Name: Mihir Chaturvedi
Type: User
Company: @buildwithflux
Bio: building @buildwithflux・prev. @sourcegraph, @Pabio (YC S21), @devfolioco・and for whatever reason you fancy, i call myself plibither8
Twitter: plibither8
Location: New Delhi, India
Mihir Chaturvedi's Projects
🎮 Fully featured terminal version of the game "2048" written in C++
🎬✨ Browser extension to automatically detect asciinema links in a project's README and embed the asciinema player in its place
big-number.js is a calculator for arbitrarily large integers, for JavaScript.
💰🔔 Auto-import transactions from my HDFC bank account into the Bluecoins app
🤖📚 Telegram bot to convert and email PDFs, EPUBs or MOBIs to your Kindle
📦 Cross-browser extension starter template
Static Website for IIIT-Delhi's Software Dev Club Byld
🚩 [DES130 Minor Project] Basic single/multi-player maze game built using Processing and Arduino-controlled inputs
Chrome Extension to get back the "View Image" button in Google Image search results!
🪙 Explore and download history and timeseries data of all crypto-INR pairs offered by the CoinSwitch exchange
Log and print CoinSwitch's total portfolio worth (sell price) and all holdings
Simplified proxy API for CoinSwitch's internal API
Conway's Game of Life on Python 3 using PyGame
🚇 (unofficial) RESTful API for the Delhi Metro [Work in Progress]
Fig adds autocomplete to your terminal.
💓 Collect lifetime heart rate data on Fitbit
🗺 Generate an SVG or its Cartesian points' representation of a path from a GPX file or list of coordinates
⌨️ getchar is a module that gets a character from the stdin. Similar to `getch` and `getchar` in C and C++.
:octocat: Tracking my GitHub following and un-following with notifications on Telegram (why not lol)
:octocat::bell: Desktop notifications for your GitHub dashboard — Native, cross-platform and configurable
🪝 Run a shell script on your machine when you push to a repository - a mini, self-hosted CI/CD 💚
🎧 Update my GitHub status to whatever song I'm listening
🔄 Setup and sync mirrors of GitHub repositories to your local machine
🏦📜 Compile and store downloaded HDFC Bank statements.
💰🔔 Notify me on Telegram whenever a new transaction takes place in my HDFC bank account.
🌐 Tiny API to get user's favorited items on Hacker News
Curated mail filters to automatically archive the junk IIITD mails
Semester 1: Introduction to Programming