Romeo Van Snick's Projects
Update the versions in .tool-versions
A drop-in replacement for browserify that works nicely with gulp!
JavaScript client for retrieving, creating and patching data from
easily acces configuration files for an node project
a pretty sweet 4px wide pixel font.
A utility to edit .srt and .vtt files
execute a command when the bell character is seen
Read variables from a .env file
my personal dot files
Fetch all data for active routers
A central repository for Flow library definitions
A simple static site builder
Co-located templates!
Quickly navigate to a github repository,
A gulp plugin for node-zopfli
a simple dotfile management tool
A image helper for next static sites
deterministically generate simple data from json schema's
A simple jwt debugging tool
Comments a pull request with the code coverage generated by your tests.
A collection of makefile helpers for my personale projects
A LaTeX package and some .m scripts to enable better communication between matlab and LaTeX (octave as well!).
send markdown emails from the command line.
make nano return promises instead of using callbacks
The React Framework
An unofficial Desktop app for playing NTS Live streams and archived shows
a simple options parser for node that gets options from multiple sources