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Repo dedicated to #tidyweek & Mentorship pilot

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r4ds r rstats mentorship project data-science rstudio tidyverse tidyweek tidytuesday

tidyweek's Introduction


Repo dedicated to Mentorship pilot / TidyWeek

hashtag: #TidyWeek

A repo dedicated to a #makeovermonday style weekly projects as result of collaboration between learners and mentors @ R4DS community.

R for Data Science online learning community

Why TidyWeek?

We thought it best to have a program name that:

  1. Follows major themes in the tidyverse and R4DS, tidy data and tidy tools!
  2. Reflects the target duration of most projects
  3. Relatively easy to remember twitter hashtag (#TidyWeek)

What is Tidy data? Tidy tools? Tidyverse?

It is a framework and theory by Hadley Wickham that has grown from its humble origins and expanded to data, tools and workflows for working in data science.

TidyWeek Project Outline

  • Regular/weekly projects as output of the mentor-learner partnership during a week
  • Each week a data set will be published (via and separate repo with instructions here), this weeks/test here (later will create R4DS profile there +add admins):
  • Learners will create profile there and a project (we will use R package, more @ CRAN here:, which automatically generates and RMd notebook that will later be published on GitHub
  • Train & walk-through full Data Science cycle/process capturing transformation from raw, messy real-world dataset into tidy form and the output/model, visualization or final document/published via Data.World or as Jupyter notebook with IRkernel via GitHub
  • More on #MakeoverMonday here (for those that are not yet familiar with it):
  • Share your work via Twitter and other social networks with #TidyWeek (as for the name & hashtag of the project + TidyWeek also because the learners will have to β€œtidy” the messy/real-world dataset first and will have a week to create the output from the given dataset via RPubs document or a Jupyter notebook published on GitHub with the help/oversight of the mentor)
  • Others can/will be able to vote & rank ( or your own GitHub repo/Rmd Notebook or Jupyter notebook)
  • Learners will build their Data Science portfolio/projects that they were working on together with a mentor from R4DS community

1st week/test

01/2018 - Instructions


Test Version Start/1st #TidyWeek
End of March 2nd April
R4DS Mentors R4DS learners & Mentors

Helpful Resources for TidyWeek

  1. Working with Git and Github

tidyweek's People


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