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pentestmonkey's Projects

dns-grind icon dns-grind

Tool for performing lots of DNS queries quickly

exploit-suggester icon exploit-suggester

This tool reads the output of “showrev -p” on Solaris machines and outputs a list of exploits that you might want to try. It currently focusses on local exploitation of Solaris 8 on SPARC, but other version of Solaris are partially supported.

finger-user-enum icon finger-user-enum

Username guessing tool primarily for use against the default Solaris finger service. Also supports relaying of queries through another finger server.

ftp-user-enum icon ftp-user-enum

Username guessing tool for use against the default Solaris ftp service and GNU inetutils ftpd.

gateway-finder icon gateway-finder

Tool to identify routers on the local LAN and paths to the Internet

ident-user-enum icon ident-user-enum

ident-user-enum is a simple PERL script to query the ident service (113/TCP) in order to determine the owner of the process listening on each TCP port of a target system.

on icon on

Rexd Client For Linux

pysecdump icon pysecdump

Python-based tool to dump security information from Windows systems

rsh-grind icon rsh-grind

Basically tries lots of combinations of local and remote usernames to execute commands via RSH

smtp-user-enum icon smtp-user-enum

Username guessing tool primarily for use against the default Solaris SMTP service. Can use either EXPN, VRFY or RCPT TO.

yapscan icon yapscan

Automatically exported from

yaptest icon yaptest

Automatically exported from

yaptestfe icon yaptestfe

Automatically exported from

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