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Comments (7)

mjackson avatar mjackson commented on November 10, 2024

The current boundary between sync and async lands is at Route#dispatch (in the route-component branch). Routes use this method to update their state when the URL changes. It's nice to keep this boundary at a low level so it doesn't permeate the rest of the API. For example, the URLStore would need to know about promises in order to make Router.transitionTo return a promise.

Anyway, the best we could do would be to return a promise that resolves immediately after the call to route.setState, which doesn't necessarily mean that changes have been made to the DOM.

Would it be too much hassle to ask people to use componentDidMount and/or componentDidUpdate in their tests? If people absolutely need to know when a transition is completed, maybe we could provide a didTransitionTo transition hook?

from react-router.

ryanflorence avatar ryanflorence commented on November 10, 2024

When integration testing you'll need to know exactly when you can start asserting the screen has the data you expect.

from react-router.

mjackson avatar mjackson commented on November 10, 2024

Right. Seems like that's exactly what componentDidUpdate is for.

from react-router.

threepointone avatar threepointone commented on November 10, 2024

depending on the app's architecture, couldn't componentDidUpdate fire multiple times before a single 'transition' is over?

from react-router.

ryanflorence avatar ryanflorence commented on November 10, 2024

For integration tests we will need some sort of hooks to know that transitions and when data from #57 have landed before making assertions.

We should have some test helpers for this.

from react-router.

mjackson avatar mjackson commented on November 10, 2024

The hook you're looking for is Route#dispatch. That method returns a promise that resolves when the transition is complete and the ActiveStore has been updated.

from react-router.

ryanflorence avatar ryanflorence commented on November 10, 2024

closing for a different converstaion

from react-router.

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