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Comments (2)

chaitanya-smartrotamac avatar chaitanya-smartrotamac commented on September 3, 2024

Hi, My configurations : ACC : 2G GYRO : 250dps MAG : 15uT

Will this somehow can effect fusion?

from arduino_ahrs_system.

brightproject avatar brightproject commented on September 3, 2024

Hello @chaitanya-smartrotamac
I changed mpu9250 on another sensors.
For gyro l3gd20 raw data converted to rad/sec and paste in code.
For accel and mag lsm303dlh raw data converted to 9.81G's and uT respectively and paste in code.
Gyro rate 2000DPS
Accel rate 2G
And I also have some sluggish movement of the model in quaternion-based Processing.


I changed radians to degrees in the gyroscope output, but in this case the model rotates quickly and this is not what is needed.
When I rotate the board with sensors to angles from 0° to 80°, the model rotates only 15-20°, and then slowly moves towards 80°.
Скриншот 17-11-2023 14 51 14
A little modified FreeIMU_cube.pde
And this is in all angles and roll, pitch and yaw.
It feels like the output components of the quaternion q0, q1, q2, q3 are missing scale factors.
And the filter is very opaque and it is very difficult to understand which component forms the quaternion - gyroscopic or acceleration.
The author of this wonderful, but seemingly ... raw code abandoned his brainchild.
But people have different cases, the main thing is that everything is fine with the author of this code.
Therefore, we need to understand its setup and operation.
Did you manage to finalize the code to a working state?
Did you get reasonable board orientation angles without drift and with tilt compensation?
Have you tried the code ahrs_ukf?
I tried to run UKF on STM32F411 and double precision did not want to work.
I switched to single and it worked, even Whoop began to appear, which did not work on the EKF, which indicates an update to the Kalman filter.

u64compuTime = micros();
if (!UKF_IMU.bUpdate(Y, U)) {
    quaternionData[0][0] = 1.0;
    UKF_IMU.vReset(quaternionData, UKF_PINIT, UKF_Rv, UKF_Rn);
    Serial.println("Whoop ");
u64compuTime = (micros() - u64compuTime);

True, the calculation time for some reason increased 10 times...
Скриншот 17-11-2023 17 05 05
I haven’t fully figured out the code yet, but I already understand that the Arduino program and FreeIMU_cube.pde have a certain symbiosis, the microcontroller does not send data to the Serial port until it receives a response.
My code for EKF below

#include <Wire.h>
#include <elapsedMillis.h>
#include "konfig.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "ekf.h"
// #include "simple_mpu9250.h"

#include <L3G.h>
#include <Adafruit_LSM303.h>

// #define DEBUG
// #define PLOTTER
// #define PROCESSING

#define GYRO_RANGE 250.0f
#define GYRO_SCALE 28571.4f // 250.0f / 8.75f / 1000
#define ACCEL_RANGE 2.0f
#define ACCEL_SCALE 32768.0f

#define DEG_TO_RAD (PI / 180.0)
#define RAD_TO_DEG (180.0 / PI)
#define G (9.80665);

// float A_cal[6] = {265.0, -80.0, -700.0, 0.994, 1.000, 1.014};// 0..2 offset xyz, 3..5 scale xyz
// int G_off[3] = { 10, 10, 10}; //zero-rate, determined for gyro at rest 250 dps
// int G_off[3] = { 15, 15, 15}; //offsets, determined for gyro at rest 500 dps
// int G_off[3] = { 75, 75, 75}; //offsets, determined for gyro at rest 2000 dps

int SENSOR_SIGN[9] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};

/* ================================================= RLS Variables/function declaration ================================================= */
float_prec  RLS_lambda = 0.999; /* Forgetting factor */
Matrix RLS_theta(4,1);          /* The variables we want to indentify */
Matrix RLS_P(4,4);              /* Inverse of correction estimation */
Matrix RLS_in(4,1);             /* Input data */
Matrix RLS_out(1,1);            /* Output data */
Matrix RLS_gain(4,1);           /* RLS gain */
uint32_t RLS_u32iterData = 0;   /* To track how much data we take */

/* ================================================= EKF Variables/function declaration ================================================= */
/* EKF initialization constant */
#define P_INIT      (10.)
#define Q_INIT      (1e-6)
#define R_INIT_ACC  (0.0015/10.)
#define R_INIT_MAG  (0.0015/10.)
/* P(k=0) variable --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
float_prec EKF_PINIT_data[SS_X_LEN*SS_X_LEN] = {P_INIT, 0,      0,      0,
                                                0,      P_INIT, 0,      0,
                                                0,      0,      P_INIT, 0,
                                                0,      0,      0,      P_INIT};
/* Q constant -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
float_prec EKF_QINIT_data[SS_X_LEN*SS_X_LEN] = {Q_INIT, 0,      0,      0,
                                                0,      Q_INIT, 0,      0,
                                                0,      0,      Q_INIT, 0,
                                                0,      0,      0,      Q_INIT};
/* R constant -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
float_prec EKF_RINIT_data[SS_Z_LEN*SS_Z_LEN] = {R_INIT_ACC, 0,          0,          0,          0,          0,
                                                0,          R_INIT_ACC, 0,          0,          0,          0,
                                                0,          0,          R_INIT_ACC, 0,          0,          0,
                                                0,          0,          0,          R_INIT_MAG, 0,          0,
                                                0,          0,          0,          0,          R_INIT_MAG, 0,
                                                0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          R_INIT_MAG};
/* Nonlinear & linearization function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool Main_bUpdateNonlinearX(Matrix &X_Next, Matrix &X, Matrix &U);
bool Main_bUpdateNonlinearY(Matrix &Y, Matrix &X, Matrix &U);
bool Main_bCalcJacobianF(Matrix &F, Matrix &X, Matrix &U);
bool Main_bCalcJacobianH(Matrix &H, Matrix &X, Matrix &U);
/* EKF variables ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Matrix quaternionData(SS_X_LEN, 1);
Matrix Y(SS_Z_LEN, 1);
Matrix U(SS_U_LEN, 1);
            Main_bUpdateNonlinearX, Main_bUpdateNonlinearY, Main_bCalcJacobianF, Main_bCalcJacobianH);

/* =============================================== Sharing Variables/function declaration =============================================== */
/* Gravity vector constant (align with global Z-axis) */
#define IMU_ACC_Z0          (1)

/* Magnetic vector constant (align with local magnetic vector) */
float_prec IMU_MAG_B0_data[3] = {cos(0), sin(0), 0.000000};
Matrix IMU_MAG_B0(3, 1, IMU_MAG_B0_data);

/* The hard-magnet bias */
float_prec HARD_IRON_BIAS_data[3] = {8.832973, 7.243323, 23.95714};

/* An MPU9250 object with the MPU-9250 sensor on I2C bus 0 with address 0x68 */
// SimpleMPU9250 IMU(Wire, 0x68);

int16_t gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z, accel_x, accel_y, accel_z, mag_x, mag_y, mag_z;
float gyro_xDeg, gyro_yDeg, gyro_zDeg, gyro_xRad, gyro_yRad, gyro_zRad, mag_x_uT, mag_y_uT, mag_z_uT, accel_x_G, accel_y_G, accel_z_G;

// Gyro, Accel and Mag
L3G gyro;
Adafruit_LSM303 accel_mag;

/* State machine for hard-iron bias identification or EKF running */
enum {

/* ============================================== Auxiliary Variables/function declaration ============================================== */
elapsedMillis timerCollectData = 0;
uint64_t u64compuTime;
char bufferTxSer[100];
void serialFloatPrint(float f);
/* The command from the PC */
char cmd;

void setup() {
    /* Serial initialization -------------------------------------- */
    while(!Serial) {}
    Serial.println("Calibrating IMU bias...");

    /* IMU initialization ----------------------------------------- */
    // int status = IMU.begin();   /* start communication with IMU */
    // if (status < 0) {
    //     Serial.println("IMU initialization unsuccessful");
    //     Serial.println("Check IMU wiring or try cycling power");
    //     Serial.print("Status: ");
    //     Serial.println(status);
    //     while(1) {}
    // }
    // Init IMU and checks

    // initGyro();
    // initAccelMag();
    if (initGyro() && initAccelMag())
    Serial.println("IMU initialization Successful");
    /* RLS initialization ----------------------------------------- */
    RLS_P = RLS_P * 1000;
    /* EKF initialization ----------------------------------------- */
    /* x(k=0) = [1 0 0 0]' */
    quaternionData[0][0] = 1.0;
    EKF_IMU.vReset(quaternionData, EKF_PINIT, EKF_QINIT, EKF_RINIT);
    snprintf(bufferTxSer, sizeof(bufferTxSer)-1, "EKF in STM32F411 (%s)\r\n", (FPU_PRECISION == PRECISION_SINGLE)?"Float32":"Double64");

void loop() {
    if (timerCollectData >= SS_DT_MILIS) {      /* We running the RLS/EKF at sampling time = 20 ms */
        timerCollectData = 0;
        /* Read the raw data */
        // IMU.readSensor();
        // float Ax = IMU.getAccelX_mss();
        // float Ay = IMU.getAccelY_mss();
        // float Az = IMU.getAccelZ_mss();
        // float Bx = IMU.getMagX_uT();
        // float By = IMU.getMagY_uT();
        // float Bz = IMU.getMagZ_uT();
        // float p = IMU.getGyroX_rads();
        // float q = IMU.getGyroY_rads();
        // float r = IMU.getGyroZ_rads();


        float Ax = accel_x_G;
        float Ay = accel_y_G;
        float Az = accel_z_G;

        // float Bx = mag_x;
        // float By = mag_y;
        // float Bz = mag_z;

        float Bx = mag_x_uT;
        float By = mag_y_uT;
        float Bz = mag_z_uT;

        float p = gyro_xRad;
        float q = gyro_yRad;
        float r = gyro_zRad;
        if (STATE_AHRS == STATE_EKF_RUNNING) {  /* Run the EKF algorithm */
            /* ================== Read the sensor data / simulate the system here ================== */
            /* Input 1:3 = gyroscope */
            U[0][0] = p;  U[1][0] = q;  U[2][0] = r;
            /* Output 1:3 = accelerometer */
            Y[0][0] = Ax; Y[1][0] = Ay; Y[2][0] = Az;
            /* Output 4:6 = magnetometer */
            Y[3][0] = Bx; Y[4][0] = By; Y[5][0] = Bz;
            /* Compensating Hard-Iron Bias for magnetometer */
            Y[3][0] = Y[3][0]-HARD_IRON_BIAS[0][0];
            Y[4][0] = Y[4][0]-HARD_IRON_BIAS[1][0];
            Y[5][0] = Y[5][0]-HARD_IRON_BIAS[2][0];
            /* Normalizing the output vector */
            float_prec _normG = sqrt(Y[0][0] * Y[0][0]) + (Y[1][0] * Y[1][0]) + (Y[2][0] * Y[2][0]);
            Y[0][0] = Y[0][0] / _normG;
            Y[1][0] = Y[1][0] / _normG;
            Y[2][0] = Y[2][0] / _normG;
            float_prec _normM = sqrt(Y[3][0] * Y[3][0]) + (Y[4][0] * Y[4][0]) + (Y[5][0] * Y[5][0]);
            Y[3][0] = Y[3][0] / _normM;
            Y[4][0] = Y[4][0] / _normM;
            Y[5][0] = Y[5][0] / _normM;
            /* ------------------ Read the sensor data / simulate the system here ------------------ */
            /* ============================= Update the Kalman Filter ============================== */
            u64compuTime = micros();
            if (!EKF_IMU.bUpdate(Y, U)) {
                quaternionData[0][0] = 1.0;
                EKF_IMU.vReset(quaternionData, EKF_PINIT, EKF_QINIT, EKF_RINIT);
                Serial.println("Whoop ");
            u64compuTime = (micros() - u64compuTime);
            /* ----------------------------- Update the Kalman Filter ------------------------------ */
            /* ================== Read the sensor data / simulate the system here ================== */
            RLS_in[0][0] =  Bx;
            RLS_in[1][0] =  By;
            RLS_in[2][0] =  Bz;
            RLS_in[3][0] =  1;
            RLS_out[0][0] = (Bx*Bx) + (By*By) + (Bz*Bz);
            float err = (RLS_out - (RLS_in.Transpose() * RLS_theta))[0][0];
            RLS_gain  = RLS_P*RLS_in / (RLS_lambda + RLS_in.Transpose()*RLS_P*RLS_in)[0][0];
            RLS_P     = (RLS_P - RLS_gain*RLS_in.Transpose()*RLS_P)/RLS_lambda;
            RLS_theta = RLS_theta + err*RLS_gain;

            Matrix P_check(RLS_P.GetDiagonalEntries());
            if ((P_check.Transpose()*P_check)[0][0] < 1e-4) {
                /* The data collection is finished, go back to state EKF running */
                /* Reconstruct the matrix compensation solution */
                HARD_IRON_BIAS[0][0] = RLS_theta[0][0] / 2.0;
                HARD_IRON_BIAS[1][0] = RLS_theta[1][0] / 2.0;
                HARD_IRON_BIAS[2][0] = RLS_theta[2][0] / 2.0;
                Serial.println("Calibration finished, the hard-iron bias identified:");
                snprintf(bufferTxSer, sizeof(bufferTxSer)-1, "%f %f %f\r\n", HARD_IRON_BIAS[0][0], HARD_IRON_BIAS[1][0], HARD_IRON_BIAS[2][0]);
                Serial.println("Set the X axis facing north *with z-accelerometer pointed down*, then send command 'f' to finished, 'a' to abort");

            if ((RLS_u32iterData % 100) == 0) {
                /* Print every 200 data, so the user can get updated value */
                Matrix P_check(RLS_P.GetDiagonalEntries());
                Serial.println("Calibration in progress, the hard-iron bias identified so far:");
                snprintf(bufferTxSer, sizeof(bufferTxSer)-1, "%.3f %.3f %.3f (P = %f)\r\n", RLS_theta[0][0] / 2.0, RLS_theta[1][0] / 2.0, RLS_theta[2][0] / 2.0, (P_check.Transpose()*P_check)[0][0]);
            if (RLS_u32iterData >= 2000) {
                /* We take the data too long but the error still large, terminate without updating the hard-iron bias */
                Serial.println("Calibration timeout, the hard-iron bias won't be updated\r\n");
        } else {
            /* You should not be here! */
    /* Event serial data: The serial data is sent by responding to command from the PC running Processing scipt or from user command */
    if (Serial.available()) {
        cmd =;
            if (cmd == 'c') {
                /* User want to do online hard-iron bias identification */
                Serial.println("Hard iron bias identification command entered\r\n");
                Serial.println("Rotate the MPU9250 in every direction\r\n");
                Serial.println("Send 'a' to abort\r\n");
                /* Initialize RLS */
                RLS_P = RLS_P * 1000;
                RLS_u32iterData = 0;
            } else if (cmd == 'p') {
                Serial.println("North vector value:");
                snprintf(bufferTxSer, sizeof(bufferTxSer)-1, "%f %f %f\r\n", IMU_MAG_B0[0][0], IMU_MAG_B0[1][0], IMU_MAG_B0[2][0]);
                Serial.println("Hard iron bias value:");
                snprintf(bufferTxSer, sizeof(bufferTxSer)-1, "%f %f %f\r\n", HARD_IRON_BIAS[0][0], HARD_IRON_BIAS[1][0], HARD_IRON_BIAS[2][0]);
            } else if (cmd == 'n') {
                Serial.println("North vector identification command entered\r\n");
                Serial.println("Set the X axis facing north *with z-accelerometer pointed down*, then send command 'f'");
            /* Process the command data from Processing script */
            if (cmd == 'v') {
                snprintf(bufferTxSer, sizeof(bufferTxSer)-1, "EKF in STM32F411 (%s)", (FPU_PRECISION == PRECISION_SINGLE)?"Float32":"Double64");
            } else if (cmd == 'q') {
                /* =========================== Print to serial (for plotting) ========================== */
                quaternionData = EKF_IMU.GetX();

                while (!Serial.available());
                uint8_t count =;
                for (uint8_t _i = 0; _i < count; _i++) {
            if (cmd == 'a') {
                /* User want to terminate hard iron bias identification */
                Serial.println("Calibration aborted, the hard-iron bias won't be updated\r\n");

            if (cmd == 'a') {
                /* User want to terminate hard iron bias identification */
                Serial.println("Calibration aborted, the hard-iron bias won't be updated\r\n");
            } else if (cmd == 'f') {
                // float Ax = IMU.getAccelX_mss();
                // float Ay = IMU.getAccelY_mss();
                // float Az = IMU.getAccelZ_mss();
                // float Bx = IMU.getMagX_uT() - HARD_IRON_BIAS[0][0];
                // float By = IMU.getMagY_uT() - HARD_IRON_BIAS[1][0];
                // float Bz = IMU.getMagZ_uT() - HARD_IRON_BIAS[2][0];

                // float Ax = accel_x;
                // float Ay = accel_y;
                // float Az = accel_z;

                float Ax = accel_x_G;
                float Ay = accel_y_G;
                float Az = accel_z_G;

                float Bx = mag_x_uT - HARD_IRON_BIAS[0][0];
                float By = mag_y_uT - HARD_IRON_BIAS[1][0];
                float Bz = mag_z_uT - HARD_IRON_BIAS[2][0];
                /* Normalizing the acceleration vector & projecting the gravitational vector (gravity is negative acceleration) */
                float_prec _normG = sqrt((Ax * Ax) + (Ay * Ay) + (Az * Az));
                Ax = Ax / _normG;
                Ay = Ay / _normG;
                Az = Az / _normG;
                /* Normalizing the magnetic vector */
                _normG = sqrt((Bx * Bx) + (By * By) + (Bz * Bz));
                Bx = Bx / _normG;
                By = By / _normG;
                Bz = Bz / _normG;
                /* Projecting the magnetic vector into plane orthogonal to the gravitational vector */
                float pitch = asin(-Ax);
                float roll = asin(Ay/cos(pitch));
                float m_tilt_x =  Bx*cos(pitch)             + By*sin(roll)*sin(pitch)   + Bz*cos(roll)*sin(pitch);
                float m_tilt_y =                            + By*cos(roll)              - Bz*sin(roll);
                /* float m_tilt_z = -Bx*sin(pitch)             + By*sin(roll)*cos(pitch)   + Bz*cos(roll)*cos(pitch); */
                float mag_dec = atan2(m_tilt_y, m_tilt_x);
                IMU_MAG_B0[0][0] = cos(mag_dec);
                IMU_MAG_B0[1][0] = sin(mag_dec);
                IMU_MAG_B0[2][0] = 0;
                Serial.println("North identification finished, the north vector identified:");
                snprintf(bufferTxSer, sizeof(bufferTxSer)-1, "%.3f %.3f %.3f\r\n", IMU_MAG_B0[0][0], IMU_MAG_B0[1][0], IMU_MAG_B0[2][0]);


/* Function to interface with the Processing script in the PC */
void serialFloatPrint(float f) {
    byte * b = (byte *) &f;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        byte b1 = (b[i] >> 4) & 0x0f;
        byte b2 = (b[i] & 0x0f);

        char c1 = (b1 < 10) ? ('0' + b1) : 'A' + b1 - 10;
        char c2 = (b2 < 10) ? ('0' + b2) : 'A' + b2 - 10;


bool Main_bUpdateNonlinearX(Matrix &X_Next, Matrix &X, Matrix &U)
    /* Insert the nonlinear update transformation here
     *          x(k+1) = f[x(k), u(k)]
     * The quaternion update function:
     *  q0_dot = 1/2. * (  0   - p*q1 - q*q2 - r*q3)
     *  q1_dot = 1/2. * ( p*q0 +   0  + r*q2 - q*q3)
     *  q2_dot = 1/2. * ( q*q0 - r*q1 +  0   + p*q3)
     *  q3_dot = 1/2. * ( r*q0 + q*q1 - p*q2 +  0  )
     * Euler method for integration:
     *  q0 = q0 + q0_dot * dT;
     *  q1 = q1 + q1_dot * dT;
     *  q2 = q2 + q2_dot * dT;
     *  q3 = q3 + q3_dot * dT;
    float_prec q0, q1, q2, q3;
    float_prec p, q, r;
    q0 = X[0][0];
    q1 = X[1][0];
    q2 = X[2][0];
    q3 = X[3][0];
    p = U[0][0];
    q = U[1][0];
    r = U[2][0];
    X_Next[0][0] = (0.5 * (+0.00 -p*q1 -q*q2 -r*q3))*SS_DT + q0;
    X_Next[1][0] = (0.5 * (+p*q0 +0.00 +r*q2 -q*q3))*SS_DT + q1;
    X_Next[2][0] = (0.5 * (+q*q0 -r*q1 +0.00 +p*q3))*SS_DT + q2;
    X_Next[3][0] = (0.5 * (+r*q0 +q*q1 -p*q2 +0.00))*SS_DT + q3;
    /* ======= Additional ad-hoc quaternion normalization to make sure the quaternion is a unit vector (i.e. ||q|| = 1) ======= */
    if (!X_Next.bNormVector()) {
        /* System error, return false so we can reset the UKF */
        return false;
    return true;

bool Main_bUpdateNonlinearY(Matrix &Y, Matrix &X, Matrix &U)
    /* Insert the nonlinear measurement transformation here
     *          y(k)   = h[x(k), u(k)]
     * The measurement output is the gravitational and magnetic projection to the body
     *     DCM     = [(+(q0**2)+(q1**2)-(q2**2)-(q3**2)),                        2*(q1*q2+q0*q3),                        2*(q1*q3-q0*q2)]
     *               [                   2*(q1*q2-q0*q3),     (+(q0**2)-(q1**2)+(q2**2)-(q3**2)),                        2*(q2*q3+q0*q1)]
     *               [                   2*(q1*q3+q0*q2),                        2*(q2*q3-q0*q1),     (+(q0**2)-(q1**2)-(q2**2)+(q3**2))]
     *  G_proj_sens = DCM * [0 0 1]             --> Gravitational projection to the accelerometer sensor
     *  M_proj_sens = DCM * [Mx My Mz]          --> (Earth) magnetic projection to the magnetometer sensor
    float_prec q0, q1, q2, q3;
    float_prec q0_2, q1_2, q2_2, q3_2;

    q0 = X[0][0];
    q1 = X[1][0];
    q2 = X[2][0];
    q3 = X[3][0];

    q0_2 = q0 * q0;
    q1_2 = q1 * q1;
    q2_2 = q2 * q2;
    q3_2 = q3 * q3;
    Y[0][0] = (2*q1*q3 -2*q0*q2) * IMU_ACC_Z0;

    Y[1][0] = (2*q2*q3 +2*q0*q1) * IMU_ACC_Z0;

    Y[2][0] = (+(q0_2) -(q1_2) -(q2_2) +(q3_2)) * IMU_ACC_Z0;
    Y[3][0] = (+(q0_2)+(q1_2)-(q2_2)-(q3_2)) * IMU_MAG_B0[0][0]
             +(2*(q1*q2+q0*q3)) * IMU_MAG_B0[1][0]
             +(2*(q1*q3-q0*q2)) * IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];

    Y[4][0] = (2*(q1*q2-q0*q3)) * IMU_MAG_B0[0][0]
             +(+(q0_2)-(q1_2)+(q2_2)-(q3_2)) * IMU_MAG_B0[1][0]
             +(2*(q2*q3+q0*q1)) * IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];

    Y[5][0] = (2*(q1*q3+q0*q2)) * IMU_MAG_B0[0][0]
             +(2*(q2*q3-q0*q1)) * IMU_MAG_B0[1][0]
             +(+(q0_2)-(q1_2)-(q2_2)+(q3_2)) * IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];
    return true;

bool Main_bCalcJacobianF(Matrix &F, Matrix &X, Matrix &U)
    /* In Main_bUpdateNonlinearX():
     *  q0 = q0 + q0_dot * dT;
     *  q1 = q1 + q1_dot * dT;
     *  q2 = q2 + q2_dot * dT;
     *  q3 = q3 + q3_dot * dT;
    float_prec p, q, r;

    p = U[0][0];
    q = U[1][0];
    r = U[2][0];

    F[0][0] =  1.000;
    F[1][0] =  0.5*p * SS_DT;
    F[2][0] =  0.5*q * SS_DT;
    F[3][0] =  0.5*r * SS_DT;

    F[0][1] = -0.5*p * SS_DT;
    F[1][1] =  1.000;
    F[2][1] = -0.5*r * SS_DT;
    F[3][1] =  0.5*q * SS_DT;

    F[0][2] = -0.5*q * SS_DT;
    F[1][2] =  0.5*r * SS_DT;
    F[2][2] =  1.000;
    F[3][2] = -0.5*p * SS_DT;

    F[0][3] = -0.5*r * SS_DT;
    F[1][3] = -0.5*q * SS_DT;
    F[2][3] =  0.5*p * SS_DT;
    F[3][3] =  1.000;
    return true;

bool Main_bCalcJacobianH(Matrix &H, Matrix &X, Matrix &U)
    float_prec q0, q1, q2, q3;

    q0 = X[0][0];
    q1 = X[1][0];
    q2 = X[2][0];
    q3 = X[3][0];
    H[0][0] = -2*q2 * IMU_ACC_Z0;
    H[1][0] = +2*q1 * IMU_ACC_Z0;
    H[2][0] = +2*q0 * IMU_ACC_Z0;
    H[3][0] =  2*q0*IMU_MAG_B0[0][0] + 2*q3*IMU_MAG_B0[1][0] - 2*q2*IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];
    H[4][0] = -2*q3*IMU_MAG_B0[0][0] + 2*q0*IMU_MAG_B0[1][0] + 2*q1*IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];
    H[5][0] =  2*q2*IMU_MAG_B0[0][0] - 2*q1*IMU_MAG_B0[1][0] + 2*q0*IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];
    H[0][1] = +2*q3 * IMU_ACC_Z0;
    H[1][1] = +2*q0 * IMU_ACC_Z0;
    H[2][1] = -2*q1 * IMU_ACC_Z0;
    H[3][1] =  2*q1*IMU_MAG_B0[0][0]+2*q2*IMU_MAG_B0[1][0] + 2*q3*IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];
    H[4][1] =  2*q2*IMU_MAG_B0[0][0]-2*q1*IMU_MAG_B0[1][0] + 2*q0*IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];
    H[5][1] =  2*q3*IMU_MAG_B0[0][0]-2*q0*IMU_MAG_B0[1][0] - 2*q1*IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];
    H[0][2] = -2*q0 * IMU_ACC_Z0;
    H[1][2] = +2*q3 * IMU_ACC_Z0;
    H[2][2] = -2*q2 * IMU_ACC_Z0;
    H[3][2] = -2*q2*IMU_MAG_B0[0][0]+2*q1*IMU_MAG_B0[1][0] - 2*q0*IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];
    H[4][2] =  2*q1*IMU_MAG_B0[0][0]+2*q2*IMU_MAG_B0[1][0] + 2*q3*IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];
    H[5][2] =  2*q0*IMU_MAG_B0[0][0]+2*q3*IMU_MAG_B0[1][0] - 2*q2*IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];
    H[0][3] = +2*q1 * IMU_ACC_Z0;
    H[1][3] = +2*q2 * IMU_ACC_Z0;
    H[2][3] = +2*q3 * IMU_ACC_Z0;
    H[3][3] = -2*q3*IMU_MAG_B0[0][0]+2*q0*IMU_MAG_B0[1][0] + 2*q1*IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];
    H[4][3] = -2*q0*IMU_MAG_B0[0][0]-2*q3*IMU_MAG_B0[1][0] + 2*q2*IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];
    H[5][3] =  2*q1*IMU_MAG_B0[0][0]+2*q2*IMU_MAG_B0[1][0] + 2*q3*IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];
    return true;

void SPEW_THE_ERROR(char const * str)
        cout << (str) << endl;
        /* Silent function */

bool initGyro()
// void initGyro()

    bool successGyro = false;

    if (!gyro.init())
    successGyro = false;
    #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.println("Failed to autodetect gyro L3GD20!");
    while (1);
    } else {
    successGyro = true;
    #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.println("Gyro L3DG20 Found!"); 
    // gyro.writeReg(L3G::CTRL_REG4, 0x00); // 250 dps full scale 0b0000000
    // gyro.writeReg(L3G::CTRL_REG4, 0x10); // 500 dps full scale 0b00100000
    gyro.writeReg(L3G::CTRL_REG4, 0x20); // 2000 dps full scale 0b00110000
    // gyro.writeReg(L3G::CTRL_REG1, 0x0F); // normal power mode, all axes enabled, ODR 95Hz, Cut-Off 12.5 Hz - 0b00001111
    return successGyro;


void readGyro()

    gyro_x = SENSOR_SIGN[0] * gyro.g.x; // RAW
    gyro_y = SENSOR_SIGN[1] * gyro.g.y; // RAW
    gyro_z = SENSOR_SIGN[2] * gyro.g.z; // RAW

    // gyro_x = SENSOR_SIGN[0] * gyro.g.x - G_off[0]; // RAW - Offset
    // gyro_y = SENSOR_SIGN[1] * gyro.g.y - G_off[1]; // RAW - Offset
    // gyro_z = SENSOR_SIGN[2] * gyro.g.z - G_off[2]; // RAW - Offset

    gyro_xDeg = gyro_x * GYRO_RANGE / GYRO_SCALE; // deg/s
    gyro_yDeg = gyro_y * GYRO_RANGE / GYRO_SCALE; // deg/s
    gyro_zDeg = gyro_z * GYRO_RANGE / GYRO_SCALE; // deg/s

    gyro_xRad = gyro_xDeg * DEG_TO_RAD; // rad/s
    gyro_yRad = gyro_yDeg * DEG_TO_RAD; // rad/s
    gyro_zRad = gyro_zDeg * DEG_TO_RAD; // rad/s

    #ifdef DEBUG




bool initAccelMag()
// void initAccelMag()

    bool successAccelMag = false;

    if (!accel_mag.begin())
    successAccelMag = false;
    #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.println("Failed to autodetect accel + mag LSM303!");
    while (1);
    } else {
    successAccelMag = true;
    #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.println("Accel + mag LSM303 Found!");
    // 0x08 = 0b00001000 2g
    accel_mag.write8(LSM303_ADDRESS_ACCEL, Adafruit_LSM303::LSM303_REGISTER_ACCEL_CTRL_REG4_A, 0x08);   
    // 0x18 = 0b00011000 4g
    // accel_mag.write8(LSM303_ADDRESS_ACCEL, Adafruit_LSM303::LSM303_REGISTER_ACCEL_CTRL_REG4_A, 0x18); 
    // 0x28 = 0b00101000 8g
    // accel_mag.write8(LSM303_ADDRESS_ACCEL, Adafruit_LSM303::LSM303_REGISTER_ACCEL_CTRL_REG4_A, 0x28);
    // 0x38 = 0b00111000 16g
    // accel_mag.write8(LSM303_ADDRESS_ACCEL, Adafruit_LSM303::LSM303_REGISTER_ACCEL_CTRL_REG4_A, 0x38);
    return successAccelMag;


void readAccelMag()

    accel_x = SENSOR_SIGN[3] * accel_mag.accelData.x; // RAW
    accel_y = SENSOR_SIGN[4] * accel_mag.accelData.y; // RAW
    accel_z = SENSOR_SIGN[5] * accel_mag.accelData.z; // RAW

    // accel_x = accel_x >> 4; // 12 bit
    // accel_y = accel_y >> 4; // 12 bit
    // accel_z = accel_z >> 4; // 12 bit

    accel_x_G = accel_x * (ACCEL_RANGE / ACCEL_SCALE); // 1G
    accel_y_G = accel_y * (ACCEL_RANGE / ACCEL_SCALE); // 1G
    accel_z_G = accel_z * (ACCEL_RANGE / ACCEL_SCALE); // 1G

    accel_x_G *= G; // 9.81G
    accel_y_G *= G; // 9.81G
    accel_z_G *= G; // 9.81G

    // Serial.println(accel_z_G);
    mag_x = SENSOR_SIGN[6] * accel_mag.magData.x; // RAW Gauss
    mag_y = SENSOR_SIGN[7] * accel_mag.magData.y; // RAW Gauss
    mag_z = SENSOR_SIGN[8] * accel_mag.magData.z; // RAW Gauss
    mag_x_uT = mag_x * 0.01f; // uT
    mag_y_uT = mag_y * 0.01f; // uT
    mag_z_uT = mag_z * 0.01f; // uT 

    #ifdef DEBUG




from arduino_ahrs_system.

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