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sgx-hashmachine's Introduction

NOTE: Experimental work-in-progress repository based on Intel's original sgx-ra-sample repository. The goal is to provide a minimal client example that only requests a quote from an enclave. The server component that communicates with Intel's attestation service has been removed.

Intel® SGX Quote Generation Sample

This code sample demonstrates a simple client requesting a quote from an enclave. Upon receiving the quote from the enclave, the client dumps it to the terminal. It could be sent to Intel's Attestation Service (IAS) by another component.

A docker-compose based development environment is provided, and is the recommended way to try this sample, as it has not been tested on other platforms. See the Quickstart section just below to see how to try it.



Set Environment Variables

  • Edit the settings file to add your SPID, IAS_PRIMARY_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY, and IAS_SECONDARY_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY. DO NOT COMMIT changes for this file, as it will contain secret data, namely your subscription keys.

To interact with IAS via Python code, before starting a container, set the two following environment variables:

  • SGX_SPID - used to create a quote
  • IAS_PRIMARY_KEY - used to access Intel's Attestation Service (IAS)
export SGX_SPID=<your-SPID>
export IAS_PRIMARY_KEY=<your-ias-primary-key>

Alternatively, you can place the environment variables in a .env file, under the root of the repository. NOTE that the IAS_PRIMARY_KEY MUST be kept secret. Consequently, the file .env is not tracked by git, as it MUST NOT be uploaded to a public repository, such as on GitHub.

# .env sample

Build the image, (for the client code):

$ docker-compose build

Note about building the enclave

The Dockerfile, takes care of building the enclave ( in a reproducible manner using nix. For convenience it is done in the docker image, but it could also be built just with nix. See the Dockerfile for the details on how to do so.

Quote Generation

Generate a quote:

$ docker-compose run --rm genquote bash
Creating sgx-hashmachine_genquote_run ... done
root@738d9af342ad:/usr/src/hashmachine# ./run-client -q --debug

MRENCLAVE:      15e1be2fb364d081cf764c25ffd462e07827c75f45877bbcc441a9b3fb240d9c
MRSIGNER:       bd71c6380ef77c5417e8b2d1ce2d4b6504b9f418e5049342440cfff2443d95bd
Report Data:    fceb63059b60138e03a7d6edf6ccb1d942d9165c2812ba926b0fbb0c729eae970000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Quote, ready to be sent to IAS (POST /attestation/v4/report):


In the above output, the MRENCLAVE, MRSIGNER and report data of the quote are shown, in hexadecimal format. The first 32 bytes of the report data are the sha256 of the string 'Hello World!'. This is currently hardcoded in the enclave code just as an example of using the report data field with custom data.

The quote is printed out in a json-like format, which is ready to be sent to IAS for verification. The API specifications for IAS is documented at

Sending the quote to IAS

Here's a simple example of sending out the quote to IAS for verification using Python's requests library:

Continuing from the above container session, start an ipython session

root@738d9af342ad:/usr/src/hashmachine# ipython

Copy-paste the quote json body:

json = {

Set the request headers. You need your unlinkable subscription key from the Intel SGX Attestation Service Utilizing Enhanced Privacy ID (EPID).

import os

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': os.environ['IAS_PRIMARY_KEY'],

Using the requests library post the quote to IAS:

import requests

url = ''

res =, json=json, headers=headers)

Check the response status:


Check the response body:

>>> res.json()
{'nonce': '7742496c12b3ea3f714b87cb8b25b3a9',
 'id': '54530552470059166105863961431645074139',
 'timestamp': '2021-07-27T02:30:34.925558',
 'version': 4,
 'advisoryURL': '',
 'advisoryIDs': ['INTEL-SA-00161',
 'isvEnclaveQuoteStatus': 'GROUP_OUT_OF_DATE',
 'platformInfoBlob': '1502006504000F0000111102040101070000000000000000000C00000C000000020000000000000B5B694CA7F64EC0E6C58F53FAFAE9AB30152DBF5B8629856AC638CB7640BD9F7A89A1DB8A40D41279F38AA8F63782875322B52A5CBE26CE6EEB2D6341B0A12BA5AF',

Verifying the report authenticity

TODO: check report signature, in response header

The response headers are important as they contain Intel's signature (X-IASReport-Signature) and certificate (X-IASReport-Signing-Certificate).

For instance:

>>> res.headers['X-IASReport-Signature']
>>> from urllib.parse import unquote

>>> unquote(res.headers['X-IASReport-Signing-Certificate'])
'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nd4poyb6IW8KCJbxfMJvkordNOgOUUxndPHEi/tb/U7uLjLOgPA==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nDaVzWh5aiEx+idkSGMnX\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n'

Verifying the MRENCLAVE, and REPORT DATA

Getting the MRENCLAVE, **MRSIGNER and REPORT DATA out of the report requires to know the structure of a quote:

typedef struct _quote_t
    uint16_t            version;        /* 0   */
    uint16_t            sign_type;      /* 2   */
    sgx_epid_group_id_t epid_group_id;  /* 4   */
    sgx_isv_svn_t       qe_svn;         /* 8   */
    sgx_isv_svn_t       pce_svn;        /* 10  */
    uint32_t            xeid;           /* 12  */
    sgx_basename_t      basename;       /* 16  */
    sgx_report_body_t   report_body;    /* 48  */
    uint32_t            signature_len;  /* 432 */
    uint8_t             signature[];    /* 436 */
} sgx_quote_t;

The report body is the structure that contains the MRENCLAVE:

typedef struct _report_body_t
    sgx_cpu_svn_t           cpu_svn;        /* (  0) Security Version of the CPU */
    sgx_misc_select_t       misc_select;    /* ( 16) Which fields defined in SSA.MISC */
    uint8_t                 reserved1[SGX_REPORT_BODY_RESERVED1_BYTES];  /* ( 20) */
    sgx_isvext_prod_id_t    isv_ext_prod_id;/* ( 32) ISV assigned Extended Product ID */
    sgx_attributes_t        attributes;     /* ( 48) Any special Capabilities the Enclave possess */
    sgx_measurement_t       mr_enclave;     /* ( 64) The value of the enclave's ENCLAVE measurement */
    uint8_t                 reserved2[SGX_REPORT_BODY_RESERVED2_BYTES];  /* ( 96) */
    sgx_measurement_t       mr_signer;      /* (128) The value of the enclave's SIGNER measurement */
    uint8_t                 reserved3[SGX_REPORT_BODY_RESERVED3_BYTES];  /* (160) */
    sgx_config_id_t         config_id;      /* (192) CONFIGID */
    sgx_prod_id_t           isv_prod_id;    /* (256) Product ID of the Enclave */
    sgx_isv_svn_t           isv_svn;        /* (258) Security Version of the Enclave */
    sgx_config_svn_t        config_svn;     /* (260) CONFIGSVN */
    uint8_t                 reserved4[SGX_REPORT_BODY_RESERVED4_BYTES];  /* (262) */
    sgx_isvfamily_id_t      isv_family_id;  /* (304) ISV assigned Family ID */
    sgx_report_data_t       report_data;    /* (320) Data provided by the user */
} sgx_report_body_t;

Extract the report body:

import base64

isv_enclave_quote_body = res.json()['isvEnclaveQuoteBody']
report_body = base64.b64decode(isv_enclave_quote_body)[48:432]

Check the MRENCLAVE:

report_body[64:96].hex()    # mrenclave
# a6407626cc7c28cddff44a5d710a1810244237326e6037cf813b2baf86470892

Extract the REPORT DATA:

report_body[320:384].hex()  # report data
# 661442fb3d8f47095f7886600aa3075935e155e27d3e021838e7caf69e4bf5260000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

The sha256 of 'Hello World!', applied 100 million times is supposed to be in the report data ...

import hashlib

s = b'Hello World!'

# this may take a minute or so
for _ in range(1000000):
    s = hashlib.sha256(s).digest()

report_body[320:384][:32] == s
# True

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