benjaminbenais / copilot-theme
github-vscode-theme, A VSCode implementation of the theme displayed on Github Copilot website.
From user benjaminbenais
github-vscode-theme, A VSCode implementation of the theme displayed on Github Copilot website.
From user benjaminbenais
github-vscode-theme, GitHub Theme for Jetbrains is heavily inspired by GitHub 3 Color Scheme and github-vscode-theme.The focus of the development of this theme plugin is to restore the official GitHub theme as much as possible, keeping the colors easy to distinguish, proper contrast, and pleasant.
From user bhushan
Home Page:
github-vscode-theme, npm package wrapper around Primer's (unpublished) github-vscode-theme.
From user brianzelip
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github-vscode-theme, :octocat: GitHub VS Code Theme for iTerm
From user cdalvaro
Home Page:
github-vscode-theme, Ported version of github-vscode-theme
From user cntrump
github-vscode-theme, A VSCode port of the Kanagawa.NVim Color Theme:
From user conner-calhoun
github-vscode-theme, A dark userstyle for Firefox inspired by moonlight-vscode-theme and github-moonlight
From user eduardhojbota
github-vscode-theme, GitHub's theme for iTerm2.
From user fcaldera
github-vscode-theme, Night Owl theme for visual studio 2022, Original Night Owl:
From user god0nlyknows
Home Page:
github-vscode-theme, A modern light VSCode theme that is easy on the eyes.
From user igorkrupenja
Home Page:
github-vscode-theme, Gruvbox theme for vscode based on
From user jdinhify
Home Page:
github-vscode-theme, The GitHub Dark Theme from Visual Studio Code ported to Emacs.
From user justintime50
Home Page:
github-vscode-theme, complete VSCode theme implementation of sailorhg's fairyfloss editor theme
From user mintchipleaf
github-vscode-theme, Dark and light color themes for Alacritty terminal. Inspired by @sdras theme for VS Code. (
From user nik27
github-vscode-theme, iTerm2 theme based on
From user philsinatra
github-vscode-theme, The VSCode dark color theme of oldschool
From organization pirateminds
github-vscode-theme, GitHub's VS Code themes
From organization primer
Home Page:
github-vscode-theme, GitHub Dark (classic) theme for VS Code
From organization primer
github-vscode-theme, Color theme for ITerm2 inspired by:
From user ronifer
github-vscode-theme, A theme to match vscode's new dark setting.
From user sorenrood
github-vscode-theme, A VSCode theme inspired by GitHub color scheme
From user thenikso
github-vscode-theme, GitHub Theme for Visual Studio Code
From user thomaspink
Home Page:
github-vscode-theme, 5 clean, duotone Notepad++ themes port based on
From user webketje
github-vscode-theme, :page_with_curl: light github flavored markdown theme for vscode
From user yukaii
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