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ember-lazy-video's Introduction

You may have a screen reader, but you still got rick rolled. Yes, this is a gif of Rick Astley's famous "Never Gonna Give You Up".

ember-lazy-video's People


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ember-lazy-video's Issues

Releasing a new version of the addon.

Hi, in the current version of the repo the #31 and #23 are solved and in addition the capacity of adding custom poster/thumbnail to the videos, are you planning on publishing a new version to NPM with these changes or is something more that you want to tackle on before releasing a new version?

If this is the case let me know if there's anything I could do to help.


Full urls vs Provider + ID

This is more of a question at this point.

In past plugins I've used (like this one) that have exposed embed functionality for a number of providers like this addon does, I could just pass in the full url to the video and the plugin would sort out which provider it was from and return the appropriate embed. So for this this addon instead of:

{{lazy-video provider="youtube" videoId="gvdf5n-zI14"}}

it would be:

{{lazy-video video=""}}

I think this makes it easier from the end user's perspective since they don't have to worry about breaking out the provider and the videoId.

Thoughts? I can help with implementation if there is interest.

Issues in Ember 1.11

I'm getting the following deprecation warning when using this component in Ember 1.11

WARNING: Binding style attributes may introduce cross-site scripting vulnerabilities; please ensure that values being bound are properly escaped. For more information, including how to disable this warning, see

Also, in 1.11, {{bind-attr ...}} is deprecated so you may want to update that in the component template (or wait until bind-attr is completed removed).

Thumbnails are broken

Thumbnail images don't appear at all in the current version. I suspect it is partially related to this change, although if I revert to just background instead of background-image the formatting is still not correct. Here is a before and after of what I'm talking about:


Feature Request: Configuration for protocol relative URLs

Hey everyone, first - thanks for the addon! I was wondering if there was any interest in adding a configuration option for specifying a protocol for URLs, rather than using the default protocol relative ones. In our mobile app, these end up being file:// which, of course, don't work. I would be happy to work on this PR if that sounds interesting.

Stylesheet is not imported

Branching from #6, the stylesheet at app\styles\lazy-load.css does not get imported when this addon is installed in a project

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