance. Hello? Hello? Bitch! When I don't get enough sleep, I get irritable. And you don't want to make me - 'Calling VAGAN' Wait! Who are you? Just a bean trying to get some sleep. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! You came here just to make us turn off the music? If you were listening on the phone, I said I would come here to turn it off myself. What! Are you insane?! Do you know what you just got yourself into? Do you know who I am! Do you know who my uncle is?! Yes. I do. Detective Cromwell. Good morning. Yeah. Something tells me there's nothing good about this morning. What do we got here? Multiple gunshots were reported coming from this warehouse. I was the first one to answer the call. Multiple gunshots, huh. You do know whose warehouse this is. Yes, sir. Have you gone inside yet? No, sir. I wanted to wait for backup. Well. It's here. My God. What a massacre. There's got to be a dozen, at least a dozen dead beans here. I guess I don't need this anymore. These were all Cappuccino's beans. Mm-hmm. It must have been some kind of gang war. No. This is no gang war. Cappuccino's beans might be dumb, but they know how to use a gun. There would have been other dead beans here, not just them. This something else. Well. One thing's for sure. We won't need that search warrant we were trying to get, huh. Heh. Yeah. I could live with this. Detective Cromwell. I found something here. 'This bullet casing is the property of Killer Bean' Killer Bean 'The bullet is meant for someone else' Hmm. What do you make of this? This guy's got balls. That's for sure. We got company! Let's go! Stop! Stop right there! This is the police! Hold it right there! Bad idea. Get out of the car! Get your hands where I can see them! Easy... Easy... Oh please, officer. Don't hurt me. Watch it. Vagan. I should have known I'd find you here, Detective Cromwell. What are you doing here, Vagan? Well, obviously something happened in my warehouse. I mean, can't a bean protect his own property anymore? Don't you mean, Cappuccino's property? You know, your obsession with Cappuccino has become quite amusing. Always trying to link everything back to Cappuccino. Why don't you tell it to the court. You're under arrest. Arrest? For what? A traffic violation? What about this? Looking for some action here? If I were looking for some action, you wouldn't be standing before me as you do right now. Yeah? That's cause I'd be shooting you with this! Are you kids done yet? I say we take him in and book him right now. You know my lawyers will have me out even before you get me to the police station. The time is not worth your effort, now is it Cromwell. Let him go. What?! I said let him go. Uh, my gun please. Nice... You know, Vagan, you're right. You're not worth my time. However, investigating the multiple homicides in your warehouse is. And whatever else we find in your warehouse, is just icing on the cake. You're free to go. And by the way, your car's parked illegally. You better get it out of here before we tow it. Oh, and Vagan. Here. It looks like I'm not the only one after your boss. ...possible suspects. Rumors have surfaced saying that there is a vigilante bean in town... What the hell is going on out there?! Ah. Looks like I got someone's attention. Who's this? Great. Playtime's over. 'Encrypted Call' 'Decoding' 'Secure Connection' This is Killer Bean. Killer Bean. What the hell are you doing? You think this is a game? What were you thinking last night? I had a rough night last night. We know what kind of night you had. Might I remind you what your mission is. You were given specific orders to hunt down and eliminate the target. No one else! Drawing this kind of attention to yourself is dangerous for us, and especially for you. What's the big deal? I killed a bunch of gangsters. I'm sure the Beantown police are a lot happier without them. You didn't do anyone a favor with that mess you created last night. And you are not working for the Beantown police. You are working for us! I'll still get the job done. I'll get him. We're running out of time. He has to know you're coming by now. Remember who he is. Yeah. I know what the mission is. Then stick to it! Don't be so reckless, Killer Bean. I'll call you when I got him! Reckless! Pff! Reckless my brown bean ass! 'Decoding' 'Secure Connection' Yes? Jet Bean, you have been activated for an urgent mission in Beantown. Beantown? I'm a long way from Beantown. It would be best to assign someone else. This mission is highly sensitive. You are the most capable for the job. It figures. Fine. I'll do it. Good. We'll contact you with the details as soon as you reach the shore. See you in Beantown. They better have some good food in Beantown. Wait. Are you leaving? Yes. How long will you go for? A long time. Oh... I have something I want to give to you. Oh... You shouldn't have. Here! It's the bill! You haven't paid in three months! I'm leaving now. I will pay when I get back. Hey! You get back here pay now! Tsingtao! Get out here! He say your food tastes like ass crack. What?! Make bean curd out of him! I said I'll pay when I get back! Oh. It's okay. It's on the house. You don't have to come back! Please! Looking at the figures from our previous fiscal year. Narcotic sales have dropped 57 percent. 57 percent! That's more than half! Now, compare this to the 300 percent growth from our weapons department. But you guys... You guys are not from my weapons department, are you. No... You guys are from my narcotics department, okay?! So what do I have to do, huh? How can I get through to you guys?! Dude. I have such a hangover. Yeah bean, that was a kick-ass party last night, right? Yeah. Too bad we didn't stay for the whole thing. I bet they had some fun. Woot! Woot! You see, it's easy when you think about it. Crime is on the rise, okay. So more guns sell, because criminals use guns. Hello!! They also use drugs! So more drugs should sell, right? What's the problem here? Now, you guys. Someone give me a reasonable explanation, okay? Why are narcotic sales performing so poorly? It's all those anti-drug commercials on TV. You never see any anti-gun commercials. It's not fair. It has become quite apparent to me, that some of you do not value your job. Now... That is quite odd, if you ask me. Especially in today's economy. But I am forced to say... It is time... To lay off! A few beans!! Ooohhh!!! Uh, wait. I have a question. Yes. Will I be eligible for unemployment? Hmm. Let me check with the finance department on that, okay? My social security number is... 3, 4, 6... Oh boy. Is my batting average going to go up after this. Ahem- Hang on, let me just finish this level. Cappuccino! Ah. Vagan. I'm glad you're here. Maybe you can teach these beans something about business, since you've handled my weapons department so well. That bean is nothing but a kiss-ass brown-noser. What does he know that we don't know? But he's making millions of dollars selling weapons. If you ask me, He's doing something illegal. Oh, it's great to see you, Vagan. But you'll have to excuse me. I'm in an important meeting right now. This is more important. It's about the warehouse on Baker Street. Oh that. It's okay. I know. You know? Yeah. My nephew was having a party of there last night, okay? No, it's not about the party. Well. It is. There was a hit on the warehouse. Everyone is dead. Who did this. I have reason to believe that it was done by a bean named, Killer Bean. Killer Bean... One bean? This is no ordinary bean. I've heard of him before. I know what he can do. Who the hell is he? Who sent him? Is it the Colombians? Is it the French trying to roast me? It has to be one of your competitors. Who ever it is, I want you to find him. I want you to find him, and destroy him! Oh, believe me I will try. But first, we have Killer Bean to deal with. He's somewhere out there, and he's coming after you. All right. We need to consolidate all of our warehouses. There's too many targets for him to attack. Move all our inventory to the central warehouse on Main Street. I want you to protect that place. What about Killer Bean? What do you want me to do? Oh nothing. Just send him a box of chocolates, and tell him thanks for the memories. You idiot! What do you think you should do? Kill him. Any way you can, by any means. Put him in the ground! I'll need more beans. Professional beans. Put it on my credit card, okay. Just do it! Yes, sir. Vagan. Make sure you find out who sent him. There will be hell to pay. Hello. Hey, Harry. It's Detective Cromwell. Hey, Cromwell. Hey did you get the package I sent you? Yeah, it's pretty wild stuff. Our crime lab is getting nowhere with this. What do you make of it? Well, the easy ones the tire tread sample. I tested the residue you sent, and the tires are made from silicon steel fiber alloy. It's only used on high-performance cars. It's not unique, but it's hard to come by. Hmm... What about the gold bullets? Now that. In my 15 years with Special Forces, I've never seen gold used in any weapon. But for practical purposes gold is a very soft metal. So the bullets expand and deform on high impact. They make little holes on the way in and big holes on the way out. And they are much harder to match the ballistic signatures. That makes them relatively untraceable. Yeah, that doesn't make sense if the bullet casings have his name on it. And he left those everywhere. Yeah. Killer Bean. Yeah, I don't get that. He must be one sick bean, like he wanted to be found out. Yeah, or he's bragging. Or just plain careless. This Killer Bean has to be working for someone to get that kind of financial backing. You think he's a gun for hire? Or he could be a vigilante. That's the word on the street. Either way, one thing's for sure. He has his eyes set on Cappuccino. Heh, well then you both have something in common. Yeah. If that's true, I have a hunch where this Killer Bean will show up next. Hey, I gotta go. See you, Harry. Later. 'Suspected Cappuccino's Warehouses' Dramatic entrance... Dramatic entrance... Well, that pretty much frees up my day. Time for some breakfast. 'Shadow Bean, you are too late.' Howdy. What will it be? Tequila and tonic. And, uh. Turn up the TV. Detective Cromwell, concerning possible suspects, rumors have surfaced that there is a vigilante bean in town, who is hunting down Cappuccino. There is no evidence for your vigilante theory. As far as I'm concerned, the suspect or suspects involved in these homicides are no friends of the police. We will do what is necessary to bring them to justice. Thank you. I don't think so. I'll have another. And you can turn that crap off now. What can I get you? I'll have what he's having. This is a rough part of town. Do you always sit with your back to the entrance? Doesn't matter who comes in. Isn't it against police regulation to be drinking during the day? I'm a detective. Our regulations are a little different. How'd you know I was with the police? You know, you're much uglier in person. Heh. My name is Detective Cromwell. And you are? Jack. Well, Jack... I guess you heard what happened this morning over at the warehouse on Baker Street. Yeah, I know about that. Really. Tell me what you know. Why don't we cut to the chase. Why don't you tell me what you know. Oh, I know a lot. I know the Baker Street warehouse is owned by Cappuccino. I know someone killed 12 beans in that warehouse last night. I know the killer drove a fancy car, and has fancy guns. I know that the warehouse across the street with the big hole in the window also belongs to Cappuccino. I see this fancy car parked in front, and well, you don't look like you walked here. So my guess is... This, belongs to you. Well it looks like you figured it all out. Good job. Another! It was easy. You were just reckless. The way I see it, you're the one who's being reckless. You come out here looking for me by yourself. You didn't bring anyone to back you up. That's reckless. Here's my backup. That's a nice gun. Wanna see mine! How can I see it, if you have it against the side of my head? Not bad. But mine's bigger. You do the math. Why are you after Cappuccino? That's for me to know, and you not to know. Well, I know I can't have a crazy vigilante running around shooting up beans. But you're no vigilante, are you. Seems like there are beans who've invested in you, And I'm sure they're not happy with the press you're getting. This is where I can help you. I don't need help. Well, you see. I'm bound by the law. I've been working this Cappuccino case for over three years. Every time we think we have something on him, his lawyers get in the way and get him out. I wish I was like you. I wish I could just walk up to him and shoot him. But I can't. It's too bad. Because I know where is central warehouse is. Not these abandoned warehouses, like that one out there. Why don't you pay him a visit? You got the wrong bean. I'm not just some hired gun. Who says I'm hiring you? You already have a boss, don't you? I bet he doesn't really like all that attention that you're getting from the media. I can make that go away. I control the evidence, and the evidence says it could've been some rival gang that killed all of Cappuccino's beans last night, or... It could be you. And I have a lot of evidence that says that. Are you going to take me in? I can take you down. Oh... I would enjoy that. Freeze! Get out of my bar you punks! I know how to use this! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hold on! I'm a cop! Put down your gun! I don't trust any of you. You drop your guns, both of you! Sorry, grandpa. It doesn't work like that. Okay, okay. I'm going to slowly lower my gun, and I'm gonna go, alright? Alright? This will be real easy. See? This is easy. Killer Bean. Remember what I said. We can help each other. Just help yourself out the door. This is for the drinks. Mine and his. Now, you mind if I go to the bathroom before I go? Be quick. Your life depends on it. So dramatic. Sorry. It was a double flusher. But you only flushed once. Hey... Don't I know you from somewhere? Who is Shadow Bean? You're in way over your head. Who is Shadow Bean?! You don't have to yell. I'm right next to you. Answer me! Are there two of you?! You're not going to shoot me if you need the answers. Besides, I can't answer you anyway. So... I'll have to do this instead! It's a good idea for you to stay down. We'll settle this later. You're not as dumb as you look. Hello. Harry. It's Cromwell. My hunch was right. Killer Bean hit Cappuccino's warehouse on the east side. In fact, he was still here when I got here. Whoa, how did that go? Not as well as I would have liked. Hey listen. I got some new info. I found a note in front of Cappuccino's warehouse. It said, Shadow Bean, you are too late. Does that mean anything to you? Harry? You still there? I didn't know they were still in operation. Who? The Shadow Beans. Harry, what's going on? They're highly trained operatives of an organization called the Shadow Agency. Shadow Agency? What are they, a government agency? Why haven't I heard of them? I think they were a private organization. There are some things the government does that are not meant to be known. Their collaboration with the Shadow Agency was one of them. When diplomatic and military tactics failed, our government hired the Shadow Agency to eliminate national security threats. It was more cost effective than training and maintaining our own elite assassins. And the Shadow Beans were better than anything we had. Great. But why here? What are the Shadow Beans doing in Beantown? And what could they possibly want with Cappuccino? I don't know. I thought the Shadow Agency was disbanded. I know our government stopped using them nearly a decade ago. I haven't heard of them since. So do you think this Killer Bean is a Shadow Bean operative? It sounds like he's certainly good enough to be. What do you think I should do is stop him? I don't even know if you can't stop him. But you can start by putting all your cops on double duty. Right... This is the place. Dramatic entrance. Bean, I hate this job. It's so freaking boring. All we do we sit around and drink beer. Are you kidding? This is my dream job! Hey! We're not supposed to be just sitting around drinking beer. Remember what Vagan said? He said we got to move all those crates by morning. If the cops find this stuff, we are screwed. Where are we supposed to move them? I don't know. I didn't really listen to that part. Hey, give me another beer. Oh here, have mine. I shouldn't drink anymore. *sniff* *cough* I have a really bad cold. All right! Wait... is this a low carb beer? Hey, speaking of beer... Did you beans hear what happened at the party last night? Some dude went in there, and killed everyone. He even killed Cappuccino's nephew. Geez... Who was this bean that killed everyone? Is he someone I should be worried about? Nah. He's probably just some crazed lunatic, running around with lots of guns. You know, that's the problem with this country. Too many crazed lunatics with guns. Isn't that right, baby? The lunatics aren't the problem. The real problem is the guns. What this country needs is some serious gun control. I mean, we need to take away all the guns. All of them! And just get rid of them! But not my gun. Ohhh! Ow! Bean, you dropped into the wrong place. Looks like what we got here is a standoff. Not really. Over there! Take cover! Call the boss! Get some help! Hello. Vagan! We're being attacked. I think it's Killer Bean! How do you know? Well... He's killing everyone! We're sending the mercenaries. Just hold tight. Keep firing! Don't let up! Grenade!! I can see we came to the right place. You made short work of these beans. Don't expect the same fight from us. My squad has been with me through hell. I hand selected them myself from the Academy ten years ago. All of them graduated with top honors. I led these beans through three tours of duty, accumulating a total of 15 Medals of Honor, 11 Purple Hearts. Sure, we lost a few good beans... But you should see what we did to the other bloke. Well, then we went into business for ourselves. Escort detail for high-level dignitaries, Hostage extraction, corporate assassinations, preemptive surgical strikes, Or just plain search and destroy. Heck, we even robbed a few federal banks with business with slow. So... So this little shindig we got here... Oh, it's nothing. It's just a walk in the park. Are you going to say something or what? Huh? Oh, I'm sorry. I must have totally zoned out on you. Whoa, my eyes are starting to water. Whoo! Sorry. Let's make one thing clear. Last night was a party. Tonight, I get to work! Decaffeinated. Oh well. It was worth a try. This is not a good idea. We should kill him now. Patience, Vagan. I need answers. I need answers from him. He's awake. So. This is the great Killer Bean. Yeah. You attack my warehouses. You kill my beans. What do you want from me?! My guns would be nice. Better enjoy a while it lasts, tough guy. Tough words from a bean who is helpless. Ohhh... No, you did not!

    From user nasa10069420

  • nyaundid / ec2-aws-and-shell

    how-to-secure-anything, SEIS 665 Assignment 2: Linux & Git Overview This week we will focus on becoming familiar with launching a Linux server and working with some basic Linux and Git commands. We will use AWS to launch and host the Linux server. AWS might seem a little confusing at this point. Don’t worry, we will gain much more hands-on experience with AWS throughout the course. The goal is to get you comfortable working with the technology and not overwhelm you with all the details. Requirements You need to have a personal AWS account and GitHub account for this assignment. You should also read the Git Hands-on Guide and Linux Hands-on Guide before beginning this exercise. A word about grading One of the key DevOps practices we learn about in this class is the use of automation to increase the speed and repeatability of processes. Automation is utilized during the assignment grading process to review and assess your work. It’s important that you follow the instructions in each assignment and type in required files and resources with the proper names. All names are case sensitive, so a name like "Web1" is not the same as "web1". If you misspell a name, use the wrong case, or put a file in the wrong directory location you will lose points on your assignment. This is the easiest way to lose points, and also the most preventable. You should always double-check your work to make sure it accurately reflects the requirements specified in the assignment. You should always carefully review the content of your files before submitting your assignment. The assignment Let’s get started! Create GitHub repository The first step in the assignment is to setup a Git repository on GitHub. We will use a special solution called GitHub Classroom for this course which automates the process of setting up student assignment repositories. Here are the basic steps: Click on the following link to open Assignment 2 on the GitHub Classroom site: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Click on the Accept this assignment button. GitHub Classroom will provide you with a URL (https) to access the assignment repository. Either copy this address to your clipboard or write it down somewhere. You will need to use this address to set up the repository on a Linux server. Example:<your github id>.git At this point your new repository to ready to use. The repository is currently empty. We will put some content in there soon! Launch Linux server The second step in the assignment is to launch a Linux server using AWS EC2. The server should have the following characteristics: Amazon Linux 2 AMI 64-bit (usually the first option listed) Located in a U.S. region (us-east-1) t2.micro instance type All default instance settings (storage, vpm, security group, etc.) I’ve shown you how to launch EC2 instances in class. You can review it on Canvas. Once you launch the new server, it may take a few minutes to provision. Log into server The next step is to log into the Linux server using a terminal program with a secure shell (SSH) support. You can use iTerm2 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. on a Mac and GitBash/PuTTY (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. on a PC. You will need to have the private server key and the public IP address before attempting to log into the server. The server key is basically your password. If you lose it, you will need to terminate the existing instance and launch a new server. I recommend reusing the same key when launching new servers throughout the class. Note, I make this recommendation to make the learning process easier and not because it is a common security practice. I’ve shown you how to use a terminal application to log into the instance using a Windows desktop. Your personal computer or lab computer may be running a different OS version, but the process is still very similar. You can review the videos on the Canvas. Working with Linux If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! You’ve made it over the toughest hurdle. By the end of this course, I promise you will be able to launch and log into servers in your sleep. You should be looking at a login screen that looks something like this: Last login: Mon Mar 21 21:17:54 2016 from __| __|_ ) _| ( / Amazon Linux AMI ___|\___|___| 8 package(s) needed for security, out of 17 available Run "sudo yum update" to apply all updates. ec2-user@ip-172-31-15-26 ~]$ Your terminal cursor is sitting at the shell prompt, waiting for you to type in your first command. Remember the shell? It is a really cool program that lets you start other programs and manage services on the Linux system. The rest of this assignment will be spent working with the shell. Note, when you are asked to type in a command in the steps below, don’t type in the dollar-sign ($) character. This is just meant to represent the command prompt. The actual commands are represented by the characters to the right of the command prompt. Let’s start by asking the shell for some help. Type in: $ help The shell provides you with a list of commands you can run along with possible command options. Next, check out one of the pages in the built-in manual: $ man ls A man page will appear with information on how to use the ls command. This command is used to list the contents of file directories. Either space through the contents of the man page or hit q to exit. Most of the core Linux commands have man pages available. But honestly, some of these man pages are a bit hard to understand. Sometimes your best bet is to search on Google if you are trying to figure out how to use a specific command. When you initially log into Linux, the system places you in your home directory. Each user on the system has a separate home directory. Let’s see where your home directory is located: $ pwd The response should be /home/ec2-user. The pwd command is handy to remember if you ever forget what file directory you are currently located in. If you recall from the Linux Hands-on Guide, this directory is also your current working directory. Type in: $ cd / The cd command let’s you change to a new working directory on the server. In this case, we changed to the root (/) directory. This is the parent of all the other directories on the file system. Type in: $ ls The ls command lists the contents of the current directory. As you can see, root directory contains many other directories. You will become familiar with these directories over time. The ls command provides a very basic directory listing. You need to supply the command with some options if you want to see more detailed information. Type in: $ ls -la See how this command provides you with much more detailed information about the files and directories? You can use this detailed listing to see the owner, group, and access control list settings for each file or directory. Do you see any files listed? Remember, the first character in the access control list column denotes whether a listed item is a file or a directory. You probably see a couple files with names like .autofsck. How come you didn’t see this file when you typed in the lscommand without any options? (Try to run this command again to convince yourself.) Files names that start with a period are called hidden files. These files won’t appear on normal directory listings. Type in: $ cd /var Then, type in: $ ls You will see a directory listing for the /var directory. Next, type in: $ ls .. Huh. This directory listing looks the same as the earlier root directory listing. When you use two periods (..) in a directory path that means you are referring to the parent directory of the current directory. Just think of the two dots as meaning the directory above the current directory. Now, type in: $ cd ~ $ pwd Whoa. We’re back at our home directory again. The tilde character (~) is another one of those handy little directory path shortcuts. It always refers to our personal home directory. Keep in mind that since every user has their own home directory, the tilde shortcut will refer to a unique directory for each logged-in user. Most students are used to navigating a file system by clicking a mouse in nested graphical folders. When they start using a command-line to navigate a file system, they sometimes get confused and lose track of their current position in the file system. Remember, you can always use the pwd command to quickly figure out what directory you are currently working in. Let’s make some changes to the file system. We can easily make our own directories on the file system. Type: mkdir test Now type: ls Cool, there’s our new test directory. Let’s pretend we don’t like that directory name and delete it. Type: rmdir test Now it’s gone. How can you be sure? You should know how to check to see if the directory still exists at this point. Go ahead and check. Let’s create another directory. Type in: $ mkdir documents Next, change to the new directory: $ cd documents Did you notice that your command prompt displays the name of the current directory? Something like: [ec2-user@ip-172-31-15-26 documents]$. Pretty handy, huh? Okay, let’s create our first file in the documents directory. This is just an empty file for training purposes. Type in: $ touch paper.txt Check to see that the new file is in the directory. Now, go back to the previous directory. Remember the double dot shortcut? $ cd .. Okay, we don’t like our documents directory any more. Let’s blow it away. Type in: $ rmdir documents Uh oh. The shell didn’t like that command because the directory isn’t empty. Let’s change back into the documents directory. But this time don’t type in the full name of the directory. You can let shell auto-completion do the typing for you. Type in the first couple characters of the directory name and then hit the tab key: $ cd doc<tab> You should use the tab auto-completion feature often. It saves typing and makes working with the Linux file system much much easier. Tab is your friend. Now, remove the file by typing: $ rm paper.txt Did you try to use the tab key instead of typing in the whole file name? Check to make sure the file was deleted from the directory. Next, create a new file: $ touch file1 We like file1 so much that we want to make a backup copy. Type: $ cp file1 file1-backup Check to make sure the new backup copy was created. We don’t really like the name of that new file, so let’s rename it. Type: $ mv file1-backup backup Moving a file to the same directory and giving it a new name is basically the same thing as renaming it. We could have moved it to a different directory if we wanted. Let’s list all of the files in the current directory that start with the letter f: $ ls f* Using wildcard pattern matching in file commands is really useful if you want the command to impact or filter a group of files. Now, go up one directory to the parent directory (remember the double dot shortcut?) We tried to remove the documents directory earlier when it had files in it. Obviously that won’t work again. However, we can use a more powerful command to destroy the directory and vanquish its contents. Behold, the all powerful remove command: $ rm -fr documents Did you remember to use auto-completion when typing in documents? This command and set of options forcibly removes the directory and its contents. It’s a dangerous command wielded by the mightiest Linux wizards. Okay, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration. Just be careful with it. Check to make sure the documents directory is gone before proceeding. Let’s continue. Change to the directory /var and make a directory called test. Ugh. Permission denied. We created this darn Linux server and we paid for it. Shouldn’t we be able to do anything we want on it? You logged into the system as a user called ec2-user. While this user can create and manage files in its home directory, it cannot change files all across the system. At least it can’t as a normal user. The ec2-user is a member of the root group, so it can escalate its privileges to super-user status when necessary. Let’s try it: $ sudo mkdir test Check to make sure the directory exists now. Using sudo we can execute commands as a super-user. We can do anything we want now that we know this powerful new command. Go ahead and delete the test directory. Did you remember to use sudo before the rmdir command? Check to make sure the directory is gone. You might be asking yourself the question: why can we list the contents of the /var directory but not make changes? That’s because all users have read access to the /var directory and the ls command is a read function. Only the root users or those acting as a super-user can write changes to the directory. Let’s go back to our home directory: $ cd ~ Editing text files is a really common task on Linux systems because many of the application configuration files are text files. We can create a text file by using a text editor. Type in: $ nano myfile.conf The shell starts up the nano text editor and places your terminal cursor in the editing screen. Nano is a simple text-based word processor. Type in a few lines of text. When you’re done writing your novel, hit ctrl-x and answer y to the prompt to save your work. Finally, hit enter to save the text to the filename you specified. Check to see that your file was saved in the directory. You can take a look at the contents of your file by typing: $ cat myfile.conf The cat command displays your text file content on the terminal screen. This command works fine for displaying small text files. But if your file is hundreds of lines long, the content will scroll down your terminal screen so fast that you won’t be able to easily read it. There’s a better way to view larger text files. Type in: $ less myfile.conf The less command will page the display of a text file, allowing you to page through the contents of the file using the space bar. Your text file is probably too short to see the paging in action though. Hit q to quit out of the less text viewer. Hit the up-arrow key on your keyboard a few times until the commmand nano myfile.conf appears next to your command prompt. Cool, huh? The up-arrow key allows you to replay a previously run command. Linux maintains a list of all the commands you have run since you logged into the server. This is called the command history. It’s a really useful feature if you have to re-run a complex command again. Now, hit ctrl-c. This cancels whatever command is displayed on the command line. Type in the following command to create a couple empty files in the directory: $ touch file1 file2 file3 Confirm that the files were created. Some commands, like touch. allow you to specify multiple files as arguments. You will find that Linux commands have all kinds of ways to make tasks more efficient like this. Throughout this assignment, we have been running commands and viewing results on the terminal screen. The screen is the standard place for commands to output results. It’s known as the standard out (stdout). However, it’s really useful to output results to the file system sometimes. Type in: $ ls > listing.txt Take a look at the directory listing now. You just created a new file. View the contents of the listing.txt file. What do you see? Instead of sending the output from the ls command to the screen we sent it to a text file. Let’s try another one. Type: $ cat myfile.conf > listing.txt Take a look at the contents of the listing.txt file again. It looks like your myfile.conf file now. It’s like you made a copy of it. But what happened to the previous content in the listing.txt file? When you redirect the output of a command using the right angle-bracket character (>), the output overwrites the existing file. Type this command in: $ cat myfile.conf >> listing.txt Now look at the contents of the listing.txt file. You should see your original content displayed twice. When you use two angle-bracket characters in the commmand the output appends (or adds to) the file instead of overwriting it. We redirected the output from a command to a text file. It’s also possible to redirect the input to a command. Typically we use a keyboard to provide input, but sometimes it makes more sense to input a file to a command. For example, how many words are in your new listing.txt file? Let’s find out. Type in: $ wc -w < listing.txt Did you get a number? This command inputs the listing.txt file into a word count program called wc. Type in the command: $ ls /usr/bin The terminal screen probably scrolled quickly as filenames flashed by. The /usr/bin directory holds quite a few files. It would be nice if we could page through the contents of this directory. Well, we can. We can use a special shell feature called pipes. In previous steps, we redirected I/O using the file system. Pipes allow us to redirect I/O between programs. We can redirect the output from one program into another. Type in: $ ls /usr/bin | less Now the directory listing is paged. Hit the spacebar to page through the listing. The pipe, represented by a vertical bar character (|), takes the output from the ls command and redirects it to the less command where the resulting output is paged. Pipes are super powerful and used all the time by savvy Linux operators. Hit the q key to quit the paginated directory listing command. Working with shell scripts Now things are going to get interesting. We’ve been manually typing in commands throughout this exercise. If we were running a set of repetitive tasks, we would want to automate the process as much as possible. The shell makes it really easy to automate tasks using shell scripts. The shell provides many of the same features as a basic procedural programming language. Let’s write some code. Type in this command: $ j=123 $ echo $j We just created a variable named j referencing the string 123. The echo command printed out the value of the variable. We had to use a dollar sign ($) when referencing the variable in another command. Next, type in: $ j=1+1 $ echo $j Is that what you expected? The shell just interprets the variable value as a string. It’s not going to do any sort of computation. Typing in shell script commands on the command line is sort of pointless. We want to be able to create scripts that we can run over-and-over. Let’s create our first shell script. Use the nano editor to create a file named myscript. When the file is open in the editor, type in the following lines of code: #!/bin/bash echo Hello $1 Now quit the editor and save your file. We can run our script by typing: $ ./myscript World Er, what happened? Permission denied. Didn’t we create this file? Why can’t we run it? We can’t run the script file because we haven’t set the execute permission on the file. Type in: $ chmod u+x myscript This modifies the file access control list to allow the owner of the file to execute it. Let’s try to run the command again. Hit the up-arrow key a couple times until the ./myscript World command is displayed and hit enter. Hooray! Our first shell script. It’s probably a bit underwhelming. No problem, we’ll make it a little more complex. The script took a single argument called World. Any arguments provided to a shell script are represented as consecutively numbered variables inside the script ($1, $2, etc). Pretty simple. You might be wondering why we had to type the ./ characters before the name of our script file. Try to type in the command without them: $ myscript World Command not found. That seems a little weird. Aren’t we currently in the directory where the shell script is located? Well, that’s just not how the shell works. When you enter a command into the shell, it looks for the command in a predefined set of directories on the server called your PATH. Since your script file isn’t in your special path, the shell reports it as not found. By typing in the ./ characters before the command name you are basically forcing the shell to look for your script in the current directory instead of the default path. Create another file called cleanup using nano. In the file editor window type: #!/bin/bash # My cleanup script mkdir archive mv file* archive Exit the editor window and save the file. Change the permissions on the script file so that you can execute it. Now run the command: $ ./cleanup Take a look at the file directory listing. Notice the archive directory? List the contents of that directory. The script automatically created a new directory and moved three files into it. Anything you can do manually at a command prompt can be automated using a shell script. Let’s create one more shell script. Use nano to create a script called namelist. Here is the content of the script: #!/bin/bash # for-loop test script names='Jason John Jane' for i in $names do echo Hello $i done Change the permissions on the script file so that you can execute it. Run the command: $ ./namelist The script will loop through a set of names stored in a variable displaying each one. Scripts support several programming constructs like for-loops, do-while loops, and if-then-else. These building blocks allow you to create fairly complex scripts for automating tasks. Installing packages and services We’re nearing the end of this assignment. But before we finish, let’s install some new software packages on our server. The first thing we should do is make sure all the current packages installed on our Linux server are up-to-date. Type in: $ sudo yum update -y This is one of those really powerful commands that requires sudo access. The system will review the currently installed packages and go out to the Internet and download appropriate updates. Next, let’s install an Apache web server on our system. Type in: $ sudo yum install httpd -y Bam! You probably never knew that installing a web server was so easy. We’re not going to actually use the web server in this exercise, but we will in future assignments. We installed the web server, but is it actually running? Let’s check. Type in: $ sudo service httpd status Nope. Let’s start it. Type: $ sudo service httpd start We can use the service command to control the services running on the system. Let’s setup the service so that it automatically starts when the system boots up. Type in: $ sudo chkconfig httpd on Cool. We installed the Apache web server on our system, but what other programs are currently running? We can use the pscommand to find out. Type in: $ ps -ax Lots of processes are running on our system. We can even look at the overall performance of our system using the topcommand. Let’s try that now. Type in: $ top The display might seem a little overwhelming at first. You should see lots of performance information displayed including the cpu usage, free memory, and a list of running tasks. We’re almost across the finish line. Let’s make sure all of our valuable work is stored in a git repository. First, we need to install git. Type in the command: $ sudo yum install git -y Check your work It’s very important to check your work before submitting it for grading. A misspelled, misplaced or missing file will cost you points. This may seem harsh, but the reality is that these sorts of mistakes have consequences in the real world. For example, a server instance could fail to launch properly and impact customers because a single required file is missing. Here is what the contents of your git repository should look like before final submission: ┣archive ┃ ┣ file1 ┃ ┣ file2 ┃ ┗ file3 ┣ namelist ┗ myfile.conf Saving our work in the git repository Next, make sure you are still in your home directory (/home/ec2-user). We will install the git repository you created at the beginning of this exercise. You will need to modify this command by typing in the GitHub repository URL you copied earlier. $ git clone <your GitHub URL here>.git Example: git clone<your github id>.git The git application will ask you for your GitHub username and password. Note, if you have multi-factor authentication enabled on your GitHub account you will need to provide a personal token instead of your password. Git will clone (copy) the repository from GitHub to your Linux server. Since the repository is empty the clone happens almost instantly. Check to make sure that a sub-directory called "hw2-seis665-02-spring2019-<username>" exists in the current directory (where <username> is your GitHub account name). Git automatically created this directory as part of the cloning process. Change to the hw2-seis665-02-spring2019-<username> directory and type: $ ls -la Notice the .git hidden directory? This is where git actually stores all of the file changes in your repository. Nothing is actually in your repository yet. Change back to the parent directory (cd ..). Next, let’s move some of our files into the repository. Type: $ mv archive hw2-seis665-02-spring2019-<username> $ mv namelist hw2-seis665-02-spring2019-<username> $ mv myfile.conf hw2-seis665-02-spring2019-<username> Hopefully, you remembered to use the auto-complete function to reduce some of that typing. Change to the hw2-seis665-02-spring2019-<username> directory and list the directory contents. Your files are in the working directory, but are not actually stored in the repository because they haven’t been committed yet. Type in: $ git status You should see a list of untracked files. Let’s tell git that we want these files tracked. Type in: $ git add * Now type in the git status command again. Notice how all the files are now being tracked and are ready to be committed. These files are in the git staging area. We’ll commit them to the repository next. Type: $ git commit -m 'assignment 2 files' Next, take a look at the commit log. Type: $ git log You should see your commit listed along with an assigned hash (long string of random-looking characters). Finally, let’s save the repository to our GitHub account. Type in: $ git push origin master The git client will ask you for your GitHub username and password before pushing the repository. Go back to the website and login if you have been logged out. Click on the repository link for the assignment. Do you see your files listed there? Congratulations, you completed the exercise! Terminate server The last step is to terminate your Linux instance. AWS will bill you for every hour the instance is running. The cost is nominal, but there’s no need to rack up unnecessary charges. Here are the steps to terminate your instance: Log into your AWS account and click on the EC2 dashboard. Click the Instances menu item. Select your server in the instances table. Click on the Actions drop down menu above the instances table. Select the Instance State menu option Click on the Terminate action. Your Linux instance will shutdown and disappear in a few minutes. The EC2 dashboard will continue to display the instance on your instance listing for another day or so. However, the state of the instance will be terminated. Submitting your assignment — IMPORTANT! If you haven’t already, please e-mail me your GitHub username in order to receive credit for this assignment. There is no need to email me to tell me that you have committed your work to GitHub or to ask me if your GitHub submission worked. If you can see your work in your GitHub repository, I can see your work.

    From user nyaundid

  • peterboroughdoors / how-to-extend-the-life-of-your-double-glazing

    how-to-secure-anything, Peterborough homeowners are no longer content with their double glazed windows and doors just looking nice. It is essential that a home is energy efficient, safe and secure, not forgetting resistant to any harsh weather condition. This means that all double glazing must perform to the highest standard, as any under-performance will contribute to an overall reduced energy efficiency. Energy Efficient Windows One of the most crucial areas that will lose a significant amount of heat loss is the double glazed windows. It is estimated that an average Peterborough home can lose up to 30% of its heating via air leaks and poor energy efficient double glazing. So by purchasing A-rated energy efficient double glazing from Peterborough Doors, could save you at least 15% on heat loss. 15% energy conservation can add up significantly over a 12 month period. Especially during the winter months. Window Styles Casement windows When it comes to replacement windows then there are various areas that need consideration, such as the style of the windows. Most homeowners replace their windows with casement windows as they are much more popular therefore more affordable. Flush Sash & Sliding Sash Windows We also offer other styles such as flush sash, which are ideal for properties in the country such as Holme, Huntingdon or even Woodston properties. Sliding sash windows are extremely popular in rural areas such as Sawtry or Alconbury. The sliding sash windows offer the appearance of old wooden sliding sash windows however, they are made with uPVC instead. So they look very similar but without the issues and maintenance that wooden windows produce. Sliding sash windows can also be upgraded with wood grain effect. From a distance it will be extremely difficult to identify the difference between them. Window Openings and Furniture Another consideration would be the openings. How many windows need to open? Will they be side openers or top openers? Or even a combination. Don’t forget the emergency fire hinges in the bedroom (windows must open 90deg for exit purposes). Not forgetting trickle vents in bathrooms and high vented areas. Why Change Your Window Frame Colours? Many Peterborough residence opt for white uPVC windows. However, it has become a new trend over the recent decade for replacement windows to have more of a colour to them. By changing the window frame colour can make a home to look more sophisticated and stylish. However, all of these considerations do have an effect on the overall budget. Coloured double glazed units could cost as much as 20% more than standard white uPVC windows. The reason for this is that the windows are all made in white then a high pressured film is attached over the window profile which provides the colour. Double glazed windows can have either single or dual colour. This means that you can have white on the inside whilst anthracite grey or even black on the outside. UPVC windows are manufactured using an extremely tough plastic. UPVC is extremely high energy efficient with many benefits such as durability and longevity. To ensure that your replacement windows will last to their peak, you must always keep the frames clean from dirt. This can be achieved by a simply wipe down with a damp cloth. Otherwise if dirt is left on the frames or sills for a long period of time, staining and discolouration could occur. How to maintenance your double glazed windows! UPVC windows take up a huge part of a property, especially if you live in a large home. So to keep them looking nice in appearance they do require some form of routine window maintenance. Though uPVC windows offer less maintenance than traditional timber windows, they do however still require an occasion wipe down. By wiping these stunning uPVC windows down at least once a month will maintain their beauty and life of the product. How to clean your uPVC windows and frames Once debris such as leaves, bird poo ext. are removed from your window and window sill, then it is time for a wet sponge to clean them. It is highly important to remove anything clinging to the window. Once the frame are clean then the glass requires a wipe down with either glass wipes or window cleaner. If you are trying to clean a conservatory and cannot reach, then we advise you to use a ladder and extension poles. The best time to clean your windows is when the sun is still out through the mid-day. The sun will help dry the windows and marks will also be visible. If it is just general dirt on your windows then soapy water will do the trick. Please do not use any harsh chemicals as they might damage the frame and violate your warranty. Use warm water with a tough of white vinegar. This can be mixed and placed inside a spray bottle. Spray the frames then wipe them down with a cloth. You may need to wait 2mins before wiping off to get best results. If you have stubborn stains then this method may need to be repeated. If after cleaning your windows and frames that you notice that your frames are becoming to decay or lose its natural colour or even looking a bit aged. Then it might be time to replace your windows. If you have timber or aluminium frames, don’t worry we can replace these as well. If you have any questions or you have decided to replace your windows for our A-rated double glazing, then please get in touch!

    From user peterboroughdoors

  • priyankgada / the-complete-practical-certified-ethical-hacking-course-in-english

    how-to-secure-anything, Welcome this comprehensive course on Ethical Hacking! This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking and by the end of it you'll be able to hack systems like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts! This course is highly practical but it won't neglect the theory, so we'll start with ethical hacking basics and the different fields in penetration testing, installing the needed software (works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) and then we'll dive and start hacking systems straight away. From here onwards you'll learn everything by example, by analysing and exploiting computer systems such as networks, servers, clients, websites .....etc, so we'll never have any boring dry theoretical lectures. The course is divided into a number of sections, each section covers a penetration testing / hacking field, in each of these sections you'll first learn how the target system works, the weaknesses of this system, and how to practically exploit theses weaknesses and hack into it, not only that but you'll also learn how to secure this system from the discussed attacks. This course will take you from a beginner to a more advanced level by the time you finish, you will have knowledge about most penetration testing fields. The course is divided into four main sections: 1. Network Hacking - This section will teach you how to test the security of networks, both wired and wireless. First, you will learn some basic network terminology, how networks work, and how devices communicate with each other. Then it will branch into three sub sections: Pre-connection attacks: in this subsection you'll learn what can you do before even connecting to a network, and even before having internet access; you'll start by learning how to gather information about the networks around you, discover the devices connected to them, and how to control connections around you (ie: deny/allow devices from connecting to networks) even without knowing the password of the target network. Gaining Access: Now that you gathered information about the networks around you, in this subsection you will learn how to crack the key and get the password to your target network weather it uses WEP, WPA or even WPA2. Post Connection attacks: Now that you have the key, you can connect to the target network, in this subsection you will learn a number of powerful techniques that allow you to gather comprehensive information about the connected devices, see anything they do on the internet (such as login information, passwords, visited urls, images, videos ....etc), redirect requests, inject evil code in loaded pages and much more! All the attacks here work against both wireless and wired networks. You will also learn how to create a fake WiFi network, attract users to connect to it and use all of the above techniques against the connected clients. 2. Gaining Access - In this section you will learn two main approaches to gain full control or hack computer systems: Server Side Attacks: In this subsection you will learn how to gain full access to computer systems without the need for user interaction. You will learn how to gather useful information about a target computer system such as its operating system, open ports, installed services, then you'll learn how to use this information to discover weaknesses and vulnerabilitiesand exploit them to gain full control over the target. Finally you will learn how to generate different types of reports for your discoveries. Client Side Attacks - If the target system does not contain any weaknesses then the only way to gain access to it is by interacting with the users, in this subsection you'll learn how to get the target user to install a backdoor on their system without even realising, this is done by hijacking updatesor backdoornig downloadeds on the fly. Not only that but you'll also learn how to create trojans by backdooring normal files (such as an image or a pdf) and use social engineering to deliver this trojan to the target, to do this you'll learn how to spoof emails so they appear as if they're sent from the target's friend, boss or any email account they're likely to interact with. 3. Post Exploitation - In this section you will learn how to interact with the systems you compromised so far. You’ll learn how to access the file system (read/write/upload/execute), maintain your access, spy on the target and even use the target computer as a pivot to hack other computer systems. 4. Website / Web Application Hacking - In this section you will learn how websites work, how to gather information about a target website (such as website owner, server location, used technologies ....etc) and how to discover and exploit the following dangerous vulnerabilities to hack into websites:

    From user priyankgada

  • quickrevs / comprehensive-guide-wedding-anniversary-flowers-by-years-of-marriage

    how-to-secure-anything, Regardless of the year of your marriage, no word can describe the charm of your anniversary. The beauty of this day overwhelms you and your partner, no matter how old you both get. Make your special day even more special with anniversary flowers.This guide aims to help you choose the perfect flowers for your anniversary! First Wedding Anniversary - Paper and Carnations The first year of your wedding is important. Completing the first year is nothing but a milestone. Do something remarkable that your spouse finds nearly impossible to forget. Mark your first wedding anniversary with Carnations and paper. Make a beautiful bouquet with these stunning flowers and head to your spouse. There is no pinch of doubt that most of us have experienced some cutting and sticking with craft paper – get hit to your memories again! All you need lightweight paper, tissue and crepe paper. Pick out some good colors and finishes. Cut out some circles of equal sizes and layer them on top of each. Pinch the middle to give it a good twist, securing in place with some lightweight wire. Make the stem of your paper carnation by leaving a good 10cm of wire at one end. Go crazy with your experiment. Don’t hesitate and create some paper flowers from it. Go with a bright and vivid color. Avoid using dull colors as these shades can make your gift not that charming. And, finally, get the best compliments for your real carnations. Second Wedding Anniversary - Sunflowers and Leather The combination of leather and sunflower may seem not so common. Yes, it is rare. But, believe me, it can be amazing. Imagine putting together both and make your 3 years of marriage more memorable. Imagine the dark disk florets at the center of a sunflower – well surfaced and sturdy and not such a contrast to a leather. Create tassels by bringing together the thin leather ribbons with a loose knot to the stalks of sunflowers. I promise you that these tassels would fall over the top of your vase, giving your display an irreplaceable country vibe. Third Wedding Anniversary - Geraniums and Fruit Celebrate your three years of marriage with fruit and geraniums. The combination will spark your event and increase your passion. Your spouse will not resist appreciating your efforts. Both will convey luxuriously and a classic still life feeling. The arrangements are simple and not much time-consuming. You can start your hunt with some deep colored berries and plums. Head to a nearby local supermarket or greengrocer and try to find some tinted berries and plums. Pick flowers together in a bunch. Don’t rush and keep everything subtle with a couple of berries discretely woven into the arrangement for a more stunning look. Try out a wider selection of shapes and colors. Add geraniums to your fruit. It will give a more lavish feeling. For this purpose, you can use a dish with some oasis or a shallow vase. Make sure to keep your weightier props in place. For more inspiration, incorporate 18th century still life paintings Fourth Wedding Anniversary - Lilac and Bronze Blaze your fourth wedding anniversary with the amazing combo of bronze and lilac. And, you will not have to worry about where to head to get the best deal. The markets are crammed with your favorite Lilac and Bronze. Head to a supermarket near your place of residence. Ask a shopkeeper to get you a bunch of bronze and lilac. Get your hands on some thin bronze wire, and some accessories you find that will complement the bouquet. Since the options are endless, you may find it a little challenging to what to choose and what not. No matter what you pick, make sure you pick anything that can be easily attached to a bunch of lilacs with your wire. The right decision can help you come up with a unique and thoughtful arrangement. Fifth Wedding Anniversary - Poppies and Copper Copper combine with poppies can make the perfect combo. Do not take dried poppies for granted as many of us do. When combined with other flowers, dries poppies can help you make a stunning arrangement. Also, no need to scratch your mind with availability as these buds are available all year-round. Create a grey rustic palette by combining elegant dried poppies with peonies and thistles, forming the ideal backdrop for the copper ribbon carefully weaved in and out of the flowers. You can use one meter of metallic ribbon with an added touch of sparkle when it catches the light. Make sure to keep it loose for a soft and float feel. Also, use a copper vase or pot to display your bouquet. A simple glass or neutral-toned vase can also be used in case you have no vase or pot. Anything can work gorgeously instead. Sixth Wedding Anniversary - Daffodils and Tin Strip everything back and go with rustic. Celebrate your sixth wedding anniversary with a bunch of Daffodils and Tin. Daffodils combined with time can perfectly make the best gift for this milestone. When combined, they can spark your event. What’s more, daffodils are early accessible near your home, and it is so easy to recycle a tin can and use it as your vase. Also, get a gorgeous shabby chic feel with tin daffodils and some extra wild foliage

    From user quickrevs

  • rprokap / pset-9

    how-to-secure-anything, CREDITS SEQUENCE NEWSPAPER HEADLINE MONTAGE: HEADLINES flash before us, displaying their accompanying photographs. "UBERMAN - METRO CITY'S HERO AFTER DEFEATING MASTER MIND! PHOTO: A chiseled, statuesque man wearing the COOLEST SUPER HERO SUIT IMAGINABLE, COMPLETE WITH FLOWING CAPE, shines a confident smile at the lens. This is UBERMAN, champion of METRO CITY. "UBERMAN DEFEATS MASTER MIND'S GIANT ROBOT!" PHOTO: Wide-shot of Uberman in mid-flight lifting the GIANT ROBOT in the sky above the city buildings. "MASTER MIND ALL WET AFTER UBERMAN FOILS AQUARIUM HEIST!" PHOTO: Uberman stands knee-deep in water. He has his enemy by the collar. The villain blocks his face from the shot with a METALLIC GAUNTLET. The images start to flash by even quicker, each showing the MYSTERIOUS VILLAIN in various stages of humiliation. In each photograph he successfully blocks his face with his armored glove. We ZOOM IN to the last headline. "MASTER MIND BEHIND BARS ONCE AGAIN - THANKS TO UBERMAN!" PHOTO: Uberman stands in a gallant pose with his fists on his hips, obviously trying to accentuate the "U" insignia on his chest. END OF CREDITS SEQUENCE EXT. BUILDING - DAY We DISSOLVE from the photograph to Uberman standing in the exact same position. WE PULL BACK showing him atop a BUILDING overlooking the city below. A perfect view for our guardian hero. He watches the thriving metropolis, bristling with life as people happily go about their day. Yet, we can't help but detect a hint of sadness in Uberman's expression. 2. UBERMAN You look so peaceful from up here. His serenity is suddenly interrupted by a loud BEEPING SOUND coming from his wrist. He looks down at a BRACELET (a manly one) on his right arm. It's a silver band with a FLASHING red letter "U". UBERMAN (CONT'D) Looks like Roxanne's in trouble again. Uberman leaps off the building and into the air. His cape gracefully flows in the breeze behind him as he shoots off into the distance like a speeding bullet. EXT. OBSERVATORY HIDEOUT - ESTABLISHING SHOT Grime and moss decorate the outside of this long abandoned building overlooking the COAST. Once a place of knowledge and wonder - now home to a great evil. INT. OBSERVATORY HIDEOUT - DAY The inside is in complete contrast to the exterior. The huge hall with a GIANT TELESCOPE teems with advanced ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT. Computers, monitors and machines which do not have an obvious function FLASH and HUM. A STEEL DOOR slides open, revealing the subject of our story MASTER MIND - a villainous sight to behold. His FACE IS INEXPLICABLY LIGHT BLUE, topped by an OVERSIZED, MUSHROOM- SHAPED HEAD with a CIRCULAR PATCH OF WHITE HAIR ON TOP. He's dressed in the kind of costume only a super villain could pull off: a PURPLE JUMPSUIT AND BLACK BOOT ENSEMBLE WITH A GIANT GREEN "M" ON THE CHEST. His right hand, hanging at his side, is a METAL GAUNTLET WITH THREE SHORT SPIKES PROTRUDING BETWEEN HIS KNUCKLES. Master Mind begins to survey the room with his TWO PERMANENTLY ARCHED EYEBROWS. A man dressed as ALBERT EINSTEIN is busy ranting to two other men. One, a hulking brute, is dressed as LEONARDO DA VINCI. The other, a small intellectual-type carrying a clip-board, is dressed as the philosopher PLATO. EINSTEIN I hate the outfits. I mean, I get it: we're all supposed to be "masterminds" - very clever. (MORE) 3. EINSTEIN(cont'd) I just feel stupid. I mean, what the hell did Einstein really do anyway? PLATO Theory of relativity. Einstein starts feverishly scratching his side. EINSTEIN Well, you'd think he'd invent a wool sweater that didn't itch so much. Da Vinci and Plato's eyes suddenly grow with concern as they see Master Mind walk up behind Einstein. Einstein notices his colleague's staring over his right shoulder and turns around. He turns around and Master Mind SEIZES HIM BY HIS THROAT with his metal gauntlet. MASTER MIND The real Einstein once said, "God does not play dice with the world." He was right, because the world is MY dice. Is that understood? DA VINCI & PLATO Sir! Yes, sir! EINSTEIN (gasping for air) Yes, sir. Master Mind undoes his grip on Einstein's throat. MASTER MIND Alright, then - clean slate. Do we have the girl? DA VINCI Yes, sir. She fell into our trap just like you knew she would. MASTER MIND Reporters are a curious lot, and easily manipulated. He quickly checks his physique in a GIANT MIRROR, adjusts his posture and sucks in his gut. 4. MASTER MIND Alright, let's not keep the lady waiting. MOMENTS LATER Da Vinci escorts a BLINDFOLDED and bound woman, ROXANNE RITCHI, to the back of the room where Plato and Einstein are standing guard over a large BLACK SWIVEL-CHAIR facing away from us. She pulls free of Da Vinci's grasp and waits for him to undo the blindfold. Her face uncovered, we finally see Roxanne's striking features - all of which seem overshadowed by piercing eyes that seem more put off by the situation than afraid of it. MASTER MIND (O.S.) Miss Ritchi, we meet again. The chair turns menacingly slow, finally revealing Master Mind. ROXANNE You didn't need to turn around like that. I can recognize the stench of failure. Master Mind unleashes a wicked laugh. MASTER MIND I trust you gentlemen know the very sassy Roxanne Ritchi, highly regarded investigative journalist who some say has a more than friendly relationship with our super powered foe Uberman. And Miss Ritchi, I trust you've already met my new crew: The Mad Geniuses! Roxanne gives Einstein a once over. ROXANNE Looks like a real group of winners. At the risk of sounding cliche', you'll never get away with this. MASTER MIND In a way, I already have. Roxanne unleashes an exhausted SIGH. 5. ROXANNE We go through this every time. You kidnap me to get to Uberman, he immediately finds your hideout, escapes whatever lame trap you've come up with, and takes you and your cronies to jail. I propose we just save everybody some heartache this time by YOU letting me go, and ME forgetting this whole thing ever happened? MASTER MIND What about my revenge? ROXANNE We can say it was wasting everyone's time. MASTER MIND You have a wicked tongue. I hope you rid yourself of that when you're my queen. Roxanne unleashes a snort-filled laugh. ROXANNE I'm sorry. What makes you think I would want to be your queen? MASTER MIND Power corrupts absolutely, Miss Ritchi. And when I have ultimate power over this city, I have absolutely every intention of corrupting you with it. PLATO Sir! Master Mind turns to Plato who's now standing at a computer terminal. MASTER MIND (annoyed) What is it!? EXT. OBSERVATORY HIDEOUT - DAY Uberman flies toward the Observatory like a rocket. 6. INT. OBSERVATORY HIDEOUT - DAY Uberman crashes through the wall to the room we were just in. He looks around, but there's suddenly NOT A SOUL IN SIGHT. CUT TO: EXT. MASTER MIND'S HYDROFOIL - DAY The boat is shooting through the ocean, away from the observatory. INT. HYDROFOIL CONTROL ROOM - DAY Machines, cables and terminals criss-cross the craft's main bridge. Through the enormous surrounding windows we can see the observatory shrinking in the distance. Master Mind watches Uberman on a small TV monitor as the hero intently searches his hideout. UBERMAN (on monitor) Master Mind! INT. OBSERVATORY HIDEOUT - DAY Uberman throws up his arms in frustration when suddenly - MASTER MIND (O.S.) Over here, old friend. He turns to see a FAMILIAR BLUE FACE OF EVIL ON A GIANT SCREEN. UBERMAN What's the matter, miss your old jail cell? Uberman starts walking toward the monitor. MASTER MIND (ON MONITOR) Actually, I wanted to share the experience with my oldest friend. A MECHANIZED CAGE shoots out of the floor, suddenly trapping Metro City's protector. Totally unfazed, our hero stares on. 7. UBERMAN You can't possibly believe this will work. Master Mind pulls out a SMALL BLACK BOX with a SINGLE RED BUTTON on it. MASTER MIND (ON MONITOR) Oh, can't I? I have attained control of the Earth's most abundant energy source. I doubt even you are strong enough to withstand the FULL CONCENTRATED POWER OF THE SUN!!! He presses the button. EXT. OUTER SPACE A sinister-looking SATELLITE orbits Earth's atmosphere. Its bay doors suddenly open, deploying two huge SOLAR PANELS. The panels shift, angling themselves in the direction of the sun. They immediately start GLOWING as they absorb the burning star's power. The front of the satellite begins to make a loud HUMMING SOUND as it prepares to unleash its unholy power. INT. HYDROFOIL CONTROL ROOM - DAY From the giant window we can see the boat is a good mile from the observatory. PLATO We're now at minimum safe distance, master. Master Mind turns from the CAMERA he was broadcasting on and puts down the control box. MASTER MIND Excellent. Stop here, I like this view. PLATO Twenty seconds until impact. Master Mind turns to Roxanne who is being held by Da Vinci and Einstein. She almost appears a little bored. Disappointed by her lack of horror, he walks over to the monitor now showing Uberman trapped in the cage. 8. MASTER MIND Any last words? Uberman looks up at the screen with a cocky smile. UBERMAN (ON MONITOR) Yes: there's no caging the power of justice. PLATO Ten seconds to impact. On the screen we see Uberman take two of the cage's bars in his hands. He yanks...NOTHING. PLATO (CONT'D) Nine... Master Mind stares at the monitor, slightly confused. PLATO (CONT'D) Eight... Uberman yanks on the bars again, this time using his foot as leverage. MASTER MIND (genuinely concerned) What's going on? UBERMAN (straining) Hold...on...a second. Master Mind looks back at Plato and Einstein. They're equally befuddled at the hero's sudden weakness. PLATO Seven... Uberman loses his grip and FALLS BACKWARD ON HIS ASS. UBERMAN SON OF A BITCH!! Master Mind and the minions all cringe in unison. Da Vinci turns to Roxanne not believing his ears. DA VINCI What did he just say? 9. PLATO Six......Five... Master Mind begins to laugh. MASTER MIND What kind of trick is this? Uberman looks up at the camera with a very grave expression. UBERMAN Like you don't know. These bars are made of copper, aren't they? PLATO Four... MASTER MIND Yeah, so? Uberman tries to shield his grief with his hand. UBERMAN You figured out my weakness, damn you. I CAN'T BEND COPPER! PLATO Three... MASTER MIND Your weakness is copper? PLATO Everyone turns to the window. EXT. OUTER SPACE The satellite fires a giant BEAM OF LIGHT toward the earth. EXT. OBSERVATORY HIDEOUT - DAY The beam hits the observatory. The building instantly EXPLODES in a white nova blast of fire. INT. HYDROFOIL CONTROL ROOM - DAY The blast is so bright everyone turns away from the window. Then, as suddenly as it began, the awesome light dies out. One by one, the passengers unshield their eyes and look out toward the observatory. 10. All we can see through the haze of destruction is fire and smoke. PLATO I don't think even he could have survived that. Einstein suddenly turns giddy with excitement. EINSTEIN Whoa! Is it me or did you just finally destroy Uberman? MASTER MIND (carefully skeptical) Well...let's not get ahead of ourselves. Da Vinci suddenly sees something outside. DA VINCI Look, there's something in the sky, coming this way. ROXANNE Uberman! Master Mind turns toward the window. An object is in the air, flying directly toward them. As it closes in we can just make out the FAMILIAR OUTLINE OF A CAPPED FIGURE. MASTER MIND I KNEW IT! PREPARE YOURSELVES! HE'S GONNA RAM US!!! Everyone scatters and braces themselves for the impact. Master Mind, seeing all the good places taken, doesn't know what to do with himself. He just covers his giant head with his hands. The figure CRASHES THROUGH THE WINDOW and lands at his feet. He looks down to see a CHARRED BLACK HUMAN SKELETON. Around its neck is the unmistakable black cape of Uberman. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) (horrified) HOLY SHIT! 11. Roxanne breaks out of Da Vinci's hold and runs over to the body. ROXANNE Uberman? She stares down at the still smoking corpse, the tattered black cape with the yellow "U" on it. Roxanne turns to Master Mind, who's still visibly dumbfounded at the grotesque sight before him. ROXANNE (CONT'D) You killed him! Roxanne's eyes roll back. Da Vinci catches her from behind as she FAINTS. Einstein turns to Master Mind, looking at him as if he's just walked on water. EINSTEIN You did it! Now that he's committed the impossible - our villain is at a complete loss. MASTER MIND I did. EINSTEIN I mean, I know you always wanted to. I mean, all the schemes all the plots - I never thought you'd actually be capable of it. Giddy as a school girl, Einstein turns to his fellow henchmen. EINSTEIN This is history. Every villain and lackey in the history of villains and lackeys dream of this moment, but when does it actually EVER happen? A sudden realization comes over his face. EINSTEIN Good lord...You do all realize what we get to do now, don't you? 12. His question is met with acquisitive looks from Master Mind and the others. EINSTEIN We get to go on a crime wave. CRIME WAVE MONTAGE - SET TO "Fun Fun Fun" by The Beach Boys. SPINNING HEADLINE: "UBERMAN'S DEATH IGNITES CITY WIDE CRIME WAVE!" ARMORED TRUCK It's driving along when the men inside suddenly notice something - THEY'RE FLYING HIGH ABOVE THE CITY STREETS. We PULL BACK to see the truck being carried by a giant claw at the bottom of a BRAIN COPTER. Inside the cockpit Master Mind and his henchmen laugh maniacally. SPINNING HEADLINE: "CHAMPION-LESS CITY AT THE MERCY OF HOOLIGANS." METRO CITY BANK Da Vinci and Einstein run out the front of the bank holding BAGS OF MONEY. Two beat officers see them and take chase after them around the corner and into an alley. After a moment the police reemerge from the alley screaming and running for their lives as a GIANT ROBOT CHASES after them. The robot stops, then suddenly it's head opens up like convertible car top with Master Mind and Plato at the driver's wheel. They smile and shake hands at a bad deed well done. SPINNING HEADLINE: "MASTER MIND BLACKMAILS METRO!!!" A VICIOUS TORNADO It's heading for downtown Metro as Master Mind and the lackeys coolly look on. Three large DUMP TRUCKS pull up, filled to the brim with bricks of CASH. 13. The DRIVERS jump out as the lackeys take the driver seats in the three trucks. Master Mind is about to climb into the passenger seat of one when a drivers taps him on the shoulder and motions toward the tornado. MASTER MIND (absentmindedly) Oh, right. Master Mind pulls a television REMOTE from his pocket and aims it at approaching windstorm of death. He presses the button marked "Tornado Off." The tornado shrinks and disappears just before it hits the city. As they drive through the city streets, Master stares out the window with a hint of something in his eyes. Is it melancholy? END OF MONTAGE EXT. KINGPIN BOWLING - DAY It's Metro City's premier bowling alley. On top of the neon lit building is a GIANT 30 FOOT TALL CEMENT BOWLING BALL. INT. KINGPIN BOWLING - DAY HAL STEWART (early 30's) takes careful aim with his BOWLING BALL. HAL It's a sport of honor, focus and grace. Honor the ball, focus on the pins, release the ball not hard and fast, but as if you were releasing a baby dove. He takes a step, pulls back his arm, and releases the ball, following it with his eyes. It's a horrible shot - INSTANT GUTTER BALL. An aged barmaid type with a cigarette hanging from her mouth looks over at him. HAL Okay, do something like that - but center it more. 14. She picks up her custom made FOGHAT BALL and takes aim. ATTRACTIVE BLOND Tell me how my form looks, honey. Hal focuses on the misshapen bumps of her enormous Johnson administration era derriere. HAL Oh, it's lookin' good. It's lookin' REAL good. It doesn't get anymore clear. This man is a pig. VINNIE (O.S.) Hal, I want to see you in my office! Hal turns to see VINNIE, owner of the bowling alley, calling him. VINNIE Now! INT. KINGPIN BOWLING - VINNIE'S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER Hal sits down, facing Vinnie who's sitting at his desk. VINNIE You're fired. Leave your shirt and locker key. This bit of news hits Hal like a freight train. HAL Fired? Are you going to tell me why? VINNIE Showing up to work late. Showing up to work late drunk. Sexually harassing customers. Stealing from the register. HAL Vinnie, I don't know where you're getting these accusations - Vinnie takes out a video tape from his desk drawer and puts in a VCR. 15. HAL Oh, which one do you supposedly have here? VINNIE This is all of them at once. TELEVISION A WOMAN walks up to a BOWLING EMPLOYEE and hands him a pair of shoes. As the employee turns to the wall of shoes, a very drunk and disheveled Hal comes running in and pushes him aside. HAL I've got this one, Benny. So, Cinderella. Can I help you find your glass slipper? WOMAN Yeah, I'm looking for a seven. He folds his arms on the counter and leans into her with a cat-like grin on his face. HAL (with a leer) Seven - Well, maybe I could interest you in something in an EIGHT. Namely, me. Disgusted, she walks off screen. HAL Lesbo. Suddenly realizing the register's open, he quickly grabs a stack of cash and shoves it in his pocket. BACK TO OFFICE Vinnie turns off the television and waits for Hal to respond. HAL From the angle of the camera, I can see where you might have gotten the wrong idea. Listen, Vinnie, I don't think you've thought this through. If you fire me, who's gonna be captain of the alley's bowling team? 16. VINNIE Um, I don't know. Maybe somebody who can actually bowl. You guys have never won a game. I hired you because you said you were on the pro circuit. HAL No, I said I WILL BE on the pro circuit. VINNIE Please, a loser like you will never amount to anything. This harsh remark seems to leave Hal genuinely stunned. HAL Wow...If that's how you feel...I guess we should then talk about what kind of severance I'm gonna get. EXT. KINGPIN BOWLING - DAY TWO BRUISERS open the door and throw Hal out onto the street. He quickly picks himself up and turns back toward the building. HAL Hey...what about my ball? A bowling ball sails past him, just missing his head. HAL Thank-you! EXT. CHANNEL 7 NEWS BUILDING - DAY The massive building with a giant 7 on the roof stands in the heart of Metro City. INT. CHANNEL 7 NEWS BUILDING - OFFICE - DAY The cubicles and offices are alive with the hustle and bustle of a busy news day. Phones are RINGING, REPORTERS are TALKING, and Editors are SHOUTING. The elevator doors open and out steps Roxanne Ritchi. 17. Everything stops as the entire office suddenly falls SILENT. Somewhat taken aback by the reaction, Roxanne scans the room to see every eye on her. ROXANNE It''s good to be back. Thanks for everyone's cards and concerns. I really appreciated it - now I'm ready to climb back on the horse. No one is budging - their looks of pity are really starting to make her uncomfortable. The back office door suddenly opens and out comes FRANK BONIN, the gruff, middle-aged Producer of Channel 7 News. Noticing the silence, he looks up and sees the sad expressions on everybody's face. FRANK Someone die or something? He suddenly notices Roxanne - both feet are placed firmly in his mouth. FRANK (cursing himself) Oh, Jesus. ROXANNE It's okay. Frank quickly walks up to Roxanne and takes her gently by the arm. FRANK Come on into my office, sweetie. INT. CHANNEL 7 NEWS BUILDING - FRANK'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS He sits her down on his leather couch, then quickly turns toward his door. FRANK Can we get this woman some water for God's sake? (to Rebecca) I gave you two months off. What're you doing back? People are gonna think I'm a slave driver. 18. ROXANNE Aren't you? FRANK Yeah, but I don't want people to think it. ROXANNE Frank, listen. I want to go back to work. I NEED to go back to work. FRANK ...You're hysterical, aren't you? Frank sits down on the couch and blankets Roxanne with A WARM EMBRACE. ROXANNE What're you doing? FRANK Keeping you warm before you go into shock. (toward the open door) DO I HAVE SLICE OPEN A CAMEL HUMP TO GET A GLASS OF WATER AROUND HERE? A SECRETARY quickly enters with a bottled water. She sets it on the table in front of them and leaves. Roxanne pulls herself out of Frank's grasp and stands up to face him. ROXANNE It was a traumatic experience. Yes, everyone knows Uberman and me were...close. But what I really need - what would really make me better is getting back to work. There's a sudden awkward silence from Frank. FRANK Well, that's going to be... ROXANNE I thought you'd be happy to have me back. 19. FRANK Oh, we are. Honey, nothing makes us happier than to have our girl back, but... ROXANNE Yes? FRANK Things have sorta...changed. ROXANNE In three weeks? FRANK Listen, I'm not one who likes to open up wounds - especially ones that are just starting to scab, but you were sorta our go to girl for the exclusive on Uberman. And now that he's gone...I moved Brad into your anchor spot. ROXANNE (disgusted) Brad? Brad Helms? The man is an idiot. FRANK It's the suits. They think it's time to switch things up. ROXANNE Oh, because they can't use me to get the big story. FRANK C'mon, Roxie. Using is in the nature of what we do. They used you, you used Uberman. Everybody's happy. ROXANNE (defensive) I didn't use him. FRANK Oh, I didn't mean that. I know you two were in love or something. My bad. ROXANNE We were. 20. FRANK And that's great. ROXANNE Very in love. There's a hind of self-doubt in Roxanne's expression, as if she's failed to convince even herself of this. ROXANNE Okay. So, where are they going to move me if Brad has my spot? FRANK ...Human interest. ROXANNE Bake sales and pet stories. FRANK I told them I wouldn't be surprised if you just upped and quit. You busted your ass for that desk. Roxanne can hardly get it out - she's busy swallowing her pride ROXANNE I'll take it. Frank looks up at her, not believing what he's hearing. FRANK What? EXT. ABANDONED METRO CITY LIBRARY - NIGHT Amongst the jungle of high rises, one small building stands out from the rest - A tiny, forgotten piece of 19th century Gothic architecture. LIGHTENING FLASHES, revealing TWO CONCRETE GARGOYLES holding a cracked plaque, reading: METRO CITY LIBRARY. INT. ABANDONED METRO CITY LIBRARY - NIGHT A mixture of old and new. Dusty Victorian furniture and dilapidated bookshelves sit side by side with pristinely futuristic machinery. The building has been converted into Master Mind's new SECRET LAIR. 21. In the center of the main room is a three storey tall GLOWING BLUE ORB. At the base of it is a sign that reads "Reactor - Don't Touch." We PAN OVER to the READING ROOM where Master Mind is sitting on a couch watching TELEVISION. REPORTER ON TELEVISION (O.S.) It's been nearly six weeks, and still no word on the whereabouts of billionaire playboy, and philanthropist, Wayne Scott. Tune in at 11:00 as we look into what has become Metro City's biggest mystery. TELEVISION NARRATOR (O.S.) We now return to "The Hero of our Hearts: The Uberman story." Einstein and Plato come into the room holding a BAG OF LOOT. EINSTEIN Just robbed the diamond exchange. MASTER MIND (feigning pleasure) Great, great. Put it on the pile. Einstein tosses it on a LARGE PILE of purloined valuables in the corner of the room. EINSTEIN Anything else today? MASTER MIND No. Master Mind turns his attention back to the screen. Plato sees that Master Mind is in a funk and tries to snap him out of it. PLATO (cheerfully) Sir, the new reactor is installed. Plato nods to the giant orb. PLATO Do you want to throw the switch? I know how you love to start reactors. 22. MASTER MIND Maybe later. Einstein gives Master Mind a funny look then exchanges glances with Plato before leaving the two of them alone. Without turning away from the TV, Master Mind addresses Plato. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) What is it, Plato? PLATO (nervously) Sir, I can't help but notice that you've been...a little down lately. MASTER MIND When I want your opinion I'll beat it out of you. PLATO Yes, sir, I know, but please forgive my impertinence. It's just that you seem to have lost your lust for our profession. You've stopped going on jobs and spend most of your time watching Uberman specials. Master Mind relaxes slightly and turns to face the window in a classically contemplative pose. After an overdramatic beat... MASTER MIND I have defeated my greatest enemy. I have free reign over Metro City. I have more wealth than a thousand Sultans. I've achieved all I have worked why am I so unhappy? He walks over to a PAINTED PORTRAIT that looks almost exactly like him, except slightly older, maybe meaner - MASTER MIND'S FATHER. MASTER MIND I mean, my father, god rest his evil and tormented soul, raised me straight from the test tube to be a symbol of evil. (MORE) 23. MASTER MIND(cont'd) And, I have accomplished something he had only dreamed about - the destruction of Metro City's champion. I tell you, I've always lived with this unquenchable thirst. I thought it was to make him proud or to get absolute power. But now that I've pretty much accomplished both, I am at a loss. PLATO ...I sort of have a theory about all that. MASTER MIND (snippy) Oh, really? PLATO Well, for one thing, maybe Uberman was more important to you than you thought. MASTER MIND He was a worthy rival. Sometimes I wonder, did he consider me his evil equal or was I just an annoying, little gnat to him? ...What's the second part? PLATO I think you sort of have a thing for Roxanne Ritchi. Master Mind quickly takes his lackey by the throat. MASTER MIND YOU WORM! HOW DARE YOU! WHERE WOULD YOU GET SUCH A NOTION? PLATO Sir, your plans always involve Ms. Ritchi either being kidnapped or placed in danger. If that's not love, I don't know what is. It's the grown up equivalent of dipping her pigtails in the ink well. Don't you see? She's the one treasure that's always escaped you. From Master Mind's expression, we see Plato's words beginning to ring true. 24. INT. RESTURAUNT - DAY Roxanne is having lunch with several girlfriends sitting around her, gabbing. FRIEND #1 I can't believe you came back so soon. FRIEND #2 Are you sure it's not TOO SOON, honey? ROXANNE I just wanted to get back to work. FRIEND #3 What we need to do is get you back on the saddle...the love saddle. Friend 1 and 2 give 3 disapproving looks. FRIEND #3 It's been three weeks. FRIEND #2 She just lost the love of her life, Grace. A WAITER comes by with a tray of CAESAR SALADS and begins setting them out for the ladies. ROXANNE I keep trying to tell people it wasn't really like that. Uberman and I - We were kinda having problems. We broke up. The waiter ALMOST DROPS HIS TRAY AT THIS. The women are too shocked by Roxanne's revelation to notice. FRIEND #1 You broke up with Uberman! FRIEND #3 You must have REALLY, REALLY high standards. I mean, you were dating a god. I mean, what's it take? ROXANNE Maybe someone who's a little more aware of his faults. Someone a little more sensitive. 25. FRIEND #3 Right. Someone who listens, sexy but attainable with cute little cheeks like a hamster and heartbreak in his eyes. She turns to Friend one and two to explain. FRIEND #3 She wants John Cusack. FRIEND #2 The actor? FRIEND #3 No, the famous pediatrist - Yes, the actor. Ever since we were teenagers, Roxanne's totally had the hots for him. ROXANNE Well, until he miraculously comes walking into my life, I'm just going to take a little reflection time for myself. The waiter gets a confused look on his face then slips away as Roxanne and her friends continue to chat away. EXT. RESTURAUNT - DAY The waiter tosses his apron in a trash can, then rolls up his sleeve and presses A STRANGE LOOKING DEVICE STRAPPED TO HIS WRIST. His image gets staticy, like a TV station going out, then disappears - revealing the man's true form underneath: MASTER MIND! MASTER MIND Who the hell is John Cusack? EXT. CITY STREET - DAY A YOUNG MOTHER pushes her baby stroller past a building construction site. ACROSS THE STREET A local POLITICIAN addresses a group of REPORTERS on the sidewalk, including Roxanne. 26. POLITICIAN The Fifth Avenue Renovation Project, which I championed, will breath new life into the downtown area. New life means new jobs and new revenue. ROXANNE Councilman, is it true that your brother-in-law's construction company won the contract for this project? POLITICIAN, but...look I'm not here to answer a lot of crazy questions... YOUNG MOTHER The young mother stops halfway down the block, reaches into the stroller and tries to comfort her now crying baby. Above her, a CRANE is maneuvering a pile of STEEL GIRDERS to an upper floor. Hal comes around the corner and heads in her direction. CRANE The crane GRINDS TO A HALT. The OPERATOR has a confused look on his face as he moves levers back and forth in an effort to fix the problem. Hal stops a few feet from the woman and stoops down to tie his shoe. CRANE The operator's hand slips off the lever, hitting a RED BUTTON. To his horror the crane DROPS ITS LOAD OF STEEL. HAL AND THE WOMAN The woman looks up to see the girders seconds from crushing her and her baby. She screams. Hal looks up and sees it as well. He starts to run out of the way and crashes into the woman and stroller. ACROSS THE STREET 27. The reporters turns their cameras just in time to catch on film what appears to be Hal pushing the woman to safety just as the GIRDERS CRASH TO THE GROUND. HAL AND MOTHER Tears of joy in her eyes, the woman picks up her baby and kisses it. Hal struggles to catch his breath as the mother turns to him. YOUNG MOTHER Thank you! Thank you for saving me and my baby! She hugs him with her free arm, weeping with joy. HAL (not knowing what she's talking about) Huh? He's a little uncomfortable with the woman's public display of affection and the small child in-between their embrace. HAL (CONT'D) There, there. Hal slowly eases out of the woman's grip. HAL (CONT'D) Okay, we better...well, I hear these little guys smother easy. The reporters rush over and surround Hal and the mother. ROXANNE What's it feel like to be a hero? Hal looks up at Roxanne. Instantly, he's captivated by her beauty. HAL Well...I'm just a man doing what men do. You're Roxanne Ritchi, aren't you? They're suddenly interrupted when another reporter pushes his way in between them. REPORTER Were you scared? 28. HAL Scared? Who had time? The reporters eat this up. INT. ABANDONED METRO CITY LIBRARY - NIGHT TELEVISION John Cusack stands in the rain looking up at a window of a two story house. He holds up a BOOMBOX and "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel begins to play. From the couch, Master Mind and his minions watch. MASTER MIND John Cusack, huh? So all I have to do is have a cute puppy dog stare, be willing to make a fool of myself and - Oh, REMOVE BOTH MY BALLS. He turns to see Da Vinci watching the movie and wiping a tear from his cheek. MASTER MIND Please, get a hold of yourself. INT. BOOKSTORE - NIGHT Roxanne is carrying a large paper coffee cup in her hands as she peruses the isles. She sets it down on a shelf to pull a book out and ends up KNOCKING THE DRINK OVER. ROXANNE Shit. She goes to pick it up when someone bends down and picks it up for her. Looking up to thank him, Roxanne is suddenly stunned speechless - It's popular and critically acclaimed actor JOHN CUSACK, or rather Master Mind disguised as him. "JOHN CUSACK" Oh the humanity - it was a Venti. ROXANNE (stunned) You''re. "JOHN CUSACK" Yes, it's me. John Cusack...the actor. 29. He notices the book she's reading. "JOHN CUSACK" Hey, is that Shelly? Wait, I think remember something from that one - Let's see: "My head is screaming `I want you and need you' - my heart it keeps reaching to see you and feel you - yet in the end, I'm alone once again." Wow, I scare even myself. I'm sorry. I'm just really into poetry. Probably because I'm so sensitive and always going to great lengths to express myself. But enough about me. Can I fill you up? ROXANNE (captivated) ...Yes. (catching herself) I mean, excuse me? "JOHN CUSACK" Can I fill you up? Your coffee. ROXANNE Right. INT. BOOKSTORE CAFE' - LATER Roxanne talks as John Cusack listens to her every word intently. ROXANNE I did have a boyfriend - until fairly recently. She suddenly begins to feel the stares around her as passers- by being to notice who she's with. ROXANNE I'm sorry - this is so surreal! "JOHN CUSACK" Yeah, they charge way too much at these places - Now back to your boyfriend. I'm interested and compassionate. I want to know about you. 30. ROXANNE Things were complicated. He was a man married to his work. There was...there was a lot of competition in his line of business. I'm sure you know what that's like. "JOHN CUSACK" Sure. In my business, one thing I have is RIVALS. For example, mine is...uh...Lou Ferr...igno. ROXANNE ...The body-builder who used to play The Hulk on TV? "JOHN CUSACK" Did he? Well, we're always up for the same roles. Did your boyfriend have someone like that? A particular rival that was always getting his goat - so to speak? ROXANNE rival in particular seemed to get more of his attention than I ever did. But enough about my problems. "JOHN CUSACK" NO, TELL ME MORE!!! Suddenly realizing his outburst, he begins COUGHING to mask it. "JOHN CUSACK" (CONT'D) I'm sorry. I got a whooping cough. Had it ever since Serendipity. I WONDER WHERE OUR REFILLS ARE!!! (fakes cough) See, there it goes again. Please, go on. ROXANNE Right, well, he seemed to need him more than he needed me. "JOHN CUSACK" How do you mean? 31. ROXANNE It was conflict he thrived on. He always said he wouldn't know what to do with himself if Master - I mean, this guy were gone. It was like he needed it, like oxygen. The answer to his mental funk hits him like a bolt of lightening. He turns away from her as if for private time. "JOHN CUSACK" (almost to himself) I think I finally understand...The only logical answer is to recreate that rivalry - or if that's impossible, create one of equal structure. That's it! ROXANNE What? John Cusack snaps out of his dream-like haze realizing she's heard every word. "JOHN CUSACK" Oh, sorry, sorry. Just rehearsing for a part...where I play a man who talks to himself at inappropriate times. In a sudden rush, he rises out of his chair. "JOHN CUSACK" I have to go right now, but I'd really like to see you again - if that's alright. Roxanne looks up at him - She can't help but laugh at the craziness of the situation. ROXANNE I'd love that. INT. ABANDONED METRO CITY LIBRARY - DAY Master storms in the office to find Plato and Einstein playing darts with the original Mona Lisa. EINSTEIN Got her nose! MASTER MIND I've got it! 32. Everyone stops what they're doing upon seeing that their master has returned. MASTER MIND I've got it! MASTER MIND It's plain and simple. Extraordinary minds need extraordinary stimulation. Without that stimulus they wither and die. Therefore, there is only one logical conclusion: I must create a new superhero. EINSTEIN Yeah, maybe that's not such hot idea... MASTER MIND (ignoring him) Prepare for Operation Superhero Genesis! INT. ABANDONED METRO CITY LIBRARY - LABORATORY - DAY The lab is slick, white and ultra modern. Dressed in a lab coat, Master Mind enters through a SLIDING GLASS DOOR rubbing his hands excitedly. MASTER MIND Prepare the subject. He glances down into a large HOLE in the floor to see a naked thirty year old man, SEVERS, shivering. Above the hole, a huge vat dangles precariously. Master Mind steps behind a glass partition next to Plato and Einstein. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Plato, pour the toxic waste. Plato throws a switch causing the vat to tip hundreds of gallons of green and brown goo into the hole. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Drainage. The slime is sucked out through the floor, leaving a goo- soaked Severs. 33. Master Mind looks into the pit. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Well, Severs? SEVERS I feel fine. Just a little sticky, but aside from that everything's completely - BOOM - Severs explodes. A hail of blood and tissue covers Master Mind and his men. For a good ten seconds nobody moves an inch. Finally... MASTER MIND Okay then. INT. ABANDONED METRO CITY LIBRARY - LABORATORY - DAY Through a glass WATER TANK we see a man breathing normally. MASTER MIND And this one? PLATO We attached gills to him. He can breath under water. MASTER MIND Ah. Does he have extraordinary strength? PLATO MASTER MIND Can he fly? PLATO No. MASTER MIND Resilient to weapons fire? PLATO No. MASTER MIND He just breathes under water, then. PLATO Ah...yeah. 34. Master Mind rolls his eyes and walks away. INT. ABANDONED METRO CITY LIBRARY - LABORATORY - DAY The next guinea-pig, STENWICK, is standing in a sealed glass tube not much wider than himself. MASTER MIND Plato, the radioactive spider, please. Plato throws the switch DROPPING A SINGLE SPIDER onto Stenwick's arm. Stenwick looks and winces as it bites him. STENWICK Ow! He brushes the spider off. MASTER MIND Anything, Stenwick? STENWICK (shaken) No. Ah...sir, I didn't know this was about spiders. I have a pretty severe case of arachnophobia. Master Mind thinks for a moment, then turns to Plato. MASTER MIND We're gonna need more venom. Plato throws another switch, this time DUMPING THOUSANDS OF SPIDERS on poor Stenwick. His SCREAMS begin to fade as he's engulfed with swarms of crawling arachnids. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) How `bout now, Stenwick? ....Stenwick? INT. ABANDONED METRO CITY LIBRARY - OFFICE - DAY Master Mind is pacing back and forth. The muted TV plays in the background. MASTER MIND This has proven to be a challenge. I just don't know what I want. What do I want? 35. He stares at Einstein, Da Vinci and Plato, but they offer no advice. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) I want a man of moral fiber with a strong sense of right and wrong. Someone who doesn't seek power - instead, they must have it thrust upon them and find, within themselves, the courage to rise to the occasion. Einstein lets out a short laugh, getting everyone's attention. EINSTEIN Yeah, well, it sounds like what you want is Uberman. Master Mind snaps the fingers of his non-metal hand. MASTER MIND That's it! Why make a copy when the real thing will do? The lackeys look at each other, they can't believe what they're hearing. EINSTEIN I was just kidding, sir. In case you forgot, you actually burned Uberman alive. MASTER MIND Then we'll make a new one. Plato, bring me the box! MINUTES LATER Master Mind and the lackeys stand in a circle around a small table. Plato places a STAINLESS STEEL CHEST in the tables center. As Master Mind opens it, he's immediately doused in WHITE GLOW emanating from inside. MASTER MIND Behold - Uberessence. The very thing that gave Uberman his superhuman powers. 36. EINSTEIN Where the hell did you get that? MASTER MIND Oh, I shot him with a power sucking gun and had this idea to use this to clone a whole army of evil Ubermen. I'm not sure why I never got around to following up with that. PLATO I believe he defeated you before you could, master. MASTER MIND ...Right. Man, he was good! DA VINCI You want another volunteer, sir? MASTER MIND Not another volunteer driven by the need for personal gain. Somebody else, somebody pure. Master Mind turns to see an INTERVIEW WITH HAL playing on the muted television. Underneath his face is a blue caption with white lettering that reads: "Hal Stewart - Metro City's Newest Hero?" NEWS REPORTER ...who risked his own life to save that of a young mother and her child. HAL Please, please, you're embarrassing me. I saw someone in need and I helped them. What more can we ask of ourselves. I ask you, what more? A smile creeps across the evil one's face. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Somebody like him! EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Plato is sitting in the van, staring into a pair of binoculars as he speaks on a cellphone. 37. PLATO Yeah, sir. This guy is a real piece of work. He used to teach bowling at Kingpin's. INT. MASTER MIND'S HIDEOUT - DAY Master Mind is sitting with his feet up on a computer console as he speaks to Plato. MASTER MIND (into phone) A modest profession to brilliantly hide his true heroic nature. I love it. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY PLATO Then you are absolutely going to love this - We follow Plato's line of sight across the street where we see HAL PLAYING WITH A LARGE GROUP OF BLIND CHILDREN. PLATO - He volunteers at a school for the blind. INT. MASTER MIND'S HIDEOUT - DAY Intrigued, he suddenly sits up in his chair. MASTER MIND He volunteers. He doesn't ask for any reward for his deeds. The fates are shining down on me. This Mr. Stewart is truly an unselfish soul. EXT. BLIND SCHOOL - DAY From a distance, Hal seems to be consoling an upset child who's sitting on a rock. But up close... HAL You greedy little bastard. I already gave you a twenty. BLIND KID Hey, you want me to play along? Then pay up, bitch! 38. HAL Fine, but you better be convincing. He gives the kid a bill out of his wallet and looks over his shoulder to see a HOT TEACHER walking toward them. HAL Here she comes, go to work. Like a miniature Brando, the blind kid buries his face in his hands and begins to cry. BLIND KID (weeping) Why can't I see! Why God? Hal puts a warm consoling hand on the weeping boy's shoulder. HAL Hey, Peter. C'mon champ, let me look at you. The Hot Teacher stops and curiously watches from a distance. The boy looks up at Hal, tears running down his dark sunglasses - he should get an Oscar. HAL You know, in life we're all given no more than we can bear. This happened to you maybe because you were meant to rise above it - Maybe to be an inspiration to the other little Peteys out there. BLIND KID You really think so, Hal? HAL Hey, does it LOOK like I'm lying? Now c'mon, go feel your way to class before you get your little butt suspended. The boy stands up and is about to take off. HAL Petey, wait a minute. Hal uses his shirt sleeve to wipe the tears away from the boy's face before sending him on his way. 39. The Hot Teacher grabs her chest. Her heart is about to absolutely melt. HAL Don't run into anything! EXT. STREET - CONTINUOUS Plato lowers his binoculars. From his perspective, Hal should be next in line for popehood. PLATO I think I've seen enough, sir. This is your guy. MASTER MIND (O.S.) (over radio) Then return to base. We have much work to do. Plato starts up the van and pulls away. INT. BAR - DAY It's a busy night. A couple of trucker types are shooting pool as the bartender slings drinks. Hal is nursing a beer at the bar when he suddenly notices a very ATTRACTIVE WOMAN sitting next to him. As he goes to straighten his stool-posture, Hal suddenly catches himself on the bar's TELEVISION - it's a story about how he saved the woman and her baby at the construction site. He turns back to the Attractive Woman next to him, then back to the TV. A plan of attack is forming. HAL (obviously playing it up for the woman's benefit) Oh, there it is again. This is really getting embarrassing now. The woman looks up at the screen and gives Hal a double-take. ATTRACTIVE WOMAN Oh my God! It's you! You're the man who saved that woman and her baby the other day! It is you, isn't it? TRUCKER #1, getting a drink at the bar next to them, OVERHEARS. 40. Hal rolls his eyes and puts his hands up in the air. HAL (to Attractive Woman) Oh, crap. You got me. TRUCKER#1 taps Hal on the shoulder. TRUCKER#1 Let me tell you something. That was just about the bravest damn thing I've ever witnessed. (he turns to the rest of the bar) Hey, everybody! This guy's the hero from TV! The bar ERUPTS IN CHEERS. MOMENTS LATER Hal is riding on the shoulders of TRUCKER#2 and TRUCKER#3 as `I'm Holding Out For A Hero' plays on the jukebox. TRUCKER#1 suddenly puts his hands in the air. The room quickly goes silent. TRUCKER#1 I want to give you something. He reaches into his pocket and takes out a medal. He holds it up in the air for everyone to see. TRUCKER#1 (CONT'D) Lost my whole platoon. They were a lot a good boys, a lot of good boys. That was just the way things were in "The Grenada." I'd rather a real hero have this. Trucker#1 gives the medal to a speechless Hal. ATTRACTIVE WOMAN Hey, you're on TV again. The crowd looks up at the Television. TELEVISION - CONTINUOUS The anchor man, BRAD HELMS (early 40's, amazing mustache), suddenly has a memo passed to him. 41. BRAD HELMS This just in. Upon a second look at that tape from this morning, which we'll now replay for you, it appears it was not the heroic act it first seemed to be. The tape shows Hal running in slow motion. BRAD HELMS (O.S.) (CONT'D) With the tape slowed down you can actually see the man push the woman and her child out of the way in an effort to save his own life. The tape shows Hal, in a clear act of self-preservation, pushing the woman and child out of the way. CUT BACK TO: INT. BAR - CONTINUOUS In unison, everyone turns their heads back to Hal. HAL I guess that looks kinda bad. Trucker#1 snatches his medal back. EXT. NEARBY ROOF - NIGHT Master Mind, Da Vinci and Plato look down, spotting Hal cutting through a dark alley. DA VINCI There he is, boss. Da Vinci hands Master Mind a fantastic looking silver rifle. MASTER MIND Now, we're sure this won't kill him? PLATO Yes, sir. He'll just feel a slight electrical shock. MASTER MIND Good. Master Mind raises the rifle and aims it at Hal. 42. EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT Hal wipes the blood from his nose with his shirtsleeve. A LIGHTENING BOLT suddenly zaps Hal in the back. His teeth spark and arc electrons as his entire body shakes and shudders violently. He finally collapses, knocking over a row of garbage cans. EXT. NEARBY ROOF - NIGHT An angry Master Mind slaps Plato. MASTER MIND Slight electrical shock? EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT Hal lies flat on his back, his jacket smoldering. Dazed, he slowly rises to his feet and looks up at the sky. HAL God, I hate the weather in this city. Hal walks off into the night as he attempts to slap the emitting smoke from his jacket. EXT. NEARBY ROOF - NIGHT Master Mind turns to Da Vinci. MASTER MIND Follow him. INT. HAL'S APARTMENT - NIGHT It's a dirty, small studio. Laundry lies everywhere, dishes are piled in the sink and the litter box looks like a minefield. Hal comes staggering in. Through his POV we see the lights wobble and streak like a hallucination. He shakes his head trying to clear thing up, but it looks worse. Hal makes his way to the kitchen table and plops down on a chair. The room begins to swim. His CAT jumps on the table and sits down in front of him. 43. From Hal's POV the cat's face looks like we're seeing it through a kaleidoscope. Hal seems fascinated by it. CAT You don't look so good, man. HAL I don't feel good. I was struck by freaking lightening. Suddenly Hal realizes his cat's talking to him. HAL (CONT'D) AAAAAAHHHHH! You can talk? CAT No, you're just hallucinating. By the way, we're out of orange juice. HAL AAAAAAHHHHH! Hal jumps up, trips over a cardboard box and knocks himself out on the coffee table. INT. HAL'S APARTMENT - MORNING Hal lies in the same position we left him last night. He sits up and grabs his head. He looks like he has the worst hangover in the world. Finally, he remembers last night. He looks around, but not really sure what he's looking for. HAL Man... Shaking his head, he walks to the kitchen and opens the refrigerator. He pulls out an orange juice container and puts it to his mouth. It's empty. As if suddenly remembering something he looks from the carton to the cat, who is busy cleaning himself. He shakes the thought from his mind. BATHROOM Hal lifts the seat and unbuckles his pants. 44. HAL'S FACE He stares at the ceiling with half closed eyes. The inevitable sound of urine hitting water starts. A content look washes over his face. There is a distinct sound of porcelain CRACKING and SPLINTERING. The sound intensifies. Hal looks down to see his URINE STREAM SMASHING THE TOILET. HAL (CONT'D) Oh, God! He whips his stream away only to cut a LONG RIP IN THE WALL. HAL (CONT'D) Oh, God! He freaks out and begins to lose control of his flow as it destroys everything he accidently aims at; the bathroom mirror, a bottle of cheap cologne, the bathroom window. HAL (CONT'D) Oh, God! He aims back for the toilet, which is pretty much rubble now, to see the floor give way. Finally, the pee stops and he glances down the hole. He sees his downstairs NEIGHBOR sitting at his breakfast table. He has a fork halfway to his mouth as he stares at the smashed toilet on his pancakes. EXT. STREET - DAY Hal turns the corner to see his bus pulling away from the stop. HAL Wait! He starts running after it. ZOOM - HE TAKES OFF LIKE LIGHTENING. HAL (CONT'D) Whoa, whoa, whoa! Unable to stop, he SLAMS INTO THE BACK OF THE BUS and falls back to the ground. 45. As the bus continues on he sees an INDENTATION of his torso right below the rear window. Stunned, to say the least, he rises to his feet. HAL (CONT'D) Something's not right here. He slaps himself in the face as hard as he can. HAL (CONT'D) Wake up! Wake up, Hal! HONK! Hal spins around to see a car barreling toward him. He goes to jump out of the way - ZOOM - he FLIES TWO STORIES UP, nails a building and comes crashing back down to the sidewalk. Hal sits up, disheveled and scared. HAL (CONT'D) Okay, okay. Let's get it together, man. He closes his eyes in an attempt to will back his sanity. HAL (CONT'D) This is just some sort of...episode. It will pass, it will pass. He opens his eyes and looks down the street. A BEAUTIFUL NAKED WOMAN is coming toward him. HAL (CONT'D) Well, not too fast I hope. As she passes him and turns the corner out of his view he catches ANOTHER NAKED WOMAN - an old disgusting one. HAL (CONT'D) Yes, fast, fast! He turns away from her in horror only to see AN ENTIRE BLOCK OF NAKED PEOPLE going about their business. He rubs his eyes and looks down the street again. Everyone has returned to a clothed state. 46. He relaxes a little until he looks down and notices that he's floating a foot off the ground. HAL (CONT'D) I think I need to go home. INT. HAL'S APARTMENT - DAY Hal's front door CREAKS as it slowly opens, revealing Master Mind. He walks over to the bathroom and smiles to himself as he notices the giant hole in the floor. MASTER MIND Welcome to your second birth, Hal Stewart. Master Mind continues to survey the room. He stops to look over a "KARATE KID" POSTER on Hal's living room wall. He focuses on the majestic image of Pat Morita teaching a young Ralph Macchio to kick. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Instruction is very important in the formative years. Every hero needs a mentor, a father figure to look up to. He presses his special watch, causing his body to MORPH INTO THE SPITTING-IMAGE OF PAT MORITA. "PAT MORITA" Perfect. INT. HAL'S APARTMENT - DAY Hal enters, grabs a bottle of vodka from atop of the fridge and takes a long pull from it. VOICE (O.S.) A man will usually find that if he drinks from a bottle, eventually, the bottle drinks from him. Hal does a SPIT TAKE. In the corner a darkened figure stands. HAL Who are you!? 47. VOICE I am the guide on your journey. Fate has chosen you to be it's champion. Pat Morita steps out from the shadows. Hal passes out again. LATER We are close on Hal's face as his eyes flutter open. He appears to be lying on the couch. He hunches up on his elbows, looks around, but everything is as it seems. He lays his head back down. HAL Thank God. It was a dream. Man, I must be losing it. A voice sounds right next to his ear. "PAT MORITA" (O.S.) You know you're out of orange juice? Hal leaps up to find he's been resting his head on Pat's lap. HAL Jesus! This isn't happening, this isn't happening. Hal backs away and trips over a box. "PAT MORITA" Calm. All things must be filtered through calmness. HAL Bullshit! Sometimes it's best to freak out. "PAT MORITA" I think we must work on your attitude first. HAL Look I'm gonna call the cops in about two seconds if you don't get out of here. 48. Pat rises and walks to Hal. He's so calm it makes Hal calm. "PAT MORITA" Are you calm now? HAL Yeah, I'm okay. Pat slaps him across the face hard. "PAT MORITA" Good, because we've got a lot of work to do. Hal grabs his jaw. HAL What the hell was that for? "PAT MORITA" Rule number one: expect the unexpected. HAL Can you just tell me what this is all about? "PAT MORITA" The heavens are not in the habit of bestowing a gift such as this to just anyone. You are being rewarded for being a man of great moral fortitude with an unwavering belief in humanity. HAL That's me alright. "PAT MORITA" I am to train you so you may fulfill your destiny to defeat the great menace to Metro City: Master Mind. Pat gets up and walks toward the door. "PAT MORITA" (CONT'D) Come. HAL We're are we going? 49. "PAT MORITA" To train. EXT. PAT'S CAR - DAY Pat is sitting in the driver's seat. The car is bumping up and down. "PAT MORITA" Strength is just as much in the mind as it is the muscle. Remember, both need to be exercised. We PULL BACK to see Hal lifting the car up over his head. He's hardly straining. HAL I'M LIFTING A FREAKING CAR!!! Pat leans on the HORN. "PAT MORITA" Hey, Corky? You listening? Two highly attractive female joggers run by. They're clearly impressed with Hal's show of strength. He smiles and mouths a "hello." HAL Yeah, work both muscles. EXT. DESERT - DAY Pat cocks back the chamber of a .357 MAGNUM. He holds it up and carefully takes Hal's chest. "PAT MORITA" Trust me. HAL What are you doing!? "PAT MORITA" An invulnerability test. Something wrong? HAL Uh...yeah. I would prefer not to get shot. Do not fire that thing! Frustrated, Pat lowers the gun. 50. "PAT MORITA" You're bulletproof. HAL Okay, do you know that for sure? Pat quickly aims and fires. Hal lets out a high pitched scream as the bullet ricochets off his chest. "PAT MORITA" I do now. Hal looks down at his chest, not so much as a scratch. HAL You suck. EXT. SKY - DAY Hal is in the air flying in a sitting position. He's weaving back and forth. HAL Ice Man, I got a bogie on my tail. Two Russian Migs coming in hard and fast. "PAT MORITA" Hey! HAL What? Hal looks down to see Pat Morita yelling at him from the roof of a building down below. "PAT MORITA" What did I tell you? Stomach down, hands up. Hal sighs and assumes the proper superhero in-flight position. HAL God, I feel so gay. Pat's CELL PHONE begins to RING. He answers it. "PAT MORITA" (in Master Mind voice) What is it? 51. ROXANNE (V.O.) John? Pat panics. He looks up to make sure no one is in earshot. He sees Hal now doing somersaults in the air. HAL YEEEE HAWWWW! Pat turns his attention back to the phone, talking in his John Cusack voice. "PAT MORITA" (in Cusack voice) Yes, it's John Cusack. ROXANNE (V.O.) Hi, it's Roxanne. Listen, I...I really enjoyed talking with you the other day. "PAT MORITA" ...As did I. ROXANNE (V.O.) Great. God, I feel really silly, and if you have a lot going on I totally understand. But, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to have lunch. He can't believe what he's hearing. "PAT MORITA" (excited) I'd love to! He quickly recovers his composure. "PAT MORITA" (CONT'D) I mean, I AM a little hungry. ROXANNE (V.O.) Great. How does the park sound, around noon-ish? "PAT MORITA" Sure! ROXANNE (V.O.) Great, see you then. 52. Pat hangs up the phone and returns it to his pocket as Hal lands behind him. HAL WHOOOOA! Man, that is so cool. It's like fly - Oh my God, I almost said it was like flying. "PAT MORITA" For the rest of the day I want you to continue to practice your flying posture. HAL Why, where're ya going? "PAT MORITA" ...To do something...mysterious ...and Asian. HAL Say no more, bro. I'll just keep at it, then. EXT. PARK - DAY John Cusack and Roxanne eat WRAPPED SANDWICHES while walking through Metro City Park. ROXANNE How's your sandwich? "JOHN CUSACK" It's quite delicious. ROXANNE Hope you don't think I'm too forward. Some men are intimidated when a woman asks them out. I just find you really easy to talk to. "JOHN CUSACK" And I you. ROXANNE You know, you're not at all like you are in the movies. "JOHN CUSACK" I'm not? 53. ROXANNE Yeah. I don't know - You have this strange, refined way of speaking. "JOHN CUSACK" I do? That is most interesting. ROXANNE Anyway, when we were talking the other day I just felt, even though we only talked for a couple of hours, that we've known each other for years. "JOHN CUSACK" I know just what you mean. Roxanne bites into her sandwich. ROXANNE You know what? This sandwich is disgusting. She tosses it in a nearby garbage can. ROXANNE (CONT'D) Of course I already ate half of it. I wonder what that says about my character? "JOHN CUSACK" It means you don't give up on a sandwich. You see that it has potential, and you give it every chance to be all it can be. Roxanne smiles at his analogy. ROXANNE Thanks, but knowing me, I was probably projecting my expectations of what a lunch should be on the sandwich. It might have been okay at first, but I just made it bitter. John Cusack notices Roxanne's smile starting to fade. "JOHN CUSACK" Is that what happened with your last sandwich - I mean, boyfriend? 54. ROXANNE When I look back, I probably shouldn't of expected so much from him. He was already a giving person. You know, one of those go out and save the world types. "JOHN CUSACK" I've run into a few. ROXANNE I was selfish, I guess. I didn't want to share him with anybody else. "JOHN CUSACK" It sounds like he was a special man. ROXANNE They broke the mold. John Cusack arches his eyebrow in a very familiar manner. "JOHN CUSACK" Perhaps not. INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - DAY Hal walks up to Pat Morita sporting a Lone Ranger-type mask and wearing a purple and red superhero costume. It's not unlike Uberman's except for a giant "T" on his chest. (From here on, Hal is referred to as TITAN) TITAN What's the "T" stand for? "PAT MORITA" Titan. TITAN What's that supposed to mean? "PAT MORITA" It's from Roman mythology. Zeus's father...oh, just go with it. You look perfect. TITAN I don't think this mask is big enough. Are you sure no one is gonna recognize me? 55. "PAT MORITA" It's fine, just don't slouch. It's all in the posture. He grabs Titan's shoulders like a proud papa. "PAT MORITA" (CONT'D) It is time. INT. BANK - DAY There is a long line of people snaked around the velvet ropes. They're all waiting for their chance at the one open teller window. Four men wearing BEATLES MASKS(JOHN,PAUL,GEORGE,AND RINGO)and CARRYING SHOTGUNS enter the bank. John fires a shot in the air, sending everyone into an immediate panic. JOHN Alright folks, this is a robbery. Nobody moves - yadda, yadda, yadda... Ringo jumps over the teller wall and starts stuffing bills into a bag. As John and Paul cover the crowd, George goes to the corner office and puts a gun to the BANK MANAGER'S head. GEORGE The safe. Let's go. BANK MANAGER Okay, just don't hurt anyone. GEORGE Yeah, yeah, yeah. George leads him out by the collar. CRASH - Titan smashes through the window and lands in a bold superhero stance with hands on hips. TITAN Well, boys, there's no need for all this just to get the free toaster. Paul cocks his gun. 56. PAUL What are you suppose to be? We move in for a nice dramatic close up. TITAN Justice. GEORGE Well, justice, suck on this... George, John and Paul open fire on Titan. He just stands there and yawns as the bullets bounce off him. With their guns empty the three just stare at him in amazement. TITAN Now it's my turn. He turns to George. TITAN (CONT'D) Hey, George, here comes the sun. Titan grabs George and throws him into a fluorescent light fixture in the ceiling. Paul tries to run for the door. Titan snatches the collar of his jacket. TITAN (CONT'D) Say, Paul, your mother should know...that you're a scumbag. He tosses Paul out the window and into a parked DELIVERY TRUCK. Titan turns around just as John hits him with the butt of his shotgun. It instantly breaks apart in his hands. Titan lifts him like a rag doll up into the air. TITAN (CONT'D) John, all you need is love... He throws John who lands on top of a cubical wall - GROIN FIRST. TITAN (CONT'D) ...and a good urologist. 57. Titan effortlessly hops over the teller wall to find Ringo cowering on the floor. He grabs him by the shirt and lifts him up. HAL Well,'re under arrest. EXT. BANK - DAY Titan walks out of the bank with Ringo and George under his arm. He's suddenly swarmed by a group of television reporters, including Roxanne. Across the street is Pat Morita. He watches Titan's first news conference with great anxiety. BANK MANAGER (to Hal) On behalf of the First National Bank of Metro City, I'd like to offer you a reward for your act of bravery. He hands Titan a check. TITAN (reading) Ten thousand dollars! Titan looks over to Pat, who violently shakes his head no. TITAN (CONT'D) (unenthusiastically) I...can't except this. Law and order is it's Pat gives him the thumbs up. Pat turns, suddenly seeing Roxanne with her camera crew. Captivated, his eyes lock on her. Meanwhile, Roxanne and her cameraman, SETH, are maneuvering around the crowd to get closer to Titan. BRAD HELMS (O.S.) Not so fast, Roxanne. They both turn to see Roxanne's reporter rival Brad Helms, Geraldo without the class, and his cameraman, FRANK. BRAD HELMS This story's mine. 58. ROXANNE Listen, Brad. We were just in the area. I was just trying to - BRAD HELMS I've been in this business long enough to know pretty well what you were "just trying to do." Besides, I heard you couldn't take the big game anymore and were put on fluff detail? Dejected, Roxanne turns and motions for Seth to turn the camera off. SETH You're not gonna take that from him, are you? ROXANNE He's right. Old habit, I guess. (to Brad) We'll get out of your way. As they walk off, Brad makes a comment to Frank loud enough for her to hear. BRAD HELMS Besides, I'm sure there's a pancake supper somewhere that needs covering. INT. ABANDONED METRO CITY LIBRARY - OFFICE - DAY ON TELEVISION We see the news conference on the bank's steps. In the corner of the screen is written: "recorded earlier." BRAD HELMS For months now, since the death of Uberman, the citizens of Metro City have been holding out for a hero. Well, it appears they won't have to hold out for much longer as a new costumed crusader has suddenly stormed onto the scene. Today, at the Metro Savings and Trust, a masked mystery man single-handedly defeated "The Fab Four Gang." Just who is this new caped avenger? Brad holds the microphone to Titan's face. 59. BRAD HELMS I'm sure all of our viewers are now wondering, what's the "T" stand for? TITAN It's a message to all the scum out there. Uberman may be gone, but Metro City has a new protector, and his name is "Tighten!" Another reporter leans in. REPORTER How do you spell that? We PULL BACK to see Plato and Da Vinci watching this spectacle. Master Mind is sitting with them, reading a NEWSPAPER. MASTER MIND (reading paper) Oh, for heaven's sake. I can't believe it. He misspelled his name. Master Mind holds up the newspaper. The headline reads "Metro's New Hero: Tighten." MASTER MIND (CONT'D) No matter, I suppose. Master Mind throws the paper on the floor and begins to pace around the room with his arms folded behind his back. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) We've now fully established Titan as Metro City's hero. They will love him just as they loved Uberman. Everything is going according to plan. Einstein leans over and whispers in Plato's ear. EINSTEIN (whispering) Yeah, if the plan is getting us in jail. Master Mind turns around, facing Einstein. He walks over, standing face to face with the rebellious henchmen. 60. MASTER MIND You know, Einstein, maybe I should have called you Socrates. He also didn't know when to keep his thoughts to himself. EINSTEIN I just fail to see the point in all of this. I mean, why are we creating another superhero when it was such a pain in the ass for you to get rid of the other one? I mean, Uberman is destroyed, we should be using this opportunity MASTER MIND To what? EINSTEIN I don't know. To take over the weather, space, the world - whatever super villains are SUPPOSED to do. MASTER MIND The reason someone like you will always be a minion is because you have no foresight. We take over the earth, like you said. Then what? Women? Cars? Money? Even the grandest treasures will lose their lustre if you don't have someone to hold them over. Einstein throws up his hands. He's had enough. He pulls off his wig and throws it to the floor. EINSTEIN That's it! This balance of the force bullshit is getting way too Oprah for me. I'm blowing. Who's with me? MASTER MIND You dare? EINSTEIN Yeah, I dare. I'm sick of wearing stupid costumes, and I'm sick of working for a super villain who's turning into a softie. 61. Plato and Da Vinci's mouths drop to the floor. They turn to Master Mind for his rebuttal. MASTER MIND What - did - you - call me? EINSTEIN You heard me. You used to be an inhuman monster, now look at you. You're creating super heroes, you don't go with us on robberies anymore, it's been days since you threatened anyone, oh, and not to mention this Roxanne Ritchi thing. MASTER MIND THAT is none of your business, knave! EINSTEIN Hey, you guys haven't sealed the deal yet, have you? MASTER MIND Silence! EINSTEIN (In a woman's voice) Oh, Master, your head is so big. MASTER MIND I'm warning you, Einstein. EINSTEIN (In a woman's voice) Take me! MASTER MIND I said silence! With his metal gauntlet Master Mind grabs Einstein by the throat and lifts him into the air. Einstein looks frightened as he tries to pry himself free of Master Mind's grip. Master Mind's eyes soften as if his heart is suddenly not into what he's about to do. He let's Einstein drop to the floor. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Get out of my sight. 62. EXT. RESTAURANT - NIGHT Roxanne and John Cusack are eating on the outside patio of a fancy restaurant. ROXANNE Don't get me wrong, I love being a reporter. I don't think I could do anything else. It's the consequences of what we do that I'm having a problem with. He listens intently as he refills her glass with wine. "JOHN CUSACK" That's where journalistic responsibility comes in, no? ROXANNE It's supposed to. "JOHN CUSACK" Sounds to me like you're running from something. ROXANNE I got someone I cared about killed. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have been involved. John suddenly gets a disturbed look in his eye, realizing what she's talking about. He reaches across the table and takes her hand. "JOHN CUSACK" You can't blame yourself. My father used to say each of us must answer the great call to truly feel alive. ROXANNE Was he an actor? "JOHN CUSACK" ...No. He was...a landscaper. And a horrible one. I mean he would fail time and time again at his...landscaping. And sometimes he'd get pretty beaten up or thrown in jail - ROXANNE Jail? 63. "JOHN CUSACK" My point is he took the good with the bad. He grew a little each time. Improved, learned. ROXANNE Was he ever successful? "JOHN CUSACK" God, no...but don't let deter you. Roxanne LAUGHS. ROXANNE Thanks for this. You know, this is embarrassing, but it's been a long time since I - It's starting to lightly sprinkle. Roxanne looks up. ROXANNE (CONT'D) I think it's starting to rain. We might want to find a table inside. "JOHN CUSACK" What were you gonna say? ROXANNE Oh, I was gonna say...It's been a long time since...well, I've been with someone I...enjoy being with. John Cusack smiles warmly and raises his glass for a toast. "JOHN CUSACK" To people who enjoy being with each other. They go to clang glasses, when the rain suddenly causes John Cusack's disguise generator to short. His true form of Master Mind is briefly revealed to Roxanne as a BOLT OF ELECTRICITY encircles his body. Roxanne drops her glass and jumps out of her seat. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Oh, no. Don't look at me. LIKE A BROKEN TV the image keeps switching between MASTER MIND AND JOHN CUSACK. 64. As Master Mind starts to franticly slap at his watch, the Cusack disguise begins to hold steady. He nonchalantly returns to cutting his steak. "JOHN CUSACK" Okay, never mind that. Now, where were we? Roxanne grabs his glass and throws the drink in his face, causing the generator to short out permanently. Master Mind now sits in his true blue form. ROXANNE Oh my God. MASTER MIND You're not gonna get all freaky about this, are you? ROXANNE This...this is too much, even for you. God, I go out with you, tell you my innermost thoughts. MASTER MIND I only did this because I wanted to talk to you on the same level. You know, without all the baggage? ROXANNE Baggage? You burned my boyfriend alive, you sick son-of-a-bitch! MASTER MIND You see, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Roxanne starts to walk away. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Roxanne! ROXANNE Stay away from me. Master Mind sinks back down to his chair. Despite the now heavy rain bombarding him, he returns to his food. Several resturaunt patron's are looking at him through the window. 65. Our villain turns to them, giving them a villainous glare. MASTER MIND What? INT. MASTER MIND'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Master Mind is lying on his back, wide awake. MASTER MIND (mumbling to himself) Stupid. What was I thinking? Plato, it's his fault. He's the one who sent me on this weak-willed path. I'll filet his scrotum for this. Me, a creature of evil, in love with Roxanne Ritchi. Preposterous. I hardly give such matters thought He rolls onto his side. He yawns and closes his eyes. Suddenly, they shoot back open. CUT TO: EXT. ROXANNE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Master Mind pulls up in a blue Rolls Royce, across the street from Roxanne's apartment He stares up at the building, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Finally, she appears, primping her hair in her apartment window's reflection. MASTER MIND I should just go up there and just lay it all out to her. "Roxanne, I like you - I always have. Oh, and I'm sorry I blew up your ex. (realizing the absurdity of his words) Yeah, that would go over like a pants-less clown at a child's birthday party. What the hell am I even doing here? Who cares what she thinks? I'm a supervillain and here I am acting like a love struck schoolboy. Forget this. I control my own destiny! 66. He turns the ignition key - NOTHING HAPPENS. He repeats but gets the same results. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) (disgusted) Perfect. INT. ROXANNE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT She pulls a pack of smokes off her night stand. Empty. ROXANNE Damn. She grabs her long coat and throws it over her robe. EXT. ROXANNE'S APARTMENT BUILDING Roxanne steps outside. ROXANNE Please be open. Across the street is a liquor store. The light is still on. ROXANNE (CONT'D) Thank God. She walks across the street, passing in front of Master Mind's car. Spotting her, he sinks down in his seat. Roxanne walks by, totally unaware of his presence. Relieved, Master Mind sits back up and watches her go into the store. INT. LIQUOR STORE - NIGHT Roxanne walks up to an elderly Korean SHOPKEEPER at the counter. ROXANNE A pack of Lady Strikes, please. EXT. MASTER MIND'S CAR - NIGHT Master Mind is talking on his cell phone. MASTER MIND Hello, Triple A? 67. He suddenly spots something across the street. EXT. LIQUOR STORE - NIGHT A HOODLUM walks up to the entrance of the store and pulls out a gun from under his coat. EXT. MASTER MIND'S CAR - NIGHT Master Mind stares in shock. MASTER MIND I'll call you back. He hangs up the phone and watches the Hoodlum go inside the store. INT. LIQUOR STORE - NIGHT The Hoodlum reaches across the counter and grabs a fist full of cash from the register. SHOPKEEPER Hey! SHOTGUN HOODLUM Shut up, Gramps. He turns to Roxanne, spotting a GOLD NECKLACE around her neck. SHOTGUN HOODLUM (CONT'D) Gimme that necklace! ROXANNE I don't think so. The Hoodlum cocks his shotgun. SHOTGUN HOODLUM I said give it to me! MASTER MIND (O.S.) The lady said no. The hoodlum turns around to see Master Mind in the doorway holding a STRANGE-LOOKING HAND CANNON (GOO GUN) with knobs and blinking lights. The hoodlum starts to laugh. 68. SHOTGUN HOODLUM What the hell's that? A super soaker? MASTER MIND No, it's a goo gun. The hoodlum turns his gun to Master Mind. SHOTGUN HOODLUM Yeah, what's it do? MASTER MIND It goos. Master Mind fires the cannon. It instantly covers the store in a cloud of SMOKE. The smoke clears to reveal the hoodlum STUCK TO THE WALL, covered in a thick, GREEN GUNK. Roxanne stares at him, dumbfounded. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) It's...a prototype. Master Mind starts to walk out when he's suddenly confronted by the shopkeeper. SHOPKEEPER I know you! You Master Brain guy. You a hero. Master Mind points the goo gun at him. MASTER MIND Don't - EVER - say that again. EXT. LIQUOR STORE - NIGHT Master Mind walks out with the cannon resting on his shoulder like he's a short timer in Da Nang. Roxanne follows shortly behind him. ROXANNE Hey! Master Mind turns around. ROXANNE (CONT'D) Are you following me or something? 69. MASTER MIND Don't flatter yourself. He turns away and continues walking. Roxanne runs in front of him blocking his way. ROXANNE Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you. Finally it occurs to her what's going on. ROXANNE (CONT'D) What a minute...all that stuff you use to say to me when Uberman was alive - about me being the loyal queen by your side as you rule over Metro City. That wasn't just super villain rhetoric, was it? You actually meant it! MASTER MIND My, someone has a rather high opinion of themselves. They stare at each other in silence, their glares locked in conflict. ROXANNE (coldly) Do you really think I would be with someone like you? This stings Master Mind to the bone. And after a brief contemplation, he reaches the only logical, painful conclusion. MASTER MIND No. With that, Master Mind exits into the night, leaving Roxanne with a baffled expression on her face. INT. ABANDONED METRO CITY LIBRARY - NIGHT Master Mind enters in a huff. Da Vinci closes the door behind him as Plato notices his master's agitated state. PLATO Everything alright, sir? Master Mind GRABS PLATO BY THE GROIN with his metal gauntlet causing Plato's eyes to bulge in pain. 70. MASTER MIND (overly calm) Fine, why do you ask? PLATO You...just...seem... Master Mind tightens his grip. MASTER MIND Go on. PLATO ...distracted. Master Mind releases him. MASTER MIND Just with business, my minion. Just with business. I've decided it is time. PLATO You mean? MASTER MIND Yes, we've created our hero, now it's time to give him a little motivation. DA VINCI How do we do that? MASTER MIND To be simply good is not enough. A hero must be driven by an almost relentless desire to right a wrong that can never be corrected. PLATO You mean? MASTER MIND Yes, he must lose someone near and dear to him - his father figure. Gentlemen, it's time for Operation Mentor Kill! EXT. SKY OVER METRO CITY - DAY Titan flies high over and through the city, under bridges, between buildings, etc. He's not really working, just enjoying himself. 71. INT. WOMAN'S APARTMENT - NIGHT A PRETTY WOMAN sits at her makeup table wearing nothing but her bra and panties. Through the reflection in her mirror we see a large window directly behind her. As she applies lipstick we see Titan fly quickly by in the background. After a moment he slowly slides back in view and begins ogling the girl. She sees him in the mirror and quickly covers herself with a robe. Titan tries to hide his face as he zooms off. MOMENTS LATER Titan looks down to see an APARTMENT BUILDING IN RUIN. Emergency lights flash around it as swarms of people run around in chaos. TITAN Man, what the hell happened down there? Wait a sec - He stops in mid-air as he comes to the striking realization. TITAN (CONT'D) THAT'S MY APARTMENT!!! EXT. HAL'S APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY Titan lands in front of the rubble that was once his home. Reporters stand just beyond the police line. TITAN Crap. From the wreckage crawls a dying Pat Morita. TITAN (CONT'D) PAT! Titan goes and kneels beside Pat, holding him in his arms. TITAN (CONT'D) You okay? "PAT MORITA" I'm dying, kid. There is just one last lesson I have for you. It is the most important of all. 72. TITAN What's that? "PAT MORITA" Master Mind did this, you must avenge me. TITAN Master Mind? Why? "PAT MORITA" Because he's evil. You must stop the evil Hal - stop the... Pat's body goes limp. The cameras begin to pop and flash around them. Titan gently lays Pat's body down and stands respectfully over him. The reporters rush over. REPORTER 1 Tighten, Is this the work of Master Mind? REPORTER 2 How will the death of your mentor affect your resolve? REPORTER 3 Was that Pat Morita? Titan walks up to one of the cameras. TITAN This injustice will not go unpunished. Master Mind, if you can hear me, Tighten is coming for you. In the background we see Plato and Da Vinci, DRESSED AS PARAMEDICS, load pat's body onto a stretcher. PLATO ACCIDENTALLY DROPS HIS SIDE. As he bends down to pick it back up, Pat quickly slaps him, then goes back to playing dead. INT. ABANDONED METRO CITY LIBRARY - NIGHT Master Mind and the boys prepare the fortress for Hal's revenge attack. Master Mind is as giddy as a schoolboy. 73. MASTER MIND Alright, people, we don't have much time. Titan should be here any minute, so let's get the lead out. There is a GIANT MOUNTED DEATH RAY in the middle of the hall being tinkered with by Da Vinci. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) How's the death ray coming? DA VINCI Nearly up to full power, sir. MASTER MIND Hum. Let's turn it down a few notches. It's his first time and we don't want to get in a lucky shot, now do we? Plato enters the room. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Anything on the radar yet? PLATO Not yet, sir. MASTER MIND I see. Well, he must be planning something big. Are the flame androids deployed? PLATO All twelve. Master Mind rubs his hands in anticipation as he sits down on his throne. MASTER MIND Wonderful, wonderful. Plato, Da Vinci, take your places next to me. They move to either side of the chair. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) No slouching. Da Vinci straightens up and sucks in his gut. They remain this way for several long moments. Master Mind occasionally glances at a DIGITAL CLOCK on the wall. Still no Titan. 74. LATER Apparently quite some time has passed. The bold stances have degraded to fatigue. PLATO He's certainly taking his time. MASTER MIND He'll be here. That's the way it works. STILL LATER Master Mind reclines in his chair and taps his metal gauntlet impatiently on the armrest. Plato has squatted down, resting his chin on his hand. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Unprofessional, that's what this is. No, it's disrespect for the craft. Master Mind rises and begins to pace back and forth. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Would Uberman have kept us waiting like this? Of course not. He was a pro who knew the score. It's time we spelled out a few things for this Titan. I will not be made a fool of. He storms out of the room. INT. HAL'S NEW APARTMENT - DAY Titan's sitting on the floor in a barren apartment wearing his costume top and some tighty whities. He sips his beer as he watches a basketball game on a tiny TV. Much to his annoyance, there's a KNOCK at the door. TITAN Oh, for crying out loud. He gets up and opens the door. It's Master Mind. MASTER MIND Do you know who I am? 75. It takes a few moments to register, but Titan's suddenly excited. TITAN Yeah, you're Master Mind. Yeah! You're actually the guy I want to see! MASTER MIND Oh, so NOW you want to get down to it. Well, I want to get a few things off my chest first. Master Mind walks past Titan into the apartment. He spins around, pointing at him accusingly with one of his metal fingers. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Of all the inconsiderate - Do you have any idea how long we waited for you? We're you even planning on coming to me and getting revenge? Titan shuts the apartment door, and turns back toward his guest. TITAN Well, at first I was going to. You know, because that's what I figured I was supposed to do. But then I got to thinking- MASTER MIND (interrupting) -You got to thinking? There's nothing to think about. I'm the villain. I do something bad, you come and get me. TITAN - I got to thinking...what's the point? Master Mind throws up his hands. MASTER MIND Maybe you're right. What's the point? He suddenly notices something in the corner of his eye. He walks over to a futon in the living room. On top of it is a LARGE SACK OVERFLOWING WITH GOLD WATCHES,RINGS AND OTHER VALUABLES. 76. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) What are these? TITAN That's what I wanted to talk to you about. MASTER MIND (baffled) Where did you get all this? TITAN (proudly) Get this: I stole them. MASTER MIND From where? TITAN From all over. You see, once you killed Pat and ruined my other apartment building I was pretty pissed off, so I figured I'd go, find you and kick some ass. Then I thought to myself: "Okay,then what?" I mean, if we were to fight, what would I get out of it? Would I get my apartment back? Would I be able to pay the bills? MASTER MIND Well, what about your mentor? TITAN Tell you the truth? He was kind of a dick. I mean, being a hero is dandy and all, but it's volunteer work. Now you've always had the right take on all this. I mean, when you rob a bank or take over the diamond exchange you get something out of it. I mean, when you don't get caught, which, no offense, isn't very often. And that brings me to what I wanted to propose to you: Who could catch you if I'm by your side? Perplexed by his proposal, Master Mind just stares at Titan awe-struck. MASTER MIND You want to team-up? 77. TITAN You got the brains, I got the brawn. We could even call ourselves that: `Brain' and `Brawn'. Look at this. Titan picks up a piece of POSTER BOARD off the floor and shows it to Master Mind. TITAN (CONT'D) I even designed us some new costumes. The picture is crudely drawn with magic markers and crayons. A big headed man (Master Mind) is standing on a plate of grass in a blue costume with a picture of a brain on his chest. Next to him, is a picture of Titan in a red costume with a black cape, but his chest is mysteriously blank. Titan proudly points to the two figures. TITAN (CONT'D) See, you'd be brain, so you got a little one on your costume, and then I'll have brawn on mine...once I figure out the best, you know, visual interpretation of it. What do you think? MASTER MIND What do I think? Master Mind shakes his head tiredly. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) I think you're probably the biggest idiot I've ever met. I mean, I can't believe you. All your gifts, all your powers, and all you want to use them for is your own financial fulfillment. You know what? Your kind of people make me sick. Titan puts down his drawing. TITAN I worked hard on this. MASTER MIND Oh - gee - I am so sorry! 78. Master Mind looks to Heaven in disgust. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) (under his breath) Of all the people to pick, it had to be this loser. This strikes a cord with Titan. TITAN Now, hold on. You're going a little too far. MASTER MIND I wish your mother said that to your father the night of your conception, they would have saved me a whole lot of heartache. TITAN Hey, I mean it. Master Mind gets right in his face. MASTER MIND Oh, yeah? What are you gonna do? EXT. HAL'S APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY We see Master Mind's body CRASH through the building and land in a DUMPSTER across the street. A car pulls up. The driver's door opens. Da Vinci gets out and runs to help his master. DA VINCI Master! MASTER MIND (O.S.) It hurts. Da Vinci peeks into the dumpster to see Master Mind's body cushioned by a stack of trash bags. DA VINCI What hurts? MASTER MIND It! The overly large henchmen starts to pull his master from the dumpster when they suddenly hear a voice from above. It's Titan peeking through the hole in his apartment wall. 79. TITAN I don't need you, I don't need anybody. I have the power to do and take anything I want. And now, I'm gonna take back everything this city owes me. Beware Metro City, it's time for Titan to collect. Titan shoots up into the air. TITAN (CONT'D) Oh, and from now on - I'M GONNA FLY THE WAY I WANT TO FLY! He takes a sitting position and flies away as if he were piloting an invisible jet. Master Mind climbs out of the dumpster and watches Titan disappear into the distance. DA VINCI How'd the plan go, boss? MASTER MIND I just made myself redundant, old friend. Da Vinci gives Master Mind a whiff. DA VINCI It's not that bad. INT. BANK - DAY Titan, with a happy bounce in his step, enters the bank. The last time he was here he thwarted a robbery. He looks nostalgic. A SECURITY GUARD shyly walks up to him like a kid meeting his TV idol. SECURITY GUARD Morning, Tighten. TITAN Morning. SECURITY GUARD Is there something we can do for you? 80. TITAN Oh, don't bother about me. I'm just here to make a withdrawal. Titan walks across the lobby, drawing stares of admiration from all. A little girl waves to him sweetly. He gives her a good- natured WINK as he heads straight for the vault. The security guard watches him enter and come out with a SACK OF CASH. Sure he must be misunderstanding what's going on, the security guard just stares at Titan as he passes by and out the door. The bank manager comes over to the guard. BANK MANAGER Say, did he just rob us? SECURITY GUARD Not sure. Sort of looks it, don't it? BANK MANAGER Yeah. SECURITY GUARD Should I, you know, stop him? BANK MANAGER Umm...Yeah. As the security guard exits the bank, the manager stares out the window. His eyes suddenly grow wide with terror. The guard's body suddenly smashes through the window, landing at the startled bank manager's feet. BANK MANAGER (CONT'D) (looking down at the guard) He did rob us, didn't he? CUT TO: TELEVISION "A Channel 7 News Special Report." Brad Helms wipes into view. 81. BRAD HELMS "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." When Lord Acton stated that, in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887, no one thought much about it, but today Metro City is reeling from that very prophecy. Tighten, who many thought of as our savior, has turned his back on the cause of justice. CUT TO: TITAN BEING EVIL - MONTAGE EXT. DIAMOND EXCHANGE - DAY Titan flies through the window of the building. He emerges seconds later laughing with his shirt full of booty. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY A woman screams from the window of a BURNING BUILDING. Titan flies up to her, grabs her fur coat and zooms off again, leaving the woman behind, slightly confused. EXT. OUTSIDE MARKET - DAY Titan steals a little boy's lollipop and gooses his mother. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Dozens of people run through the streets apparently to get out of a downpour. We cut to the top of a building and see Titan ZIPPING UP HIS PANTS and laughing. INT. ABANDONED METRO CITY LIBRARY - NIGHT Master Mind paces back and forth in front of Plato and Da Vinci. PLATO I don't understand it. He seemed to have every characteristic we were looking for in a superhero. MASTER MIND Well, there's no use crying about it now, we must take action. I'm not going to play second fiddle to that crass buffoon. We must destroy Tighten. 82. PLATO It won't be easy. Uberman had a sense of decency and genuine love for the people. That was his weakness and was easily used against him. MASTER MIND Yes, but he possesses the same flaws present in Uberman's DNA - copper. It's like Benjamin Franklin always said: "If something works don't dick with it." EXT. BAR - DAY It looks like a war zone passed through here. Smashed police cars and debris lay everywhere. This seems to be the only building left untouched. INT. BAR - DAY A very tipsy Titan is sitting at the bar, looking deep into the bottom of his beer glass for answers. TITAN I can have anything I want. I'm like a god. The BARTENDER just listens as he wipes down a glass with a dirty rag. TITAN Point to any woman in this bar. I could have her in a second. He follows the bartender's gaze to THE ONLY OTHER PERSON THERE - A passed out, MIDDLE AGED HAG OF A BARFLY. TITAN (to Old Barfly) Hey, you wanna get with this? BARTENDER Buddy, what do you want? Titan carefully considers this for a moment. TITAN What do you want? That's the question, isn't it. I mean, what do you want when you can have everything? (MORE) 83. TITAN(cont'd) I suppose what I really want is to never be forgotten again. I want to do something that can never be cast aside or one-upped. I want a - what's it called? - A legacy. I want a legacy. Yeah, that's it. I like the sound that. BARTENDER I meant, what do you want to drink? TITAN Oh. EXT. BAR - LATER Titan stumbles out of the bar, carrying a large sack of money. MASTER MIND (O.S.) Your time has come to an end, Titan! He looks up to see Master Mind suddenly standing before him. TITAN What? MASTER MIND There can be only one master criminal in this city - and it's me. TITAN Really? Titan melodramatically throws up his arms. TITAN (CONT'D) I guess I should leave town then, huh? MASTER MIND I have a better idea - NOW! Two floors up Da Vinci releases a rope. A COPPER CAGE, like the one that caged Uberman, drops down on top of Titan. Titan nonchalantly surveys the cage. He walks to the bars, tries to pull them apart but can't. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) That's copper my good man. Your one weakness. (MORE) 84. MASTER MIND(cont'd) For all your amazing gifts of brawn you are no match for my intellect. Titan thinks for a moment. Suddenly, he starts to SPIN like a human top, DRILLING HIMSELF INTO THE STREET BELOW. As he disappears beneath the surface, we see a shocked look on Master Mind's face until Titan suddenly explodes out from under the street in front of him. Master Mind stares up at him, dumbfounded. Titan makes like he's going to strike him down, but stops. TITAN You know what? You're nothing but a bug. Not even worth my effort. He turns his back to Master Mind and continues down the street. Plato makes his way from the shadows to join his master. They watch Titan shrink into the distance. MASTER MIND He's not as dumb as I thought. PLATO I guess not...Funny, though. MASTER MIND What's funny? PLATO Funny Uberman didn't think of the same thing. EXT. HIGH ABOVE METRO CITY - DAY As Titan flies, he looks down at the rooftops of the city below. Suddenly, something catches his attention. HAL That's it! He stops, hovering in place as he looks down below. The buildings, which make up the heart of downtown Metro, are in a PERFECT TRIANGLE with a long strip of street leading up to it. It sorta looks like a bowling lane. 85. HAL Hello, Legacy. EXT. KINGPIN BOWLING - DAY Vinnie and his goons come running out as the hear a COMMOTION. They look up to see Titan ripping off THE GIANT BOWLING BALL from the top of the establishment. VINNIE Hey, that's my ball! INT. ROXANNE'S APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY Roxanne enters the building's elevator. Just before the door closes an ELDERLY WOMAN slides in. ELDERLY WOMAN That was a close one. Sixth floor, please. Roxanne smiles and goes to press the button. The elderly woman suddenly pulls out a SPRAY CAN, shooting a MYSTERIOUS-LOOKING MIST into Roxanne's face. She falls to the floor unconscious. INT. ROXANNE'S APARTMENT - DAY Roxanne awakens, finding herself tied to a chair in her living room. We hear NOISE from a TV in the background as she tries to adjust her vision. Slowly, the blurry figure before her becomes clear. It's Master Mind. He sits on her Lazy-Boy, reading what looks to be some kind of JOURNAL. MASTER MIND Wow, I always thought Uberman was your first superhero - but it looks like our little Roxanne dated a linebacker in college. ROXANNE That's my diary. MASTER MIND So it is. 86. ROXANNE It's personal. MASTER MIND Well, then I wouldn't leave it in your underwear drawer for just anyone to find. He throws the diary over his shoulder. ROXANNE What do you want? MASTER MIND I need your help. ROXANNE So you knock me out and tie me to a chair? MASTER MIND You're not going to like what I'm about to tell you. As she tries to shake off her headache from being knocked unconscious, Roxanne spots something on the TV. ON TELEVISION Brad Helms is huddled behind a van. BRAD HELMS It's chaos here in city square as city police - Behind him, Titan picks up a POLICE CAR and throws it at a PADDY WAGON. Both vehicles EXPLODE on impact. BACK TO SCENE ROXANNE He's really out of control. MASTER MIND Tell me about it. As if finally realizing something, Roxanne looks back at Master Mind. ROXANNE I should have known. You have something to do with this, don't you? - With Titan turning evil. 87. MASTER MIND Well, the evil thing he did by himself. My goal was to give MYSELF purpose by creating an intellectual sparring partner. ROXANNE (confused) You're talking like you made him. MASTER MIND And they call me Master Mind. ROXANNE Let me get this straight. You missed getting your ass kicked, so you made a new guy to kick your ass. That's pathetic. MASTER MIND In hindsight... Roxanne turns back to the TV to see a group of POLICE OFFICERS open fire on Titan. The bullets just deflect off his chest. ROXANNE And his powers, they're just like Uberman's. Why would he have his powers? MASTER MIND (almost ashamed) I had some left over from something. I infused him with it. ROXANNE YOU DID WHAT!? Driven by rage, she struggles to tear out of her bonds. She finally relents, giving Master Mind a look fueled by pure hatred. MASTER MIND Yeah, that's why I decided to tie you up. ROXANNE You did all this because you wanted purpose? MASTER MIND He seemed nice. 88. TELEVISION Titan is standing on top of a destroyed police car. He waves for the camera to zoom in on him. TITAN Closer. I want to show the people my real face. He pulls off his mask, revealing himself as Hal Stewart to the public for the first time. TITAN (CONT'D) Recognize me? BACK TO SCENE ROXANNE Hal Stewart. He's the guy we thought saved that woman and kid. Turned out he was just trying to save his own ass. MASTER MIND Yeah, good to know - NOW! TELEVISION Titan throws the mask over this shoulder and hops off the car. TITAN That's right, I'm really Hal Stewart. Former hero and bowling teacher at Kingpin's Bowling. BACK TO SCENE Roxanne turns to Master Mind, condescending him with her eyes. ROXANNE You picked a bowler to give super powers to? MASTER MIND It's a modest profession! TELEVISION 89. TITAN With my new found power, I've recently started to wonder what sort of legacy I should leave. Should I be a hero? I tried that once before - even saved a lady and her baby from being squashed. I was treated like a god until everyone started to shit on me - Okay, so what if I didn't "purposely" save them! He walks over and puts his hand on a large circular concrete shape just off camera. TITAN Well, I'm going to make something that can't be taken away from me. I'm going to create a permanent monument to my greatness. One that won't be so easily forgotten or erased. The camera pulls back revealing THE GIANT CONCRETE BOWLING BALL from Kingpin's. TITAN I intend to create a new category in the Guinness Book of World's Records by rolling the biggest strike in the history of bowling. He grabs the camera and points it to the DOWNTOWN BUILDINGS. We realize they are PERFECTLY ALIGNED IN BOWLING PIN FORMATION. TITAN My thanks to the city planning commission. This wouldn't have been possible without them. Titan grabs the camera so it's pointing back at him again. TITAN Tell your friends and family to tune in right here to this station at noon tomorrow. BACK TO SCENE ROXANNE My god, he's nuts. That'll destroy the whole business triangle. 90. Master Mind seems to be contemplating something - something bad. ROXANNE What? MASTER MIND My lair is in the direct path of the ball. ROXANNE Oh, real nice. Wouldn't want anything to happen to your hideout, would we? MASTER MIND You don't understand. I have certain equipment that's - that's highly unstable. ROXANNE What do you mean? MASTER MIND I sort of have a hydrogen reactor, okay? ROXANNE A HYDROGEN reactor? MASTER MIND It's experimental - only one in the world...Well, how do you think I power all my inventions? Someone like me can't pay for electricity. The bills would be outrageous. ROXANNE A REACTOR? MASTER MIND It creates 100 times the output of a nuclear one...If destroyed it could... ROXANNE - Vaporize the entire city! MASTER MIND (proudly) Pshaw...the whole eastern seaboard, actually. That little baby is amazing. I'm quite proud of it. (MORE) 91. MASTER MIND(cont'd) (off her deadpan reaction) I mean...we'd better find a way to stop him. Master Mind thinks a moment. MASTER MIND Did Uberman have a hideout? ROXANNE What? MASTER MIND A cave, a solitary fortress of some kind. C'mon, all heros have a place to hang their capes up in. Roxanne, it may be our only chance to find something, a clue, anything that could give us a fighting chance. ROXANNE It's under his house. MASTER MIND Whose house? Roxanne can hardly believe what she's telling him. ROXANNE Wayne Scott's. Master Mind shoots up out of his chair. MASTER MIND Wayne Scott? Uberman was Wayne Scott!? Wayne Scott, the wealthy philanthropist? But he disappeared - ROXANNE (interrupting) He disappeared just over two months ago when you killed him. Not only did you rid the world of a hero, you killed a kind, noble, generous man. Perhaps ashamed, the super villain hangs his head. Master Mind walks behind Roxanne and undoes her bonds. Rubbing her wrists, she watches him as he walks over to the door. 92. ROXANNE (CONT'D) Looks like you got what you always wanted. Uberman is out of the picture and Metro City is doomed. He grabs the door knob and stops, considering her words. MASTER MIND "Metro City doomed." You know, I never thought I'd say something like this, but here it goes - He slowly turns to her, CUE HEROIC MUSIC. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Not if I have anything to say about it. EXT. WAYNE SCOTT'S MANSION - NIGHT Master Mind stands before the huge, Gothic structure in awe. MASTER MIND Such a dark place for one such as you. I wonder, underneath your noble deeds, what inner demons drove you to your endless crusade for justice? He walks to the front entrance. The double doors have been sealed shut with boards and nails. Master Mind begins to tear them off with his metal hand. INT. WAYNE SCOTT'S MANSION - NIGHT The doors opens. A beam of moonlight immediately pierces the darkness, forming an illuminated path into the heart of the manor. Master Mind enters. Covered in dust and cobwebs, the hall looks like a gigantic crypt. MASTER MIND Good lord, man. You've only been dead for two months. Master Mind walks, coming to a gigantic painted PORTRAIT OF WAYNE SCOTT. He stops to reverently admire the image of his fallen foe. 93. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) A disguise so simple, it's ingenious. No wonder I never caught on. Besides the Armani suit, there's nothing to hide the fact that this is the same person as Uberman. In the picture, he's even standing in the same cheesy, heroic pose with his fists on his hips. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Two lives, yet in both you were an ideal. Perhaps it was you who was victorious in the end, old friend. A BONGING sound suddenly bellows through the dark halls. Master Mind comes to a grandfather clock standing next to a gigantic BOOKCASE. On the twelfth bong it falls silent. Master Mind begins to slide it across the floor until he hears a loud CLICK. The bookcase slides into the wall, REVEALING A HIDDEN PASSAGE. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) I'll miss how predictable you were. The passage way leads Master Mind to a WORKING ESCALATOR. Master Mind gets off the escalator to see a long hallway with stone walls. He begins to hear strange SOUNDS, almost like MUFFLED SCREAMS, coming from a doorway at the end of the hallway. Master Mind starts walking towards it. As he steps closer, he begins to notice a light cracking through the bottom of the door. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Hello? Anyone here...besides..all the BIG MEN who are with me now? Nothing. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) (to himself) What's the worst you're gonna find? (MORE) 94. MASTER MIND(cont'd) The man was a boy scout, not a serial killer. He opens the door to his immediate amazement. It's some kind of screening room. A PROJECTOR shoots an image onto A DIRTY WHITE SCREEN hanging on the wall. BEER CANS litter the floor; a table in front of a ripped-up couch is covered in discarded snack goods; and a Kiss Pinball machine stands in the far corner next to a CLOSED DOOR. Master Mind turns his attention to the action on the screen. SCREEN A woman dressed in a leather DOMINATRIX OUTFIT is whipping an overweight man lying on a swing-like device with his butt sticking out. DOMINATRIX IN FILM YOU ARE A WORM! She whips him three times. The man CRIES out in pain. FAT MAN IN FILM PINEAPPLE!!! PINEAPPLE!!! Master Mind's eyes are transfixed on the disturbing imagery. The door by the pinball machine suddenly swings open. WAYNE SCOTT, dressed in raggedy sweats, steps into the room carrying a CAN OF BEER and a bowl of JIFFY-POP. Master Mind cannot believe his horrified eyes. MASTER MIND Ahhhhhh! Wayne Scott is just as startled. WAYNE SCOTT Jesus! He drop his drink and snack to the floor. The two men stare at each other as they struggle to regain their normal breathing patterns. Wayne Scott walks over to the couch, brushes off a thick layer of chip crumbs, and sits down. WAYNE SCOTT (CONT'D) What the hell are you doing here? 95. MASTER MIND I might just ask you the same question. I had thought I incinerated you. WAYNE SCOTT You scared the bejesus out of me. How'd you figure out I was still alive? Wait, how do you know my identity!? MASTER MIND Roxanne told me. As for your ruse, I forgot to line the bottom of the copper cage - Somebody pointed that out to me recently. Figured if they could do it, so could you. But one thing I couldn't figure out - WAYNE SCOTT The skeleton? Something I "borrowed" from a medical school a few months before. MASTER MIND A few months? How long had you been planning this? WAYNE SCOTT I always planned to retire - eventually. I mean, come on, you can't do this sort of thing in your fifties. You'd just look ridiculous. The pieces of the puzzle appear to be coming together in Master Mind's head. MASTER MIND I see it all so clearly now. INT. MASTER MIND'S HYDROFOIL - FLASHBACK Master Mind and his minions cover their eyes as the observatory explodes. MASTER MIND (CONT'D - V.O.) You must have done it just seconds before the observatory exploded. 96. INT. OBSERVATORY - FLASHBACK Similar to what Titan did, Uberman bores out from under the cage. MASTER MIND (CONT'D - V.O.) You bore out from under the cage. Then, using your Uber-Speed, - EXT. OBSERVATORY - FLASHBACK Running in a blur-like haze, Uberman screeches to a halt in front of some bushes. MASTER MIND (CONT'D - V.O.) - you made your way to safety, where you had the skeleton safely hidden away somewhere. EXT OBSERVATORY - SKY - DAY Uberman soars high above the clouds. He looks down at the observatory, which is a mere speck in the distance. MASTER MIND (CONT'D - V.O) (CONT'D) Then you must have flown to a safe distance and waited for the explosion, then... Just as the observatory explodes Uberman aims and throws the SKELETON like a javelin. It soars through the air like a missile, tearing through the flames of the explosion, and crashing right into the windshield of Master Mind's hydrofoil. END OF FLASHBACK Wayne stares at Master Mind, clearly impressed. WAYNE Man, you ARE smart. MASTER MIND But why fake your death? Why go through all of it? You could have just quit. WAYNE SCOTT But the responsibility would still be there. (MORE) 97. WAYNE SCOTT(cont'd) A cop can retire and stop handing out speeding tickets - but people expect more from superheroes. I tell you, a volcano couldn't erupt in Zimbabwe without everyone expecting me to do something about it. I figured, out of sight, out of mind. MASTER MIND And Wayne Scott? Why did he have to disappear? WAYNE SCOTT Both of my lives have so much baggage. It's time for new baggage, you know? Master Mind's is absolutely flabbergasted. MASTER MIND I just can't believe it. This whole time you've been in hiding while a force of great evil is tearing your city apart? Wayne rises to his feet, waving his hands for Master Mind to say no more. WAYNE SCOTT I don't want to hear about it. That's why I don't have a television in here to remind me of all the things I SHOULD be doing. Hell, I could get a wife to do that. MASTER MIND There's a demented supervillain out there about to destroy our - I mean, your city. Wayne shrugs indifferently. MASTER MIND You're really going to do nothing? WAYNE SCOTT Good and evil have a way of balancing themselves out. If this guy is as bad as you say, somebody will rise up to fight him. It's just the order of things. You found me, didn't you? 98. Wayne puts a condescending hand on Master Mind's shoulder. WAYNE SCOTT (CONT'D) I know it's hard, but you'll find someone else someday. He then starts walking to the door. MASTER MIND You're the only one who can stop him. Wayne turns around. WAYNE SCOTT Couldn't if I wanted to. Gotta a plane to catch. MASTER MIND A plane? WAYNE SCOTT Going to Barbados for a little change in climate. Now, if you'll excuse me, I got to go pack. He reads the still defeated look on Master Mind's face. WAYNE SCOTT (CONT'D) You were a good foe. I'm sorry if I've let you down. If it makes a difference, you were the best foe a hero could ask for. MASTER MIND Not smart enough to come up with a full-proof trap. WAYNE SCOTT Well, you did almost have me when you figured out my weakness was copper. Now that made me sweat a little. Took me way too long to drill out from under that cage. MASTER MIND I got lucky. WAYNE SCOTT Anyway, it's a good thing for my sake that I could always count on you for an out. 99. MASTER MIND (suddenly confused) What do you mean? WAYNE SCOTT C'mon, we always threw each other a couple of bones. You would always leave me an out in one of your `full-proof' traps, and I'd never had you incarcerated at a penitentiary that you couldn't eventually escape from. It kept our little game going. Master Mind seems deflated. MASTER MIND Game? - Was that all this ever was to you? You know, I was trying my best every time I fought you. Those `outs' as you call them were unintentional. WAYNE SCOTT Oh. MASTER MIND I guess I was never really a match for you, was I? Wayne shrugs. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) (thoughtfully) Then how can I expect to be one for Titan? A beaten man, Master Mind heads for the door, but stops and turns around. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) What about Roxanne? Wayne unleashes an exhausted sigh. WAYNE SCOTT I think we both got what we wanted out of our relationship. She got a career out of me, and I got plenty of other things out of her. But I'm ready to move on to greener pastures. 100. Master Mind's steel hand clinches into a fist at his side. Wayne's oblivious to this. MASTER MIND I guess I wasn't the villain I thought I was, and weren't the hero I thought you were. He turns to make his exit when he suddenly sees ROXANNE STANDING IN THE DOOR FRAME. Wayne is almost at a loss for words. WAYNE SCOTT Roxanne! How long have you been... ROXANNE Long enough. Roxanne looks at Master Mind. ROXANNE (CONT'D) Don't you have something else you can go do? Master Mind leaves Roxanne and Wayne facing each other in silence. EXT. ANOTHER BAR - DAY Titan emerges with Brad and Frank. He's holding a BEER CAN and a bag of PORK RINDS. TITAN Alright, I want this whole thing to look ESPN professional, understand? A distant MECHANIZED RUMBLE can be heard. The noise rises, signaling the approach of something powerful. Titan and his crew walk out to the center of the plaza as the sound becomes almost deafening. A TANK TRACK as it moves over the street. We PULL BACK to see a whole line of TANKS rolling along the street. PLAZA From the five streets branching off the plaza, a dozen tanks roll toward Titan. 101. Titan turns to Brad and Frank. TITAN (CONT'D) You guys are about to get some good footage. I might need a little room, though. Brad and Frank look at each other and run to take cover behind a nearby building. Meanwhile, Titan nonchalantly sips from his beer as the tanks begin to surround them. FEEDBACK belts out of one of the tank's loudspeaker's, causing Titan to do a mock wince. TANK LOUDSPEAKER Titan, we have orders from the city of Metro to take you into custody. If you do not give your self up willingly, we will be forced to open fire. There's a long pause as no one says anything. TANK LOUDSPEAKER What is your answer? Titan takes a sip of his beverage and UNLEASHES A GIGANTIC BURP - The shockwave of which sends several of the tanks flying into a nearby building. Two of the remaining tanks close in on the villain. Both have him dead to rights at point-blank range with their massive guns. Titan sets down his beer, then calmly plugs a fist into each barrel. They FIRE. The FORCE OF THE BLAST SENDS THEM BOTH FLYING IN OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS where they CRASH into nearby buildings. Titan bends down and pick his beet back up. TITAN (to beer) Miss me? Titan is suddenly bombarded by a massive barrage of machine- gun fire. The force sends him flying into the windshield of a nearby car. 102. He looks up to see an APACHE ASSAULT COPTER. It's nose- mounted GATLING-GUN is turning toward him. Titan gets up to his feet and looks down at his beer can. The bottom of it was blown apart in the blast. TITAN (CONT'D) Didn't mean to get you involved in all of this. He stared daggers up at the helicopter pilot just as the gun gets a bead on him. TITAN (CONT'D) Hey, man! You killed my suds! Titan throws the can up and slaps it with the palm of his hand. It flies with so much force it knocks the helicopter blade clean off. The rest of the Apache crashes to the street like a car dropped off a building. TITAN (CONT'D) That's one was for you, beer. Titan salutes the wreckage and walks away to find Brad and Frank still hiding behind the building. TITAN Guys, please tell me you got that last bit. BRAD HELMS Huh? TITAN You're kidding me. I give you my sexiest moves and you mean to tell me it was for nothing? BRAD HELMS We were afraid something might hit us. TITAN Looks like I've given the story of the century to the wrong man. He thinks about this for a moment, then it hits him. 103. TITAN Wait. What about that other reporter. Blond. Not so lumpy on the topper half, but killer legs. BRAD HELMS Roxanne. You want Roxanne. She's a much better reporter than I am. You want her. TITAN Where can I find her. FRANK We're actually not supposed to give out that sort of information. BRAD HELMS 1314 Mockingbird Lane. I believe she lives in a penthouse. TITAN You've been very helpful. He tosses Brad over his shoulder like a discarded ice cream cone. In the faint distance we see him splash down in the middle of the Metro City river. INT. ABANDONED METRO CITY LIBRARY - DAY Master Mind, pacing anxiously as Plato and Da Vinci pack boxes. Obviously Master Mind is going on the lamb. MASTER MIND Hurry, we must be on our way as soon as possible. DA VINCI Master, why must we flee? MASTER MIND I told you, Titan is too powerful. If he's set on destroying us, there's precious little we could do about it. DA VINCI Where are we going? 104. MASTER MIND To another city, someplace with a shitload of superheroes to fight. We'll start over, we'll go back to doing what we do best. PLATO With our tails between our legs? The old Master Mind would never have let this comment slip by, but as we have seen, he's not the same man. MASTER MIND Plato, do you have a better plan?! Master Mind's cell phone rings. He turns in shame from his men and answers it. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Hello...Roxanne? INT. ROXANNE'S APARTMENT Roxanne paces back and forth on the phone. ROXANNE What are you going to do about Tighten? INTERCUT between Master Mind and Roxanne on phone. MASTER MIND Right now I'm packing, later I'll have a snack on the train. ROXANNE You're running away? MASTER MIND In a word - yes. ROXANNE You created this monster... MASTER MIND I didn't create this - the god's of irony did and I am eating the crow I so richly deserve. ROXANNE There's no time for self pity. 105. MASTER MIND I'll make the time. Roxanne can't believe what she's hearing. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) You can leave with us. You'll be safe. ROXANNE I'm not going anywhere. MASTER MIND Will you listen to me, no one can stop him. ROXANNE You have to try. The city needs your help. MASTER MIND I'm afraid you have an inflated opinion of me. ROXANNE What the hell's happened to you? The Master Mind I knew would never have run from a fight even though he knew deep in his heart that he didn't have a chance in hell of winning it. It was your best quality. You need to be that man right now...I... MASTER MIND What? ROXANNE (heart felt) I believe in you. Master Mind is taken aback, in a good way. But he catches himself before the words swell his heart. MASTER MIND Sweet words, but that man is dead. Please, Roxanne, just come with me. ROXANNE No...I guess you are a coward after all. Suddenly, there's a loud crash. 106. Roxanne looks up to see a huge hunk of her ceiling has been completely ripped off. Titan is flying above, holding the debris as casually as if it were a paper plate at a barbecue. He looks down at her and smiles. TITAN Man, have I got a story for you. Master Mind can hears Titan's familiar laugh from his side of the line. MASTER MIND Roxanne? Roxanne? EXT. KINGPIN BOWLING - DAY Titan is standing in front of the bowling alley, trying to decide on an appropriate pose for the occasion. TITAN What pose would be best? The corny folded arms thing? He demonstrates, arching his chin proudly in the air. TITAN Or maybe on the hips, like this. It's the classic Superman pose, only not as masculine. TITAN No, makes me look like a flamer pirate. As Titan starts to fix his hair in the window, Frank pretends to fix the lens on his camera as he speaks to Roxanne. FRANK (whispering) Shouldn't we be making a run for it right about now? ROXANNE (whispering) The guy can outrun bullets. I don't think either one of us is in that kind of shape. TITAN She's right, Frank. 107. Frank looks up, stunned that Titan could have possibly heard him. TITAN Also got super hearing. I promise not to keep the both of you long, but you'll thank me when this is all over. Frank and Roxanne exchange helpless expressions. INT. ABANDONED METRO CITY LIBRARY - DAY Master Mind reverently stares up at the painted portrait of his father. MASTER MIND Dad, it's me... (he looks around to make sure no one can hear) ...Bubsy. I know we haven't talked in a while, and I'm sorry. It's been a little crazy trying to live up to a legacy. The painting's menacing stare seems to reach into his very soul. MASTER MIND Anyway...You raised me to be the worst that I could possibly be. And I've tried to live up to that as best as I could - even dropping out of dentistry school like you wanted me to. But I'm about to do something now that would really piss you off. I'm going to go against everything you ever taught me. I hope...I hope that maybe you'll look down at what I'm about to do as not so much a good deed, but more like the outright defiance of a hateful and ungrateful, son. If you could do that, then maybe - in your own little way - you could - for probably the first time - find a reason to be proud of me. He looks back up at the picture. Is it our imagination, or does the painting's stare suddenly seem even angrier? 108. MASTER MIND Well...either way, you're probably going to see me real soon. (calling over his shoulder) Men? Plato and Da Vinci suddenly stop what they're doing and look up at him. PLATO AND DA VINCI Yes Sir? MASTER MIND Stop packing. Our work is not finished here. PLATO AND DA VINCI YES SIR! TELEVISION A news report shows an aerial shot of Titan setting the giant ball down in the middle of a vacant city street. REPORTER We interrupt your regular afternoon programming to show you live footage of a potential dangerous situation in downtown Metro. The former hero knows as Titan is placing what appears to be a giant ball... INT. ABANDONED METRO CITY LIBRARY - CONTINUOUS Da Vinci stops in front of a television set, seeing the news report in progress. REPORTER Hold on...It appears our own Roxanne Ritchi is somehow at the scene. We now go to her with a live report. DA VINCI Sir, I think you should see this! CUT TO: 109. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Roxanne is standing in front of a camera with a mike in her hand. ROXANNE I'm here with the cause of the destruction in Metro City. He has kidnapped me and a cameraman to chronicle what he refers to as the creation of a monument to his invincibility and overall "Asskickiness." He will use this giant concrete bowling ball to play the largest game of bowling ever using the buildings of downtown Metro City as his pins. Titan suddenly steps into the shot. TITAN And I'm going for the biggest strike ever. He leans into the camera. TITAN And you, Metro City, have a ringside seat as I cement my name in the anal of history. ROXANNE Annals. TITAN What? ROXANNE Nevermind. EXT. CITY STREET - MOMENTS LATER Titan holds up the massive bowling ball, lining up his shot. TITAN (in quiet professional bowler announcer voice) Like Tiger before him, a young savior has come to raise a sport from the ashes. Rookie Hal Stewart, a young man with a dream, realizing that dream here today, folks. (MORE) 110. TITAN(cont'd) One might click there heels and say "There's no place like home" upon finding themselves in such a fantasy. Well, Hal looks very much at home right were he is - with a ball in hand and glory in his sights. INT. METRO CITY LIBRARY - CONTINUOUS In the bowels of Master Mind's hideout, the HYDROGEN REACTOR glows and HUMS MENACINGLY. BACK TO SCENE Roxanne just stand helpless as Frank films away. ROXANNE Hal, I know everyone treated you like shit, but you don't have to do this. TITAN You're right. I don't HAVE to do anything. Isn't that cool? Titan lines up his shot. TITAN Here's one for the record books! Titan flies a few feet and rolls the ball down the main street. ROXANNE Her face is utter horror as she watches the inevitable destruction of Metro City. As the ball rolls - it demolishes everything in it's wake; cars, street lamps - windows shatter as the giant concrete sphere brushes along side buildings. TITAN He smiles in anticipation and uses "body English" to direct the ball. GIANT BOWLING BALL POV It's nearly halfway to its target. ROXANNE 111. She closes her eyes. Titan's smile fades. He looks around as if he hears something we don't. About two hundred feet in front of the first building a GIANT SPIDER WEB flies across the path of the ball, creating a defensive barrier. An enormous letter "M" is etched in the web's center. TITAN (CONT'D) What the...? The ball breaks through the web, but it's speed is greatly reduced. FRANK Look, what's that flying in the air? We suddenly see MASTER MIND FLYING OVER THE ROLLING BALL IN A JET PACK. He quickly pulls out his goo gun and starts laying down a path of sticky plasm to stop the destructive sphere's path. MASTER MIND C'mon, slow down Master Mind looks down to see the meter of the gun close to empty. MASTER MIND C'mon. The ball slows drastically then starts rolling to the side. It heads off an embankment and rolls harmlessly into a CANAL. MASTER MIND Gutterball! TITAN He's furious to say the least. TITAN YOU! Master Mind gives him a mocking grin. MASTER MIND Bowling? What other trailer park sports can you play? 112. TITAN You are becoming a real pain in my ass. I should have done this a long time ago. Titan lunges at his tormentor. Master Mind hits the BOOSTER on his jet pack and heads back toward the other side of the city with Titan in hot pursuit. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) (into walkie talkie) Plato, Da Vinci. Secure Roxanne, he's falling for it. ELSEWHERE A flustered Titan lands. He begins searching the city streets, but Master Mind is nowhere in sight. He turns upon hearing an EEKING sound to his left. Sitting on the ground is a CHIMPANZEE wearing a strange collar. It smiles at him. TITAN What the hell? From behind, Titan is immediately set upon by five more RADIO CONTROLLED APES. TITAN (CONT'D) GODAMNIT! The critters bite hop and hit Titan. As soon as he throws one off two more jump him. Titan breaks free and with his mighty breath blows them across the street into a fruit stand. With Titan out of their sight they begin to attack the fruit. MASTER MIND He's a block away frantically hitting his remote. MASTER MIND Shit! Stupid monkeys and their fruit. Titan flies away from the mad monkeys and lands to find Master Mind sitting on the ground wrapped in a long cape with only his head sticking out. 113. TITAN (CONT'D) No more games. Titan FIRES HIS LASER VISION AT MASTER MIND's CHEST. Master Mind pulls the cloak away to reveal a FIRE HYDRANT. Titan's EYE LASERS burn through the hydrant releasing a high pressure stream of water. Master Mind uses the last remote which dumps two tons of CEMENT mix into the truck. The crowd, police and news crews move in closer when Titan doesn't emerge. Master Mind drops his last remote and walks toward the truck cautiously. MASTER MIND Could it really be that easy-- - BOOM - The back of the truck explodes, throwing dust and concrete everywhere. When the dust clears we see and enraged Titan. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) Didn't think so. As the villain walks toward him, he pulls back his fist to give Master Mind the killing blow. TITAN If you don't mind, I'm going to punch trough your face now. Preparing himself for the end, Master Mind shuts his eyes as a SUDDEN GUST OF WIND BEGINS TO PICK UP. AS Titan goes to strike, a BLURRY FIGURE RUNS IN AND SNATCHES MASTER MIND OUT OF THE AWAY. Stunned, Master Mind begins to feel around his body as if to make sure everything's still in place. MASTER MIND I'm alive. He turns to see UBERMAN standing next to him. MASTER MIND Uberman? 114. The terrified bystanders start to notice the figure standing next to Master Mind. BYSTANDER 1 It's Uberman! BYSTANDER 2 Uberman's alive! BYSTANDER 3 We're saved! As the CROWD CHEERS, A confused Master Mind turns to Metro City's newly resurrected champion. MASTER MIND I thought. UBERMAN So did I. He puts a hand on Master Mind's shoulder. UBERMAN Thank you, old enemy. MASTER MIND For what? UBERMAN Showing me the error of my ways, Showing me I'm meant to be this city's savior, showing me that, while we can try, there is no running away from our true destiny. With that, UBERMAN IS STRICKEN BY A LASER BLAST, INSTANTLY TURNING HIM INTO A CHARRED HUMAN SKELETON. Master Mind turns to see Titan smiling with his STILL SMOKING EYES. TITAN Oh...Did I interrupt something? Master Mind turns to run, but, suddenly Titan is before him. TITAN Where you going, buddy? Titan grabs Master Mind by the collar and throws him across the street into a parked car. 115. TITAN (CONT'D) Welcome to Paintown. Population: you. Master Mind manages to stand on shaky legs. He seems in a daze, unable to move. Titan flies up in the air. TITAN (CONT'D) Time to finish this. With his fist front and center, Titan speeds toward Master Mind. He's like a human torpedo, coming in for the killing blow. Master Mind comes to his senses and puts up his hands. MASTER MIND WAIT!!! Titan screeches to a halt and stops just in front of him like an old Warner Bros cartoon. TITAN What? MASTER MIND Quick joke - What's the capital of Thailand? TITAN Huh - I don't know. MASTER MIND It's bang cock! In a sudden surge of strength, MASTER MIND PUNCHES TITAN IN THE GROIN. The once mighty man instantly drops to his knees, searching, with tears in his eyes, for the proper word to express the pain suddenly surging through his member. TITAN (CONT'D) Ow. Baffled, he looks up at Master Mind's hand and sees his gauntlet is now made ENTIRELY OUT OF COPPER. MASTER MIND So, I guess pennies are good for something. 116. He punches Titan in the face, knocking him out cold. Master Mind looks down on Titan with more than a little pride. Suddenly he hears something behind him. He spins to see the crowd making a strange noise - APPLAUSE. Roxanne comes up to him. The crowd starts to go wild and cheers for Master Mind. He's not sure what to make of it. ROXANNE Pretty strange, huh? MASTER MIND They're cheering for me. ROXANNE You saved them. You saved everybody. How's it feel? Master Mind looks at the smiles all around him. He begins to well up a little. MASTER MIND It's's nice, you know? I usually don't get a lot of feedback. (whispering) But I also kind of caused all this. What happens when they find that out I was the cause of some of this? Roxanne looks at the cheering crowd, then back at Master Mind. ROXANNE What they don't know won't hurt them. MASTER MIND I guess that is all in the past. ROXANNE You're the hero. MASTER MIND I don't think I'd go that far...I mean I ROXANNE Master Mind? 117. MASTER MIND Yes? ROXANNE Stop talking. She kisses him. The crowd erupts in a cheer. TELEVISION The channel 7 he channel 7 logo zooms in followed by the title "Eye on Metro City." A picture of Master Mind smiling appears on the screen behind her. SAMANTHA SUMMERS Who's bad? Well, not Master Mind. It seems the former villain has done a career 180 after defeating Tighten and saving Metro City from certain enslavement. And here he is getting a full pardon by Metro City's Mayor, Steve Dent. Cut to ceremony on capital steps. The MAYOR is shaking Master Mind's metal gauntlet when it suddenly STARTS TO CRUSH HIS HAND. MAYOR Ahhh! Secret service men quickly start to draw their weapons and take aim at Master Mind. Realizing what's happening, he quickly lets the mayor's hand go and puts his arms in the air. MASTER MIND Sorry - Metal hand. Force of habit. He elbows the mayor. MASTER MIND (CONT'D) We're okay, right? Wincing, the mayor signals the men to put their guns down. WE CUT to video of Titan behind bars in a regular prison. 118. BRAD HELMS And what about Tighten? Is there a prison in existence that can hold this super powered menace? Well, the answer we found is no. A man in a white lab coat stands in front of Titan's cell just out of reach. PRISON SCIENTIST Of course normally he could break out of there anytime, but as you can see we've taken some special precautions. The news camera pans over see Titan in his cell wearing a copper JOCK STRAP with electrical cables hooked to it. Back to Samantha at the desk. BRAD HELMS What is a Hero? It seems never has that question needed to be asked more than it does tonight. We go to our very own Roxanne Ritchi, making her triumphant return to our news desk for the answer. Brad turns. The camera pans over to Roxanne who we now see has been sitting beside him. ROXANNE What is a hero? Well, there are many different kinds. There are those who hear a call, like the policeman or doctor, then there's the kind the public creates in their search for meaning and hope. Then, there are those who have the courage to change. DARK ALLEY - NIGHT A woman is being chased by two large thugs. They're gaining on her. She comes to a brick wall - a dead end. The thugs laugh. THUG #1 Hey, gimme that purse? 119. MASTER MIND (O.S) I don't think it would go with your outfit. The thugs turn around to see Master Mind, standing with his arms folded across his chest. THUG #2 It's Master Mind! Thug #1 draws a knife. THUG #1 So? It's not like he has any superpowers. Thug #1 puts his fingers to his mouth and whistles. Suddenly two more Thugs appear behind Master Mind. MASTER MIND I'm gonna give you a chance to surrender. THUG #1 Four against one. For a Master Mind, you're really bad at math. Master Mind throws a hand signal up in the air. Suddenly a giant robotic foot crashes down on the two men behind him. Thug #1 and Thug #2 drop their knives and raise their hands in the air. Master Mind looks up and waves. MASTER MIND Way to take out those two goons, guys! We see Da Vinci and Plato at the wheel of a gigantic robot. DA VINCI What two goons? The giant robot lifts its foot to check the bottom of it's sole. It KNOCKS OVER WATER TOWER in the process. The woman looks at Master Mind, horrified. 120. MASTER MIND (apologetically) Sorry, we're new at this. THE END

    From user rprokap

  • saffeh6 / blackmarket-script

    how-to-secure-anything, Contact : [email protected] About script Marketplace v2.0 is also written in PHP with Laravel framework. Its using latest standards for encryption (like Sodium library) and security. Its made without use of JavaScript, so its optimized for TOR, but can also be ran normally like any other web app (as you can see on demo).   Requirements VPS with at least 2GB of RAM Daemon for each coin that is enabled on marketplace Server requirements: (what software is needed on VPS) PHP 7 (recommended and tested on 7.2) SQL Database (MySQL,PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server) Elasticsearch (Search interface that will keep track of search records and provide great search performance) Redis (Optional, but will greatly increase app performance )  Features Categories Category system is very dynamic. Categories can be nested indefinitely. Creating, deleting and editing of categories is handled in admin panel. Detailed home page There is placeholder text on the home page at the moment that will represent most important features of your marketplace. On top of that, all users can see Top Vendors (Vendors with most sales), Latest Orders (Products of orders completed most recently, as well as order value, but no information about buyer or seller), Rising Vendors (Vendors with most sales in specified time frame, defaults to 7 days). Official mirrors is place where you can specify on what other links your website can be reached. Password reset Password can be reseted with PGP Key added on account (more about PGP below) or with Mnemonic key provided during signup. Mnemonic key is shown only once and should be written down on paper. During signup it is hashed (bcrypt) instantly and only stored in operating memory for the short time during display after which is cleared from memory manually as addition to automatic PHP Garbage Collection. PGP Each user can add their on PGP key which is used for multiple features. Vendors must have PGP and 2FA enabled before they are allowed to upgrade from user to vendor status. If you have active PGP key you can reset your password with it or enable 2FA for your login. Each PGP key must be confirmed before is linked to account, and if you want to add new key you must first sign a message from the old one. Messages can also be encrypted with user’s PGP key if its present (this is not enforced, its user’s choice). 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) If user has PGP key linked to their account, they can enable 2FA. If enabled, login to marketplace will be prevented unless randomly generated message is signed from the key. Wishlist Buyers do not need to save product links for later. On each product there is “Add to wishlist” button that can be used, and they are stored in user’s personal list for later. Vendors Normal users cannot post products on Marketplace. In order to post products you must become vendor. Before you can upgrade you must have PGP key and 2FA Enabled in your profile. Vendor price can be set in marketplace config. Vendor can use any of the coins available to purchase vendor status. Out of each vendor sale, a percentage of sale value goes to marketplace addresses. Vendor profile customization Vendors are able to customize their profile with pre-defined profile backgrounds and short personal description. Vendor levels and XP Each new vendor starts at Level 0 and progresses further based on performance. XP and Amount of levels is dynamic and configurable. Multipliers determine how much XP is granted to/taken from vendors for each action. XP is granted/taken by formula: USDvalue*multiplier Example: product_delivered multiplier is 20 USD value of product is 100$ When vendor successfully delivers product, he will receive 100*20=2000 XP This is example from experience config file: Code:    ‘multipliers’ => [ ‘product_delivered’ => 10, ‘product_dispute_lost’ =>20, // How much XP per star (given/taken based on feedback type) ‘feedback_per_star’ => 2, // how much XP per USD value of transaction (given/taken based on feedback type) ‘feedback_per_usd’ => 5, ] Feedback After each completed purchase, vendors are able to leave feedback. Feedback types are Positive, Neutral and Negative and they will affect vendor score as well as product score. Multiple Coins Probably the most important system is Coin System. Its completely dynamic, which means new coins can be added at any time. Standard version of marketplace comes with Bitcoin and Monero included. For each coin added, in marketplace config there can be set unlimited amount of marketplace addresses (used for receiving fees from purchases), and in case more than one address is present, address for receiving fee will be choosen randomly (for each purchase). Product types There are two product types. Physical and Digital products. Based on the type, different options are displayed during product creating and purchase. Both Digital and Physical products support offers and custom units of measure (Item, kg, gram, piece …). With offers, vendors can give discounts on purchase based on quantity. For example: Price for 1 product is 100$ Price for 10 products is 90$ Price for 20+ products is 80$ Each of those is considered an offer and can be added/removed at any time. Digital products support automatic delivery which is optional. If checked, autofill system is used. Each line in textarea is treated as single item and will be product’s quantity. It will be instantly sent on user upon purchase. Physical products have delivery options. Each delivery option consists of: Name, Price, Expected delivery duration, Minimum quantity for delivery, Maximum Quantity for delivery. Physical products can also include/exclude countries from shipping. Markdown styling Instead of just plain text, product description and rules support markdown styling. Every tag is supported except URL tag. Purchasing When user chooses to purchase any product, he is able to pay with any coin supported by market (and vendor, since vendors can choose which coins they want on each product). There is no wallets or anything similar. Users do not need to keep money on marketplace at all times. For each purchase random address is generated, and its used for that purchase only. Escrow Escrow is present on every purchase by default. Upon purchase, marketplace address is generated that will hold funds. If purchase is completed if its marked as delivered or dispute is resolved. If buyer is unhappy with purchase he can open dispute and potentially (based on admin’s decision) get his money back. Upon purchase completion, based on result money will be sent from temporary purchase address to buyer/vendor and to one of the marketplace holding addresses. Cart If user wants to buy more than one product (maybe from different sellers too), they can add them all in a cart and then checkout only once. Messages Most important feature of messages is security. Marketplace uses latest algorithms and standards in Public Key Cryptography (like XChaCha20-Poly1305-IETF) to encrypt messages between users. Upon registration, Public and Private keys are created for each user. Based on user’s password an encryption key is derived, and that key is used to encrypt Private key, while Public Key is exposed. When user A whats to send message to user B, a key exchange happens. User A encrypts message with User B’s public key, and that message is stored in database. Only user B can read that message when he logs in and decrypts his messages with password. This system makes messages secure and unreadable by anyone, including marketplace administrator or basically anyone who can possibly get access to the database. Messages are organized in conversations. Multiple conversations can be started at the same time. Notifications Users will get notifications for most actions that happen on marketplace regarding them. Some of the examples are: New message, Purchase status update (product sent, product delivered etc.), Vendor actions (Feedback) and so on. They can be read in User Account Panel and deleted at any time. Bitmessage Marketplace can possibly connect to Bitmessage daemon. If connected, users can chose to add their Bitmessage addresses and get their notifications forwarded there. This means they will still get notifications even if they are not currently logged in, and they don’t need to refresh anything. Before being able to forward notifications, Bitmessage addresses must be confirmed first. JavaScript Warning Optional warning can be enabled in marketplace config. If visitor has JavaScript enabled, a message will be displayed notifying them about security issues. Support Users can open support tickets regarding any problem they encounter. Administrators/Moderators will see this tickets in admin panel and can reply, or close them. Admin Panel Most of the stuff happening on marketplace can be viewed directly on admin panel. Administrators can access every feature on admin panel. Moderators Modular permission system is currently supported, which means admins can give/take some access to moderators (For example, support staff can only answer tickets and resolve disputes, community manager can only send mass messages etc.). Currently supported features: Index – Basic information Categories – Add/Edit/Remove Categories Mass Messages – Ability to send messages to users by marketplace (Can be filtered to user groups) Users – View users, search, filter, and edit each user individually. Products – View, search, filter by user, or edit product Log – Activity log of all Administrators/Moderators inside Admin Panel Example: Code: Bitmessage – Status of Bitmessage service (performs test), and view of marketplace bitmessage address Disputes – View and resolve purchase disputes Tickets – View and resolve support tickets Purchases – List of all purchases Vendor Purchases – List of vendor purchases Supported coins Marketplace currently supports these coins: Bitcoin – Included in standard version Monero – Included in standard version Litecoin DASH PIVX Verge Bitcoin Cash Installation Marketplace installation instructions are included. These are not 100% copy paste but they do explain how must of the things work in detail. Selling terms and conditions: I’m selling only script, I won’t help you install it,or whatever you want to do after you purchase it I’m not responsible for anything you do with the files after the purchase After purchase you cannot resell or share this script Script is tested for bugs but In case you find any, or any error in code it will be fixed with no additional charge I will not give you files first in any case. I don’t care who you are, if you don’t trust me we will use escrow In case of escrow I will deal only with bitcointalk trusted escrow (You can find list here) Price stated below is for one copy of the script, that means I intend to sell it multiple times. In case you want to be the only buyer please contact me DEMO LINK Current price is: 599$ in BTC equivalent (please note that this can be changed at any time) For this price, you get standard version of the marketplace with two coins (Bitcoin and Monero). If you want additional coins, they are charged separately. Litecoin, DASH, PIVX are 50$ each, Verge is 60$ and Bitcoin Cash is 90$

    From user saffeh6

  • sanusanth / c-basic-programs

    how-to-secure-anything, What is C#? C# is pronounced "C-Sharp". It is an object-oriented programming language created by Microsoft that runs on the .NET Framework. C# has roots from the C family, and the language is close to other popular languages like C++ and Java. The first version was released in year 2002. The latest version, C# 8, was released in September 2019. C# is a modern object-oriented programming language developed in 2000 by Anders Hejlsberg, the principal designer and lead architect at Microsoft. It is pronounced as "C-Sharp," inspired by the musical notation “♯” which stands for a note with a slightly higher pitch. As it’s considered an incremental compilation of the C++ language, the name C “sharp” seemed most appropriate. The sharp symbol, however, has been replaced by the keyboard friendly “#” as a suffix to “C” for purposes of programming. Although the code is very similar to C++, C# is newer and has grown fast with extensive support from Microsoft. The fact that it’s so similar to Java syntactically helps explain why it has emerged as one of the most popular programming languages today. C# is pronounced "C-Sharp". It is an object-oriented programming language created by Microsoft that runs on the .NET Framework. C# has roots from the C family, and the language is close to other popular languages like C++ and Java. The first version was released in year 2002. The latest version, C# 8, was released in September 2019. C# is used for: Mobile applications Desktop applications Web applications Web services Web sites Games VR Database applications And much, much more! An Introduction to C# Programming C# is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that is structured and easy to learn. It runs on Microsoft’s .Net Framework and can be compiled on a variety of computer platforms. As the syntax is simple and easy to learn, developers familiar with C, C++, or Java have found a comfort zone within C#. C# is a boon for developers who want to build a wide range of applications on the .NET Framework—Windows applications, Web applications, and Web services—in addition to building mobile apps, Windows Store apps, and enterprise software. It is thus considered a powerful programming language and features in every developer’s cache of tools. Although first released in 2002, when it was introduced with .NET Framework 1.0, the C# language has evolved a great deal since then. The most recent version is C# 8.0, available in preview as part of Visual Studio. To get access to all of the new language features, you would need to install the latest preview version of .NET Core 3.0. C# is used for: Mobile applications Desktop applications Web applications Web services Web sites Games VR Database applications And much, much more! Why Use C#? It is one of the most popular programming language in the world It is easy to learn and simple to use It has a huge community support C# is an object oriented language which gives a clear structure to programs and allows code to be reused, lowering development costs. As C# is close to C, C++ and Java, it makes it easy for programmers to switch to C# or vice versa. The C# Environment You need the .NET Framework and an IDE (integrated development environment) to work with the C# language. The .NET Framework The .NET Framework platform of the Windows OS is required to write web and desktop-based applications using not only C# but also Visual Basic and Jscript, as the platform provides language interoperability. Besides, the .Net Framework allows C# to communicate with any of the other common languages, such as C++, Jscript, COBOL, and so on. IDEs Microsoft provides various IDEs for C# programming: Visual Studio 2010 (VS) Visual Studio Express Visual Web Developer Visual Studio Code (VSC) The C# source code files can be written using a basic text editor, like Notepad, and compiled using the command-line compiler of the .NET Framework. Alternative open-source versions of the .Net Framework can work on other operating systems as well. For instance, the Mono has a C# compiler and runs on several operating systems, including Linux, Mac, Android, BSD, iOS, Windows, Solaris, and UNIX. This brings enhanced development tools to the developer. As C# is part of the .Net Framework platform, it has access to its enormous library of codes and components, such as Common Language Runtime (CLR), the .Net Framework Class Library, Common Language Specification, Common Type System, Metadata and Assemblies, Windows Forms, ASP.Net and ASP.Net AJAX, Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), and LINQ. C# and Java C# and Java are high-level programming languages that share several similarities (as well as many differences). They are both object-oriented languages much influenced by C++. But while C# is suitable for application development in the Microsoft ecosystem from the front, Java is considered best for client-side web applications. Also, while C# has many tools for programming, Java has a larger arsenal of tools to choose from in IDEs and Text Editors. C# is used for virtual reality projects like games, mobile, and web applications. It is built specifically for Microsoft platforms and several non-Microsoft-based operating systems, like the Mono Project that works with Linux and OS X. Java is used for creating messaging applications and developing web-based and enterprise-based applications in open-source ecosystems. Both C# and Java support arrays. However, each language uses them differently. In C#, arrays are a specialization of the system; in Java, they are a direct specialization of the object. The C# programming language executes on the CLR. The source code is interpreted into bytecode, which is further compiled by the CLR. Java runs on any platform with the assistance of JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The written source code is first compiled into bytecode and then converted into machine code to be executed on a JRE. C# and C++ Although C# and C++ are both C-based languages with similar code, there are some differences. For one, C# is considered a component-oriented programming language, while C++ is a partial object-oriented language. Also, while both languages are compiled languages, C# compiles to CLR and is interpreted by.NET, but C++ compiles to machine code. The size of binaries in C# is much larger than in C++. Other differences between the two include the following: C# gives compiler errors and warnings, but C++ doesn’t support warnings, which may cause damage to the OS. C# runs in a virtual machine for automatic memory management. C++ requires you to manage memory manually. C# can create Windows, .NET, web, desktop, and mobile applications, but not stand-alone apps. C++ can create server-side, stand-alone, and console applications as it can work directly with the hardware. C++ can be used on any platform, while C# is targeted toward Windows OS. Generally, C++ being faster than C#, the former is preferred for applications where performance is essential. Features of C# The C# programming language has many features that make it more useful and unique when compared to other languages, including: Object-oriented language Being object-oriented, C# allows the creation of modular applications and reusable codes, an advantage over C++. As an object-oriented language, C# makes development and maintenance easier when project size grows. It supports all three object-oriented features: data encapsulation, inheritance, interfaces, and polymorphism. Simplicity C# is a simple language with a structured approach to problem-solving. Unsafe operations, like direct memory manipulation, are not allowed. Speed The compilation and execution time in C# is very powerful and fast. A Modern programming language C# programming is used for building scalable and interoperable applications with support for modern features like automatic garbage collection, error handling, debugging, and robust security. It has built-in support for a web service to be invoked from any app running on any platform. Type-safe Arrays and objects are zero base indexed and bound checked. There is an automatic checking of the overflow of types. The C# type safety instances support robust programming. Interoperability Language interoperability of C# maximizes code reuse for the efficiency of the development process. C# programs can work upon almost anything as a program can call out any native API. Consistency Its unified type system enables developers to extend the type system simply and easily for consistent behavior. Updateable C# is automatically updateable. Its versioning support enables complex frameworks to be developed and evolved. Component oriented C# supports component-oriented programming through the concepts of properties, methods, events, and attributes for self-contained and self-describing components of functionality for robust and scalable applications. Structured Programming Language The structured design and modularization in C# break a problem into parts, using functions for easy implementation to solve significant problems. Rich Library C# has a standard library with many inbuilt functions for easy and fast development. Prerequisites for Learning C# Basic knowledge of C or C++ or any programming language or programming fundamentals. Additionally, the OOP concept makes for a short learning curve of C#. Advantages of C# There are many advantages to the C# language that makes it a useful programming language compared to other languages like Java, C, or C++. These include: Being an object-oriented language, C# allows you to create modular, maintainable applications and reusable codes Familiar syntax Easy to develop as it has a rich class of libraries for smooth implementation of functions Enhanced integration as an application written in .NET will integrate and interpret better when compared to other NET technologies As C# runs on CLR, it makes it easy to integrate with components written in other languages It’s safe, with no data loss as there is no type-conversion so that you can write secure codes The automatic garbage collection keeps the system clean and doesn’t hang it during execution As your machine has to install the .NET Framework to run C#, it supports cross-platform Strong memory backup prevents memory leakage Programming support of the Microsoft ecosystem makes development easy and seamless Low maintenance cost, as C# can develop iOS, Android, and Windows Phone native apps The syntax is similar to C, C++, and Java, which makes it easier to learn and work with C# Useful as it can develop iOS, Android, and Windows Phone native apps with the Xamarin Framework C# is the most powerful programming language for the .NET Framework Fast development as C# is open source steered by Microsoft with access to open source projects and tools on Github, and many active communities contributing to the improvement What Can C Sharp Do for You? C# can be used to develop a wide range of: Windows client applications Windows libraries and components Windows services Web applications Native iOS and Android mobile apps Azure cloud applications and services Gaming consoles and gaming systems Video and virtual reality games Interoperability software like SharePoint Enterprise software Backend services and database programs AI and ML applications Distributed applications Hardware-level programming Virus and malware software GUI-based applications IoT devices Blockchain and distributed ledger technology C# Programming for Beginners: Introduction, Features and Applications By Simplilearn Last updated on Jan 20, 2020674 C# Programming for Beginners As a programmer, you’re motivated to master the most popular languages that will give you an edge in your career. There’s a vast number of programming languages that you can learn, but how do you know which is the most useful? If you know C and C++, do you need to learn C# as well? How similar is C# to Java? Does it become more comfortable for you to learn C# if you already know Java? Every developer and wannabe programmer asks these types of questions. So let us explore C# programming: how it evolved as an extension of C and why you need to learn it as a part of the Master’s Program in integrated DevOps for server-side execution. Are you a web developer or someone interested to build a website? Enroll for the Javascript Certification Training. Check out the course preview now! What is C#? C# is a modern object-oriented programming language developed in 2000 by Anders Hejlsberg, the principal designer and lead architect at Microsoft. It is pronounced as "C-Sharp," inspired by the musical notation “♯” which stands for a note with a slightly higher pitch. As it’s considered an incremental compilation of the C++ language, the name C “sharp” seemed most appropriate. The sharp symbol, however, has been replaced by the keyboard friendly “#” as a suffix to “C” for purposes of programming. Although the code is very similar to C++, C# is newer and has grown fast with extensive support from Microsoft. The fact that it’s so similar to Java syntactically helps explain why it has emerged as one of the most popular programming languages today. An Introduction to C# Programming C# is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that is structured and easy to learn. It runs on Microsoft’s .Net Framework and can be compiled on a variety of computer platforms. As the syntax is simple and easy to learn, developers familiar with C, C++, or Java have found a comfort zone within C#. C# is a boon for developers who want to build a wide range of applications on the .NET Framework—Windows applications, Web applications, and Web services—in addition to building mobile apps, Windows Store apps, and enterprise software. It is thus considered a powerful programming language and features in every developer’s cache of tools. Although first released in 2002, when it was introduced with .NET Framework 1.0, the C# language has evolved a great deal since then. The most recent version is C# 8.0, available in preview as part of Visual Studio. To get access to all of the new language features, you would need to install the latest preview version of .NET Core 3.0. The C# Environment You need the .NET Framework and an IDE (integrated development environment) to work with the C# language. The .NET Framework The .NET Framework platform of the Windows OS is required to write web and desktop-based applications using not only C# but also Visual Basic and Jscript, as the platform provides language interoperability. Besides, the .Net Framework allows C# to communicate with any of the other common languages, such as C++, Jscript, COBOL, and so on. IDEs Microsoft provides various IDEs for C# programming: Visual Studio 2010 (VS) Visual Studio Express Visual Web Developer Visual Studio Code (VSC) The C# source code files can be written using a basic text editor, like Notepad, and compiled using the command-line compiler of the .NET Framework. Alternative open-source versions of the .Net Framework can work on other operating systems as well. For instance, the Mono has a C# compiler and runs on several operating systems, including Linux, Mac, Android, BSD, iOS, Windows, Solaris, and UNIX. This brings enhanced development tools to the developer. As C# is part of the .Net Framework platform, it has access to its enormous library of codes and components, such as Common Language Runtime (CLR), the .Net Framework Class Library, Common Language Specification, Common Type System, Metadata and Assemblies, Windows Forms, ASP.Net and ASP.Net AJAX, Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), and LINQ. C# and Java C# and Java are high-level programming languages that share several similarities (as well as many differences). They are both object-oriented languages much influenced by C++. But while C# is suitable for application development in the Microsoft ecosystem from the front, Java is considered best for client-side web applications. Also, while C# has many tools for programming, Java has a larger arsenal of tools to choose from in IDEs and Text Editors. C# is used for virtual reality projects like games, mobile, and web applications. It is built specifically for Microsoft platforms and several non-Microsoft-based operating systems, like the Mono Project that works with Linux and OS X. Java is used for creating messaging applications and developing web-based and enterprise-based applications in open-source ecosystems. Both C# and Java support arrays. However, each language uses them differently. In C#, arrays are a specialization of the system; in Java, they are a direct specialization of the object. The C# programming language executes on the CLR. The source code is interpreted into bytecode, which is further compiled by the CLR. Java runs on any platform with the assistance of JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The written source code is first compiled into bytecode and then converted into machine code to be executed on a JRE. C# and C++ Although C# and C++ are both C-based languages with similar code, there are some differences. For one, C# is considered a component-oriented programming language, while C++ is a partial object-oriented language. Also, while both languages are compiled languages, C# compiles to CLR and is interpreted by.NET, but C++ compiles to machine code. The size of binaries in C# is much larger than in C++. Other differences between the two include the following: C# gives compiler errors and warnings, but C++ doesn’t support warnings, which may cause damage to the OS. C# runs in a virtual machine for automatic memory management. C++ requires you to manage memory manually. C# can create Windows, .NET, web, desktop, and mobile applications, but not stand-alone apps. C++ can create server-side, stand-alone, and console applications as it can work directly with the hardware. C++ can be used on any platform, while C# is targeted toward Windows OS. Generally, C++ being faster than C#, the former is preferred for applications where performance is essential. Features of C# The C# programming language has many features that make it more useful and unique when compared to other languages, including: Object-oriented language Being object-oriented, C# allows the creation of modular applications and reusable codes, an advantage over C++. As an object-oriented language, C# makes development and maintenance easier when project size grows. It supports all three object-oriented features: data encapsulation, inheritance, interfaces, and polymorphism. Simplicity C# is a simple language with a structured approach to problem-solving. Unsafe operations, like direct memory manipulation, are not allowed. Speed The compilation and execution time in C# is very powerful and fast. A Modern programming language C# programming is used for building scalable and interoperable applications with support for modern features like automatic garbage collection, error handling, debugging, and robust security. It has built-in support for a web service to be invoked from any app running on any platform. Type-safe Arrays and objects are zero base indexed and bound checked. There is an automatic checking of the overflow of types. The C# type safety instances support robust programming. Interoperability Language interoperability of C# maximizes code reuse for the efficiency of the development process. C# programs can work upon almost anything as a program can call out any native API. Consistency Its unified type system enables developers to extend the type system simply and easily for consistent behavior. Updateable C# is automatically updateable. Its versioning support enables complex frameworks to be developed and evolved. Component oriented C# supports component-oriented programming through the concepts of properties, methods, events, and attributes for self-contained and self-describing components of functionality for robust and scalable applications. Structured Programming Language The structured design and modularization in C# break a problem into parts, using functions for easy implementation to solve significant problems. Rich Library C# has a standard library with many inbuilt functions for easy and fast development. Full Stack Java Developer Course The Gateway to Master Web DevelopmentEXPLORE COURSEFull Stack Java Developer Course Prerequisites for Learning C# Basic knowledge of C or C++ or any programming language or programming fundamentals. Additionally, the OOP concept makes for a short learning curve of C#. Advantages of C# There are many advantages to the C# language that makes it a useful programming language compared to other languages like Java, C, or C++. These include: Being an object-oriented language, C# allows you to create modular, maintainable applications and reusable codes Familiar syntax Easy to develop as it has a rich class of libraries for smooth implementation of functions Enhanced integration as an application written in .NET will integrate and interpret better when compared to other NET technologies As C# runs on CLR, it makes it easy to integrate with components written in other languages It’s safe, with no data loss as there is no type-conversion so that you can write secure codes The automatic garbage collection keeps the system clean and doesn’t hang it during execution As your machine has to install the .NET Framework to run C#, it supports cross-platform Strong memory backup prevents memory leakage Programming support of the Microsoft ecosystem makes development easy and seamless Low maintenance cost, as C# can develop iOS, Android, and Windows Phone native apps The syntax is similar to C, C++, and Java, which makes it easier to learn and work with C# Useful as it can develop iOS, Android, and Windows Phone native apps with the Xamarin Framework C# is the most powerful programming language for the .NET Framework Fast development as C# is open source steered by Microsoft with access to open source projects and tools on Github, and many active communities contributing to the improvement What Can C Sharp Do for You? C# can be used to develop a wide range of: Windows client applications Windows libraries and components Windows services Web applications Native iOS and Android mobile apps Azure cloud applications and services Gaming consoles and gaming systems Video and virtual reality games Interoperability software like SharePoint Enterprise software Backend services and database programs AI and ML applications Distributed applications Hardware-level programming Virus and malware software GUI-based applications IoT devices Blockchain and distributed ledger technology Who Should Learn the C# Programming Language and Why? C# is one of the most popular programming languages as it can be used for a variety of applications: mobile apps, game development, and enterprise software. What’s more, the C# 8.0 version is packed with several new features and enhancements to the C# language that can change the way developers write their C# code. The most important new features available are ‘null reference types,’ enhanced ‘pattern matching,’ and ‘async streams’ that help you to write more reliable and readable code. As you’re exposed to the fundamental programming concepts of C# in this course, you can work on projects that open the doors for you as a Full Stack Java Developer. So, upskill and master the C# language for a faster career trajectory and salary scope.

    From user sanusanth

  • sfedfcv / redesigned-pancake

    how-to-secure-anything, Skip to content github / docs Code Issues 80 Pull requests 35 Discussions Actions Projects 2 Security Insights Merge branch 'main' into 1862-Add-Travis-CI-migration-table 1862-Add-Travis-CI-migration-table (#1869, Iixixi/ZachryTylerWood#102, THEBOLCK79/docs#1, sbnbhk/docs#1) @martin389 martin389 committed on Dec 9, 2020 2 parents 2f9ec0c + 1588f50 commit 1a56ed136914e522f3a23ecc2be1c49f479a1a6a Showing 501 changed files with 5,397 additions and 1,362 deletions. 2 .github/allowed-actions.js @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module.exports = [ 'rachmari/labeler@832d42ec5523f3c6d46e8168de71cd54363e3e2e', 'repo-sync/github-sync@3832fe8e2be32372e1b3970bbae8e7079edeec88', 'repo-sync/pull-request@33777245b1aace1a58c87a29c90321aa7a74bd7d', 'rtCamp/action-slack-notify@e17352feaf9aee300bf0ebc1dfbf467d80438815', 'someimportantcompany/github-actions-slack-message@0b470c14b39da4260ed9e3f9a4f1298a74ccdefd', 'tjenkinson/gh-action-auto-merge-dependency-updates@cee2ac0', 'EndBug/add-and-commit@9358097a71ad9fb9e2f9624c6098c89193d83575' ] 72 .github/workflows/confirm-internal-staff-work-in-docs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ name: Confirm internal staff meant to post in public on: issues: types: - opened - reopened - transferred pull_request_target: types: - opened - reopened jobs: check-team-membership: runs-on: ubuntu-latest continue-on-error: true if: github.repository == 'github/docs' steps: - uses: actions/github-script@626af12fe9a53dc2972b48385e7fe7dec79145c9 with: github-token: ${{ secrets.DOCUBOT_FR_PROJECT_BOARD_WORKFLOWS_REPO_ORG_READ_SCOPES }} script: | // Only perform this action with GitHub employees try { await github.teams.getMembershipForUserInOrg({ org: 'github', team_slug: 'employees', username: context.payload.sender.login, }); } catch(err) { // An error will be thrown if the user is not a GitHub employee // If a user is not a GitHub employee, we should stop here and // Not send a notification return } // Don't perform this action with Docs team members try { await github.teams.getMembershipForUserInOrg({ org: 'github', team_slug: 'docs', username: context.payload.sender.login, }); // If the user is a Docs team member, we should stop here and not send // a notification return } catch(err) { // An error will be thrown if the user is not a Docs team member // If a user is not a Docs team member we should continue and send // the notification } const issueNo = context.number || context.issue.number // Create an issue in our private repo await github.issues.create({ owner: 'github', repo: 'docs-internal', title: `@${context.payload.sender.login} confirm that \#${issueNo} should be in the public github/docs repo`, body: `@${context.payload.sender.login} opened${issueNo} publicly in the github/docs repo, instead of the private github/docs-internal repo.\n\n@${context.payload.sender.login}, please confirm that this belongs in the public repo and that no sensitive information was disclosed by commenting below and closing the issue.\n\nIf this was not intentional and sensitive information was shared, please delete${issueNo} and notify us in the \#docs-open-source channel.\n\nThanks! \n\n/cc @github/docs @github/docs-engineering` }); throw new Error('A Hubber opened an issue on the public github/docs repo'); - name: Send Slack notification if a GitHub employee who isn't on the docs team opens an issue in public if: ${{ failure() && github.repository == 'github/docs' }} uses: someimportantcompany/github-actions-slack-message@0b470c14b39da4260ed9e3f9a4f1298a74ccdefd with: channel: ${{ secrets.DOCS_OPEN_SOURCE_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID }} bot-token: ${{ secrets.SLACK_DOCS_BOT_TOKEN }} text: <@${{}}> opened${{ github.event.number || github.event.issue.number }} publicly on the github/docs repo instead of the private github/docs-internal repo. They have been notified via a new issue in the github/docs-internal repo to confirm this was intentional. 15 .github/workflows/js-lint.yml @@ -10,23 +10,8 @@ on: - translations jobs: see_if_should_skip: runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: should_skip: ${{ steps.skip_check.outputs.should_skip }} steps: - id: skip_check uses: fkirc/skip-duplicate-actions@36feb0d8d062137530c2e00bd278d138fe191289 with: cancel_others: 'false' github_token: ${{ github.token }} paths: '["**/*.js", "package*.json", ".github/workflows/js-lint.yml", ".eslint*"]' lint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: see_if_should_skip if: ${{ needs.see_if_should_skip.outputs.should_skip != 'true' }} steps: - name: Check out repo uses: actions/checkout@5a4ac9002d0be2fb38bd78e4b4dbde5606d7042f 13 .github/workflows/repo-freeze-reminders.yml @@ -14,11 +14,10 @@ jobs: if: github.repository == 'github/docs-internal' steps: - name: Send Slack notification if repo is frozen uses: someimportantcompany/github-actions-slack-message@0b470c14b39da4260ed9e3f9a4f1298a74ccdefd if: ${{ env.FREEZE == 'true' }} uses: rtCamp/action-slack-notify@e17352feaf9aee300bf0ebc1dfbf467d80438815 env: SLACK_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.DOCS_ALERTS_SLACK_WEBHOOK }} SLACK_USERNAME: docs-repo-sync SLACK_ICON_EMOJI: ':freezing_face:' SLACK_COLOR: '#51A0D5' # Carolina Blue SLACK_MESSAGE: All repo-sync runs will fail for ${{ github.repository }} because the repo is currently frozen! with: channel: ${{ secrets.DOCS_ALERTS_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID }} bot-token: ${{ secrets.SLACK_DOCS_BOT_TOKEN }} color: info text: All repo-sync runs will fail for ${{ github.repository }} because the repo is currently frozen! 54 .github/workflows/repo-sync-stalls.yml @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ name: Repo Sync Stalls on: workflow_dispatch: schedule: - cron: '*/30 * * * *' jobs: check-freezer: name: Check for deployment freezes runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Exit if repo is frozen if: ${{ env.FREEZE == 'true' }} run: | echo 'The repo is currently frozen! Exiting this workflow.' exit 1 # prevents further steps from running repo-sync-stalls: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Check if repo sync is stalled uses: actions/github-script@626af12fe9a53dc2972b48385e7fe7dec79145c9 with: github-token: ${{ secrets.DOCUBOT_FR_PROJECT_BOARD_WORKFLOWS_REPO_ORG_READ_SCOPES }} script: | let pulls; const owner = context.repo.owner const repo = context.repo.repo try { pulls = await github.pulls.list({ owner: owner, repo: repo, head: `${owner}:repo-sync`, state: 'open' }); } catch(err) { throw err return } => { const timeDelta = - Date.parse(pr.created_at); const minutesOpen = timeDelta / 1000 / 60; if (minutesOpen > 30) { core.setFailed('Repo sync appears to be stalled') } }) - name: Send Slack notification if workflow fails uses: someimportantcompany/github-actions-slack-message@0b470c14b39da4260ed9e3f9a4f1298a74ccdefd if: failure() with: channel: ${{ secrets.DOCS_ALERTS_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID }} bot-token: ${{ secrets.SLACK_DOCS_BOT_TOKEN }} color: failure text: Repo sync appears to be stalled for ${{github.repository}}. See${{github.repository}}/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+repo+sync 16 .github/workflows/repo-sync.yml @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ name: Repo Sync on: workflow_dispatch: schedule: - cron: '*/15 * * * *' # every 15 minutes @@ -70,11 +71,10 @@ jobs: number: ${{ steps.find-pull-request.outputs.number }} - name: Send Slack notification if workflow fails uses: rtCamp/action-slack-notify@e17352feaf9aee300bf0ebc1dfbf467d80438815 if: ${{ failure() }} env: SLACK_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.DOCS_ALERTS_SLACK_WEBHOOK }} SLACK_USERNAME: docs-repo-sync SLACK_ICON_EMOJI: ':ohno:' SLACK_COLOR: '#B90E0A' # Crimson SLACK_MESSAGE: The last repo-sync run for ${{github.repository}} failed. See${{github.repository}}/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Repo+Sync%22 uses: someimportantcompany/github-actions-slack-message@0b470c14b39da4260ed9e3f9a4f1298a74ccdefd if: failure() with: channel: ${{ secrets.DOCS_ALERTS_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID }} bot-token: ${{ secrets.SLACK_DOCS_BOT_TOKEN }} color: failure text: The last repo-sync run for ${{github.repository}} failed. See${{github.repository}}/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Repo+Sync%22 10 .github/workflows/sync-algolia-search-indices.yml @@ -33,8 +33,10 @@ jobs: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} run: npm run sync-search - name: Send slack notification if workflow run fails uses: rtCamp/action-slack-notify@e17352feaf9aee300bf0ebc1dfbf467d80438815 uses: someimportantcompany/github-actions-slack-message@0b470c14b39da4260ed9e3f9a4f1298a74ccdefd if: failure() env: SLACK_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.DOCS_ALERTS_SLACK_WEBHOOK }} SLACK_MESSAGE: The last Algolia workflow run for ${{github.repository}} failed. Search actions for `workflow:Algolia` with: channel: ${{ secrets.DOCS_ALERTS_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID }} bot-token: ${{ secrets.SLACK_DOCS_BOT_TOKEN }} color: failure text: The last Algolia workflow run for ${{github.repository}} failed. Search actions for `workflow:Algolia` 15 .github/workflows/yml-lint.yml @@ -10,23 +10,8 @@ on: - translations jobs: see_if_should_skip: runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: should_skip: ${{ steps.skip_check.outputs.should_skip }} steps: - id: skip_check uses: fkirc/skip-duplicate-actions@36feb0d8d062137530c2e00bd278d138fe191289 with: cancel_others: 'false' github_token: ${{ github.token }} paths: '["**/*.yml", "**/*.yaml", "package*.json", ".github/workflows/yml-lint.yml"]' lint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: see_if_should_skip if: ${{ needs.see_if_should_skip.outputs.should_skip != 'true' }} steps: - name: Check out repo uses: actions/checkout@5a4ac9002d0be2fb38bd78e4b4dbde5606d7042f 4 @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ If you've found a problem, you can open an issue using a [template](https://gith #### Solve an issue If you have a solution to one of the open issues, you will need to fork the repository and submit a PR using the [template]( that is visible automatically in the pull request body. For more details about this process, please check out [Getting Started with Contributing](/ If you have a solution to one of the open issues, you will need to fork the repository and submit a pull request using the [template]( that is visible automatically in the pull request body. For more details about this process, please check out [Getting Started with Contributing](/ #### Join us in discussions @@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ There are a few more things to know when you're getting started with this repo: In addition to the README you're reading right now, this repo includes other READMEs that describe the purpose of each subdirectory in more detail: - [content/](content/ - [content/graphql/](content/graphql/ - [content/rest/](content/rest/ - [contributing/](contributing/ - [data/](data/ - [data/reusables/](data/reusables/ BIN +164 KB assets/images/help/classroom/assignment-group-hero.png Binary file not shown. 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BIN +120 KB assets/images/help/repository/copy-link-button-updated-2.png Diff not rendered. BIN +77.6 KB assets/images/help/repository/delete-all-logs-updated-2.png Diff not rendered. BIN +326 KB assets/images/help/repository/docker-action-workflow-run-updated.png Diff not rendered. BIN +84.6 KB assets/images/help/repository/download-logs-drop-down-updated-2.png Diff not rendered. BIN +170 KB assets/images/help/repository/in-progress-run.png Diff not rendered. BIN +124 KB assets/images/help/repository/javascript-action-workflow-run-updated-2.png Diff not rendered. BIN +116 KB assets/images/help/repository/passing-data-between-jobs-in-a-workflow-updated.png Diff not rendered. BIN +80.8 KB assets/images/help/repository/rerun-checks-drop-down-updated.png Diff not rendered. BIN +41.2 KB assets/images/help/repository/search-log-box-updated-2.png Diff not rendered. BIN +133 KB assets/images/help/repository/super-linter-workflow-results-updated-2.png Diff not rendered. BIN +97.5 KB assets/images/help/repository/superlinter-lint-code-base-job-updated.png Diff not rendered. BIN -128 KB assets/images/help/repository/upload-build-test-artifact.png Diff not rendered. BIN +27.5 KB (170%) assets/images/help/repository/view-run-billable-time.png Diff not rendered. BIN +54.8 KB assets/images/help/repository/workflow-run-kebab-horizontal-icon-updated-2.png Diff not rendered. BIN +7.54 KB assets/images/help/settings/appearance-tab.png Diff not rendered. BIN +39.7 KB assets/images/help/settings/theme-settings-radio-buttons.png Diff not rendered. BIN +11.1 KB assets/images/help/settings/update-theme-preference-button.png Diff not rendered. BIN +22.5 KB assets/images/help/sponsors/billing-account-switcher.png Diff not rendered. BIN +6.37 KB (150%) assets/images/help/sponsors/edit-sponsorship-payment-button.png Diff not rendered. BIN +34.8 KB assets/images/help/sponsors/link-account-button.png Diff not rendered. BIN +12.8 KB (170%) assets/images/help/sponsors/manage-your-sponsorship-button.png Diff not rendered. BIN +20.6 KB assets/images/help/sponsors/organization-update-email-textbox.png Diff not rendered. BIN +13.5 KB assets/images/help/sponsors/pay-prorated-amount-link.png Diff not rendered. BIN +34.7 KB assets/images/help/sponsors/select-an-account-drop-down.png Diff not rendered. BIN +17 KB assets/images/help/sponsors/sponsor-as-drop-down-menu.png Diff not rendered. BIN +15.8 KB assets/images/help/sponsors/sponsoring-as-drop-down-menu.png Diff not rendered. BIN +16.1 KB assets/images/help/sponsors/sponsoring-settings-button.png Diff not rendered. BIN +29.5 KB assets/images/help/sponsors/sponsoring-tab.png Diff not rendered. BIN +7.91 KB assets/images/help/sponsors/update-checkbox-manage.png Diff not rendered. BIN +43 KB (160%) assets/images/marketplace/marketplace-request-button.png Diff not rendered. BIN +53.6 KB assets/images/marketplace/marketplace_verified_creator_badges_apps.png Diff not rendered. 6 content/actions/creating-actions/ @@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ jobs: ``` {% endraw %} From your repository, click the **Actions** tab, and select the latest workflow run. You should see "Hello Mona the Octocat" or the name you used for the `who-to-greet` input and the timestamp printed in the log. From your repository, click the **Actions** tab, and select the latest workflow run. {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %}Under **Jobs** or in the visualization graph, click **A job to say hello**. {% endif %}You should see "Hello Mona the Octocat" or the name you used for the `who-to-greet` input and the timestamp printed in the log. {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} ![A screenshot of using your action in a workflow](/assets/images/help/repository/docker-action-workflow-run-updated.png) {% else %} ![A screenshot of using your action in a workflow](/assets/images/help/repository/docker-action-workflow-run.png) {% endif %} 6 content/actions/creating-actions/ @@ -261,9 +261,11 @@ jobs: ``` {% endraw %} From your repository, click the **Actions** tab, and select the latest workflow run. You should see "Hello Mona the Octocat" or the name you used for the `who-to-greet` input and the timestamp printed in the log. From your repository, click the **Actions** tab, and select the latest workflow run. {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %}Under **Jobs** or in the visualization graph, click **A job to say hello**. {% endif %}You should see "Hello Mona the Octocat" or the name you used for the `who-to-greet` input and the timestamp printed in the log. {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} ![A screenshot of using your action in a workflow](/assets/images/help/repository/javascript-action-workflow-run-updated-2.png) {% elsif currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} ![A screenshot of using your action in a workflow](/assets/images/help/repository/javascript-action-workflow-run-updated.png) {% else %} ![A screenshot of using your action in a workflow](/assets/images/help/repository/javascript-action-workflow-run.png) 4 content/actions/guides/ @@ -25,7 +25,11 @@ Creating a package at the end of a continuous integration workflow can help duri Now, when reviewing a pull request, you'll be able to look at the workflow run and download the artifact that was produced. {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} ![Download artifact drop-down menu](/assets/images/help/repository/artifact-drop-down-updated.png) {% else %} ![Download artifact drop-down menu](/assets/images/help/repository/artifact-drop-down.png) {% endif %} This will let you run the code in the pull request on your machine, which can help with debugging or testing the pull request. 4 content/actions/guides/ @@ -60,7 +60,11 @@ jobs: * `run: Test-Path resultsfile.log` - Check whether a file called `resultsfile.log` is present in the repository's root directory. * `Should -Be $true` - Uses Pester to define an expected result. If the result is unexpected, then {% data variables.product.prodname_actions %} flags this as a failed test. For example: {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} ![Failed Pester test](/assets/images/help/repository/actions-failed-pester-test-updated.png) {% else %} ![Failed Pester test](/assets/images/help/repository/actions-failed-pester-test.png) {% endif %} * `Invoke-Pester Unit.Tests.ps1 -Passthru` - Uses Pester to execute tests defined in a file called `Unit.Tests.ps1`. For example, to perform the same test described above, the `Unit.Tests.ps1` will contain the following: ``` 7 content/actions/guides/ @@ -108,8 +108,6 @@ jobs: path: output/test/code-coverage.html ``` ![Image of workflow upload artifact workflow run](/assets/images/help/repository/upload-build-test-artifact.png) {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} ### Configuring a custom artifact retention period @@ -238,7 +236,12 @@ jobs: echo The result is $value ``` The workflow run will archive any artifacts that it generated. For more information on downloading archived artifacts, see "[Downloading workflow artifacts](/actions/managing-workflow-runs/downloading-workflow-artifacts)." {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} ![Workflow that passes data between jobs to perform math](/assets/images/help/repository/passing-data-between-jobs-in-a-workflow-updated.png) {% else %} ![Workflow that passes data between jobs to perform math](/assets/images/help/repository/passing-data-between-jobs-in-a-workflow.png) {% endif %} {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" %} 8 content/actions/ @@ -68,18 +68,18 @@ versions: <h2 class="mb-2 font-mktg h1">Code examples</h2> <div class="pr-lg-3 mb-5 mt-3"> <input class="js-code-example-filter input-lg py-2 px-3 col-12 col-lg-8 form-control" placeholder="Search code examples" type="search" autocomplete="off" aria-label="Search code examples"/> <input class="js-filter-card-filter input-lg py-2 px-3 col-12 col-lg-8 form-control" placeholder="Search code examples" type="search" autocomplete="off" aria-label="Search code examples"/> </div> <div class="d-flex flex-wrap gutter"> {% render 'code-example-card' for actionsCodeExamples as example %} </div> <button class="js-code-example-show-more btn btn-outline float-right">Show more {% octicon "arrow-right" %}</button> <button class="js-filter-card-show-more btn btn-outline float-right">Show more {% octicon "arrow-right" %}</button> <div class="js-code-example-no-results d-none py-4 text-center text-gray font-mktg"> <div class="js-filter-card-no-results d-none py-4 text-center text-gray font-mktg"> <div class="mb-3">{% octicon "search" width="24" %}</div> <h3 class="text-normal">Sorry, there is no result for <strong class="js-code-example-filter-value"></strong></h3> <h3 class="text-normal">Sorry, there is no result for <strong class="js-filter-card-value"></strong></h3> <p class="my-3 f4">It looks like we don't have an example that fits your filter.<br>Try another filter or add your code example</p> <a href="">Learn how to add a code example {% octicon "arrow-right" %}</a> </div> 11 content/actions/learn-github-actions/ @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ In this diagram, you can see the workflow file you just created and how the {% d ### Viewing the job's activity Once your job has started running, you can view each step's activity on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}. Once your job has started running, you can {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %}see a visualization graph of the run's progress and {% endif %}view each step's activity on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}. {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} 1. Under your repository name, click **Actions**. @@ -213,7 +213,14 @@ Once your job has started running, you can view each step's activity on {% data ![Screenshot of workflow results](/assets/images/help/images/learn-github-actions-workflow.png) 1. Under "Workflow runs", click the name of the run you want to see. ![Screenshot of workflow runs](/assets/images/help/images/learn-github-actions-run.png) {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} 1. Under **Jobs** or in the visualization graph, click the job you want to see. ![Select job](/assets/images/help/images/overview-actions-result-navigate.png) {% endif %} {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} 1. View the results of each step. ![Screenshot of workflow run details](/assets/images/help/images/overview-actions-result-updated-2.png) {% elsif currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} 1. Click on the job name to see the results of each step. ![Screenshot of workflow run details](/assets/images/help/images/overview-actions-result-updated.png) {% else %} 7 content/actions/managing-workflow-runs/ @@ -17,9 +17,14 @@ versions: {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} {% data reusables.repositories.actions-tab %} {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-workflow %} {% data reusables.repositories.view-run %} 1. From the list of workflow runs, click the name of the `queued` or `in progress` run that you want to cancel. ![Name of workflow run](/assets/images/help/repository/in-progress-run.png) 1. In the upper-right corner of the workflow, click **Cancel workflow**. {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} ![Cancel check suite button](/assets/images/help/repository/cancel-check-suite-updated.png) {% else %} ![Cancel check suite button](/assets/images/help/repository/cancel-check-suite.png) {% endif %} ### Steps {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} takes to cancel a workflow run 4 content/actions/managing-workflow-runs/ @@ -20,4 +20,8 @@ versions: {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-workflow %} {% data reusables.repositories.view-run %} 1. Under **Artifacts**, click the artifact you want to download. {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} ![Download artifact drop-down menu](/assets/images/help/repository/artifact-drop-down-updated.png) {% else %} ![Download artifact drop-down menu](/assets/images/help/repository/artifact-drop-down.png) {% endif %} 1 content/actions/managing-workflow-runs/ @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ versions: {% data reusables.actions.enterprise-beta %} {% data reusables.actions.enterprise-github-hosted-runners %} {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %}{% link_in_list /using-the-visualization-graph %}{% endif %} {% link_in_list /viewing-workflow-run-history %} {% link_in_list /using-workflow-run-logs %} {% link_in_list /manually-running-a-workflow %} 3 content/actions/managing-workflow-runs/ @@ -16,5 +16,4 @@ versions: {% data reusables.repositories.actions-tab %} {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-workflow %} {% data reusables.repositories.view-run %} 1. In the upper-right corner of the workflow, use the **Re-run jobs** drop-down menu, and select **Re-run all jobs**. ![Re-run checks drop-down menu](/assets/images/help/repository/rerun-checks-drop-down.png) 1. In the upper-right corner of the workflow, use the **Re-run jobs** drop-down menu, and select **Re-run all jobs**.{% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %}![Re-run checks drop-down menu](/assets/images/help/repository/rerun-checks-drop-down-updated.png){% else %}![Re-run checks drop-down menu](/assets/images/help/repository/rerun-checks-drop-down.png){% endif %} 4 content/actions/managing-workflow-runs/ @@ -27,7 +27,11 @@ versions: {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-workflow %} {% data reusables.repositories.view-run %} 1. Under **Artifacts**, click {% octicon "trashcan" aria-label="The trashcan icon" %} next to the artifact you want to remove. {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} ![Delete artifact drop-down menu](/assets/images/help/repository/actions-delete-artifact-updated.png) {% else %} ![Delete artifact drop-down menu](/assets/images/help/repository/actions-delete-artifact.png) {% endif %} {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} ### Setting the retention period for an artifact 23 content/actions/managing-workflow-runs/ @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ --- title: Using the visualization graph intro: Every workflow run generates a real-time graph that illustrates the run progress. You can use this graph to monitor and debug workflows. product: '{% data reusables.gated-features.actions %}' versions: free-pro-team: '*' enterprise-server: '>=3.1' --- {% data reusables.actions.enterprise-beta %} {% data reusables.actions.visualization-beta %} {% data reusables.actions.enterprise-github-hosted-runners %} {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} {% data reusables.repositories.actions-tab %} {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-workflow %} {% data reusables.repositories.view-run %} 1. The graph displays each job in the workflow. An icon to the left of the job name indicates the status of the job. Lines between jobs indicate dependencies. ![Workflow graph](/assets/images/help/images/workflow-graph.png) 2. Click on a job to view the job log. ![Workflow graph](/assets/images/help/images/workflow-graph-job.png) 18 content/actions/managing-workflow-runs/ @@ -45,7 +45,11 @@ You can search the build logs for a particular step. When you search logs, only {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-job-superlinter %} {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} 1. In the upper-right corner of the log output, in the **Search logs** search box, type a search query. {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} ![Search box to search logs](/assets/images/help/repository/search-log-box-updated-2.png) {% else %} ![Search box to search logs](/assets/images/help/repository/search-log-box-updated.png) {% endif %} {% else %} 1. To expand each step you want to include in your search, click the step. ![Step name](/assets/images/help/repository/failed-check-step.png) @@ -63,8 +67,12 @@ You can download the log files from your workflow run. You can also download a w {% data reusables.repositories.view-run-superlinter %} {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-job-superlinter %} {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} 1. In the upper right corner, click {% octicon "kebab-horizontal" aria-label="The horizontal kebab icon" %} and select **Download log archive**. 1. In the upper right corner, click {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %}{% octicon "gear" aria-label="The gear icon" %}{% else %}{% octicon "kebab-horizontal" aria-label="The horizontal kebab icon" %}{% endif %} and select **Download log archive**. {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} ![Download logs drop-down menu](/assets/images/help/repository/download-logs-drop-down-updated-2.png) {% else %} ![Download logs drop-down menu](/assets/images/help/repository/download-logs-drop-down-updated.png) {% endif %} {% else %} 1. In the upper right corner, click {% octicon "kebab-horizontal" aria-label="The horizontal kebab icon" %} and select **Download log archive**. ![Download logs drop-down menu](/assets/images/help/repository/download-logs-drop-down.png) @@ -80,9 +88,17 @@ You can delete the log files from your workflow run. {% data reusables.repositor {% data reusables.repositories.view-run-superlinter %} {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} 1. In the upper right corner, click {% octicon "kebab-horizontal" aria-label="The horizontal kebab icon" %}. {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} ![Kebab-horizontal icon](/assets/images/help/repository/workflow-run-kebab-horizontal-icon-updated-2.png) {% else %} ![Kebab-horizontal icon](/assets/images/help/repository/workflow-run-kebab-horizontal-icon-updated.png) {% endif %} 2. To delete the log files, click the **Delete all logs** button and review the confirmation prompt. {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} ![Delete all logs](/assets/images/help/repository/delete-all-logs-updated-2.png) {% else %} ![Delete all logs](/assets/images/help/repository/delete-all-logs-updated.png) {% endif %} After deleting logs, the **Delete all logs** button is removed to indicate that no log files remain in the workflow run. {% else %} 1. In the upper right corner, click {% octicon "kebab-horizontal" aria-label="The horizontal kebab icon" %}. 2 content/actions/managing-workflow-runs/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Billable job execution minutes are only shown for jobs run on private repositori {% data reusables.repositories.actions-tab %} {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-workflow %} {% data reusables.repositories.view-run %} 1. Under the job summary, you can view the job's execution time. To view the billable job execution time, click **Run and billable time details**. 1. Under the job summary, you can view the job's execution time. To view details about the billable job execution time, click the time under **Billable time**. ![Run and billable time details link](/assets/images/help/repository/view-run-billable-time.png) {% note %} 5 content/actions/ @@ -60,8 +60,13 @@ Committing the workflow file in your repository triggers the `push` event and ru {% data reusables.repositories.actions-tab %} {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-workflow-superlinter %} {% data reusables.repositories.view-run-superlinter %} {% if currentVersion == "free-pro-team@latest" or currentVersion ver_gt "[email protected]" %} 1. Under **Jobs** or in the visualization graph, click the **Lint code base** job. ![Lint code base job](/assets/images/help/repository/superlinter-lint-code-base-job-updated.png) {% else %} 1. In the left sidebar, click the **Lint code base** job. ![Lint code base job](/assets/images/help/repository/superlinter-lint-code-base-job.png) {% endif %} {% data reusables.repositories.view-failed-job-results-superlinter %} ### More starter workflows 49 content/developers/github-marketplace/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ --- title: About GitHub Marketplace intro: 'Learn the basics to prepare your app for review before joining {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}.' intro: 'Learn about {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} where you can share your apps and actions publicly with all {% data variables.product.product_name %} users.' redirect_from: - /apps/marketplace/getting-started/ - /marketplace/getting-started @@ -14,52 +14,41 @@ versions: {% data reusables.actions.actions-not-verified %} To learn about publishing {% data variables.product.prodname_actions %} in the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, see "[Publishing actions in GitHub Marketplace](/actions/creating-actions/publishing-actions-in-github-marketplace)." To learn about publishing {% data variables.product.prodname_actions %} in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, see "[Publishing actions in GitHub Marketplace](/actions/creating-actions/publishing-actions-in-github-marketplace)." ### Apps You can list verified and unverified apps in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}. Unverified apps do not go through the security, testing, and verification cycle {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} requires for verified apps. Anyone can share their apps with other users on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} but only listings that are verified by {% data variables.product.company_short %} can include paid plans. For more information, see "[About verified creators](/developers/github-marketplace/about-verified-creators)." Verified apps have a green badge in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}. Unverified apps have a grey badge next to their listing and are only available as free apps. If you're interested in creating an app for {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, but you're new to {% data variables.product.prodname_github_apps %} or {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %}s, see "[Building {% data variables.product.prodname_github_apps %}](/developers/apps/building-github-apps)" or "[Building {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %}s](/developers/apps/building-oauth-apps)." ![Green verified and grey unverified badge](/assets/images/marketplace/marketplace_verified_badges.png) If you're interested in creating an app for {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, but you're new to {% data variables.product.prodname_github_apps %} and {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %}s, see "[Building apps](/apps/)." {% data reusables.marketplace.github_apps_preferred %}, although you can list both OAuth and {% data variables.product.prodname_github_app %}s in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}. See "[Differences between GitHub and OAuth apps](/apps/differences-between-apps/)" for more details. To learn more about switching from OAuth to {% data variables.product.prodname_github_apps %}, see [Migrating OAuth Apps to {% data variables.product.prodname_github_app %}s](/apps/migrating-oauth-apps-to-github-apps/). {% data reusables.marketplace.github_apps_preferred %}, although you can list both OAuth and {% data variables.product.prodname_github_app %}s in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}. For more information, see "[Differences between {% data variables.product.prodname_github_apps %} and {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %}s](/apps/differences-between-apps/)" and "[Migrating {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %}s to {% data variables.product.prodname_github_apps %}](/apps/migrating-oauth-apps-to-github-apps/)." If you have questions about {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, please contact {% data %} directly. #### Unverified Apps Unverified apps do not need to meet the "[Requirements for listing an app on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}](/marketplace/getting-started/requirements-for-listing-an-app-on-github-marketplace/)" or go through the "[Security review process](/marketplace/getting-started/security-review-process/)". {% data reusables.marketplace.unverified-apps %} Having a published paid plan will prevent you from being able to submit an unverified app. You must remove paid plans or keep them in draft mode before publishing an unverified app. To list your unverified app in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, you only need to create a "[Listing on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}](/marketplace/listing-on-github-marketplace/)" and submit it as an unverified listing. {% data reusables.marketplace.launch-with-free %} ### Publishing an app to {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} #### Verified Apps When you have finished creating your app, you can share it with other users by publishing it to {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}. In summary, the process is: If you've already built an app and you're interested in submitting a verified listing in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, start here: 1. Review your app carefully to ensure that it will behave as expected in other repositories and that it follows best practice guidelines. For more information, see "[Security best practices for apps](/developers/github-marketplace/security-best-practices-for-apps)" and "[Requirements for listing an app](/developers/github-marketplace/requirements-for-listing-an-app#best-practice-for-customer-experience)." 1. [Getting started with {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}](/marketplace/getting-started/)<br/>Learn about requirements, guidelines, and the app submission process. 1. Add webhook events to the app to track user billing requests. For more information about the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} API, webhook events, and billing requests, see "[Using the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} API in your app](/developers/github-marketplace/using-the-github-marketplace-api-in-your-app)." 1. [Integrating with the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} API](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/)<br/>Before you can list your app on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, you'll need to integrate billing flows using the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} API and webhook events. 1. Create a draft {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing. For more information, see "[Drafting a listing for your app](/developers/github-marketplace/drafting-a-listing-for-your-app)." 1. [Listing on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}](/marketplace/listing-on-github-marketplace/) <br/>Create a draft {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing, configure webhook settings, and set up pricing plans. 1. Add a pricing plan. For more information, see "[Setting pricing plans for your listing](/developers/github-marketplace/setting-pricing-plans-for-your-listing)." 1. [Selling your app](/marketplace/selling-your-app/)<br/>Learn about pricing plans, billing cycles, and how to receive payment from {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} for your app. 1. Check whether your app meets the requirements for listing on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} as a free or a paid app. For more information, see "[Requirements for listing an app](/developers/github-marketplace/requirements-for-listing-an-app)." 1. [{% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} Insights](/marketplace/github-marketplace-insights/)<br/>See how your app is performing in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}. You can use metrics collected by {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} to guide your marketing campaign and be successful in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}. 1. Read and accept the terms of the "[{% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} Developer Agreement](/articles/github-marketplace-developer-agreement/)." 1. [{% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} transactions](/marketplace/github-marketplace-transactions/)<br/>Download and view transaction data for your {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing. 1. Submit your listing for publication in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, requesting verification if you want to sell the app. For more information, see "[Submitting your listing for publication](/developers/github-marketplace/submitting-your-listing-for-publication)." ### Reviewing your app An onboarding expert will contact you with any questions or further steps. For example, if you have added a paid plan, you will need to complete the verification process and complete financial onboarding. As soon as your listing is approved the app is published to {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}. We want to make sure that the apps offered on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} are safe, secure, and well tested. The {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} onboarding specialists will review your app to ensure that it meets all requirements. Follow the guidelines in these articles before submitting your app: ### Seeing how your app is performing You can access metrics and transactions for your listing. For more information, see: * [Requirements for listing an app on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}](/marketplace/getting-started/requirements-for-listing-an-app-on-github-marketplace/) * [Security review process](/marketplace/getting-started/security-review-process/) - "[Viewing metrics for your listing](/developers/github-marketplace/viewing-metrics-for-your-listing)" - "[Viewing transactions for your listing](/developers/github-marketplace/viewing-transactions-for-your-listing)" 43 content/developers/github-marketplace/ @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ --- title: About verified creators intro: 'Each organization that wants to sell apps on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} must follow a verification process. Their identity is checked and their billing process reviewed.' versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- ### About verified creators A verified creator is an organization that {% data variables.product.company_short %} has checked. Anyone can share their apps with other users on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} but only organizations that are verified by {% data variables.product.company_short %} can sell apps. For more information about organizations, see "[About organizations](/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/about-organizations)." The verification process aims to protect users. For example, it verifies the seller's identity, checks that their {% data variables.product.product_name %} organization is set up securely, and that they can be contacted for support. After passing the verification checks, any apps that the organization lists on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} are shown with a verified creator badge {% octicon "verified" aria-label="Verified creator badge" %}. The organization can now add paid plans to any of their apps. Each app with a paid plan also goes through a financial onboarding process to check that it's set up to handle billing correctly. ![verified creator badges](/assets/images/marketplace/marketplace_verified_creator_badges_apps.png) In addition to the verified creator badge, you'll also see badges for unverified and verified apps. These apps were published using the old method for verifying individual apps. ![Green verified and grey unverified badge](/assets/images/marketplace/marketplace_verified_badges.png) For information on finding apps to use, see "[Searching {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}](/github/searching-for-information-on-github/searching-github-marketplace)." ### About the verification process The first time you request verification for a listing of one of your apps, you will enter the verification process. An onboarding expert will guide you through the process. This includes checking: - Profile information - The basic profile information is populated accurately and appropriately. - Security - The organization has enabled two-factor authentication. - Verified domain - The organization has verified the domain of the site URL. - Purchase webhook event - The event is handled correctly by the app. When your organization is verified, all your apps are shown with a verified creator badge. You are now able to offer paid plans for any of your apps. For more information about the requirements for listing an app on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, see "[Requirements for listing an app on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}](/marketplace/getting-started/requirements-for-listing-an-app-on-github-marketplace/)." {% data %} For information on how to do this, see: "[Submitting your listing for publication](/developers/github-marketplace/submitting-your-listing-for-publication#transferring-an-app-to-an-organization-before-you-submit)." {% note %} **Note:** This verification process for apps replaces the previous process where individual apps were verified. The current process is similar to the verification process for actions. If you have apps that were verified under the old process, these will not be affected by the changes. The {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} team will contact you with details of how to migrate to organization-based verification. {% endnote %} 12 content/developers/github-marketplace/ @@ -13,17 +13,17 @@ versions: ### Understanding the billing cycle Customers can choose a monthly or yearly billing cycle when they purchase your app. All changes customers make to the billing cycle and plan selection will trigger a `marketplace_purchase` event. You can refer to the `marketplace_purchase` webhook payload to see which billing cycle a customer selects and when the next billing date begins (`effective_date`). For more information about webhook payloads, see "[{% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} webhook events](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/github-marketplace-webhook-events/)." Customers can choose a monthly or yearly billing cycle when they purchase your app. All changes customers make to the billing cycle and plan selection will trigger a `marketplace_purchase` event. You can refer to the `marketplace_purchase` webhook payload to see which billing cycle a customer selects and when the next billing date begins (`effective_date`). For more information about webhook payloads, see "[Webhook events for the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} API](/developers/github-marketplace/webhook-events-for-the-github-marketplace-api)." ### Providing billing services in your app's UI Customers must be able to perform the following actions from your app's website: - Customers must be able to modify or cancel their {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} plans for personal and organizational accounts separately. Customers should be able to perform the following actions from your app's website: - Customers should be able to modify or cancel their {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} plans for personal and organizational accounts separately. {% data reusables.marketplace.marketplace-billing-ui-requirements %} ### Billing services for upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations Follow these guidelines for upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations to maintain a clear and consistent billing process. For more detailed instructions about the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} purchase events, see "[Billing flows](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/#billing-flows)." Follow these guidelines for upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations to maintain a clear and consistent billing process. For more detailed instructions about the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} purchase events, see "[Using the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} API in your app](/developers/github-marketplace/using-the-github-marketplace-api-in-your-app)." You can use the `marketplace_purchase` webhook's `effective_date` key to determine when a plan change will occur and periodically synchronize the [List accounts for a plan](/rest/reference/apps#list-accounts-for-a-plan). @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ When a customer upgrades their pricing plan or changes their billing cycle from {% data reusables.marketplace.marketplace-failed-purchase-event %} For information about building upgrade and downgrade workflows into your app, see "[Upgrading and downgrading plans](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/upgrading-and-downgrading-plans/)." For information about building upgrade and downgrade workflows into your app, see "[Handling plan changes](/developers/github-marketplace/handling-plan-changes)." #### Downgrades and cancellations @@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ When a customer cancels a plan, you must: {% data reusables.marketplace.cancellation-clarification %} - Enable them to upgrade the plan through GitHub if they would like to continue the plan at a later time. For information about building cancellation workflows into your app, see "[Cancelling plans](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/cancelling-plans/)." For information about building cancellation workflows into your app, see "[Handling plan cancellations](/developers/github-marketplace/handling-plan-cancellations)." 20 ...nt/developers/github-marketplace/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ --- title: Customer experience best practices for apps intro: 'Guidelines for creating an app that will be easy to use and understand.' shortTitle: Customer experience best practice versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- If you follow these best practices it will help you to provide a good customer experience. ### Customer communication - Marketing materials for the app should accurately represent the app's behavior. - Apps should include links to user-facing documentation that describe how to set up and use the app. - Customers should be able to see what type of plan they have in the billing, profile, or account settings section of the app. - Customers should be able to install and use your app on both a personal account and an organization account. They should be able to view and manage the app on those accounts separately. ### Plan management {% data reusables.marketplace.marketplace-billing-ui-requirements %} 4 content/developers/github-marketplace/ @@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ Once you've created a {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} draft li ### Submitting your app Once you've completed your {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing, you can submit your listing for review from the **Overview** page. You'll need to read and accept the "[{% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} Developer Agreement](/articles/github-marketplace-developer-agreement/)," and then you can click **Submit for review**. After you submit your app for review, the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} onboarding team will contact you with additional information about the onboarding process. You can learn more about the onboarding and security review process in "[Getting started with {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}](/marketplace/getting-started/)." Once you've completed your {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing, you can submit your listing for review from the **Overview** page. You'll need to read and accept the "[{% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} Developer Agreement](/articles/github-marketplace-developer-agreement/)," and then you can click **Submit for review**. After you submit your app for review, an onboarding expert will contact you with additional information about the onboarding process. You can learn more about the onboarding and security review process in "[Getting started with {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}](/marketplace/getting-started/)." ### Removing a {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing If you no longer want to list your app in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) to remove your listing. If you no longer want to list your app in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, contact {% data %} to remove your listing. 2 content/developers/github-marketplace/ @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ GitHub then sends the [`marketplace_purchase`](/webhooks/event-payloads/#marketp Read the `effective_date` and `marketplace_purchase` object from the `marketplace_purchase` webhook to determine which plan the customer purchased, when the billing cycle starts, and when the next billing cycle begins. If your app offers a free trial, read the `marketplace_purchase[on_free_trial]` attribute from the webhook. If the value is `true`, your app will need to track the free trial start date (`effective_date`) and the date the free trial ends (`free_trial_ends_on`). Use the `free_trial_ends_on` date to display the remaining days left in a free trial in your app's UI. You can do this in either a banner or in your [billing UI](/marketplace/selling-your-app/billing-customers-in-github-marketplace/#providing-billing-services-in-your-apps-ui). To learn how to handle cancellations before a free trial ends, see "[Cancelling plans](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/cancelling-plans/)." See "[Upgrading and downgrading plans](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/upgrading-and-downgrading-plans/)" to find out how to transition a free trial to a paid plan when a free trial expires. If your app offers a free trial, read the `marketplace_purchase[on_free_trial]` attribute from the webhook. If the value is `true`, your app will need to track the free trial start date (`effective_date`) and the date the free trial ends (`free_trial_ends_on`). Use the `free_trial_ends_on` date to display the remaining days left in a free trial in your app's UI. You can do this in either a banner or in your [billing UI](/marketplace/selling-your-app/billing-customers-in-github-marketplace/#providing-billing-services-in-your-apps-ui). To learn how to handle cancellations before a free trial ends, see "[Handling plan cancellations](/developers/github-marketplace/handling-plan-cancellations)." See "[Handling plan changes](/developers/github-marketplace/handling-plan-changes)" to find out how to transition a free trial to a paid plan when a free trial expires. See "[{% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} webhook events](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/github-marketplace-webhook-events/)" for an example of the `marketplace_purchase` event payload. 6 content/developers/github-marketplace/ @@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ versions: {% topic_link_in_list /creating-apps-for-github-marketplace %} {% link_in_list /about-github-marketplace %} {% link_in_list /about-verified-creators %} {% link_in_list /requirements-for-listing-an-app %} {% link_in_list /security-review-process-for-submitted-apps %} {% link_in_list /security-best-practices-for-apps %} {% link_in_list /customer-experience-best-practices-for-apps %} {% link_in_list /viewing-metrics-for-your-listing %} {% link_in_list /viewing-transactions-for-your-listing %} {% topic_link_in_list /using-the-github-marketplace-api-in-your-app %} @@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ versions: {% link_in_list /writing-a-listing-description-for-your-app %} {% link_in_list /setting-pricing-plans-for-your-listing %} {% link_in_list /configuring-a-webhook-to-notify-you-of-plan-changes %} {% link_in_list /submitting-your-listing-for-review %} {% link_in_list /submitting-your-listing-for-publication %} {% topic_link_in_list /selling-your-app-on-github-marketplace %} {% link_in_list /pricing-plans-for-github-marketplace-apps %} {% link_in_list /billing-customers %} 32 content/developers/github-marketplace/ @@ -10,35 +10,45 @@ versions: {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} pricing plans can be free, flat rate, or per-unit, and GitHub lists the price in US dollars. Customers purchase your app using a payment method attached to their {% data variables.product.product_name %} account, without having to leave You don't have to write code to perform billing transactions, but you will have to handle [billing flows](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/#billing-flows) for purchase events. {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} pricing plans can be free, flat rate, or per-unit. Prices are set, displayed, and processed in US dollars. Paid plans are restricted to verified listings. Customers purchase your app using a payment method attached to their {% data variables.product.product_name %} account, without having to leave {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom_the_website %}. You don't have to write code to perform billing transactions, but you will have to handle events from the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} API. For more information, see "[Using the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} API in your app](/developers/github-marketplace/using-the-github-marketplace-api-in-your-app)." If the app you're listing on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} has multiple plan options, you can set up corresponding pricing plans. For example, if your app has two plan options, an open source plan and a pro plan, you can set up a free pricing plan for your open source plan and a flat pricing plan for your pro plan. Each {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing must have an annual and a monthly price for every plan that's listed. For more information on how to create a pricing plan, see "[Setting a {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing's pricing plan](/marketplace/listing-on-github-marketplace/setting-a-github-marketplace-listing-s-pricing-plan/)." {% note %} {% data %} **Note:** If you're listing an app on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, you can't list your app with a free pricing plan if you offer a paid service outside of {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}. ### Types of pricing plans {% endnote %} #### Free pricing plans ### Types of pricing plans {% data %} Free plans are completely free for users. If you set up a free pricing plan, you cannot charge users that choose the free pricing plan for the use of your app. You can create both free and paid plans for your listing. All apps need to handle events for new purchases and cancellations. Apps that only have free plans do not need to handle events for free trials, upgrades, and downgrades. For more information, see: "[Using the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} API in your app](/developers/github-marketplace/using-the-github-marketplace-api-in-your-app)." If you add a paid plan to an app that you've already listed in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} as a free service, you'll need to request verification for the app and go through financial onboarding. #### Paid pricing plans **Free pricing plans** are completely free for users. If you set up a free pricing plan, you cannot charge users that choose the free pricing plan for the use of your app. You can create both free and paid plans for your listing. Unverified free apps do not need to implement any billing flows. Free apps that are verified by Github need to implement billing flows for new purchases and cancellations, but do not need to implement billing flows for free trials, upgrades, and downgrades. If you add a paid plan to an app that you've already listed in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} as a free service, you'll need to resubmit the app for review. There are two types of paid pricing plan: **Flat rate pricing plans** charge a set fee on a monthly and yearly basis. - Flat rate pricing plans charge a set fee on a monthly and yearly basis. **Per-unit pricing plans** charge a set fee on either a monthly or yearly basis for a unit that you specify. A "unit" can be anything you'd like (for example, a user, seat, or person). - Per-unit pricing plans charge a set fee on either a monthly or yearly basis for a unit that you specify. A "unit" can be anything you'd like (for example, a user, seat, or person). **Marketplace free trials** provide 14-day free trials of OAuth or GitHub Apps to customers. When you [set up a Marketplace pricing plan](/marketplace/listing-on-github-marketplace/setting-a-github-marketplace-listing-s-pricing-plan/), you can select the option to provide a free trial for flat-rate or per-unit pricing plans. You may also want to offer free trials. These provide free, 14-day trials of OAuth or GitHub Apps to customers. When you set up a Marketplace pricing plan, you can select the option to provide a free trial for flat-rate or per-unit pricing plans. ### Free trials Customers can start a free trial for any available paid plan on a Marketplace listing, but will not be able to create more than one free trial for a Marketplace product. Customers can start a free trial for any paid plan on a Marketplace listing that includes free trials. However, customers cannot create more than one free trial per marketplace product. Free trials have a fixed length of 14 days. Customers are notified 4 days before the end of their trial period (on day 11 of the free trial) that their plan will be upgraded. At the end of a free trial, customers will be auto-enrolled into the plan they are trialing if they do not cancel. See "[New purchases and free trials](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/handling-new-purchases-and-free-trials/)" for details on how to handle free trials in your app. For more information, see: "[Handling new purchases and free trials](/developers/github-marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/handling-new-purchases-and-free-trials/)." {% note %} 61 content/developers/github-marketplace/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ --- title: Requirements for listing an app intro: 'Apps on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} must meet the requirements outlined on this page before our {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} onboarding specialists will approve the listing.' intro: 'Apps on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} must meet the requirements outlined on this page before the listing can be published.' redirect_from: - /apps/adding-integrations/listing-apps-on-github-marketplace/requirements-for-listing-an-app-on-github-marketplace/ - /apps/marketplace/listing-apps-on-github-marketplace/requirements-for-listing-an-app-on-github-marketplace/ @@ -12,49 +12,62 @@ versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- <!--UI-LINK: Displayed as a link on the page.--> The requirements for listing an app on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} vary according to whether you want to offer a free or a paid app. Before you submit your app for review, you must read and accept the terms of the "[{% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} Developer Agreement](/articles/github-marketplace-developer-agreement/)." You'll accept the terms within your [draft listing](/marketplace/listing-on-github-marketplace/creating-a-draft-github-marketplace-listing/) on {% data variables.product.product_name %}. Once you've submitted your app, one of the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} onboarding specialists will reach out to you with more information about the onboarding process, and review your app to ensure it meets these requirements: ### Requirements for all {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listings ### User experience All listings on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} should be for tools that provide value to the {% data variables.product.product_name %} community. When you submit your listing for publication, you must read and accept the terms of the "[{% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} Developer Agreement](/articles/github-marketplace-developer-agreement/)." - {% data variables.product.prodname_github_app %}s should have a minimum of 100 installations. - {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %}s should have a minimum of 200 users. #### User experience requirements for all apps All listings should meet the following requirements, regardless of whether they are for a free or paid app. - Listings must not actively persuade users away from {% data variables.product.product_name %}. - Listings must include valid contact information for the publisher. - Listings must have a relevant description of the application. - Listings must specify a pricing plan. - Apps must provide value to customers and integrate with the platform in some way beyond authentication. - Apps must be publicly available in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} and cannot be in beta or available by invite only. - Apps cannot actively persuade users away from {% data variables.product.product_name %}. - Marketing materials for the app must accurately represent the app's behavior. - Apps must include links to user-facing documentation that describe how to set up and use the app. - When a customer purchases an app and GitHub redirects them to the app's installation URL, the app must begin the OAuth flow immediately. For details, see "[Handling new purchases and free trials](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/handling-new-purchases-and-free-trials/#step-3-authorization)." - Apps must have webhook events set up to notify the publisher of any plan changes or cancellations using the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} API. For more information, see "[Using the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} API in your app](/developers/github-marketplace/using-the-github-marketplace-api-in-your-app)." - Customers must be able to install your app and select repositories on both a personal and organization account. They should be able to view and manage those accounts separately. For more information on providing a good customer experience, see "[Customer experience best practices for apps](/developers/github-marketplace/customer-experience-best-practices-for-apps)." ### Brand and listing #### Brand and listing requirements for all apps - Apps that use GitHub logos must follow the "[{% data variables.product.product_name %} Logos and Usage](" guidelines. - Apps that use GitHub logos must follow the {% data variables.product.company_short %} guidelines. For more information, see "[{% data variables.product.company_short %} Logos and Usage](" - Apps must have a logo, feature card, and screenshots images that meet the recommendations provided in "[Writing {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing descriptions](/marketplace/listing-on-github-marketplace/writing-github-marketplace-listing-descriptions/)." - Listings must include descriptions that are well written and free of grammatical errors. For guidance in writing your listing, see "[Writing {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing descriptions](/marketplace/listing-on-github-marketplace/writing-github-marketplace-listing-descriptions/)." ### Security To protect your customers, we recommend that you also follow security best practices. For more information, see "[Security best practices for apps](/developers/github-marketplace/security-best-practices-for-apps)." ### Considerations for free apps Apps will go through a security review before being listed on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}. A successful review will meet the requirements and follow the security best practices listed in "[Security review process](/marketplace/getting-started/security-review-process/)." For information on the review process, contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). {% data %} ### Requirements for paid apps In addition to the requirements for all apps above, each app that you offer as a paid service on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} must also meet the following requirements: - {% data variables.product.prodname_github_app %}s should have a minimum of 100 installations. - {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_app %}s should have a minimum of 200 users. - All paid apps must handle {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} purchase events for new purchases, upgrades, downgrades, cancellations, and free trials. For more information, see "[Billing requirements for paid apps](#billing-requirements-for-paid-apps)" below. - Publishing organizations must have a verified domain and must enable two-factor authentication. For more information, see "[Requiring two-factor authentication in your organization](/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/requiring-two-factor-authentication-in-your-organization.") ### Billing flows When you are ready to publish the app on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} you must request verification for the listing. Your app must integrate [billing flows](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/#billing-flows) using the [{% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} webhook event](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/github-marketplace-webhook-events/). {% note %} #### Free apps The verification process is open to organizations. {% data %} For information on how to do this, see: "[Submitting your listing for publication](/developers/github-marketplace/submitting-your-listing-for-publication#transferring-an-app-to-an-organization-before-you-submit)." {% data %} If you are listing a free app, you'll need to meet these requirements: {% endnote %} - Customers must be able to see that they have a free plan in the billing, profile, or account settings section of the app. - When a customer cancels your app, you must follow the flow for [cancelling plans](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/cancelling-plans/). ### Billing requirements for paid apps #### Paid apps Your app does not need to handle payments but does need to use {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} purchase events to manage new purchases, upgrades, downgrades, cancellations, and free trials. For information about how integrate these events into your app, see "[Using the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} API in your app](/developers/github-marketplace/using-the-github-marketplace-api-in-your-app)." To offer your app as a paid service, you'll need to meet these requirements to list your app on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}: Using GitHub's billing API allows customers to purchase an app without leaving GitHub and to pay for the service with the payment method already attached to their {% data variables.product.product_name %} account. - To sell your app in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, it must use GitHub's billing system. Your app does not need to handle payments but does need to use "[{% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} purchase events](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/github-marketplace-webhook-events/)" to manage new purchases, upgrades, downgrades, cancellations, and free trials. See "[Billing flows](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/#billing-flows)" to learn about how to integrate these events into your app. Using GitHub's billing system allows customers to purchase an app without leaving GitHub and pay for the service with the payment method already attached to their {% data variables.product.product_name %} account. - Apps must support both monthly and annual billing for paid subscriptions purchases. - Listings may offer any combination of free and paid plans. Free plans are optional but encouraged. For more information, see "[Setting a {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing's pricing plan](/marketplace/listing-on-github-marketplace/setting-a-github-marketplace-listing-s-pricing-plan/)." {% data reusables.marketplace.marketplace-billing-ui-requirements %} 60 content/developers/github-marketplace/ @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ --- title: Security best practices for apps intro: 'Guidelines for preparing a secure app to share on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}.' redirect_from: - /apps/marketplace/getting-started/security-review-process/ - /marketplace/getting-started/security-review-process - /developers/github-marketplace/security-review-process-for-submitted-apps shortTitle: Security best practice versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- If you follow these best practices it will help you to provide a secure user experience. ### Authorization, authentication, and access control We recommend creating a GitHub App rather than an OAuth App. {% data reusables.marketplace.github_apps_preferred %}. See "[Differences between GitHub Apps and OAuth Apps](/apps/differences-between-apps/)" for more details. - Apps should use the principle of least privilege and should only request the OAuth scopes and GitHub App permissions that the app needs to perform its intended functionality. For more information, see [Principle of least privilege]( in Wikipedia. - Apps should provide customers with a way to delete their account, without having to email or call a support person. - Apps should not share tokens between different implementations of the app. For example, a desktop app should have a separate token from a web-based app. Individual tokens allow each app to request the access needed for GitHub resources separately. - Design your app with different user roles, depending on the functionality needed by each type of user. For example, a standard user should not have access to admin functionality, and billing managers might not need push access to repository code. - Apps should not share service accounts such as email or database services to manage your SaaS service. - All services used in your app should have unique login and password credentials. - Admin privilege access to the production hosting infrastructure should only be given to engineers and employees with administrative duties. - Apps should not use personal access tokens to authenticate and should authenticate as an [OAuth App](/apps/about-apps/#about-oauth-apps) or a [GitHub App](/apps/about-apps/#about-github-apps): - OAuth Apps should authenticate using an [OAuth token](/apps/building-oauth-apps/authorizing-oauth-apps/). - GitHub Apps should authenticate using either a [JSON Web Token (JWT)](/apps/building-github-apps/authenticating-with-github-apps/#authenticating-as-a-github-app), [OAuth token](/apps/building-github-apps/identifying-and-authorizing-users-for-github-apps/), or [installation access token](/apps/building-github-apps/authenticating-with-github-apps/#authenticating-as-an-installation). ### Data protection - Apps should encrypt data transferred over the public internet using HTTPS, with a valid TLS certificate, or SSH for Git. - Apps should store client ID and client secret keys securely. We recommend storing them as [environmental variables]( - Apps should delete all GitHub user data within 30 days of receiving a request from the user, or within 30 days of the end of the user's legal relationship with GitHub. - Apps should not require the user to provide their GitHub password. - Apps should encrypt tokens, client IDs, and client secrets. ### Logging and monitoring Apps should have logging and monitoring capabilities. App logs should be retained for at least 30 days and archived for at least one year. A security log should include: - Authentication and authorization events - Service configuration changes - Object reads and writes - All user and group permission changes - Elevation of role to admin - Consistent timestamping for each event - Source users, IP addresses, and/or hostnames for all logged actions ### Incident response workflow To provide a secure experience for users, you should have a clear incident response plan in place before listing your app. We recommend having a security and operations incident response team in your company rather than using a third-party vendor. You should have the capability to notify {% data variables.product.product_name %} within 24 hours of a confirmed incident. For an example of an incident response workflow, see the "Data Breach Response Policy" on the [SANS Institute website]( A short document with clear steps to take in the event of an incident is more valuable than a lengthy policy template. ### Vulnerability management and patching workflow You should conduct regular vulnerability scans of production infrastructure. You should triage the results of vulnerability scans and define a period of time in which you agree to remediate the vulnerability. If you are not ready to set up a full vulnerability management program, it's useful to start by creating a patching process. For guidance in creating a patch management policy, see this TechRepublic article "[Establish a patch management policy](" 94 ...ent/developers/github-marketplace/ This file was deleted. 53 content/developers/github-marketplace/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ --- title: Setting pricing plans for your listing intro: 'When [listing your app on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}](/marketplace/listing-on-github-marketplace/), you can choose to provide your app as a free service or sell your app. If you plan to sell your app, you can create different pricing plans for different feature tiers.' intro: 'When you list your app on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, you can choose to provide your app as a free service or sell your app. If you plan to sell your app, you can create different pricing plans for different feature tiers.' redirect_from: - /apps/adding-integrations/managing-pricing-and-payments-for-a-github-marketplace-listing/setting-a-github-marketplace-listing-s-pricing-plan/ - /apps/marketplace/managing-pricing-and-payments-for-a-github-marketplace-listing/setting-a-github-marketplace-listing-s-pricing-plan/ @@ -17,57 +17,52 @@ versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- ### About setting pricing plans If you want to sell an app on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, you need to request verification when you publish the listing for your app. During the verification process, an onboarding expert checks the organization's identity and security settings. The onboarding expert will also take the organization through financial onboarding. For more information, see: "[Requirements for listing an app on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}](/marketplace/getting-started/requirements-for-listing-an-app-on-github-marketplace/)." ### Creating pricing plans To learn about the types of pricing plans that {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} offers, see "[{% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} Pricing Plans](/marketplace/selling-your-app/github-marketplace-pricing-plans/)." You'll also find helpful billing guidelines in "[Selling your app](/marketplace/selling-your-app/)." Pricing plans can be in the draft or published state. If you haven't submitted your {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing for approval, a published listing will function the same way as draft listings until your app is approved and listed on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}. Draft listings allow you to create and save new pricing plans without making them available on your {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing page. Once you publish the pricing plan, it's available for customers to purchase immediately. You can publish up to 10 pricing plans. {% data %} For information on how to do this, see: "[Submitting your listing for publication](/developers/github-marketplace/submitting-your-listing-for-publication#transferring-an-app-to-an-organization-before-you-submit)." To create a pricing plan for your {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing, click **Plans and pricing** in the left sidebar of your [{% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing page]( If you haven't created a {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing yet, read "[Creating a draft {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing](/marketplace/listing-on-github-marketplace/creating-a-draft-github-marketplace-listing/)" to learn how. When you click **New draft plan**, you'll see a form that allows you to customize your pricing plan. You'll need to configure the following fields to create a pricing plan: {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} offers several different types of pricing plan. For detailed information, see "[Pricing plans for {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}](/developers/github-marketplace/pricing-plans-for-github-marketplace-apps)." #### Plan name ### About saving pricing plans Your pricing plan's name will appear on your {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} app's landing page. You can customize the name of your pricing plan to align to the plan's resources, the size of the company that will use the plan, or anything you'd like. You can save pricing plans in a draft or published state. If you haven't submitted your {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing for approval, a published plan will function in the same way as a draft plan until your listing is approved and shown on {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}. Draft plans allow you to create and save new pricing plans without making them available on your {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing page. Once you publish a pricing plan on a published listing, it's available for customers to purchase immediately. You can publish up to 10 pricing plans. #### Pricing models For guidelines on billing customers, see "[Billing customers](/developers/github-marketplace/billing-customers)." ##### Free plans {% data %} A free plan still requires you to handle [new purchase](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/handling-new-purchases-and-free-trials/) and [cancellation](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/cancelling-plans/) billing flows. See "[Billing flows](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/#billing-flows)" for more details. ##### Flat-rate plans ### Creating pricing plans Flat-rate pricing plans allow you to offer your service to customers for a flat-rate fee. {% data reusables.marketplace.marketplace-pricing-free-trials %} To create a pricing plan for your {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing, click **Plans and pricing** in the left sidebar of your [{% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing page]( For more information, see "[Creating a draft {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing](/marketplace/listing-on-github-marketplace/creating-a-draft-github-marketplace-listing/)." You must set a price for both monthly and yearly subscriptions in U.S. Dollars for flat-rate plans. When you click **New draft plan**, you'll see a form that allows you to customize your pricing plan. You'll need to configure the following fields to create a pricing plan: ##### Per-unit plans - **Plan name** - Your pricing plan's name will appear on your {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} app's landing page. You can customize the name of your pricing plan to align with the plan's resources, the size of the company that will use the plan, or anything you'd like. Per-unit pricing allows you to offer your app in units. For example, a unit can be a person, seat, or user. You'll need to provide a name for the unit and set a price for both monthly and yearly subscriptions, in U.S. Dollars. - **Pricing models** - There are three types of pricing plan: free, flat-rate, and per-unit. All plans require you to process new purchase and cancellation events from the marketplace API. In addition, for paid plans: #### Available for - You must set a price for both monthly and yearly subscriptions in US dollars. - Your app must process plan change events. - You must request verification to publish a listing with a paid plan. - {% data reusables.marketplace.marketplace-pricing-free-trials %} {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} pricing plans can apply to **Personal and organization accounts**, **Personal accounts only**, or **Organization accounts only**. For example, if your pricing plan is per-unit and provides multiple seats, you would select **Organization accounts only** because there is no way to assign seats to people in an organization from a personal account. For detailed information, see "[Pricing plans for {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} apps](/developers/github-marketplace/pricing-plans-for-github-marketplace-apps)" and "[Using the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} API in your app](/developers/github-marketplace/using-the-github-marketplace-api-in-your-app)." #### Short description - **Available for** - {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} pricing plans can apply to **Personal and organization accounts**, **Personal accounts only**, or **Organization accounts only**. For example, if your pricing plan is per-unit and provides multiple seats, you would select **Organization accounts only** because there is no way to assign seats to people in an organization from a personal account. Write a brief summary of the details of the pricing plan. The description might include the type of customer the plan is intended for or the resources the plan includes. - **Short description** - Write a brief summary of the details of the pricing plan. The description might include the type of customer the plan is intended for or the resources the plan includes. #### Bullets - **Bullets** - You can write up to four bullets that include more details about your pricing plan. The bullets might include the use cases of your app or list more detailed information about the resources or features included in the plan. You can write up to four bullets that include more details about your pricing plan. The bullets might include the use cases of your app or list more detailed information about the resources or features included in the plan. {% data %} ### Changing a {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing's pricing plan If a pricing plan for your {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} plan is no longer needed or if you need to adjust pricing details, you can remove it. If a pricing plan for your {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing is no longer needed, or if you need to adjust pricing details, you can remove it. ![Button to remove your pricing plan](/assets/images/marketplace/marketplace_remove_this_plan.png) Once you publish a pricing plan for an app already listed in the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, you can't make changes to the plan. Instead, you'll need to remove the pricing plan. Customers who already purchased the removed pricing plan will continue to use it until they opt out and move onto a new pricing plan. For more on pricing plans, see "[{% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} pricing plans](/marketplace/selling-your-app/github-marketplace-pricing-plans/)." Once you publish a pricing plan for an app that is already listed in {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}, you can't make changes to the plan. Instead, you'll need to remove the pricing plan and create a new plan. Customers who already purchased the removed pricing plan will continue to use it until they opt out and move onto a new pricing plan. For more on pricing plans, see "[{% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} pricing plans](/marketplace/selling-your-app/github-marketplace-pricing-plans/)." Once you remove a pricing plan, users won't be able to purchase your app using that plan. Existing users on the removed pricing plan will continue to stay on the plan until they cancel their plan subscription. 37 content/developers/github-marketplace/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ --- title: Submitting your listing for publication intro: 'You can submit your listing for the {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} community to use.' redirect_from: - /marketplace/listing-on-github-marketplace/submitting-your-listing-for-review - /developers/github-marketplace/submitting-your-listing-for-review versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- Once you've completed the listing for your app, you'll see two buttons that allow you to request publication of the listing with or without verification. The **Request** button for "Publish without verification" is disabled if you have published any paid pricing plans in the listing. ![Unverified and verified request button](/assets/images/marketplace/marketplace-request-button.png) {% data reusables.marketplace.launch-with-free %} After you submit your listing for review, an onboarding expert will reach out to you with additional information. For an overview of the process for creating and submitting a listing, see "[About {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %}](/developers/github-marketplace/about-github-marketplace#publishing-an-app-to-github-marketplace)." ### Prerequisites for publishing with verification Before you request verification of your listing, you'll need to integrate the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} billing flows and webhook into your app. For more information, see "[Using the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} API in your app](/developers/github-marketplace/using-the-github-marketplace-api-in-your-app)." If you've met the requirements for listing and you've integrated with the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} API, go ahead and submit your listing. For more information, see "[Requirements for listing an app](/developers/github-marketplace/requirements-for-listing-an-app)." {% data %} For information on how to do this, see: "[Transferring an app to an organization before you submit](#transferring-an-app-to-an-organization-before-you-submit)" below. ### Transferring an app to an organization before you submit You cannot sell an app that's owned by a user account. You need to transfer the app to an organization that is already a verified creator, or that can request verification for a listing for the app. For details, see: 1. "[Creating an organization from scratch](/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/creating-a-new-organization-from-scratch)" 1. "[Transferring ownership of a GitHub App](/developers/apps/transferring-ownership-of-a-github-app)" or "[Transferring ownership of an OAuth App](/developers/apps/transferring-ownership-of-an-oauth-app)" 22 content/developers/github-marketplace/ This file was deleted. 4 content/developers/github-marketplace/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ --- title: Testing your app intro: 'GitHub recommends testing your app with APIs and webhooks before submitting your listing to {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} so you can provide an ideal experience for customers. Before the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} onboarding team approves your app, it must adequately handle the [billing flows](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/#billing-flows).' intro: 'GitHub recommends testing your app with APIs and webhooks before submitting your listing to {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} so you can provide an ideal experience for customers. Before an onboarding expert approves your app, it must adequately handle the billing flows.' redirect_from: - /apps/marketplace/testing-apps-apis-and-webhooks/ - /apps/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/testing-github-marketplace-apps/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ versions: ### Testing apps You can use a [draft {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing](/marketplace/listing-on-github-marketplace/creating-a-draft-github-marketplace-listing/) to simulate each of the [billing flows](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/#billing-flows). A listing in the draft state means that it has not been submitted for approval. Any purchases you make using a draft {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing will _not_ create real transactions, and GitHub will not charge your credit card. You can use a draft {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing to simulate each of the billing flows. A listing in the draft state means that it has not been submitted for approval. Any purchases you make using a draft {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} listing will _not_ create real transactions, and GitHub will not charge your credit card. For more information, see "[Drafting a listing for your app](/developers/github-marketplace/drafting-a-listing-for-your-app)" and "[Using the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} API in your app](/developers/github-marketplace/using-the-github-marketplace-api-in-your-app)." #### Using a development app with a draft listing to test changes 2 .../developers/github-marketplace/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ --- title: Webhook events for the GitHub Marketplace API intro: 'A {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} app receives information about changes to a user''s plan from the Marketplace purchase event webhook. A Marketplace purchase event is triggered when a user purchases, cancels, or changes their payment plan. For details on how to respond to each of these types of events, see "[Billing flows](/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/#billing-flows)."' intro: 'A {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} app receives information about changes to a user''s plan from the Marketplace purchase event webhook. A Marketplace purchase event is triggered when a user purchases, cancels, or changes their payment plan.' redirect_from: - /apps/marketplace/setting-up-github-marketplace-webhooks/about-webhook-payloads-for-a-github-marketplace-listing/ - /apps/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/github-marketplace-webhook-events/ 4 content/developers/webhooks-and-events/ @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ Key | Type | Description #### Webhook payload object {% data reusables.webhooks.installation_properties %} {% data reusables.webhooks.app_desc %} {% data reusables.webhooks.app_always_desc %} {% data reusables.webhooks.sender_desc %} #### Webhook payload example @@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ Key | Type | Description #### Webhook payload object {% data reusables.webhooks.installation_repositories_properties %} {% data reusables.webhooks.app_desc %} {% data reusables.webhooks.app_always_desc %} {% data reusables.webhooks.sender_desc %} #### Webhook payload example 54 ...ssions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/ @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ --- title: About discussions intro: Use discussions to ask and answer questions, share information, make announcements, and conduct or participate in a conversation about a project on {% data variables.product.product_name %}. versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- {% data reusables.discussions.beta %} ### About discussions With {% data variables.product.prodname_discussions %}, the community for your project can create and participate in conversations within the project's repository. Discussions empower a project's maintainers, contributors, and visitors to gather and accomplish the following goals in a central location, without third-party tools. - Share announcements and information, gather feedback, plan, and make decisions - Ask questions, discuss and answer the questions, and mark the discussions as answered - Foster an inviting atmosphere for visitors and contributors to discuss goals, development, administration, and workflows ![Discussions tab for a repository](/assets/images/help/discussions/hero.png) You don't need to close a discussion like you close an issue or a pull request. If a repository administrator or project maintainer enables discussions for a repository, anyone who visits the repository can create and participate in discussions for the repository. Repository administrators and project maintainers can manage discussions and discussion categories in a repository, and pin discussions to increase the visibility of the discussion. Moderators and collaborators can mark comments as answers, lock discussions, and convert issues to discussions. For more information, see "[Repository permission levels for an organization](/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/repository-permission-levels-for-an-organization)." For more information about management of discussions for your repository, see "[Managing discussions in your repository](/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/managing-discussions-in-your-repository)." ### About categories and formats for discussions {% data %} {% data reusables.discussions.about-categories-and-formats %} {% data reusables.discussions.repository-category-limit %} For discussions with a question/answer format, an individual comment within the discussion can be marked as the discussion's answer. {% data reusables.discussions.github-recognizes-members %} For more information, see "[Managing categories for discussions in your repository](/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/managing-categories-for-discussions-in-your-repository)." ### Best practices for discussions As a community member or maintainer, start a discussion to ask a question or discuss information that affects the community. For more information, see "[Collaborating with maintainers using discussions](/discussions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/collaborating-with-maintainers-using-discussions)." Participate in a discussion to ask and answer questions, provide feedback, and engage with the project's community. For more information, see "[Participating in a discussion](/discussions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/participating-in-a-discussion)." You can spotlight discussions that contain important, useful, or exemplary conversations among members in the community. For more information, see "[Managing discussions in your repository](/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/managing-discussions-in-your-repository#pinning-a-discussion)." {% data %} For more information, see "[Moderating discussions in your repository](/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/moderating-discussions#converting-an-issue-to-a-discussion)." ### Sharing feedback You can share your feedback about {% data variables.product.prodname_discussions %} with {% data variables.product.company_short %}. To join the conversation, see [`github/feedback`]( ### Further reading - "[About writing and formatting on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}](/github/writing-on-github/about-writing-and-formatting-on-github)" - "[Searching discussions](/github/searching-for-information-on-github/searching-discussions)" - "[About notifications](/github/managing-subscriptions-and-notifications-on-github/about-notifications)" - "[Moderating comments and conversations](/github/building-a-strong-community/moderating-comments-and-conversations)" - "[Maintaining your safety on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}](/github/building-a-strong-community/maintaining-your-safety-on-github)" 50 @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ --- title: Collaborating with maintainers using discussions shortTitle: Collaborating with maintainers intro: You can contribute to the goals, plans, health, and community for a project on {% data variables.product.product_name %} by communicating with the maintainers of the project in a discussion. permissions: People with read permissions to a repository can start and participate in discussions in the repository. versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- {% data reusables.discussions.beta %} ### About collaboration with maintainers using discussions {% data reusables.discussions.about-discussions %} If you use or contribute to a project, you can start a discussion to make suggestions and engage with maintainers and community members about your plans, questions, ideas, and feedback. For more information, see "[‎About discussions](/discussions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/about-discussions)." {% data reusables.discussions.about-categories-and-formats %} Repository administrators and project maintainers can delete a discussion. For more information, see "[Managing discussions in your repository](/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/managing-discussions-in-your-repository#deleting-a-discussion)." {% data reusables.discussions.github-recognizes-members %} These members appear in a list of the most helpful contributors to the project's discussions. As your project grows, you can grant higher access permissions to active members of your community. For more information, see "[Granting higher permissions to top contributors](/discussions/guides/granting-higher-permissions-to-top-contributors)" ![Most helpful contributors to discussions for a project](/assets/images/help/discussions/most-helpful.png) For more information about participation in discussions, see "[Participating in a discussion](/discussions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/participating-in-a-discussion)." ### Prerequisites To collaborate with maintainers using discussions, a repository administrator or project maintainer must enable discussions for the repository. For more information, see "[Enabling or disabling discussions for a repository](/github/administering-a-repository/enabling-or-disabling-github-discussions-for-a-repository)." ### Starting a discussion {% data reusables.discussions.starting-a-discussion %} ### Filtering the list of discussions You can search for discussions and filter the list of discussions in a repository. For more information, see "[Searching discussions](/github/searching-for-information-on-github/searching-discussions)." {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} {% data reusables.discussions.discussions-tab %} 1. In the **Search all discussions** field, type a search query. Optionally, to the right of the search field, click a button to further filter the results. ![Search bar and buttons for filtering discussions](/assets/images/help/discussions/search-and-filter-controls.png) 1. In the list of discussions, click the discussion you want to view. ![Discussion search results](/assets/images/help/discussions/search-result.png) ### Converting an issue to a discussion {% data %} For more information, see "[Moderating discussions in your repository](/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/moderating-discussions#converting-an-issue-to-a-discussion#converting-an-issue-to-a-discussion)." ### Further reading - "[About writing and formatting on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}](/github/writing-on-github/about-writing-and-formatting-on-github)" - "[Maintaining your safety on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}](/github/building-a-strong-community/maintaining-your-safety-on-github)" 14 content/discussions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ --- title: Collaborating with your community using discussions shortTitle: Collaborating using discussions intro: Gather and discuss your project with community members and other maintainers. versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- {% data reusables.discussions.beta %} {% link_in_list /about-discussions %} {% link_in_list /participating-in-a-discussion %} {% link_in_list /collaborating-with-maintainers-using-discussions %} 31 ...borating-with-your-community-using-discussions/ @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ --- title: Participating in a discussion intro: You can converse with the community and maintainers in a forum within the repository for a project on {% data variables.product.product_name %}. permissions: People with read permissions to a repository can participate in discussions in the repository. versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- {% data reusables.discussions.beta %} ### About participation in a discussion {% data reusables.discussions.about-discussions %} For more information, see "[About discussions](/discussions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/about-discussions)." In addition to starting or viewing a discussion, you can comment in response to the original comment from the author of the discussion. You can also create a comment thread by replying to an individual comment that another community member made within the discussion, and react to comments with emoji. For more information about reactions, see "[About conversations on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}](/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/about-conversations-on-github#reacting-to-ideas-in-comments)." You can block users and report disruptive content to maintain a safe and pleasant environment for yourself on {% data variables.product.product_name %}. For more information, see "[Maintaining your safety on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}](/github/building-a-strong-community/maintaining-your-safety-on-github)." ### Prerequisites Discussions must be enabled for the repository for you to participate in a discussion in the repository. For more information, see "[Enabling or disabling discussions for a repository](/github/administering-a-repository/enabling-or-disabling-github-discussions-for-a-repository)." ### Creating a discussion {% data reusables.discussions.starting-a-discussion %} ### Marking a comment as an answer Discussion authors and users with the triage role or greater for a repository can mark a comment as the answer to a discussion in the repository. {% data reusables.discussions.marking-a-comment-as-an-answer %} 49 content/discussions/guides/ @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ --- title: Best practices for community conversations on GitHub shortTitle: Best practices for community conversations intro: 'You can use discussions to brainstorm with your team, and eventually move the conversation to a discussion when you are ready to scope out the work.' versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- {% data reusables.discussions.beta %} ### Community conversations in {% data variables.product.prodname_discussions %} Since {% data variables.product.prodname_discussions %} is an open forum, there is an opportunity to bring non-code collaboration into a project's repository and gather diverse feedback and ideas more quickly. You can help drive a productive conversation by: - Asking pointed questions and follow-up questions to garner specific feedback - Capture a diverse experience and distill it down to main points - Open an issue to take action based on the conversation, where applicable For more information about opening an issue and cross-referencing a discussion, see "[Opening an issue from a comment](/github/managing-your-work-on-github/opening-an-issue-from-a-comment)." ### Learning about conversations on GitHub You can create and participate in discussions, issues, and pull requests, depending on the type of conversation you'd like to have. You can use {% data variables.product.prodname_discussions %} to discuss big picture ideas, brainstorm, and spike out a project's specific details before committing it to an issue, which can then be scoped. Discussions are useful for teams if: - You are in the discovery phase of a project and are still learning which director your team wants to go in - You want to collect feedback from a wider community about a project - You want to keep bug fixes, feature requests, and general conversations separate Issues are useful for discussing specific details of a project such as bug reports and planned improvements. For more information, see "[About issues](/articles/about-issues)." Pull requests allow you to comment directly on proposed changes. For more information, see "[About pull requests](/articles/about-pull-requests)" and "[Commenting on a pull request](/articles/commenting-on-a-pull-request)." {% data %} For more information, see "[About team discussions](/articles/about-team-discussions)." ### Following contributing guidelines Before you open a discussion, check to see if the repository has contributing guidelines. The CONTRIBUTING file includes information about how the repository maintainer would like you to contribute ideas to the project. For more information, see "[Setting up your project for healthy contributions](/github/building-a-strong-community/setting-up-your-project-for-healthy-contributions)." ### Next steps To continue learning about {% data variables.product.prodname_discussions %} and quickly create a discussion for your community, see "[Quickstart for {% data variables.product.prodname_discussions %}](/discussions/quickstart)." ### Further reading - "[Setting up your project for healthy contributions](/articles/setting-up-your-project-for-healthy-contributions)" - "[Using templates to encourage useful issues and pull requests](/github/building-a-strong-community/using-templates-to-encourage-useful-issues-and-pull-requests)" - "[Moderating comments and conversations](/articles/moderating-comments-and-conversations)" - "[Writing on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}](/articles/writing-on-github)" 21 content/discussions/guides/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ --- title: Finding discussions across multiple repositories intro: 'You can easily access every discussion you''ve created or participated in across multiple repositories.' versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- {% data reusables.discussions.beta %} ### Finding discussions 1. Navigate to {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom_the_website %}. 1. In the top-right corner of {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom_the_website %}, click your profile photo, then click **Your enterprises**. !["Your discussions" in drop-down menu for profile photo on {% data variables.product.product_name %}](/assets/images/help/discussions/your-discussions.png) 1. Toggle between **Created** and **Commented** to see the discussions you've created or participated in. ### Further reading - "[Searching discussions](/github/searching-for-information-on-github/searching-discussions)" - "[About discussions](/discussions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/about-discussions)" - "[Managing discussions for your community](/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community)" 32 content/discussions/guides/ @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ --- title: Granting higher permissions to top contributors intro: 'Repository administrators can promote any community member to a moderator and maintainer.' versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- {% data reusables.discussions.beta %} ### Introduction The most helpful contributors for the past 30 days are highlighted on the {% data variables.product.prodname_discussions %} dashboard, based on how many comments were marked as answers by other community members. Helpful contributors can help drive a healthy community and moderate and guide the community space in addition to maintainers. ### Step 1: Audit your discussions top contributors {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} {% data reusables.discussions.discussions-tab %} 1. Compare the list of contributors with their access permissions to see who qualifies to moderate the discussion. ### Step 2: Review permission levels for discussions People with triage permissions for a repository can help moderate a project's discussions by marking comments as answers, locking discussions that are not longer useful or are damaging to the community, and converting issues to discussions when an idea is still in the early stages of development. For more information, see "[Moderating discussions](/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/moderating-discussions)." For more information about repository permission levels and {% data variables.product.prodname_discussions %}, see "[Repository permissions levels for an organization](/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/repository-permission-levels-for-an-organization)." ### Step 3: Change permissions levels for top contributors You can change a contributor's permission levels to give them more access to the tooling they need to moderate GitHub Discussions. To change a person's or team's permission levels, see "[Managing teams and people with access to your repository](/github/administering-a-repository/managing-teams-and-people-with-access-to-your-repository)." ### Step 4: Notify community members of elevated access When you change a collaborators permission level, they will receive a notification for the change. 29 content/discussions/guides/ @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ --- title: Discussions guides shortTitle: Guides intro: 'Discover pathways to get started or learn best practices for participating or monitoring your community''s discussions.' versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- {% data reusables.discussions.beta %} ### Getting started with discussions {% link_in_list /about-discussions %} {% link_in_list /best-practices-for-community-conversations-on-github %} {% link_in_list /finding-discussions-across-multiple-repositories %} <!-- {% link_in_list /managing-notifications-for-discussions %} --> ### Administering discussions {% link_in_list /granting-higher-permissions-to-top-contributors %} <!--<!-- Commenting out what is only nice to have for discussions release {% link_in_list /updating-your-contributing-guidelines-with-discussions %} --> <!-- ### Discussions and open source projects {% link_in_list /collaborating-on-open-source-projects-in-discussions %} {% link_in_list /welcoming-contributions-to-your-communitys-discussions %} --> 55 content/discussions/ @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ --- title: GitHub Discussions Documentation beta_product: true shortTitle: GitHub Discussions intro: '{% data variables.product.prodname_discussions %} is a collaborative communication forum for the community around an open source project. Community members can ask and answer questions, share updates, have open-ended conversations, and follow along on decisions affecting the community''s way of working.' introLinks: quickstart: /discussions/quickstart featuredLinks: guides: - /discussions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/about-discussions - /discussions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/participating-in-a-discussion - /discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/moderating-discussions gettingStarted: - /discussions/quickstart guideCards: - /discussions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/about-discussions - /discussions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/participating-in-a-discussion - /discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/moderating-discussions popular: - /discussions/guides/granting-higher-permissions-to-top-contributors - /discussions/guides/best-practices-for-community-conversations-on-github - /discussions/guides/finding-discussions-across-multiple-repositories - /discussions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/collaborating-with-maintainers-using-discussions - /discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/managing-categories-for-discussions-in-your-repository product_video: layout: product-landing versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- <!-- {% link_with_intro /quickstart %} --> <!-- {% link_with_intro /discussions-guides %} --> <!-- {% link_with_intro /collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions %} --> <!-- {% link_with_intro /managing-discussions-for-your-community %} --> <!-- Community examples --> {% assign discussionsCommunityExamples = %} {% if discussionsCommunityExamples %} <div class="my-6 pt-6"> <h2 class="mb-2 font-mktg h1">Communities using discussions</h2> <div class="d-flex flex-wrap gutter"> {% render 'discussions-community-card' for discussionsCommunityExamples as example %} </div> {% if discussionsCommunityExamples.length > 6 %} <button class="js-filter-card-show-more btn btn-outline float-right">Show more {% octicon "arrow-right" %}</button> {% endif %} <div class="js-filter-card-no-results d-none py-4 text-center text-gray font-mktg"> <div class="mb-3">{% octicon "search" width="24" %}</div> <h3 class="text-normal">Sorry, there is no result for <strong class="js-filter-card-value"></strong></h3> <p class="my-3 f4">It looks like we don't have an example that fits your filter.<br>Try another filter or add your code example</p> <a href="">Add your community {% octicon "arrow-right" %}</a> </div> </div> {% endif %} 13 content/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/ @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ --- title: Managing discussions for your community shortTitle: Managing discussions intro: 'You can enable and configure discussions for your repository, and you can use tools on {% data variables.product.product_name %} to moderate conversations among community members.' versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- {% data reusables.discussions.beta %} {% link_in_list /managing-discussions-in-your-repository %} {% link_in_list /managing-categories-for-discussions-in-your-repository %} {% link_in_list /moderating-discussions %} 64 ...ns-for-your-community/ @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ --- title: Managing categories for discussions in your repository intro: You can categorize the discussions in your repository to organize conversations for your community members, and you can choose a format for each category. permissions: Repository administrators and people with write or greater access to a repository can enable discussions in the repository. versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- {% data reusables.discussions.beta %} ### About categories for discussions {% data reusables.discussions.about-discussions %} {% data reusables.discussions.about-categories-and-formats %} Each category must have a unique name and emoji pairing, and can be accompanied by a detailed description stating its purpose. Categories help maintainers organize how conversations are filed and are customizable to help distinguish categories that are Q&A or more open-ended conversations.{% data reusables.discussions.repository-category-limit %} For more information, see "[About discussions](/discussions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/about-discussions#about-categories-and-formats-for-discussions)." ### Default categories | Category | Purpose | Type | | :- | :- | :- | | #️⃣ General | Anything and everything relevant to the project | Open-ended discussion | |💡Ideas | Ideas to change or improve the project | Open-ended discussion | | 🙏 Q&A | Questions for the community to answer, with a question/answer format | Question and Answer | | 🙌 Show and tell | Creations, experiments, or tests relevant to the project | Open-ended discussion | ### Creating a category {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} {% data reusables.discussions.discussions-tab %} {% data reusables.discussions.edit-categories %} 1. Click **New category**. !["New category" button above list of discussion categories for a repository](/assets/images/help/discussions/click-new-category-button.png) 1. Edit the emoji, title, description, and discussion format for the category. For more information about discussion formats, see "[About discussions](/discussions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/about-discussions#about-categories-and-formats-for-discussions)." ![Emoji, title, description, and discussion format for new category](/assets/images/help/discussions/edit-category-details.png) 1. Click **Create**. !["Create" button for new category](/assets/images/help/discussions/new-category-click-create-button.png) ### Editing a category You can edit a category to change the category's emoji, title, description, and discussion format. {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} {% data reusables.discussions.discussions-tab %} 1. To the right of a category in the list, click {% octicon "pencil" aria-label="The pencil icon" %}. ![Edit button to the right of category in list of categories for a repository](/assets/images/help/discussions/click-edit-for-category.png) 1. {% data reusables.discussions.edit-category-details %} ![Editing emoji, title, description, and discussion format for existing category](/assets/images/help/discussions/edit-existing-category-details.png) 1. Click **Save changes**. !["Save changes" button for existing category](/assets/images/help/discussions/existing-category-click-save-changes-button.png) ### Deleting a category When you delete a category, {% data variables.product.product_name %} will move all discussions in the deleted category to an existing category that you choose. {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} {% data reusables.discussions.discussions-tab %} 1. To the right of a category in the list, click {% octicon "trash" aria-label="The trash icon" %}. ![Trash button to the right of category in list of categories for a repository](/assets/images/help/discussions/click-delete-for-category.png) 1. Use the drop-down menu, and choose a new category for any discussions in the category you're deleting. ![Drop-down menu for choosing new category when deleting an existing category](/assets/images/help/discussions/choose-new-category.png) 1. Click **Delete & Move**. ![Drop-down menu for choosing new category when deleting an existing category](/assets/images/help/discussions/click-delete-and-move-button.png) 108 ...aging-discussions-for-your-community/ @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ --- title: Managing discussions in your repository intro: You can categorize, spotlight, transfer, or delete the discussions in a repository. permissions: Repository administrators and people with write or greater access to a repository can manage discussions in the repository. versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- {% data reusables.discussions.beta %} ### About management of discussions {% data reusables.discussions.about-discussions %} For more information about discussions, see "[About discussions](/discussions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/about-discussions)." Organization owners can choose the permissions required to create a discussion for repositories owned by the organization. For more information, see "[Managing discussion creation for repositories in your organization](/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/managing-discussion-creation-for-repositories-in-your-organization)." As a discussions maintainer, you can create community resources to encourage discussions that are aligned with the overall project goal and maintain a friendly open forum for collaborators. Creating a code of conduct or contribution guidelines for collaborators to follow will help facilitate a collaborative and productive forum. For more information on creating community resources, see "[Adding a code of conduct to your project](/github/building-a-strong-community/adding-a-code-of-conduct-to-your-project)," and "[Setting guidelines for repository contributors](/github/building-a-strong-community/setting-guidelines-for-repository-contributors)." For more information on facilitating a healthy discussion, see "[Moderating comments and conversations](/github/building-a-strong-community/moderating-comments-and-conversations)." ### Prerequisites To manage discussions in a repository, discussions must be enabled for the repository. For more information, see "[Enabling or disabling discussions for a repository](/github/administering-a-repository/enabling-or-disabling-github-discussions-for-a-repository)." ### Changing the category for a discussion You can categorize discussions to help community members find related discussions. For more information, see "[Managing categories for discussions in your repository](/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/managing-categories-for-discussions-in-your-repository)" article. You can also move a discussion to a different category. {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} {% data reusables.discussions.discussions-tab %} {% data %} 1. In the right sidebar, click {% octicon "pencil" aria-label="The pencil icon" %} **Edit pinned discussion**. !["Pin discussion" in right sidebar for discussion](/assets/images/help/discussions/click-edit-pinned-discussion.png) ### Pinning a discussion You can pin up to four important discussions above the list of discussions for the repository. {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} {% data reusables.discussions.discussions-tab %} {% data %} 1. In the right sidebar, click {% octicon "pin" aria-label="The pin icon" %} **Pin discussion**. !["Pin discussion" in right sidebar for discussion](/assets/images/help/discussions/click-pin-discussion.png) 1. Optionally, customize the look of the pinned discussion. ![Customization options for a pinned discussion](/assets/images/help/discussions/customize-pinned-discussion.png) 1. Click **Pin discussion**. !["Pin discussion" button under customization options for pinned discussion](/assets/images/help/discussions/click-pin-discussion-button.png) ### Editing a pinned discussion Editing a pinned discussion will not change the discussion's category. For more information, see "[Managing categories for discussions in your repository](/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/managing-categories-for-discussions-in-your-repository)." {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} {% data reusables.discussions.discussions-tab %} {% data %} 1. In the right sidebar, click {% octicon "pencil" aria-label="The pencil icon" %} **Edit pinned discussion**. !["Pin discussion" in right sidebar for discussion](/assets/images/help/discussions/click-edit-pinned-discussion.png) 1. Customize the look of the pinned discussion. ![Customization options for a pinned discussion](/assets/images/help/discussions/customize-pinned-discussion.png) 1. Click **Pin discussion**. !["Pin discussion" button under customization options for pinned discussion](/assets/images/help/discussions/click-pin-discussion-button.png) ### Unpinning a discussion {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} {% data reusables.discussions.discussions-tab %} {% data %} 1. In the right sidebar, click {% octicon "pin" aria-label="The pin icon" %} **Unpin discussion**. !["Unpin discussion" in right sidebar for discussion](/assets/images/help/discussions/click-unpin-discussion.png) 1. Read the warning, then click **Unpin discussion**. !["Unpin discussion" button beneath warning in modal](/assets/images/help/discussions/click-unpin-discussion-button.png) ### Transferring a discussion To transfer a discussion, you must have permissions to create discussions in the repository where you want to transfer the discussion. {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} {% data reusables.discussions.discussions-tab %} {% data %} 1. In the right sidebar, click {% octicon "arrow-right" aria-label="The right arrow icon" %} **Transfer discussion**. !["Transfer discussion" in right sidebar for discussion](/assets/images/help/discussions/click-transfer-discussion.png) 1. Select the **Choose a repository** drop-down, and click the repository you want to transfer the discussion to. !["Choose a repository" drop-down, "Find a repository" search field, and repository in list](/assets/images/help/discussions/use-choose-a-repository-drop-down.png) 1. Click **Transfer discussion**. !["Transfer discussion" button](/assets/images/help/discussions/click-transfer-discussion-button.png) ### Deleting a discussion {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} {% data reusables.discussions.discussions-tab %} {% data %} 1. In the right sidebar, click {% octicon "trash" aria-label="The trash arrow icon" %} **Delete discussion**. !["Delete discussion" in right sidebar for discussion](/assets/images/help/discussions/click-delete-discussion.png) 1. Read the warning, then click **Delete this discussion**. !["Delete this discussion" button beneath warning in modal](/assets/images/help/discussions/click-delete-this-discussion-button.png) ### Converting issues based on labels You can convert all issues with the same label to discussions in bulk. Future issues with this label will also automatically convert to the discussion and category you configure. {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} {% data reusables.repositories.sidebar-issues %} {% data reusables.project-management.labels %} 1. Next to the label you want to convert to issues, click **Convert issues**. 1. Select the **Choose a category** drop-down menu, and click a category for your discussion. 1. Click **I understand, convert this issue to a discussion**. 40 ...t/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/ @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ --- title: Moderating discussions intro: 'You can promote healthy collaboration by marking comments as answers, locking or unlocking discussions, and converting issues to discussions. and editing or deleting comments, discussions, and categories that don''t align with your community''s code of conduct to discussions.' permissions: People with triage access to a repository can moderate discussions in the repository. versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- {% data reusables.discussions.beta %} ### About moderating discussions {% data reusables.discussions.about-discussions %} If you have triage permissions for a repository, you can help moderate a project's discussions by marking comments as answers, locking discussions that are not longer useful or are damaging to the community, and converting issues to discussions when an idea is still in the early stages of development. ### Marking a comment as an answer {% data reusables.discussions.marking-a-comment-as-an-answer %} ### Locking discussions It's appropriate to lock a conversation when the entire conversation is not constructive or violates your community's code of conduct or {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}'s [Community Guidelines](/github/site-policy/github-community-guidelines). You can also lock a conversation to prevent comments on a discussion you want to use as an announcement to the community. When you lock a conversation, people with write access to the repository will still be able to comment on the discussion. {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} {% data reusables.discussions.discussions-tab %} 1. In the list of discussions, click the discussion you want to lock. ![Lock discussion](/assets/images/help/discussions/unanswered-discussion.png) 1. In the right margin of a discussion, click **Lock conversation**. 1. Read the information about locking conversations and click **Lock conversation on this discussion**. 1. When you're ready to unlock the conversation, click **Unlock conversation**, then click **Unlock conversation on this discussion**. ### Converting an issue to a discussion When you convert an issue to a discussion, the discussion is automatically created using the content from the issue. People with write access to a repository can bulk convert issues based on labels. For more information, see "[Managing discussions in your repository](/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/managing-discussions-in-your-repository)." {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} {% data reusables.repositories.sidebar-issues %} 1. In the list of issues, click the issue you'd like to convert. 1. In the right margin of an issue, click **Convert to discussion**. 1. Select the **Choose a category** drop-down menu, and click a category for your discussion. 1. Click **I understand, convert this issue to a discussion**. 62 content/discussions/ @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ --- title: Quickstart for GitHub Discussions intro: 'Enable {% data variables.product.prodname_discussions %} on an existing repository and start conversations with your community.' allowTitleToDifferFromFilename: true versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- {% data reusables.discussions.beta %} ### Introduction {% data variables.product.prodname_discussions %} is a collaborative communication forum for the community around an open source project. Discussions are for conversations that need to be transparent and accessible but do not need to be tracked on a project board and are not related to code, unlike issues. Discussions enable fluid, open conversation in a public forum. Discussions give a space for more collaborative conversations by connecting and giving a more centralized area to connect and find information. ### Enabling {% data variables.product.prodname_discussions %} on your repository Repository owners and people with write access can enable {% data variables.product.prodname_discussions %} for a community on their public repositories. When you first enable a {% data variables.product.prodname_discussions %}, you will be invited to configure a welcome post. {% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %} 1. Under your repository name, click {% octicon "gear" aria-label="The gear icon" %} **Settings**. ![Public settings button](/assets/images/help/discussions/public-repo-settings.png) 1. Under "Features", click **Set up discussions**. ![Set up a discussion button under "Features" for enabling or disabling discussions for a repository](/assets/images/help/discussions/setup-discussions-button.png) 1. Under "Start a new discussion," edit the template to align with the resources and tone you want to set for your community. 1. Click **Start discussion**. !["Start discussion" button](/assets/images/help/discussions/new-discussion-start-discussion-button.png) ### Welcoming contributions to your discussions You can welcome your community and introduce a new way to communicate in a repository by creating a welcome post and pin the post to your {% data variables.product.prodname_discussions %} page. Pinning and locking discussions helps people know that a post is meant as an announcement. You can use announcements as a way to link people to more resources and offer guidance for opening discussions in your community. For more information about pinning a discussion, see "[Managing discussions in your repository](/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/managing-discussions-in-your-repository#pinning-a-discussion)." ### Setting up community guidelines for contributors You can set contributing guidelines to encourage collaborators to have meaningful, useful conversations that are relevant to the repository. You can also update the repository's README to communicate expectations on when collaborators should open an issue or discussion. For more information about providing guidelines for your project, see "[Adding a code of conduct to your project](/github/building-a-strong-community/adding-a-code-of-conduct-to-your-project)" and "[Setting up your project for healthy contributions](/github/building-a-strong-community/setting-up-your-project-for-healthy-contributions)." ### Creating a new discussion Anyone with access to a repository can create a discussion. {% data reusables.discussions.starting-a-discussion %} ### Organizing discussions into relevant categories Repository owners and people with write access can create new categories to keep discussions organized. Collaborators participating and creating new discussions can group discussions into the most relevant existing categories. Discussions can also be recategorized after they are created. For more information, see "[Managing categories for discussions in your repository](/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/managing-categories-for-discussions-in-your-repository)" ### Promoting healthy conversations People with write permissions for a repository can help surface important conversations by pinning discussions, deleting discussions that are no longer useful or are damaging to the community, and transferring discussions to more relevant repositories owned by the organization. For more information, see "[Managing discussions in your repository](/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/managing-discussions-in-your-repository)." People with triage permissions for a repository can help moderate a project's discussions by marking comments as answers, locking discussions that are not longer useful or are damaging to the community, and converting issues to discussions when an idea is still in the early stages of development. For more information, see "[Moderating discussions](/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/moderating-discussions)." ### Next steps Once there is a clear path to scope work out and move an idea from concept to reality, you can create an issue and start tracking your progress. For more information on creating an issue from a discussion, see "[Moderating discussions](/discussions/managing-discussions-for-your-community/moderating-discussions)." 45 content/education/ @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ --- title: Guides for GitHub Education intro: 'These guides for {% data variables.product.prodname_education %} help you teach and learn both {% data variables.product.product_name %} and software development.' allowTitleToDifferFromFilename: true versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- ### Get started with {% data variables.product.product_name %} Teachers, students, and researchers can use tools from {% data variables.product.product_name %} to enrich a software development curriculum and develop real-world collaboration skills. - [Sign up for a new {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} account](/github/getting-started-with-github/signing-up-for-a-new-github-account) - [Git and {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} quickstart ](/github/getting-started-with-github/quickstart) - [Apply for an educator or researcher discount](/education/teach-and-learn-with-github-education/apply-for-an-educator-or-researcher-discount) - [Apply for a student developer pack](/education/teach-and-learn-with-github-education/apply-for-a-student-developer-pack) ### Run a software development course with {% data variables.product.company_short %} Administer a classroom, assign and review work from your students, and teach the new generation of software developers with {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. - [Basics of setting up {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} ](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/basics-of-setting-up-github-classroom) - [Manage classrooms](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/manage-classrooms) - [Create an individual assignment](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-an-individual-assignment) - [Create a group assignment](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-a-group-assignment) - [Create an assignment from a template repository](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-an-assignment-from-a-template-repository) - [Leave feedback with pull requests](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/leave-feedback-with-pull-requests) - [Use autograding](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/use-autograding) ### Learn to develop software Incorporate {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} into your education, and use the same tools as the professionals. - [Git and {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} learning resources](/github/getting-started-with-github/git-and-github-learning-resources) - [Use {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} for your schoolwork](/education/teach-and-learn-with-github-education/use-github-for-your-schoolwork) - [Try {% data variables.product.prodname_desktop %}](/desktop) - [Try {% data variables.product.prodname_cli %}](/github/getting-started-with-github/github-cli) ### Contribute to the community Participate in the community, get training from {% data variables.product.company_short %}, and learn or teach new skills. - [{% data variables.product.prodname_education_community %}]( - [About Campus Experts](/education/teach-and-learn-with-github-education/about-campus-experts) - [About Campus Advisors](/education/teach-and-learn-with-github-education/about-campus-advisors) 43 content/education/ @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ --- title: GitHub Education Documentation shortTitle: Education intro: "{% data variables.product.prodname_education %} helps you teach or learn software development with the tools and support of {% data variables.product.company_short %}'s platform and community." introLinks: quickstart: /education/quickstart featuredLinks: guides: - /education/teach-and-learn-with-github-education/apply-for-a-student-developer-pack - /education/teach-and-learn-with-github-education/apply-for-an-educator-or-researcher-discount - /education/teach-and-learn-with-github-education/use-github-at-your-educational-institution guideCards: - /github/getting-started-with-github/signing-up-for-a-new-github-account - /github/getting-started-with-github/git-and-github-learning-resources - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/basics-of-setting-up-github-classroom popular: - /education/teach-and-learn-with-github-education/use-github-for-your-schoolwork - /education/teach-and-learn-with-github-education/use-github-in-your-classroom-and-research - /desktop - /github/getting-started-with-github/github-cli - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/teach-with-github-classroom changelog: - title: 'Try something new at Local Hack Day: Learn' date: '2020-10-15' href: - title: 'Remote Education: Creating community through shared experiences' date: '2020-09-24' href: - title: 'Remote Education: A series of best practices for online campus communities' date: '2020-09-10' href: - title: Welcome to the inaugural class of MLH Fellows date: '2020-06-24' href: layout: product-landing versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- <!-- {% link_with_intro /teach-and-learn-with-github-education %} --> <!-- {% link_with_intro /manage-coursework-with-github-classroom %} --> 31 @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ --- title: About using MakeCode Arcade with GitHub Classroom shortTitle: About using MakeCode Arcade intro: You can configure MakeCode Arcade as the online IDE for assignments in {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. versions: free-pro-team: '*' redirect_from: - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/student-experience-makecode --- ### About MakeCode Arcade MakeCode Arcade is an online integrated development environment (IDE) for developing retro arcade games using drag-and-drop block programming and JavaScript. Students can write, edit, run, test, and debug code in a browser with MakeCode Arcade. For more information about online IDEs and {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}, see "[Integrate {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} with an online IDE](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/integrate-github-classroom-with-an-online-ide)." {% data reusables.classroom.readme-contains-button-for-online-ide %} The first time the student clicks the button to visit MakeCode Arcade, the student must sign into MakeCode Arcade with {% data variables.product.product_name %} credentials. After signing in, the student will have access to a development environment containing the code from the assignment repository, fully configured on MakeCode Arcade. For more information about working on MakeCode Arcade, see the [MakeCode Arcade Tour]( and [documentation]( on the MakeCode Arcade website. MakeCode Arcade does not support multiplayer-editing for group assignments. Instead, students can collaborate with Git and {% data variables.product.product_name %} features like branches and pull requests. ### About submission of assignments with MakeCode Arcade By default, MakeCode Arcade is configured to push to the assignment repository on {% data variables.product.product_location %}. After making progress on an assignment with MakeCode Arcade, students should push changes to {% data variables.product.product_location %} using the {% octicon "mark-github" aria-label="The GitHub mark" %}{% octicon "arrow-up" aria-label="The up arrow icon" %} button at the bottom of the screen. ![MakeCode Arcade version control functionality](/assets/images/help/classroom/ide-makecode-arcade-version-control-button.png) ### Further reading - "[About READMEs](/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories/about-readmes)" 33 @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ --- title: About using with GitHub Classroom shortTitle: About using intro: You can configure as the online integrated development environment (IDE) for assignments in {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. versions: free-pro-team: '*' redirect_from: - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/student-experience-replit --- ### About is an online integrated development environment (IDE) that supports multiple programming languages. Students can write, edit, run, test, and debug code in a browser with For more information about online IDEs and {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}, see "[Integrate {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} with an online IDE](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/integrate-github-classroom-with-an-online-ide)." {% data reusables.classroom.readme-contains-button-for-online-ide %} The first time the student clicks the button to visit, the student must sign into with {% data variables.product.product_name %} credentials. After signing in, the student will have access to a development environment containing the code from the assignment repository, fully configured on For more information about working on, see the [ Quickstart Guide]( For group assignments, students can use Multiplayer to work collaboratively. For more information, see the [ Multiplayer]( website. ### About submission of assignments with By default, is configured to push to the assignment repository on {% data variables.product.product_location %}. After making progress on an assignment with, students should push changes to {% data variables.product.product_location %} using the version control functionality in the left sidebar. ![ version control functionality](/assets/images/help/classroom/ide-replit-version-control-button.png) For more information about using Git on, see the [ + Git Tutorial]( on the website. ### Further reading - "[About READMEs](/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories/about-readmes)" 33 ...anage-coursework-with-github-classroom/ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ --- title: Basics of setting up GitHub Classroom shortTitle: '{% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} basics' intro: Learn how to set up your classroom, manage assignments, and configure time-saving automation. versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- ### Videos about {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} You can watch a series of short video tutorials about the configuration and use of {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. To watch all videos as part of a continuous playlist, see the [{% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} Getting Started Guide]( on YouTube. For more information about terminology for {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}, see "[Glossary](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/glossary)". 1. <a href="" target="_blank">Getting started</a> {% octicon "link-external" aria-label="The external link icon" %} 2. <a href="" target="_blank">Adding your student roster</a> {% octicon "link-external" aria-label="The external link icon" %} 3. Creating assignments - <a href="" target="_blank">Creating an assignment using a {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} repository</a> {% octicon "link-external" aria-label="The external link icon" %} - <a href="" target="_blank">Creating an assignment using Microsoft MakeCode as your online IDE</a> {% octicon "link-external" aria-label="The external link icon" %} - <a href="" target="_blank">Creating an assignment using as your online IDE</a> {% octicon "link-external" aria-label="The external link icon" %} 4. <a href="" target="_blank">How students complete assignments</a> {% octicon "link-external" aria-label="The external link icon" %} 5. <a href="" target="_blank">How teachers review assignments</a> {% octicon "link-external" aria-label="The external link icon" %} 6. <a href="" target="_blank">Creating group assignments</a> {% octicon "link-external" aria-label="The external link icon" %} 7. <a href="" target="_blank">Next steps to get started</a> {% octicon "link-external" aria-label="The external link icon" %} 8. <a href="" target="_blank">{% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} Teacher Toolbox</a> {% octicon "link-external" aria-label="The external link icon" %} ### Next steps For more information about teaching with {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}, see "[Teach with {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/teach-with-github-classroom)." ### Further reading - "[Teach and learn with {% data variables.product.prodname_education %}](/education/teach-and-learn-with-github-education)" 51 ...with-github-classroom/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ --- title: Configure default settings for assignment repositories shortTitle: Configure defaults for assignment repositories intro: You can use the Probot Settings app to configure the default settings for repositories that {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} creates for an assignment. permissions: Organization owners can configure default settings for assignment repositories by installing a {% data variables.product.prodname_github_app %} for the organization. versions: free-pro-team: '*' redirect_from: - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/probot-settings --- ### About configuration of defaults for assignment repositories {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} creates a repository that belongs for each student or team that accepts an assignment. The repository belongs to the organization that you use for {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. Assignment repositories can be empty, or you can use a template repository. For more information, see "[Create an assignment from a template repository](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-an-assignment-from-a-template-repository)." {% data %} With the Probot Settings app, you can create a file named _.github/settings.yml_ in a repository that contains a list of settings for the repository, and then install a {% data variables.product.prodname_github_app %} for your organization that automatically applies the settings to the repository. You can include _.github/settings.yml_ in a template repository that you use for an assignment in {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. When an individual or team accepts the assignment, {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} creates the assignment repository, and the Settings app automatically applies the settings from _.github/settings.yml_. Probot is a a project, framework, and collection of free apps to automate {% data variables.product.product_name %}. A Probot app can listen to repository events, like the creation of new commits, comments, and issues, and automatically respond to the event. For more information, see the [Probot website]( and the [Settings app website]( For more information about {% data variables.product.prodname_github_apps %}, see "[About apps](/developers/apps/about-apps)." ### Adding the Settings app to your organization After you install the Probot Settings app for your organization, the app will apply the settings that you define in _.github/settings.yml_ for any repository in your organization, including new assignment repositories that {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} creates. 1. Navigate to the [Settings app page]( 1. Click **Install**, then click the organization that you use for {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. Provide the app full access to all repositories owned by the organization. ![Installing the Probot Settings app](/assets/images/help/classroom/probot-settings.gif) ### Configuring default settings for an assignment repository 1. Create a template repository that contains a _.github/settings.yml_ file. For a complete list of settings, see the [README]( for the `probot/settings` repository. For more information about using a template repository for starter code in {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}, see "[Create an assignment from a template repository](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-an-assignment-from-a-template-repository)." {% warning %} **Warning:** Do not define `collaborators` in the _.github/settings.yml_ file for your template repository. {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} automatically grants teachers and teaching assistants access to assignment repositories. {% endwarning %} 1. Create an assignment using the template repository containing _.github/settings.yml_ as the starter code. {% data reusables.classroom.for-more-information-about-assignment-creation %} The Probot Settings app for your organization will now apply the settings you define in _.github/settings.yml_ within the template repository to every assignment repository that {% data %} creates for a student or team. ### Further reading - [Probot apps]( - [Probot documentation]( 142 @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ --- title: Connect a learning management system to GitHub Classroom intro: You can configure an LTI-compliant learning management system (LMS) to connect to {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} so that you can import a roster for your classroom. versions: free-pro-team: '*' redirect_from: - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/configuring-a-learning-management-system-for-github-classroom - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/connect-to-lms - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/generate-lms-credentials - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/setup-canvas - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/setup-generic-lms - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/setup-moodle --- ### About configuration of your LMS You can connect a learning management system (LMS) to {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}, and {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} can import a roster of student identifiers from the LMS. To connect your LMS to {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}, you must enter configuration credentials for {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} in your LMS. ### Prerequisites To configure an LMS to connect to {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}, you must first create a classroom. For more information, see "[Manage classrooms](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/manage-classrooms#creating-a-classroom)." ### Supported LMSes {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} supports import of roster data from LMSes that implement Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standards. - LTI version 1.0 and/or 1.1 - LTI Names and Roles Provisioning 1.X Using LTI helps keep your information safe and secure. LTI is an industry-standard protocol and GitHub Classroom's use of LTI is certified by the Instructional Management System (IMS) Global Learning Consortium. For more information, see [Learning Tools Interoperability]( and [About IMS Global Learning Consortium]( on the IMS Global Learning Consortium website. {% data variables.product.company_short %} has tested import of roster data from the following LMSes into {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. - Canvas - Google Classroom - Moodle - Sakai Currently, {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} doesn't support import of roster data from Blackboard or Brightspace ### Generating configuration credentials for your classroom {% data reusables.classroom.sign-into-github-classroom %} {% data %} {% data %} 1. If your classroom already has a roster, you can either update the roster or delete the roster and create a new roster. - For more information about deleting and creating a roster, see "[Deleting a roster for a classroom](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/manage-classrooms#deleting-a-roster-for-a-classroom)" and "[Creating a roster for your classroom](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/manage-classrooms#creating-a-roster-for-your-classroom)." - For more information about updating a roster, see "[Adding students to the roster for your classroom](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/manage-classrooms#adding-students-to-the-roster-for-your-classroom)." 1. In the list of LMSes, click your LMS. If your LMS is not supported, click **Other LMS**. ![List of LMSes](/assets/images/help/classroom/classroom-settings-click-lms.png) 1. Read about connecting your LMS, then click **Connect to _LMS_**. 1. Copy the "Consumer Key", "Shared Secret", and "Launch URL" for the connection to the classroom. ![Copy credentials](/assets/images/help/classroom/classroom-copy-credentials.png) ### Configuring a generic LMS You must configure the privacy settings for your LMS to allow external tools to receive roster information. 1. Navigate to your LMS. 1. Configure an external tool. 1. Provide the configuration credentials you generated in {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. - Consumer key - Shared secret - Launch URL (sometimes called "tool URL" or similar) ### Configuring Canvas You can configure {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} as an external app for Canvas to import roster data into your classroom. For more information about Canvas, see the [Canvas website]( 1. Sign into [Canvas]( 1. Select the Canvas course to integrate with {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. 1. In the left sidebar, click **Settings**. 1. Click the **Apps** tab. 1. Click **View app configurations**. 1. Click **+App**. 1. Select the **Configuration Type** drop-down menu, and click **By URL**. 1. Paste the configuration credentials from {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. For more information, see "[Generating configuration credentials for your classroom](#generating-configuration-credentials-for-your-classroom)." | Field in Canvas app configuration | Value or setting | | :- | :- | | **Consumer Key** | Consumer key from {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} | | **Shared Secret** | Shared secret from {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} | | **Allow this tool to access the IMS Names and Role Provisioning Service** | Enabled | | **Configuration URL** | Launch URL from {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} | {% note %} **Note**: If you don't see a checkbox in Canvas labeled "Allow this tool to access the IMS Names and Role Provisioning Service", then your Canvas administrator must contact Canvas support to enable membership service configuration for your Canvas account. Without enabling this feature, you won't be able to sync the roster from Canvas. For more information, see [How do I contact Canvas Support?]( on the Canvas website. {% endnote %} 1. Click **Submit**. 1. In the left sidebar, click **Home**. 1. To prompt Canvas to send a confirmation email, in the left sidebar, click **GitHub Classroom**. Follow the instructions in the email to finish linking {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. ### Configuring Moodle You can configure {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} as an activity for Moodle to import roster data into your classroom. For more information about Moodle, see the [Moodle website]( You must be using Moodle version 3.0 or greater. 1. Sign into [Moodle]( 1. Select the Moodle course to integrate with {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. 1. Click **Turn editing on**. 1. Wherever you'd like {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} to be available in Moodle, click **Add an activity or resource**. 1. Choose **External tool** and click **Add**. 1. In the "Activity name" field, type "GitHub Classroom". 1. In the **Preconfigured tool** field, to the right of the drop-down menu, click **+**. 1. Under "External tool configuration", paste the configuration credentials from {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. For more information, see "[Generating configuration credentials for your classroom](#generating-configuration-credentials-for-your-classroom)." | Field in Moodle app configuration | Value or setting | | :- | :- | | **Tool name** | {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} - _YOUR CLASSROOM NAME_<br/><br/>**Note**: You can use any name, but we suggest this value for clarity. | | **Tool URL** | Launch URL from {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} | | **LTI version** | LTI 1.0/1.1 | | **Default launch container** | New window | | **Consumer key** | Consumer key from {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} | | **Shared secret** | Shared secret from {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} | 1. Scroll to and click **Services**. 1. To the right of "IMS LTI Names and Role Provisioning", select the drop-down menu and click **Use this service to retrieve members' information as per privacy settings**. 1. Scroll to and click **Privacy**. 1. To the right of **Share launcher's name with tool** and **Share launcher's email with tool**, select the drop-down menus to click **Always**. 1. At the bottom of the page, click **Save changes**. 1. In the **Preconfigure tool** menu, click **GitHub Classroom - _YOUR CLASSROOM NAME_**. 1. Under "Common module settings", to the right of "Availability", select the drop-down menu and click **Hide from students**. 1. At the bottom of the page, click **Save and return to course**. 1. Navigate to anywhere you chose to display {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}, and click the {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} activity. ### Importing a roster from your LMS For more information about importing the roster from your LMS into {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}, see "[Manage classrooms](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/manage-classrooms#creating-a-roster-for-your-classroom)." ### Disconnecting your LMS {% data reusables.classroom.sign-into-github-classroom %} {% data %} {% data %} 1. Under "Connect to a learning management system (LMS)", click **Connection Settings**. !["Connection settings" link in classroom settings](/assets/images/help/classroom/classroom-settings-click-connection-settings.png) 1. Under "Delete Connection to your learning management system", click **Disconnect from your learning management system**. !["Disconnect from your learning management system" button in connection settings for classroom](/assets/images/help/classroom/classroom-settings-click-disconnect-from-your-lms-button.png) 145 .../education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/ @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ --- title: Create a group assignment intro: 'You can create a collaborative assignment for teams of students who participate in your course.' versions: free-pro-team: '*' redirect_from: - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-group-assignments --- ### About group assignments {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-group-definition %} Students can work together on a group assignment in a shared repository, like a team of professional developers. When a student accepts a group assignment, the student can create a new team or join an existing team. {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} saves the teams for an assignment as a set. You can name the set of teams for a specific assignment when you create the assignment, and you can reuse that set of teams for a later assignment. {% data reusables.classroom.classroom-creates-group-repositories %} {% data reusables.classroom.about-assignments %} You can decide how many teams one assignment can have, and how many members each team can have. Each team that a student creates for an assignment is a team within your organization on {% data variables.product.product_name %}. The visibility of the team is secret. Teams that you create on {% data variables.product.product_name %} will not appear in {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. For more information, see "[About teams](/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/about-teams)." For a video demonstration of the creation of a group assignment, see "[Basics of setting up {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/basics-of-setting-up-github-classroom)." ### Prerequisites {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-classroom-prerequisite %} ### Creating an assignment {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-create-the-assignment %} ### Setting up the basics for an assignment Name your assignment, decide whether to assign a deadline, define teams, and choose the visibility of assignment repositories. - [Naming an assignment](#naming-an-assignment) - [Assigning a deadline for an assignment](#assigning-a-deadline-for-an-assignment) - [Choosing an assignment type](#choosing-an-assignment-type) - [Defining teams for an assignment](#defining-teams-for-an-assignment) - [Choosing a visibility for assignment repositories](#choosing-a-visibility-for-assignment-repositories) #### Naming an assignment For a group assignment, {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} names repositories by the repository prefix and the name of the team. By default, the repository prefix is the assignment title. For example, if you name an assignment "assignment-1" and the team's name on {% data variables.product.product_name %} is "student-team", the name of the assignment repository for members of the team will be `assignment-1-student-team`. {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-type-a-title %} #### Assigning a deadline for an assignment {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-assign-a-deadline %} #### Choosing an assignment type Under "Individual or group assignment", select the drop-down menu, then click **Group assignment**. You can't change the assignment type after you create the assignment. If you'd rather create a individual assignment, see "[Create an individual assignment](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-an-individual-assignment)." #### Defining teams for an assignment If you've already created a group assignment for the classroom, you can reuse a set of teams for the new assignment. To create a new set with the teams that your students create for the assignment, type the name for the set. Optionally, type the maximum number of team members and total teams. {% tip %} **Tips**: - We recommend including details about the set of teams in the name for the set. For example, if you want to use the set of teams for one assignment, name the set after the assignment. If you want to reuse the set throughout a semester or course, name the set after the semester or course. - If you'd like to assign students to a specific team, give your students a name for the team and provide a list of members. {% endtip %} ![Parameters for the teams participating in a group assignment](/assets/images/help/classroom/assignments-define-teams.png) #### Choosing a visibility for assignment repositories {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-choose-visibility %} {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-click-continue-after-basics %} ### Adding starter code and configuring a development environment {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-intro-for-environment %} - [Choosing a template repository](#choosing-a-template-repository) - [Choosing an online integrated development environment (IDE)](#choosing-an-online-integrated-development-environment-ide) #### Choosing a template repository By default, a new assignment will create an empty repository for each team that a student creates. {% data %} For more information about template repositories, see "[Creating a template repository](/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories/creating-a-template-repository)." {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-choose-template-repository %} #### Choosing an online integrated development environment (IDE) {% data reusables.classroom.about-online-ides %} For more information, see "[Integrate {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} with an IDE](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/integrate-github-classroom-with-an-ide)." {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-choose-an-online-ide %} {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-click-continue-after-starter-code-and-feedback %} ### Providing feedback Optionally, you can automatically grade assignments and create a space for discussing each submission with the team. - [Testing assignments automatically](#testing-assignments-automatically) - [Preventing changes to important files](#preventing-changes-to-important-files) - [Creating a pull request for feedback](#creating-a-pull-request-for-feedback) #### Testing assignments automatically {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-using-autograding %} #### Preventing changes to important files {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-prevent-changes %} #### Creating a pull request for feedback {% data %} {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-create-review-pull-request %} {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-click-create-assignment-button %} ### Inviting students to an assignment {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-invite-students-to-assignment %} You can see the teams that are working on or have submitted an assignment in the **Teams** tab for the assignment. {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-to-prevent-submission %} <div class="procedural-image-wrapper"> <img alt="Group assignment" class="procedural-image-wrapper" src="/assets/images/help/classroom/assignment-group-hero.png"> </div> ### Next steps - After you create the assignment and your students form teams, team members can start work on the assignment using Git and {% data variables.product.product_name %}'s features. Students can clone the repository, push commits, manage branches, create and review pull requests, address merge conflicts, and discuss changes with issues. Both you and the team can review the commit history for the repository. For more information, see "[Getting started with {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}](/github/getting-started-with-github)," "[Creating, cloning, and archiving repositories](/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories)," "[Using Git](/github/using-git)," and "[Collaborating with issues and pull requests](/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests)," and the free course on [managing merge conflicts]( from {% data variables.product.prodname_learning %}. - When a team finishes an assignment, you can review the files in the repository, or you can review the history and visualizations for the repository to better understand how the team collaborated. For more information, see "[Visualizing repository data with graphs](/github/visualizing-repository-data-with-graphs)." - You can provide feedback for an assignment by commenting on individual commits or lines in a pull request. For more information, see "[Commenting on a pull request](/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/commenting-on-a-pull-request)" and "[Opening an issue from code](/github/managing-your-work-on-github/opening-an-issue-from-code)." For more information about creating saved replies to provide feedback for common errors, see "[About saved replies](/github/writing-on-github/about-saved-replies)." ### Further reading - "[Use {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} in your classroom and research](/education/teach-and-learn-with-github-education/use-github-in-your-classroom-and-research)" - "[Connect a learning management system to {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/connect-a-learning-management-system-to-github-classroom)" - [Using Existing Teams in Group Assignments?]( in the {% data variables.product.prodname_education %} Community 19 ...sework-with-github-classroom/ @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ --- title: Create an assignment from a template repository intro: You can create an assignment from a template repository to provide starter code, documentation, and other resources to your students. versions: free-pro-team: '*' redirect_from: - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/using-template-repos-for-assignments --- You can use a template repository on {% data variables.product.product_name %} as starter code for an assignment on {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. Your template repository can contain boilerplate code, documentation, and other resources for your students. For more information, see "[Creating a template repository](/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories/creating-a-template-repository)." To use the template repository for your assignment, the template repository must be owned by your organization, or the visibility of the template repository must be public. {% data %} For more information, see "[Configure default settings for assignment repositories](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/configure-default-settings-for-assignment-repositories)." ### Further reading - "[Create an individual assignment](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-an-individual-assignment)" - "[Create a group assignment](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-a-group-assignment)" 124 ...tion/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/ @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ --- title: Create an individual assignment intro: You can create an assignment for students in your course to complete individually. versions: free-pro-team: '*' redirect_from: - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/creating-an-individual-assignment - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-an-individual-assignment --- ### About individual assignments {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-individual-definition %} {% data reusables.classroom.classroom-creates-individual-repositories %} {% data reusables.classroom.about-assignments %} For a video demonstration of the creation of an individual assignment, see "[Basics of setting up {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/basics-of-setting-up-github-classroom)." ### Prerequisites {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-classroom-prerequisite %} ### Creating an assignment {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-create-the-assignment %} ### Setting up the basics for an assignment Name your assignment, decide whether to assign a deadline, and choose the visibility of assignment repositories. - [Naming an assignment](#naming-an-assignment) - [Assigning a deadline for an assignment](#assigning-a-deadline-for-an-assignment) - [Choosing an assignment type](#choosing-an-assignment-type) - [Choosing a visibility for assignment repositories](#choosing-a-visibility-for-assignment-repositories) #### Naming an assignment For an individual assignment, {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} names repositories by the repository prefix and the student's {% data variables.product.product_name %} username. By default, the repository prefix is the assignment title. For example, if you name an assignment "assignment-1" and the student's username on {% data variables.product.product_name %} is @octocat, the name of the assignment repository for @octocat will be `assignment-1-octocat`. {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-type-a-title %} #### Assigning a deadline for an assignment {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-assign-a-deadline %} #### Choosing an assignment type Under "Individual or group assignment", select the drop-down menu, and click **Individual assignment**. You can't change the assignment type after you create the assignment. If you'd rather create a group assignment, see "[Create a group assignment](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-a-group-assignment)." #### Choosing a visibility for assignment repositories {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-choose-visibility %} {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-click-continue-after-basics %} ### Adding starter code and configuring a development environment {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-intro-for-environment %} - [Choosing a template repository](#choosing-a-template-repository) - [Choosing an online integrated development environment (IDE)](#choosing-an-online-integrated-development-environment-ide) #### Choosing a template repository By default, a new assignment will create an empty repository for each student on the roster for the classroom. {% data %} For more information about template repositories, see "[Creating a template repository](/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories/creating-a-template-repository)." {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-choose-template-repository %} {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-click-continue-after-starter-code-and-feedback %} #### Choosing an online integrated development environment (IDE) {% data reusables.classroom.about-online-ides %} For more information, see "[Integrate {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} with an IDE](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/integrate-github-classroom-with-an-ide)." {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-choose-an-online-ide %} ### Providing feedback for an assignment Optionally, you can automatically grade assignments and create a space for discussing each submission with the student. - [Testing assignments automatically](#testing-assignments-automatically) - [Preventing changes to important files](#preventing-changes-to-important-files) - [Creating a pull request for feedback](#creating-a-pull-request-for-feedback) #### Testing assignments automatically {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-using-autograding %} #### Preventing changes to important files {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-prevent-changes %} #### Creating a pull request for feedback {% data %} {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-create-review-pull-request %} {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-click-create-assignment-button %} ### Inviting students to an assignment {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-guide-invite-students-to-assignment %} You can see whether a student has joined the classroom and accepted or submitted an assignment in the **All students** tab for the assignment. {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-to-prevent-submission %} <div class="procedural-image-wrapper"> <img alt="Individual assignment" class="procedural-image-wrapper" src="/assets/images/help/classroom/assignment-individual-hero.png"> </div> ### Next steps - Once you create the assignment, students can start work on the assignment using Git and {% data variables.product.product_name %}'s features. Students can clone the repository, push commits, manage branches, create and review pull requests, address merge conflicts, and discuss changes with issues. Both you and student can review the commit history for the repository. For more information, see "[Getting started with {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}](/github/getting-started-with-github)," "[Creating, cloning, and archiving repositories](/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories)," "[Using Git](/github/using-git)," and "[Collaborating with issues and pull requests](/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests)." - When a student finishes an assignment, you can review the files in the repository, or you can review the history and visualizations for the repository to better understand the student's work. For more information, see "[Visualizing repository data with graphs](/github/visualizing-repository-data-with-graphs)." - You can provide feedback for an assignment by commenting on individual commits or lines in a pull request. For more information, see "[Commenting on a pull request](/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/commenting-on-a-pull-request)" and "[Opening an issue from code](/github/managing-your-work-on-github/opening-an-issue-from-code)." For more information about creating saved replies to provide feedback for common errors, see "[About saved replies](/github/writing-on-github/about-saved-replies)." ### Further reading - "[Use {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} in your classroom and research](/education/teach-and-learn-with-github-education/use-github-in-your-classroom-and-research)" - "[Connect a learning management system to {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/connect-a-learning-management-system-to-github-classroom)" 9 ...on/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/ @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ --- title: Get started with GitHub Classroom shortTitle: Get started intro: Learn how to configure and use {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} to administer your course. mapTopic: true versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- 52 content/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/ @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ --- title: Glossary intro: You can review explanations of terminology for {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- ### assignment An assignment is coursework in {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. A teacher can assign an assignment to an individual student or a group of students. Teachers can import starter code for the assignment, assign students, and create a deadline for each assignment. For more information, see the definitions for "[individual assignment](#individual-assignment)" and "[group assignment](#group-assignment)." --- ### classroom A classroom is the basic unit of {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. Teachers can use a classroom to organize and manage students, teaching assistants, and assignments for a single course. A classroom belongs to an organization on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom_the_website %}. To administer a classroom, you must be an organization owner for the organization on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}. For more information, see "[Manage classrooms](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/manage-classrooms)." --- ### {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} is a web application for educators that provides course administration tools integrated with {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}. For more information, see the [{% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}]( website. --- ### group assignment {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-group-definition %} For more information, see "[Create a group assignment](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-a-group-assignment)." --- ### identifier An identifier in {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} is a unique ID for a student participating in a course. For example, an identifier can be a student name, alphanumeric ID, or email address. --- ### individual assignment {% data reusables.classroom.assignments-individual-definition %} For more information, see "[Create an individual assignment](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-an-individual-assignment)." --- ### roster A roster allows a teacher to manage students and assignment submissions in a classroom on {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. Teachers can create a roster by entering a list of student identifiers, or by connecting {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} to a learning management system (LMS). For more information about identifiers, see the definition of "[identifier](#identifier)." For more information about connecting {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} to an LMS, see "[Connect a learning management system to {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/connect-a-learning-management-system-to-github-classroom)." --- ### Further reading - "[{% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} glossary](/github/getting-started-with-github/github-glossary)" 32 content/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/ @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ --- title: Manage coursework with GitHub Classroom shortTitle: '{% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}' intro: With {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}, you can use {% data variables.product.product_name %} to administer or participate in a course about software development. versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- ### Table of Contents {% topic_link_in_list /get-started-with-github-classroom %} {% link_in_list /basics-of-setting-up-github-classroom %} {% link_in_list /glossary %} {% topic_link_in_list /teach-with-github-classroom %} {% link_in_list /manage-classrooms %} {% link_in_list /create-an-individual-assignment %} {% link_in_list /create-a-group-assignment %} {% link_in_list /create-an-assignment-from-a-template-repository %} {% link_in_list /leave-feedback-with-pull-requests %} {% link_in_list /use-autograding %} {% link_in_list /configure-default-settings-for-assignment-repositories %} {% link_in_list /connect-a-learning-management-system-to-github-classroom %} {% topic_link_in_list /integrate-github-classroom-with-an-ide %} {% link_in_list /integrate-github-classroom-with-an-online-ide %} {% link_in_list /about-using-makecode-arcade-with-github-classroom %} {% link_in_list /about-using-replit-with-github-classroom %} {% link_in_list /run-student-code-in-an-online-ide %} {% topic_link_in_list /learn-with-github-classroom %} {% link_in_list /view-autograding-results %} 8 ...nage-coursework-with-github-classroom/ @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ --- title: Integrate GitHub Classroom with an IDE shortTitle: Integrate with an IDE intro: You can help your students write, test, and debug code by preconfiguring a development environment for assignment repositories on {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. mapTopic: true versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- 42 ...ursework-with-github-classroom/ @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ --- title: Integrate GitHub Classroom with an online IDE shortTitle: Integrate with an online IDE intro: You can preconfigure a supported online integrated development environment (IDE) for assignments you create in {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. versions: free-pro-team: '*' redirect_from: - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/online-ide-integrations --- ### About integration with an online IDE {% data reusables.classroom.about-online-ides %} After a student accepts an assignment with an online IDE, the README file in the student's assignment repository will contain a button to open the assignment in the IDE. The student can begin working immediately, and no additional configuration is necessary. ![Button for online IDE in for assignment repository](/assets/images/help/classroom/assignment-repository-ide-button-in-readme.png) ### Supported online IDEs {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} supports the following online IDEs. You can learn more about the student experience for each IDE. | IDE | More information | | :- | :- | | Microsoft MakeCode Arcade | "[About using MakeCode Arcade with {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/about-using-makecode-arcade-with-github-classroom)" | | | "[About using with GitHub Classroom](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/about-using-replit-with-github-classroom)" | ### Configuring an online IDE for an assignment You can choose the online IDE you'd like to use for an assignment when you create an assignment. To learn how to create a new assignment that uses an online IDE, see "[Create an individual assignment](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-an-individual-assignment)" or "[Create a group assignment](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-a-group-assignment)." ### Authorizing the OAuth app for an online IDE The first time you configure an assignment with an online IDE, you must authorize the OAuth app for the online IDE for your organization. !["Go grant access" button in popover for authorizing OAuth app for online IDE](/assets/images/help/classroom/assignment-ide-go-grant-access-button.png) For all repositories, grant the app **read** access to metadata, administration, and code, and **write** access to administration and code. For more information, see "[Authorizing OAuth Apps](/github/authenticating-to-github/authorizing-oauth-apps)." ### Further reading - "[About READMEs](/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories/about-readmes)" 7 ...ducation/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/ @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ --- title: Learn with GitHub Classroom intro: You can participate in coursework in {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} and see results from your teacher. mapTopic: true versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- 33 ...on/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ --- title: Leave feedback with pull requests intro: You can leave feedback for your students in a special pull request within the repository for each assignment. permissions: People with read permissions to a repository can leave feedback in a pull request for the repository. versions: free-pro-team: '*' redirect_from: - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/leaving-feedback-in-github --- ### About feedback pull requests for assignments {% data %} When you enable the pull request for feedback for an assignment, {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} will create a special pull request titled **Feedback** in the assignment repository for each student or team. The pull request automatically shows every commit that a student pushed to the assignment repository's default branch. ### Prerequisites To create and access the feedback pull request, you must enable the feedback pull request when you create the assignment. {% data reusables.classroom.for-more-information-about-assignment-creation %} ### Leaving feedback in a pull request for an assignment {% data reusables.classroom.sign-into-github-classroom %} 1. In the list of classrooms, click the classroom with the assignment you want to review. ![Classroom in list of classrooms for an organization](/assets/images/help/classroom/click-classroom-in-list.png) {% data %} 1. To the right of the submission, click **Review**. ![Review button for assignment in list of submissions for an assignment](/assets/images/help/classroom/assignments-click-review-button.png) 1. Review the pull request. For more information, see "[Commenting on a pull request](/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/commenting-on-a-pull-request)." ### Further reading - "[Integrate {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} with an IDE](http://localhost:4000/en/free-pro-team@latest/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/integrate-github-classroom-with-an-ide)" 121 content/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/ @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ --- title: Manage classrooms intro: You can create and manage a classroom for each course that you teach using {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. permissions: Organization owners can manage a classroom for an organization. versions: free-pro-team: '*' redirect_from: - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/archive-a-classroom --- ### About classrooms {% data reusables.classroom.about-classrooms %} ![Classroom](/assets/images/help/classroom/classroom-hero.png) ### About management of classrooms {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} uses organization accounts on {% data variables.product.product_name %} to manage permissions, administration, and security for each classroom that you create. Each organization can have multiple classrooms. After you create a classroom, {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} will prompt you to invite teaching assistants (TAs) and admins to the classroom. Each classroom can have one or more admins. Admins can be teachers, TAs, or any other course administrator who you'd like to have control over your classrooms on {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. Invite TAs and admins to your classroom by inviting the user accounts on {% data variables.product.product_name %} to your organization as organization owners and sharing the URL for your classrom. Organization owners can administer any classroom for the organization. For more information, see "[Permission levels for an organization](/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/permission-levels-for-an-organization)" and "[Inviting users to join your organization](/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/inviting-users-to-join-your-organization)." When you're done using a classroom, you can archive the classroom and refer to the classroom, roster, and assignments later, or you can delete the classroom if you no longer need the classroom. ### About classroom rosters Each classroom has a roster. A roster is a list of identifiers for the students who participate in your course. When you first share the URL for an assignment with a student, the student must sign into {% data variables.product.product_name %} with a user account to link the user account to an identifier for the classroom. After the student links a user account, you can see the associated user account in the roster. You can also see when the student accepts or submits an assignment. ![Classroom roster](/assets/images/help/classroom/roster-hero.png) ### Prerequisites You must have an organization account on {% data variables.product.product_name %} to manage classrooms on {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. For more information, see "[Types of {% data variables.product.company_short %} accounts](/github/getting-started-with-github/types-of-github-accounts#organization-accounts)" and "[Creating a new organization from scratch](/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/creating-a-new-organization-from-scratch)." You must authorize the OAuth app for {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} for your organization to manage classrooms for your organization account. For more information, see "[Authorizing OAuth Apps](/github/authenticating-to-github/authorizing-oauth-apps)." ### Creating a classroom {% data reusables.classroom.sign-into-github-classroom %} 1. Click **New classroom**. !["New classroom" button](/assets/images/help/classroom/click-new-classroom-button.png) {% data %} After you create a classroom, you can begin creating assignments for students. For more information, see "[Create an individual assignment](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-an-individual-assignment)" or "[Create a group assignment](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/create-a-group-assignment)." ### Creating a roster for your classroom You can create a roster of the students who participate in your course. If your course already has a roster, you can update the students on the roster or delete the roster. For more information, see "[Adding a student to the roster for your classroom](#adding-students-to-the-roster-for-your-classroom)" or "[Deleting a roster for a classroom](#deleting-a-roster-for-a-classroom)." {% data reusables.classroom.sign-into-github-classroom %} {% data %} {% data %} 1. To connect {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} to your LMS and import a roster, click {% octicon "mortar-board" aria-label="The mortar board icon" %} **Import from a learning management system** and follow the instructions. For more information, see "[Connect a learning management system to {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/connect-a-learning-management-system-to-github-classroom)." !["Import from a learning management system" button](/assets/images/help/classroom/click-import-from-a-learning-management-system-button.png) 1. To create a roster manually, type your student identifiers. Optionally, click **Upload a CSV or text file** to upload a file containing the identifiers. ![Text field for typing student identifiers and "Upload a CSV or text file" button](/assets/images/help/classroom/type-or-upload-student-identifiers.png) 1. Click **Create roster**. !["Create roster" button](/assets/images/help/classroom/click-create-roster-button.png) ### Adding students to the roster for your classroom Your classroom must have an existing roster to add students to the roster. For more information about creating a roster, see "[Creating a roster for your classrom](#creating-a-roster-for-your-classroom)." {% data reusables.classroom.sign-into-github-classroom %} {% data %} {% data %} 1. To the right of "Classroom roster", click **Update students**. !["Update students" button to the right of "Classroom roster" heading above list of students](/assets/images/help/classroom/click-update-students-button.png) 1. Follow the instructions to add students to the roster. - To import students from an LMS, click **Sync from a learning management system**. For more information about importing a roster from an LMS, see "[Connect a learning management system to {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/connect-a-learning-management-system-to-github-classroom)." - To manually add students, under "Manually add students", click **Upload a CSV or text file** or type the identifiers for the students, then click **Add roster entries**. ![Modal for choosing method of adding students to classroom](/assets/images/help/classroom/classroom-add-students-to-your-roster.png) ### Renaming a classroom {% data reusables.classroom.sign-into-github-classroom %} {% data %} {% data %} 1. Under "Classroom name", type a new name for the classroom. ![Text field under "Classroom name" for typing classroom name](/assets/images/help/classroom/settings-type-classroom-name.png) 1. Click **Rename classroom**. !["Rename classroom" button](/assets/images/help/classroom/settings-click-rename-classroom-button.png) ### Archiving or unarchiving a classroom You can archive a classroom that you no longer use on {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. When you archive a classroom, you can't create new assignments or edit existing assignments for the classroom. Students can't accept invitations to assignments in archived classrooms. {% data reusables.classroom.sign-into-github-classroom %} 1. To the right of a classroom's name, select the {% octicon "kebab-horizontal" aria-label="The horizontal kebab icon" %} drop-down menu, then click **Archive**. ![Drop-down menu from horizontal kebab icon and "Archive" menu item](/assets/images/help/classroom/use-drop-down-then-click-archive.png) 1. To unarchive a classroom, to the right of a classroom's name, select the {% octicon "kebab-horizontal" aria-label="The horizontal kebab icon" %} drop-down menu, then click **Unarchive**. ![Drop-down menu from horizontal kebab icon and "Unarchive" menu item](/assets/images/help/classroom/use-drop-down-then-click-unarchive.png) ### Deleting a roster for a classroom {% data reusables.classroom.sign-into-github-classroom %} {% data %} {% data %} 1. Under "Delete this roster", click **Delete roster**. !["Delete roster" button under "Delete this roster" in "Students" tab for a classroom](/assets/images/help/classroom/students-click-delete-roster-button.png) 1. Read the warnings, then click **Delete roster**. !["Delete roster" button under "Delete this roster" in "Students" tab for a classroom](/assets/images/help/classroom/students-click-delete-roster-button-in-modal.png) ### Deleting a classroom {% data reusables.classroom.sign-into-github-classroom %} {% data %} {% data %} 1. To the right of "Delete this classroom", click **Delete classroom**. !["Delete repository" button](/assets/images/help/classroom/click-delete-classroom-button.png) 1. **Read the warnings**. 1. To verify that you're deleting the correct classroom, type the name of the classroom you want to delete. ![Modal for deleting a classrom with warnings and text field for classroom name](/assets/images/help/classroom/delete-classroom-modal-with-warning.png) 1. Click **Delete classroom**. !["Delete classroom" button](/assets/images/help/classroom/delete-classroom-click-delete-classroom-button.png) 22 ...on/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ --- title: Run student code in an online IDE intro: You can run the code from a student assignment within the online integrated development environment (IDE) that you configured for the assignment. versions: free-pro-team: '*' redirect_from: - /education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/running-student-code --- ### About student code and online IDEs If you configure an online integrated development environment (IDE) for an assignment, you can run the code within the online IDE. You don't need to clone the assignment repository to your computer. For more information about online IDEs, see "[Integrate {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} with an online IDE](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/integrate-github-classroom-with-an-online-ide)." ### Running student code in the online IDE {% data reusables.classroom.sign-into-github-classroom %} {% data %} {% data %} 1. To the right of the submission, click **View IDE**. !["View IDE" button for submission using an online IDE](/assets/images/help/classroom/assignments-click-view-ide.png) 8 ...ducation/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/ @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ --- title: Teach with GitHub Classroom intro: Learn how to set up your classroom and assignments. mapTopic: true versions: free-pro-team: '*' --- 93 content/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/ 30 ...t/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/ 90 content/education/ 1 ...github-education/ → ...github-education/ 1 ...-github-education/ → ...-github-education/ 1 → 5 ...on/ → ...on/ 9 ...ithub-education/ → ...ithub-education/ 5 .../ → ...ion/ 14 → 26 content/education/teach-and-learn-with-github-education/ 3 → 3 ...ation/ → ...ucation/ 3 → 5 → 3 → 20 ...ering-a-repository/ 5 content/github/administering-a-repository/ 2 content/github/authenticating-to-github/ 1 content/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/ 74 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    From user sfedfcv

  • themarscom / the-basics-of-blockchain

    how-to-secure-anything, Blockchain may seem like a cumbersome concept, but at its core it is a system of data storage and management. The goal of blockchain is to allow digital information to be recorded and distributed, but not edited. Essentially, a type of database, blockchain is the technological backbone on which cryptocurrency is developed. What exactly is blockchain? Blockchain is a shared, unchangeable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. Assets can be both: tangible, such as a house, a car or land, or intangible in nature, such as intellectual property, patents, and even cryptocurrency. Anything that has a value associated with it can be tracked and traded on a blockchain network, making it secure and inexpensive. How is data stored on a blockchain? A blockchain structures its data into chunks that are chained together. Information is collected together in groups, also known as blocks, which hold sets of information. Blocks have certain storage capacities, and when filled, are chained onto the previously filled block. This forms a chain of data known as the “blockchain.” These blockchains in a decentralized network are a part of an irreversible timeline. When a block is filled, it becomes an immutable part of this timeline and also gets a timestamp attached to it. How is a transaction logged? When a new transaction entry is made, it gets transmitted to a network of peer-to-peer computers, located across the world. This network of computers ensures validity of the transaction by solving equations. Once the legitimacy of the transaction is verified, they are clustered together into blocks. These blocks are chained together creating a permanent and irreversible ledger of all transactions, thus completing the transaction. What are some benefits of blockchain? Accuracy - Transactions on a blockchain network are verified by a network of multiple computers. With human involvement being next to none, it eliminates all chances of human errors. Any computational mistakes are also reflected on a single copy of the blockchain. Lower Costs - With no third party verification required to verify a transaction, such as a bank or a notary, the associated costs are also eliminated. Decentralization - None of the information on a blockchain network is stored in a central location. Instead, the information is scattered across a network of computers. The addition of a new block is updated by every computer on the network. This makes blockchain networks difficult to be tampered with. Speedier transactions - Traditional financial institutions go through a structure established by a central authority to complete transactions. On a blockchain network, cross border transactions can also be completed in a matter of minutes. These networks are also not bound by time and timezones. Secure networks - Once a block is created, its authenticity is verified by the entire blockchain network. Each block on the blockchain has its own unique identification number called the hash. When a block is added on a blockchain, it consists of its own hash, as well as the hash of the previous block it was attached to. Editing information on the block leads to a new hash, however, the block after it still uses the old hash number. This makes it difficult to tamper the data within a block. Blockchain not only has been adopted by businesses worldwide, but it also is at the centre of the evolution of money with cryptocurrency. The technology has far-reaching applications and its full potential is yet to be discovered.

    From user themarscom

  • tokenadder / chaturbatehack

    how-to-secure-anything, FIND Chaturbate Token Compromise Fresh! July 2015 No Study Chaturbate generator You almost certainly clicked with this post after reading the name and convinced that I'd some secret solution to acquire some Chaturbate tokens for-free Well I'm sorry to disappoint, but despite every one of the instances you notice it spammed within the chatrooms on CB, there is no such factor as a Chaturbate expression crack. Because we were absolutely alert to the truth that many people could find obtaining tokens and providing them with too expensive, we were wanting to fulfill needs of numerous persons and develop this absolutely working Chaturbate token compromise which efficiently delivers you free expression on your consideration quite securely, easily and many notably rapidly. Chaturbate Crack Ios can be a standout between the renowned grown-up cam websites, and that is the fundamental drive behind why we've picked to create a wonderfully considerable Chaturbate chaturbate new hack Token Creator that'll incorporate your Chaturbate consideration and Tokens that are boundless. For this compromise to totally function, you will must get it and in only issue of a few seconds you will be compensated with free tokens that price numerous dollars into your Chaturbate consideration, with that you can enter free private live shows and connect to additional adult cam models. Info Chaturbate cheat You won't get anything, but your recommendations could be stolen, (It Is named PHISING) and they will be used on different sites also, so if you use just one password for all websites, you are possibly adding those accounts at an increased risk also. Chaturbate is webcam sort of web site created for dwell broadcasting via webcam to other customers of this fantastic website. Gather delicate and particular info from visitors, even their Chaturbate account. Enter your login (code isn't required, never offer it away) and choose one of the available expression bags. Chaturbate is presently one of many most-visited and viewed Adult webcam sites that works having a registration that is free. The hack is very virus free and specific sites incorporate one more proxy service to ensure without them realizing something that you go by the computers. You will not be unable to enjoy these hackers on your own desktop laptop. This free software that is hack cans too work on your laptop. I'll let you know a key: there is a constant, actually get any free breaks, whatever the number of reviews you complete. Chaturbate Hack Ipad It is quite simple to make use of this chaturbate expression creator 2015 no survey. I've tried to search without the result to cheat their system, how to get free token, for a method. It's very user friendly although the Chaturbate Symbol Compromise is full of remarkable characteristics. As it has great reviews online you're able to check the advantages like Chaturbate compromise company out. Another capability utilized with this specific adder that is symbol that is chaturbate is tokens restriction.

    From user tokenadder

  • x-tool-s / crispy-winner

    how-to-secure-anything, # Git Credential Manager [![Build Status](]( --- [Git Credential Manager]( (GCM) is a secure Git credential helper built on [.NET]( that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Compared to Git's [built-in credential helpers](( (Windows: wincred, macOS: osxkeychain, Linux: gnome-keyring/libsecret) which provides single-factor authentication support working on any HTTP-enabled Git repository, GCM provides multi-factor authentication support for [Azure DevOps](, Azure DevOps Server (formerly Team Foundation Server), GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab. Git Credential Manager (GCM) replaces the .NET Framework-based [Git Credential Manager for Windows]( (GCM), and the Java-based [Git Credential Manager for Mac and Linux]( (Java GCM), providing a consistent authentication experience across all platforms. ## Current status Git Credential Manager is currently available for Windows, macOS, and Linux\*. GCM only works with HTTP(S) remotes; you can still use Git with SSH: - [Azure DevOps SSH]( - [GitHub SSH]( - [Bitbucket SSH]( Feature|Windows|macOS|Linux -|:-:|:-:|:-: Installer/uninstaller|&#10003;|&#10003;|&#10003;\* Secure platform credential storage|&#10003; [(see more)](docs/|&#10003; [(see more)](docs/|&#10003; [(see more)](docs/ Multi-factor authentication support for Azure DevOps|&#10003;|&#10003;|&#10003; Two-factor authentication support for GitHub|&#10003;|&#10003;|&#10003; Two-factor authentication support for Bitbucket|&#10003;|&#10003;|&#10003; Two-factor authentication support for GitLab|&#10003;|&#10003;|&#10003; Windows Integrated Authentication (NTLM/Kerberos) support|&#10003;|_N/A_|_N/A_ Basic HTTP authentication support|&#10003;|&#10003;|&#10003; Proxy support|&#10003;|&#10003;|&#10003; `amd64` support|&#10003;|&#10003;|&#10003; `x86` support|&#10003;|_N/A_|&#10007; `arm64` support|best effort|via Rosetta 2|best effort, no packages `armhf` support|_N/A_|_N/A_|best effort, no packages (\*) GCM guarantees support for the below Linux distributions. GCM maintainers also monitor and evaluate issues opened against other distributions to determine community interest/engagement and whether an emerging platform should become fully-supported. - Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint - Fedora/CentOS/RHEL - Alpine ## Download and Install ### macOS Homebrew The preferred installation mechanism is using Homebrew; we offer a Cask in our custom Tap. To install, run the following: ```shell brew tap microsoft/git brew install --cask git-credential-manager-core ``` After installing you can stay up-to-date with new releases by running: ```shell brew upgrade git-credential-manager-core ``` #### Git Credential Manager for Mac and Linux (Java-based GCM) If you have an existing installation of the 'Java GCM' on macOS and you have installed this using Homebrew, this installation will be unlinked (`brew unlink git-credential-manager`) when GCM is installed. #### Uninstall To uninstall, run the following: ```shell brew uninstall --cask git-credential-manager-core ``` --- ### macOS Package We also provide a [.pkg installer]( with each release. To install, double-click the installation package and follow the instructions presented. #### Uninstall To uninstall, run the following: ```shell sudo /usr/local/share/gcm-core/ ``` --- <!-- this explicit anchor should stay stable so that external docs can link here --> <!-- markdownlint-disable-next-line no-inline-html --> <a name="linux-install-instructions"></a> ### Linux #### Experimental: install from source helper script If you would like to help dogfood our new install from source helper script, run the following: 1. To ensure `curl` is installed: ```shell curl --version ``` If `curl` is not installed, please use your distribution's package manager to install it. 1. To download and run the script: ```shell curl -LO && sh ./ && git-credential-manager-core configure ``` **Note:** You will be prompted to enter your credentials so that the script can download GCM's dependencies using your distribution's package manager. #### Ubuntu/Debian distributions Download the latest [.deb package](, and run the following: ```shell sudo dpkg -i <path-to-package> git-credential-manager-core configure ``` **Note:** Although packages were previously offered on certain [Microsoft Ubuntu package feeds](, GCM no longer publishes to these repositories. Please install the Debian package using the above instructions instead. To uninstall: ```shell git-credential-manager-core unconfigure sudo dpkg -r gcmcore ``` #### Other distributions Download the latest [tarball](, and run the following: ```shell tar -xvf <path-to-tarball> -C /usr/local/bin git-credential-manager-core configure ``` To uninstall: ```shell git-credential-manager-core unconfigure rm $(command -v git-credential-manager-core) ``` **Note:** all Linux distributions [require additional configuration]( to use GCM. --- ### Windows GCM is included with [Git for Windows](, and the latest version is included in each new Git for Windows release. This is the preferred way to install GCM on Windows. During installation you will be asked to select a credential helper, with GCM being set as the default. ![image]( #### Standalone installation You can also download the [latest installer]( for Windows to install GCM standalone. **:warning: Important :warning:** Installing GCM as a standalone package on Windows will forcibly override the version of GCM that is bundled with Git for Windows, **even if the version bundled with Git for Windows is a later version**. There are two flavors of standalone installation on Windows: - User (preferred) (`gcmcoreuser-win*`): Does not require administrator rights. Will install only for the current user and updates only the current user's Git configuration. - System (`gcmcore-win*`): Requires administrator rights. Will install for all users on the system and update the system-wide Git configuration. To install, double-click the desired installation package and follow the instructions presented. #### Uninstall (Windows 10) To uninstall, open the Settings app and navigate to the Apps section. Select "Git Credential Manager" and click "Uninstall". #### Uninstall (Windows 7-8.1) To uninstall, open Control Panel and navigate to the Programs and Features screen. Select "Git Credential Manager" and click "Remove". #### Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Git Credential Manager can be used with the [Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)]( to enable secure authentication of your remote Git repositories from inside of WSL. [Please see the GCM on WSL docs](docs/ for more information. ## Supported Git versions Git Credential Manager tries to be compatible with the broadest set of Git versions (within reason). However there are some know problematic releases of Git that are not compatible. - Git 1.x The initial major version of Git is not supported or tested with GCM. - Git 2.26.2 This version of Git introduced a breaking change with parsing credential configuration that GCM relies on. This issue was fixed in commit [`12294990`]( of the Git project, and released in Git 2.27.0. ## How to use Once it's installed and configured, Git Credential Manager is called implicitly by Git. You don't have to do anything special, and GCM isn't intended to be called directly by the user. For example, when pushing (`git push`) to [Azure DevOps](, [Bitbucket](, or [GitHub](, a window will automatically open and walk you through the sign-in process. (This process will look slightly different for each Git host, and even in some cases, whether you've connected to an on-premises or cloud-hosted Git host.) Later Git commands in the same repository will re-use existing credentials or tokens that GCM has stored for as long as they're valid. Read full command line usage [here](docs/ ### Configuring a proxy See detailed information [here]( ## Additional Resources - [Frequently asked questions](docs/ - [Development and debugging](docs/ - [Command-line usage](docs/ - [Configuration options](docs/ - [Environment variables](docs/ - [Enterprise configuration](docs/ - [Network and HTTP configuration](docs/ - [Credential stores](docs/ - [Architectural overview](docs/ - [Host provider specification](docs/ - [Azure Repos OAuth tokens](docs/ - [GitLab support](docs/ ## Experimental Features - [Windows broker (experimental)](docs/ ## Contributing This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. See the [contributing guide]( to get started. This project follows [GitHub's Open Source Code of Conduct]( ## License We're [MIT](LICENSE) licensed. When using GitHub logos, please be sure to follow the [GitHub logo guidelines](

    From organization x-tool-s

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  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.