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Sean Chen's Blog 🦀

Blog posts, mostly about Rust.


Date Title
2021-04-06 A Beginner's Guide to Handling Errors in Rust
2021-01-23 Implementing an LRU Cache in Rust
2020-11-27 Semaphores in Rust
2020-08-18 Why I'm Switching from VSCode to OniVim 2
2020-07-20 Haskell::From(Rust) I: Infix Notation and Currying
2020-07-13 Some Learnings from Implementing a Normalizing Rust Representer
2020-06-03 The Story of Tail Call Optimizations in Rust
2020-05-27 Takeaways from My Initial Exposure to Rust


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To be compatible with Rust, all code examples in this blog are licensed under Apache License Version 2.0 or MIT License, at your option.

I'd like to retain exclusive rights to the English version of the posts themselves, but as mentioned above if you translate a post into another language you're welcome to promote your translations however you like.

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