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JavaScript API for Chrome and Firefox

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License: Apache License 2.0

JavaScript 5.34% CSS 0.24% HTML 1.17% TypeScript 93.16% Shell 0.02% Dockerfile 0.07%
headless-chrome testing web developer-tools node-module automation chrome chromium firefox

puppeteer's Introduction


build npm puppeteer package

Puppeteer is a JavaScript library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Firefox over the DevTools Protocol or WebDriver BiDi. Puppeteer runs in the headless (no visible UI) by default


npm i puppeteer # Downloads compatible Chrome during installation.
npm i puppeteer-core # Alternatively, install as a library, without downloading Chrome.


import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
// Or import puppeteer from 'puppeteer-core';

// Launch the browser and open a new blank page
const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();

// Navigate the page to a URL.
await page.goto('');

// Set screen size.
await page.setViewport({width: 1080, height: 1024});

// Type into search box.
await page.locator('.devsite-search-field').fill('automate beyond recorder');

// Wait and click on first result.
await page.locator('.devsite-result-item-link').click();

// Locate the full title with a unique string.
const textSelector = await page
  .locator('text/Customize and automate')
const fullTitle = await textSelector?.evaluate(el => el.textContent);

// Print the full title.
console.log('The title of this blog post is "%s".', fullTitle);

await browser.close();

puppeteer's People


orkon avatar aslushnikov avatar dependabot[bot] avatar lightning00blade avatar jrandolf-2 avatar jackfranklin avatar joeleinbinder avatar release-please[bot] avatar browser-automation-bot avatar mathiasbynens avatar ebidel avatar jrandolf avatar jschfflr avatar kblok avatar vsemozhetbyt avatar whimboo avatar sadym-chromium avatar pavelfeldman avatar juliandescottes avatar yanivefraim avatar johanbay avatar tasneemkoushar avatar lutien avatar mjzffr avatar paulirish avatar hanselfmu avatar jrandolf-zz avatar christian-bromann avatar thedavidbarton avatar timvdlippe avatar


ff999 avatar 付晓辉 avatar MINKA'IL YAHAYA IBRAHIM  avatar JackChen avatar Guo avatar Emanuel Lopes Silva avatar  avatar Alex avatar Kravets avatar Benoit Desjardins, ing. MBA LSSBB avatar Mene avatar  avatar Bruno Pedroso avatar  avatar Arniu Tseng avatar Lucas avatar Marek Wywiał avatar  avatar conanoutlook avatar RadRebelSam avatar Gökhan Özdemir avatar  avatar  avatar Pierre Neter avatar  avatar Selz  avatar Pedro Moreira avatar Eric Oliveira avatar Thinqat avatar unluck avatar  avatar Shima Ryuhei avatar Lucien avatar Ehsan U. avatar Legend avatar  avatar Gang Lin avatar Franzua Plasencia Caballero avatar  avatar  avatar evan avatar  avatar wangwei avatar  avatar zelong avatar  avatar  avatar habib avatar Frank Zhao avatar LAW WEI LIANG  avatar  avatar shadowboxingme avatar Kevin Kwong avatar  avatar Depickere Sven avatar Jonathan A Deiloff avatar D.2.O. avatar  avatar Evgeniy Korzunov avatar Etondo avatar  avatar Renaud Bouckenooghe avatar Lincoln Dias Marques avatar claude89757 avatar Nguyen Gia Bao avatar  avatar ailunzhang911 avatar  avatar Shin Eunju avatar  avatar SK avatar 卷卷卷designer avatar  avatar  avatar qiandy avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Suleyman avatar xfx avatar  avatar  avatar Su Ho avatar Faff avatar  avatar Luis Gallego avatar NeuroSage avatar AstroKnight avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Kevin Cao avatar  avatar Ikhwanul Husna avatar Advith Gopinath avatar 任懷林 avatar Kiril M. avatar  avatar xiaoniudu avatar Amir Hosseini avatar


Mingli Yuan avatar Charleno Pires avatar Ivan Kozik avatar William Stearns avatar Deepak Kannan avatar Masafumi Fujiwara avatar Thomas Walpole avatar azu avatar Robby O'Connor avatar Snuggs avatar syco avatar Abhik Khanra avatar Stone Gao avatar mlzboy avatar Pietro Malerba avatar moyashi avatar Salomão Junior avatar Noam  V avatar Brad Jones avatar Henry Huang avatar Israel Santiago avatar dan avatar wenbing avatar Maciej Kuś avatar Si Nguyen avatar 简单框架(马克) avatar sharper avatar Josh Yu avatar Long Bui avatar Neustradamus avatar Fabrizio Giordano avatar Addy Osmani avatar  avatar Michael Stuart avatar Sami Kyöstilä avatar Steve Li avatar 胡雪亮 avatar Javier Álvarez Medina avatar André Philip avatar 淘知了 avatar  avatar dc avatar vancaem avatar herby avatar junlei zhang avatar evandrix avatar Jason Davis avatar Glenn Schlereth avatar  avatar Ishmael Ahmed avatar lucian voinea avatar Atsuyoshi SUZUKI avatar  avatar James Cryer avatar  avatar beiwei avatar Jon Turner avatar yury avatar fat1 avatar  avatar Everton Yoshitani avatar Freddy Munandar avatar send2vinnie avatar Karuppasamy M avatar Antouan Anguelov avatar Jandy avatar  avatar Piti (Fyi) Champeethong avatar Donosn avatar yi.feng avatar Mr. Rosario avatar Kris Newey avatar Yan Cheng Cheok avatar su avatar 木家彤 avatar Yuan Liang avatar Richard Hess avatar Jumper avatar Michael Granado avatar Eric avatar Yang Leijun avatar Christian Hochfilzer avatar dingyun avatar Vinoth Dhinakaran avatar  avatar Dana Moore avatar peterkingalex avatar  avatar Chris Simari avatar rough avatar hagishi avatar Eric avatar Michael Fan avatar dror avatar Kaifeng avatar Shane Ke avatar  avatar Mr. C avatar Miniwe avatar  avatar

puppeteer's Issues

Parallel calls to Page.screenshot interfere with each other

Consider the following example, which takes 10 screenshots, each of a different 50pxx50px square.

browser.newPage().then(async page => {
    await page.navigate('');
    var promises = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
            path: i + '.png',
            clip: {x: 50 * i, y: 0, width: 50, height: 50},
    await Promise.all(promises);

Unfortunately, this doesn't work - calls to page.screenshot interfere with each other, failing to clip proper rect.

Add frames api

There should be a frames inspection API with an ability to evaluate code in frame

Expose raw protocol in the API

While using puppeteer there are still occasions where I want to use the raw protocol.
I'd certainly want to do this against the Page, and potentially the browser as well.

I want to send methods and get responses. Additionally, I want to listen for specific events.

Not sure of the right API and if it needs to be transactional as to not mixup state.

Improve navigation

Navigation is hard.
Make sure the following navigation scenarios work properly:

  • page.navigate('not-a-url') should return false
  • page.navigate('') should return false
  • page.navigate('') should return false
  • page.navigate('') with no internet should return false
  • page.navigate('data:text/html,hello') should return true
  • Page's navigation via inner javascript's window.location.href = '' should be reported to puppeteer, probably via the Navigated event.

All of this should be also applicable to frame navigation in #4

Document `Page.setSize()` method

Thanks for the awesome module 🏆

I realize the docs are a WIP.

From the README:

Puppeteer sets an initial page size to 400px x 300px, which defines the screenshot size. The page size can be changed with Page.setSize() method

setSize() does not however appear to have any API docs over in Looking through the repo via code-search the README entry for this method appears to be the only one in there :)

Is there another issue tracking adding docs for methods like this?

Emulate devices?

Thanks to the emulation domain, we can emulate mobile devices.

Is there a need for such an api in puppeteer? If yes, what's the scenario and what would api look like?


I've been long thinking about scripting interactions using something similar to the webpagetest test scripts.

It'd be great to have some interoperability with that preexisting script syntax/format/language. While I'm not a huge fan of the API, it has been established for some people already.

I'm certain that Patrick would have some feels regarding this idea too.


focus #searchInput
type 'where is the world‘s best cheesecake?'
press button[type='submit']
screenshot my-image.jpg

Is this in scope for puppeteer? Or perhaps something that could just use puppeteer under the covers?

Support browser contexts to launch different sessions

Support browser contexts (Target.createBrowserContext) so to avoid launching multiple instances if one wants a pristine session. See proposal #66 and original discussion at cyrus-and/chrome-remote-interface#118.

A viable user scenario might be testing several users logged in simultaneously into the service.
We might expose browser contexts as a string literal option to the browser.newPage:

browser.newPage(); // creates a new page in a default browser context
browser.newPage({ context: 'default' }); // same as previous call
browser.newPage({ context: 'another-context' }); // creates a page in another browser context

[headless] Impossible to accept/dismiss javascript dialogs


var Browser = require('puppeteer').Browser;
var browser = new Browser();
browser.newPage().then(async page => {
    page.on('dialog', dialog => {
    console.log(await page.evaluate(() => prompt('q?')));

Dialog accepting/dismissing throws on error on headless:

Error: Protocol error (Page.handleJavaScriptDialog): Could not handle JavaScript dialog

Upstream bug:

Implement full-page screenshots

Given the #5 is done, there should be a fullPage option in the page.screenshot method.
There should be also an alias page.takeFullScreenshot or page.takeFullPageScreenshot (or maybe both?)

Page.evaluate doesn't return NaN or Infinity

Page.evaluate should handle unserializable values properly.
For example, the following returns false:

let result = await page.evaluate(() => NaN);

Whereas it should be true.

Bikeshed the API

Lots of things I think could be simpler

"override" "set" "get" ...

What to do with `page.evaluateAsync`?

Today, there are two methods in page's API:

  • page.evaluate which evaluates code in the page and returns result.
  • page.evaluateAync which too evaluates code in the page and, if the evaluation result is promise, waits for promise to resolve and returns the promise value.

The page.evaluate is straightforward, but page.evaluateAsync has cryptic name and hard to grasp. Should we remove the page.evaluateAsync and always await promise in page.evaluate?

If we want to keep them separate, is there a better name for the page.evaluateAsync?

Illustrating with examples, the following snippet returns "42":

var Browser = require('puppeteer').Browser();
var browser = new Browser();
browser.newPage().then(async page => {
    console.log(await page.evaluate(() => 6 * 7)); // prints '42'

However, if we try to return a promise, we will get an empty object as a result:

var Browser = require('puppeteer').Browser();
var browser = new Browser();
browser.newPage().then(async page => {
    console.log(await page.evaluate(() => Promise.resolve(6 * 7))); // prints '{}'

In order to get the '42' as a returned value, one would need to use page.evaluateAsync:

var Browser = require('puppeteer').Browser();
var browser = new Browser();
browser.newPage().then(async page => {
    console.log(await page.evaluateAsync(() => Promise.resolve(6 * 7))); // prints '42'

This kind of situation could be avoided if we were to await promise in page.evaluate.

For the record: in case of merging evaluate with the evaluateAsync methods, we should make sure that evaluating the code from-inside the inpagecallback works successfully (which is a bit tricky since page is on a pause)

New project name

While "puppeteer" is apt, there are a few downsides: 3 syllables (and kinda a mouthful), difficult spelling (surprisingly), kinda plain, the npm name is taken. There's been an interest amongst a few folks to retitle the project before shipping.

I have collected a few possibilities below.

I'm not explaining each name for simplicity, I'd rather them stand on their own. However, most have connotations and associations with things like: legend of sleepy hollow, headlessness, phantom of the opera, scientific method/testing, shadow puppets.


Any other proposals? Comment and I will integrate new ones into the list above.

lint jsdoc types

We should lint jsdoc types.

I spent some time trying to make closure compiler work with node.js, but it didn't work due to issues with node module requires.

Implement POST navigation

There's a need to navigate to URL with a POST method rather then GET method, e.g. to simulate form submission.

For this, the page.navigate() method should accept options object with method parameter.

Way to debug test

We need a way to run a test with --inspect-brk flag to make it debuggable!

Generalize page.waitFor, make waitForSelector a utility on top of it.

Rationale: waitForSelector is rarely useful on its own. I have a DOM element, but it is off screen / display:none, etc.

We can make waitFor generic and execute it either upon every task (by default) or upon tasks that had specific activities in them (optional).

utilitites.waitForSelector = (selector) => {
  return page.waitFor(() => document.querySelector(selector), ['style'], selector);

utilitites.waitForLayout = () => {
  return page.waitFor(() => true, ['layout']);

utilitites.waitForFrame = () => {
  return page.waitFor(() => true, ['frame']);

Emulation API proposal

Currently we have the following api to emulate devices:

let names = page.emulatedDevices(); // to get list of emulatable devices
page.emulate('iphone 6'); // to emulate "iphone 6"

Problems with this api:

  • having emulatedDevices() as a getter and under a page makes me feel that the device list might change over time and from page to page.
  • it's hard to introspect what kind of options are actually set for the device, e.g. to see device's screen size
  • it's hard to do my own device, or import someone's pre-made from npm

How about:

// Puppeteer defines the "Device" class
class Device {
  constructor(name, userAgent, viewport, isMobile = true, hasTouch = true) { = name;
    this.userAgent = userAgent;
    this.viewport = viewport;
    this.isMobile = isMobile;
    this.hasTouch = hasTouch;

// The Device class and a list of all available devices are exposed
// in the top-level require
const {Browser, Device, devices} = require('puppeteer');

// `devices` list is an array with additional string properties. Devices
// could be both iterated and accessed via device names

// If needed, a hand-made device could be done
let myDevice = new Device('handmade', 'handmade-webkit', {
  width: 100,
  height: 100,
  dpi: 2,

// Devices would be convenient to import from npm
let exoticDevice = require('list-of-exotic-devices-for-puppeteer');

// Finally, page can start emulating a device
page.emulatedDevice(); // returns currently-emulated device

// And we can change page's orientation
page.setOrientation('landscape'); // also could be 'portrait'

This kind of API would make emulation a first-class citizen in Puppeteer - which makes a lot of sense since devtools device emulation is very comprehensive. doesn't always work

The following script hangs for me waiting for "click" to happen on the second link.
However, if I make viewport width 1000 instead of 300, the script works just fine.

const {Browser} = require('puppeteer');
const browser = new Browser({headless: false});

browser.newPage().then(async page => {
  page.on('load', () => {
    console.log('LOADED: ' + page.url());
  // Make width 1000 instead of 300 and the scripts works just fine
  await page.setViewport({width: 300, height: 300}); 
  await page.navigate('');
  await page.waitFor('input[name=q]');
  await page.focus('input[name=q]');
  await page.type('blin');
  for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
    let searchResult = `div.g:nth-child(${i + 1}) h3 a`;
    await page.waitFor(searchResult, {visible: true});;
    await page.waitForNavigation();

    await page.screenshot({path: `screenshot-${i + 1}.png`});
    await page.goBack();

Running the script with DEBUG=*page node scrape.js shows what's going on.

Looks like we're clicking outside of viewport and the click turns out to be a noop.

@JoelEinbinder, wdyt?

Exception while trying to handle non-serializable object

const {Browser} = new require('.');
const browser = new Browser({headless: true});

browser.newPage().then(async page => {
  await page.evaluate(() => window);

This code throws an error:

Object reference chain is too long

which happens because window is non-serializable.

Refactor screenshots API

The screenshots API could be improved:

  1. Instead of passing multiple arguments in page.screenshot, accept single optional options object
  2. Make screenshot's type optional and default it to either jpeg or png.
  3. Add filePath option to the screenshot's options object.
  4. Make aliases:
    • saveScreenshot is an alias to the screenshot with filePath option
    • takeScreenshot is an alias for the screenshot

Get rid of chrome-remote-interface dependency

The chrome-remote-interface dependency served us good. However, our usage of chrome-remote-interface is minimal: we use only .send() method and event subscription. This is not hard to implement (e.g. there's a lighthouse implementation: connection.js).

Add core input APIs

The following should be implemented:

.click(selector, options)
.type(selector, text, options)

Add fancy input APIs

.mouseMoved(x, y, options = {})
.mousePressed(x, y, options = {})
.mouseReleased(x, y, options = {})
.tap(x, y, options = {})

Add form APIs


// Fill an element 
await browser.fill('#username', 'myUser')

// set an element's `value` value
await browser.setValue('#comment', 'my feelings')

// Type in an element 
await browser.type('#password', 'Yey!ImAPassword!')

page.screenshot scrollbar artifacts


I noticed that when taking a full page screenshot, we can see random scrollbar artifacts.

Is there a chance that this is related to Emulation.setVisibleSize?



Refactor JavaScript dialogs API

The phantom's approach to handling javascript dialogs is convenient and familiar: instead of firing Alert, Prompt and Confirm events, we should use onAlert, onPrompt and onConfirm callbacks. It would be also convenient to have a complimentary Dialog event which dispatches dialog class.

docs/ should be linted

Currently, the docs/ is written manually to resemble the node.js documentation. The motivation was to make the doc look familiar to an average node dev.

However, the markup is tiring to maintain manually. It would be nice to generate the doc somehow from a simplistic format which would be easy to edit.

@paulirish, @ebidel - do you guys have any suggestions? @ebidel mentioned it's easy to setup a documentation website somehow, could you please share a link?

Add waitFor APIs

.wait(selector) // wait until selector you specified appear in a DOM tree.

Make a sane

There should be a nice README which

  • explains Puppeteer's motivation and goals
  • provides FAQ
  • points to other useful resources, such as API documentation

Stress test: scrape search results user story

I attempted to create a following stress test:

  • Navigate to
  • Enter "Blin"
  • Capture screenshot with results
  • Go over the results
  • Capture screenshot for every result page

This is pretty much impossible using existing API :) Dumping observations here...

  • page.waitFor resolves even if element is not on the screen (display:none, etc). Many elements are in DOM too early, no way to click-via-screen them.
  • page.waitFor does not time timeout
  • keyboard API surface is large and cryptic. Did you figure out how to press 'Enter' using just page.*.
  • keyboard API does not allow for natural click delays, does not populate timestamps. does not like that
  • Expose custom raf or timer-based page.waitFor(predicate)
  • Expose page.sleep(time)
  • Need to be able to page.waitForNavigation in case navigation is initiated via click [i'll fix]
  • Reload brings me back to the originally navigated page [i'll fix]
  • page.waitFor(selector) in my code is always followed by either or page.focus with that element. Handles would make it look like (await page.waitFor(selector)).click().
  • navigation API is not exposed, I need to be able to click browser's back/forward.
  • Taking screenshot halts on mac headless good half of the time [i'll look at it]

^^ @aslushnikov @JoelEinbinder @dgozman @paulirish

2 space indentation across project


Mind if we switch to 2-space identation? That's more common in JS projects these days and we tend to stick with Google's style guide in the GoogleChrome org.

We can extend the google style guide in eslintrc.js to enforce it :)

Emulate offline

(taken from gr2m/headless-chrome-test#1)

Puppeteer should have an offline mode to test PWA's. For example:


Emulation of other network conditions might be useful as well, but we can wait with them until there are good scenarios.

Suggestions from chrome-remote-interface

I did a (very) quick survey of the issues submitted to chrome-remote-interface so far and selected some features that users seem to struggle with using the low-level Chrome Debugging Protocol API.

  • Support browser contexts (Target.createBrowserContext) so to avoid launching multiple instances if one wants a pristine session (e.g., browser.newIsolatedPage() or even expose the context concept through the API).
  • Provide easy access to CSS rules (e.g., adding, toggling, etc.). This may be tricky and too broad to discuss but users particularly struggle with text-ranges.

These may or may not suit this project so I'm not I'm not filing multiple issues; this is mainly to have a place to discuss about them.

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