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app's Introduction 5.0

Mono repo for web app, browser extension and desktop app

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Build highlight.js


Be sure to run npm i before calling any commands below

target command notes
web npm run build
electron npm run build:electron
chrome npm run build:extension:chrome
edge npm run build:extension:edge
firefox npm run build:extension:firefox Saved to dist/firefox/prod
opera npm run build:extension:opera
safari npm run build:extension:safari Then open build/xcode project


target command notes
web npm run local
chrome npm run local:extension:chrome Turn off same-site-by-default-cookies in Chrome browser flags

Supported browsers

  • Chrome >= 67 - older versions not support SameSite cookie
  • Safari >= 11 (OS X 10.11) - older version not support JS Rest in objects
  • Firefox >= 55 - older version not support JS Rest in objects
  • Edge >= 80 - earlies Blink version

app's People


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app's Issues

Feature Request: Duplicate a set of existing tags (from existing bookmark) during creation of a new bookmark

I often save several related pages that have the same tags applied, one after the other (same line of research on a topic) and it would be convenient to be able to duplicate a set of tags that I've already attached to an existing bookmark during the creation of a new bookmark. It's kind of a pain to have to remember which tags I used in the prior bookmark and then reattach those to the new bookmark, especially when there are multiple new pages being added that would have the same set of tags.

Add a button to cancel the bookmark

Since the extension repository has been archived, thus I'm commenting here.

When adding a bookmark via the extension for chrome, there is no "cancel" button.
A "cancel" button would be nice to have, in cases where you might have accidently pressed the extension and/or you may change your mind.

Moreover, if you think that this is "nice to have" feature but not something you would want to work on right now, I can help you in developing it, if you can assign it to me.

Новые типы закладок - локальные файлы, букмарклеты, FTP

  1. Иногда HTML-страница находится на локальном диске, а не в Интернете. И иногда нужны закладки именно на такие HTML-файлы. Но сейчас такие закладки создать невозможно (также невозможны импорт/экспорт). Можно ли добавить это?
    Пример: file:///C:/Documents/Administrator/Desktop/RopArcDocum-03-21.html

  2. Существуют такие закладки - букмарклеты - однострочный JavaScript-код. Исключительно полезная штука. Но сейчас такие закладки создать невозможно (также невозможны импорт/экспорт). Можно ли добавить это?
    Пример: javascript:location.href=''+encodeURIComponent(location.href)
    Я не уверена, что из Raindrop можно будет такую закладку запустить, но было бы хорошо, чтобы её всё-таки можно было создать/импортировать/экспортировать, т.к. она может быть использована непосредственно в браузере (после экспортирования из Raindrop).

  3. Бывают закладки на FTP-сервера. FTP до сих пор широко используется. Такие закладки нужны.


Content from* not being indexed/searachable in multiple ways

1. For example, see the link at .

  • Note that the page has the word "CoC" in it.
  • The Permanent Copy correctly shows the full web page, along with the word "CoC".
  • But when I search for "CoC", I don't see the linked webpage in the search results :(

This happens to all webpages at* . None of the content seems to be indexed/searchable.

2. For some pages (for e.g, even the Permanent Copy is not saved, with the error "Origin is not reachable". So, no chance of being indexed, if I understand correctly? Assuming that indexing is based off of the Permanent Copy?

  • Is there a way to "refresh" the Permanent Copy of all pages with this error?

Thank you!

Chrome Extension stopped working as Save, and now only shows the browser

It used to be that when I clicked on the extension, I'd get to a pop up to save the current page as a bookmark (choose category, etc).
Now, when I press on it, it shows a little browser very similar to the main raindrop website.
I'm not sure what I've changed, but I really really like the other behaviour. I always have Raindrop open. I don't use the extension to browser, only to save.

Is there a way to get the old behaviour back?

Scroll to collection

Previously, when you opened the mini-app collections scrolled to the current one, now this does not happen. You can add this behavior by default or by setting it in the extension.
Tested on FF and Safari

Error trying to save Youtube video

Apologies if this is the wrong place for this, but I just ran into an error trying to save a YouTube video and wanted to file it.

In Safari (macOS 12.3 dev beta) I went to this video and right-clicked on it while it was playing. I selected "Save Video in" and after the pop-up window opens I get the following error on that page: "Raindrop validation failed: domain: Path domain is required."

Непонятна опция "Прежний вид"

Здравствуйте. Переименуйте, пожалуйста, опцию "Вложенные коллекции": вместо "Прежний вид" надо "Не показывать из подколлекций". Новые пользователи не понимают, какой вид был прежде.

Ключевое слово для закладки

В Firefox для закладки можно указать ключевое слово (для быстрого вызова через адресную строку) - атрибут SHORTCUTURL. Это иногда очень-очень удобно. Непосредственно в Raindrop это использовать нельзя, но хочется, чтобы ключевое слово для закладки сохранялось при экспорте/импорте, потому что экспортированный HTML-файл может импортироваться в Firefox. Пусть ключевое слово даже и не показывается в Raindrop, но всё равно хранится/экспортируется/импортируется.

Suggestion: Drag & Drop to assign tags

It is currently possible to move something between collections by drag & drop to the desired collection.
For tagging, you have to go to the edit screen and type or select the tags from the dropdown menu.

A quicker way to assign tags could be to drag & drop on the tags displayed in the sidebar without going through the edit screen.
It would feel quicker and more elegant than going to the edit page.

Атрибуты ICON_URI, ICON при экспорте

При экспорте не добавляются допустимые атрибуты ICON_URI, ICON (можно посмотреть, как Firefox, Chrome экспортируют закладки), т.е. информация об иконке теряется. Это плохо. Можно ли поправить?
Учитываются ли эти атрибуты при импорте, не проверяла.

Public Collections Display Issues

Rustem -- I want to continue to use Raindrops Public Collections/Pages, but they are unusable until I can modify the app.css or otherwise modify the display to remove the sidebar.

Because of this, Public Collections are also unusable on any phone.

Please advise if there is a work-around or a way to control the display of Public Collections!

Thank You!!!

Filters and Tags no longer working


I'm getting the above error in both Chrome and Firefox on Filters, Tags and from the search box results - in both the app and browser extension.
Collections are showing bookmarks as expected.
Refreshing does nothing.

Version: 5.4.2

scrolling position resets when long lists are changed by removing item

steps to reproduce:

  • Scroll to the end of a long collection (the "real" end, not the "load more" end). My example test is 1400 items.
  • move an item from this list to another collection


Scroll position in collection list will remain the same, moving down or up 1 list item to account for removal.


The scrolling position will move to a different location in the collection lists. Somewhere near the beginning of the list, requiring you to reload the entire list again to get back to your location in the list before you removed the item.

This happens in the web app (under Firefox) and the macOS desktop app Version 5.3.33 (5.3.33). Both on macOS 10.15.7 (19H1030)

Полная дата и в нужном формате

  1. Если закладка создана в текущем году, то год не показывается. Зачем? Почему не показывать всегда год? Это нужно для единообразия.
  2. Сделайте возможность выбора формата даты, пожалуйста. В разных странах форматы даты разные. Raindrop не учитывает это. А лучше показывать дату в международном, единообразном, стандартизированном формате ISO 8601: например, 2022-03-22. Это международный стандарт; его понимают все люди во всех странах, и понимают однозначно.


URL files are saved with an error message if I drag & drop them


I got the attached error message when I'm dragging and dropping URLs out of Chrome into a Chrome Window with raindrop open, or into a chrome web-app window of raindrop.
The error message is not showing up, if I'm using the desktop app installation of raindrop.

I'm always using drag & drop to save bookmarks into raindrop, so this error message is kind of annoying.
In the end, the drag & dropped URL link is saved anyway, so this error message is showing up, although the link is saved successfully.

Did chrome changed something, which is causing this issue?

Thank you very much and have a nice day



[suggestion] Removing "buy the pro" ad...

Hey! Firstly, of course - I love your app. And I'm grateful that I can use it for free.
I really want to pay for this app. But I cannot afford it for now. And I'm aware that there's a paid version - it's kinda freaky when I see this reminder all the time.
IMHO this ad is not helping either me or you - it's not changing anything for now. I'm kinda aesthetic guy and I really want to have a clean feeling - that's why I love chose Raindrop. I want to stick with it. And this ad is the only thing that bother's me here - this ad, all the time on the sight.

Suggestion: I could afford one-time payment (5-7$) for just removing this ad and stick with free version. Maybe this option could be a win-win situation? What do you think?

I really want to help this project - and I will do it when I will have enough money. Would be super cool if you could change it, because it makes me think that I'm using not a free version but DEMO version and I feel really bad about it... don't want to feel like that.

URL changing while saving it

One thing that I notice some time ago is that what we copy from elsewhere a link, it gets modified to what it seems to be a standard. The same applies when we use the extension button in a browser or the app.

For example: if I go to a page "", when it gets saved it turns into "" (with a slash in the end). This little addition messes with the search inside the app/extension/site. So "" is not recognize as similar to "", also making the feature "Highlight saved pages" not working as expected. It messes with "http/https" and "www" from some sites.

A littel suggestion: allow saving online the pattern "" to improve searching and maybe creating a setting for the user to decide if he/she wants the classic way or the suggested way.

Finally I have to leave here a compliment for the creation of this awesome service. It's very reliable and as soon as I organized my budget, I plan to get the Pro. See ya :)

EDIT: After some interactions, I came to a conclusion that the bug above doesn't happen every time. So my suggestion would help to mitigate this erratic behavior and power up the saved pages detection feature.

EDIT2: The bug also happens the other way. For example: the site has the URL "" (with the slash) and if we'd bookmarked without it (""), the extension detected it as saved (revealed by changing the "Add" button to "Saved" status but not put the ✔ in the icon badge, which forces me to click on it and search for it (cause it doesn't show me right away the search result even if it's recognized as "Saved").

On the webapp\chrome extension clicking the username's avatar/name opens a menu but doesn't toggle it

Hi there! I saw that the "extensions" repo was archived, was wondering if this is relevant here.
I encountered this issue both on the web app & the chrome extension, clicking the user's avatar/username opens the (clipped below) menu but doesn't close it once the user's avatar/username is clicked again.
Ideally the expected behaviour would be that clicking once opens the menu and then clicking while the menu's open closes it?

If it's appropriate and you'd like that I could give it a go and maybe come back with a PR 🙂


Показывать весь URL

Иногда делается закладка на какую-то внутреннюю часть сайта. Например,
Но сейчас будет видно только так
И тогда, если будет две закладки: и , то будет видно и
Т.о. не понятно, какая закладка, куда ведёт.

Existing bookmarks no longer indicated by icon

Not sure when it started occurring but I used to be able to tell that I had an existing bookmark already saved as the icon in Chrome would indicate with a check mark, but now that is not happening and I don't see the option to turn it on/off any longer in the extension options either. How would I know if I've already saved a bookmark otherwise without having to search for it?

Add Ukrainian language

Please add support for Ukrainian language so it would be possible to work on it using Crowdin and implement in the future application releases.

Unable to auto complete tags for a bookmark on mobile browsers both firefox and chrome

Hi I tried to add tags to bookmarks in the mobile browsers both Chrome and Firefox and the auto complete feature is not working.

When I tried to add a few letters of an already available tag , the tag pops up but when I click on it nothing happens.

I tried firefox android and when I use # and then few letters and then press enter I seemed to work fine on firefox but this didn't work on chrome.

Try adding a tag to any bookmark and try to use auto fill from any mobile browser and u can see the problem I am explaining.


OAuth is not working on local (not available)

I can't contribute because I cannot test my added feature because I can't' login because the required v1/auth/... and v1/user/... and some other stuff that runs on localhost port 3000 is not open source!

#11 #14

Smart Collections

First of all, thanks a lot for creating this awesome extension, Rustem!
I was wondering if there is any possibility to implement smart collections which are created by defining a set of filters and bookmarks that match the filters are automatically shown in that collection. Similar to smart playlists on Apple Music/iTunes.
That would make Raindrop a very powerful tool :)

Suggestion: show raindrop when you open a new tab

Show all bookmarks pages when you open a new tab

When you open a new tab on Chrome, the native favorite bar appears and you choose a favorited page from there. The idea here is that Raindrop use that page to also display itself. This way, the user could use that to access a previously bookmarked page.


Сохранение последовательности закладок при экспорте/импорте

Здравствуйте. Сделайте, пожалуйста, чтобы при экспорте сохранялась последовательность закладок в коллекциях. Если пользователь сделал конкретную последовательность закладок, значит, для него это имеет большое значение.
При импорте тоже важно сохранить последовательность закладок. Правда закладки пересортируются всё равно, если выбран порядок сортировки не "Вручную".


Cover images forbidden


I'm using the Raindrop API in a NextJs project. However, most of the "cover" images are now returning as forbidden or generated link is broken



Can anyone help me resolve this issue? It was working fine till yesterday.

Raindrop freeze

Hello, every time I add a new website to the bookmark, when I try to add TAG's the extension freezes and it takes about 10s to add it.

First Party Isolation

Is it possible to make the browser extension work while keeping "first party isolation" enabled? With FPI enabled in Firefox, the extension cannot login.

Показывание протокола

Можно добавить опцию "Показывать протокол"? Это нужно, чтобы видеть, http или https используется для конкретного сайта. Понимаю, что это нужно не всем, но некоторым всё же нужно. Также это нужно, чтобы видеть, другие типы закладок: ftp, букмарклет, локальный файл.

Import Google bookmarks as tags not collections

My Google bookmarks' labels are auto-converted to collections while importing to Raindrop. As a result there is probably some deduplication and I end up with less bookmarks in each collection. Is there a way to import the Google bookmark labels as tags and not collections?

Don't force lowercasing in new tags

I recently noticed that when I create a new tag with the chrome plugin on MacOS that the tag is forced to lowercase.

I believe all search, etc should be case insensitive, but casing of tags should be preserved as the user wants to edit it. Many of my tags are locations and it helps to distinguish a city name from a topical tag to have the correct casing.

Funny thing happens when I try to save Youtube videos using ChromeExtension

When I try to save a Youtube video using ChromeExtension, the video thumbnail and title refer to the cache.

For example
After accessing
the URL of the saved data is
but the thumbnails and titles are from
is used for thumbnails and titles.

Smart Collections

First of all, thanks a lot for creating this awesome extension, Rustem!
I was wondering if there is any possibility to implement smart collections which are created by defining a set of filters and bookmarks that match the filters are automatically shown in that collection. Similar to smart playlists on Apple Music/iTunes.
That would make Raindrop a very powerful tool :)

The extension shouldn't log out when browser data is cleared

My browser is set to clear browsing data on exit.
Raindrop seems to store its extension login data in cookies, so every time I reopen the browser I have to log in all over.

That's quite annoying, extensions shouldn't do that.
They should use the local storage api provided by the browser to make sure things persist between sessions.
It's how Bitwarden, uBlock Origin, 1Password and other popular security- and privacy-focused extensions do it.

Firefox Extension, Containers Support


I use two extensions to try to maintain (extra) privacy in Firefox:

These 2 ensure that unless I assign a persistent container that any site will not store cookies/localstorage/etc long term, or be able to persist cookies/storage across sites, etc.

I keep the site assigned to a permanent Raindrop container so that manually browsing the site (outside of the extension) maintains login/etc long-term. Today the Raindrop firefox extension logged me out of my account and it took a while to figure how to log back in. Clicking on login from the extension took me to my proper container which is already logged in. However the extension still can't access the login credentials/cookie from the container.

It looks like extensions can't run from inside containers. So I needed to login again outside of any container.

To get around this, I had to :

  • Unassign from my permanent container (which will allow me to use the site outside of any container)
  • Disable Temporary Containers (so new tabs don't go into any container)
  • Start a new tab that is outside of containers, and login to raindrop. (This temporarily fixes the problem and allows the extension to remain logged in for however long the session lasts.)
  • Re-enable Temporary Containers & Re-assign to my Raindrop permanent container

So this should last me until my raindrop extension's session expires again, but is there any better way to do this without disabling my container extensions? Any way for the extension itself to either run in my permanent container, or have the extension access that container via a browser API?

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