Comments (6)
well.. the rule is quite simple - promises should always be returned
here many promises are being created in a loop, but only the last one is getting returned
replace with smth like
return, function () {
... make your promise ...
return promise;
from react-router.
I'd also suggest using bluebird promise library which logs uncaught errors in browser console.
from react-router.
Or when.
from react-router.
"just do promises right" :P
Anyway, not actually interested in a promise conversation (I was just bugging Michael about them before this commit, talking about how people always mess them up and then app code errors get swallowed, so it was fun for me to come back and say "see ... pain in the neck").
I have two requirements though:
- We don't swallow user's code in our promise usage
- We support a simple callback in transition hooks so people don't have to use promises in application code because half of us have had nothing but bad experiences with them.
I do not want to constantly be having promise conversations with people using this library.
from react-router.
I'll take a look at this today. @rpflorence I agree that the last thing I want is to have endless conversations with people trying to track down swallowed errors, so we'll just fix it and not swallow them. If we can't, we'll remove support for them.
from react-router.
BTW, I'd be happy to discuss support for callbacks in transition hooks in a separate issue. Promises give us guarantees that callbacks don't, and they present a really clean interface for dealing with asynchronous code.
@andreypopp I used es6-promise
because it's just a shim instead of a full-blown library with lots of extra bells and whistles. Using es6-promise
today means we can easily remove it at some point in the future when more runtimes support a native Promise
from react-router.
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from react-router.