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Comments (32)

hhucorne avatar hhucorne commented on July 29, 2024 1


Not sure if I should create a new issue but I'm facing the same problem as jayslay.

i'm using "Show-InstallationPrompt" and "Show-InstallationWelcome" in a required deployment in system context and no of them is displayed. I'm also using "CloseApps" parameter for "Show-InstallationWelcome" and it closes specified apps without prompting users.

It works perfectly with an "available" deployment.

I tried with 3.6.5 but the problem is the same.

Any idea ?

from psappdeploytoolkit.

mmashwani avatar mmashwani commented on July 29, 2024

I can't really replicate this issue and no one else has reported either. I can't address this if I can't reproduce the issue. Does this happen for you on all systems? Have you tested on various different platforms to try and troubleshoot and see what specifically could be causing the problem? Failing that, I would be interested in seeing a video capture that shows the above issues taking place...maybe then I would understand the problem better.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

lazlox avatar lazlox commented on July 29, 2024

This is what I see:
At the same time the main installer is running with it's own GUI. In some cases, the progress dialogs showing up after a while.

Pre-installation code:

Show-InstallationProgress -StatusMessage "Removing Visio Viewer 2007..."
Remove-MSIApplications -Name 'Visio Viewer 2007' -ContinueOnError $true -Parameters "REBOOT=ReallySuppress /QB-!"
Show-InstallationProgress -StatusMessage "Removing Microsoft Access 2007 Applications..."
Remove-MSIApplications -Name 'Microsoft Office Access' -ContinueOnError $true -Parameters "REBOOT=ReallySuppress /QB-!"
Show-InstallationProgress -StatusMessage "Removing Microsoft Lync 2010..."
Execute-Process -Path 'msiexec' -Parameters '/x {81BE0B17-563B-45D4-B198-5721E6C665CD} REBOOT=R /qb-!' -ContinueOnError $true

After that I am running the main install with Execute-Process

Relevant log entries:

<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Session 0 detected, process running in user interactive mode, user(s) logged in.]LOG]!><time="10:52:29.348-240" date="05-11-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Installation is running in [Interactive] mode.]LOG]!><time="10:52:29.354-240" date="05-11-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Deployment type is [Installation].]LOG]!><time="10:52:29.361-240" date="05-11-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Removing Visio Viewer 2007...].]LOG]!><time="10:52:34.585-240" date="05-11-2015" component="Show-InstallationProgress" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Get information for installed Application Name(s) [Visio Viewer 2007]...]LOG]!><time="10:52:35.798-240" date="05-11-2015" component="Get-InstalledApplication" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: No applications found for removal. Continue...]LOG]!><time="10:52:36.614-240" date="05-11-2015" component="Remove-MSIApplications" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Removing Microsoft Access 2007 Applications...].]LOG]!><time="10:52:37.011-240" date="05-11-2015" component="Show-InstallationProgress" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Get information for installed Application Name(s) [Microsoft Office Access]...]LOG]!><time="10:52:38.287-240" date="05-11-2015" component="Get-InstalledApplication" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: No applications found for removal. Continue...]LOG]!><time="10:52:39.185-240" date="05-11-2015" component="Remove-MSIApplications" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Removing Microsoft Lync 2010...].]LOG]!><time="10:52:39.469-240" date="05-11-2015" component="Show-InstallationProgress" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: [msiexec] successfully resolved to fully qualified path [C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe].]LOG]!><time="10:52:40.693-240" date="05-11-2015" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Check to see if mutex [Global\_MSIExecute] is available. Wait up to [10 minute(s)] for the mutex to become available.]LOG]!><time="10:52:40.833-240" date="05-11-2015" component="Test-IsMutexAvailable" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Mutex [Global\_MSIExecute] is available for an exclusive lock.]LOG]!><time="10:52:40.914-240" date="05-11-2015" component="Test-IsMutexAvailable" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Working Directory is [C:\WINDOWS\system32].]LOG]!><time="10:52:42.021-240" date="05-11-2015" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Executing [C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe /x {81BE0B17-563B-45D4-B198-5721E6C665CD} REBOOT=R /qb-!]...]LOG]!><time="10:52:42.093-240" date="05-11-2015" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Execution complete and the exit code [1605] is being ignored.]LOG]!><time="10:52:42.886-240" date="05-11-2015" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Close the installation progress dialog.]LOG]!><time="10:52:42.946-240" date="05-11-2015" component="Close-InstallationProgress" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="2972" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">

Looks like the Show-InstallationProgress cannot find the progress thread and spins up a new one instead of updating the existing.

Command line via psexec /i /s cmd:

PowerShell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "Deploy-Application.ps1"

from psappdeploytoolkit.

mmashwani avatar mmashwani commented on July 29, 2024

Please share the start of the log that shows all of the script/system details.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

mmashwani avatar mmashwani commented on July 29, 2024

Also, there is some conflicting information in the title of this issue and the description you provided.

From the title of this issue, I am to understand that the "Show-InstallationProgress" function does not display anything when executed under the SYSTEM account with the interactive flag set.

From the description in the first post and the image you posted, I am to understand that the function does display a window. Except that it will display multiple windows for each time the function is called. So now the title and the description contradict themselves. You also say that sometimes the windows also display 2-5 minutes late. How often is sometimes? And does this delay only happen when you use SCCM to deploy or does it also happen with psexec?

Please be precise with the information you provide and share details of any tests you have done because I still cannot reproduce this problem.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

sleeplesstwo avatar sleeplesstwo commented on July 29, 2024

I'm actually having the issue described in the original post though I can't say I've had anything pop up even after 5 minutes. Here's what I've found so far.

Launching as the user (logged in as local admin) works fine, if I double click to run it directly off the share, everything works as expected.

Using SCCM 2007 R3 SP2 advertised to the computer, and to run from the DP due to the size (Creative Suite 6) and is set to run once for the computer. The program is set to run only when a user is logged on with Admin rights and "Allow users to interact" is checked. I can watch task manager and see Deploy-Application.exe and powershell.exe start. However nothing else occurs, no logs are generated in C:\Windows\Logs\Software\ or in %TEMP% I even went as far as adding Write-Log to the beginning of my script to see if it was hanging up on one of the steps.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

mmashwani avatar mmashwani commented on July 29, 2024

When you see Deploy-Application.exe and powershell.exe start and then exit without generating any logs, it usually means you have some kind of parsing error in your script.

Manually run the script from a PowerShell console on that machine. Don't use Deploy-Application.exe. You should be able to see some kind of error in the console I believe even if no log file is generated.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

sleeplesstwo avatar sleeplesstwo commented on July 29, 2024

It never exits is the thing. Out of curiosity I let it sit overnight. Both processes were still active and no log files generated until just now when I force quit them from the task manager (24 hours).

I just ran the .ps1 directly from a powershell Window. And everything pops up like normal. In that case though I do get 2 windows that pop up similar to his image. In my case they are "Installation in progress. Please wait" and "Installing Acrobat Professional 10. Please wait..."

I have the feeling it's something odd with SCCM 2007 because on one of my SCCM 2012 systems it works as expected.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

paulwetter avatar paulwetter commented on July 29, 2024

I am experiencing this issue as well when deploying through SCCM 2012R2 CU4. I see the balloon popups in the system tray when it is installing. I get prompts for closing applications (Show-InstallationWelcome) and I get normal prompts (Show-InstallationPrompt). But any Show-InstallationProgress is not working. This does not seem to occur on every system though. So, I an unsure what may be the source of my issue. I know the system that I am having issues on was recently imaged. So, not really sure what is going on. Log is below (user data sanitized).

<![LOG[[Initialization] :: *******************************************************************************]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.467-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: *******************************************************************************]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.467-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: [Oracle_Java_8Update45_x86_EN_01] setup started.]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.549-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Script [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\2j\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1] dot-source invoked by [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\2j\Deploy-Application.ps1]]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.565-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Script [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\2j\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitExtensions.ps1] dot-source invoked by [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\2j\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1]]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.571-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkitExt" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitExtensions.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: [Oracle_Java_8Update45_x86_EN_01] script version is [1.0.0]]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.604-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: [Deploy Application] script version is [3.6.1]]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.607-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The following non-default parameters were passed to [Deploy Application]: [-DeploymentType "Install" -AllowRebootPassThru:$true]]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.610-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: [App Deploy Toolkit Main] script version is [3.6.4]]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.613-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: [App Deploy Toolkit Extensions] version is [1.5.0]]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.639-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Computer Name is []]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.647-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Current User is [NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM]]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.650-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: OS Version is [Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise Service Pack 1 64-bit 6.1.7601.65536]]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.654-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: OS Type is [Workstation]]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.659-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Current Culture is [en-US] and UI language is [EN]]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.667-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Hardware Platform is [Physical]]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.734-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: PowerShell Host is [ConsoleHost] with version [4.0]]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.745-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: PowerShell Version is [4.0 x64]]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.749-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: PowerShell CLR (.NET) version is [4.0.30319.34209]]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.753-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: *******************************************************************************]LOG]!><time="11:26:56.757-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Display session information for all logged on users: 

NTAccount           : Domain\User1234
SID                 : S-1-5-21-##########-##########-##########-#####
UserName            : User1234
DomainName          : Domain
SessionId           : 1
SessionName         : Console
ConnectState        : Active
IsCurrentSession    : True
IsConsoleSession    : True
IsActiveUserSession : True
IsUserSession       : True
IsRdpSession        : False
IsLocalAdmin        : False
LogonTime           : 5/29/2015 10:56:45 AM
IdleTime            : 00:00:00
DisconnectTime      : 
ClientName          : 
ClientProtocolType  : 
ClientDirectory     : 
ClientBuildNumber   : 0

]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.313-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The following users are logged on to the system: [Domain\User1234].]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.321-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Current process is running with user account [NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM] under logged in user session for [Domain\User1234].]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.326-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The following user is the console user [Domain\User1234] (user with control of physical monitor, keyboard, and mouse).]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.330-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The active logged on user is [Domain\User1234].]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.335-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The active logged on user [Domain\User1234] has a primary UI language of [EN].]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.340-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The following UI messages were imported from the config XML file: [UI_Messages_EN].]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.345-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The active logged on user [Domain\User1234] has a DPI scale factor of [125] with DPI pixels [120].]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.349-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Unable to load COM Object [Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment]. Therefore, script is not currently running from a SCCM Task Sequence.]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.359-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventSystem] exists.]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.479-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Test-ServiceExists" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service [EventSystem] startup mode.]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.496-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-ServiceStartMode" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventSystem] startup mode is set to [Automatic].]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.567-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-ServiceStartMode" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [EventSystem].]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.594-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Start-ServiceAndDependencies" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventSystem] with display name [COM+ Event System] has a status of [Running].]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.617-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Start-ServiceAndDependencies" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [RpcSs] exists.]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.693-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Test-ServiceExists" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service [RpcSs] startup mode.]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.699-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-ServiceStartMode" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [RpcSs] startup mode is set to [Automatic].]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.887-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-ServiceStartMode" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [RpcSs].]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.895-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Start-ServiceAndDependencies" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [RpcSs] with display name [Remote Procedure Call (RPC)] has a status of [Running].]LOG]!><time="11:26:57.900-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Start-ServiceAndDependencies" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventLog] exists.]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.011-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Test-ServiceExists" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service [EventLog] startup mode.]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.018-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-ServiceStartMode" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventLog] startup mode is set to [Automatic].]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.076-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-ServiceStartMode" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [EventLog].]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.083-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Start-ServiceAndDependencies" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventLog] with display name [Windows Event Log] has a status of [Running].]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.087-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Start-ServiceAndDependencies" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [Schedule] exists.]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.163-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Test-ServiceExists" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service [Schedule] startup mode.]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.170-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-ServiceStartMode" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [Schedule] startup mode is set to [Automatic].]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.230-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-ServiceStartMode" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [Schedule].]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.286-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Start-ServiceAndDependencies" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [Schedule] with display name [Task Scheduler] has a status of [Running].]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.289-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Start-ServiceAndDependencies" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The task scheduler service is in a healthy state: True.]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.295-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Session 0 detected, process running in user interactive mode, user(s) logged in.]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.298-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Installation is running in [Interactive] mode.]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.302-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Deployment type is [Installation].]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.305-300" date="05-29-2015" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Check for running application(s) [chrome,iexplore,firefox]...]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.347-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-RunningProcesses" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: The following processes are running: [iexplore].]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.377-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-RunningProcesses" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Resolve process descriptions...]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.380-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-RunningProcesses" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Finished checking running application(s).]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.397-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-RunningProcesses" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Prompt user to close application(s) [Internet Explorer]...]LOG]!><time="11:26:58.464-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-WelcomePrompt" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: User selected to force the application(s) to close...]LOG]!><time="11:27:01.033-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-InstallationWelcome" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Stop process iexplore...]LOG]!><time="11:27:01.160-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-InstallationWelcome" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Stop process iexplore...]LOG]!><time="11:27:01.206-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-InstallationWelcome" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Stop process iexplore...]LOG]!><time="11:27:01.237-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-InstallationWelcome" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Stop process iexplore...]LOG]!><time="11:27:01.270-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-InstallationWelcome" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Check for running application(s) [chrome,iexplore,firefox]...]LOG]!><time="11:27:03.299-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-RunningProcesses" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Application(s) are not running.]LOG]!><time="11:27:03.348-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-RunningProcesses" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Finished checking running application(s).]LOG]!><time="11:27:03.353-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-RunningProcesses" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification with message [Installation started.].]LOG]!><time="11:27:03.392-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-BalloonTip" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Installation in progress. Please wait...].]LOG]!><time="11:27:03.554-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-InstallationProgress" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification with message [Installation started.].]LOG]!><time="11:27:04.662-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-BalloonTip" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Removing old Versions of Java...].]LOG]!><time="11:27:04.720-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-InstallationProgress" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification with message [Installation started.].]LOG]!><time="11:27:14.910-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-BalloonTip" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Cleanup complete.  Installing Java 8Update45...].]LOG]!><time="11:27:14.970-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-InstallationProgress" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Get properties from MSI file [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\2j\Files\jre1.8.0_45.msi] in table [Property].]LOG]!><time="11:27:16.079-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-MsiTableProperty" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Get information for installed Product Code [{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83218045F0}]...]LOG]!><time="11:27:16.216-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Get-InstalledApplication" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Executing MSI action [Install]...]LOG]!><time="11:27:16.383-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Execute-MSI" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: [msiexec.exe] successfully resolved to fully qualified path [C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe].]LOG]!><time="11:27:16.431-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Check to see if mutex [Global\_MSIExecute] is available. Wait up to [10 minute(s)] for the mutex to become available.]LOG]!><time="11:27:16.489-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Test-IsMutexAvailable" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Mutex [Global\_MSIExecute] is available for an exclusive lock.]LOG]!><time="11:27:16.496-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Test-IsMutexAvailable" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Working Directory is [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\2j\Files].]LOG]!><time="11:27:17.577-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Executing [C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe /i "C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\2j\Files\jre1.8.0_45.msi" /QN /norestart AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 NOSTARTMENU=1 /L*v "C:\WINDOWS\Logs\Software\jre1.8.0_45_Install.log"]...]LOG]!><time="11:27:17.587-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Execution completed successfully with exit code [0].]LOG]!><time="11:27:37.100-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification with message [Installation started.].]LOG]!><time="11:27:39.454-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-BalloonTip" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Cleaning up Java 8Update45 installation...].]LOG]!><time="11:27:39.523-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-InstallationProgress" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Folder [C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Java] does not exists...]LOG]!><time="11:27:40.585-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Remove-Folder" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification with message [Installation started.].]LOG]!><time="11:27:42.838-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-BalloonTip" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Installation complete.  Configuring  ...].]LOG]!><time="11:27:42.901-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-InstallationProgress" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Oracle_Java_8Update45_x86_EN_01 Installation completed with exit code [0].]LOG]!><time="11:27:44.031-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Exit-Script" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification asyhchronously with message [Installation complete.].]LOG]!><time="11:27:44.052-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Show-BalloonTip" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: [C:\windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe] is a valid fully qualified path, continue.]LOG]!><time="11:27:44.066-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Working Directory is [C:\windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0].]LOG]!><time="11:27:44.075-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Executing [C:\windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe [PowerShell ScriptBlock]]...]LOG]!><time="11:27:44.079-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: NoWait parameter specified. Continuing without waiting for exit code...]LOG]!><time="11:27:44.085-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------]LOG]!><time="11:27:44.094-300" date="05-29-2015" component="Exit-Script" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5060" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">

from psappdeploytoolkit.

nclinch avatar nclinch commented on July 29, 2024

I am having the same issue on Windows 7 64bit (Haven't tested 32bit) computers with PowerShell 3 installed. I'm trying a work around of Close-InstallationProgress before Show-InstallationProgress.
Show-InstallationProgress -StatusMessage 'Detecting and Uninstalling Lync 2010 if needed.'
Remove-MSIApplications -Name 'lync 2010'

I found the Close-InstallationProgress in the toolkit.

Function Close-InstallationProgress
Closes the dialog created by Show-InstallationProgress.
Closes the dialog created by Show-InstallationProgress.
This function is called by the Exit-Script function to close a running instance of the progress dialog if found.
This is an internal script function and should typically not be called directly.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

eultom avatar eultom commented on July 29, 2024

Similar problem here.
Command line in SCCM 2012 R2 application:
"Deploy-Application.exe /32 -DeploymentType Install"

Show-InstallationProgress works on Win7 x32
Doesn't work on Win7x64 or Win8.1x64

Any success with the workaround using Close-InstallationProgress?

If I execute the above command line manually, Installation Progress windows do show. Only whenever the application is installed via Softwarecenter I don't see any dialogues...

from psappdeploytoolkit.

AgetroNairb avatar AgetroNairb commented on July 29, 2024

I've had the same problem where "Deploy-Application.exe" is started by SCCM 2012, it displays the InstallationPrompt, starts the install, then displays the InstallationProgress after the install has been going for about 30 seconds.

I haven't tried to determine if doing another InstallationProgress forces the display, though I do have others in the script.

I'm running this on a Win7 Pro x86 client and have the Deployment Type set to "Install for system" "Only when a user is logged on".

I've checked the log file written on the client and it appears to start the InstallationProgress display before running the installer, but it just doesn't display until later.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

AgetroNairb avatar AgetroNairb commented on July 29, 2024

Has there been any activity on this issue? I'm still seeing it with version 3.67 of the toolkit.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

mmashwani avatar mmashwani commented on July 29, 2024

The issue you reported doesn't really fit under this thread. This thread was specifically for no UI being shown in the SYSTEM context at all. You complained of a delay, that's a separate issue. There was another ticket related to that issue but I closed it as the user reported that the change implemented in 3.6.6/3.6.7 improved the lag in displaying the InstallationProgress window.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

mmashwani avatar mmashwani commented on July 29, 2024

Actually never mind. I'm confused. You're posting in the right thread. The title of this issue confused me. I have never been able to reproduce this issue so it's kind of hard for me to troubleshoot. If you can share anything or do some debugging on your end, that would help.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

AgetroNairb avatar AgetroNairb commented on July 29, 2024

No problem. I'm working on building an install for Office 365 version 16 and the InstallationProgress windows don't appear until Office is almost done installing. I'm attaching a screenshot of what I'm seeing, the log from PSAppDeploy, and my PS script.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

mmashwani avatar mmashwani commented on July 29, 2024

I looked at the log and the script you provided and I don't see anything
that is wrong with it. At the same time, I do not understand why it behaves
like this for you. I have not been able to get the same results on any
machine I have tested on.

Maybe call Close-InstallationProgress before you make a new call to
Show-InstallationProgress. Maybe put in a Start-Sleep for a few seconds
after a call to Show-InstallationProgress to make sure the message is up
before you continue.

Other then that, I will keep the ticket open until someone is able to
figure out what specifically is going wrong on some systems.

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 11:21 AM, AgetroNairb [email protected]

No problem. I'm working on building an install for Office 365 version 16
and the InstallationProgress windows don't appear until Office is almost
done installing. I'm attaching a screenshot of what I'm seeing, the log
from PSAppDeploy, and my PS script.
[image: 2015-12-09_10-14-18]


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#29 (comment)

from psappdeploytoolkit.

AgetroNairb avatar AgetroNairb commented on July 29, 2024

I've tried the Close-InstallationProgress function before and it didn't help. I just now tried the Start-Sleep for 5 seconds right after each Start-InstallationProgress command, but that didn't help either. I do see the balloon from the notification icon reappear each time it should be displaying the progress dialog, but the actual window doesn't show until later.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

mouritsen avatar mouritsen commented on July 29, 2024

I have been experience this same issue. The Show-InstallationProgress messages I put up would not be removed when a new Show-InstallationProgress message was used. They actually displayed under the previous message, so users only ever could see the first message. I tried Close-InstallationProgress directly before each new Show-InstallationProgress and it worked as long as I executed the Deploy_Application.ps1 script myself. When triggered by SCCM, it doesn't work and I still see all of the messages (if I drag them off of each other) until the end of the install. I have a couple of test machines I can reproduce this on. I've had the issue on Windows 7 64 bit and Windows 8.1 64 bit. I haven't tested with other operating systems. Please let me know what you need from me.

Here's my log

<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Display session information for all logged on users:

NTAccount : CLIENT16-VM3\Administrator
SID : S-1-5-21-3863179832-3733204028-2853785772-500
UserName : Administrator
DomainName : CLIENT16-VM3
SessionId : 1
SessionName : Console
ConnectState : Active
IsCurrentSession : True
IsConsoleSession : True
IsActiveUserSession : True
IsUserSession : True
IsRdpSession : False
IsLocalAdmin : True
LogonTime : 1/15/2016 1:06:17 PM
IdleTime : 00:00:00
DisconnectTime :
ClientName :
ClientProtocolType :
ClientDirectory :
ClientBuildNumber : 0

]LOG]!><time="14:40:09.931-480" date="01-15-2016" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The following users are logged on to the system: [CLIENT16-VM3\Administrator].]LOG]!><time="14:40:09.931-480" date="01-15-2016" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Current process is running with user account [NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM] under logged in user session for [CLIENT16-VM3\Administrator].]LOG]!><time="14:40:09.947-480" date="01-15-2016" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The following user is the console user [CLIENT16-VM3\Administrator](user with control of physical monitor, keyboard, and mouse).]LOG]!><time="14:40:10.040-480" date="01-15-2016" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The active logged on user is [CLIENT16-VM3\Administrator].]LOG]!><time="14:40:10.040-480" date="01-15-2016" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The active logged on user [CLIENT16-VM3\Administrator] has a primary UI language of [EN].]LOG]!><time="14:40:10.040-480" date="01-15-2016" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The following UI messages were imported from the config XML file: [UI_Messages_EN].]LOG]!><time="14:40:10.040-480" date="01-15-2016" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The active logged on user [CLIENT16-VM3\Administrator] has a DPI scale factor of [100] with DPI pixels [96].]LOG]!><time="14:40:10.040-480" date="01-15-2016" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Unable to load COM Object [Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment]. Therefore, script is not currently running from a SCCM Task Sequence.]LOG]!><time="14:40:10.290-480" date="01-15-2016" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventSystem] exists.]LOG]!><time="14:40:10.493-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Test-ServiceExists" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service [EventSystem] startup mode.]LOG]!><time="14:40:10.524-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-ServiceStartMode" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventSystem] startup mode is set to [Automatic].]LOG]!><time="14:40:10.680-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-ServiceStartMode" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [EventSystem].]LOG]!><time="14:40:10.696-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Start-ServiceAndDependencies" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventSystem] with display name [COM+ Event System] has a status of [Running].]LOG]!><time="14:40:10.758-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Start-ServiceAndDependencies" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [RpcSs] exists.]LOG]!><time="14:40:10.883-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Test-ServiceExists" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service [RpcSs] startup mode.]LOG]!><time="14:40:10.930-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-ServiceStartMode" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [RpcSs] startup mode is set to [Automatic].]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.023-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-ServiceStartMode" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [RpcSs].]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.039-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Start-ServiceAndDependencies" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [RpcSs] with display name [Remote Procedure Call (RPC)] has a status of [Running].]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.039-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Start-ServiceAndDependencies" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventLog] exists.]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.148-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Test-ServiceExists" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service [EventLog] startup mode.]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.148-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-ServiceStartMode" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventLog] startup mode is set to [Automatic].]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.242-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-ServiceStartMode" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [EventLog].]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.242-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Start-ServiceAndDependencies" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventLog] with display name [Windows Event Log] has a status of [Running].]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.242-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Start-ServiceAndDependencies" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [Schedule] exists.]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.351-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Test-ServiceExists" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service [Schedule] startup mode.]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.351-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-ServiceStartMode" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [Schedule] startup mode is set to [Automatic].]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.444-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-ServiceStartMode" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [Schedule].]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.460-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Start-ServiceAndDependencies" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [Schedule] with display name [Task Scheduler] has a status of [Running].]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.460-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Start-ServiceAndDependencies" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The task scheduler service is in a healthy state: True.]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.460-480" date="01-15-2016" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Session 0 detected, process running in user interactive mode, user(s) logged in.]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.460-480" date="01-15-2016" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Installation is running in [Interactive] mode.]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.476-480" date="01-15-2016" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Deployment type is [Installation].]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.476-480" date="01-15-2016" component="PSAppDeployToolkit" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Evaluate disk space requirements.]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.507-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-InstallationWelcome" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Retrieve free disk space for drive [C:].]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.538-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-FreeDiskSpace" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Free disk space for drive [C:]: [6685 MB].]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.741-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-FreeDiskSpace" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Successfully passed minimum disk space requirement check.]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.803-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-InstallationWelcome" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Get deferral history...]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.819-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-DeferHistory" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Return fully qualified registry key path [Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PSAppDeployToolkit\DeferHistory\Microsoft_Office_2016_x86_EN_01].]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.834-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Convert-RegistryPath" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Get registry key [Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PSAppDeployToolkit\DeferHistory\Microsoft_Office_2016_x86_EN_01] and all property values.]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.834-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-RegistryKey" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Defer history shows [1] deferrals remaining.]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.850-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-InstallationWelcome" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: User has [0] deferrals remaining.]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.866-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-InstallationWelcome" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Check for running application(s) [excel,groove,onenote,infopath,onenote,outlook,mspub,powerpnt,winword,winproj,visio,lync]...]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.881-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-RunningProcesses" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: The following processes are running: [WINWORD].]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.928-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-RunningProcesses" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Resolve process descriptions...]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.928-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-RunningProcesses" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Finished checking running application(s).]LOG]!><time="14:40:11.959-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-RunningProcesses" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Prompt user to close application(s) [Microsoft Word]...]LOG]!><time="14:40:12.053-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-WelcomePrompt" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: User has the option to defer.]LOG]!><time="14:40:12.053-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-WelcomePrompt" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: User selected to force the application(s) to close...]LOG]!><time="14:42:46.711-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-InstallationWelcome" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Stop process [WINWORD] with window title [Document1 - Word] and prompt to save if there is work to be saved (timeout in [120] seconds)...]LOG]!><time="14:42:46.852-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-InstallationWelcome" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Window [Document1 - Word] for process [WINWORD] was successfully closed.]LOG]!><time="14:42:53.341-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-InstallationWelcome" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Stop process ...]LOG]!><time="14:42:53.388-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-InstallationWelcome" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Check for running application(s) [excel,groove,onenote,infopath,onenote,outlook,mspub,powerpnt,winword,winproj,visio,lync]...]LOG]!><time="14:42:55.432-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-RunningProcesses" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Application(s) are not running.]LOG]!><time="14:42:55.432-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-RunningProcesses" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Finished checking running application(s).]LOG]!><time="14:42:55.447-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Get-RunningProcesses" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification with message [Installation started.].]LOG]!><time="14:42:55.775-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-BalloonTip" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Performing Pre-Install cleanup. This may take some time. Please wait...].]LOG]!><time="14:42:56.180-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-InstallationProgress" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Microsoft Office 2013 Click 2 Run was detected. Will be uninstalled.]LOG]!><time="14:42:57.272-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Deploy Application" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification with message [Installation started.].]LOG]!><time="14:42:57.304-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-BalloonTip" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Detected Office 2013 (O365). Running Uninstallation. This may take some time. Please wait...].]LOG]!><time="14:42:57.382-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-InstallationProgress" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: [C:\windows\ccmcache\4\Files\x86\Setup.exe] is a valid fully qualified path, continue.]LOG]!><time="14:42:58.442-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Working Directory is [C:\windows\ccmcache\4\Files\x86].]LOG]!><time="14:42:58.552-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Executing [C:\windows\ccmcache\4\Files\x86\Setup.exe /uninstall ProPlus /config "C:\windows\ccmcache\4\Files\x86\removeall.xml" ]...]LOG]!><time="14:42:58.567-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Execution completed successfully with exit code [0].]LOG]!><time="14:43:01.016-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification with message [Installation started.].]LOG]!><time="14:43:01.079-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-BalloonTip" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Installing Office 365 (2016) ProPlus. This may take some time. Please wait...].]LOG]!><time="14:43:01.157-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-InstallationProgress" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: [C:\windows\ccmcache\4\Files\x86\Setup.exe] is a valid fully qualified path, continue.]LOG]!><time="14:43:02.186-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Working Directory is [C:\windows\ccmcache\4\Files\x86].]LOG]!><time="14:43:02.202-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Executing [C:\windows\ccmcache\4\Files\x86\Setup.exe /configure "C:\windows\ccmcache\4\Files\x86\configuration.xml" ]...]LOG]!><time="14:43:02.202-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Execution completed successfully with exit code [0].]LOG]!><time="14:51:28.479-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Close the installation progress dialog.]LOG]!><time="14:51:28.501-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Close-InstallationProgress" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Remove deferral history...]LOG]!><time="14:51:28.729-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Exit-Script" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Return fully qualified registry key path [Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PSAppDeployToolkit\DeferHistory\Microsoft_Office_2016_x86_EN_01].]LOG]!><time="14:51:28.749-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Convert-RegistryPath" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Delete registry key recursively [Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PSAppDeployToolkit\DeferHistory\Microsoft_Office_2016_x86_EN_01].]LOG]!><time="14:51:28.760-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Remove-RegistryKey" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Microsoft_Office_2016_x86_EN_01 Installation completed with exit code [0].]LOG]!><time="14:51:28.782-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Exit-Script" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification with message [Installation complete.].]LOG]!><time="14:51:28.793-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Show-BalloonTip" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------]LOG]!><time="14:51:28.809-480" date="01-15-2016" component="Exit-Script" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="5636" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">

from psappdeploytoolkit.

nclinch avatar nclinch commented on July 29, 2024

Here is a question. Does this only happen on VMs?

I have given up on multiple Show-InstallationProgress calls myself. It would be nice if it worked reliably and I hope someone fixes this issue.

Sorry I am not much help.

From: mouritsen [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 6:40 PM
To: PSAppDeployToolkit/PSAppDeployToolkit [email protected]
Cc: nclinch [email protected]
Subject: Re: [PSAppDeployToolkit] Installation progress dialog doesn't display under interactive system context for the user (#29)

I have been experience this same issue. The Show-InstallationProgress messages I put up would not be removed when a new Show-InstallationProgress message was used. They actually displayed under the previous message, so users only ever could see the first message. I tried Close-InstallationProgress directly before each new Show-InstallationProgress and it worked as long as I executed the Deploy_Application.ps1 script myself. When triggered by SCCM, it doesn't work and I still see all of the messages (if I drag them off of each other) until the end of the install. I have a couple of test machines I can reproduce this on. I've had the issue on Windows 7 64 bit and Windows 8.1 64 bit. I haven't tested with other operating systems. Please let me know what you need from me.

Here's my log

<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Display session information for all logged on users:

NTAccount : CLIENT16-VM3\Administrator
SID : S-1-5-21-3863179832-3733204028-2853785772-500
UserName : Administrator
DomainName : CLIENT16-VM3
SessionId : 1
SessionName : Console
ConnectState : Active
IsCurrentSession : True
IsConsoleSession : True
IsActiveUserSession : True
IsUserSession : True
IsRdpSession : False
IsLocalAdmin : True
LogonTime : 1/15/2016 1:06:17 PM
IdleTime : 00:00:00
DisconnectTime :
ClientName :
ClientProtocolType :
ClientDirectory :
ClientBuildNumber : 0

<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The following users are logged on to the system: [CLIENT16-VM3\Administrator].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Current process is running with user account [NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM] under logged in user session for [CLIENT16-VM3\Administrator].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The following user is the console user CLIENT16-VM3\Administrator.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The active logged on user is [CLIENT16-VM3\Administrator].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The active logged on user [CLIENT16-VM3\Administrator] has a primary UI language of [EN].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The following UI messages were imported from the config XML file: [UI_Messages_EN].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The active logged on user [CLIENT16-VM3\Administrator] has a DPI scale factor of [100] with DPI pixels [96].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Unable to load COM Object [Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment]. Therefore, script is not currently running from a SCCM Task Sequence.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventSystem] exists.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service [EventSystem] startup mode.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventSystem] startup mode is set to [Automatic].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [EventSystem].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventSystem] with display name [COM+ Event System] has a status of [Running].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [RpcSs] exists.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service [RpcSs] startup mode.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [RpcSs] startup mode is set to [Automatic].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [RpcSs].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [RpcSs] with display name [Remote Procedure Call (RPC)] has a status of [Running].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventLog] exists.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service [EventLog] startup mode.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventLog] startup mode is set to [Automatic].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [EventLog].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [EventLog] with display name [Windows Event Log] has a status of [Running].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [Schedule] exists.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service [Schedule] startup mode.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [Schedule] startup mode is set to [Automatic].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [Schedule].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Service [Schedule] with display name [Task Scheduler] has a status of [Running].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: The task scheduler service is in a healthy state: True.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Session 0 detected, process running in user interactive mode, user(s) logged in.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Installation is running in [Interactive] mode.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Initialization] :: Deployment type is [Installation].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Evaluate disk space requirements.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Retrieve free disk space for drive [C:].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Free disk space for drive [C:]: [6685 MB].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Successfully passed minimum disk space requirement check.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Get deferral history...]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Return fully qualified registry key path [Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PSAppDeployToolkit\DeferHistory\Microsoft_Office_2016_x86_EN_01].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Get registry key [Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PSAppDeployToolkit\DeferHistory\Microsoft_Office_2016_x86_EN_01] and all property values.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Defer history shows [1] deferrals remaining.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: User has [0] deferrals remaining.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Check for running application(s) [excel,groove,onenote,infopath,onenote,outlook,mspub,powerpnt,winword,winproj,visio,lync]...]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: The following processes are running: [WINWORD].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Resolve process descriptions...]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Finished checking running application(s).]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Prompt user to close application(s) [Microsoft Word]...]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: User has the option to defer.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: User selected to force the application(s) to close...]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Stop process [WINWORD] with window title [Document1 - Word] and prompt to save if there is work to be saved (timeout in [120] seconds)...]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Window [Document1 - Word] for process [WINWORD] was successfully closed.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Stop process ...]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Check for running application(s) [excel,groove,onenote,infopath,onenote,outlook,mspub,powerpnt,winword,winproj,visio,lync]...]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Application(s) are not running.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Finished checking running application(s).]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification with message [Installation started.].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Performing Pre-Install cleanup. This may take some time. Please wait...].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Microsoft Office 2013 Click 2 Run was detected. Will be uninstalled.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification with message [Installation started.].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Detected Office 2013 (O365). Running Uninstallation. This may take some time. Please wait...].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: [C:\windows\ccmcache\4\Files\x86\Setup.exe] is a valid fully qualified path, continue.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Working Directory is [C:\windows\ccmcache\4\Files\x86].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Executing [C:\windows\ccmcache\4\Files\x86\Setup.exe /uninstall ProPlus /config "C:\windows\ccmcache\4\Files\x86\removeall.xml" ]...]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Pre-Installation] :: Execution completed successfully with exit code [0].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification with message [Installation started.].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Installing Office 365 (2016) ProPlus. This may take some time. Please wait...].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Installation] :: [C:\windows\ccmcache\4\Files\x86\Setup.exe] is a valid fully qualified path, continue.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Working Directory is [C:\windows\ccmcache\4\Files\x86].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Executing [C:\windows\ccmcache\4\Files\x86\Setup.exe /configure "C:\windows\ccmcache\4\Files\x86\configuration.xml" ]...]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Execution completed successfully with exit code [0].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Close the installation progress dialog.]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Remove deferral history...]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Return fully qualified registry key path [Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PSAppDeployToolkit\DeferHistory\Microsoft_Office_2016_x86_EN_01].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Delete registry key recursively [Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PSAppDeployToolkit\DeferHistory\Microsoft_Office_2016_x86_EN_01].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Microsoft_Office_2016_x86_EN_01 Installation completed with exit code [0].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification with message [Installation complete.].]LOG]!>
<![LOG[[Post-Installation] :: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------]LOG]!>

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub #29 (comment) .

from psappdeploytoolkit.

jayslay avatar jayslay commented on July 29, 2024

I am seeing the exact same problem on windows 7 x64 with the versions after 3.6.5.
Note: Only when deployment is assigned to run as system AND deployment is required. (SCCM 2012R2)

Version 3.6.5 still works fine regarding installation progress and message boxes..
Hope you can fix this in the latest versions as well

from psappdeploytoolkit.

AgetroNairb avatar AgetroNairb commented on July 29, 2024

I just had something similar to this problem happen but when I did "Switch user" and logged in as a second user. Another on my team was logged into this lab PC and I wanted to test an install, so I switched user and logged in. I noticed it was not displaying the progress, so I restarted the computer to log everyone out and now it's working. I haven't tried it through SCCM, though, and only tested this by double-clicking the Deploy-Application.exe.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

jayslay avatar jayslay commented on July 29, 2024

Ok, not the same problem as i am seeing. If you want to evoke the "bug", create an application i SCCM 2012 R2 and assign it as a REQUIRED installation. Watch as the installation runs after triggering "Machine Policy Evaluation Cycle". No installation progess will show.

note. you will not get the same experience if you run the application from an avalible deployment. Ex. user assigned application and trigger from Application Catalog.
If i test the applications running the DeployApplication.exe file UI works fine every time as well. As i said earlier, this is not a problem in the 3.6.5 version.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

cyborgrd avatar cyborgrd commented on July 29, 2024

required deployment starts the process a non-interactive system process. The wrapper switches the installation to silent mode because no dialogs can be passed to the user. U must use the serviceui.exe.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

ogeccut avatar ogeccut commented on July 29, 2024

I am testing PSAppDeployToolkit. I have few issues or far
How do i disable balloon notification if needed, i have seen that this can be done from xml, but cant find it?
And also i am having issues running an exe, running PS.1 as an admin works fine. I have tried running deploy-Application.exe /32 but that didnt not work either.
I am testing on win7x64
Also on uninstall I see [$installTitle] on the dialog window.
Thanks for the help.

is not online?

from psappdeploytoolkit.

timjanderson avatar timjanderson commented on July 29, 2024

Just casting my vote that we also have this issue with the latest version. Going to test some of the older verisons to see if they still had it.

We still get our installs installing as non-interactive via SCCM when the deadline is reached since the system not the user initiates the install.

We need to keep the interaction to whether or not and install as system for imaging purposes.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

codaamok avatar codaamok commented on July 29, 2024

Using 3.6.9 and same as described by @hhucorne but it's intermittent, doesn't happen with all applications that I've kicked out with this toolkit!

from psappdeploytoolkit.

codaamok avatar codaamok commented on July 29, 2024

Regardless as to whether I explicitly specify -DeployMode "Interactive", I always get this entry in log:

[Initialization] :: Session 0 detected, process not running in user interactive mode; deployment mode set to [NonInteractive].

from psappdeploytoolkit.

codaamok avatar codaamok commented on July 29, 2024

I found setting it to Only when a user is logged in, hidden, and check the box to allow interaction worked a lot more consistently. AppEnforce.log shows "Show UI" as yes now too. Not ideal because it means the user has to be logged in but it works.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

sintaxasn avatar sintaxasn commented on July 29, 2024

This issue was moved to

from psappdeploytoolkit.

luki1412 avatar luki1412 commented on July 29, 2024

Is this still an issue? Can't really replicate it either.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

luki1412 avatar luki1412 commented on July 29, 2024

This Issue is now older than 5years and the installation progress dialog has been modified multiple times. Please download the latest version and if the problem persists, create a new issue.
Currently I cannot replicate the issue and this issue is based on very old releases of the toolkit, therefore I'm closing it.

from psappdeploytoolkit.

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