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Comments (61)

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024 1

@wictorwilen I posted the VS Code output a few days ago

from generator-teams.

stephanbisser avatar stephanbisser commented on June 6, 2024

@elthombre you are writing the following sentence which is a bit unclear to me what you are actually doing and trying to achieve:

In VS Code, the solution starts & runs. When the URL provided is browsed, it throws the ERR_NGROK_6022 exception.

How are you executing your project?
What type of solution did you scaffold using yo teams?
Did you follow the prereq install guide from here?

You are referring to a lot of docs which are outside of our realm as this is the yo teams repo, so I would kindly ask you to follow the tutorial from here to see if yo teams and the prereqs for that are working accordingly on your machine:

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@stephanbisser in answer to your question, from here:

and here:

that said, I will start anew through the link that you provided.

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@stephanbisser , what does the following mean:

"Now you need to enter a URL of where you will host your solution. This can be any URL, but by default the generator suggests an Azure Web Sites URL."

In other words -> Azure in relation to my organization assuming my Teams work will be done under the umbrella of my organization? Azure as in a 'free Azure account'? "any URL" -> where else would it be hosted? Localhost?

from generator-teams.

stephanbisser avatar stephanbisser commented on June 6, 2024

This is the URL which is used as the public domain name of where you host your application. So your tab will need to be deployed somewhere to an Azure Website or any other website hosting platform and you can set this URL if you know it already while scaffolding but you do not need to set it while scaffolding and testing locally. This will be necessary at the point when you will deploy your solution later on

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@stephanbisser - I do not have admin privileges for Azure within my organization. Consequently, advice that I can pass along to our admin to get this setup correctly would be helpful.

Similarly, if I do not provide a URL during scaffolding, where to look for it when I later need to change it?

from generator-teams.

stephanbisser avatar stephanbisser commented on June 6, 2024

@elthombre you do not need to set the URL while developing your solution, therefore you can leave that blank. But later on you can set the URL in the .env file of your project -> PUBLIC_HOSTNAME

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

when installing 'yo', I receive a notification:

"12 vulnerabilities (5 moderate, 7 high)"

should this be a concern? no details were provided. audit fix was run.

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

I am attaching the list of questions I received as there is discrepancy.

Scaffolding Questions - 10-2022

from generator-teams.

stephanbisser avatar stephanbisser commented on June 6, 2024

@elthombre sorry but the questions you raise are somewhat not necessary directly related to the Teams generator I'm afraid like the question on vulnerabilities for yo.
What do you mean by discrepancy exactly?

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@stephanbisser - I am going through the specified link provided:

not all of the screenshots match. Another example of what can be confusing - see the section in the above where it says to replace the <Flex.Item> code. OK. Are you are that, presently, the generator creates 3 <Flex.Item> sections in the return statements? See the below:

                <Header content="This is your tab" />
                        <Text content={entityId} />

                        <Button onClick={() => alert("It worked!")}>A sample button</Button>
            <Flex.Item styles={{
                padding: ".8rem 0 .8rem .5rem"
                <Text size="smaller" content="(C) Copyright EB Control" />

Which to replace or all? Obviously, it's only the middle one. Not a big deal but still confusing.

Once running in the CMD, how to exit out of it or must I start a new CMD session to run the gulp ngrok-serve? I closed the first and started a new one.

What about Visual Studio Code?

Logging into your tenant is also glossed over / not mentioned. Please see the attached.

Teams Tenant

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024


When I attempt to browse the ngrok URL that is created from:

I receive ERR_NGROK_6022

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@stephanbisser , I double-checked my localhost and IIS and ngrok through localhost & got them working. I restarted my gulp serve but now receive a different error:

Failed to complete tunnel connection
The connection to was successfully tunneled to your ngrok client, but the client failed to establish a connection to the local address localhost:3007.

Make sure that a web service is running on localhost:3007 and that it is a valid address.

The error encountered was: dial tcp [::1]:3007: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

However, when I go to the localhost:3007, Teams displays 'Hello World'

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@stephanbisser just did a refresh and it is back to the ERR_NGROK_6022

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

I am receiving:

GET /favicon.ico 404

I added a folder called "ico" and placed a favicon.ico file in it under the inetpub -> wwwroot which successfully allowed the localhost to browse to it.

Meanwhile, I have noted such a file in multiple places under the scaffolding.

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

@elthombre - thanks for reaching out to us with a bunch of questions. In order for us to be able to help you I really would like you to keep one problem at a time and per issue. Mixing a lot of different issues in the same thread, just as this, is not productive for anyone and it will just make it harder for us to help you.

Here's a few comments

ERR_NGROK_6022 - which is the original issue of this thread. A quick lookup on that error code on the ngrok website it shows that you need to install your authtoken. What does your .env file ngrok configuration look like? <-- this should be the only thing this thread should be about

Documentation issues - please add them as separate issues, so we can track them and resolve them

vulnerabilities shown at install - please add them as a separate issue, so we can track it and comment on why this is shown

mentions about IIS - please start a separate thread about this, so we can sort that out. There's nothing with yo teams that has to do with IIS, inetpub etc.

There might be more issues mentioned here, but I can't really follow that so please create separate threads

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@wictorwilen OK, I can add threads but please do keep in mind that this thread is really about that tutorial. If there are steps missing or the documentation images do not reflect the current installations, it should be updated.

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

Thanks @elthombre

I read the initial post again. The only tutorial I could find associated to this project (generator-teams) was this

This is a tutorial not owned by us, and you should report any feedback on that tutorial directly on that page. I notice you request that it does not specifically demonstrate how to install node.js or ngrok. It is linked to prerequisites in the tutorial where this requirement is spelled out. For ngrok and generator-teams you don't have to do anything, ngrok is being installed for you.

If that answers your original question then we could close this issue, right?

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024


In my first posting above, I provided a link to:


wherein I specifically ask the below:

Looking a bit further, in the top-level folder, there is .env file with configuration settings:

NGROK configuration for development
NGROK authentication token (leave empty for anonymous)

NGROK sub domain. ex "myapp" or (leave empty for random)

NGROK region. (us, eu, au, ap - default is us)

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

Ok. And what is the question?

The .env file can be used if you want to customize the ngrok url using a paid subscription- not required. More details are in this tutorial:

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@wictorwilen you brought up the .env file.

As for installing the ngrok authtoken, I went through this with ngrok support like a month or better ago and it was already installed:

ngrok config add-authtoken

ngrok runs fine and the URL it provides when it fires up displays. My localhost runs fine and displays as expected.

When I try to browse to the URL which is offered up through the tutorial, it fails.

And when we try to load the sample app in Teams, it fails.

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

Ok. So you have manually installed and configured ngrok. That is a different story! How are you running the application locally?

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@wictorwilen I do not get your last post. I simply followed the instructions in the tutorial. It requires "prerequisites".

I am running the application (I assume you mean the sample 'Hello-World' application) from the command line. At least that is the case with this solution because the tutorial runs it from the command line.

In my original post with the other Microsoft sample app, we used Visual Studio Code. Both produced the same results.

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

What exact command line are you using?

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@wictorwilen developer command line prompt for both.

With ngrok: ngrok http 80
with sample: gulp ngrok -serve

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

That's your issue. The 'gulp ngrok-serve' automatically spins up ngrok (based on confit in .env). Since you're manually running ngrok you should use 'gulp serve' only

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@wictorwilen OK. So I hit Ctrl + C to quit out of both. I then restarted the sample app with 'gulp ngrok-serve'. I still receive the 404 error in relation to the /favicon.ico file on the command line and I still receive the ERR_NGROK_6022 error in the browser in association with the URL the app spins up.

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024
  • favicon has nothing to do with this - there's just no favicon...
  • you likely have som global ngrok configuration (ngrok.yaml) somewhere that messes this up

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024


There is an ngrok.yml file here:


should I uninstall ngrok?

And assuming the above folder is removed or rendered uninvolved, where does the authtoken get installed?

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

I honestly don't know - I don't think this scenario has been tested. But yes, I would remove the local ngrok and give it a shot. If you need an authtoken, please refer to the documentation I shared above.

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@wictorwilen OK, thanks - will give it a shot. And thanks for getting back to me on a Saturday ;-)

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

Tried the tutorial on my personal machine where ngrok is not installed globally. Everything ran as expected but, when I tried to load the app in my Teams desktop app, I received the attached error:

Hello-World Fails

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

@elthombre - I would suggest that you

  1. Run Teams in a browser, open the Dev Toolbar in your browser and inspect the console and network trace for any issues
  2. Check the console output - do you get any incoming requests and are any errors logged

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

On the network output, the only issue is a 404 related to the config.html

On the console output, as soon as I hit the + symbol, there are over a dozen issues like the following appear:

2022-11-16T08:36:08.986Z value not found in enum type. value:

when I actually select the Hello-World app, I receive the following 4 errors in the console output:

Error while parsing the 'sandbox' attribute: '{{::ctrl.getSandboxAttributes()}}' is an invalid sandbox flag.

Unrecognized feature: '{{(ctrl.frame'.

Error while parsing the 'sandbox' attribute: '{{::ctrl.getSandboxAttributes()}}' is an invalid sandbox flag.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

What does the console output of the terminal look like (where you run the gulp commands)?

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

I get a couple of warnings regarding asset size limits in the Terminal output in Visual Studio Code but I am not seeing any failures

but, as previously stated, if I try to browse the ngrok URL that is created, I get a ERR_NGROK_6022

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

but, as previously stated, if I try to browse the ngrok URL that is created, I get a ERR_NGROK_6022

Then we're back on square one. There's presumably something wrong with your terminal and you have some ngrok settings somewhere or you have misconfigured the .env file.

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

ngrok was not setup on this machine and I've not touched the .env file.

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

This would also imply that there's "something wrong with [the] terminal" across multiple machines and multiple OS's. I get the same results on both my Win10 and Win11 machines.

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

I did get a Microsoft sample working but there were some surprises related to certs:

MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs#7412 (comment)

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

I should add that on my Win11 machine, the Generator samples takes much longer until it fails.

I also see a /favicon.ico 404 error in Terminal window output in VS Code.

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

similar errors as Win10 machine:

Error while parsing the 'sandbox' attribute: '{{::ctrl.getSandboxAttributes()}}' is an invalid sandbox flag.

Unrecognized feature: '{{(ctrl.frame'.

Error while parsing the 'sandbox' attribute: '{{::ctrl.getSandboxAttributes()}}' is an invalid sandbox flag.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

with the 404 coming on the config.html associated with the ngrok URL.

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

Also on my Win11 machine... when creating the sample, I received:

error detecting the package manager. Falling back to npm.

It still built it fine and installed the packages but I figured it's worth mentioning.

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024
  • Can you post a screenshot of your console terminal window
  • Can you open a web browser and browse to the ngrok URL being automatically assigned
  • If you're using gulp ngrok-serve without any ngrok config, do you upload the updated manifest to Teams everytime (since the URL changes everytime you restart the gulp command)
  • error detecting the package manager. Falling back to npm. - is a standard message from yo. Just ignore it
  • Error while parsing the 'sandbox' attribute: '{{::ctrl.getSandboxAttributes()}}' is an invalid sandbox flag. is just normal crap logged by Teams - ignore it
  • the Generator samples takes much longer until it fails. - explain what fails

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024
  • screenshot attached

  • as previously mentioned, when I try to browse to the ngrok URL, I receive the ERR_NGROK_6022 (screenshot attached of that, too)

  • regarding ngrok config and uploading the manifest, you had previously mentioned that you thought a global installation of ngrok was interfering. However, on both machines, the results were the same regardless of ngrok installation. I had since removed the general installation from the machine I ran this on for these screenshots.

  • I followed the instructions as the documentation in the sample requested. It fails on the upload and while it shows up in the list of 'General' tab, when I try to add it as a tab, it says it can't be found. If it needs to be uploaded new every time, how does this work if the URL is generated dynamically but this URL would need to be added to the .env file and then built prior to running?

  • longer to fail => longer until I receive "There was a problem reaching this app" error

console 11-17-2022

ngrok 6022 exception 11-17-2022

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

Can you post the output from the terminal?

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

@elthombre - what is that? Do you really see that in your terminal window?

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@wictorwilen - the previous post was the output from the console in the browser. I assume, then, you mean the output from within VS Code?

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

gulp serve
[23:30:43] Found additional Yo Teams plugin: yoteams-deploy
[23:30:43] Using gulpfile C:\00-Vengar\generator-teams\Hello-World\gulpfile.js
[23:30:43] Starting 'serve'...
[23:30:43] Starting 'nuke'...
[23:30:43] Finished 'nuke' after 46 ms
[23:30:43] Starting 'manifest'...
[23:30:43] Starting 'validate-manifest'...
[23:30:43] Starting 'generateManifests'...
[23:30:43] Finished 'generateManifests' after 34 ms
[23:30:43] Starting 'validateSchemas'...
[23:30:43] manifest.json is using manifest schema m365DevPreview
[23:30:43] Finished 'validateSchemas' after 360 ms
[23:30:43] Finished 'validate-manifest' after 396 ms
[23:30:43] Starting 'zipTask'...
[23:30:43] Creating package
[23:30:43] Finished 'zipTask' after 42 ms
[23:30:43] Finished 'manifest' after 441 ms
[23:30:43] Starting 'build'...
[23:30:43] Starting 'webpack'...
[23:30:43] Starting 'webpack:client'...
[23:30:43] Starting 'webpack:server'...
[23:30:53] Finished 'webpack:server' after 10 s
[23:31:07] asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
client.js (637 KiB)
[23:31:07] entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
client (637 KiB)

[23:31:07] webpack performance recommendations:
You can limit the size of your bundles by using import() or require.ensure to lazy load some parts of your application.
For more info visit
[23:31:07] Finished 'webpack:client' after 24 s
[23:31:07] Finished 'webpack' after 24 s
[23:31:07] Starting 'styles'...
[23:31:07] Finished 'styles' after 143 ms
[23:31:07] Starting 'static:copy'...
[23:31:07] Finished 'static:copy' after 19 ms
[23:31:07] Starting 'static:inject'...
[23:31:07] gulp-inject 1 file into index.html.
[23:31:07] gulp-inject 1 file into privacy.html.
[23:31:07] gulp-inject 1 file into tou.html.
[23:31:07] gulp-inject 2 files into helloWorldTab\config.html.
[23:31:07] gulp-inject 2 files into helloWorldTab\index.html.
[23:31:07] gulp-inject 2 files into helloWorldTab\remove.html.
[23:31:07] Finished 'static:inject' after 43 ms
[23:31:07] Finished 'build' after 24 s
[23:31:07] Starting 'nodemon'...
[23:31:08] Finished 'nodemon' after 42 ms
[23:31:08] Starting 'watch'...
[23:31:08] Watching .env
msteams Initializing Microsoft Teams Express hosted App... +0ms
msteams Adding CSP policy for /helloWorldTab/remove.html +0ms
msteams Adding CSP policy for /helloWorldTab/config.html +1ms
msteams Adding CSP policy for /helloWorldTab/index.html +0ms
msteams Server running on 3007 +19ms

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024


  1. You're using gulp serve - which means that you have configured ngrok on your own (in a separate terminal)
  2. This also means that the manifest for your Teams app will use the PUBLIC_HOSTNAME in the .env file ( according to the output). Is this really what you want/use?

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@wictorwilen @stephanbisser , it was recommended that I use the following tutorial:

it says to use gulp serve

I do not know what I really want to use... I'm just trying to get things up and running but encountering these issues...

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

it says to use gulp serve

Yes, it says so, to verify that your app is running on localhost.

Continue reading the article and check the "Run your app in Microsoft Teams" section. That section should explain it all to you.

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@wictorwilen - If you are referencing the gulp ngrok-serve command later in the document, please see our earlier comments from Oct. 28 and let me know what you think.

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

@elthombre - so, what's the terminal output when using that command?

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

gulp ngrok-serve
[02:40:35] Found additional Yo Teams plugin: yoteams-deploy
[02:40:35] Using gulpfile C:\00-Vengar\generator-teams\Hello-World\gulpfile.js
[02:40:35] Starting 'ngrok-serve'...
[02:40:35] Starting 'start-ngrok'...
[02:40:35] [NGROK] starting ngrok...
[02:40:36] [NGROK] Url:
[02:40:36] [NGROK] You have been assigned a random ngrok URL that will only be available for this session. You will need to re-upload the Teams manifest next time you run this command.
[02:40:36] [NGROK] PUBLIC_HOSTNAME set to:
[02:40:36] [NGROK] Inspect Url:
[02:40:36] Finished 'start-ngrok' after 656 ms
[02:40:36] Starting 'serve'...
[02:40:36] Starting 'nuke'...
[02:40:36] Finished 'nuke' after 28 ms
[02:40:36] Starting 'manifest'...
[02:40:36] Starting 'validate-manifest'...
[02:40:36] Starting 'generateManifests'...
[02:40:36] Finished 'generateManifests' after 41 ms
[02:40:36] Starting 'validateSchemas'...
[02:40:36] manifest.json is using manifest schema m365DevPreview
[02:40:36] Finished 'validateSchemas' after 415 ms
[02:40:36] Finished 'validate-manifest' after 459 ms
[02:40:36] Starting 'zipTask'...
[02:40:36] Creating package
[02:40:36] Finished 'zipTask' after 36 ms
[02:40:36] Finished 'manifest' after 497 ms
[02:40:36] Starting 'build'...
[02:40:36] Starting 'webpack'...
[02:40:36] Starting 'webpack:client'...
[02:40:36] Starting 'webpack:server'...
[02:40:49] Finished 'webpack:server' after 13 s
[02:41:06] asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
client.js (637 KiB)
[02:41:06] entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
client (637 KiB)

[02:41:06] webpack performance recommendations:
You can limit the size of your bundles by using import() or require.ensure to lazy load some parts of your application.
For more info visit
[02:41:06] Finished 'webpack:client' after 29 s
[02:41:06] Finished 'webpack' after 29 s
[02:41:06] Starting 'styles'...
[02:41:06] Finished 'styles' after 245 ms
[02:41:06] Starting 'static:copy'...
[02:41:06] Finished 'static:copy' after 23 ms
[02:41:06] Starting 'static:inject'...
[02:41:06] gulp-inject 1 file into index.html.
[02:41:06] gulp-inject 1 file into privacy.html.
[02:41:06] gulp-inject 1 file into tou.html.
[02:41:06] gulp-inject 2 files into helloWorldTab\config.html.
[02:41:06] gulp-inject 2 files into helloWorldTab\index.html.
[02:41:06] gulp-inject 2 files into helloWorldTab\remove.html.
[02:41:06] Finished 'static:inject' after 146 ms
[02:41:06] Finished 'build' after 29 s
[02:41:06] Starting 'nodemon'...
[02:41:06] Finished 'nodemon' after 66 ms
[02:41:06] Starting 'watch'...
[02:41:06] Watching .env
msteams Initializing Microsoft Teams Express hosted App... +0ms
msteams Adding CSP policy for /helloWorldTab/remove.html +0ms
msteams Adding CSP policy for /helloWorldTab/config.html +3ms
msteams Adding CSP policy for /helloWorldTab/index.html +1ms
msteams Server running on 3007 +33ms

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

@elthombre - looks good. What happens if you open up a web browser with the ngrok URL listed ([02:41:06] PUBLIC_HOSTNAME:

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@wictorwilen should the https be left off

I used the full URL created and received the 6022

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

@elthombre - thanks. So there's something funky going on with your ngrok. This all works fine for me, tested with the exact versions you mentioned initially. One main difference is that I get a shorter ngrok URL ( compared to yours. Can you try these two commands and share output:

ngrok --version
./node_modules/.bin/ngrok --version

(Adapt for whatever shell you're using)

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024


with the first command, as ngrok is not installed globally per your recommendation, I receive nothing.

with the second command, I receive:

ngrok version 2.3.40

from generator-teams.

wictorwilen avatar wictorwilen commented on June 6, 2024

@elthombre - thanks. I tried it on a new machine and seems like ngrok has changed so that you need to have an authtoken.

What if you sign up for a free account, and then use the following to configure your authtoken:

./node_modules/.bin/ngrok authtoken 1cYD7J3...XbpC54S

from generator-teams.

elthombre avatar elthombre commented on June 6, 2024

@wictorwilen - some good news. I can now browse the ngrok URL in the browser and the app loads in Teams for the browser.

Thanks for the help!

Unfortunately, I still receive the same error when trying to load for Teams on the desktop. Any ideas?

from generator-teams.

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    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.